
Defines functions checkForCitationFile checkDescription checkBadFiles checkForSupportSiteRegistration checkForBiocDevelSubscription checkIsPackageAlreadyInRepo checkFormatting checkSkipOnBioc checkUnitTests checkNEWS checkUsageOfDont checkExportsAreDocumented checkForValueSection checkForPromptComments checkManDocumentation checkFunctionLengths checkForDirectSlotAccess checkSystemCall checkClassEqUsage checkSingleColon check1toN checkSapply checkCodingPractice checkForLibraryMe checkLibraryCalls checkIsVignetteBuilt checkVigBiocInst checkVigEvalAllFalse checkVigChunkEval checkVigTemplate checkVigSuggests checkVigEngine checkVigMetadata checkVigBuilder checkVigFiles checkInstContents checkVigDirExists checkVignetteDir checkImportSuggestions checkDescriptionNamespaceConsistency checkBBScompatibility .checkORCID .checkDescription checkBiocViews checkIndivFileSizes checkPackageSize checkRVersionDependency checkVersionNumber checkNewPackageVersionNumber checkRemotesUsage checkDeprecatedPackages checkForBadDepends checkForVersionNumberMismatch

#  Checks for BiocCheck

checkForVersionNumberMismatch <- function(package, package_dir)
    bn <- basename(package)
    bn <- sub(".tar.gz", "", bn, TRUE)
    ver <- strsplit(bn, "_")[[1]][2]
    dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(package_dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    dcfVer <- unname(dcf[, "Version"])
    if (!ver == dcfVer)
            "Version number in tarball filename must match Version field ",
            "in DESCRIPTION. (Tip: create tarball with R CMD build)")

## Make sure this is run after pkg is installed.
checkForBadDepends <- function(pkgdir)
    pkgname <- strsplit(basename(pkgdir), "_")[[1]][1]
    depends <- cleanupDependency(packageDescription(pkgname)$Depends)
    depends <- append(depends,
    output <- getBadDeps(pkgdir)
    if (is.null(output)){
        # put these here to be consistent output messaging
        handleCheck("Checking if other packages can import this one...")
        handleCheck("Checking to see if we understand object initialization...")

    output <- unique(unlist(strsplit(output, "\n")))
    output <- output[grep("no visible", output)]
    if (length(output) == 0){
        # put these here to be consistent output messaging
        handleCheck("Checking if other packages can import this one...")
        handleCheck("Checking to see if we understand object initialization...")
    res <- regexpr("'[^']*'", output)
    fns <- regexpr("^[^:]*:", output)
    if (all(res == -1L)){
        # put these here to be consistent output messaging
        handleCheck("Checking if other packages can import this one...")
        handleCheck("Checking to see if we understand object initialization...")

    res <- gsub("'", "", regmatches(output, res))
    fns <- sub(":$", "", regmatches(output, fns))
    inGlobals <- res %in% globalVariables(package=pkgname)
    res <- res[!inGlobals]
    fns <- fns[!inGlobals]

    pkgs <- character(length(fns))
    for (pkg in depends)
        pkgs[res %in% getNamespaceExports(pkg)] <- pkg
    found <- nzchar(pkgs)

    handleCheck("Checking if other packages can import this one...")
    if (any(found)) {
            "Packages providing ", sum(found), " object(s) used in this ",
            "package should be imported in the NAMESPACE file, otherwise ",
            "packages importing this package may fail.")

        msg <- sprintf("  %s::%s in %s()", pkgs[found], res[found], fns[found])
        handleVerbatim(c("", "package::object in function()", msg, ""))

    handleCheck("Checking to see if we understand object initialization...")
    if (!all(found)) {
        n <- sum(!found)
            "Consider clarifying how ", n, " object(s) are initialized. ",
            "Maybe ", if (n == 1L) "it is" else "they are", " ",
            "part of a data set loaded with data(), or perhaps part of an ",
            "object referenced in with() or within().")

        msg <- sprintf("%s (%s)", fns[!found], res[!found])
        handleVerbatim(c("function (object)", msg))

checkDeprecatedPackages <- function(pkgdir)
    allDepends <- getAllDependencies(pkgdir)
    allDeprecated <- getAllDeprecatedPkgs()
    if ("multicore" %in% allDepends)
        handleError("Use 'BiocParallel' instead of 'multicore'. ",
            "'multicore' is deprecated and does not work on Windows.")
    logVec <- allDeprecated %in% allDepends
    if (any(logVec)){
        handleError("Package dependency in the DESCRIPTION is 'Deprecated'. ",
                    "Update your package to not rely on the following:")
        for(i in allDeprecated[logVec])
            handleMessage(i, indent=8)

checkRemotesUsage <- function(pkgdir)
    dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    if ("Remotes" %in% colnames(dcf))
        handleError("Package dependencies must be on CRAN or Bioconductor. Remove 'Remotes:' from DESCRIPTION")

checkNewPackageVersionNumber <- function(pkgdir)
    dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    version <- dcf[, "Version"]
        if (!grepl("^0+[-.][0-9]+[-.][0-9]+$", version))
                "New package x version starting with non-zero value ",
                "(e.g., 1.y.z, 2.y.z); got ", sQuote(version), ".")
        if(!grepl("^[0-9]+[-.]99[-.][0-9]+$", version))
                "New package y version not 99 (e.g., x.99.z, ",
                "x.99.z, ...); got ",sQuote(version), ".")

checkVersionNumber <- function(pkgdir)
    dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    version <- dcf[, "Version"]
    regex <- "^[0-9]+[-\\.]([0-9]+)[-\\.][0-9]+$"
    if(!grepl(regex, version))
            "Invalid package Version, see ",
        pv <- package_version(version)
        x <- pv$major
        y <- pv$minor
        mod <- y %% 2
        isDevel <- (BiocManager:::.version_bioc("devel") == BiocManager::version())
        bioc.mod <- ifelse(isDevel, 1, 0)
        if (x == 0) {
            handleMessage("Package version ", as.character(pv), "; pre-release")
        } else if (mod != bioc.mod) {
            shouldBe <- ifelse(isDevel, "odd", "even")
            vers <- ifelse(isDevel, "devel", "release")
                "y of x.y.z version should be ", shouldBe, " in ", vers)

