# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 06 Dec 2010
# Set-based Enrichment Analysis (SBEA)
#' @rdname sbea
#' @export
sbeaMethods <- function()
c("ora", "safe", "gsea", "gsa", "padog", "globaltest",
"roast", "camera", "gsva", "samgs", "ebm", "mgsa")
# INPUT FASSADE - wrapping & delegation
#' Set-based enrichment analysis (SBEA)
#' This is the main function for the enrichment analysis of gene sets. It
#' implements and wraps existing implementations of several frequently used
#' methods and allows a flexible inspection of resulting gene set rankings.
#' 'ora': overrepresentation analysis, simple and frequently used test based on
#' the hypergeometric distribution (see Goeman and Buhlmann, 2007, for a
#' critical review).
#' 'safe': significance analysis of function and expression, generalization of
#' ORA, includes other test statistics, e.g. Wilcoxon's rank sum, and allows to
#' estimate the significance of gene sets by sample permutation; implemented in
#' the safe package (Barry et al., 2005).
#' 'gsea': gene set enrichment analysis, frequently used and widely accepted,
#' uses a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic to test whether the ranks of the
#' p-values of genes in a gene set resemble a uniform distribution (Subramanian
#' et al., 2005).
#' 'padog': pathway analysis with down-weighting of overlapping genes,
#' incorporates gene weights to favor genes appearing in few pathways versus
#' genes that appear in many pathways; implemented in the PADOG package.
#' 'roast': rotation gene set test, uses rotation instead of permutation for
#' assessment of gene set significance; implemented in the limma and edgeR
#' packages for microarray and RNA-seq data, respectively.
#' 'camera': correlation adjusted mean rank gene set test, accounts for
#' inter-gene correlations as implemented in the limma and edgeR packages for
#' microarray and RNA-seq data, respectively.
#' 'gsa': gene set analysis, differs from GSEA by using the maxmean statistic,
#' i.e. the mean of the positive or negative part of gene scores in the gene
#' set; implemented in the GSA package.
#' 'gsva': gene set variation analysis, transforms the data from a gene by
#' sample matrix to a gene set by sample matrix, thereby allowing the
#' evaluation of gene set enrichment for each sample; implemented in the GSVA
#' package.
#' 'globaltest': global testing of groups of genes, general test of groups of
#' genes for association with a response variable; implemented in the
#' globaltest package.
#' 'samgs': significance analysis of microarrays on gene sets, extends the SAM
#' method for single genes to gene set analysis (Dinu et al., 2007).
#' 'ebm': empirical Brown's method, combines p-values of genes in a gene set
#' using Brown's method to combine p-values from dependent tests; implemented
#' in the EmpiricalBrownsMethod package.
#' 'mgsa': model-based gene set analysis, Bayesian modeling approach taking set
#' overlap into account by working on all sets simultaneously, thereby reducing
#' the number of redundant sets; implemented in the mgsa package.
#' It is also possible to use additional set-based enrichment methods. This
#' requires to implement a function that takes 'se' and 'gs'
#' as arguments and returns a numeric vector 'ps' storing the resulting p-value
#' for each gene set in 'gs'. This vector must be named accordingly (i.e.
#' names(ps) == names(gs)). See examples.
#' Using a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with *multiple assays*:
#' For the typical use case within the EnrichmentBrowser workflow this will
#' be a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with two assays: (i) an assay
#' storing the *raw* expression values, and (ii) an assay storing the *norm*alized
#' expression values as obtained with the \code{\link{normalize}} function.
#' In this case, \code{assay = "auto"} will *auto*matically determine the assay
#' based on the data type provided and the enrichment method selected.
#' For usage outside of the typical workflow, the \code{assay} argument can be
#' used to provide the name of the assay for the enrichment analysis.
