
Defines functions .drugSensitivitySigPharmacoSet

#' Creates a signature representing the association between gene expression (or
#' other molecular profile) and drug dose response, for use in drug sensitivity
#' analysis.
#' Given a Pharmacoset of the sensitivity experiment type, and a list of drugs, 
#' the function will compute a signature for the effect gene expression on the
#' molecular profile of a cell. The function returns the estimated coefficient, 
#' the t-stat, the p-value and the false discovery rate associated with that 
#' coefficient, in a 3 dimensional array, with genes in the first direction, 
#' drugs in the second, and the selected return values in the third.
#' @examples
#' data(GDSCsmall)
#' drug.sensitivity <- drugSensitivitySig(GDSCsmall, mDataType="rna", 
#'              nthread=1, features = fNames(GDSCsmall, "rna")[1])
#' print(drug.sensitivity)
#' @param object \code{PharmacoSet} a PharmacoSet of the perturbation experiment type
#' @param mDataType \code{character} which one of the molecular data types to use
#'   in the analysis, out of dna, rna, rnaseq, snp, cnv
#' @param drugs \code{character} a vector of drug names for which to compute the
#'   signatures. Should match the names used in the PharmacoSet.
#' @param features \code{character} a vector of features for which to compute the
#'   signatures. Should match the names used in correspondant molecular data in PharmacoSet.
#' @param cells \code{character} allows choosing exactly which cell lines to include for the signature fitting. 
#'   Should be a subset of cellNames(pSet)
#' @param tissues \code{character} a vector of which tissue types to include in the signature fitting. 
#'   Should be a subset of cellInfo(pSet)$tissueid
#' @param nthread \code{numeric} if multiple cores are available, how many cores
#'   should the computation be parallelized over?
#' @param returnValues \code{character} Which of estimate, t-stat, p-value and fdr
#'   should the function return for each gene drug pair?
#' @param sensitivity.measure \code{character} which measure of the drug dose 
#'   sensitivity should the function use for its computations? Use the 
#'   sensitivityMeasures function to find out what measures are available for each PSet.
#' @param molecular.summary.stat \code{character} What summary statistic should be used to
#'   summarize duplicates for cell line molecular profile measurements? 
#' @param sensitivity.summary.stat \code{character} What summary statistic should be used to
#'   summarize duplicates for cell line sensitivity measurements? 
#' @param sensitivity.cutoff \code{numeric} Allows the user to binarize the sensitivity data using this threshold.
#' @param standardize \code{character} One of "SD", "rescale", or "none", for the form of standardization of
#'   the data to use. If "SD", the the data is scaled so that SD = 1. If rescale, then the data is scaled so that the 95%
#'   interquantile range lies in [0,1]. If none no rescaling is done. 
#' @param molecular.cutoff Allows the user to binarize the sensitivity data using this threshold. 
#' @param molecular.cutoff.direction \code{character} One of "less" or "greater", allows to set direction of binarization. 
#' @param verbose \code{logical} 'TRUE' if the warnings and other informative message shoud be displayed
#' @param ... additional arguments not currently fully supported by the function
#' @return \code{list} a 3D array with genes in the first dimension, drugs in the
#'   second, and return values in the third.
#' @importMethodsFrom CoreGx drugSensitivitySig
#' @export
          function(object, mDataType, drugs, features, cells, tissues, sensitivity.measure = "auc_recomputed",
                    molecular.summary.stat = c("mean", "median", "first", "last", "or", "and"),
                    sensitivity.summary.stat = c("mean", "median", "first", "last"),
                    returnValues = c("estimate", "pvalue", "fdr"),
                    sensitivity.cutoff, standardize = c("SD", "rescale", "none"), molecular.cutoff = NA,
                    molecular.cutoff.direction = c("less", "greater"), nthread = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...){
            .drugSensitivitySigPharmacoSet(object, mDataType, drugs, features, cells, tissues, sensitivity.measure,
                                           molecular.summary.stat, sensitivity.summary.stat, returnValues,
                                           sensitivity.cutoff, standardize, molecular.cutoff, molecular.cutoff.direction,
                                           nthread, verbose, ...)

