# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 3 Feb 2011
# GGEA - Gene Graph Enrichment Analysis
# Update, 09 May 2014: Extension to network-based enrichment
# analysis
#' @rdname nbea
#' @export
nbeaMethods <- function()
c("ggea", "spia", "pathnet", "degraph",
"ganpa", "cepa", "topologygsa", "netgsa", "neat")
#' Network-based enrichment analysis (NBEA)
#' This is the main function for network-based enrichment analysis. It
#' implements and wraps existing implementations of several frequently used
#' methods and allows a flexible inspection of resulting gene set rankings.
#' 'ggea': gene graph enrichment analysis, scores gene sets according to
#' consistency within the given gene regulatory network, i.e. checks activating
#' regulations for positive correlation and repressing regulations for negative
#' correlation of regulator and target gene expression (Geistlinger et al.,
#' 2011). When using 'ggea' it is possible to estimate the statistical
#' significance of the consistency score of each gene set in two different
#' ways: (1) based on sample permutation as described in the original
#' publication (Geistlinger et al., 2011) or (2) using an approximation in the
#' spirit of Bioconductor's npGSEA package that is much faster.
#' 'spia': signaling pathway impact analysis, combines ORA with the probability
#' that expression changes are propagated across the pathway topology;
#' implemented in Bioconductor's SPIA package (Tarca et al., 2009).
#' 'pathnet': pathway analysis using network information, applies ORA on
#' combined evidence for the observed signal for gene nodes and the signal
#' implied by connected neighbors in the network; implemented in Bioconductor's
#' PathNet package.
#' 'degraph': differential expression testing for gene graphs, multivariate
#' testing of differences in mean incorporating underlying graph structure;
#' implemented in Bioconductor's DEGraph package.
#' 'topologygsa': topology-based gene set analysis, uses Gaussian graphical
#' models to incorporate the dependence structure among genes as implied by
#' pathway topology; implemented in CRAN's topologyGSA package.
#' 'ganpa': gene association network-based pathway analysis, incorporates
#' network-derived gene weights in the enrichment analysis; implemented in
#' CRAN's GANPA package.
#' 'cepa': centrality-based pathway enrichment, incorporates network
#' centralities as node weights mapped from differentially expressed genes in
#' pathways; implemented in CRAN's CePa package.
#' 'netgsa': network-based gene set analysis, incorporates external information
#' about interactions among genes as well as novel interactions learned from
#' data; implemented in CRAN's NetGSA package.
#' 'neat': network enrichment analysis test, compares the number of links between
#' differentially expressed genes and a gene set of interest to the number of
#' links expected under a hypergeometric null model; proposed by Signorelli et al.
#' (2016) and implemented in CRAN's neat package.
#' It is also possible to use additional network-based enrichment methods.
#' This requires to implement a function that takes 'se', 'gs', and 'grn'
#' and as arguments and returns a numeric matrix 'res.tbl' with a
#' mandatory column named 'PVAL' storing the resulting p-value for each gene
#' set in 'gs'. The rows of this matrix must be named accordingly (i.e.
#' rownames(res.tbl) == names(gs)). See examples.
#' Using a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with *multiple assays*:
#' For the typical use case within the EnrichmentBrowser workflow this will
#' be a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with two assays: (i) an assay
#' storing the *raw* expression values, and (ii) an assay storing the *norm*alized
#' expression values as obtained with the \code{\link{normalize}} function.
#' In this case, \code{assay = "auto"} will *auto*matically determine the assay
#' based on the data type provided and the enrichment method selected.
#' For usage outside of the typical workflow, the \code{assay} argument can be
#' used to provide the name of the assay for the enrichment analysis.
#' @aliases ggea spia
#' @param method Network-based enrichment analysis method. Currently, the
#' following network-based enrichment analysis methods are supported:
#' \sQuote{ggea}, \sQuote{spia}, \sQuote{pathnet}, \sQuote{degraph},
#' \sQuote{topologygsa}, \sQuote{ganpa}, \sQuote{cepa}, \sQuote{netgsa},
#' and \sQuote{neat}. Default is 'ggea'. This can also be the name of a
#' user-defined function implementing a method for network-based enrichment analysis.
