#' Perform differential splicing
#' \code{test_DTU} performs differential splicing, via differential transcript usage (DTU), between 2 or more groups.
#' Parameters are inferred via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques and a DTU test is performed
#' via a multivariate Wald test on the posterior densities for the average relative abundance of transcripts.
#' Warning: the samples in samples_design must have the same order
#' as those in the 'path_to_eq_classes' parameter of the \code{\link{create_data}} function.
#' @param BANDITS_data a 'BANDITS_data' object.
#' @param precision a vector with the mean and standard deviation of the log-precision parameter.
#' @param samples_design a \code{data.frame} indicating the design of the experiment with one row for each sample:
#' samples_design must contain a column with the sample id and one with the group id.
#' Warning: the samples in samples_design must have the same order
#' as those in the 'path_to_eq_classes' parameter of the \code{\link{create_data}} function.
#' @param group_col_name the name of the column of 'samples_design' containing the group id.
#' By default group_col_name = "group".
#' @param R the number of iterations for the MCMC algorithm (after the burn-in).
#' Min 10^4.
#' Albeit no difference was observed in simulation studies when increasing 'R' above 10^4,
#' we encourage users to possibly use higher values of R (e.g., 2*10^4), if the computational time allows it,
#' particularly for comparisons between 3 or more groups.
#' @param burn_in the length of the burn-in to be discarded (before convergence is reached).
#' Min 2*10^3.
#' Albeit no difference was observed in simulation studies when increasing 'burn_in' above 2*10^3,
#' we encourage users to possibly use higher values of R (e.g., double) if the computational time allows it.
#' @param n_cores the number of cores to parallelize the tasks on.
#' @param gene_to_transcript a matrix or data.frame with a list of gene-to-transcript correspondances.
#' The first column represents the gene id, while the second one contains the transcript id.
#' @param theshold_pval is a threshold between 0 and 1; when running \code{\link{test_DTU}}, if the p.value of a gene is < theshold_pval,
#' a second (independent) MCMC chain is run and the p.value is re-computed on the aggregation of the two chains.
#' By defauls theshold_pval = 0.1, while theshold_pval = 1 corresponds to running all chains twice, and theshold_pval = 0 means all chains will only run once.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{BANDITS_test}} object.
#' @examples
#' # load gene_to_transcript matching:
#' data("gene_tr_id", package = "BANDITS")
#' # We define the design of the study
#' samples_design = data.frame(sample_id = paste0("sample", seq_len(4)),
#' group = c("A", "A", "B", "B"))
#' # load the pre-computed data:
#' data("input_data", package = "BANDITS")
#' input_data
#' # Filter lowly abundant genes:
#' input_data = filter_genes(input_data, min_counts_per_gene = 20)
#' # load the pre-computed precision estimates:
#' data(precision, package = "BANDITS")
#' ## Test for DTU
#' set.seed(61217)
#' results = test_DTU(BANDITS_data = input_data,
#' precision = precision$prior,
#' samples_design = samples_design,
#' R = 10^4, burn_in = 2*10^3, n_cores = 2,
#' gene_to_transcript = gene_tr_id)
#' results
#' @author Simone Tiberi \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_data}}, \code{\linkS4class{BANDITS_data}}, \code{\linkS4class{BANDITS_test}}
#' @export
test_DTU = function(BANDITS_data, precision = NULL, R = 10^4, burn_in = 2*10^3,
samples_design, group_col_name = "group", n_cores = 1,
gene_to_transcript, theshold_pval = 0.1){
# Give priority to "most" computationally intensive genes (total number of transcripts):
if(R < 10^4){
message("'R' must be at least 10^4")