    }, error=function(e) handleError("Invalid package version"))

checkRVersionDependency <- function(package_dir)
    desc <- file.path(package_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
    dcf <- read.dcf(desc)
    if ("Depends" %in% colnames(dcf))
        res <- cleanupDependency(dcf[, "Depends"], FALSE)
        if ("R" %in% res)
            ind <- which(res == "R")
            verStr <- names(res)[ind]
            if (nchar(verStr))
                ver <- as.package_version(verStr)
                bv <- package_version(sprintf("%s.%s",
                if (ver < bv)
                        "Update R version dependency from ", ver, " to ", bv,

checkPackageSize <- function(pkg, pkgdir, size=5){
    pkgType <- getPkgType(pkgdir)
    if (is.na(pkgType) ||  pkgType == "Software") {
        maxSize <- size*10^6 ## 5MB
        pkgSize <- file.size(pkg)
        if (pkgSize > maxSize){
                "Package Source tarball exceeds Bioconductor size requirement.")
            handleMessage(paste0("Package Size: ",
                                 as.character(round(pkgSize/(10^6),4)), " MB"),
            handleMessage(paste0("Size Requirement: ",
                                 sprintf("%.4f", round(maxSize/(10^6),4)), " MB"),

checkIndivFileSizes <- function(pkgdir)
    pkgType <- getPkgType(pkgdir)
    if (is.na(pkgType) ||  pkgType == "Software") {
        maxSize <- 5*10^6 ## 5MB
        allFiles <- list.files(pkgdir, all.files=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
        allFilesFullName <- file.path(pkgdir, allFiles)
        sizes <- file.size(allFilesFullName)
        largeFiles <- paste(allFiles[sizes > maxSize], collapse=" ")
        if (any(sizes > maxSize)) {
                "The following files are over 5MB in size: ",
                paste0("'", largeFiles, "'", collapse = " ")

checkBiocViews <- function(pkgdir)
    dirty <- FALSE
    dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    handleCheck("Checking that biocViews are present...")
    if (!"biocViews" %in% colnames(dcf))
        handleError("No biocViews terms found.")
    biocViews <- dcf[, "biocViews"]
    views <- strsplit(gsub("\\s*,\\s*", ",", biocViews), ",")[[1]]
    # views <- gsub("\\s", "", views)
    biocViewsVocab <- NULL
    data("biocViewsVocab", package="biocViews", envir=environment())
    handleCheck("Checking package type based on biocViews...")
    type = guessPackageType(views)
    handleCheck("Checking for non-trivial biocViews...")
    toplevel <- c("Software", "AnnotationData", "ExperimentData", "Workflow")
    if (length(views) == 0){
        handleError("No biocViews terms found.")
        if (all(views %in% toplevel)) {
                "Add biocViews other than ", paste(unique(views), collapse=", "))

    parents <-
        unlist(lapply(views, getParent, biocViewsVocab), use.names=FALSE)

    handleCheck("Checking that biocViews come from the same category...")
    if (length(unique(parents)) > 1)
        handleWarning("Use biocViews from one category only ",
            "(one of Software, ExperimentData, AnnotationData, Workflow)")
    branch <- unique(parents)

#    biocViewsVocab <- NULL ## to keep R CMD check happy
    if (interactive())
        env <- environment()
        env <- .GlobalEnv

    handleCheck("Checking biocViews validity...")
    if (!all(views %in% nodes(biocViewsVocab)))
        badViews <- views[!(views %in% nodes(biocViewsVocab))]
        badViewsVec <- paste(badViews, collapse=", ")

        terms <- c(badViews, nodes(biocViewsVocab))
        distmat <- stringdistmatrix(terms, useNames="strings", method="lv")
        distmat <- as.matrix(distmat)
        distmat <- distmat > 0 & distmat < 3
        distmat[badViews, badViews] = FALSE

        suggestedViews <- vapply(badViews, function(view) {
            alt <- colnames(distmat)[distmat[view,]]
            msg <- paste0("'", view, "' is an invalid BiocViews term.")
            if (length(alt))
                msg <- paste0(
                    msg, " Did you mean: ",
                    paste0("'", alt, "'", collapse = " ")
        }, character(1))

        dirty <- TRUE

    if (packageVersion("biocViews") < package_version("1.33.9")) {
        if (branch == "Software") {
            branch = "software"
        } else if (branch == "AnnotationData") {
            branch = "annotation"
        } else if (branch == "ExperimentData") {
            branch = "experiment"

    handleCheck("Checking for recommended biocViews...")
    rec <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings({
        recommendBiocViews(pkgdir, branch)
    })), error=function(e) {

    if (!is.null(rec))
        if (length(rec$recommended) == 1 && !nzchar(rec$recommended)) {
        } else {
                "Consider adding these automatically suggested biocViews: ",
            dirty <- TRUE

.checkDescription <- function(desc) {
    dcf <- read.dcf(desc)
    if ("Description" %in% colnames(dcf)) {
        desc_field <- dcf[, "Description"]
        desc_words <- lengths(strsplit(desc_field, split = "[[:space:]]+"))
        desc_sentences <- length(gregexpr("[[:alnum:] ][.!?]", desc_field)[[1]])
        msg <- "The Description field in the DESCRIPTION is made up by less
            than 3 sentences. Please consider expanding this field, and
            structure it as a full paragraph"

        if (nchar(desc_field) < 50 || desc_words < 20) # values chosen sensibly in a data-driven manner
                "Description field in the DESCRIPTION file is too concise"
        else if (desc_sentences < 3)
            handleNote(paste(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n"))

.checkORCID <- function(orcid) 
    re <- "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X]$"
    grepl(re, orcid)

checkBBScompatibility <- function(pkgdir, source_tarball)
    lines <- readLines(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"), warn=FALSE)
    desc <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")
    handleCheck("Checking for blank lines in DESCRIPTION...")
    if (any(nchar(lines)==0))
        handleError("Remove blank lines from DESCRIPTION.")
    handleCheck("Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...")
    dcf <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(err) {
        handleError("DESCRIPTION is malformed.")

    handleCheck("Checking for proper Description: field...")

