
Defines functions shifts.load footprints.analysis percentage_to_ratio changePointAnalysis isPeriodic

Documented in changePointAnalysis footprints.analysis isPeriodic percentage_to_ratio shifts.load

#' Find if there is a periodicity of 3 in the vector
#' It uses Fourier transform + periodogram for finding periodic
#' vectors on the transcript
#' normalized counts over all CDS regions from 0 to 149, where TIS is
#' 0.\cr
#' Checks if there is a periodicity and if the periodicity is 3,
#' more precisely between 2.9 and 3.1.
#' Transcript normalized means per CDS TIS region, count reads per position,
#' divide that number per position by the total of that transcript, then sum
#' up these numbers per position for all transcripts.
#' @param x (numeric) Vector of values to detect periodicity of 3 like in
#' RiboSeq data.
#' @return a logical, if it is periodic.
#' @importFrom stats fft spec.pgram
isPeriodic <- function(x) {
  if (sum(x) == 0) return(FALSE)
  amplitudes <- abs(fft(x))
  amp <- amplitudes[2 : (length(amplitudes) / 2 + 1)]
  periods <- 1 / spec.pgram(x = x, plot = FALSE)$freq
  return((periods[which.max(amp)] > 2.9) & (periods[which.max(amp)] < 3.1))

#' Get the offset for specific RiboSeq read width
#' Creates sliding windows of transcript normalized counts per position
#' and check which window has most in upstream window vs downstream window.
#' Pick the position with highest absolute value maximum of the window difference.
#' Checks windows with split sites between positions -17 to -7, where 0 is TIS.
#' Normally you expect the shift around -12.
#' Transcript normalized means per CDS TIS region, count reads per position,
#' divide that number per position by the total of that transcript, then sum
#' up these numbers per position for all transcripts.
#' @param x a vector with count per position to analyse, assumes the zero
#' position (TIS) is in the middle + 1 (position 0). Default it is size 60,
#' from -30 to 29 in p-shifting
#' @param feature (character) either "start" or "stop"
#' @param max.pos integer, default 40L, subset x to go from index 1 to max.pos,
#'  if tail is not relevant.
#' @param interval integer vector , default seq.int(14L, 24L).
#'  Seperation points for upstream and downstream windows.
#'  That is (+/- 5 from -12) position.
#' @return a single numeric offset, -12 would mean p-site is 12 bases upstream
#' @family pshifting
changePointAnalysis <- function(x, feature = "start", max.pos = 40L,
                                interval = seq.int(14L, 24L)) {
  if (max.pos > length(x)) stop("Can not subset max.pos > length of x")
  if (!all(interval %in% seq.int(x)))
    stop("interval vector must be subset of x indices!")
  meta <- x[seq.int(max.pos)] # First 40 or other specified
  pos <- -(length(x)/2):(length(x)/2 - 1) # The positions
  frames <- rep(c(0,1,2), 20)[seq.int(max.pos)]
  max.frame = which.max(c(sum(meta[frames == 0]), sum(meta[frames == 1]),
                        sum(meta[frames == 2]))) - 1
  # subset to best frame
  interval <- interval[c(0,1,2) %% 3 == max.frame] - (pos[interval[1]] %% 3)
  if (feature == "start") {
    means <- c()
    downs <- c()
    ups <- c()
    # upstream window vs downstream window, Check counts in area: pos -18 to -6
    for (j in interval) {
      down <- meta[seq.int(j, max.pos, by = 3)]
      downstream <- mean(down) # down window
      up <- meta[seq.int(1, j - 1, by = 3)]
      upstream <- mean(up) # up window
      m <- downstream - upstream
      downs <- c(downs, downstream); ups <- c(ups, upstream)
      means <- c(means, m)
    # New scaler, punishes regions far away from -12.
    scaled_means <- means / (abs(pos[interval] + 12) + 1)
    # Debug
    # data.table(ups, downs, means, scaled_means, pos = pos[interval])
    offset <- pos[interval[which.max(abs(scaled_means))]]
  } else if (feature == "stop") {
    shift <- which.max(meta)
    offset <- pos[shift] + 6

#' Convert percentage to ratio of 1
#' 50 -> 0.5 etc, if length cds > minimum.cds
#' @param top_tx numeric
#' @param cds GRangesList object
#' @param minimum.cds numeric, default 1000
#' @return numeric, as ratio of 1
percentage_to_ratio <- function(top_tx, cds, minimum.cds = 1000) {
  if (!is.numeric(top_tx) |top_tx < 0 | top_tx > 100)
    stop("top_tx must be numeric between 0 and 100 %")
  top_tx <- if (length(cds) > minimum.cds) { # as ratio of 1
    (100 - top_tx) / 100
  } else 0

#' Pre shifting plot analysis
#' For internal use only!
#' @param rw a data.table of position, score and fraction (read length)
#' of either TIS or TES (translation end site, around 3' UTR)
#' @param heatmap a logical or character string, default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, will plot heatmap of
#' raw reads before p-shifting to console, to see if shifts given make sense.
#' You can also set a filepath to save the file there.
#' @param region a character string, default "start of CDS"
#' @return invisible(NULL)
footprints.analysis <- function(rw, heatmap, region = "start of CDS") {
  region <- paste("Position relative to", region)
  if (heatmap != FALSE) {
    gg <- coverageHeatMap(rw, scoring = "transcriptNormalized",
                          xlab = region)
    if (is.character(heatmap)) {
      ggsave(heatmap, gg)

#' Load the shifts from experiment
#' When you p-shift using the function shiftFootprintsByExperiment,
#' you will get a list of shifts per library. To automatically load them, you
#' can use this function. Defaults to loading pshifts, if you made a-sites or
#' e-sites, change the path argument to ashifted/eshifted folder instead.
#' @inheritParams shiftFootprintsByExperiment
#' @param path path to .rds file containing the shifts as a list,
#' one list element per shifted bam file.
#' @return a list of the shifts, one list element per shifted bam file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' # subset on Ribo-seq
#' df <- df[df$libtype == "RFP",]
#' #shiftFootprintsByExperiment(df)
#' #shifts.load(df)
shifts.load <- function(df,
                        path = pasteDir(dirname(df$filepath[1]),
                                        "/pshifted/shifting_table.rds")) {
  return(readRDS(file = path))

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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.