
Defines functions annHeatmap.ExpressionSet annHeatmap.default regHeatmap.default annHeatmap regHeatmap plot.annHeatmap annHeatmap2 cutplot.dendrogram BrewerClusterCol print.annHeatmap getLeaves cutree.dendrogram convAnnData doLegend g2r.colors breakColors niceBreaks picketPlotControl extractArg modifyExistingList heatmapLayout

Documented in annHeatmap annHeatmap2 annHeatmap.default annHeatmap.ExpressionSet breakColors BrewerClusterCol convAnnData doLegend extractArg g2r.colors getLeaves heatmapLayout modifyExistingList niceBreaks picketPlotControl plot.annHeatmap print.annHeatmap regHeatmap regHeatmap.default

### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/annHeatmapCommentedSource.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: annHeatmapCommentedSource.Rnw:44-45

### code chunk number 2: heatmapLayout_Def
heatmapLayout = function(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=NULL, show=FALSE)
    ## Start: maximum matrix, 5 x 5, all zero
    ## Names for nice display post ante
    ll = matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=5)
    ll.width = ll.height = rep(0, 5)
    cnt = 1
    rownames(ll) = c("leg3", "colDendro","image", "colAnn", "leg1")
    colnames(ll) = c("leg2", "rowDendro","image", "rowAnn", "leg4")
    ## The main plot
    ll[3,3] = cnt
    ll.width[3] = ll.height[3] = 5
    cnt = cnt+1
    ## The column dendrogram
    if (dendrogram$Col$status=="yes") {
        ll[2, 3] = 2
        ll.width[3]  = 5
        ll.height[2] = 2
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## The row dendrogram
    if (dendrogram$Row$status=="yes") {
        ll[3, 2] = cnt
        ll.width[2]  = 2
        ll.height[3] = 5
        cnt = cnt+1
    # Column annotation
    if (!is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
        ll[4, 3] = cnt
        ll.width[3] = 5
        ll.height[4] = 2
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## Row annotation
    if (!is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
        ll[3, 4] = cnt
        ll.width[4]  = 2
        ll.height[3] = 5
        cnt = cnt+1
    ## Legend: if no pref specified, go for empty, if possible
    if (is.null(leg.side)) {
        if (dendrogram$Row$status != "yes") {
            leg.side = 2
        } else if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
            leg.side = 4
        } else if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
            leg.side = 1
        } else if (dendrogram$Col$status != "yes") {
            leg.side = 3
        } else {
            leg.side = 4
    ## Add the legend space
    if (leg.side==1) {
        ll[5,3] = cnt
        ll.width[3] = 5
        ll.height[5] = 1
    } else if (leg.side==2) {
        ll[3,1] = cnt
        ll.width[1] = 1
        ll.height[3] = 5
    } else if (leg.side==3) {
        ll[1,3] = cnt
        ll.width[3]  = 5
        ll.height[1] = 1
    } else if (leg.side==4) {
        ll[3,5] = cnt
        ll.width[5]  = 1
        ll.height[3] = 5
    ## Compress
    ndx = rowSums(ll)!=0
    ll  = ll[ndx, , drop=FALSE]
    ll.height = ll.height[ndx]
    ndx = colSums(ll)!=0
    ll  = ll[, ndx, drop=FALSE]
    ll.width = ll.width[ndx]
    ## Do it - show it
    if (show) {
        layout(ll, width=ll.width, height=ll.height, respect=TRUE)            
    return(list(plot=ll, width=ll.width, height=ll.height, legend.side=leg.side))

### code chunk number 3: modifyExistingList_Def
modifyExistingList = function(x, val)
    if (is.null(x)) x = list()
    if (is.null(val)) val = list()
    stopifnot(is.list(x), is.list(val))
    xnames <- names(x)
    vnames <- names(val)
    for (v in intersect(xnames, vnames)) {
        x[[v]] <- if (is.list(x[[v]]) && is.list(val[[v]])) 
            modifyExistingList(x[[v]], val[[v]])
        else val[[v]]