    handleCheck("Checking for whitespace in DESCRIPTION field names...")
    if (any(grepl("\\s", colnames(dcf))))
        handleError("Remove whitespace from DESCRIPTION field names.")
    segs <- strsplit(pkgdir, .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]
    pkgNameFromDir <- segs[length(segs)]
    handleCheck("Checking that Package field matches directory/tarball name...")
    if (dcf[, "Package"] != pkgNameFromDir)
            "Package directory '", pkgNameFromDir, "' must match Package: ",
            "field (got '", dcf[, "Package"], "').")
    handleCheck("Checking for Version field...")
    if (!"Version" %in% colnames(dcf))
        handleError("No 'Version:' field in DESCRIPTION.")
    handleCheck("Checking for valid maintainer...")
    if (!source_tarball){
        if (("Authors@R" %in% colnames(dcf)) & any((c("Author","Maintainer") %in% colnames(dcf)))){
            handleError("Use Authors@R field not Author/Maintainer fields. Do not use both.")
        } else {
            if (any((c("Author","Maintainer") %in% colnames(dcf))))
                handleError("Do not use Author/Maintainer fields. Use Authors@R.")

    maintainer <- NULL
    if ("Authors@R" %in% colnames(dcf))
        env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
        env[["c"]] = c
        env[["person"]] <- utils::person
        pp <- parse(text=dcf[,"Authors@R"], keep.source=TRUE)
        tryCatch(people <- eval(pp, env),
            error=function(e) {
                handleError("AuthorsR@ field must be valid R code.")
        if (!exists("people")) return()
        if (!"person" %in% class(people))
            handleError("Authors@R must evaluate to 'person' object.")
        fnd <- vapply(people, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE,
                      FUN=function(person){ "cre" %in% person$role})
        if (length(which(fnd)) > 1L){
            handleError("Designated only one maintainer with Authors@R [cre].")
        for (person in people)
            if ("ORCID" %in% names(person$comment)) {
                orcid <- person$comment[["ORCID"]]
                validID <- .checkORCID(orcid)
                if (!validID)
                        "Invalid ORCID ID for ",
                        person$given, " ", person$family
            if ("cre" %in% person$role)
                email <- person$email
                if (is.null(email))
                given <- paste(person$given, collapse=" ")
                if (is.null(given))
                    given <- ""
                family <- paste(person$family, collapse=" ")
                if (is.null(family))
                    family <- ""
                if (given == "" && family == "")
                res <- sprintf("%s %s <%s>", given, family, email)
                res <- sub("^ +", "", res)
                maintainer <- res
        if (is.null(maintainer))
            handleError("Authors@R field in DESCRIPTION file is malformed.")
    } else if ("Maintainer" %in% colnames(dcf)) {
        handleError("Remove Maintainer field. Use Authors@R [cre] designation.")
    } else {
        handleError("No Authors@R [cre] field in DESCRIPTION file.")
    # now need to make sure that regexes work, a la python/BBS
    # I think R CMD check now does this already but can't hurt to keep
    regex = '(.*\\S)\\s*<(.*)>\\s*'
    match <- regexec(regex, maintainer)[[1]]
    match.length <- attr(match, "match.length")
    if (all(match == -1) && all(match.length == -1))
        handleError("Maintainer field in DESCRIPTION file is malformed.")

checkDescriptionNamespaceConsistency <- function(pkgname)
    dImports <- cleanupDependency(packageDescription(pkgname)$Imports)
    deps <- cleanupDependency(packageDescription(pkgname)$Depends)
    nImports <- names(getNamespaceImports(pkgname))
    nImports <- nImports[which(nImports != "base")]

    if(!(all(dImports %in% nImports)))
        badones <- dImports[!dImports %in% nImports]
            ## FIXME: not 100% confident that the following always succeeds
            dcolon <- .checkEnv(loadNamespace(pkgname), .colonWalker())$done()
            badones <- setdiff(badones, dcolon)
        }, error=function(...) NULL)
        if (length(badones))
                "Import ", paste(badones, collapse=", "), " in NAMESPACE ",
                "as well as DESCRIPTION.")
    if (!all (nImports %in% dImports))
        badones <- nImports[!nImports %in% dImports]
        if (!is.null(deps))
            badones <- badones[!badones %in% deps]
        if (length(badones))
                "Import ", paste(unique(badones), collapse=", "), " in ",
                "DESCRIPTION as well as NAMESPACE.")

checkImportSuggestions <- function(pkgname)
    suggestions <- NULL
        suggestions <-
    })), error=function(e) {
        suggestions <- "ERROR"
        handleMessage("Could not get namespace suggestions.")

    if(length(suggestions) && (!is.null(suggestions)) &&
        (suggestions != "ERROR"))
            handleMessage("Namespace import suggestions are:")
            handleVerbatim(suggestions, indent=4, exdent=4, width=100000)
            handleMessage("--END of namespace import suggestions.")

    if ((!is.null(suggestions)) && (!length(suggestions)))
        handleMessage("No suggestions.")


checkVignetteDir <- function(pkgdir, checkingDir)
    vigdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes")

    res <- checkVigDirExists(pkgdir, vigdir)
    if (!res)

    vigdircontents <- getVigSources(vigdir)
    if (length(vigdircontents)==0)
        handleError("No vignette sources in vignettes/ directory.")

    checkInstContents(pkgdir, checkingDir)

    checkVigFiles(vigdir, vigdircontents)

    desc <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")
    if (file.exists(desc))
        builder <- getVigBuilder(desc)
        builder <- NULL

    if (!is.null(builder)){
        checkVigBuilder(builder, vigdircontents)


    checkVigEngine(builder, vigdircontents)

    checkVigSuggests(builder, vigdircontents, pkgdir)




    msg_eval <- checkVigEvalAllFalse(pkgdir)
    if(length(msg_eval) > 0) {
        handleWarning(" Vignette set global option 'eval=FALSE'")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_eval)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)


checkVigDirExists <- function(pkgdir, vigdir)
    if (!file.exists(vigdir))
        handleError("No 'vignettes' directory.")
    } else {

checkInstContents <- function(pkgdir, checkingDir)
    instdocdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "inst", "doc")
    instdocdircontents <- getVigSources(instdocdir)
    if (length(instdocdircontents) > 0)
        if (checkingDir)
                "Remove vignette sources from inst/doc; ",
                "they belong in vignettes/.")

