
Defines functions assignTSSByCage reassignTxDbByCage reassignTSSbyCage addNewTSSOnLeaders findNewTSS findMaxPeaks restrictTSSByUpstreamLeader extendsTSSexons filterCage

Documented in addNewTSSOnLeaders assignTSSByCage extendsTSSexons filterCage findMaxPeaks findNewTSS reassignTSSbyCage reassignTxDbByCage restrictTSSByUpstreamLeader

#' Filter peak of cage-data by value
#' @inheritParams reassignTSSbyCage
#' @param fiveUTRs a GRangesList (NULL), if added will filter out cage reads by
#' these following rules:
#' all reads in region (-5:-1, 1:5) for each tss will be removed, removes noise.
#' @return the filtered Granges object
filterCage <- function(cage, filterValue = 1, fiveUTRs = NULL,
                       preCleanup = TRUE) {
  cage <- fimport(cage, seqlevelsStyle(fiveUTRs))
  noScore <- is.null(score(cage))
  if (noScore | (max(width(cage)) > 1)) {
    cage <- convertToOneBasedRanges(cage, addScoreColumn = noScore)

  if (filterValue == 0) {
  if (is.null(cage$score)) stop("Found no 'score' column in the CageSeq.")
  filteredCage <- cage[cage$score > filterValue, ] #filter on score

  if (!is.null(fiveUTRs) & preCleanup) {
    # check that seqnames match
    tss <- startSites(fiveUTRs, asGR = TRUE, is.sorted = TRUE)
    # remove all reads in region (-5:-1, 1:5) of tss
    filteredCage <- filteredCage[!((countOverlaps(filteredCage, tss,
                                                  maxgap = 4) > 0) &
                      (countOverlaps(filteredCage, tss, maxgap = 0) == 0))]

#' Extend first exon of each transcript with length specified
#' @param fiveUTRs The 5' leader sequences as GRangesList
#' @param extension The number of basses to extend transcripts upstream
#' @return GRangesList object of fiveUTRs
extendsTSSexons <- function(fiveUTRs, extension = 1000) {
  fiveAsgr <- unlist(fiveUTRs, use.names = TRUE)
  if (is.null(fiveAsgr$exon_rank))
    stop("fiveUTRs need column called exon_rank see ?makeTranscriptDbFromGFF")
  ##TODO: I should make this optional,
  #so that we dont need the exon_rank column..
  firstExons <- fiveAsgr[fiveAsgr$exon_rank == 1]
  posIDs <- strandBool(firstExons)
  promo <- promoters(firstExons, upstream = extension)
  start(firstExons[posIDs]) <- pmax(rep(1, length(promo[posIDs])),
  end(firstExons[!posIDs]) <- end(promo[!posIDs])
  fiveAsgr[fiveAsgr$exon_rank == 1] <- firstExons

  return(relist(fiveAsgr, fiveUTRs))

#' Restrict extension of 5' UTRs to closest upstream leader end
#' Basicly this function restricts all startSites, to the upstream GRangesList
#' objects end. Usually leaders, for CAGE.
#' Example: leader1: start on 10, leader2: stop on 8,
#' extend leader1 to 5 -> this function will resize leader1
#' to 9, to be outside leader2, so that CAGE reads can not wrongly overlap.
#' @param fiveUTRs The 5' leader sequences as GRangesList
#' @param shiftedfiveUTRs The 5' leader sequences as GRangesList
#'  shifted by CAGE
#' @return GRangesList object of restricted fiveUTRs
restrictTSSByUpstreamLeader <- function(fiveUTRs, shiftedfiveUTRs) {
  if (length(fiveUTRs) != length(shiftedfiveUTRs))
    stop("fiveUTRs and shifted must be equal size!")

  startSitesGR <- startSites(fiveUTRs, asGR = TRUE, is.sorted = TRUE)
  stopSitesGR <- stopSites(fiveUTRs, asGR = TRUE, is.sorted = TRUE)

  overlaps <- findOverlaps(fiveUTRs, stopSitesGR)
  overlapsShifted <- findOverlaps(shiftedfiveUTRs, stopSitesGR)
  overlaps <- overlaps[from(overlaps) != to(overlaps)]
  overlapsShifted <- overlapsShifted[from(overlapsShifted) !=

  # remove overlaps also in overlapsShifted
  if (length(overlapsShifted) > 0 & length(overlaps) > 0)
    overlapsShifted <- overlapsShifted[!(overlapsShifted %in% overlaps)]