### code chunk number 4: extractArg_Def
extractArg = function(arglist, deflist)
    if (missing(arglist)) arglist = NULL
    al2 = modifyExistingList(deflist, arglist)
    row = col = al2
    row = modifyExistingList(row, arglist[["Row"]])    
    col = modifyExistingList(col, arglist[["Col"]])    
    list(Row=row, Col=col)  

### code chunk number 5: picketPlot_Def
picketPlot = function (x, grp=NULL, grpcol, grplabel=NULL, horizontal=TRUE, asIs=FALSE, control=list()) 
# Name: picketPlot (looks like a picket fence with holes, and sounds like the
#                   pocketplot in geostatistics)
# Desc: visualizes a pattern of 0/1/NAs by using bars, great for annotating a 
#       heatmap
# Auth: Alexander.Ploner@meb.ki.se  181203
# Chng: 221203 AP loess() with degree < 2
#       260104 AP 
#       - made loess() optional
#       - better use of space if no covariate
#       030304 AP
#       - added RainbowPastel() as default colors
#       - check grplabel before passing it to axis
#       2010-07-08 AP
#       - complete re-write
#       2010-08-28
#       - re-arranged code for vertical/horizontal drawing
    # deal with the setup
    cc = picketPlotControl()
    cc[names(control)] = control
    ## Convert/check the data
    x = convAnnData(x, asIs=asIs)
    # Count variables, panels, types
    nsamp  = nrow(x)
    npanel = ncol(x)
    bpanel = apply(x, 2, function(y) all(y[is.finite(y)] %in% c(0,1)) )
    # Compute panel heights, widths
    panelw = nsamp*(cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff)
    panelh = cc$boxh+2*cc$vbuff
    totalh = sum(panelh * ifelse(bpanel, 1, cc$numfac))
    LL = cbind(0, 0)
    UR = cbind(panelw, totalh)
    # Set up the x-values for a single panel
    xbase = seq(cc$hbuff, by=cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff, length=nsamp)
    xcent = xbase + cc$boxw/2
    # if we get a cluster variable, we have to set differently colored 
    # backgrounds; this assumes that the  grp variable is sorted in the 
    # way it appears on the plot
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
        grp = as.integer(factor(grp, levels=unique(grp)))
        tt = table(grp)
        gg = length(tt)
        grpcoord = c(0,cumsum(tt/sum(tt))*panelw)
        grp0 = cbind(grpcoord[1:gg], rep(0, gg))
        grp1 = cbind(grpcoord[2:(gg+1)], rep(totalh, gg))
        if (missing(grpcol)) {
        if (is.function(grpcol)) grpcol = grpcol(gg)
        ## In case of manually specified group colors, we only check/use the
        ## relevant colors and ignore the rest
        grpcol = grpcol[1:gg]
        if (gg > 1) {
            if ( any(grpcol[-1] == grpcol[-gg]) ) warning("neighboring clusters with same color, potentially misleading")