checkVigFiles <- function(vigdir, vigdircontents){
    vigs <- tolower(basename(vigdircontents))
    allvigfiles <- setdiff(tolower(dir(vigdir, all.files=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE,
                               recursive=TRUE)), vigs)

    if (length(allvigfiles) != 0){
        badFiles <- unlist(lapply(vigs,
                           FUN = function(x, allvigfiles){
                               vl <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(x)
                               badext <- c(".tex", ".html", ".pdf",
                                           ".aux", ".log")
                               ext <- paste0(vl, badext)
                               fnd <- intersect(allvigfiles, ext)
                           allvigfiles = allvigfiles))
        if (length(badFiles) != 0){
            handleNote("Potential intermediate files found:")
            for (msg in badFiles)
                handleMessage(paste0("vignettes/", msg), indent=8)

checkVigBuilder <- function(builder, vigdircontents)
# check DESCRIPTION is in at least one vignette
    vigExt <- tolower(tools::file_ext(vigdircontents))
    badBuilder <- character(0)
    for (desc in builder){
        res <- vapply(vigdircontents, vigHelper, logical(1), builder = desc)
        if(!any(res, na.rm=TRUE)){
            if (!(desc == "Sweave" && any(vigExt == "rnw"))){
                badBuilder <- c(badBuilder, desc)
    if (length(badBuilder) != 0L){
        handleError("VignetteBuilder listed in DESCRIPTION but not ",
                    "found as VignetteEngine in any vignettes:")
        handleMessage(badBuilder, indent=8)

checkVigMetadata <- function(vigdircontents)
    badVig <- character(0)
    vigExt <- tolower(tools::file_ext(vigdircontents))
    dx <- which(vigExt != "rnw")
    vigdircontents = vigdircontents[dx]
    for (file in vigdircontents) {
        lines <- readLines(file, n=100L, warn=FALSE)
        idx <- grep(lines, pattern="vignette:")
        if (length(idx) == 0L)
            badVig = c(badVig, basename(file))
     if (length(badVig) != 0L){
            "Vignette[s] missing Vignette metadata. See ",
            "http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/vignettes.html ;",
            " Update the following files:"
        handleMessage(badVig, indent=8)

checkVigEngine <- function(builder, vigdircontents)
# check Engines are in DESCRIPTION
    vigExt <- tolower(tools::file_ext(vigdircontents))
    dx <- which(vigExt != "rnw")

    # check for very rare case that mulitple build
    # engines specified in vignette
    builderRes <- grepPkgDir(file.path(dirname(vigdircontents[1]),
                             "-rHn 'VignetteEngine{'")
    filenames <- vapply(builderRes,
                            split=" ")[[1]][1]},
    inval <- names(which(table(filenames) > 1))
    if (length(inval) > 0){
        handleError("More than one VignetteEngine specified.")
        handleMessage("Found in vignette/ files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in inval)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

        dx <- dx[!(basename(vigdircontents[dx]) %in% inval)]
    if (length(dx) != 0) {
        res <-
            vapply(vigdircontents[dx], vigHelper, logical(1), builder=builder)
        if (length(which(!res)) != 0L){
                "VignetteEngine specified but not in DESCRIPTION. ",
                "Add the VignetteEngine from the following files to ",
            handleMessage(basename(names(which(!res))), indent=8)
        nadx <- which(is.na(res))
        if (length(nadx) != 0L || is.null(builder)){
                "No VignetteEngine specified in vignette or DESCRIPTION. ",
                "Add VignetteEngine to the following files or add a default ",
                "VignetteBuilder in DESCRIPTION: ")
            files = res[nadx]
            if (is.null(builder))
                files = c(files, "DESCRIPTION")
            handleMessage(basename(names(files)), indent=8)

checkVigSuggests <- function(builder, vigdircontents, pkgdir)
    vigExt <- tolower(tools::file_ext(vigdircontents))
    res <- sapply(vigdircontents, getVigEngine)
    lst <- unique(c(unlist(unname(res)), builder))
    if (any(is.na(lst)))
        lst <- lst[!is.na(lst)]
    dep <- getAllDependencies(pkgdir)
    if (!all(lst %in% dep)){
        handleWarning("Package listed as VignetteEngine or VignetteBuilder ",
                      "but not currently Suggested. ",
                      "Add the following to Suggests in DESCRIPTION:")
        for(i in lst[!(lst %in% dep)])
            handleMessage(i, indent=8)

checkVigTemplate <- function(vigdircontents)
    badVig <- character(0)
    badVig2 <- character(0)
    for (file in vigdircontents) {
        lines <- readLines(file, n=100L, warn=FALSE)
        idx <- grep(lines, pattern="VignetteIndexEntry")
        if (length(idx) != 0L){
            title <- tolower(gsub(".*\\{|\\}.*", "", lines[idx]))
            if (title == "vignette title"){
                badVig = c(badVig, basename(file))
        if (length(idx) == 0L){
            badVig2 = c(badVig2, basename(file))
    if (length(badVig) != 0L){
            "Vignette[s] still using 'VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}' ",
            "Update the following files from using template values:"
        handleMessage(badVig, indent=8)
    if (length(badVig2) != 0L){
            "Vignette[s] missing '\\%VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}'. ",
            "Update the following files:"
        handleMessage(badVig2, indent=8)

checkVigChunkEval <- function(vigdircontents)
    chunks <- 0
    efs <- 0
    noneval <- 0
    for (file in vigdircontents)
        lines <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
        vignetteType <- knitr:::detect_pattern(lines, tools::file_ext(file))
        if (is.null(vignetteType)) {
            chunklines <- character(0)
            nonEvalChunk <- character(0)
        } else {
            chunkPattern <- knitr::all_patterns[[vignetteType]]$chunk.begin
            chunklines <- lines[grep(chunkPattern, lines)]

