
Defines functions checkCompatibleSeqinfo .Seqinfo.merge .Seqinfo.mergexy showCompactDataFrame .compactDataFrame .showOutputAsCharacter summary.Seqinfo .from_DataFrame_to_Seqinfo as.data.frame.Seqinfo Seqinfo .normarg_genome .normarg_isCircular .normarg_seqlengths .normarg_seqlevels .make_Seqinfo_from_genome .valid.Seqinfo .valid.Seqinfo.genome .valid.Seqinfo.isCircular .valid.Seqinfo.seqlengths .valid.Seqinfo.seqnames

Documented in as.data.frame.Seqinfo checkCompatibleSeqinfo Seqinfo summary.Seqinfo

### =========================================================================
### Seqinfo objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### A Seqinfo object is a table-like object that contains basic information
### about a set of genomic sequences. The table has 1 row per sequence and
### 1 column per sequence attribute. Currently the only attributes are the
### length, circularity flag, and genome provenance (e.g. hg19) of the
### sequence, but more attributes might be added in the future as the need
### arises.


### NOTE: Other possible (maybe better) names: GSeqinfo or GenomicSeqinfo
### for Genome/Genomic Sequence info.

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### Getters

setMethod("seqnames", "Seqinfo", function(x) x@seqnames)

setMethod("names", "Seqinfo", function(x) seqnames(x))

setMethod("length", "Seqinfo", function(x) length(seqnames(x)))

setMethod("seqlevels", "Seqinfo", function(x) seqnames(x))

setMethod("seqlengths", "Seqinfo",
        ans <- x@seqlengths
        names(ans) <- seqnames(x)

setMethod("isCircular", "Seqinfo",
        ans <- x@is_circular
        names(ans) <- seqnames(x)

setMethod("genome", "Seqinfo",
        ans <- x@genome
        names(ans) <- seqnames(x)

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### Validity

.valid.Seqinfo.seqnames <- function(x_seqnames, what="'seqnames(x)'")
    if (!is.character(x_seqnames))
        return(paste0(what, " must be a character vector"))
    if (!is.null(names(x_seqnames)))
        return(paste0(what, " must be unnamed"))
    if (any(x_seqnames %in% c(NA, "")))
        return(paste0(what, " cannot contain NAs or empty strings (\"\")"))
    if (anyDuplicated(x_seqnames))
        return(paste0(what, " cannot contain duplicated sequence names"))

### Not really checking the slot itself but the value returned by the
### slot accessor.
.valid.Seqinfo.seqlengths <- function(x)
    x_seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
    if (!is.integer(x_seqlengths)
     || length(x_seqlengths) != length(x)
     || !identical(names(x_seqlengths), seqnames(x)))
        return("'seqlengths(x)' must be an integer vector of the length of 'x' and with names 'seqnames(x)'")
    if (any(x_seqlengths < 0L, na.rm=TRUE))
        return("'seqlengths(x)' contains negative values")

### Not really checking the slot itself but the value returned by the
### slot accessor.
.valid.Seqinfo.isCircular <- function(x)
    x_is_circular <- isCircular(x)
    if (!is.logical(x_is_circular)
     || length(x_is_circular) != length(x)
     || !identical(names(x_is_circular), seqnames(x)))
        return("'isCircular(x)' must be a logical vector of the length of 'x' and with names 'seqnames(x)'")

### Not really checking the slot itself but the value returned by the
### slot accessor.
.valid.Seqinfo.genome <- function(x)
    x_genome <- genome(x)
    if (!is.character(x_genome)
     || length(x_genome) != length(x)
     || !identical(names(x_genome), seqnames(x)))
        return("'genome(x)' must be a character vector of the length of 'x' and with names 'seqnames(x)'")

.valid.Seqinfo <- function(x)

setValidity2("Seqinfo", .valid.Seqinfo)

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### Constructor
### The .normarg_*() helper functions below do only partial checking of the
### arguments. The full validation is performed by the validity method when
### new() is called.