  # for all duplicates, choose closest
  dt <- data.table(from = from(overlapsShifted), to = to(overlapsShifted))
  dt$distance <- distance(startSitesGR[from(overlapsShifted)],
  minDT <- dt[, .I[which.min(distance)], by=from]

  # assign closest
  shiftedfiveUTRs[minDT$from]  <- downstreamFromPerGroup(


#' Find max peak for each transcript,
#' returns as data.table, without names, but with index
#' @param cageOverlaps The cageOverlaps between cage and extended 5' leaders
#' @param filteredCage The filtered raw cage-data
#'  used to reassign 5' leaders
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @return a data.table of max peaks
findMaxPeaks <- function(cageOverlaps, filteredCage) {

  dt <- as.data.table(filteredCage)
  dt <- dt[from(cageOverlaps)]
  dt$to <- to(cageOverlaps)
  if (nrow(dt) == 0) return(dt)

  maxPeaks <- dt[, max(score), by = to]

  names(maxPeaks) <- c("to", "score")
  maxPeaks <-  merge(maxPeaks, dt)

#' Finds max peaks per trancsript from reads in the cagefile
#' @param fiveUTRs The 5' leader sequences as GRangesList
#' @param cageData The CAGE as GRanges object
#' @param extension The number of basses to extends transcripts upstream.
#' @param restrictUpstreamToTx a logical (FALSE), if you want to restrict
#'  leaders to not extend closer than 5 bases from closest upstream leader,
#'  set this to TRUE.
#' @return a Hits object
findNewTSS <- function(fiveUTRs, cageData, extension, restrictUpstreamToTx) {

  shiftedfiveUTRs <- extendsTSSexons(fiveUTRs, extension)
  if (restrictUpstreamToTx){
    shiftedfiveUTRs <- restrictTSSByUpstreamLeader(fiveUTRs, shiftedfiveUTRs)

  cageOverlaps <- findOverlaps(cageData, shiftedfiveUTRs, type = "within")
  maxPeakPosition <- findMaxPeaks(cageOverlaps, cageData)

#' Add cage max peaks as new transcript start sites for each 5' leader
#' (*) strands are not supported, since direction must be known.
#' @param maxPeakPosition The max peak for each 5' leader found by cage
#' @inheritParams reassignTSSbyCage
#' @return a GRanges object of first exons
addNewTSSOnLeaders <- function(fiveUTRs, maxPeakPosition, removeUnused,
                               cageMcol) {

  newTSS <- startSites(fiveUTRs, asGR = FALSE, keep.names = FALSE,
                       is.sorted = TRUE)
  newTSS[maxPeakPosition$to[maxPeakPosition$strand == "+"]] <-
    maxPeakPosition$start[maxPeakPosition$strand == "+"]
  newTSS[maxPeakPosition$to[maxPeakPosition$strand == "-"]] <-
    maxPeakPosition$end[maxPeakPosition$strand == "-"]

  if (cageMcol) {
    gr <- unlist(fiveUTRs, use.names = FALSE)
    cageM <- rep.int(0, length(gr))
    group <- groupOld <- groupings(fiveUTRs)
    group <- group[group %in% maxPeakPosition$to]

    cageM[maxPeakPosition$to] <- maxPeakPosition$score[group]
    mcols(gr) <- DataFrame(row.names = names(gr), mcols(gr),
                           cage = cageM)
    fiveUTRs <- groupGRangesBy(gr, names(fiveUTRs)[groupOld])
  if (removeUnused) {
    fiveUTRsNew <- downstreamFromPerGroup(fiveUTRs[maxPeakPosition$to],
  } else {
    fiveUTRsNew <- downstreamFromPerGroup(fiveUTRs, newTSS)

