
### R code from vignette source 'geneAnswers.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: load library

### code chunk number 2: build GeneAnswers
## build a GeneAnswers instance with statistical test based on biological process of GO and saved example data.
x <- geneAnswersBuilder(humanGeneInput, '', categoryType='GO.BP', testType='hyperG',  pvalueT=0.1, FDR.correction=TRUE, geneExpressionProfile=humanExpr)
## build a GeneAnswers instance with statistical test based on KEGG and saved example data. 
y <- geneAnswersBuilder(humanGeneInput, '', categoryType='KEGG', testType='hyperG', pvalueT=0.1, geneExpressionProfile=humanExpr, verbose=FALSE)
## build a GeneAnswers instance with statistical test based on DOLite and saved example data.
z <- geneAnswersBuilder(humanGeneInput, '', categoryType='DOLITE', testType='hyperG', pvalueT=0.1, geneExpressionProfile=humanExpr, verbose=FALSE)
w <- geneAnswersBuilder(humanGeneInput, '', categoryType='GO.BP', testType='hyperG', pvalueT=0.1, FDR.correction=TRUE, geneExpressionProfile=humanExpr, level=2, verbose=FALSE) 

### code chunk number 3: build customized GeneAnswers
## before running the following codes, make sure that you can connect the internet.
##keywordsList <- list(Apoptosis=c('apoptosis'), CellAdhesion=c('cell adhesion'))
##entrezIDList <- searchEntrez(keywordsList) 
##q <- geneAnswersBuilder(humanGeneInput, entrezIDList, testType='hyperG', totalGeneNumber = 45384, pvalueT=0.1, geneExpressionProfile=humanExpr, verbose=FALSE)

### code chunk number 4: make GeneAnswers readable and generate concept-gene network
## mapping gene IDs and category IDs to gene symbols and category terms
xx <- geneAnswersReadable(x)
yy <- geneAnswersReadable(y, verbose=FALSE)
zz <- geneAnswersReadable(z, verbose=FALSE)
ww <- geneAnswersReadable(w, verbose=FALSE)
## before running the following codes, make sure that you can connect the internet.
##q <- setAnnLib(q, '')
##qq <- geneAnswersReadable(q, catTerm=FALSE) 

### code chunk number 5: plot barplot and / or piechart (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot barplot and / or piechart
## geneAnswersChartPlots(xx, chartType='all')

### code chunk number 6: plot interactive  concept-gene network (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot interactive concept-gene network
## geneAnswersConceptNet(xx, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='pvalue', output='interactive')

### code chunk number 7: plot interactive  go structure network (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot interactive go structure network
## geneAnswersConceptRelation(x, direction='both', netMode='connection', catTerm=TRUE, catID=TRUE, nameLength=15) 

### code chunk number 8: plot interactive  concept-gene network with gene interaction (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot interactive concept-gene network
## geneAnswersConceptNet(x, color='foldChange', geneLayer=5, output='interactive', showCats=c("GO:0009611", "GO:0043933", "GO:0045622"), catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE, catID=TRUE)

### code chunk number 9: plot Gene interaction (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot the given gene interaction
## buildNet(c('444','3638', '5087','55835'), idType='GeneInteraction', layers=2, filterGraphIDs=getGeneInput(x)[,1], filterLayer=2, netMode='connection')

### code chunk number 10: plot Gene interaction with expression information (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot the given gene interaction
## buildNet(c('444','3638', '5087','55835'), idType='GeneInteraction', layers=2, filterGraphIDs=getGeneInput(x)[,1:2], filterLayer=2, netMode='connection')

### code chunk number 11: plot Gene interaction with pvalues (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot the given gene interaction
## buildNet(c('444','3638', '5087','55835'), idType='GeneInteraction', layers=2, filterGraphIDs=cbind(getGeneInput(x)[,1], -log2(getGeneInput(x)[,3])), filterLayer=2, netMode='connection')

### code chunk number 12: plot Gene interaction for all of given genes (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot the given gene interaction
## buildNet(getGeneInput(x)[,1], idType='GeneInteraction', layers=2, filterGraphIDs=getGeneInput(x)[,1:2], filterLayer=2, netMode='connection')

### code chunk number 13: plot Go-concept network for 2 level nodes removal (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot Go-concept network for 2 level nodes removal
## geneAnswersConceptNet(ww, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='pvalue', output='fixed')

### code chunk number 14: sort GeneAnswers
## sort enrichmentInfo dataframe by fdr adjusted p value
xxx <- geneAnswersSort(xx, sortBy='correctedPvalue')
yyy <- geneAnswersSort(yy, sortBy='pvalue') 
zzz <- geneAnswersSort(zz, sortBy='geneNum')

### code chunk number 15: plot concept-gene networks (eval = FALSE)
## geneAnswersConceptNet(yyy, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='geneNum', output='fixed')
## geneAnswersConceptNet(zzz, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='pvalue', output='fixed', showCats=c(10:16))

### code chunk number 16: generate GO-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## ## generate GO-gene cross tabulation
## geneAnswersHeatmap(x, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE)

