
#' Reconstruct the data in the @sensitivity slot list into a LongTable object.
#' @param object A [`PharmacoSet`] with a list in the sensitivity slot containing
#'   items raw, profiles, info and n.
#' @return A [`LongTable`] with the data from the sensitivity slot.
#' @importFrom CoreGx buildLongTable
#' @importMethodsFrom CoreGx sensitivitySlotToLongTable
#' @import data.table
#' @export
    signature(object='PharmacoSet'), function(object) {

    info <- as.data.table(sensitivityInfo(object), keep.rownames=TRUE)
    setorderv(info, c('cellid', 'drugid'))  # sort to keep keys the same
    info[, drug_cell_rep := seq_len(.N), by=.(cellid, drugid)]
    profiles <- as.data.table(sensitivityProfiles(object),
    # This automatically melts to long format and drops rows
    raw <- as.data.table(sensitivityRaw(object))

    # preprocess raw array
    setnames(raw, seq_len(3), c('rn', 'replicate', 'assay'))
    assayIDs <- unique(raw$assay)
    raw[, value := as.numeric(value)]
    raw[, replicate := as.integer(gsub('\\D*', '', replicate))]
    # Split value into one column for each assay (long -> wide)
    longRaw <- dcast(raw, rn + replicate ~ ..., value.var=c('value'))
    # Split assay columns into assay per replicate (wide -> wider)
    longRaw <- dcast(longRaw, rn ~ replicate, value.var=assayIDs)

    # set keys for joins
    setkeyv(info, 'rn')
    setkeyv(profiles, 'rn')
    setkeyv(longRaw, 'rn')

    # join raw and info to the assay data
    sensDT <- merge.data.table(info, longRaw, all=TRUE)
    sensDT <- merge.data.table(sensDT, profiles, all=TRUE)[rn == info$rn, ]

    # build assay identifiers
    assayRegex <- paste0(assayIDs, '_\\d+')
    .getAssayCols <- function(name, colNames) grep(name, colNames, value=TRUE)
    assayCols <- lapply(assayRegex, .getAssayCols, colNames=colnames(sensDT))
    names(assayCols) <- tolower(assayIDs)

    mappings <- .getLongTableDimensionMappings(info)

    rowDataCols <- list(c('cellid', 'drug_cell_rep'), mappings$rowMeta)
    colDataCols <- list(c('drugid', 'drug_cell_rep'), mappings$colMeta)

    if (length(mappings$unmapped) > 1)
        assayCols$experiment_metadata <- mappings$unmapped

    assayCols$sensitivity_profiles <- colnames(profiles[, -'rn'])

    ## FIXME:: Re-implement metadata once we sort out column mappings.
    #metadata <- as.list(unique(sensDT[, mappings$metadata, with=FALSE]))

    longTable <- buildLongTable(from=sensDT, rowDataCols, colDataCols, assayCols)


## TODO:: refactor this to be shorter/more concise
#' @import data.table
#' @export
.getLongTableDimensionMappings <- function(info) {

    # define some tools for exploring dimensionality
    length.unique <- function(...) length(unique(...))

    mapped <- c('rn', 'drugid', 'cellid', 'drug_cell_rep')

    # Determine which columns map to metadata
    # (i.e., which columns are the same)
    byMeta <- sapply(info, length.unique)
    mapsToMeta <- byMeta == 1
    definiteMeta <- names(which(mapsToMeta))

    mapped <- c(mapped, definiteMeta)

    # Determine which columns map to rn
    # (i.e., which columns are all unique)
    byRow <- sapply(info, length.unique)
    mapsToRow <- byRow == nrow(info)
    definiteRow <- names(mapsToRow[mapsToRow])
    definiteRow <- setdiff(definiteRow, mapped)

    mapped <- c(mapped, definiteRow)

    # Determine which columns map to drug
    byDrug <- info[, lapply(.SD, length.unique), by=drugid]
    maxByDrug <- sapply(byDrug[, -'drugid'], max)
    definiteDrug <- names(which(maxByDrug == 1))
    definiteDrug <- setdiff(definiteDrug, mapped)

    mapped <- c(mapped, definiteDrug)

    # Determine which columns map to cell
    byCell <- info[, lapply(.SD, length.unique), by=cellid]
    maxByCell <- sapply(byCell[, -'cellid'], max)
    definiteCell <- names(which(maxByCell == 1))
    definiteCell <- setdiff(definiteCell, mapped)

    mapped <- c(mapped, definiteCell)

    # ---- 2. Possible Mappings

    # Possible metadata
    maybeMeta <- names(which(byMeta < 5))
    maybeMeta <- setdiff(maybeMeta, mapped)

    mapped <- c(mapped, maybeMeta)

    # Possible cell mappings
    maybeCell <- names(which(maxByCell < 5))
    maybeCell <- setdiff(maybeCell, mapped)

    # Possible drug mappings
    maybeDrug <- names(which(maxByDrug < 5))
    maybeDrug <- setdiff(maybeDrug, mapped)

    # Overlap in possible cell and drug mappings
    maybeBoth <- setdiff(intersect(maybeCell, maybeDrug), maybeMeta)
    if (length(maybeBoth) > 0)
        stop("Need to handle ambiguous mapping between cell/drug")
        betterDrug <- maxByDrug[maybeBoth] <= maxByCell[maybeBoth]
        ## TODO:: Handle this if a case occurs

    definiteMeta <- c(definiteMeta, maybeMeta)
    definiteDrug <- c(definiteDrug, maybeDrug)
    definiteCell <- c(definiteCell, maybeCell)

    mapped <- c(mapped, maybeDrug, maybeCell)

    # Possible row mappings
    maxDrugCell <- max(byRow[c('cellid', 'drugid')])
    possibleRow <- names(which(byRow < maxDrugCell & byRow != nrow(info)))
    possibleRow <- setdiff(possibleRow, mapped)

    definiteRow <- c(definiteRow, possibleRow)

    mapped <- c(mapped, possibleRow)

    unmapped <- setdiff(colnames(info), mapped)
    unmapped <- unique(c('rn', definiteRow, definiteMeta, unmapped))

    ## FIXME:: Removed metadata columns to ensure I can recreate sensitivityInfo
    mappings <- list(rowMeta=definiteCell, colMeta=definiteDrug, unmapped=unmapped)

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PharmacoGx documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 2 a.m.