#' Reassign all Transcript Start Sites (TSS)
#' Given a GRangesList of 5' UTRs or transcripts, reassign the start
#' sites using max peaks from CageSeq data. A max peak is defined as new
#' TSS if it is within boundary of 5' leader range, specified by
#' `extension` in bp. A max peak must also be higher than minimum
#' CageSeq peak cutoff specified in `filterValue`. The new TSS will then
#' be the positioned where the cage read (with highest read count in the
#' interval). If removeUnused is TRUE, leaders without cage hits, will be
#' removed, if FALSE the original TSS will be used.
#' Note: If you used CAGEr, you will get reads of a probability region, with
#' always score of 1. Remember then to set filterValue to 0. And you should use
#' the 5' end of the read as input, use: ORFik:::convertToOneBasedRanges(cage)
#' NOTE on filtervalue: To get high quality TSS, set filtervalue to median
#' count of reads overlapping per leader. This will make you discard a lot of
#' new TSS positions though. I usually use 10 as a good standard.
#' TIP: do summary(countOverlaps(fiveUTRs, cage)) so you can find a good
#' cutoff value for noise.
#' @param fiveUTRs (GRangesList) The 5' leaders or full transcript sequences
#' @param cage Either a filePath for the CageSeq file as .bed .bam or .wig,
#' with possible compressions (".gzip", ".gz", ".bgz"), or already loaded
#' CageSeq peak data as GRanges or GAlignment.
#' NOTE: If it is a .bam file, it will add a score column by running:
#' convertToOneBasedRanges(cage, method = "5prime", addScoreColumn = TRUE)
#' The score column is then number of replicates of read, if score column is
#' something else, like read length, set the score column to NULL first.
#' @param extension The maximum number of basses upstream of the TSS to search
#' for CageSeq peak.
#' @param filterValue The minimum number of reads on cage position, for it to
#' be counted as possible new tss. (represented in score column in
#' CageSeq data) If you already filtered, set it to 0.
#' @param restrictUpstreamToTx a logical (FALSE). If TRUE: restrict leaders to
#' not extend closer than 5 bases from closest upstream leader, set this
#' to TRUE.
#' @param removeUnused logical (FALSE), if False:  (standard is to set them to
#' original annotation), If TRUE: remove leaders that did not have any cage
#' support.
#' @param preCleanup logical (TRUE), if TRUE,
#' remove all reads in region (-5:-1, 1:5) of all original tss in leaders.
#' This is to keep original TSS if it is only +/- 5 bases from the original.
#' @param cageMcol a logical (FALSE), if TRUE, add a meta column to the
#' returned object with the raw CAGE counts in support for new TSS.
#' @return a GRangesList of newly assigned TSS for fiveUTRs,
#'  using CageSeq data.
#' @family CAGE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example 5' leader, notice exon_rank column
#' fiveUTRs <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
#'   GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#'                          ranges = IRanges::IRanges(1000, 2000),
#'                          strand = "+",
#'                          exon_rank = 1))
#' names(fiveUTRs) <- "tx1"
#' # make fake CageSeq data from promoter of 5' leaders, notice score column
#' cage <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'   seqnames = "1",
#'   ranges =  IRanges::IRanges(500, width = 1),
#'   strand = "+",
#'   score = 10) # <- Number of tags (reads) per position
#' # notice also that seqnames use different naming, this is fixed by ORFik
#' # finally reassign TSS for fiveUTRs
#' reassignTSSbyCage(fiveUTRs, cage)
#' # See vignette for example using gtf file and real CAGE data.
reassignTSSbyCage <- function(fiveUTRs, cage, extension = 1000,
                              filterValue = 1, restrictUpstreamToTx = FALSE,
                              removeUnused = FALSE, preCleanup = TRUE,
                              cageMcol = FALSE) {
  validGRL(class(fiveUTRs), "fiveUTRs")
  filteredCage <- filterCage(cage, filterValue, fiveUTRs, preCleanup)

  maxPeakPosition <- findNewTSS(fiveUTRs, filteredCage, extension,

  return(addNewTSSOnLeaders(fiveUTRs, maxPeakPosition, removeUnused, cageMcol))

#' Input a txdb and reassign the TSS for each transcript by CAGE
#' Given a TxDb object, reassign the start site per transcript
#' using max peaks from CageSeq data. A max peak is defined as new
#' TSS if it is within boundary of 5' leader range, specified by
#' `extension` in bp. A max peak must also be higher than minimum
#' CageSeq peak cutoff specified in `filterValue`. The new TSS will then
#' be the positioned where the cage read (with highest read count in the
#' interval).
#' Note: If you used CAGEr, you will get reads of a probability region, with
#' always score of 1. Remember then to set filterValue to 0. And you should use
#' the 5' end of the read as input, use: ORFik:::convertToOneBasedRanges(cage)
#' @inheritParams loadTxdb
#' @inheritParams reassignTSSbyCage
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv
#' @family CAGE
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  library(GenomicFeatures)
#'  # Get the gtf txdb file
#'  txdbFile <- system.file("extdata", "hg19_knownGene_sample.sqlite",
#'  package = "GenomicFeatures")
#'  cagePath <- system.file("extdata", "cage-seq-heart.bed.bgz",
#'  package = "ORFik")
#'  reassignTxDbByCage(txdbFile, cagePath)
#'  }
#' @return a TxDb obect of reassigned transcripts
reassignTxDbByCage <- function(txdb, cage, extension = 1000,
                               filterValue = 1, restrictUpstreamToTx = FALSE,
                               removeUnused = FALSE, preCleanup = TRUE) {
  txdb <- loadTxdb(txdb)
  fiveUTRs <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)
  fiveUTRs <- reassignTSSbyCage(fiveUTRs, cage, extension, filterValue,
                                restrictUpstreamToTx, removeUnused, preCleanup)