#' See Details.
#' @param se Expression dataset. An object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}. Mandatory minimal annotations:
#' \itemize{ \item colData column storing binary group assignment (named
#' "GROUP") \item rowData column storing (log2) fold changes of differential
#' expression between sample groups (named "FC") \item rowData column storing
#' adjusted (corrected for multiple testing) p-values of differential
#' expression between sample groups (named "ADJ.PVAL") } Additional optional
#' annotations: \itemize{ \item colData column defining paired samples or
#' sample blocks (named "BLOCK") \item metadata slot named "annotation" giving
#' the organism under investigation in KEGG three letter code (e.g. "hsa" for
#' Homo sapiens) \item metadata slot named "dataType" indicating the expression
#' data type ("ma" for microarray, "rseq" for RNA-seq) }
#' @param gs Gene sets. Either a list of gene sets (character vectors of gene
#' IDs) or a text file in GMT format storing all gene sets under investigation.
#' @param grn Gene regulatory network. Either an absolute file path to a
#' tabular file or a character matrix with exactly *THREE* cols; 1st col = IDs
#' of regulating genes; 2nd col = corresponding regulated genes; 3rd col =
#' regulation effect; Use '+' and '-' for activation/inhibition.
#' @param prune.grn Logical. Should the GRN be pruned? This removes
#' duplicated, self, and reversed edges. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param alpha Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param perm Number of permutations of the expression matrix to estimate the
#' null distribution. Defaults to 1000. If using method=\sQuote{ggea}, it is
#' possible to set 'perm=0' to use a fast approximation of gene set
#' significance to avoid permutation testing. See Details.
#' @param padj.method Method for adjusting nominal gene set p-values to
#' multiple testing. For available methods see the man page of the stats
#' function \code{\link{p.adjust}}. Defaults to 'none', i.e. leaves the
#' nominal gene set p-values unadjusted.
#' @param out.file Optional output file the gene set ranking will be written
#' to.
#' @param browse Logical. Should results be displayed in the browser for
#' interactive exploration? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param assay Character. The name of the assay for enrichment
#' analysis if \code{se} is a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with
#' *multiple assays*. Defaults to \code{"auto"}, which automatically determines
#' the appropriate assay based on data type provided and enrichment method selected.
#' See details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to individual nbea methods. This
#' includes currently: \itemize{ \item beta: Log2 fold change significance
#' level. Defaults to 1 (2-fold). } For SPIA and NEAT: \itemize{ \item
#' sig.stat: decides which statistic is used for determining significant DE
#' genes. Options are: \itemize{ \item 'p' (Default): genes with adjusted p-value below
#' alpha. \item 'fc': genes with abs(log2(fold change)) above beta \item '&':
#' p & fc (logical AND) \item '|': p | fc (logical OR) \item 'xxp': top xx \% of genes
#' sorted by adjusted p-value \item 'xxfc' top xx \% of genes sorted by absolute
#' log2 fold change.} } For GGEA: \itemize{
#' \item cons.thresh: edge consistency threshold between -1 and 1. Defaults to
#' 0.2, i.e. only edges of the GRN with consistency >= 0.2 are included in the
#' analysis. Evaluation on real datasets has shown that this works best to
#' distinguish relevant gene sets. Use consistency of -1 to include all edges.
#' \item gs.edges: decides which edges of the grn are considered for a gene set
#' under investigation. Should be one out of c('&', '|'), denoting logical AND
#' and OR. respectively. Accordingly, this either includes edges for which
#' regulator AND / OR target gene are members of the investigated gene set. }
#' @return nbeaMethods: a character vector of currently supported methods;
#' nbea: if(is.null(out.file)): an enrichment analysis result object that can
#' be detailedly explored by calling \code{\link{eaBrowse}} and from which a
#' flat gene set ranking can be extracted by calling \code{\link{gsRanking}}.
