
Defines functions summarizeWidths TCstats

### Main S4 functions

#' Unidirectional Clustering (Tag Clustering) of pooled CTSSs.
#' Finds unidirectional Tag Clusters (TCs) with a pooled TPM above a certain
#' threshold using a slice-reduce approach. Addtionally calculates the sum and
#' peak position of the TCs.
#' @param object GRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Basepair-wise pooled
#'   CTSS.
#' @param pooledCutoff numeric: Minimum pooled value to be considered as TC.
#' @param mergeDist integer: Merge TCs within this distance.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return GRanges with TPM sum as the score column, and TC peak as the thick
#'   column.
#' @family Clustering functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleCTSSs)
#' # Calculate pooledTPM, using supplied number of total tags
#' exampleCTSSs <- calcTPM(exampleCTSSs,
#'                         inputAssay='counts',
#'                         outputAssay='TPM',
#'                         totalTags='totalTags')
#' exampleCTSSs <- calcPooled(exampleCTSSs, inputAssay='TPM')
#' # Cluster using defaults: slice-threshold of 0 and reduce-distance of 20
#' clusterUnidirectionally(exampleCTSSs)
#' # Use custom thresholds:
#' clusterUnidirectionally(exampleCTSSs, pooledCutoff=1, mergeDist=25)
setGeneric("clusterUnidirectionally", function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname clusterUnidirectionally
setMethod("clusterUnidirectionally", signature(object = "GRanges"), function(object,
    pooledCutoff = 0, mergeDist = 20L) {
    # Pre-checks

    # Split coverage by strand
    message("Splitting by strand...")
    covByStrand <- splitPooled(object)

    message("Slice-reduce to find clusters...")
    # Slice
    peaks_plus <- slice(covByStrand$`+`,
                        lower = pooledCutoff, upper = Inf,
                        includeLower = FALSE, rangesOnly = TRUE)
    peaks_minus <- slice(covByStrand$`-`,
                         lower = pooledCutoff, upper = Inf,
                         includeLower = FALSE, rangesOnly = TRUE)

    # Reduce
    reduced_plus <- reduce(peaks_plus, min.gapwidth = mergeDist)
    reduced_minus <- reduce(peaks_minus, min.gapwidth = mergeDist)

    # # Split coverage by strand
    # message("Splitting by strand...")
    # coverage_stranded <- splitByStrand(object)
    # coverage_plus <- coverage(coverage_stranded$`+`, weight = "score")
    # coverage_minus <- coverage(coverage_stranded$`-`, weight = "score")
    # rm(coverage_stranded)
    # # Peak calling: Find peaks
    # message("Finding tag clusters...")
    # peaks_plus <- slice(coverage_plus, lower = pooledCutoff, upper = Inf, includeLower = FALSE,
    #     rangesOnly = TRUE)
    # peaks_minus <- slice(coverage_minus, lower = pooledCutoff, upper = Inf, includeLower = FALSE,
    #     rangesOnly = TRUE)
    # # Peak calling: Merge nearby peaks
    # reduced_plus <- reduce(peaks_plus, min.gapwidth = mergeDist)
    # reduced_minus <- reduce(peaks_minus, min.gapwidth = mergeDist)

    # Coverage and peaks
    message("Calculating statistics...")
    TCs <- TCstats(coverage_plus = covByStrand$`+`,
                   coverage_minus = covByStrand$`-`,
                   tcs_plus = reduced_plus,
                   tcs_minus = reduced_minus)

    # Carry over seqinfo and sort
    message("Preparing output...")
    seqinfo(TCs) <- seqinfo(object)
    TCs <- sort(TCs)

    # Print some basic stats
    message("Tag clustering summary:")

    # Return

#' @rdname clusterUnidirectionally
setMethod("clusterUnidirectionally", signature(object = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
    function(object, ...) {
        clusterUnidirectionally(rowRanges(object), ...)

#' @rdname clusterUnidirectionally
setMethod("clusterUnidirectionally", signature(object = "GPos"),
					function(object, ...) {
						clusterUnidirectionally(methods::as(object, "GRanges"), ...)

### Helper functions

TCstats <- function(coverage_plus, coverage_minus, tcs_plus, tcs_minus) {
    # Check classes
    stopifnot(methods::is(coverage_plus, "SimpleRleList"),
    					methods::is(coverage_minus, "SimpleRleList"),
    					methods::is(tcs_plus, "CompressedIRangesList"),
    					methods::is(tcs_minus, "CompressedIRangesList"))

    # Check seqlevels
                                 names(tcs_minus)))) == 1)

    # Obtain views
    views_plus <- Views(coverage_plus, tcs_plus)
    views_minus <- Views(coverage_minus, tcs_minus)

    # Calculate Sums
    sum_plus <- unlist(viewSums(views_plus))
    sum_minus <- unlist(viewSums(views_minus))

    # Find peaks
    ranges_plus <- viewRangeMaxs(views_plus)
    ranges_minus <- viewRangeMaxs(views_minus)
    ranges_plus <- resize(unlist(ranges_plus), width = 1, fix = "center")
    ranges_minus <- resize(unlist(ranges_minus), width = 1, fix = "center")

    # Merge into GRanges
    TCs <- c(GRanges(tcs_plus,
                     strand = "+",
                     score = sum_plus,
                     thick = ranges_plus),
                     strand = "-",
                     score = sum_minus,
                     thick = ranges_minus))

    # Names as IDs for both ranges and peaks
    TC_ids <- paste0(seqnames(TCs), ":", start(TCs), "-", end(TCs), ";", strand(TCs))
    names(TCs) <- TC_ids
    names(TCs$thick) <- TC_ids

    # Return

summarizeWidths <- function(gr) {
    # Checks
    stopifnot(methods::is(gr, "GRanges"))

    # Cut up widths
    x <- cut(width(gr), breaks = c(1, 10, 100, 1000, Inf), labels = c(">=1", ">=10",
        ">=100", ">=1000"), include.lowest = TRUE)

    # Get freqs and props
    y <- table(Width = x)
    z <- prop.table(y)

    # Format to data.frame
    w <- merge(as.data.frame(y, responseName = "Count"),
               as.data.frame(z, responseName = "Percent"))

    # Add Total row
    w <- rbind(data.frame(Width = "Total",
                          Count = sum(w$Count),
                          Percent = sum(w$Percent)), w)

    # Reformat to percent
    w$Percent <- paste0(format(w$Percent * 100, digits = 1), " %")

    # To string and message
    s <- paste(utils::capture.output(print(w, row.names = FALSE)), collapse = "\n")

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CAGEfightR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:42 p.m.