            # find non evaluated code chunks (```, ```r, ```R, etc.)
            # assumes every other one for start and stop of code chunk
            nonEvalChunk <- lines[grep("^[\t >]*```+\\s*",
            indx <- grep("^[\t >]*```+\\s*\\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+.*)\\}\\s*$",
            if (length(indx) > 0L)
                nonEvalChunk <- nonEvalChunk[-indx]

        chunks <- chunks + length(chunklines) + length(nonEvalChunk)

        efs <- efs +
            length(grep("eval\\s?=\\s?FALSE", chunklines))

        noneval <- noneval + length(nonEvalChunk)

    percent <- ifelse(chunks == 0 && (efs+noneval) == 0, 0, ((efs+noneval)/chunks) * (100/1))

    if (percent >= 50){
        handleWarning("Evaluate more vignette chunks.")
        handleMessage(sprintf("# of code chunks: %s", chunks), indent=8)
        handleMessage(sprintf("# of eval=FALSE: %s", efs), indent=8)
        handleMessage(sprintf("# of nonexecutable code chunks by syntax: %s", noneval), indent=8)
        handleMessage(sprintf("# total unevaluated %s (%i%%)",(efs+noneval), as.integer(percent)), indent=8)


checkVigEvalAllFalse <- function(pkgdir){

    pkgdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes")
    Vigdir <- sprintf("%s%s", pkgdir, .Platform$file.sep)
    msg_eval <- grepPkgDir(Vigdir,
                           "-rHn 'knitr::opts_chunk\\$set(.*eval\\s*=\\s*F'")

checkVigBiocInst <- function(pkgdir) {
    vigdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes")
    vigdir <- sprintf("%s%s", vigdir, .Platform$file.sep)
    msg_return <- grepPkgDir(vigdir,
        "-EHrn 'BiocInstaller|biocLite|useDevel|biocinstallRepos'")
    if (length(msg_return)) {
        handleWarning(" BiocInstaller code found in vignette(s)")
        handleMessage("Found in file(s):", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_return)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

checkIsVignetteBuilt <- function(package_dir, build_output_file)
    if (!file.exists(build_output_file))
        stop("build output file '", build_output_file, "' does not exist.")
    lines <- readLines(build_output_file)
    if (!any(grepl("^\\* creating vignettes \\.\\.\\.", lines)))
        msg <- "Vignette must be built by
        'R CMD build'. Please see the `Vignette Checks` section of
        the BiocCheck vignette."

checkLibraryCalls <- function(pkgdir)
    pkgdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "R")
    rfiles <- dir(
        pkgdir, ignore.case = TRUE, pattern="\\.R$", full.names=TRUE
    badCalls <- c("biocLite", "install.packages", "update.packages", "install")
    msg_installs <- lapply(rfiles, function(rfile){
        tokens <- getParseData(parse(rfile, keep.source=TRUE))
        tokens <- tokens[tokens[,"text"] %in% badCalls, , drop = FALSE]
        sprintf("%s: %d", basename(rfile), tokens[,"line1"])
    msg_installs <- unlist(msg_installs)
    if (length(msg_installs) > 0) {
            "install, biocLite, install.packages, or update.packages found in R files"
        for (msg in msg_installs)

checkForLibraryMe <- function(pkgname, parsedCode)
    badfiles <- c()
    for (filename in names(parsedCode))
        if (!grepl("\\.R$|\\.Rd$", filename, ignore.case=TRUE))
        df <- parsedCode[[filename]]
        if (nrow(df))
            res <- doesFileLoadPackage(df, pkgname)
            if (length(res))
                badfiles <- append(badfiles, mungeName(filename, pkgname))
    if (length(badfiles))
        msg <- sprintf("The following files call library or require on %s.
            This is not necessary.\n%s", pkgname,
            paste(badfiles, collapse=", "))


checkCodingPractice <- function(pkgdir, parsedCode, package_name)
    Rdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "R")

    # sapply
    msg_sapply <- checkSapply(Rdir)
    if (length(msg_sapply) > 0) {
        handleNote(" Avoid sapply(); use vapply()")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_sapply)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # 1:...
    msg_seq <- check1toN(Rdir)
    if (length(msg_seq) > 0) {
        handleNote(" Avoid 1:...; use seq_len() or seq_along()")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_seq)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # pkg:fun...
    msg_sc <- checkSingleColon(Rdir)
    if (length(msg_sc)) {
        handleError(" Use double colon for qualified imports: 'pkg::foo()'")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_sc)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # T/F
    res <- checkLogicalUseFiles(pkgdir)
    pkgname <- basename(pkgdir)
    res2 <- findLogicalRdir(pkgname, c("T","F"))
    if (length(c(res,res2)) > 0 ){
        handleWarning(" Use TRUE/FALSE instead of T/F")
        if (length(res2) > 0){
            handleMessage("Found in R/ directory functions:", indent=6)
            for (msg in res2)
                handleMessage(msg, indent=8)
        if (length(res) > 0){
            handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
            for (msg in res)
                handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # class() ==
    msg_class <- checkClassEqUsage(pkgdir)
    if (length(msg_class) > 0) {
        handleWarning(" Avoid class() == or class() != ; use is() or !is()")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_class)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # system() vs system2()
    msg_sys <- checkSystemCall(pkgdir)
    if(length(msg_sys) > 0) {
        handleNote(" Avoid system() ; use system2()")
        handleMessage("Found in files:", indent=6)
        for (msg in msg_sys)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    # set.seed
    res <- findLogicalRdir(pkgname, "set.seed")
    if (length(res) > 0){
        handleWarning(" Remove set.seed usage in R code")
        handleMessage("Found in R/ directory functions:", indent=6)
        for (msg in res)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

    handleCheck("Checking parsed R code in R directory, examples, vignettes...")

    # direct slot access
    checkForDirectSlotAccess(parsedCode, package_name)

    # browser() calls
    res <- findSymbolInParsedCode(parsedCode, package_name, "browser",
    if (res > 0)
        handleWarning("Remove browser() statements (found in ", res, " files)")

    # <<-
    res <- findSymbolInParsedCode(parsedCode, package_name, "<<-",
    if (res > 0)
        handleNote("Avoid '<<-' if possible (found in ", res, " files)")


checkSapply <- function(Rdir){

    rfiles <- dir(Rdir, ignore.case = TRUE, pattern="\\.R$", full.names=TRUE)
    msg_sapply <- lapply(rfiles, function(rfile){
        tokens <- getParseData(parse(rfile, keep.source=TRUE))
        tokens <- tokens[tokens[,"text"] == "sapply", ,drop=FALSE]
            "%s (line %d, column %d)",
            basename(rfile), tokens[,"line1"], tokens[,"col1"]
    msg_sapply <- unlist(msg_sapply)

check1toN <- function(Rdir){

    rfiles <- dir(Rdir, ignore.case = TRUE, pattern="\\.R$", full.names=TRUE)
    msg_seq <- lapply(rfiles, function(rfile) {
        tokens <- getParseData(parse(rfile, keep.source=TRUE))
        tokens <- tokens[tokens[,"token"] != "expr", ,drop=FALSE]
        colons <- which(tokens[,"text"] == ":") - 1
        colons <- colons[tokens[colons, "text"] == "1"]
        tokens <- tokens[colons, , drop=FALSE]
        tokens <- tokens[ tokens[,"text"] == "1", , drop=FALSE]
            "%s (line %d, column %d)",
            basename(rfile), tokens[,"line1"], tokens[,"col1"]
    msg_seq <- unlist(msg_seq)