    # Loop over vars and fill in the panels
    panels = list()
    voff = 0
    for (i in 1:npanel) {
        if (bpanel[i]) {
            ## Coordinates
            x0 = xbase
            x1 = x0+cc$boxw
            y0 = voff + cc$vbuff
            y1 = y0   + cc$boxh
            ## Set fill
            fill = ifelse(x[, i, drop=FALSE]==1, "black", "transparent")
            fill[is.na(fill)] = cc$nacol
            label = colnames(x)[i]
            labcc = if (!is.null(label)) (y0+y1)/2 else NULL 
            panels[[i]] = list(ll=cbind(x0, y0), ur=cbind(x1, y1), fill=fill, label=label, labcc=labcc)
            voff = voff + panelh
        } else {
            xv = x[,i]
            rr = range(xv, na.rm=TRUE)
            yval = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((xv - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
            if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
                yy = predict(loess(yval~xcent, span=cc$span, degree=cc$degree))
            } else {
                yy = rep(NA, length(xcent))
            label = colnames(x)[i]
            labcc = if (!is.null(label)) mean(range(yval, na.rm=TRUE)) else NULL
            axlab = pretty(range(xv, na.rm=TRUE))
            axcc  = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((axlab - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
            panels[[i]] = list(raw=cbind(xcent, yval), smo=cbind(xcent, yy), label=label, labcc=labcc, axlab=axlab, axcc=axcc)
            voff = voff + panelh*cc$numfac
    # if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the 
    # last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
    if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
        mids = (grpcoord[1:gg] + grpcoord[2:(gg+1)])/2
        # Is the grplabel ok?
        labelnum = length(grplabel)
        if (labelnum < gg) {
            warning("more groups than labels (filling up with blanks)")
            grplabel = c(grplabel, rep(" ", gg-labelnum))
        } else if (gg < labelnum) {
            warning("more labels than groups (ignoring the extras)")
            grplabel = grplabel[1:gg]
    ## Switch coordinates, if you have to
    h2v = function(cc) cbind(cc[,2]-totalh, cc[,1])
    if (horizontal) {
        grpaxis = 1
        labaxis = 2
        covaxis = 4
        las = 1        
    } else {
        grpaxis = 4
        labaxis = 3
        covaxis = 1
        las = 3
        ## Rotate
        LL = h2v(LL)
        UR = h2v(UR)
        if (!is.null(grp)) {
            grp0 = h2v(grp0)
            grp1 = h2v(grp1)
        for (i in 1:npanel) {
            panels[[i]][[1]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[1]])
            panels[[i]][[2]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[2]])
            panels[[i]]$labcc = panels[[i]]$labcc - totalh 
            panels[[i]]$axcc  = panels[[i]]$axcc - totalh
    # Set up the plot
    plot(rbind(LL, UR), type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
    # Add the colored rectangles, if required
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
        rect(grp0[,1], grp0[,2], grp1[,1], grp1[,2], col=grpcol, border="transparent")
    # Loop over vars and fill in the panels
    for (i in 1:npanel) {
        if (bpanel[i]) {
            ## Do the rectangles
            with(panels[[i]], rect(ll[,1], ll[,2], ur[,1], ur[,2], col=fill, border="transparent") )
        } else {
            with(panels[[i]], points(raw[,1], raw[,2], pch=cc$pch, cex=cc$cex.pch, col=cc$col.pch))
            if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
                with(panels[[i]], lines(smo[,1], smo[,2]))
            with(panels[[i]], axis(covaxis, at=axcc, label=axlab))
        ## Name panel (regardless of type)
        if (!is.null(panels[[i]]$label)) {
            axis(labaxis, at=panels[[i]]$labcc, label=panels[[i]]$label, las=las, tick=FALSE, font=2, col=par("bg"), col.axis=par("fg"))
    # if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the 
    # last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
    if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
        axis(grpaxis, grpcoord, label=FALSE, tcl=-1.5)
        axis(grpaxis, mids, label=grplabel, font=2, cex.axis=cc$cex.label, tick=FALSE)

### code chunk number 6: picketPlotControl_Def
picketPlotControl = function()
    list(boxw=1, boxh=4, hbuff=0.1, vbuff=0.1, span=1/3, nacol=gray(0.85), 
         degree=1, cex.label=1.5, numfac=2, pch=par("pch"), cex.pch=par("cex"),
         col.pch=par("col") )

### code chunk number 7: findBreaks_Def
niceBreaks = function(xr, breaks)
    ## If you want it, you get it
    if (length(breaks) > 1) {
    ## Ok, so you proposed a number
    ## Neg and pos?
    if ( (xr[1] < 0) & (xr[2] > 0) ) {
        xminAbs = abs(xr[1])
        xmax    = xr[2]
        nneg = max(round(breaks * xminAbs/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
        npos = max(round(breaks * xmax/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
        nbr  = pretty(c(xr[1], 0), nneg)
        pbr  = pretty(c(0, xr[2]), npos)
        ## Average of the proposed interval lengths,
        ##  nice enough for us
        diff = ( (nbr[2]-nbr[1]) + (pbr[2] - pbr[1]) ) / 2
        nbr  = diff * ( (xr[1] %/% diff)  : 0 ) 
        pbr  = diff * ( 1 : (xr[2] %/% diff + 1) )
        breaks = c(nbr, pbr)
    } else { ## only pos or negs
        breaks = pretty(xr, breaks)