.make_Seqinfo_from_genome <- function(genome)
    if (!isSingleString(genome) || genome == "")
        stop("'genome' must be a single non-empty string")
    NCBI_assemblies <- registered_NCBI_assemblies()
    if (genome %in% NCBI_assemblies[ , "assembly"] ||
        genome %in% NCBI_assemblies[ , "assembly_accession"])
        return(getChromInfoFromNCBI(genome, as.Seqinfo=TRUE))
    UCSC_genomes <- registered_UCSC_genomes()
    if (genome %in% UCSC_genomes[ , "genome"])
        return(getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome, as.Seqinfo=TRUE))
    stop(wmsg("\"", genome, "\" is not a registered NCBI assembly ",
              "or UCSC genome (use registered_NCBI_assemblies() or ",
              "registered_UCSC_genomes() to list the NCBI or UCSC ",
              "assemblies/genomes currently registered in the ",
              "GenomeInfoDb package)"))

### Make sure this always returns an *unnamed* character vector.
.normarg_seqlevels <- function(seqlevels)
    if (is.null(seqlevels))
    seqlevels <- unname(seqlevels)
    errmsg <- .valid.Seqinfo.seqnames(seqlevels, what="supplied 'seqlevels'")
    if (!is.null(errmsg))

### Make sure this always returns an *unnamed* integer vector.
.normarg_seqlengths <- function(seqlengths, seqnames)
    if (identical(seqlengths, NA))
        return(rep.int(NA_integer_, length(seqnames)))
    if (!is.vector(seqlengths))
        stop("supplied 'seqlengths' must be a vector")
    if (length(seqlengths) != length(seqnames))
        stop("length of supplied 'seqlengths' must equal ",
             "the number of sequences")
    if (!is.null(names(seqlengths))
     && !identical(names(seqlengths), seqnames))
        stop("when the supplied 'seqlengths' vector is named, ",
             "the names must match the seqnames")
    if (is.logical(seqlengths)) {
        if (all(is.na(seqlengths)))
        stop("bad supplied 'seqlengths' vector")
    if (!is.numeric(seqlengths))
        stop("bad supplied 'seqlengths' vector")
    if (is.integer(seqlengths)) {
        seqlengths <- unname(seqlengths)
    } else {
        seqlengths <- as.integer(seqlengths)
    if (any(seqlengths < 0L, na.rm=TRUE))
        stop("supplied 'seqlengths' contains negative values")

### Make sure this always returns an *unnamed* logical vector.
.normarg_isCircular <- function(isCircular, seqnames)
    if (identical(isCircular, NA))
        return(rep.int(NA, length(seqnames)))
    if (!is.vector(isCircular))
        stop("supplied 'isCircular' must be a vector")
    if (length(isCircular) != length(seqnames))
        stop("length of supplied 'isCircular' must equal ",
             "the number of sequences")
    if (!is.null(names(isCircular))
     && !identical(names(isCircular), seqnames))
        stop("when the supplied circularity flags are named, ",
             "the names must match the seqnames")
    if (!is.logical(isCircular))
        stop("bad supplied 'isCircular' vector")

### Make sure this always returns an *unnamed* character vector parallel to
### 'seqnames'.
.normarg_genome <- function(genome, seqnames)
    if (!(is.vector(genome) || is.factor(genome)))
        stop(wmsg("supplied 'genome' must be a vector or factor"))
    if (!is.character(genome))
        genome <- as.character(genome)

    if (length(genome) == 0L) {
        if (length(seqnames) == 0L)
        stop(wmsg("supplied 'genome' vector is empty"))

    ## The most common situation is that the supplied 'genome' vector contains
    ## a single (possibly NA) unique value. Note that, in that case, the names
    ## on 'genome' are ignored.
    ugenome <- unique(genome)
    if (length(ugenome) == 1L)
        return(rep.int(ugenome, length(seqnames)))

    if (!is.null(names(genome))) {
        if (identical(names(genome), seqnames))
        stop(wmsg("when the supplied 'genome' vector contains more ",
                  "than one distinct value, the names on it must be ",
                  "identical to the seqlevels of the object"))
    if (length(genome) == length(seqnames))
    if (length(genome) != 1L)
        stop(wmsg("when length of supplied 'genome' vector is not 1, ",
                  "then it must equal the number of sequences"))
    rep.int(genome, length(seqnames))