#' If 'out.file' is given, the ranking is written to the specified file.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <>
#' @seealso Input: \code{\link{readSE}}, \code{\link{probe2gene}},
#' \code{\link{getGenesets}} to retrieve gene set definitions from databases
#' such as GO and KEGG.
#' \code{\link{compileGRN}} to construct a GRN from pathway databases.
#' Output: \code{\link{gsRanking}} to rank the list of gene sets.
#' \code{\link{eaBrowse}} for exploration of resulting gene sets.
#' Other: \code{\link{sbea}} to perform set-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\link{combResults}} to combine results from different methods.
#' @references Geistlinger et al. (2011) From sets to graphs: towards a
#' realistic enrichment analysis of transcriptomic systems. Bioinformatics,
#' 27(13), i366-73.
#' Tarca et al. (2009) A novel signaling pathway impact analysis.
#' Bioinformatics, 25(1):75-82.
#' Signorelli et al. (2016) NEAT: an efficient network enrichment analysis test.
#' BMC Bioinformatics, 17:352.
#' @examples
#' # currently supported methods
#' nbeaMethods()
#' # (1) expression data:
#' # simulated expression values of 100 genes
#' # in two sample groups of 6 samples each
#' se <- makeExampleData(what="SE")
#' se <- deAna(se)
#' # (2) gene sets:
#' # draw 10 gene sets with 15-25 genes
#' gs <- makeExampleData(what="gs", gnames=names(se))
#' # (3) make 2 artificially enriched sets:
#' sig.genes <- names(se)[rowData(se)$ADJ.PVAL < 0.1]
#' gs[[1]] <- sample(sig.genes, length(gs[[1]]))
#' gs[[2]] <- sample(sig.genes, length(gs[[2]]))
#' # (4) gene regulatory network
#' grn <- makeExampleData(what="grn", nodes=names(se))
#' # (5) performing the enrichment analysis
#' ea.res <- nbea(method="ggea", se=se, gs=gs, grn=grn)
#' # (6) result visualization and exploration
#' gsRanking(ea.res, signif.only=FALSE)
#' # using your own function as enrichment method
#' dummyNBEA <- function(se, gs, grn)
#' {
#' <- sample(seq(0,0.05, length=1000),5)
#' <- sample(seq(0.1,1, length=1000), length(gs)-5)
#' ps <- sample(c(,, length(gs))
#' score <- sample(1:100, length(gs), replace=TRUE)
#' res.tbl <- cbind(score, ps)
#' colnames(res.tbl) <- c("SCORE", "PVAL")
#' rownames(res.tbl) <- names(gs)
#' return(res.tbl[order(ps),])
#' }
#' ea.res2 <- nbea(method=dummyNBEA, se=se, gs=gs, grn=grn)
#' gsRanking(ea.res2)
#' @export nbea
nbea <- function(
assay = "auto",
# get configuration
GS.MIN.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")
GS.MAX.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MAX.SIZE")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
# TODO: disentangle DE and EA analysis
se <- .preprocSE(se)
se <- .setAssay(method, se, perm, assay)
# getting gene sets & grn
if(is(gs, "GeneSetCollection")) gs <- GSEABase::geneIds(gs)
if(!is.list(gs)) gs <- getGenesets(gs)
if(!is.matrix(grn)) grn <- .readGRN(grn)
# prune grn
if(prune.grn) grn <- .pruneGRN(grn)
# restrict to relevant genes
# in the intersection of se, gs, and grn
gs.genes <- unique(unlist(gs))
grn.genes <- unique(c(grn[,1], grn[,2]))
se.genes <- rownames(se)
rel.genes <- intersect(intersect(gs.genes, grn.genes), se.genes)
stop(paste("Expression dataset (se), gene sets (gs), and",
"gene regulatory network (grn) have no gene IDs in common"))
se <- se[rel.genes,]
gs <- lapply(gs, function(s) s[s%in% rel.genes])
lens <- lengths(gs)
gs <- gs[lens >= GS.MIN.SIZE & lens <= GS.MAX.SIZE]
grn <- grn[grn[,1] %in% rel.genes & grn[,2] %in% rel.genes,]
# execute ea
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "spia") res.tbl <- .spia(se, gs, grn, alpha, perm, ...)