### code chunk number 8: breakColors_Def
breakColors = function(breaks, colors, center=0, tol=0.001)
    ## In case of explicit color definitions
    nbreaks = length(breaks)
    nclass  = nbreaks - 1
    if (!is.function(colors)) {
        ncolors = length(colors)
        if (ncolors > nclass) {
            warning("more colors than classes: ignoring ", ncolors-nclass, " last colors")
            colors = colors[1:nclass]
        } else if (nclass > ncolors) {
            stop(nclass-ncolors, " more classes than colors defined")
    } else {
        ## Are the classes symmetric and of same lengths?
        clens = diff(breaks)
        aclen = mean(clens)
        if (aclen==0) stop("Dude, your breaks are seriously fucked up!")
        relerr = max((clens-aclen)/aclen)
        if ( (center %in% breaks) & (relerr < tol) ) { ## yes, symmetric
            ndxcen = which(breaks==center)
            kneg = ndxcen -1 
            kpos = nbreaks - ndxcen
            kmax = max(kneg, kpos)
            colors = colors(2*kmax)
            if (kneg < kpos) {
                colors = colors[ (kpos-kneg+1) : (2*kmax) ]
            } else if (kneg > kpos) {
                colors = colors[ 1 : (2*kmax - (kneg-kpos)) ]
        } else {                                      ## no, not symmetric
            colors = colors(nclass)

### code chunk number 9: g2r.colors_Def
g2r.colors = function(n=12, min.tinge = 0.33)
    k <- trunc(n/2)
    if (2 * k == n) {
        g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0, k))
        r <- c(rep(0, k), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
        colvec <- rgb(
        r, g, rep(0, 2 * k))
    else {
        g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0, 
            k + 1))
        r <- c(rep(0, k + 1), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
        colvec <- rgb(r, g, rep(0, 2 * k + 1))

### code chunk number 10: doLegend_Def
doLegend = function(breaks, col, side)
    zval = ( breaks[-1] + breaks[-length(breaks)] ) / 2
    z  = matrix(zval, ncol=1)
    if (side %in% c(1,3)) {
        image(x=zval, y=1, z=z, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks , xaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
    } else {
        image(x=1, y=zval, z=t(z), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks, yaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
    axis(side, las=1)

### code chunk number 11: convAnnData_Def
convAnnData = function(x, nval.fac=3, inclRef=TRUE, asIs=FALSE)
    if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
    if (asIs) {
        if (is.matrix(x) & is.numeric(x)) return(x)
        else stop("argument x not a numerical matrix, asIs=TRUE does not work")
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    if (!is.null(nval.fac) & nval.fac>0) doConv = TRUE
    vv = colnames(x)
    for (v in vv) {
        if (is.logical(x[,v])) {
            x[,v] = factor(as.numeric(x[,v]))
        if (doConv & length(unique(x[is.finite(x[,v]),v])) <= nval.fac) {
            x[,v] = factor(x[,v])    
    ret  = NULL
    ivar = 0
    for (v in vv) {
         xx = x[, v]
         if (is.factor(xx)) {
            nandx = is.na(xx)
            if (length(unique(xx[!nandx])) > 1) {
                naAction = attr(na.exclude(x[, v, drop=FALSE]), "na.action")
                modMat   = model.matrix(~xx-1)
                if (!inclRef) modMat = modMat[ , -1, drop=FALSE]
                binvar   = naresid(naAction, modMat)
                colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx)[if (!inclRef) -1 else TRUE], sep="")
            } else {
                nlev = length(levels(xx))
                ilev = unique(as.numeric(xx[!nandx]))
                if (length(ilev)==0) {
                    binvar = matrix(NA, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
                } else {
                    binvar = matrix(0, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
                    binvar[, ilev] = 1
                    binvar[nandx, ] = NA
                colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx), sep="")
            ret = cbind(ret, binvar)
            ivar = ivar + ncol(binvar)
         } else {
            ret = cbind(ret, x[,v])
            ivar = ivar + 1
            colnames(ret)[ivar] = v