#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assay
#' @keywords internal
.drugSensitivitySigPharmacoSet <- function(object,
 sensitivity.measure = "auc_recomputed", 
 molecular.summary.stat = c("mean", "median", "first", "last", "or", "and"), 
 sensitivity.summary.stat = c("mean", "median", "first", "last"), 
 returnValues = c("estimate", "pvalue", "fdr"),
 sensitivity.cutoff, standardize = c("SD", "rescale", "none"),
 molecular.cutoff = NA,
 molecular.cutoff.direction = c("less", "greater"),
 nthread = 1,
  ### This function needs to: Get a table of AUC values per cell line / drug
  ### Be able to recompute those values on the fly from raw data if needed to change concentration
  ### Be able to choose different summary methods on fly if needed (need to add annotation to table to tell what summary method previously used)
  ### Be able to extract genomic data 
  ### Run rankGeneDrugSens in parallel at the drug level
  ### Return matrix as we had before
  #sensitivity.measure <- match.arg(sensitivity.measure)
  molecular.summary.stat <- match.arg(molecular.summary.stat)
  sensitivity.summary.stat <- match.arg(sensitivity.summary.stat)
  standardize <- match.arg(standardize)
  molecular.cutoff.direction <- match.arg(molecular.cutoff.direction)
  dots <- list(...)
  ndots <- length(dots)
  if (!all(sensitivity.measure %in% colnames(sensitivityProfiles(object)))) {
    stop (sprintf("Invalid sensitivity measure for %s, choose among: %s", object@annotation$name, paste(colnames(sensitivityProfiles(object)), collapse=", ")))
  if (!(mDataType %in% names(object@molecularProfiles))) {
    stop (sprintf("Invalid mDataType for %s, choose among: %s", object@annotation$name, paste(names(object@molecularProfiles), collapse=", ")))
  switch (S4Vectors::metadata(object@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]])$annotation,
    "mutation" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("or", "and"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for mutation must be either 'or' or 'and'")
    "fusion" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("or", "and"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for fusion must be either 'or' or 'and'")
    "rna" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for rna must be either 'mean', 'median', 'first' or 'last'")
    "cnv" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for cnv must be either 'mean', 'median', 'first' or 'last'")
    "rnaseq" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for rna must be either 'mean', 'median', 'first' or 'last'")
    "isoform" = {
      if (!is.element(molecular.summary.stat, c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) {
        stop ("Molecular summary statistic for rna must be either 'mean', 'median', 'first' or 'last'")
    stop (sprintf("No summary statistic for %s has been implemented yet", S4Vectors::metadata(object@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]])$annotation))
  if (!is.element(sensitivity.summary.stat, c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) {
    stop ("Sensitivity summary statistic for sensitivity must be either 'mean', 'median', 'first' or 'last'")
  if (missing(sensitivity.cutoff)) {
    sensitivity.cutoff <- NA
  if (missing(drugs)){
    drugn <- drugs <- drugNames(object)
  } else {
    drugn <- drugs

  if (missing(cells)){
    celln <- cells <- cellNames(object)
  } else {
    celln <- cells

  availcore <- parallel::detectCores()
  if ( nthread > availcore) {
    nthread <- availcore
  if (missing(features)) {
    features <- rownames(featureInfo(object, mDataType))
  } else {
    fix <- is.element(features, rownames(featureInfo(object, mDataType)))
    if (verbose && !all(fix)) {
      warning (sprintf("%i/%i features can be found", sum(fix), length(features)))
    features <- features[fix]
    drugpheno.all <- lapply(sensitivity.measure, function(sensitivity.measure) {
        sensitivity.measure = sensitivity.measure,
        summary.stat = sensitivity.summary.stat,
        verbose = verbose)))
    })} else {
      sProfiles <- dots[["sProfiles"]]
      drugpheno.all <- list(t(sProfiles))
    dix <- is.element(drugn, do.call(colnames, drugpheno.all))
    if (verbose && !all(dix)) {
      warning (sprintf("%i/%i drugs can be found", sum(dix), length(drugn)))
    if (!any(dix)) {
      stop("None of the drugs were found in the dataset")
    drugn <- drugn[dix]

    cix <- is.element(celln, do.call(rownames, drugpheno.all))
    if (verbose && !all(cix)) {
      warning (sprintf("%i/%i cells can be found", sum(cix), length(celln)))
    if (!any(cix)) {
      stop("None of the cells were found in the dataset")
    celln <- celln[cix]
      celln <- celln[cellInfo(object)[celln,"tissueid"] %in% tissues]
    } else {
      tissues <- unique(cellInfo(object)$tissueid)