### code chunk number 17: geneAnswers.Rnw:330-332
## generate GO-gene cross tabulation
geneAnswersHeatmap(x, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE)

### code chunk number 18: geneAnswers.Rnw:338-339 (eval = FALSE)
## geneAnswersHeatmap(yyy)

### code chunk number 19: geneAnswers.Rnw:344-345

### code chunk number 20: generate DOLite-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## geneAnswersHeatmap(zzz, mapType='heatmap')

### code chunk number 21: geneAnswers.Rnw:359-360
geneAnswersHeatmap(zzz, mapType='heatmap')

### code chunk number 22: plot customized concept-gene cross tabulation
GOBPIDs <- c("GO:0043627", "GO:0042493", "GO:0006259", "GO:0007243")
GOBPTerms <- c("response to estrogen stimulus", "response to drug", "protein kinase cascade", "DNA metabolic process")

### code chunk number 23: generate concept-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## ## generate concept-gene cross tabulation
## geneAnswersConceptNet(x, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='pvalue', output='fixed', showCats=GOBPIDs, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE) 

### code chunk number 24: generate customized concept-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## geneAnswersHeatmap(x, showCats=GOBPIDs, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE)

### code chunk number 25: geneAnswers.Rnw:393-394
geneAnswersHeatmap(x, showCats=GOBPIDs, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE)

### code chunk number 26: generate concept-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## ## generate concept-gene cross tabulation
## geneAnswersConcepts(xxx, centroidSize='geneNum', output='fixed', showCats=GOBPTerms) 

### code chunk number 27: print top categories and genes
## print top GO categories sorted by hypergeometric test p value
topGOGenes(x,  orderby='pvalue')
## print top KEGG categories sorted by gene numbers and sort genes by fold changes 
topPATHGenes(y, orderby='geneNum', top=4, topGenes=8, genesOrderBy='foldChange')
## print and save top 10 DOLites information 
topDOLITEGenes(z, orderby='pvalue', top=5, topGenes='ALL', genesOrderBy='pValue', file=TRUE)

### code chunk number 28: multigroup gene analysis
##load multigroup genes sample data
##Build a GeneAnswers List
gAKEGGL <- lapply(sampleGroupsData, geneAnswersBuilder, '', categoryType='KEGG', pvalueT=0.01, verbose=FALSE)
##Output integrated text table
output<- getConceptTable(gAKEGGL, items='geneNum')

### code chunk number 29: multigroup genes KEGG analysis (eval = FALSE)
## drawTable(output[[1]], matrixOfHeatmap=output[[2]], mar=c(2,28,3,2), clusterTable=NULL) 

### code chunk number 30: homogene conversation
 ## load mouse example data
 ## only keep first one for one to more mapping
pickHomo <- function(element, inputV) {return(names(inputV[inputV == element])[1])}
 ## mapping geneInput to homo entrez IDs.
homoLL <- getHomoGeneIDs(mouseGeneInput[,1], species='mouse', speciesL='human', mappingMethod='direct')
newGeneInput <- mouseGeneInput[mouseGeneInput[,1] %in% unlist(lapply(unique(homoLL), pickHomo, homoLL)),]
newGeneInput[,1] <- homoLL[newGeneInput[,1]]
## mapping geneExpr to homo entrez IDs.
homoLLExpr <- getHomoGeneIDs(as.character(mouseExpr[,1]), species='mouse', speciesL='human', mappingMethod='direct')
newExpr <- mouseExpr[as.character(mouseExpr[,1]) %in% unlist(lapply(unique(homoLLExpr) , pickHomo, homoLLExpr)),]
newExpr[,1] <- homoLLExpr[as.character(newExpr[,1])]
## build a GeneAnswers instance based on mapped data
v <- geneAnswersBuilder(newGeneInput, '', categoryType='DOLITE', testType='hyperG', pvalueT=0.1, FDR.correct=TRUE, geneExpressionProfile=newExpr)
## make the GeneAnswers instance readable, only map DOLite IDs to terms
vv <- geneAnswersReadable(v, geneSymbol=F)
## mapping back to mouse genes
uu <- geneAnswersHomoMapping(vv, species='human', speciesL='mouse', mappingMethod='direct')
## make mapped genes readable, DOLite terms are not mapped
u <- geneAnswersReadable(uu, catTerm=FALSE)
## sort new GeneAnswers instance
u1 <- geneAnswersSort(u, sortBy='pvalue')

### code chunk number 31: plot concept-gene network (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot concept-gene network
## geneAnswersConceptNet(u, colorValueColumn='foldChange', centroidSize='pvalue', output='fixed')

### code chunk number 32: generate homogene DOLite-gene cross tabulation (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot homogene DOLite-gene cross tabulation
## geneAnswersHeatmap(u1)

### code chunk number 33: geneAnswers.Rnw:510-512
## plot homogene DOLite-gene cross tabulation

### code chunk number 34: homogene conversation
## output top information
topDOLITEGenes(u, geneSymbol=FALSE, catTerm=FALSE, orderby='pvalue', top=6, topGenes='ALL', genesOrderBy='pValue', file=TRUE)  

### code chunk number 35: sessionInfo

Try the GeneAnswers package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

GeneAnswers documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:53 p.m.