  txList <- as.list(txdb)
  # find all transcripts with 5' UTRs
  txList <- updateTxdbStartSites(txList, fiveUTRs, removeUnused)

  # reassign exon ids
  txList$splicings$exon_id <- remakeTxdbExonIds(txList)
  # Since exons have changed, their official exon names can not be preserved.
  txList$splicings$exon_name <- NULL

  return(do.call(makeTxDb, txList))

#' Input a txdb and add a 5' leader for each transcript, that does not have one.
#' For all cds in txdb, that does not have a 5' leader:
#' Start at 1 base upstream of cds and use CAGE, to assign leader start.
#' All these leaders will be 1 exon based, if you really want exon splicings,
#' you can use exon prediction tools, or run sequencing experiments.
#' Given a TxDb object, reassign the start site per transcript
#' using max peaks from CageSeq data. A max peak is defined as new
#' TSS if it is within boundary of 5' leader range, specified by
#' `extension` in bp. A max peak must also be higher than minimum
#' CageSeq peak cutoff specified in `filterValue`. The new TSS will then
#' be the positioned where the cage read (with highest read count in the
#' interval).
#' @inheritParams reassignTxDbByCage
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv
#' @family CAGE
#' @return a TxDb obect of reassigned transcripts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' txdbFile <- system.file("extdata", "hg19_knownGene_sample.sqlite",
#'  package = "GenomicFeatures")
#' cagePath <- system.file("extdata", "cage-seq-heart.bed.bgz",
#'  package = "ORFik")
#' \dontrun{
#'   assignTSSByCage(txdbFile, cagePath)
#'   Minimum 20 cage tags for new TSS
#'   assignTSSByCage(txdbFile, cagePath, filterValue = 20)
#' }
assignTSSByCage <- function(txdb, cage, extension = 1000,
                            filterValue = 1, restrictUpstreamToTx = FALSE,
                            removeUnused = FALSE, preCleanup = TRUE) {
  txdb <- loadTxdb(txdb)
  fiveUTRs <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)

  cds <- cdsBy(txdb,"tx",use.names = TRUE)
  cds01 <- cds[!(names(cds) %in% names(fiveUTRs))]
  if (length(cds01) == 0) {

  cdsStartSites <- startSites(cds01, is.sorted = TRUE)
  positiveStrands <- strandBool(cds01)
  cdsStartSites[positiveStrands] <- cdsStartSites[positiveStrands] - 1
  cdsStartSites[!positiveStrands] <- cdsStartSites[!positiveStrands] + 1
  leaderEnds <- cdsStartSites

  undefinedLeaders <- GRanges(seqnamesPerGroup(cds01, keep.names = FALSE),
                              leaderEnds, strandPerGroup(cds01,
                                                         keep.names = FALSE))
  names(undefinedLeaders) <- names(cds01)
  #make exon_rank col as integer
  undefinedLeaders$exon_rank <- rep.int(1L, length(undefinedLeaders))
  #make GRangesListfrom GRanges
  undefinedLeaders <- groupGRangesBy(undefinedLeaders)
  newLeaders <- reassignTSSbyCage(undefinedLeaders, cage, extension,
                                  filterValue, restrictUpstreamToTx,
                                  removeUnused, preCleanup)

  txList <- as.list(txdb)
  # find all transcripts with 5' UTRs
  txList <- updateTxdbStartSites(txList, newLeaders, removeUnused)

  # reassign exon ids
  txList$splicings$exon_id <- remakeTxdbExonIds(txList)
  # Since exons have changed, their official exon names can not be preserved.
  txList$splicings$exon_name <- NULL

  return(do.call(makeTxDb, txList))

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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.