### code chunk number 12: cut.dendrogram_Def
cutree.dendrogram = function(x, h)
    # Cut the tree, get the labels
    cutx = cut(x, h)
    cutl = lapply(cutx$lower, getLeaves)
    # Set up the cluster vector as seen in the plot
    nclus = sapply(cutl, length)
    ret   = rep(1:length(nclus), nclus)
    # Return cluster membership in the order of the original data, if possible
    ord = order.dendrogram(x) 
    # Is the order a valid permutation of the data?
    if (!all(sort(ord)==(1:length(ret)))) {
        stop("dendrogram order does not match number of leaves - is this a subtree?")
    # Ok, proceed
    ret[ord] = ret
    ret = as.integer(factor(ret, levels=unique(ret))) # recode for order of clus
    names(ret)[ord] = unlist(cutl)

### code chunk number 13: getLeaves_Def
getLeaves = function(x)
    unlist(dendrapply(x, function(x) attr(x, "label")))

### code chunk number 14: print.annHeatmap_Def
print.annHeatmap = function(x, ...)
    cat("annotated Heatmap\n\n")
    cat("Rows: "); show(x$dendrogram$Row$dendro)
    cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Row$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")
    cat("Cols: "); show(x$dendrogram$Col$dendro)
    cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Col$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")

### code chunk number 15: BrewerClusterCol_Def
BrewerClusterCol = function(n, name="Pastel1")
    ## Check the name of the palette
    qualpal = subset(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info, category=="qual")
    name = match.arg(name, rownames(qualpal))
    nmax = qualpal[name, "maxcolors"]

    ## Get the full color vector of the palette
    cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(nmax, name)

    ## Build the (shortened or recycled) index vector
    ndx  = rep(1:nmax, length=n)


### code chunk number 16: RainbowPastel_Def
RainbowPastel =  function (n, blanche=200, ...)
# Name: RainbowPastel
# Desc: constructs a rainbow clolr vector, but more pastelly
# Auth: Alexander.Ploner@mep.ki.se      030304
# Chng:

    cv = rainbow(n, ...)
    rgbcv = col2rgb(cv)
    rgbcv = pmin(rgbcv+blanche, 255)
    rgb(rgbcv[1,], rgbcv[2,], rgbcv[3, ], maxColorValue=255)

### code chunk number 17: cutplot_dendrogam_Def
cutplot.dendrogram = function(x, h, cluscol, leaflab= "none", horiz=FALSE, lwd=3, ...)
# Name: cutplot.dendrogram
# Desc: takes a dendrogram as described in library(mva), cuts it at level h,
#       and plots the dendrogram with the resulting subtrees in different 
#       colors
# Auth: obviously based on plot.dendrogram in library(mva)
#       modifications by Alexander.Ploner@meb.ki.se  211203
# Chng: 050204 AP 
#       changed environment(plot.hclust) to environment(as.dendrogram) to
#       make it work with R 1.8.1
#       250304 AP added RainbowPastel() to make it consistent with picketplot
#       030306 AP slightly more elegant access of plotNode
#       220710 AP also for horizontal plots
#       120811 AP use edgePar instead of par() for col and lwd
    ## If there is no cutting, we plot and leave
    if (missing(h) | is.null(h)) {
        return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
    ## If cut height greater than tree, don't cut, complain and leave
    treeheight = attr(x, "height")
    if (h >= treeheight) {
        warning("cutting height greater than tree height ", treeheight, ": tree uncut")
        return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
    ## Some param processing
    if (missing(cluscol) | is.null(cluscol)) cluscol = BrewerClusterCol
    # Not nice, but necessary
    pn  = stats:::plotNode
    x = cut(x, h)
    plot(x[[1]], leaflab="none", horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...)
    x = x[[2]]
    K = length(x)
    if (is.function(cluscol)) {
       cluscol = cluscol(K)
    left = 1
    for (k in 1:K) {
        right = left + attr(x[[k]],"members")-1
        if (left < right) {         ## not a singleton cluster 
            pn(left, right, x[[k]], type="rectangular", center=FALSE, 
                 leaflab=leaflab, nodePar=NULL, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k]), horiz=horiz)
        } else if (left == right) { ## singleton cluster
            if (!horiz) {
                segments(left, 0, left, h, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
            } else {
                segments(0, left, h, left, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
        } else stop("this totally should not have happened")
        left = right + 1


