messageCache = new.env(hash=TRUE,parent=emptyenv())
restrictProbesToChrom = function(smlSet, chrom) {
# will use CHRLOC for consistency with range computations
ganno = smlSet@annotation
require(ganno, character.only=TRUE)
annomappref = gsub(".db", "", ganno)
map = get(mapn <- paste(annomappref, "CHRLOC", sep=""))
mk = mappedkeys(map)
allloc = AnnotationDbi::mget(mk, map, ifnotfound = NA)
alln = sapply(allloc, function(z) names(z)[1])
if (any(alln == chrom)) ans = mk[which(alln == chrom)]
else stop(paste("no CHRLOC elements named with", chrom))
fn = featureNames(smlSet)
setMethod("show", "cisMap", function(object) {
cat("cisMap object with", length(object@namelist), "probes mapped using gene radius", object@radiusUsed, ".\n", sep=" ")
setMethod("namelist", "cisMap", function(cm) cm@namelist)
setMethod("initialize", "cisMap", function(.Object, namelist=list(),
snplocs=GRanges(), generanges=GRanges(), radiusUsed=numeric()) {
slot(.Object, "namelist") = namelist
slot(.Object, "snplocs") = snplocs
slot(.Object, "generanges") = generanges
slot(.Object, "radiusUsed") = radiusUsed
.mapSnps2Genes = function(snplocs, generanges, as.GRangesList=FALSE, radiusUsed, ...) {
# uses findOverlaps infrastructure to create a list with probes as elements
# and list of snp identifiers as element content
if (is.null(names(generanges))) names(generanges) = as.character(1:length(generanges))
fo = findOverlaps(generanges, snplocs, ...)
sn = names(snplocs)
mm = as.matrix(fo)
if (prod(dim(mm))==0) stop("no matchMatrix generated in findOverlaps")
# mmo = mm[order(mm[,2]), ]
GN = names(generanges)[mm[,1]]
snpindsByGenes = split(mm[,2], GN)
# snpnames = names(snplocs)[mmo[,1]]
# you could get the GRangesList of mapped SNP addresses as
# lapply( split(snpnames, fac), function(x) snplocs[x] )
# here is the mapped list of names
ans = lapply(snpindsByGenes, function(x)sn[x])
new("cisMap", namelist=ans, snplocs=snplocs, generanges=generanges,
snpsCisToGenes = function( radius, chr, geneids, genestart, geneend, snpids, snpaddr,
as.GRangesList=FALSE, ... ) {
glens = sapply(list(geneids, genestart, geneend), length)
if (!all(glens==glens[1])) stop("lengths of gene ids, starts, ends must be identical")
if (!(length(snpids) == length(snpaddr))) stop("lengths of snpids != length snpaddr")
expranges = IRanges(genestart, geneend) + radius
if (any(start(expranges) < 1)) {
if (!isTRUE(messageCache$negstart)) {
message(paste("NOTE: expanding gene ranges by radius", radius, "leads to negative start positions that are reset to 1.", sep=" "))
messageCache$negstart = TRUE
start(expranges) = pmax(1, start(expranges))
geneGR = GRanges(seqnames=chr, expranges)
names(geneGR) = geneids
snpGR = GRanges(seqnames=chr, IRanges(snpaddr, width=1) )
names(snpGR) = snpids
.mapSnps2Genes( snpGR, geneGR, as.GRangesList=as.GRangesList, radiusUsed=radius, ... )
getCisMap = function( radius=50000, gchr="20",
schr="ch20", geneannopk="illuminaHumanv1.db",
snpannopk=snplocsDefault(), as.GRangesList=FALSE,
excludeRadius=NULL ) {
# acquires cis map for one chromosome
# updated 6 Dec 2012: parse geneannopk for FDb in which case we assume
# token has form pkgname:getter
if (is.character(geneannopk) && length(grep("^FDb", geneannopk)) == 1) {
isFDb = TRUE
toks = strsplit(geneannopk, ":")[[1]]
geneannopk = toks[1]
getter = toks[2]
if (!is.null(excludeRadius) & as.GRangesList) stop("must set as.GRangesList to FALSE when excludeRadius is non-null")