#' @aliases ora gsea
#' @param method Set-based enrichment analysis method. Currently, the
#' following set-based enrichment analysis methods are supported: \sQuote{ora},
#' \sQuote{safe}, \sQuote{gsea}, \sQuote{padog}, \sQuote{roast},
#' \sQuote{camera}, \sQuote{gsa}, \sQuote{gsva}, \sQuote{globaltest},
#' \sQuote{samgs}, \sQuote{ebm}, and \sQuote{mgsa}. For basic ora also set
#' 'perm=0'. Default is \sQuote{ora}. This can also be a
#' user-defined function implementing a set-based enrichment method. See Details.
#' @param se Expression dataset. An object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}. Mandatory minimal annotations:
#' \itemize{ \item colData column storing binary group assignment (named
#' "GROUP") \item rowData column storing (log2) fold changes of differential
#' expression between sample groups (named "FC") \item rowData column storing
#' adjusted (corrected for multiple testing) p-values of differential
#' expression between sample groups (named "ADJ.PVAL") } Additional optional
#' annotations: \itemize{ \item colData column defining paired samples or
#' sample blocks (named "BLOCK") \item metadata slot named "annotation" giving
#' the organism under investigation in KEGG three letter code (e.g. "hsa" for
#' Homo sapiens) \item metadata slot named "dataType" indicating the expression
#' data type ("ma" for microarray, "rseq" for RNA-seq) }
#' @param gs Gene sets. Either a list of gene sets (character vectors of gene
#' IDs) or a text file in GMT format storing all gene sets under investigation.
#' @param alpha Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param perm Number of permutations of the sample group assignments.
#' Defaults to 1000. For basic ora set 'perm=0'. Using
#' method="gsea" and 'perm=0' invokes the permutation approximation from the
#' npGSEA package.
#' @param padj.method Method for adjusting nominal gene set p-values to
#' multiple testing. For available methods see the man page of the stats
#' function \code{\link{p.adjust}}. Defaults to'none', i.e. leaves the nominal
#' gene set p-values unadjusted.
#' @param out.file Optional output file the gene set ranking will be written
#' to.
#' @param browse Logical. Should results be displayed in the browser for
#' interactive exploration? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param assay Character. The name of the assay for enrichment
#' analysis if \code{se} is a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} with
#' *multiple assays*. Defaults to \code{"auto"}, which automatically determines
#' the appropriate assay based on data type provided and enrichment method selected.
#' See details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to individual sbea methods. This
#' includes currently for ORA and MGSA: \itemize{ \item beta: Log2 fold change
#' significance level. Defaults to 1 (2-fold). \item sig.stat: decides which
#' statistic is used for determining significant DE genes. Options are:
#' \itemize{ \item 'p' (Default): genes with adjusted p-value below alpha.
#' \item 'fc': genes with abs(log2(fold change)) above beta \item '&': p & fc
#' (logical AND) \item '|': p | fc (logical OR) \item 'xxp': top xx \% of genes
#' sorted by adjusted p-value \item 'xxfc' top xx \% of genes sorted by absolute
#' log2 fold change.} }
#' @return sbeaMethods: a character vector of currently supported methods;
#' sbea: if(is.null(out.file)): an enrichment analysis result object that can
#' be detailedly explored by calling \code{\link{eaBrowse}} and from which a
#' flat gene set ranking can be extracted by calling \code{\link{gsRanking}}.
#' If 'out.file' is given, the ranking is written to the specified file.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <>
#' @seealso Input: \code{\link{readSE}}, \code{\link{probe2gene}}
#' \code{\link{getGenesets}} to retrieve gene sets from databases such as GO
#' and KEGG.
#' Output: \code{\link{gsRanking}} to retrieve the ranked list of gene sets.
#' \code{\link{eaBrowse}} for exploration of resulting gene sets.
#' Other: \code{\link{nbea}} to perform network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\link{combResults}} to combine results from different methods.
#' @references
#' Geistlinger at al. (2020) Towards a gold standard for benchmarking
#' gene set enrichment analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics.
#' Goeman and Buhlmann (2007) Analyzing gene expression data in
#' terms of gene sets: methodological issues. Bioinformatics, 23:980-7.