checkSingleColon <- function(Rdir, avail_pkgs = character(0L)) {

    rfiles <- dir(Rdir, pattern = "\\.[Rr]$", full.names = TRUE)
    names(rfiles) <- basename(rfiles)
    colon_pres <- lapply(rfiles, function(rfile) {
        tokens <- getParseData(parse(rfile, keep.source = TRUE))
        tokens <- tokens[tokens[,"token"] != "expr", ,drop=FALSE]
        colons <- which(tokens[,"text"] == ":") - 1
        colons <- colons[grepl("[[:alpha:]]", tokens[colons, "text"])]
        tokens[colons, , drop = FALSE]
    colon_pres <- Filter(nrow, colon_pres)
    if (length(colon_pres))
        avail_pkgs <- BiocManager::available()
    msg_sc <- lapply(names(colon_pres), function(rfile, framelist) {
        tokens <- framelist[[rfile]]
        tokens <- tokens[tokens[, "text"] %in% avail_pkgs, , drop = FALSE]
            "%s (line %d, column %d)",
            rfile, tokens[, "line1"], tokens[, "col1"]
    }, framelist = colon_pres)
    msg_sc <- unlist(msg_sc)

checkClassEqUsage <- function(pkgdir){

    regex <- "\\bclass\\s*(.*)\\s*[!=]="
    pkgdir <- sprintf("%s%s", pkgdir, .Platform$file.sep)
    # Limit to R files and vignette source files
    Rdir <- sprintf("%s%s%s", pkgdir, "R", .Platform$file.sep)
    fnd1 <-
            grepPkgDir(Rdir, paste0('-rHn "', regex, '"'),
        } else {
    VigFiles <- getVigSources(sprintf("%s%s", pkgdir,"vignettes"))
    fnd2 <- unlist(lapply(VigFiles,
                          FUN=grepPkgDir, paste0('-rHn "', regex, '"'),
    msg_sys <- sub(c(fnd1, fnd2), pattern=pkgdir, replacement="", fixed=TRUE)

checkSystemCall <- function(pkgdir){

    pkgdir <- sprintf("%s%s", pkgdir, .Platform$file.sep)
    msg_sys <- grepPkgDir(pkgdir, "-rHn '^system(.*'")

checkForDirectSlotAccess <- function(parsedCode, package_name)
    idx <- grepl("\\.R$", names(parsedCode), ignore.case=TRUE)
    parsedCode <- parsedCode[!idx]
    res <- findSymbolInParsedCode(parsedCode, package_name, "@", "'@'")
    if (res > 0)
            "Use accessors; don't access S4 class slots via ",
            "'@' in examples/vignettes.")

checkFunctionLengths <- function(parsedCode, pkgname)
    df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    i <- 1
    for (filename in names(parsedCode))
        message(".", appendLF=FALSE)
        pc <- parsedCode[[filename]]
        filename <- mungeName(filename, pkgname)
        res <- getFunctionLengths(pc)
        for (name in names(res)) {
            x <- res[[name]]
            if (length(x))
                df[i,1] <- filename
                df[i,2] <- name
                df[i,3] <- x['length']
                df[i,4] <- x['startLine']
                df[i,5] <- x['endLine']
            i <- i + 1
    colnames <- c("filename","functionName","length","startLine","endLine")
    if (ncol(df) == length(colnames))
        colnames(df) <- colnames
        df <- df[with(df, order(-length)),]
        h <- df[df$length > 50,]
        if (nrow(h))
            handleNote("Recommended function length <= 50 lines.")
            handleMessage("There are ", nrow(h), " functions > 50 lines.",
            h = head(df, n=5)
            handleMessage("The longest ", nrow(h), " functions are:",
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(h)))
                row <- df[i,]
                if (grepl("\\.R$", row$filename, ignore.case=TRUE))
                        "%s() (%s, line %s): %s lines", row$functionName,
                        row$filename, row$startLine, row$length), indent=8)
                } else {
                        "%s() (%s): %s lines", row$functionName, row$filename,
                        row$length), indent=8)

checkManDocumentation <- function(package_dir, package_name)
    # canned man prompts

    # non empty value section exists

    # exports are documented and 80% runnable
    checkExportsAreDocumented(package_dir, package_name)

    # usage of donttest and dontrun

checkForPromptComments <- function(pkgdir)
    manpages <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"),
        pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)

    bad <- c()
    for (manpage in manpages)
        lines <- readLines(manpage, warn=FALSE)
        if (any(grepl("^%% ~", lines)))
            bad <- append(bad, basename(manpage))
    if (length(bad) > 0)
            "Remove generated comments from man pages ",
            paste(bad, collapse=", "))

checkForValueSection <- function(pkgdir)
    pkgname <- basename(pkgdir)
    manpages <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"),
        pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
    ok <- vapply(manpages, function(manpage) {
        rd <- parse_Rd(manpage)
        tags <- tools:::RdTags(rd)

        type <- docType(rd)
        if (identical(type, "data"))

        value <- NULL
        if ("\\usage" %in% tags && (!"\\value" %in% tags))

        if ("\\value" %in% tags)
            value <- rd[grep("\\value", tags)]

        if ("\\usage" %in% tags && !is.null(value))
            values <- paste(unlist(value), collapse='')
            tst <- (is.list(value[[1]]) && length(value[[1]]) == 0) ||
                nchar(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", values)) == 0
            if (tst)
    }, logical(1))
    if (!all(ok)) {
            "Add non-empty \\value sections to the following man pages: ",
            paste(mungeName(manpages[!ok], pkgname), collapse=", "))

