
#	create several clusterings along a vector
#	suitable for plotting
#	return a list
#	to do: rewrite to complement VegsoupOptimStride, high priority!
#	and make both function a pair with similar arguments
#	maybe make it a function returning class(VegsoupOptimStride)?
#	currently returns a list

.strideVegsoup <- function (obj, method, stride, fidelity.method, partition.method, mode, verbose = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, ...) {
#	obj = dta	
	if (missing(fidelity.method))
		fidelity.method = "IndVal.g"
	if (missing(partition.method))
		partition.method = "flexible"
	if (missing(stride))
		stride = ceiling(ncol(obj) / 10)
	if (missing(mode))
		mode = 0
	if (verbose) {
		cat("compute", stride, "partitions for stride")
		cat("\nrun SigFidelity with mode", mode)

res <- vector("list", length = stride)
names(res) <- 1:stride

if (verbose) {
	pb.stride <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = stride,
	char = '.', width = 45, style = 3)

cpu.time <- system.time({
for (i in 1:stride) {
	if (verbose) {
		setTxtProgressBar(pb.stride, i)
	i.prt <- VegsoupPartition(obj, k = i, method = partition.method)
	i.fid <- fidelity(i.prt, method = fidelity.method, verbose = FALSE)
	stat.fid <- apply(getStat(i.fid), 1, sum)#, 2)

	if (i > 1) {
		i.sig.fid <- SigFidelity(i.prt, verbose = FALSE)
		i.sig.fid <- length(which(i.sig.fid$stat < alpha))
	} else {
		i.sig.fid <- 0
	res[[i]] <- list(stat = stat.fid, n.sig = i.sig.fid)

stat <- sapply(res, function (x) x[[1]])
n.sig <- sapply(res, function (x) x$n.sig)
diff.stat <- t(rbind(0, apply(stat, 1, diff)))
diff.stat <- apply(diff.stat, 2,
	function(x)	c(sum(x[x > 0]), sum(x[x < 0])))
if (verbose) {
	cat("\n  computed stride in", cpu.time[3], "sec")
res <- list(
	stat = stat,
	n.sig = n.sig,
	diff.stat = diff.stat)

	function (obj, ...)
	signature(obj = "Vegsoup"),

#	plotting method for stride list
plotStride <- function (x) {
#	x = Stride(dta)
	xx <- 1:(ncol(x$stat)) # getK(obj)
	y1 <- x$diff.stat[1, ]
	y2 <- x$diff.stat[2, ]
	ylim  <- range(x$diff.stat)
	r1 <- t(rbind(xright = xx - 0.5, ybottom = 0,
		xright = xx + 0.5, ytop = y1))
	r2 <- t(rbind(xright = xx - 0.5, ybottom = y2,
		xright = xx + 0.5, ytop = 0))
	bars <- cbind(xx, c(x$n.sig))[-1,] #?
	#	out.rug <- x@outgroups[,1]

	#	open plot
	par(mar= rep(4,4))
	plot(xx, y1, xlim = c(1, max(xx)),
		ylim = range(x$diff.stat), type = "n",
		xlab = "Cluster", ylab = "Index", frame.plot = FALSE) # getIndex(obj)
	#	sums of positive differences
	apply(r1, 1, function (x) rect(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
		col = "grey50"))
	#	sums of negative differences
	apply(r2, 1, function (x) rect(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
		col = "grey90"))
	#	number of significant indicator species
	plot.window(xlim = range(xx), ylim = range(bars[,2]))
	lines(xx[-1], bars[,2], type = "b",
		pch = 16, col = 2, lwd = 2, cex = 1)
	axis(4, col = 1, lwd = 1)	
	#	sum of all differnences
	plot.window(xlim = range(xx),
		ylim = range(apply(x$diff.stat, 2, sum)))
	lines(xx, apply(x$diff.stat, 2, sum),
		type = "b", pch = 15, cex = 1)
	#	mean significant indicator value	
#	plot.window(xlim = range(xx), ylim = range(apply(x$stat, 2, mean)))
#	lines(xx, apply(x$stat, 2, mean), type = "b", pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
	legend("top", lty = 1, col = c(1,2),
		legend = c("sum of all differences",
		"number of significant indicator species"),
		bty = "n")

#	if (any(out.rug > 0)) {
#		rug(out.rug[out.rug > 0], side = 3)
#		text(out.rug[out.rug > 0], par("usr")[4] * 1.1,
#			xpd = T, srt = 90)
#	}

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vegsoup documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 3 a.m.