### code chunk number 18: annHeatmap2_Def
annHeatmap2 = function(x, dendrogram, annotation, cluster, labels, scale=c("row", "col", "none"), breaks=256, col=g2r.colors, legend=FALSE)
# Name: annHeatmap2
# Desc: a (possibly doubly) annotated heatmap
# Auth: Alexander.Ploner@ki.se 2010-07-12
# Chng: 
    ## Process arguments
    if (!is.matrix(x) | !is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
    nc = ncol(x); nr = nrow(x)
    if (nc < 2 | nr < 2) stop("x must have at least two rows/columns")
    ## Process the different lists: dendrogram, cluster, annotation
    ## See lattice:::xyplot.formula, modifyLists, lattice:::construct.scales
    def = list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes", lwd=3, dendro=NULL)
    dendrogram = extractArg(dendrogram, def)
    def = list(data=NULL, control=picketPlotControl(), asIs=FALSE, inclRef=TRUE)
    annotation = extractArg(annotation, def)
    def = list(cuth=NULL, grp=NULL, label=NULL, col=BrewerClusterCol)
    cluster = extractArg(cluster, def)
    def = list(cex=NULL, nrow=3, side=NULL, labels=NULL)
    labels = extractArg(labels, def)
    ## Check values for the different lists

    ## Generate the layout: TRUE means default, FALSE means none
    ## Otherwise, integer 1-4 indicates side
    if (is.logical(legend)) {
        if (legend) leg = NULL else leg = 0
    } else {
        if (!(legend %in% 1:4)) stop("invalid value for legend: ", legend)
        else leg=legend
    layout = heatmapLayout(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=leg)
    ## Copy the data for display, scale as required
    x2 = x
    scale = match.arg(scale)
    if (scale == "row") {
        x2 = sweep(x2, 1, rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        sd = apply(x2, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        x2 = sweep(x2, 1, sd, "/")
    else if (scale == "col") {
        x2 = sweep(x2, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        sd = apply(x2, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        x2 = sweep(x2, 2, sd, "/")
    ## Construct the breaks and colors for display
    breaks = niceBreaks(range(x2, na.rm=TRUE), breaks)
    col    = breakColors(breaks, col)
    ## Generate the dendrograms, if required; re-indexes in any cases
    ## We could put some sanity checks on the dendrograms in the else-branches
    ## FIXME: store the names of the functions, not the functions in the object
    dendrogram$Row = within(dendrogram$Row, 
        if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
            dendro = clustfun(distfun(x))
            dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    dendrogram$Col = within(dendrogram$Col, 
        if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
            dendro = clustfun(distfun(t(x)))
            dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    ## Reorder the display data to agree with the dendrograms, if required
    rowInd = with(dendrogram$Row, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nr)
    colInd = with(dendrogram$Col, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nc)
    x2 = x2[rowInd, colInd]
    ## Set the defaults for the sample/variable labels
    labels$Row = within(labels$Row, {
        if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr)
        if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) 4 else 2
        if (is.null(labels)) labels = rownames(x2)
    labels$Col = within(labels$Col, {
        if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc)
        if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) 1 else 3
        if (is.null(labels)) labels = colnames(x2)
    ## Generate the clustering, if required (cut, or resort the cluster var)
    ## FIXME: does not deal with pre-defined grp form outside
    cluster$Row = within(cluster$Row, 
        if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
            grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Row$dendro, cuth)[rowInd]
    cluster$Col = within(cluster$Col, 
        if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
            grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Col$dendro, cuth)[colInd]

    ## Process the annotation data frames (factor/numeric, re-sort?)
    annotation$Row = within(annotation$Row, {
        data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)
    annotation$Col = within(annotation$Col, {
        data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)

    ## Generate the new object
    ## print, return invisibly
    ret = list(data=list(x=x, x2=x2, rowInd=rowInd, colInd=colInd, breaks=breaks, col=col), dendrogram=dendrogram, cluster=cluster, annotation=annotation, labels=labels, layout=layout, legend=legend)
    class(ret) = "annHeatmap"