Seqinfo <- function(seqnames=NULL, seqlengths=NA, isCircular=NA, genome=NA)
    if (is.null(seqnames)
     && identical(seqlengths, NA)
     && identical(isCircular, NA)
     && isSingleString(genome))

    seqnames <- .normarg_seqlevels(seqnames)
    seqlengths <- .normarg_seqlengths(seqlengths, seqnames)
    is_circular <- .normarg_isCircular(isCircular, seqnames)
    genome <- .normarg_genome(genome, seqnames)
    new("Seqinfo", seqnames=seqnames,

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### Updating old Seqinfo objects

setMethod("updateObject", "Seqinfo",
    function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE)
        if (verbose)
            message("updateObject(object = 'Seqinfo')")
        if (!is(try(object@genome, silent=TRUE), "try-error"))

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### Subsetting

### Support subsetting only by name.
setMethod("[", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE)
        if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0L)
            stop("invalid subsetting")
        if (missing(i))
        if (!is.character(i))
            stop("a Seqinfo object can be subsetted only by name")
        if (!identical(drop, TRUE))
            warning("'drop' argument is ignored when subsetting ",
                    "a Seqinfo object")
        x_names <- names(x)
        i2names <- match(i, x_names)
        new_seqlengths <- unname(seqlengths(x))[i2names]
        new_isCircular <- unname(isCircular(x))[i2names]
        new_genome <- unname(genome(x))[i2names]
        Seqinfo(seqnames=i, seqlengths=new_seqlengths,
                isCircular=new_isCircular, genome=new_genome)


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### Setters

setReplaceMethod("seqnames", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, value)
        value <- .normarg_seqlevels(value)
        if (length(value) != length(x))
            stop("length of supplied 'seqnames' vector must equal ",
                 "the number of sequences")
        x@seqnames <- value

setReplaceMethod("names", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, value) `seqnames<-`(x, value)

setReplaceMethod("seqlevels", "Seqinfo",
             pruning.mode=c("error", "coarse", "fine", "tidy"),
        pruning.mode <- match.arg(pruning.mode)
        if (pruning.mode != "error")
            warning("'pruning.mode' is ignored in \"seqlevels<-\" method ",
                    "for Seqinfo objects")
        new2old <- getSeqlevelsReplacementMode(value, seqlevels(x))
        if (identical(new2old, -3L)) {
            ## "renaming" mode
            seqnames(x) <- value
        if (identical(new2old, -2L) || identical(new2old, -1L)) {
            ## "subsetting" mode
        new_seqlengths <- unname(seqlengths(x))[new2old]
        new_isCircular <- unname(isCircular(x))[new2old]
        new_genome <- unname(genome(x))[new2old]
        Seqinfo(seqnames=value, seqlengths=new_seqlengths,
                isCircular=new_isCircular, genome=new_genome)

setReplaceMethod("seqlengths", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, value)
        x@seqlengths <- .normarg_seqlengths(value, seqnames(x))

setReplaceMethod("isCircular", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, value)
        x@is_circular <- .normarg_isCircular(value, seqnames(x))

setReplaceMethod("genome", "Seqinfo",
    function(x, value)
        x@genome <- .normarg_genome(value, seqnames(x))

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### Coercion

### S3/S4 combo for as.data.frame.Vector
as.data.frame.Seqinfo <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...)
    if (!is.null(row.names))
        warning("supplied 'row.names' value was ignored")
    if (!identical(optional, FALSE))
        warning("supplied 'optional' value was ignored")
    if (length(list(...)) != 0L)
        warning("extra arguments were ignored")
setMethod("as.data.frame", "Seqinfo", as.data.frame.Seqinfo)

.from_DataFrame_to_Seqinfo <- function(from)
    if (!is.data.frame(from) && !is(from, "DataFrame"))
        stop("'from' must be a data.frame or DataFrame object")
    from_colnames <- colnames(from)

    ## Extract seqnames.
    if ("seqnames" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_seqnames <- from[ , "seqnames"]
    } else if ("seqlevels" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_seqnames <- from[ , "seqlevels"]
    } else {
        ans_seqnames <- rownames(from)
        seqnames_as_ints <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(ans_seqnames))
        if (!any(is.na(seqnames_as_ints))
          && all(seqnames_as_ints == ans_seqnames))
            stop("no sequence names found in input")
    if (!is.character(ans_seqnames))
        ans_seqnames <- as.character(ans_seqnames)