if(burn_in < 2*10^3){
message("'burn_in' must be at least 2*10^3")
if( !is(BANDITS_data, "BANDITS_data") ){
message("'BANDITS_data' must be a 'BANDITS_data' object created via 'create_data'")
# check that gene_to_transcript is a matrix or data.frame object
if( ! & !is.matrix(gene_to_transcript) ){
message("'gene_to_transcript' must be a matrix or data.frame")
if( ncol(gene_to_transcript) != 2 ){
message("'gene_to_transcript' must be a 2 column matrix or data.frame")
mean_log_precision = 0
sd_log_precision = 10
if( {is.list(precision)} | {length(precision) != 2} ){
message("'precision' must be a vector of length 2")
mean_log_precision = precision[1]
sd_log_precision = precision[2]
if( ! ){
message("'samples_design' must be a data.frame object")
# select the column of samples_design which is called 'group_col_name'
if( !(group_col_name %in% colnames(samples_design)) ){
message("Column ", group_col_name, " missing in 'samples_design'")
message("'group_col_name' should specify the column name of 'samples_design' containing the group id of each sample")
sel_col = which(group_col_name == colnames(samples_design))
if( length(sel_col) > 1.5 ){
message( length(sel_col) , " columns from 'samples_design' are called ", group_col_name)
message("Remove duplicated columns from 'samples_design' and provide a unique column for the group id")
groups = samples_design[, sel_col ]
group_levels = levels(factor(groups))
N_groups = length(group_levels)
N = vapply(group_levels, function(g) sum(groups == g), FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# check if data are already ordered (first A, then B, etc...)
# if not, ORDER data (equiv classes counts) to respect the ordering in "groups"
ord_samples = unlist(lapply( group_levels, function(g) which(groups == g) ) )
# Give priority to "most" computationally intensive genes (total number of transcripts):
# store eff_len of Unique and Together transcritps:
eff_len_tr_Unique = effLen(BANDITS_data)[uniqueId(BANDITS_data) == TRUE]
eff_len_tr_Together = effLen(BANDITS_data)[uniqueId(BANDITS_data) == FALSE]
K_tot_Together = vapply( eff_len_tr_Together, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# sapply( eff_len_tr_Together, length)
order_Together = order(K_tot_Together, decreasing = TRUE)
K_tot_Unique = vapply( eff_len_tr_Unique, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# sapply( eff_len_tr_Unique, length)
order_Unique = order(K_tot_Unique, decreasing = TRUE)
# First analyze ALL together genes (in order), then analyze all Unique genes (in order):
final_order = c(length(order_Unique) + order_Together, order_Unique)
# Infer model parameters from 1 group only:
if(length(group_levels) == 1){
message("One group only is present in 'samples_design$group':
BANDITS will infer model parameters, but will not test for DTU between groups.")
return( infer_one_group(BANDITS_data = BANDITS_data,
mean_log_precision = mean_log_precision, sd_log_precision = sd_log_precision,
R = R, burn_in = burn_in, n_cores = n_cores,
final_order = final_order, ord_samples = ord_samples,
group_levels = group_levels, samples_design = samples_design,
gene_to_transcript = gene_to_transcript) )
if( sum( N > 0.5 ) < 1.5){ # check that >=2 groups have >=1 samples
message("At least two distinct groups must be present in 'samples_design$group' to perform DTU")
# Multi-group testing if there are 3 or more groups:
if(N_groups > 2.5){ # if there are 3 or more groups, use the Multi-group test:
return( test_DTU_multi_group(BANDITS_data = BANDITS_data,
mean_log_precision = mean_log_precision, sd_log_precision = sd_log_precision,
R = R, burn_in = burn_in, N = N, n_cores = n_cores,
final_order = final_order, ord_samples = ord_samples,
group_levels = group_levels, samples_design = samples_design,
gene_to_transcript = gene_to_transcript, theshold_pval = theshold_pval) )
