# setOldClass(c("realhrr", "vsa")) # the class for vectors
newVec.realhrr <- function(what=c("rand", "I", "1", "0", "NA"),
cnorm=getOption("vsacnorm", TRUE),
opnorm=getOption("vsaopnorm", FALSE),
vsatype=getOption("vsatype")) {
if (is.null(cnorm))
cnorm <- FALSE
what <- match.arg(what)
elts.supplied <- !is.null(elts)
if (is.null(elts))
elts <- if (what=="rand") rnorm(len)*(1/sqrt(len)) else double(len)
if (what=="I" || what=="1" || what=="0" || what=="NA") {
if (length(elts)!=len)
elts <- rep(elts, len=len)
if (what=="NA") {
elts[] <- NA
} else {
elts[] <- 0
if (what!="0")
elts[1] <- 1
if (!is.numeric(elts) || is.array(elts))
stop("elts must be numeric vector")
res <- structure(as.vector(elts), class=c("realhrr", "vsa"))
if (cnorm && what=="rand")
res <- vnorm(res)
vsaprod.realhrr <- function(e1, e2, method=c("fft", "outer"))
if (class(e1)[1]!=class(e2)[1])
stop("e1 and e2 must have same class")
if (length(e1) != length(e2))
stop("e1 and e2 must have the same length")
if (is.null(method) || match.arg(method)=="fft") {
# fast method using FFT's
res <- Re(fft(fft(unclass(e1)) * fft(unclass(e2)), inverse=TRUE)) / length(e1)
} else {
# very slow method!
x <- outer(e1, e2)
cell <- (row(x) + col(x) - 2) %% length(e1) + 1
res <- unlist(tapply(x, cell, sum, simplify=F), use.names=F)
class(res) <- class(e1)
vsapower.realhrr <- function(e1, e2) {
if (is(e2, "vsa") || is(e2, "simval") || !is.numeric(e2) || length(e2)!=1)
stop("e2 must be a scalar")
if (e2==1) {
} else if (e2==0) {
e1[] <- 0
e1[1] <- 1
} else {
res <- fft(unclass(e1))
e1[] <- Re(fft(res ^ e2, inverse=TRUE) / length(e1))
appinv.realhrr <- function(e1) {
res <- e1
res[seq(2,length(e1))] <- res[seq(length(e1),2,by=-1)]
dot.realhrr <- function(e1, e2) {
if (class(e1)[1]!=class(e2)[1])
stop("e1 and e2 must have same class")
if (length(e1) != length(e2))
stop("e1 and e2 must have the same length")
structure(sum(unclass(e1) * unclass(e2)), class="simval")
equiv.realhrr <- function(e1, e2, tol=1e-6) {
if (class(e1)[1]!=class(e2)[1])
stop("e1 and e2 must have same class")
if (length(e1) != length(e2))
stop("e1 and e2 must have the same length")
e1 <- elts(e1)
e2 <- elts(e2)
return(sum((e1-e2)^2) < tol * max(sum(e1^2), sum(e2^2)))
cosine.realhrr <- function(e1, e2, mag1=NULL, mag2=NULL) {
if (class(e1)[1]!=class(e2)[1])
stop("e1 and e2 must have same class")
if (length(e1) != length(e2))
stop("e1 and e2 must have the same length")
e1 <- unclass(e1)
e2 <- unclass(e2)
if (is.null(mag1))
mag1 <- sqrt(sum(e1^2))
if (is.null(mag2))
mag2 <- sqrt(sum(e2^2))
structure(sum(e1 * e2)/(mag1 * mag2), class="simval")
vnorm.realhrr <- function(e1) {
return(e1 / sqrt(sum(unclass(e1)^2)))
mag.realhrr <- function(e1, actual=NULL) {
# supply actual in the cases where e1 is a template/class-holder
if (is.null(actual))
add.realhrr <- function(e1, ...) {
res <- elts(e1)
for (e2 in list(...)) {
if (class(e1)[1]!=class(e2)[1] || length(e1)!=length(e2))
stop("all vsa's in a superposition must have same class and length")
res <- res + elts(e2)
e1[] <- res
vsascale.realhrr <- function(e1, e2) {
if (is(e2, "vsa") || is(e2, "simval") || !is.numeric(e2) || length(e2)!=1)
stop("e2 must be a scalar")
e1[] <- elts(e1) * as.vector(e2)
# This cumbersomely-named method-method will get called by
# dotmem(mem, x), cosmem(mem, x), bestmatch(mem, x), cleanup(mem, x)
# via a method call to dotmem.vsamat() which calls the generic
# dotmem_vsamat_compute().
# The default will work, but a more efficent version can be supplied that
# dispatches off the vsa subclass (i.e., the type of the vsa vector).
# The method can safely assume the columns of mem conform with x.
dotmem_vsamat_compute.realhrr <-
function(x, mem, ..., cos=FALSE,
method=c("fast", "R", "crossprod", "matprod", "dotmem", "dotmempp", "dotmempp1", "dotmemmp1", "dotmemmp2"),
cores=FALSE, usenames=TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is(x, "vsa"))
stop("x must be a vsa object")
if (!is(mem, "vsamem"))
stop("x must be a vsamem object")
if (storage.mode(mem)!="double")
if (storage.mode(x)!="double")
if (length(x) != nrow(mem))
stop("length(x) != nrow(mem)")
xmag <- mag(x)
if (xmag==0)
xmag <- 1
if (method=="fast") {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
.C("crossprod_skipna", mem, nrow(mem), ncol(mem), x, length(x), 1L, res, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
} else if (method %in% c("R", "crossprod")) {
res <- drop(crossprod(x, unclass(mem)))
} else if (method %in% c("matprod")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
.C("matprod_skipna", t(mem), ncol(mem), nrow(mem), x, length(x), 1L, res, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
} else if (method %in% c("dotmem")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
.C("realhrr_dotmem", x, length(x), mem, ncol(mem), res, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
} else if (method %in% c("dotmempp")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
.C("realhrr_dotmempp", x, length(x), mem, ncol(mem), res, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
} else if (method %in% c("dotmempp1")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
.C("realhrr_dotmempp1", x, length(x), mem, ncol(mem), res, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
} else if (method %in% c("dotmemmp1")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
coreused <- integer(8)
.C("realhrr_dotmemmp1", x, length(x), mem, ncol(mem), res, coreused, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
if (cores)
cat("coreused:", paste(coreused, collapse=" "), "\n")
} else if (method %in% c("dotmemmp2")) {
res <- numeric(ncol(mem))
coreused <- integer(8)
.C("realhrr_dotmemmp2", x, length(x), mem, ncol(mem), res, coreused, DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="vsa")
if (cores)
cat("coreused:", paste(coreused, collapse=" "), "\n")
} else {
stop("unknown method:", method)
if (usenames && is.null(names(res)))
names(res) <- colnames(mem)
if (cos) {
memmag <- attr(mem, "mag")
if (length(memmag) != ncol(mem))
memmag <- sqrt(colSums(unclass(mem)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
if (any(i <- memmag==0))
memmag[i] <- 1
res <- res / (xmag * memmag)
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