#' Subramanian et al. (2005) Gene Set Enrichment Analysis: a knowledge-based
#' approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. PNAS, 102:15545-50.
#' @examples
#' # currently supported methods
#' sbeaMethods()
#' # (1) expression data:
#' # simulated expression values of 100 genes
#' # in two sample groups of 6 samples each
#' se <- makeExampleData(what="SE")
#' se <- deAna(se)
#' # (2) gene sets:
#' # draw 10 gene sets with 15-25 genes
#' gs <- makeExampleData(what="gs", gnames=names(se))
#' # (3) make 2 artificially enriched sets:
#' sig.genes <- names(se)[rowData(se)$ADJ.PVAL < 0.1]
#' gs[[1]] <- sample(sig.genes, length(gs[[1]]))
#' gs[[2]] <- sample(sig.genes, length(gs[[2]]))
#' # (4) performing the enrichment analysis
#' ea.res <- sbea(method="ora", se=se, gs=gs, perm=0)
#' # (5) result visualization and exploration
#' gsRanking(ea.res)
#' # using your own tailored function as enrichment method
#' dummySBEA <- function(se, gs)
#' {
#' <- sample(seq(0, 0.05, length=1000), 5)
#' <- sample(seq(0.1, 1, length=1000), length(gs)-5)
#' ps <- sample(c(,, length(gs))
#' names(ps) <- names(gs)
#' return(ps)
#' }
#' ea.res2 <- sbea(method=dummySBEA, se=se, gs=gs)
#' gsRanking(ea.res2)
#' @export sbea
sbea <- function(
method = EnrichmentBrowser::sbeaMethods(),
alpha = 0.05,
perm = 1000,
padj.method = "none",
out.file = NULL,
browse = FALSE,
assay = "auto",
# get configuration
GS.MIN.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")
GS.MAX.SIZE <- configEBrowser("GS.MAX.SIZE")
FC.COL <- configEBrowser("FC.COL")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
# TODO: disentangle DE and EA analysis
se <- .preprocSE(se)
se <- .setAssay(method, se, perm, assay)
# data type: ma or rseq?
is.rseq <- metadata(se)$dataType == "rseq"
# getting gene sets
if(is(gs, "GeneSetCollection")) gs <- GSEABase::geneIds(gs)
if(!is.list(gs)) gs <- getGenesets(gs)
# restrict se and gs to intersecting genes
igenes <- intersect(rownames(se), unique(unlist(gs)))
if(!length(igenes)) stop("Expression dataset (se)", " and ",
"gene sets (gs) have no gene IDs in common")
se <- se[igenes,]
gs <- lapply(gs, function(s) s[s %in% igenes])
lens <- lengths(gs)
gs <- gs[lens >= GS.MIN.SIZE & lens <= GS.MAX.SIZE]
method <- match.arg(method)
# needs conversion of gs list to adj. matrix?
cmat.methods <- c("ora", "safe", "samgs", "ebm")
if(method %in% cmat.methods)
cmat <- .gs2cmat(gs)
se <- se[rownames(cmat),]
## (1) data type independent (ora, mgsa, ebm)
## (2) dedicated RNA-seq mode (camera, roast, gsva)
## (3) need transformation (gsea, gsa, padog, safe, samgs, globaltest)
if(method == "ora")
call <- .stdArgs(, formals())
exargs <- .matchArgs(.ora, call, list(mode = 1, cmat = cmat))
exargs$se <- se <-, lapply(exargs, eval.parent, n = 2))
else if(method == "gsea") <- .gsea(se, gs, perm)
else if(method == "padog") <- .padog(se, gs, perm)
else if(method == "safe") <- .ora(2, se, cmat, perm, alpha)
else if(method %in% c("roast", "camera")) <-, se, gs, perm, rseq = is.rseq)
else if(method == "gsva") <- .gsva(se, gs, rseq = is.rseq)
else if(method == "gsa") <- .gsa(se, gs, perm)
else if(method == "globaltest") <- .globaltest(se, gs, perm)
else if(method == "samgs") <- .samgs(se, cmat, perm, out.file)
else if(method == "mgsa") <- .mgsa(se, gs, alpha, ...)