else if(method == "pathnet") res.tbl <- .pathnet(se, gs, grn, alpha, perm)
else if(method == "netgsa") res.tbl <- .netgsa(se, gs, grn)
else if(method == "ganpa") res.tbl <- .ganpa(se, gs, grn, perm)
else if(method == "cepa") res.tbl <- .cepa(se, gs, grn)
else if(method == "degraph") res.tbl <- .degraph(se, gs, grn)
else if(method == "topologygsa") res.tbl <- .topogsa(se, gs, grn, alpha, perm, ...)
else if(method == "neat") res.tbl <- .neat(se, gs, grn, alpha, ...)
else res.tbl <- .ggea(se, gs, grn, alpha, perm=perm, ...)
else if(is.function(method))
res.tbl <- method(se=se, gs=gs, grn=grn, ...)
else stop(paste(method, "is not a valid method for nbea"))
res.tbl <- .formatEAResult(res.tbl, padj.method, out.file)
pcol <- ifelse(padj.method == "none", PVAL.COL, ADJP.COL)
res <- list(
method=method, res.tbl=res.tbl,
nr.sigs=sum(res.tbl[,pcol] < alpha),
se=se, gs=gs, alpha=alpha)
if(browse) eaBrowse(res)
# general helpers
.pruneGRN <- function(grn)
# remove duplicates
grn <- grn[!duplicated(grn[,1:2]),]
# rm self edges
grn <- grn[grn[,1] != grn[,2],]
# rm rev edges
genes <- unique(as.vector(grn[,1:2]))
ggrid <- seq_along(genes)
names(ggrid) <- genes
igrn <- cbind(ggrid[grn[,1]], ggrid[grn[,2]])
n <- nrow(grn)
grid <- seq_len(n-1)
ind <- vapply(grid,
x <- igrn[i,2:1]
j <- i + 1
cigrn <- igrn[j:n,,drop=FALSE]
cigrn <- cigrn[cigrn[,1] == x[1], , drop=FALSE]
is.rev <- any( cigrn[,2] == x[2] )
}, logical(1))
ind <- c(ind, FALSE)
grn <- grn[!ind,]
# 1 SPIA
.spia <- function(se, gs, grn,
alpha=0.05, perm=1000, beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
FC.COL <- configEBrowser("FC.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
de.genes <- .isSig(rowData(se), alpha, beta, sig.stat)
de <- rowData(se)[de.genes, FC.COL]
names(de) <- rownames(se)[de.genes]
all <- rownames(se)
is.kegg <- .detectGSType(names(gs)[1]) == "KEGG"
organism <- ""
data.dir <- NULL
if(is.kegg) organism <- substring(names(gs)[1],1,3)
message("making SPIA data ...") <- .makeSPIAData(gs, grn)
data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="SPIA")
save(, file=file.path(data.dir, "SPIA.RData"))
data.dir <- paste0(data.dir, "/")
res <- SPIA::spia(de=de, all=all, organism=organism, data.dir=data.dir, nB=perm)
spl <- strsplit(names(gs), "_")
ids <- vapply(spl, function(n) n[1], character(1))
ids <- sub(organism, "", ids)
res <- res[res$ID %in% ids, ]
names(spl) <- ids
.acc <- function(s) paste(s[2:length(s)], collapse = " ")
res$Name <- vapply(spl[res$ID], .acc, character(1))