# Which pages document things that are exported?
checkExportsAreDocumented <- function(pkgdir, pkgname)
    manpages <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"),
        pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
    exports <- getNamespaceExports(pkgname)
    badManPages <- character(0)
    exportingPagesCount <- 0L
    noExamplesCount <- 0L

    for (manpage in manpages)
        rd <- parse_Rd(manpage)
        name <-
            unlist(rd[unlist(lapply(rd, function(x)
                attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\name"))][[1]][1])
        aliases <- unlist(lapply(rd[unlist(lapply(rd,
            function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\alias"))], "[[", 1))
        namesAndAliases <- c(name, aliases)
        exportedTopics <- unique(namesAndAliases[namesAndAliases %in% exports])
        if (length(exportedTopics))
            exportingPagesCount <- exportingPagesCount + 1
        if (length(exportedTopics) &&
            noExamplesCount <- noExamplesCount + 1
            badManPages <- append(badManPages, basename(manpage))

    ratio <- (exportingPagesCount - noExamplesCount) / exportingPagesCount
    if (exportingPagesCount > 0
        && ratio  < (0.8 / 1.0))
            "At least 80% of man pages documenting exported objects must ",
            "have runnable examples. The following pages do not:")
    } else if (length(badManPages) > 0) {
            "Consider adding runnable examples to the following ",
            "man pages which document exported objects:")
    if (length(badManPages) > 0)
        .msg(paste(badManPages, collapse=", "), indent=6)

    badManPages # for testing

checkUsageOfDont <- function(pkgdir)
    manpages <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"),
        pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)

    hasBad <- rep(FALSE, length(manpages))
    hasdontrun <- rep(FALSE, length(manpages))
    for (dx in seq_along(manpages))
        manpage <- manpages[dx]
        rd <- parse_Rd(manpage)
        example <- unlist(lapply(rd,
            function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\examples"))
        hasExamples <- any(example)
        if (hasExamples){
            rdCode <- as.character(rd)
            exampleCode <- rdCode[which(rdCode == "\\examples"):length(rdCode)]
            donttestVec <- vapply(exampleCode, grepl, logical(1),
                                  pattern="\\\\donttest", perl=TRUE,
            dontrunVec <- vapply(exampleCode, grepl, logical(1),
                                  pattern="\\\\dontrun", perl=TRUE,
            ## check for the 'internal' keyword - this will be a false positive
            keyword <- unlist(lapply(rd,
                function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\keyword"))
            if (any(keyword)) {
                internalVec <- vapply(as.character(rd[keyword]), grepl, logical(1),
                                     pattern="internal", USE.NAMES=FALSE)
            } else {
                internalVec <- FALSE
            if (any(donttestVec | dontrunVec) & !any(internalVec))
                hasBad[dx] = TRUE

            if (any(dontrunVec) & !any(internalVec))
                hasdontrun[dx] = TRUE
    if (any(hasBad)){
        perVl <- as.character(round(length(which(hasBad))/length(hasBad)*100))
        handleNote("Usage of dontrun{} / donttest{} found in man page examples.")
        handleMessage(perVl, "% of man pages use one of these cases.", indent=6)
        handleMessage("Found in the following files:", indent=6)
        for(f in basename(manpages)[hasBad]){
            handleMessage(f, indent=8)
    if (any(hasdontrun)){
        handleNote("Use donttest{} instead of dontrun{}.")
        handleMessage("Found in the following files:", indent=6)
        for(f in basename(manpages)[hasdontrun]){
            handleMessage(f, indent=8)


checkNEWS <- function(pkgdir)
    newsloc <- file.path(pkgdir, c("inst", "inst", "inst", ".","."),
                         c("NEWS.Rd", "NEWS", "NEWS.md", "NEWS.md", "NEWS"))
    newsFnd <- newsloc[file.exists(newsloc)]
    if (0L == length(newsFnd)){
            "Consider adding a NEWS file, so your package news will be ",
            "included in Bioconductor release announcements.")
    if (length(newsFnd) > 1L){
            "More than 1  NEWS file found.",
            "\nSee ?news for recognition ordering.",
            "\nPlease remove one of the following: ")
        handleMessage(gsub(pattern=pkgdir, replacement="", newsFnd),
    news <- head(newsFnd, 1)
    .build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd <-
        get(".build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd", getNamespace("tools"))
    .build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_md <-
        get(".build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_md", getNamespace("tools"))
    .news_reader_default <-
        get(".news_reader_default", getNamespace("tools"))
            db <-
                if (grepl("Rd$", news)){
                } else if (grepl("md$", news)){
                } else {
    }, error=function(e){
        ## FIXME find a good reference to creating well-formed NEWS, and
        ## reference it here.
        ## Surprisingly, there does not seem to be one.
            "Fix formatting of ", basename(news), ". Malformed package NEWS ",
            "will not be included in Bioconductor release announcements.")

## This could maybe be more comprehensive, but
## it's what R CMD check does to decide whether
## to run tests.
## OOPS - R CMD check is looking at the INSTALLED directory
checkUnitTests <- function(pkgdir)
    ## begin code stolen from tools:::.check_packages
    dir.exists <- function(x) !is.na(isdir <- file.info(x)$isdir) &
    ## ...
    tests_dir <- file.path(pkgdir, "tests")
    cond <- length(dir(tests_dir, pattern = "\\.(R|Rin)$"))
    if (dir.exists(tests_dir) && (!cond))
            "Add a .R or .Rin file in tests/ directory or unit tests will ",
            "not be run by R CMD check. See ",
    if (!(dir.exists(tests_dir) && cond))
    ## end stolen code
        msg <- paste0(
            "Consider adding unit tests. We strongly encourage them. See",
            "\n  ",

## check if testthat contains skip_on_bioc() and throw note of it does
checkSkipOnBioc <- function(pkgdir)
    pkgdir <- file.path(pkgdir, "tests", "testthat")
    if (file.exists(pkgdir)) {
        testfiles <- list.files(pkgdir, pattern = ".R$")
        testfiles_full <- file.path(pkgdir, testfiles)
        msg <- lapply(seq_along(testfiles), function(idx){
            tokens <- getParseData(parse(testfiles_full[idx], keep.source=TRUE))
            if ("skip_on_bioc" %in% unlist(tokens))
        msg <- paste(unlist(msg), collapse = " ")
        if (msg != "") {
            handleNote("skip_on_bioc() found in testthat files: ", msg)

checkFormatting <- function(pkgdir, nlines=6)
    pkgname <- basename(pkgdir)
    files <- c(
        dir(file.path(pkgdir, "R"), pattern="\\.R$", ignore.case=TRUE,
        file.path(pkgdir, "NAMESPACE"),
        dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"), pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE,
        dir(file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes"), full.names=TRUE,
    totallines <- 0L
    ok <- TRUE
    long <- tab <- indent <- Context()