else if(method == "ebm") <- .ebm(se, cmat)
else if(is.function(method))
call <- .stdArgs(, formals())
exargs <- .matchArgs(method, call)
exargs$se <- se
exargs$gs <- gs <-, lapply(exargs, eval.parent, n = 2))
else stop(paste(method, "is not a valid method for sbea"))
res.tbl <- .formatEAResult(, padj.method, out.file)
pcol <- ifelse(padj.method == "none", PVAL.COL, ADJP.COL)
res <- list(
method = method, res.tbl = res.tbl,
nr.sigs = sum(res.tbl[,pcol] < alpha),
se = se, gs = gs, alpha = alpha)
if(browse) eaBrowse(res)
#' @rdname eaBrowse
#' @export
gsRanking <- function(res, signif.only=TRUE)
nr.sigs <- res$nr.sigs
if(nr.sigs) ranking <- res$res.tbl[seq_len(nr.sigs),]
else return(NULL)
else ranking <- res$res.tbl
.setAssay <- function(method, se, perm, assay = "auto")
# reorder assays
if(length(assays(se)) > 1 && assay != "auto") se <- .reorderAssays(se, assay)
# data type: ma or rseq?
data.type <- .detectDataType(assay(se))
metadata(se)$dataType <- data.type
if(is.function(method)) return(se)
# works on the rowData (FC, PVAL) or the assay itself?
if(method == "ora" && perm == 0) method <- "ora0"
fdat.methods <- c("ora0", "ebm", "mgsa")
if(method %in% fdat.methods) return(se)
is.rseq <- data.type == "rseq"
is.raw <- method %in% c("camera", "roast", "gsva")
if(length(assays(se)) == 1)
if(!is.rseq || is.raw) return(se)
se <- normalize(se, norm.method = "vst")
if(assay == "auto") assay <- ifelse(is.rseq && is.raw, "raw", "norm")
.reorderAssays(se, assay)
.reorderAssays <- function(se, assay)
ind <- match(assay, names(assays(se)))
if( stop("Expression dataset (se) does not ",
"contain an assay named \"", assay, "\"")
if(ind != 1)
ind2 <- setdiff(seq_along(assays(se)), ind)
assays(se) <- assays(se)[c(ind, ind2)]
.formatEAResult <- function(res, padj.method, out.file)
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
res.tbl <- data.frame(signif(res, digits=3))
sorting.df <- res.tbl[,ncol(res.tbl)]
if(ncol(res.tbl) > 1)
sorting.df <- cbind(sorting.df, -res.tbl[,rev(seq_len(ncol(res.tbl)-1))])
else colnames(res.tbl)[1] <- PVAL.COL
res.tbl <- res.tbl[,, , drop=FALSE]
if(padj.method != "none")
res.tbl[[ADJP.COL]] <- p.adjust(res.tbl[[PVAL.COL]], padj.method)
res.tbl <- DataFrame(rownames(res.tbl), res.tbl)
colnames(res.tbl)[1] <- configEBrowser("GS.COL")
rownames(res.tbl) <- NULL
file=out.file, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
message(paste("Gene set ranking written to", out.file))
.preprocSE <- function(se)
FC.COL <- configEBrowser("FC.COL")
PVAL.COL <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
if(is(se, "ExpressionSet")) se <- as(se, "SummarizedExperiment")
if(!(FC.COL %in% colnames(rowData(se))))
stop(paste("Required rowData column", FC.COL, "not found"))
if(!(ADJP.COL %in% colnames(rowData(se))))
stop(paste("Required rowData column", ADJP.COL, "not found"))
# dealing with NA's
se <- se[![,FC.COL]),]
se <- se[![,ADJP.COL]),]
.gs2cmat <- function(gs)
f <- file()
sink(file = f)
cmat <- safe::getCmatrix(gs, as.matrix = TRUE)
.gmt2cmat <- function(gs, features, min.size=0, max.size=Inf)
if(is.character(gs)) gs <- getGenesets(gs)
# transform gs gmt to cmat
cmat <- sapply(gs, function(x) features %in% x)
rownames(cmat) <- features
# restrict to gene sets with valid size
gs.sizes <- colSums(cmat)
valid.size <- which((gs.sizes >= min.size) & (gs.sizes <= max.size))
if(length(valid.size) == 0) stop("No gene set with valid size!")