res[,"Name"] <- gsub(" ", "_", res[,"Name"])
rownames(res) <- paste(paste0(organism, res[,"ID"]), res[,"Name"], sep="_")
res <- res[, c("pSize", "NDE", "tA", "Status", "pG")]
colnames(res) <- c("SIZE", "NDE", "T.ACT", "STATUS", PVAL.COL)
res[,"STATUS"] <- ifelse(res[,"STATUS"] == "Activated", 1, -1)
# spia helper: create pathway data from gs and grn
.makeSPIAData <- function(gs, grn)
rel <- c("activation", "compound", "binding/association",
"expression", "inhibition", "activation_phosphorylation",
"phosphorylation", "inhibition_phosphorylation",
"inhibition_dephosphorylation", "dissociation", "dephosphorylation",
"activation_dephosphorylation", "state change", "activation_indirect effect",
"inhibition_ubiquination", "ubiquination", "expression_indirect effect",
"inhibition_indirect effect", "repression", "dissociation_phosphorylation",
"indirect effect_phosphorylation", "activation_binding/association",
"indirect effect", "activation_compound", "activation_ubiquination") <- sapply(names(gs),
x <- gs[[s]]
len <- length(x)
nam <- list(x, x)
m <- matrix(0, nrow=len, ncol=len, dimnames=nam)
sgrn <- .queryGRN(gs=x, grn=grn, index=FALSE)
if(nrow(sgrn) < configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")) return(NULL)
act.grn <- sgrn[sgrn[,3] == "+",,drop=FALSE]
actm2 <- m
if(nrow(act.grn) > 1) actm <- .grn2adjm(act.grn)
else actm <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1, dimnames=list(act.grn[1,1], act.grn[1,2]))
actm2[rownames(actm), colnames(actm)] <- actm
inh.grn <- sgrn[sgrn[,3] == "-",,drop=FALSE]
inhm2 <- m
if(nrow(inh.grn) > 1) inhm <- .grn2adjm(inh.grn)
else inhm <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1, dimnames=list(inh.grn[1,1], inh.grn[1,2]))
inhm2[rownames(inhm), colnames(inhm)] <- inhm
l <- lapply(rel,
if(r == "activation") return(actm2)
else if(r == "inhibition") return(inhm2)
else return(m)
names(l) <- rel
l$nodes <- x
l$title <- s
l$NumberOfReactions <- 0
) <-[!sapply(, is.null)]
# 2 NEA
.nea <- function(se, gs, grn,
alpha=0.05, perm=100, beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
nea <- NULL
isAvailable("neaGUI", type="software")
#if(perm > 100) perm <- 100
isig <- .isSig(rowData(se), alpha, beta, sig.stat)
ags <- rownames(se)[isig]
grn <- unique(grn[,1:2])
gs.genes <- unique(unlist(gs))
grn <- grn[(grn[,1] %in% gs.genes) & (grn[,2] %in% gs.genes),]
network <- apply(grn, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=" "))
message("Computing NEA permutations, this may take a few minutes ...")
