lrtest <- function(w.x, w.y, x, y){
## w.x, w.y vectors of zeros/ones for expressed or not in each group
## x, y vectors of the positive observations (must be of length sum(w.x) and sum(w.y))
e.x <- sum(w.x)
e.y <- sum(w.y)
n.x <- length(w.x)
n.y <- length(w.y)
stopifnot(e.x == length(x) && e.y == length(y))
p.0 <- (e.x+e.y)/(n.x + n.y)
p.x <- e.x/n.x
p.y <- e.y/n.y
m0 <- (sum(x)+sum(y))/(e.x+e.y)
mu.x <- mean(x)
mu.y <- mean(y)
Tstar <- 1+e.x*e.y/(e.x+e.y)* (mu.x - mu.y)^2/(sum((mu.x - x)^2) + sum((mu.y-y)^2))
Tstar <- 1
binom <- logProd(e.x, p.0/p.x) +
logProd(e.y, p.0/p.y) +
logProd(n.x-e.x, (1-p.0)/(1-p.x)) +
logProd(n.y-e.y, (1-p.0)/(1-p.y))
binomsign <- (p.y>p.x)*2 -1
norm <- -(e.x+e.y)/2 * log(Tstar)
normsign <- (mu.y>mu.x)*2-1
logLR <- binom+norm
maxsign <- c(binomsign, normsign)[which.min(c(binom, norm))]
resultvec <- c(-2*binom, binomsign, pchisq(-2*binom, 1, lower.tail=FALSE),
-2*norm, normsign, pchisq(-2*norm, 1, lower.tail=FALSE),
-2*logLR, maxsign, pchisq(-2*logLR, 2, lower.tail=FALSE))
result <- matrix(resultvec, nrow=3, ncol=3, dimnames=list(metric=c('lrstat', 'direction', 'p.value'), component=c('binom', 'norm', 'comb')))
logProd <- function(prod, logand){
ifelse(prod==0, 0, prod*log(logand))
##' @rdname LRT
##' @param sca A \code{SingleCellAssay} class object
##' @param comparison A \code{character} specifying the factor for comparison
##' @param referent A \code{character} specifying the reference level of \code{comparison}.
##' @param groups A optional \code{character} specifying a variable on which to stratify the test. For each level of \code{groups}, there will be a separate likelihood ratio test.
##' @param returnall A \code{logical} specifying if additional rows should be returned with information about the different components of the test.
##' @export
##' @return \code{data.frame}
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' LRT(vbetaFA, 'Stim.Condition', 'Unstim')
referent <- NULL
lrt <- function(sca, comparison, referent=NULL, groups=NULL, returnall=TRUE){
if (missing(comparison) || !checkGroups(sca, comparison))
stop("'comparison' missing or incorrect")
## what happens if comparision has length >1?
checkGroups(sca, groups)
## we should check what happens if comparison has a different number of levels
scL <- split(sca, groups)
lapp <- lapply(scL, lrt, comparison=comparison, referent=referent, groups=NULL, returnall=returnall)
## fix
retme<, lapp)
#getMapping returns a list.. code expects a vector
probeid <- 'primerid'
measure <- 'value'
scadt <- as(sca, 'data.table')
phenocol <- scadt[[comparison]]
pheno.order <- factor(phenocol)
} else{
pheno.order <- factor(phenocol)
pheno.order <- relevel(pheno.order, ref=referent)
nlev <- nlevels(pheno.order)
ssca <- split(cbind(scadt[, c(measure, comparison), with=FALSE], pheno.order), scadt[,probeid,with=FALSE], drop=TRUE) #drop=TRUE: seems like the more reasonable default if probeid is a factor and unused levels are present (after subsetting, for example)
lrout <- vapply(ssca, FUN.VALUE=array(0, dim=c(nlev-1, 3, 4)), FUN=function(x){
res <- array(NA, dim=c(nlev-1, 3, 4))
phenosplit <- split(x[[measure]], x$pheno.order, drop=FALSE)
unstim <- phenosplit[[1]]
warning('dropping NA measurements')
unstim <- unstim[!]
w.x <- (unstim>0)*1
x <- unstim[w.x==1]
for(i in seq(from=2, to=nlev)){
stim <- phenosplit[[i]]
warning('dropping NA measurements')
stim <- stim[!]
if (length(stim)==0){
res[i-1,,] <- NA
lrtmp <- lrtest(1, 1, 1, 1) #needed to fill out dimnames of res
#in case all groups had zero measurements
} else{
w.y <- (stim>0)*1
y <- stim[w.y==1]
lrtmp <- lrtest(w.x, w.y, x, y)
res[i-1,,1:3] <- lrtmp
tt <- t.test(2^unstim-1, 2^stim-1, var.equal=TRUE)
res[i-1,1,4] <- tt$stat
res[i-1,2,4] <- sign(tt$stat)
res[i-1,3,4] <- tt$p.value
dn <- dimnames(lrtmp)
dn$component <- c(dn$component, 'zeroes')
dimnames(res) <- c(list(geneid=names(phenosplit)[-1]), dn)
m <- reshape2::melt(lrout)
m <- rename(m, c('Var1'=comparison, 'Var2'='metric', 'Var3'='test.type', 'Var4'=probeid))
retme<-subset(m, test.type=='comb')
return(reshape2::dcast(rename(retme,c(metric="variable")), formula=...~variable))
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c('test.type', 'gene'))
##' Plot a likelihood ratio test object
##' Constructs a forest-like plot of signed log10 p-values, possibly adjusted for multiple comparisons
##' \code{adjust} can be one of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none".
##' @param lr output from lrtest, with returnall=FALSE
##' @param adjust \code{character}, passed along to \code{p.adjust}, see below
##' @param thres \code{numeric} genes with adjusted pvalues above this value are not depicted
##' @param trunc \code{numeric} p values below this value are truncated at this value
##' @param groups \code{character} grouping value. If provided, must match groups argument passed to lrtest. Plots done separately for each group.
##' @return Constructs a dotplot
##' @author andrew
plotlrt <- function(lr, adjust='fdr', thres=.1, trunc=1e-6, groups=NULL){
lr$adj <- p.adjust(lr$p.value, method=adjust)
posgene <- suppressMessages(reshape2::dcast(lr[, c('gene', 'adj')], gene ~ ., fun.aggregate=function(x) any(x<thres)))
posgene <- posgene[posgene[,2],]
pvalue <- pmax(lr$p.value, trunc)
lattice::dotplot(gene ~ -log10(pvalue)*direction, lr, auto.key=TRUE, subset=gene %in% posgene$gene)
} else{
warning("No significant genes")
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