cmat <- cmat[, valid.size]
# restrict to genes which are in sets with valid size
has.set <- which(rowSums(cmat) > 0)
cmat <- cmat[has.set,]
# deAna as local.stat for safe
local.deAna <- function (X.mat, y.vec, args.local)
return(function(data, ...)
stat <- deAna(expr=data, grp=y.vec,
.rseqSBEA <- function(method, se, cmat, perm, alpha)
assign("se", se, envir=.GlobalEnv)
assign("local.deAna", local.deAna, envir=.GlobalEnv)
de.method <- grep(".STAT$", colnames(rowData(se)), value=TRUE)
de.method <- sub(".STAT$", "", de.method)
blk <- NULL
blk.col <- configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
if(blk.col %in% colnames(colData(se))) blk <- colData(se)[,blk.col]
args.local <- list(de.method=de.method, blk=blk) <- list(one.sided=FALSE)
if(method == "ora")
global <- "Fisher"
nr.sigs <- sum(rowData(se)[, configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")] < alpha)$genelist.length <- nr.sigs
else if(method == "safe") global <- "Wilcoxon"
else if(method == "gsea") global <- "Kolmogorov"
else if(method %in% c("samgs", "gsa", "padog"))
global <- toupper(method)
global.func <- paste("global", global, sep=".")
assign(global.func, get(global.func), envir=.GlobalEnv)
if(method == "padog")$gf <- .getGeneFreqWeights(cmat)
x <- assay(se)
y <- colData(se)[,configEBrowser("GRP.COL")] <- safe::safe(X.mat=x, y.vec=y, C.mat=cmat,
local="deAna", args.local=args.local,
Pi.mat=perm, alpha=alpha, error="none")
res.tbl <- cbind(, / colSums(cmat),
colnames(res.tbl) <- c("GLOB.STAT", "NGLOB.STAT", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
.isSig <- function(rdat, alpha=0.05, beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
FC.COL <- configEBrowser("FC.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
sig.stat <- sig.stat[1]
if(grepl("p$", sig.stat))
if(sig.stat == "p") sig <- rdat[, ADJP.COL] < alpha
perc <- as.integer(substring(sig.stat, 1, 2))
p <- rdat[,ADJP.COL]
names(p) <- rownames(rdat)
ordp <- sort(p)
nr.sig <- round( length(p) * (perc / 100) )
sigs <- names(ordp)[seq_len(nr.sig)]
sig <- rownames(rdat) %in% sigs
else if(grepl("fc$", sig.stat))
if(sig.stat == "fc") sig <- abs(rdat[, FC.COL]) > beta
perc <- as.integer(substring(sig.stat, 1, 2))
fc <- rdat[,FC.COL]
names(fc) <- rownames(rdat)
ordfc <- fc[order(abs(fc), decreasing=TRUE)]
nr.sig <- round( length(fc) * (perc / 100) )
sigs <- names(ordfc)[seq_len(nr.sig)]
sig <- rownames(rdat) %in% sigs
psig <- rdat[, ADJP.COL] < alpha
fcsig <- abs(rdat[, FC.COL]) > beta
sig <-, list(psig, fcsig))
.oraHypergeom <- function(rdat, cmat,
alpha=0.05, beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