res <- nea(ags=ags, fgs=gs, network=network, nperm=perm)
res <- res$MainResult
res <- res[, c("Number_of_Genes",
"Number_of_AGS_genes", "Number_links", "Z_score", "P_value")]
res <- res[order(res[,"Z_score"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
colnames(res) <- sub("AGS", "de", colnames(res))
colnames(res) <- sub("Number", "Nr", colnames(res))
colnames(res) <- sub("_of", "", colnames(res))
colnames(res) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(res))
colnames(res) <- toupper(colnames(res))
res <- as.matrix(res)
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
res <- res[order(res[,PVAL.COL]),]
# 3 Pathnet
.pathnet <- function(se, gs, grn, alpha=0.05, perm=1000)
PathNet <- NULL
isAvailable("PathNet", type="software")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
dir.evid <- -log(rowData(se)[,ADJP.COL], base=10)
dir.evid <- cbind(as.integer(rownames(se)), dir.evid)
colnames(dir.evid) <- c("Gene.ID", "Obs")
adjm <- .grn2adjm(grn, directed=FALSE)
pwy.dat <- .extrPwyDat(gs, grn)
res <- PathNet(
#Enrichment_Analysis = TRUE,
#Contextual_Analysis = FALSE,
DirectEvidence_info = dir.evid,
Column_DirectEvidence = 2,
Adjacency = adjm,
pathway = pwy.dat,
n_perm = perm,
threshold = alpha)#,
#use_sig_pathways = FALSE)
res <- res$enrichment_results[,
c("Name", "No_of_Genes", "Sig_Direct", "Sig_Combi", "p_PathNet")]
rownames(res) <- vapply(as.vector(res[,1]),
function(s) grep(paste0("^", unlist(strsplit(s,"_"))[1], "_"), names(gs), value=TRUE),
character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
res <- res[-1]
colnames(res) <- c("NR.GENES", "NR.SIG.GENES", "NR.SIG.COMB.GENES", PVAL.COL)
# pathnet helper: extract pathway data from gs and grn
.extrPwyDat <- function(gs, grn)
pwy.dat <- lapply(names(gs),
genes <- gs[[n]]
sgrn <- .queryGRN(gs=genes, grn=grn, index=FALSE)
dat <- cbind(sgrn[,1:2, drop=FALSE], rep(n, nrow(sgrn)))
else dat <- NULL
ind <- vapply(pwy.dat, is.null, logical(1))
pwy.dat <- pwy.dat[!ind]
nr <- sum( vapply(pwy.dat, nrow, integer(1)) )
pwy.datm <- matrix("", nrow=nr, ncol=3)
colnames(pwy.datm) <- c("id1", "id2", "title")
start <- 1
for(i in seq_len(length(pwy.dat)))
end <- start + nrow(pwy.dat[[i]]) - 1
pwy.datm[start:end,] <- pwy.dat[[i]]
start <- end + 1
pwy.dat <- data.frame(id1=as.integer(pwy.datm[,1]),
id2=as.integer(pwy.datm[,2]), title=pwy.datm[,3])
# pathnet helper: converts 3-col grn to adjacency matrix
.grn2adjm <- function(grn, directed=TRUE)
nodes <- sort(unique(as.vector(grn[,1:2])))
adjm <- sapply(nodes,
tgs <- grep(n, grn[,1])
tgs <- grn[tgs,2]
adjv <- as.integer(nodes %in% tgs)
else adjv <- rep(0, length(nodes))
rownames(adjm) <- nodes
adjm <- t(adjm)
for(i in seq_along(nodes))
for(j in seq_along(nodes))
if(adjm[i,j]) adjm[j,i] <- 1
# 4 NetGSA
.netgsa <- function(se, gs, grn)
NetGSA <- bic.netEst.undir <- netEst.undir <- prepareAdjacencyMatrix <- NULL
isAvailable("netgsa", type="software")
x <- assay(se)
y <- colData(se)[,configEBrowser("GRP.COL")] + 1
# prepare network
out.dir <- configEBrowser("OUTDIR.DEFAULT")
if(!file.exists(out.dir)) dir.create(out.dir, recursive=TRUE)
out.file <- file.path(out.dir, "grn.txt")
grn <- cbind(grn[,1:2], "undirected")
colnames(grn) <- c("src", "dest", "direction")
write.csv(grn, file=out.file, row.names=FALSE)
adj <- prepareAdjacencyMatrix(x, y, gs, FALSE, out.file, NULL)
grn <- adj$Adj
cmat <- adj$B
ind <- intersect(rownames(x), rownames(grn))
grn <- grn[ind, ind]
x <- x[rownames(grn),]
cmat <- cmat[,rownames(grn)]
cmat <- cmat[rowSums(cmat) > 2,]
message("Estimating weighted adjacency matrix for GRN")
message("This may take a while ...")