### code chunk number 19: plot.annHeatmap_Def
plot.annHeatmap = function(x, widths, heights, ...)
	## Preserve parameters that are set explicitly below
	## Not doing this has lead to Issue 8: inconsistent distance
	## between dendrogram and heatmap after repeated calls on same device
	opar = par("oma", "mar", "xaxs", "yaxs")
    ## If there are cluster labels on either axis, we reserve space for them
    doRClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Row$label) 
    doCClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Col$label)
    omar = rep(0, 4)
    if (doRClusLab) omar[4] = 2
    if (doCClusLab) omar[1] = 2
    ## Set up the layout    
    if (!missing(widths)) x$layout$width = widths
    if (!missing(heights)) x$layout$height = heights    
    with(x$layout, layout(plot, width, height, respect=TRUE))
    ## Plot the central image, making space for labels, if required
    nc = ncol(x$data$x2); nr = nrow(x$data$x2)
    doRlab = !is.null(x$labels$Row$labels) 
    doClab = !is.null(x$labels$Col$labels)
    mmar = c(1, 0, 0, 2)
    if (doRlab) mmar[x$labels$Row$side] = x$labels$Row$nrow
    if (doClab) mmar[x$labels$Col$side] = x$labels$Col$nrow
    with(x$data, {
        image(1:nc, 1:nr, t(x2), axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0.5, nc + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, nr + 0.5), xlab = "", ylab = "", col=col, breaks=breaks, ...)    
    with (x$labels, {
        if (doRlab) axis(Row$side, 1:nr, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Row$labels, cex.axis = Row$cex)
        if (doClab) axis(Col$side, 1:nc, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Col$labels, cex.axis = Col$cex)

    ## Plot the column/row dendrograms, as required
        if (status=="yes") {
            par(mar=c(0, mmar[2], 3, mmar[4]))
            cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Col$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Col$col, horiz=FALSE, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Col$lwd)
        if (status=="yes") {
            par(mar=c(mmar[1], 3, mmar[3], 0))
            cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Row$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Row$col, horiz=TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Row$lwd)

    ## Plot the column/row annotation data, as required
    if (!is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) {
        par(mar=c(1, mmar[2], 0, mmar[4]), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
        picketPlot(x$annotation$Col$data[x$data$colInd, ,drop=FALSE],
          grp=x$cluster$Col$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Col$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Col$col,
          control=x$annotation$Col$control, asIs=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) {
        par(mar=c(mmar[1], 0, mmar[3], 1), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
        picketPlot(x$annotation$Row$data[x$data$rowInd, ,drop=FALSE],
          grp=x$cluster$Row$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Row$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Row$col,
          control=x$annotation$Row$control, asIs=TRUE, horizontal=FALSE)

    ## Plot a legend, as required
    if (x$legend) {
        if (x$layout$legend.side %in% c(1,3)) {
            par(mar=c(2, mmar[2]+2, 2, mmar[4]+2))
        } else {
            par(mar=c(mmar[1]+2, 2, mmar[3]+2, 2))            
        doLegend(x$data$breaks, col=x$data$col, x$layout$legend.side)

### code chunk number 20: Generics_Def
regHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("regHeatmap")
annHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("annHeatmap")

### code chunk number 21: regHeatmap_Def
regHeatmap.default = function(x, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes"), labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
    ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=NULL, cluster=NULL,  labels=labels, legend=legend, ...)

### code chunk number 22: annHeatmap_Def
annHeatmap.default = function(x, annotation, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, Col=list(status="yes"), Row=list(status="hidden")), cluster=NULL, labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
	if (!is.data.frame(annotation)) stop("Argument 'annoation' needs to be data frame")

    ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=list(Col=list(data=annotation, fun=picketPlot)), cluster=cluster,  labels=labels, legend=TRUE, ...)

### code chunk number 23: annHeatmapExpressionSet_Def
annHeatmap.ExpressionSet =function(x, ...)
    expmat = exprs(x)
    anndat = pData(x)
    annHeatmap(expmat, anndat, ...)

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Heatplus documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:24 p.m.