# determine sig. diff. exp. genes of se,
# corresponds to sample size from urn
isig <- .isSig(rdat, alpha, beta, sig.stat)
nr.sigs <- sum(isig)
# determine overlap of sig and set genes for each set
sig.cmat <- cmat & isig
# white balls observed when drawing nr.sigs balls from the urn
ovlp.sizes <- colSums(sig.cmat)
# white balls in the urn (genes in gene set)
gs.sizes <- colSums(cmat)
# black balls in the urn (genes not in gene set)
uni.sizes <- nrow(rdat) - gs.sizes
# determine significance of overlap
# based on hypergeom. distribution <- phyper(ovlp.sizes-1, gs.sizes, uni.sizes, nr.sigs, lower.tail=FALSE)
res.tbl <- cbind(gs.sizes, ovlp.sizes,
colnames(res.tbl) <- c("NR.GENES", "NR.SIG.GENES", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
rownames(res.tbl) <- colnames(cmat)
# 3 SAFE
# wrapper to call safe functionality approriately for
# overrepresentation analysis (ORA)
# perm=0 will execute traditional hypergeom. ORA
# for perm > 0 use
# mode=1 ... resampl ORA (fisher)
# mode=2 ... safe default (wilcoxon)
.ora <- function(mode=2, se, cmat, perm=1000, alpha=0.05,
padj="none", beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
ADJP.COL <- configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
x <- assay(se)
y <- colData(se)[, GRP.COL]
# execute hypergeom ORA if no permutations
rdat <- rowData(se)
if(perm == 0) res.tbl <- .oraHypergeom(rdat, cmat, alpha, beta, sig.stat)
# else do resampling using functionality of SAFE
# use built-in p-adjusting?
padj <- switch(padj,
BH = "FDR.BH",
fdr = "FDR.BH",
bonferroni = "FWER.Bonf",
holm = "FWER.Holm",
BY = "FDR.YB",
# resampl ORA
if(mode == 1){
nr.sigs <- sum(.isSig(rdat, alpha, beta, sig.stat))
args <- list(one.sided=FALSE, genelist.length=nr.sigs) <- safe::safe(X.mat=x, y.vec=y, global="Fisher", C.mat=cmat,
Pi.mat=perm, alpha=alpha, error=padj,
# SAFE default
else <- safe::safe(X.mat=x, y.vec=y,
C.mat=cmat, Pi.mat=perm, alpha=alpha, error=padj)
pval <- if(padj == "none") else
res.tbl <- cbind(, / colSums(cmat),
colnames(res.tbl) <- c("GLOB.STAT", "NGLOB.STAT", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
# 4 GSEA
.gsea <- function(
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
# npGSEA
npGSEA <- pTwoSided <- NULL
isAvailable("npGSEA", type="software")
gsc <- .gsList2Collect(gs.gmt)
res <- npGSEA(x=assay(se), y=se[[GRP.COL]], set=gsc)
ps <- sapply(res, pTwoSided)
names(ps) <- names(gs.gmt)
# build class list
cls <- list()
cls$phen <- levels(as.factor(se[[GRP.COL]]))
cls$class.v <- ifelse(se[[GRP.COL]] == cls$phen[1], 0, 1)
out.dir <- configEBrowser("OUTDIR.DEFAULT")
else out.dir <- sub("\\.[a-z]+$", "_files", out.file)
if(!file.exists(out.dir)) dir.create(out.dir, recursive=TRUE)