# Parallelize ALL genes/groups at the same time.
# if n_cores > 1 (parallel computing).
cl = makeCluster(n_cores, setup_strategy = "sequential")
registerDoParallel(cl, n_cores);
message("Starting the MCMC")
p_values_ALL = foreach(p = final_order,
.errorhandling = "stop") %dorng%{
# ORDER counts to respect the ordering in "groups" via 'ord_samples'
f = counts(BANDITS_data)[[p]][,ord_samples]
# AND MIN 5 counts per group:
cond_min5_perGroup = {sum(f[,seq_len(N[1])]) > 4.5} & {sum(f[,N[1] + seq_len(N[2])]) > 4.5}
# select samples with data only:
sel_samples = colSums(f) > 0.5
f = as.matrix( f[, sel_samples ] )
N1 = sum(sel_samples[seq_len(N[1])])
N2 = sum(sel_samples[N[1] + seq_len(N[2])])
# only run the MCMC if there is at least 1 sample with at least 1 count in each condition:
cond_f = cond_min5_perGroup & {N1 > 0.5} & {N2 > 0.5}
# initialize results:
res = NULL
# if it's NOT Unique.
if( cond_f & !uniqueId(BANDITS_data)[[p]] ){ # for the first (Together) elements I run the together function
res = wald_DTU_test_Together_FULL(f = f,
l = effLen(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
exon_id = classes(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
genes = genes(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
transcripts = transcripts(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
mean_log_precision = mean_log_precision, sd_log_precision = sd_log_precision,
R = 2*R, burn_in = 2*burn_in, N_1 = N1, N_2 = N2,
theshold_pval = theshold_pval)
# double iterations for Together genes: they typically require more iter than Unique genes (more complex posterior space to explore).
}else{ # for the following elements I run the Unique function
if( cond_f & length(effLen(BANDITS_data)[[p]]) > 1 ){ # run test only if there are at least 2 transcripts per gene.
res = wald_DTU_test_FULL( f = f,
l = effLen(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
exon_id = classes(BANDITS_data)[[p]],
mean_log_precision = mean_log_precision, sd_log_precision = sd_log_precision,
R = R, burn_in = burn_in, N_1 = N1, N_2 = N2,
theshold_pval = theshold_pval)
if(length(res[[1]]) > 1){
res[[1]][[1]] = matrix(res[[1]][[1]], nrow = 1)
rownames(res[[1]][[1]]) = genes(BANDITS_data)[[p]]
names(res[[1]][[2]]) = transcripts(BANDITS_data)[[p]]
} # only if the mcmc has a return value.
message("MCMC completed")
# Gather together GENE level results:
p_values = lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x) x[[1]][[1]])
p_values =, p_values)
gene_names = rownames(p_values)
suppressWarnings({ p_values = apply(p_values, 2, as.numeric) })
rownames(p_values) = gene_names
SEL_ALL = ![,1]) # remove NA's (genes not converged).
p_values = p_values[SEL_ALL,]
SEL_ALL = p_values[,1] != -1 # remove -1's (genes not analyzed).
p_values = p_values[SEL_ALL,]
# sort p.values according to their significance.
p_values = p_values[ order(p_values[,1]), ]
adj.p_values = p.adjust(p_values[,1], method = "BH") # gene-test
gene_DF = data.frame(Gene_id = rownames(p_values),
p.values = p_values[,1],
adj.p.values = adj.p_values,
p.values_inverted = ifelse(p_values[,2], p_values[,1], sqrt(p_values[,1])), # if NOT inverted, take sqrt(p.val)
adj.p.values_inverted = ifelse(p_values[,2], adj.p_values, sqrt(adj.p_values)), # if NOT inverted, take sqrt(adj.p.val)
DTU_measure = p_values[,3], # sum of top two differences of posterior modes between transcripts.