if (!is.null(excludeRadius) && excludeRadius >= radius) stop("excludeRadius must be < radius")
if (!is.null(geneannopk) & !is.function(geneannopk)) require(geneannopk, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
require(snpannopk, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
# 3 jan 2013 -- allow the smpack to provide its own "gene" location
# ranges via featureRanges( gchr ) -- use a function defined in the smpack
if (!isFDb & !is.function(geneannopk)) {
gpref = gsub(".db", "", geneannopk)
gcenv = AnnotationDbi::get(paste(gpref, "CHR", sep=""))
ponc = AnnotationDbi::get(gchr, revmap(gcenv))
glocenv = AnnotationDbi::get(paste(gpref, "CHRLOC", sep=""))
glocendenv = AnnotationDbi::get(paste(gpref, "CHRLOCEND", sep=""))
gstart = AnnotationDbi::mget(ponc, glocenv, ifnotfound=NA)
gstart = abs(sapply(gstart, "[", 1))
gend = AnnotationDbi::mget(ponc, glocendenv, ifnotfound=NA)
gend = abs(sapply(gend, "[", 1))
} else if (isFDb) {
featureRanges = get(getter)()
ponc = names(featureRanges[which(as.character(seqnames(featureRanges)) == gchr)])
fr = featureRanges[ponc]
gstart = abs(start(fr))
gend = abs(end(fr))
} else if (is.function(geneannopk)) {
fr = geneannopk(gchr)
gstart = abs(start(fr))
gend = abs(end(fr))
ponc = names(fr)
} else stop("can't interpret geneannopk")
bad = &
if (sum(bad)>0) {
gstart = gstart[-which(bad)]
gend = gend[-which(bad)]
ponc = ponc[-which(bad)]
slpack = snpannopk
require(slpack, character.only=TRUE)
slobj = get(slpack)
okchr = sub("chr", "", schr) # now snplocs infrastructure uses NCBI chrnames
okchr = sub("ch", "", okchr)
slocgpos = snpsBySeqname(slobj, okchr)
sids = slocgpos$RefSNP_id
slocs = start(slocgpos)
basic = snpsCisToGenes( radius, gchr, ponc, gstart, gend, sids, slocs, as.GRangesList=as.GRangesList )
if (is.null(excludeRadius)) return(basic)
inner = snpsCisToGenes( excludeRadius, gchr, ponc, gstart, gend, sids, slocs, as.GRangesList=as.GRangesList )
basicn = basic@namelist
innern = inner@namelist
basicg = names(basicn)
innerg = names(innern)
torii = lapply(1:length(basicg), function(x) {
curg = basicg[x]
if (length(innern[[ curg ]])>0)
return(setdiff(basicn[[ curg ]], innern[[ curg ]]))
names(torii) = basicg
basic@namelist = torii
basic@excludeRadius = excludeRadius
setMethod("show", "cwBestCis", function(object){
cat("cwBestCis instance; cited gene ranges are inflated by radius.\n")
setMethod("show", "mcwBestCis", function(object) {
cat("GGtools mcwBestCis instance. The call was:\n")
cat("Best loci for ", np <- length(object@scoregr), " probes are recorded.\n", sep="")
cat("There were ", object@testCount, " gene:snp tests.\n", sep="")
toshow = min(np, 4)
cat("Top ", toshow, "probe:SNP combinations:\n")
cat("use chromsUsed(), fullreport(), etc. for additional information.\n")
best.cis.eQTLs.chr = function (smpack = "GGdata", rhs = ~1, folderstem = "cisScratch", shortfac=100,
radius = 50000, smchr = "20", gchr = "20", schr = "ch20",
geneApply = lapply, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db", snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
smFilter = function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05),
var.cutoff = 0.97), useME=FALSE, excludeRadius=NULL, exFilter=function(x)x, mapCache=new.env(),
getDFFITS=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS)
unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
cat("get data...")
sms = SSgen(smpack, smchr, exFilter=exFilter)
cat("build map...")