    ## Extract seqlengths.
    if ("seqlengths" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_seqlengths <- from[ , "seqlengths"]
    } else {
        ans_seqlengths <- rep.int(NA_integer_, nrow(from))
    if (!is.integer(ans_seqlengths))
        ans_seqlengths <-  as.integer(ans_seqlengths)

    ## Extract isCircular.
    if ("isCircular" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_isCircular <- from[ , "isCircular"]
    } else if ("is_circular" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_isCircular <- from[ , "is_circular"]
    } else {
        ans_isCircular <- rep.int(NA, nrow(from))
    if (!is.logical(ans_isCircular))
        ans_isCircular <-  as.logical(ans_isCircular)

    ## Extract genome.
    if ("genome" %in% from_colnames) {
        ans_genome <- from[ , "genome"]
    } else {
        ans_genome <- rep.int(NA_character_, nrow(from))
    if (!is.character(ans_genome))
        ans_genome <-  as.character(ans_genome)

    Seqinfo(seqnames=ans_seqnames, seqlengths=ans_seqlengths,
            isCircular=ans_isCircular, genome=ans_genome)
setAs("data.frame", "Seqinfo", .from_DataFrame_to_Seqinfo)
setAs("DataFrame", "Seqinfo", .from_DataFrame_to_Seqinfo)

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### Display

### S3/S4 combo for summary.Seqinfo
summary.Seqinfo <- function(object, ...)
    ## nb of sequences
    object_len <- length(object)
    if (object_len == 0L)
        return("no sequences")
    ans <- c(object_len, " sequence")
    if (object_len > 1L)
        ans <- c(ans, "s")
    ## circularity
    circ_count <- sum(isCircular(object), na.rm=TRUE)
    if (circ_count != 0L)
        ans <- c(ans, " (", circ_count, " circular)")
    ## genomes
    ugenomes <- unique(genome(object))
    genome_count <- length(ugenomes)
    if (genome_count == 1L) {
        if (is.na(ugenomes))
            ans <- c(ans, " from an unspecified genome")
            ans <- c(ans, " from ", ugenomes, " genome")
    } else {
        if (genome_count > 3L)
            ugenomes <- c(ugenomes[1:2], "...")
        genomes_in1string <- paste0(ugenomes, collapse=", ")
        ans <- c(ans, " from ", genome_count, " genomes ",
                      "(", genomes_in1string, ")")
    ## seqlengths
    seqlengths <- seqlengths(object)
    if (all(is.na(seqlengths)))
        ans <- c(ans, "; no seqlengths")
    paste0(ans, collapse="")
setMethod("summary", "Seqinfo", summary.Seqinfo)

### cat(.showOutputAsCharacter(x), sep="\n") is equivalent to show(x).
.showOutputAsCharacter <- function(x)
    tmp <- tempfile()
    sink(file=tmp, type="output")

.compactDataFrame <- function(x)
    head_nrow <- get_showHeadLines()
    tail_nrow <- get_showTailLines()
    max_nrow <- head_nrow + tail_nrow + 1L
    if (nrow(x) <= max_nrow)
    head <- head(x, n=head_nrow)
    tail <- tail(x, n=tail_nrow)
    dotrow <- rep.int("...", ncol(x))
    names(dotrow) <- colnames(x)
    dotrow <- data.frame(as.list(dotrow),
    ## Won't handle properly the situation where one row in 'head' or 'tail'
    ## happens to be named "...".
    rbind(head, dotrow, tail)

### Should work properly on "narrow" data frames. Untested on data frames
### that are wider than the terminal.
showCompactDataFrame <- function(x, rownames.label="", left.margin="")
    compactdf <- .compactDataFrame(x)
    label_nchar <- nchar(rownames.label)
    if (label_nchar != 0L)
        row.names(compactdf) <- format(row.names(compactdf), width=label_nchar)
    showme <- .showOutputAsCharacter(compactdf)
    if (label_nchar != 0L)
        substr(showme[1L], 1L, label_nchar) <- rownames.label
    cat(paste0(left.margin, showme), sep="\n")

setMethod("show", "Seqinfo",
        cat(class(object), " object with ", summary(object), ":\n", sep="")
        if (length(object) == 0L)
                             rownames.label="seqnames", left.margin="  ")