# use built-in p-adjusting?
padj <- switch(padj,
BH = "fdr",
fdr = "fdr",
bonferroni = "fwer",
holm = "fwer",
BY = "fdr",
# run GSEA
res <- GSEA(,
input.cls=cls, gs.db=gs.gmt, nperm=perm,
padj.method=padj, <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(res[,3:5])
rownames( <- res[,1]
.samgs <- function(se, cmat, perm, out.file)
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
if(is.null(out.file)) out.dir <- configEBrowser("OUTDIR.DEFAULT")
else out.dir <- sub("\\.[a-z]+$", "_files", out.file)
if(!file.exists(out.dir)) dir.create(out.dir, recursive = TRUE)
samt.file <- file.path(out.dir, "samt.RData")
SAMGS(GS =, DATA = assay(se),
cl = as.factor(as.integer(se[[GRP.COL]])),
nbPermutations = perm,
tstat.file = samt.file)
# 5 EBM (_E_mpirical _B_rowns _M_ethod)
.ebm <- function(se, cmat)
empiricalBrownsMethod <- NULL
isAvailable("EmpiricalBrownsMethod", type="software")
pcol <- rowData(se)[, configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")]
e <- assay(se) <- apply(cmat, 2, function(s) empiricalBrownsMethod(e[s,], pcol[s]))
# 6 GSA
.gsa <- function(se, gs, perm=1000)
# setup
isAvailable("GSA", type="software")
minsize <- configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")
maxsize <- configEBrowser("GS.MAX.SIZE")
GRP.COL <- configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
BLK.COL <- configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
# prepare input
x <- assay(se)
genenames <- names(se)
y <- se[[GRP.COL]] + 1
# paired?
blk <- NULL
if(BLK.COL %in% colnames(colData(se))) blk <- se[[BLK.COL]]
paired <- !is.null(blk)
resp.type <- ifelse(paired, "Two class paired", "Two class unpaired")
# response vector y need to be differently coded for 2-class paired
y <- blk
ublk <- unique(blk)
for(i in seq_along(ublk)) y[blk==ublk[i]] <- c(i,-i)
y <- as.integer(y)
# run GSA
res <- GSA(x=x, y=y, nperms=perm, genesets=gs, resp.type=resp.type,
genenames=genenames, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize)
# format output
ps <- cbind(res$pvalues.lo, res$pvalues.hi)
ps <- 2 * apply(ps, 1, min)
scores <- res$GSA.scores
res.tbl <- cbind(scores, ps)
colnames(res.tbl) <- c("SCORE", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
rownames(res.tbl) <- names(gs)
# rseq: GSA maxmean stat as global.stat for safe
global.GSA <- function(cmat, u, ...)
# SparseM::as.matrix
isAvailable("SparseM", type="software")
am <- getMethod("as.matrix", signature="matrix.csr")
tcmat <- t(am(cmat))
function(u, cmat2=tcmat)
ind.pos <- u > 0
upos <- u[ind.pos]
lpos <- rowSums(cmat2[,ind.pos])
vpos <- as.vector(cmat2[,ind.pos] %*% upos) / lpos
vpos <- sapply(vpos, function(x) ifelse(, 0, x))
uneg <- abs(u[!ind.pos])
lneg <- rowSums(cmat2[,!ind.pos])
vneg <- as.vector(cmat2[,!ind.pos] %*% uneg) / lneg
vneg <- sapply(vneg, function(x) ifelse(, 0, x))
mm <- apply(cbind(vpos, vneg), 1, max)
.padog <- function(se, gs, perm=1000)
padog <- NULL
isAvailable("PADOG", type="software")
grp <- se[[configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]]
grp <- ifelse(grp == 0, "c", "d")
blk <- NULL
BLK.COL <- configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
if(BLK.COL %in% colnames(colData(se)))
blk <- make.names(colData(se)[,BLK.COL])
paired <- !is.null(blk)
nmin <- configEBrowser("GS.MIN.SIZE")
perm <- as.numeric(perm)
res <- padog(assay(se), group=grp,
paired=paired, block=blk, gslist=gs, Nmin=nmin, NI=perm)
res.tbl <- res[, c("meanAbsT0", "padog0", "PmeanAbsT", "Ppadog")]
colnames(res.tbl) <- c("MEAN.ABS.T0",
"PADOG0", "P.MEAN.ABS.T", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
rownames(res.tbl) <- as.vector(res[,"ID"])
# compute gene frequencies across genesets
.getGeneFreqWeights <- function(cmat)
gf <- rowSums(cmat)