.fitM <- function(i)
dat <- x[,y == i]
lambda <- sqrt(log(nrow(dat)) / ncol(dat))
fit.BIC <- bic.netEst.undir(dat, one = grn, lambda = lambda, eta = 0.1)
lambda <- which.min(fit.BIC$BIC) * lambda
fit <- netEst.undir(dat, one = grn, lambda = lambda, eta = 0.1)
A <- lapply(1:2, .fitM)
# execute
message("Executing NetGSA ...")
res <- NetGSA(A, x, y, cmat, lklMethod = 'REHE')
res <- res$results
rownames(res) <- res[,"pathway"]
res <- res[,c("pSize", "pval")]
colnames(res) <- c("NR.GENES", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
.ganpa <- function(se, gs, grn, perm=1000)
GSE.Test.Main <- NULL
isAvailable("GANPA", type="software")
# configure
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
SMPL.COL <- configEBrowser("SMPL.COL")
OUT.DIR <- configEBrowser("OUTDIR.DEFAULT")
GS.MIN.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")
GS.MAX.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MAX.SIZE")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
if(!file.exists(OUT.DIR)) dir.create(OUT.DIR, recursive=TRUE)
out.prefix <- file.path(OUT.DIR, "ganpa")
# expression data
has.scol <- SMPL.COL %in% colnames(colData(se))
if(!has.scol) colData(se)[,SMPL.COL] <- colnames(se)
sinfo <- colData(se)[,c(SMPL.COL, GRP.COL)]
colnames(sinfo) <- c("sampleid", "status")
expr.obj <- list(gExprs=assay(se), sampleinfo=sinfo)
# gene regulatory network
gnet <- .grn2gnet(grn)
# execute
GSE.Test.Main(gExprs.obj=expr.obj, gsets=gs, gNET=gnet,
permN=perm, size.min=GS.MIN.SIZE, size.max=GS.MAX.SIZE,
msp.correction=FALSE, output.label=out.prefix, permFDR.cutoff=1)
# read results from output csv
res <- read.csv(paste(out.prefix, "MeanAbs.OrigW.csv", sep="."))
n <- res[,1]
res <- as.matrix(res[,c("Size", "S", "NS", "permP")])
colnames(res)[c(1,4)] <- c("SIZE", PVAL.COL)
rownames(res) <- n
.grn2gnet <- function(grn)
ureg <- unique(grn[,1])
gnet <- sapply(ureg, function(r) grn[grn[,1] == r,2])
# 6 CePa
.cepa <- function(se, gs, grn, perm=1000)
cepa.all <- set.pathway.catalogue <- sampleLabel <- NULL
isAvailable("CePa", type="software")
# define sample groups
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
sl <- sampleLabel(colData(se)[, GRP.COL], treatment=1, control=0)
# create pathway catalogue from gs and grn
# (1) pathway list
pl <- sapply(gs, function(s) as.character(.queryGRN(s, grn)))
pl <- pl[sapply(pl, length) >= configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")]
# (2) interaction list
il <- data.frame(as.character(seq_len(nrow(grn))), grn[,1:2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(il) <- c("", "input", "output")
# (3) mapping
m <- data.frame(, symbol=rownames(se), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) <- set.pathway.catalogue(pathList=pl, interactionList=il, mapping=m)
# executing
res <- cepa.all(mat=assay(se), label=sl,, iter=perm)
res.mat <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(res), ncol=7)
for(i in seq_along(res))
res.mat[i,1:6] <- sapply(res[[i]], function(x) x$p.value)
res.mat[i,7] <- min(6 * min(res.mat[i,1:6]), 1)
rownames(res.mat) <- names(res)
n <- paste(toupper(names(res[[1]])), "PVAL" , sep=".")
colnames(res.mat) <- c(n, configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
# 7 DEGraph
.degraph <- function(se, gs, grn)
testOneGraph <- NULL
isAvailable("DEGraph", type="software")
grp <- colData(se)[,configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]
res <- sapply(names(gs),
gs.grn <- .queryGRN(gs[[s]], grn, index=FALSE)
if(nrow(gs.grn) < configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")) return(NA)
am <- .grn2adjm(gs.grn)
gr <- graphAM(am, "directed")
gr <- as(gr, "graphNEL")
r <- try( testOneGraph(graph=gr, data=assay(se),
classes=grp, useInteractionSigns=FALSE), silent=TRUE )
if(is(r, "try-error")) return(NA) else return(r[[1]]$p.value[1])
names(res) <- names(gs)
res <- res[!]