    for (file in files)
        if (file.exists(file) && file.info(file)$size == 0)
            handleNote("Add content to the empty file ",
                mungeName(file, pkgname))

        if (file.exists(file) && file.info(file)$size > 0)
            lines <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
            totallines <- totallines + length(lines)

            n <- nchar(lines, allowNA=TRUE)
            idx <- !is.na(n) & (n > 80L)
            long <- rbind(long, Context(pkgname, file, lines, idx))

            idx <- grepl("\t", lines)
            tab <- rbind(tab, Context(pkgname, file, lines, idx))

            res <- regexpr("^([ ]+)", lines)
            match.length <- attr(res, "match.length")
            idx <- (match.length != -1L) & (match.length %% 4 != 0)
            indent <- rbind(indent, Context(pkgname, file, lines, idx))

    if (n <- nrow(long))
        ok <- FALSE
            "Consider shorter lines; %s lines (%i%%) are > 80 characters long.",
            n, round((n / totallines) * 100)))
        handleContext(long, nlines)

    if (n <- nrow(tab))
        ok <- FALSE
            "Consider 4 spaces instead of tabs; %s lines (%i%%) contain tabs.",
            n, round((n / totallines) * 100)))
        handleContext(tab, nlines)

    if (n <- nrow(indent))
        ok <- FALSE
            "Consider multiples of 4 spaces for line indents, ", n, " lines",
            "(", round((n / totallines) * 100), "%) are not.")
        handleContext(indent, nlines)

    if (!ok)
            "See http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/coding-style/")
            "See styler package: https://cran.r-project.org/package=styler ",
            "as described in the BiocCheck vignette.")

checkIsPackageAlreadyInRepo <- function(pkgName, repo=c("CRAN", "BioCsoft",
                                                     "BioCann", "BioCexp", "BioCworkflows"))
    repo <- match.arg(repo)
    repo.url <- sprintf("%s/src/contrib/PACKAGES", BiocManager::repositories()[repo])
    conn <- url(repo.url)
    dcf <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(read.dcf(conn)), error=identity)
    if (inherits(dcf, "error")) {
        handleMessage("Unable to access repository ", BiocManager::repositories()[repo])
    } else if (tolower(pkgName) %in% tolower(dcf[,"Package"])) {
        if (repo == "CRAN")
            msg <- "Package must be removed from CRAN."
        else {
            msg <- paste0("'", pkgName, "' already exists in Bioconductor.")

checkForBiocDevelSubscription <- function(pkgdir)
    email <- getMaintainerEmail(pkgdir)
    if (!exists("email"))
    if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("BIOC_DEVEL_PASSWORD")))
        msg <-
            "Cannot determine whether maintainer is subscribed to the
            bioc-devel mailing list (requires admin credentials).
            Subscribe here: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-devel"
        handleNote(paste(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n"))
    if (tolower(email) == "maintainer@bioconductor.org")
        handleMessage("Maintainer email is ok.")
    response <- tryCatch({
    }, error=identity)
    if (inherits(response, "error")) {
            "Unable to connect to mailing list",
            "\n  ", conditionMessage(response))
    } else if (status_code(response) >= 300) {
            "Unable to connect to mailing list",
            "\n  status code ", status_code(response))
    response2 <- POST(
    content <- content(response2, as="text")
    if(grepl(paste0(">", tolower(email), "<"), tolower(content), fixed=TRUE))
        handleMessage("Maintainer is subscribed to bioc-devel.")
    } else {
            "Maintainer must subscribe to the bioc-devel mailing list. ",
            "Subscribe here: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-devel")

checkForSupportSiteRegistration <- function(package_dir)
    email <- getMaintainerEmail(package_dir)
    if (tolower(email) == "maintainer@bioconductor.org")
        handleMessage("Maintainer email is ok.")
    url <- paste0("https://support.bioconductor.org/api/email/", email, "/")
    response <- tryCatch(GET(url), error=identity)
    if (inherits(response, "error")) {
            "Unable to connect to support site:",
            "\n  ", conditionMessage(response))
    } else if (suppressMessages(content(response))) {
        handleMessage("Maintainer is registered at support site.")
    } else {
        handleError("Maintainer must register at the support site; ",
            "visit https://support.bioconductor.org/accounts/signup/ .")

#  Checks for BiocCheckGitClone

checkBadFiles <- function(package_dir){
    # taken from
    # and
    hidden_file_ext = c(".renviron", ".rprofile", ".rproj", ".rproj.user",
                       ".rhistory", ".rapp.history",
                       ".o", ".sl", ".so", ".dylib",
                       ".a", ".dll", ".def",
                       ".ds_store", "unsrturl.bst",
                       ".log", ".aux",
                       ".backups", ".cproject", ".directory",
                       ".dropbox", ".exrc", ".gdb.history",
                       ".gitattributes", ".gitmodules",
                       ".project", ".seed", ".settings", ".tm_properties")

    fls <- dir(package_dir, ignore.case=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, all.files=TRUE)
    dx <- unlist(lapply(hidden_file_ext,
        FUN=function(x, suffix){
            which(endsWith(x, suffix))
        }, x=tolower(fls)))
    badFiles <- fls[dx]

    if (length(badFiles) != 0){
        handleError("System Files found that should not be git tracked:")
        for(msg in badFiles)
            handleMessage(msg, indent=8)

checkDescription <- function(package_dir){

    handleCheck("Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...")
    dcf <- tryCatch({
        read.dcf(file.path(package_dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
    }, error = function(err) {
        handleError("DESCRIPTION is malformed.")
    handleCheck("Checking for valid maintainer...")
    if (("Authors@R" %in% colnames(dcf)) & any((c("Author","Maintainer") %in% colnames(dcf)))){
        handleError("Use Authors@R field not Author/Maintainer fields. Do not use both.")
    } else {
        if (any((c("Author","Maintainer") %in% colnames(dcf))))
            handleError("Do not use Author/Maintainer fields. Use Authors@R.")

checkForCitationFile <- function(package_dir) {
    citfile_location <- file.path(package_dir, "inst", "CITATION")
    if(file.exists(citfile_location)) {
        handleCheck("Checking that provided CITATION file is correctly formatted...")
        cit <- tryCatch(
            error = function(e)
                handleNote("CITATION file might be not correctly formatted"))

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BiocCheck documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:38 p.m.