    object@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]] <- summarizeMolecularProfiles(object = object,
      mDataType = mDataType,
      summary.stat = molecular.summary.stat,
      binarize.threshold = molecular.cutoff,
      binarize.direction = molecular.cutoff.direction,
      verbose = verbose)[features, ]
      mProfiles <- dots[["mProfiles"]]
      SummarizedExperiment::assay(object@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]]) <- mProfiles[features, colnames(object@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]]), drop = FALSE]
    drugpheno.all <- lapply(drugpheno.all, function(x) {x[intersect(phenoInfo(object, mDataType)[ ,"cellid"], celln), , drop = FALSE]})
    molcellx <- phenoInfo(object, mDataType)[ ,"cellid"] %in% celln

    type <- as.factor(cellInfo(object)[phenoInfo(object, mDataType)[molcellx,"cellid"], "tissueid"])

    if("batchid" %in% colnames(phenoInfo(object, mDataType))){
      batch <- phenoInfo(object, mDataType)[molcellx, "batchid"]
    } else {
      batch <- rep(NA, times=nrow(phenoInfo(object, mDataType)))
    batch[!is.na(batch) & batch == "NA"] <- NA
    batch <- as.factor(batch)
    names(batch) <- phenoInfo(object, mDataType)[molcellx, "cellid"]
    batch <- batch[rownames(drugpheno.all[[1]])]
    if (verbose) {
      message("Computing drug sensitivity signatures...")
    splitix <- parallel::splitIndices(nx = length(drugn), ncl = 1)
    splitix <- splitix[vapply(splitix, length, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)) > 0]
    mcres <-  parallel::mclapply(splitix, function(x, drugn, expr, drugpheno, type, batch, standardize, nthread) {
      res <- NULL
      for(i in drugn[x]) {
        ## using a linear model (x ~ concentration + cell + batch)
        dd <- lapply(drugpheno, function(x) x[,i])
        dd <- do.call(cbind, dd)
        colnames(dd) <- seq_len(ncol(dd))
        if(!is.na(sensitivity.cutoff)) {
          dd <- factor(ifelse(dd > sensitivity.cutoff, 1, 0), levels=c(0, 1))
        rr <- rankGeneDrugSensitivity(data=expr, drugpheno=dd, type=type, batch=batch, single.type=FALSE, standardize=standardize, nthread=nthread, verbose=verbose)
        res <- c(res, list(rr$all))
      names(res) <- drugn[x]
    }, drugn=drugn, expr=t(molecularProfiles(object, mDataType)[features, molcellx, drop=FALSE]), drugpheno=drugpheno.all, type=type, batch=batch, nthread=nthread, standardize=standardize)
    res <- do.call(c, mcres)
    res <- res[!vapply(res, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
    drug.sensitivity <- array(NA,
      dim = c(nrow(featureInfo(object, mDataType)[features,, drop=FALSE]),
        length(res), ncol(res[[1]])),
      dimnames = list(rownames(featureInfo(object, mDataType)[features,, drop=FALSE]), names(res), colnames(res[[1]])))
    for(j in seq_len(ncol(res[[1]]))) {
      ttt <- vapply(res, function(x, j, k) {
                xx <- array(NA, dim = length(k), dimnames = list(k))
                xx[rownames(x)] <- x[ , j, drop=FALSE]
                return (xx)
              k=rownames(featureInfo(object, mDataType)[features,, drop = FALSE]),
      drug.sensitivity[rownames(featureInfo(object, mDataType)[features,, drop = FALSE]), names(res), j] <- ttt
    drug.sensitivity <- PharmacoSig(drug.sensitivity, 
                                    PSetName = name(object),
                                    Call = as.character(match.call()), 
                                    Arguments = list(
                                      "mDataType" = mDataType,
                                      "drugs" = drugs,
                                      "features" = features,
                                      "cells" = cells, 
                                      "tissues" = tissues,
                                      "sensitivity.measure" = sensitivity.measure, 
                                      "molecular.summary.stat" = molecular.summary.stat, 
                                      "sensitivity.summary.stat" = sensitivity.summary.stat, 
                                      "returnValues" = returnValues,
                                      "sensitivity.cutoff" = sensitivity.cutoff,
                                      "standardize" = standardize,
                                      "molecular.cutoff" = molecular.cutoff,
                                      "molecular.cutoff.direction" = molecular.cutoff.direction,
                                      "nthread" = nthread,
                                      "verbose" = verbose))

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PharmacoGx documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 2 a.m.