# annotation-based list of SNP within radius of coding region
# of gene
# assumption is that we will compute cis snp to gene mapping ourselves with getCisMap
cismapObj = getCisMap(radius = radius, gchr = gchr, schr = schr,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk = snpannopk, excludeRadius=excludeRadius)
cismap = namelist(cismapObj)
# prior to may 4 2012 this was run too early... see below
# if (is.null(mapCache[[gchr]])) mapCache[[gchr]] = cismap # load cache once for later report, not otherwise reused 4/25/2012
## use of gchr here for annotation package
# cat("restrict probes...")
# if (!is.function(geneannopk)) fsms = restrictProbesToChrom(smFilter(sms), gchr)
### at this point you have cismap which has all relevant probe names
### for chromosome
cat("run smFilter...")
sms = smFilter(sms)
allfn = featureNames(sms)
okp = intersect(allfn, names(cismap))
if (length(okp) < 1)
stop("no probes common between featureNames and cisMap")
cat("filter probes in map...")
cismap = cismap[okp]
fsms = sms[probeId(okp),]
# map now agrees with probes in expression component
if (useME) mgr =, rhs, targdir = folderstem,
runname = "cis", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac)
else mgr = eqtlTests(fsms, rhs, targdir = folderstem,
runname = "cis", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac)
mff = fffile(mgr)
oksn = rownames(mff)
cismap = lapply(cismap, function(y)intersect(y,oksn))
lc = sapply(cismap, length)
nullc = which(lc == 0)
if (length(nullc)>0) cismap = cismap[-nullc]
# now filter has been applied
if (is.null(mapCache[[gchr]])) mapCache[[gchr]] = cismap # load cache once for later report, not otherwise reused 4/25/2012
# genes to use are now names of cismap
ptested = names(cismap)
lc = sapply(cismap, length) # now use this for |s(g)|
if (length(ptested) == 0) stop("filtering cismap leads to no mapped probes")
bestcis = lapply(1:length(ptested), function(pr) {
curpr = ptested[pr]
topind = which.max(mgr[ cismap[[curpr]], curpr])
bestrs = cismap[[curpr]][topind]
ans = as.ram(mgr[bestrs, curpr])
names(ans) = bestrs
bestsnp = sapply(bestcis, names)
names(bestcis) = ptested
ans = data.frame(chr=gchr, probe = ptested, snpid = bestsnp, score = as.numeric(bestcis), nsnp=lc,
scoredf = ans[order(ans$score, decreasing=TRUE),]
fullans = GRanges(seqnames=gchr, ranges=cismapObj@generanges[scoredf$probe])
fullans$score = scoredf$score # we are assuming that the RangedDat construction does not alter row order!