# 8 topologyGSA
.topogsa <- function(se, gs, grn, alpha=0.05, perm=1000, test.mean=TRUE)
# call topologyGSA via clipper's pathQ function
return(.clipper(se, gs, grn, alpha, perm))
# original topologyGSA: deprecated
# does not terminate on particular gs, eg. hsa04060_Cytokine-cytokine_receptor_interaction
pathway.mean.test <- pathway.var.test <- NULL
isAvailable("topologyGSA", type="software")
is.DAG <- NULL
isAvailable("gRbase", type="software")
graph_from_graphnel <- mst <- NULL
isAvailable("igraph", type="software")
grp <- colData(se)[,configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]
y1 <- t(assay(se)[, grp == 0])
y2 <- t(assay(se)[, grp == 1])
res <- sapply(names(gs),
gs.grn <- .queryGRN(gs[[s]], grn, index=FALSE)
if(nrow(gs.grn) < configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")) return(NA)
am <- .grn2adjm(gs.grn)
gr <- graphAM(am, "directed")
gr <- as(gr, "graphNEL")
gr2 <- graph_from_graphnel(gr)
gr2 <- mst(gr2)
gr <- as(gr2, "graphNEL")
if(test.mean) r <- pathway.mean.test(y1, y2, gr, alpha, perm)
else r <- pathway.var.test(y1, y2, gr, alpha)
names(res) <- names(gs)
res <- res[!]
# 9 clipper
.clipper <- function(se, gs, grn, alpha=0.05, perm=1000)
pathQ <- NULL
isAvailable("clipper", type="software")
is.DAG <- NULL
isAvailable("gRbase", type="software")
graph_from_graphnel <- mst <- NULL
isAvailable("igraph", type="software")
grp <- colData(se)[,configEBrowser("GRP.COL")] + 1
res <- sapply(names(gs),
gs.grn <- .queryGRN(gs[[s]], grn, index=FALSE)
if(nrow(gs.grn) < configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")) return(NA)
am <- .grn2adjm(gs.grn)
gr <- graphAM(am, "directed")
gr <- as(gr, "graphNEL")
gr2 <- graph_from_graphnel(gr)
gr2 <- mst(gr2)
gr <- as(gr2, "graphNEL")
r <- try(pathQ(assay(se), grp, gr, perm, alpha), silent=TRUE)
if(is(r, "try-error")) return(NA) else return(r$alphaMean)
names(res) <- names(gs)
res <- res[!]
# 10
.neat <- function(se, gs, grn,
alpha, beta = 1,
sig.stat = c("p", "fc", "|", "&"),
directed = TRUE)
neat <- NULL
isAvailable("neat", type = "software")
# derive genes for alist and blist
isig <- .isSig(rowData(se), alpha, beta, sig.stat)
de.list <- list(de = rownames(se)[isig])
# get network inputs
grn <- grn[,1:2]
all.nodes <- unique(as.vector(grn))
# execute neat
nettype <- ifelse(directed, "directed", "undirected")
res <- neat(alist = de.list, blist = gs, network = grn,
nettype = nettype, nodes = all.nodes, mtc.type = "none")
# restructure output of neat
rownames(res) <- res$B
res <- res[,c("nab", "expected_nab", "pvalue")]
res <- as.matrix(res)
colnames(res) <- c("OBS.LINKS", "EXP.LINKS", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
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