if (!all(gf == 1))
q99 <- quantile(gf, 0.99)
m3sd <- mean(gf) + 3 * sd(gf)
if(q99 > m3sd) gf[gf > q99] <- q99
gff <- function(x) 1 + ((max(x) - x)/(max(x) - min(x)))^0.5
gf <- gff(gf)
gf <- rep(1, nrow(cmat))
names(gf) <- rownames(cmat)
# rseq: PADOG weighted mean as global.stat for safe
global.PADOG <- function(cmat, u,
# SparseM::as.matrix
isAvailable("SparseM", type="software")
#pos <- grep("SparseM", search())
am <- getMethod("as.matrix", signature="matrix.csr")#, where=pos)
cmat <- t(am(cmat))
gs.size <- rowSums(cmat)
function(u, cmat2=cmat,$gf, gs.size=rowSums(cmat))
wu <- abs(u) * gf
return(as.vector(cmat2 %*% wu) / gs.size)
# 8a MGSA
.mgsa <- function(se, gs, alpha=0.05, beta=1, sig.stat=c("p", "fc", "|", "&"))
mgsa <- setsResults <- NULL
isAvailable("mgsa", type = "software")
# extract significant (DE) genes
isig <- .isSig(rowData(se), alpha, beta, sig.stat)
obs <- rownames(se)[isig]
pop <- rownames(se)
# run mgsa
res <- mgsa(o=obs, sets=gs, population=pop)
res <- setsResults(res)[,1:3]
res[,3] <- 1 - res[,3]
colnames(res)[3] <- configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
.globaltest <- function(se, gs, perm=1000)
gt <- NULL
isAvailable("globaltest", type="software")
grp <- colData(se)[, configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]
names(assays(se))[1] <- "exprs"
se <- as(se, "ExpressionSet")
res <- gt(grp, se, subsets=gs, permutations=perm)
res <- res@result[,2:1]
colnames(res) <- c("STAT", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
# 10 CAMERA <- function(method=c("roast", "camera"), se, gs, perm=1000, rseq=FALSE)
method <- match.arg(method)
# design matrix
grp <- colData(se)[, configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]
blk <- NULL
BLK.COL <- configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
if(BLK.COL %in% colnames(colData(se))) blk <- colData(se)[,BLK.COL]
group <- factor(grp)
paired <- !is.null(blk)
f <- "~"
block <- factor(blk)
f <- paste0(f, "block + ")
f <- formula(paste0(f, "group"))
design <- model.matrix(f)
y <- assay(se)
# rseq data
y <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=y,group=grp)
y <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(y)
y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y, design)
# set gene sets
gs.index <- limma::ids2indices(gs, rownames(se))
# run roast / camera
if(method == "roast")
res <- limma::mroast(y, gs.index, design,
nrot=perm, adjust.method="none", sort="none")
else res <- limma::camera(y, gs.index, design, sort=FALSE)
res <- res[,c("NGenes", "Direction", "PValue")]
colnames(res) <- c("NR.GENES", "DIR", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
res[,"DIR"] <- ifelse(res[,"DIR"] == "Up", 1, -1)
# 11 GSVA
.gsva <- function(se, gs, rseq=FALSE)
gsva <- NULL
isAvailable("GSVA", type="software")
# compute GSVA per sample enrichment scores
kcdf <- ifelse(rseq, "Poisson", "Gaussian")
es <- gsva(expr=assay(se), gset.idx.list=gs, kcdf=kcdf)
# set design matrix
grp <- colData(se)[, configEBrowser("GRP.COL")]
blk <- NULL
BLK.COL <- configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
if(BLK.COL %in% colnames(colData(se))) blk <- colData(se)[,BLK.COL]
group <- factor(grp)
paired <- !is.null(blk)
f <- "~"
block <- factor(blk)
f <- paste0(f, "block + ")
f <- formula(paste0(f, "group"))
design <- model.matrix(f)
# fit the linear model to the GSVA enrichment scores
fit <- limma::lmFit(es, design)
fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)
res <- limma::topTable(fit, number=nrow(es), coef="group1","none", adjust.method="none")
# process output
res <- res[,c("t", "P.Value")]
colnames(res) <- c("t.SCORE", configEBrowser("PVAL.COL"))
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