fullans$snpid = scoredf$snpid
fullans$snploc = start(cismapObj@snplocs[scoredf$snpid])
fullans$radiusUsed = rep(radius, nrow(fullans))
fullans$nsnp = scoredf$nsnp
# dffits option
if (getDFFITS) fullans$dffits = get.dffits( fsms, rownames(fullans), fullans$snpid )
unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
get.dffits = function( sms, probes, snps ) {
if (length(probes) != length(snps) ) stop("length probes != length snps")
numgt = as( smList(sms)[[1]][,snps], "numeric" )
ex = exprs( sms )[probes,]
if (!(ncol(numgt) == nrow(ex))) stop("subsetting to probes and snps fails")
maxdf = function(mod) max(dffits(mod),na.rm=TRUE)
unlist(sapply(1:nrow(ex), function(i) maxdf(lm(ex[i,,drop=TRUE]~numgt[,i,drop=TRUE]))))
best.cis.eQTLs.mchr = function (smpack = "GGdata", rhs = ~1, folderstem = "cisScratch", shortfac=100,
radius = 50000,
chrnames = as.character(1:22),
smchrpref = "", gchrpref = "", schrpref = "ch",
geneApply = lapply,
geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
smFilter = function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05),
var.cutoff = 0.97), useME=FALSE,
excludeRadius=NULL, exFilter=function(x)x, mapCache= new.env(),
getDFFITS=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS) {
ans = lapply( chrnames, function(ch) {
smchr = paste(smchrpref, ch, sep="")
gchr = paste(gchrpref, ch, sep="")
schr = paste(schrpref, ch, sep="")
best.cis.eQTLs.chr(smpack = smpack, rhs = rhs,
folderstem = folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
smchr = smchr, gchr = gchr, schr = schr,
geneApply = geneApply, geneannopk = geneannopk,
snpannopk = snpannopk, smFilter=smFilter, exFilter=exFilter,
useME=useME, excludeRadius=excludeRadius, mapCache=mapCache,
getDFFITS=getDFFITS, SSgen=SSgen)
ans = as(, ans), "GRanges") # GRanges just need c for combination; then mix spaces
ans[order(elementMetadata(ans)$score, decreasing=TRUE),]
best.cis.eQTLs = function(smpack = "GGdata",
rhs=~1, folderstem="cisScratch", radius=50000, shortfac=100,
chrnames = as.character(1:22),
smchrpref = "", gchrpref = "", schrpref = "ch",
geneApply = lapply,
geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
smFilter = function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05),
var.cutoff=.97), nperm=2, useME=FALSE, excludeRadius=NULL, exFilter=function(x)x,
keepMapCache=FALSE, getDFFITS=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS) {
theCall =
mapCache = new.env()
obs = best.cis.eQTLs.mchr( smpack = smpack,
rhs=rhs, folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
chrnames = chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref,
gchrpref=gchrpref, schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk=snpannopk, smFilter = smFilter, useME=useME,
excludeRadius=excludeRadius, exFilter=exFilter,
mapCache=mapCache, getDFFITS=getDFFITS, SSgen=SSgen)
permans = list()
alls = rep(as.numeric(NA), length(obs)) # initialize in case nperm == 0
if (nperm > 0) {
for (j in 1:nperm) {
permans[[j]] = best.cis.eQTLs.mchr( smpack = smpack,
rhs=rhs, folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
chrnames = chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref,
gchrpref=gchrpref, schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk=snpannopk,
smFilter = function(x) permEx(smFilter(x)), useME=useME,
excludeRadius=excludeRadius, exFilter=exFilter, getDFFITS=getDFFITS,
alls = unlist(lapply(permans, function(x)elementMetadata(x)$score))
fdrs = sapply(elementMetadata(obs)$score, function(x) (sum(alls>=x)/nperm)/sum(elementMetadata(obs)$score>=x))
elementMetadata(obs)$fdr = fdrs
obs = obs[order(elementMetadata(obs)$fdr),]
} # end nperm > 0 block
testCount = length(unlist(as.list(mapCache)))
if (!keepMapCache) mapCache = new.env()
new("mcwBestCis", scoregr=obs, allperm=alls, theCall=theCall,
chromUsed=chrnames, smFilter=smFilter, nperm=nperm, globalMap=mapCache, testCount=testCount)
setMethod("chromsUsed", "mcwBestCis", function(x)x@chromUsed)
setMethod("fullreport", c("mcwBestCis", "missing"), function(x, type, ...) {
setMethod("fullreport", c("mcwBestCis", "character"), function(x, type, ...) {
if (type == "data.frame") {
tmp =
probeid = rownames(tmp)
return(data.frame(probeid=probeid, tmp, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} else stop(paste("type", type, "not supported."))
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