p_values[,,7, by = 1)],
row.names = NULL)
names(gene_DF)[ c(7,8) ] = paste("Mean log-prec", group_levels)
names(gene_DF)[ c(9,10) ] = paste("SD log-prec", group_levels)
# Gather together TRANSCRIPT level results:
p_values_tr = unlist( lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x){
y = x[[1]]
if(length(y) > 1){
}} ) )
mode_A = unlist( lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x){
y = x[[1]]
if(length(y) > 1){
}} ) )
mode_B = unlist( lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x){
y = x[[1]]
if(length(y) > 1){
}} ) )
sd_A = unlist( lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x){
y = x[[1]]
if(length(y) > 1){
}} ) )
sd_B = unlist( lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x){
y = x[[1]]
if(length(y) > 1){
}} ) )
p_values_tr = cbind(p_values_tr, mode_A, mode_B, sd_A, sd_B)
cond = !vapply(p_values_tr[,1], is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
# sapply(p_values_tr[,1], is.null) == FALSE
p_values_tr = p_values_tr[cond,] # filter null results
cond = p_values_tr[,1] != -1
p_values_tr = p_values_tr[cond,] # filter -1 results
adj.p_values_tr = p.adjust(p_values_tr[,1], method = "BH") # transcript-test
# match GENE and TRANSCRIPT IDs.
Gene_id = as.character(gene_to_transcript[,1]); Tr_id = as.character(gene_to_transcript[,2])
genes_in_tr = Gene_id[match(rownames(p_values_tr), Tr_id)]
# Compute "conservative" transcript level test,
# take min between gene and transcript level tests (CHECK Koen package):
max_gene_tr_p.val = apply( cbind(p_values_tr, p_values[match(genes_in_tr, rownames(p_values)),1]), 1, max)
max_gene_tr_adj.p.val = apply( cbind(adj.p_values_tr, adj.p_values[match(genes_in_tr, names(adj.p_values))]), 1, max)
tr_DF = data.frame(Gene_id = genes_in_tr, Transcript_id = rownames(p_values_tr),
p.values = p_values_tr[,1], adj.p.values = adj.p_values_tr,
Max_Gene_Tr.p.val = max_gene_tr_p.val, Max_Gene_Tr.Adj.p.val = max_gene_tr_adj.p.val,
p_values_tr[,, 5, by = 1)],
row.names = NULL)
# re-name the group names according to the groups names:
names(tr_DF)[ c(7,8) ] = paste("Mean", group_levels)
names(tr_DF)[ c(9,10) ] = paste("SD", group_levels)
# sort p.values according to their GENE significance (and secondly according to tr significance):
tr_DF = tr_DF[ order(p_values[match(tr_DF$Gene_id, rownames(p_values)), 1], tr_DF$p.values) ,]
# set rownames to 1, 2, ..., nrow(tr_DF)
rownames(tr_DF) = seq_len(nrow(tr_DF))
# Return Convergence results:
convergence = lapply(p_values_ALL, function(x) x[[2]])
n_genes_convergence = vapply( genes(BANDITS_data)[final_order], length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# sapply( genes(BANDITS_data)[final_order], length)
genes_convergence = unlist(genes(BANDITS_data)[final_order])
convergence = rep(convergence, n_genes_convergence)
num = vapply(convergence, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
# sapply(convergence, class) == "numeric"
convergence = convergence[num]
convergence =, convergence)
rownames(convergence) = genes_convergence[num]
convergence = convergence[ order(p_values[match(rownames(convergence), rownames(p_values)), 1]) ,]
# remove gene ids that are not in "all_genes(BANDITS_data)"; i.e., remove gene ids for (Together) genes with 1 transcript only!
convergence = convergence[ rownames(convergence) %in% all_genes(BANDITS_data), ]
# Return results:
message("Returning results")
# p_values[,1] contains the p.values
# p_values[,2] contains the inversion (0 or 1)
# p_values[,3] contains the DTU_measure
Gene_results = gene_DF,
Transcript_results = tr_DF,
Convergence = data.frame(Gene_id = rownames(convergence),
converged = ifelse(convergence[,1], TRUE, FALSE), # did the gene converge or NOT ?
burn_in = (convergence[,2]-1)/R,
row.names = NULL),
samples_design = samples_design
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