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### Combining
### Why no "c" or "rbind" method for Seqinfo objects?
### 'c(x, y)' would be expected to just append the rows in 'y' to the rows in
### 'x' resulting in an object of length 'length(x) + length(y)'. But that
### would tend to break the constraint that the seqnames of a Seqinfo object
### must be unique.
### So what we really need is the ability to "merge" Seqinfo objects, that is,
### if a row in 'x' has the same seqname as a row in 'y', then the 2 rows must
### be merged in a single row before it's put in the result. If 2 rows cannot
### be merged because they contain incompatible information (e.g. different
### seqlengths or different circularity flags), then an error must be raised.

.Seqinfo.mergexy <- function(x, y)
    ans_seqnames    <- union(seqnames(x), seqnames(y))
    ans_genome      <- mergeNamedAtomicVectors(genome(x), genome(y),
                           what=c("sequence", "genomes"))
    ans_seqlengths  <- mergeNamedAtomicVectors(seqlengths(x), seqlengths(y),
                           what=c("sequence", "seqlengths"))
    ans_is_circular <- mergeNamedAtomicVectors(isCircular(x), isCircular(y),
                           what=c("sequence", "circularity flags"))

    common_seqnames <- intersect(seqnames(x), seqnames(y))
    x_proper_seqnames <- setdiff(seqnames(x), common_seqnames)
    y_proper_seqnames <- setdiff(seqnames(y), common_seqnames)
    if (length(x_proper_seqnames) != 0L && length(y_proper_seqnames) != 0L) {
        if (length(common_seqnames) == 0L) {
            msg <- c("The 2 combined objects have no sequence levels in ",
                     "common. (Use\n  suppressWarnings() to suppress this ",
        } else if (any(is.na(genome(x)[common_seqnames]))
                || any(is.na(genome(y)[common_seqnames]))) {
            msg <- c("Each of the 2 combined objects has sequence levels ",
                     "not in the other:\n",
                     "  - in 'x': ",
                     paste(x_proper_seqnames, collapse=", "), "\n",
                     "  - in 'y': ",
                     paste(y_proper_seqnames, collapse=", "), "\n",
                     "  Make sure to always combine/compare objects based on ",
                     "the same reference\n  genome (use suppressWarnings() ",
                     "to suppress this warning).")
    Seqinfo(seqnames=ans_seqnames, seqlengths=ans_seqlengths,
            isCircular=ans_is_circular, genome=ans_genome)

.Seqinfo.merge <- function(...)
    args <- unname(list(...))
    ## Remove NULL elements...
    arg_is_null <- sapply(args, is.null)
    if (any(arg_is_null))
        args[arg_is_null] <- NULL  # ... by setting them to NULL!
    if (length(args) == 0L)
    x <- args[[1L]]
    if (length(args) == 1L)
    args <- args[-1L]
    if (!all(sapply(args, is, class(x))))
        stop("all arguments in must be ", class(x), " objects (or NULLs)")
    for (y in args)
        x <- .Seqinfo.mergexy(x, y)

### These methods should not be called with named arguments: this tends to
### break dispatch!
setMethod("merge", c("Seqinfo", "missing"),
    function(x, y, ...) .Seqinfo.merge(x, ...)

setMethod("merge", c("missing", "Seqinfo"),
    function(x, y, ...) .Seqinfo.merge(y, ...)

setMethod("merge", c("Seqinfo", "NULL"),
    function(x, y, ...) .Seqinfo.merge(x, ...)

setMethod("merge", c("NULL", "Seqinfo"),
    function(x, y, ...) .Seqinfo.merge(y, ...)

setMethod("merge", c("Seqinfo", "Seqinfo"),
    function(x, y, ...) .Seqinfo.merge(x, y, ...)

setMethod("intersect", c("Seqinfo", "Seqinfo"), function(x, y) {
  merge(x, y)[intersect(seqnames(x), seqnames(y))]

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### checkCompatibleSeqinfo()

checkCompatibleSeqinfo <- function(x, y) merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))

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GenomeInfoDb documentation built on April 9, 2021, 6 p.m.