# @RdocFunction estimateCorrection
# @alias estimateCorrection,QDNAseqReadCounts-method
# @title "Estimate correction to read counts for GC content and mappability"
# @synopsis
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{object}{An @see "QDNAseqReadCounts" object with \code{counts} data.}
# \item{span}{For @see "stats::loess", the parameter alpha which controls
# the degree of smoothing.}
# \item{family}{For @see "stats::loess", if "gaussian" fitting is by
# least-squares, and if "symmetric" a re-descending M estimator is
# used with Tukey's biweight function.}
# \item{adjustIncompletes}{A boolean(1) specifying whether \code{counts} for
# bins with uncharacterized nucleotides (N's) in their reference genome
# sequence should be adjusted by dividing them with the percentage of
# characterized (A, C, G, T) nucleotides. Defaults to @TRUE.}
# \item{maxIter}{An integer(1) specifying the maximum number of iterations
# to perform, default is 1. If larger, after the first loess fit, bins
# with median residuals larger than \code{cutoff} are removed, and the
# fitting repeated until the list of bins to use stabilizes or after
# \code{maxIter} iterations.}
# \item{cutoff}{A numeric(1) specifying the number of standard deviations
# (as estimated with @see "matrixStats::madDiff") the cutoff for removal
# of bins with median residuals larger than the cutoff. Not used if
# \code{maxIter=1} (default).}
# \item{variables}{A character vector specifying which variables to include
# in the correction. Can be \code{c("gc", "mappability")} (the default),
# \code{"gc"}, or \code{"mappability"}.}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to @see "stats::loess".}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @see "QDNAseqReadCounts" object with the assay data element
# \code{fit} added.
# }
# \section{Parallel processing}{
# This function uses \pkg{future} to calculate the QDNAseq model across
# samples in parallel.
# }
# \examples{
# data(LGG150)
# readCounts <- LGG150
# readCountsFiltered <- applyFilters(readCounts)
# readCountsFiltered <- estimateCorrection(readCountsFiltered)
# }
# @author "IS"
# \seealso{
# Internally, @see "stats::loess" is used to fit the regression model.
# }
# @keyword manip
# @keyword loess
setMethod("estimateCorrection", signature=c(object="QDNAseqReadCounts"),
definition=function(object, span=0.65, family="symmetric",
adjustIncompletes=TRUE, maxIter=1, cutoff=4.0,
variables=c("gc", "mappability"), ...,
verbose=getOption("QDNAseq::verbose", TRUE)) {
oopts <- options("QDNAseq::verbose"=verbose)
counts <- assayDataElement(object, "counts")
if (adjustIncompletes) {
counts <- counts / fData(object)$bases * 100L
counts[fData(object)$bases == 0] <- 0L
variables <- match.arg(variables, several.ok=TRUE)
descriptions <- c(gc="GC content", mappability="mappability")
vmsg("Calculating correction for ",
paste(descriptions[variables], collapse=" and "))
if (length(span) == 1L)
span <- rep(span, times=ncol(counts))
if (length(family) == 1L)
family <- rep(family, times=ncol(counts))
if (length(span) != ncol(counts))
stop("Parameter span has to be either a single value or a vector the ",
"same length as there are samples in object.")
if (length(family) != ncol(counts))
stop("Parameter family has to be either a single value or ",
"a vector the same length as there are samples in object.")
condition <- binsToUse(object)
gc <- round(fData(object)$gc)
mappability <- round(fData(object)$mappability)
condition <- condition & ! & !
# to interpolate
all.combinations <- expand.grid(gc=unique(gc[!]),
rownames(all.combinations) <- paste0(all.combinations$gc, "-",
calculateFits <- function(i, ...) {
if ([i]) &&[i])) {
vmsg(" Skipping sample ", sampleNames(object)[i], "...")
loessFit <- rep(1, times=nrow(counts))
attr(loessFit, "used.span") <- NA_real_
attr(loessFit, "") <- NA_character_
vmsg(" Calculating fit for sample ", sampleNames(object)[i],
" (", i, " of ", ncol(counts), ") ...")
corvals <- counts[, i]
median.counts <- aggregate(counts[condition, i],
by=list(gc=gc[condition], mappability=mappability[condition]),
rownames(median.counts) <- paste0(median.counts$gc, "-",
l <- loess(formula(paste("x ~", paste(variables, collapse=" * "))),
data=median.counts, span=span[i], family=family[i], ...)
# fit <- l$fitted
# names(fit) <- rownames(median.counts)
fit <- as.vector(predict(l, all.combinations))
names(fit) <- rownames(all.combinations)
residual <- corvals / fit[paste0(gc, "-", mappability)] - 1
cutoffValue <- cutoff * madDiff(residual, na.rm=TRUE)
prevGoodBins <- condition
goodBins <- binsToUse(object) & ! &
abs(residual) <= cutoffValue
iter <- 1
while(!identical(goodBins, prevGoodBins) && iter < maxIter) {
median.counts2 <- aggregate(counts[goodBins, i],
by=list(gc=gc[goodBins], mappability=mappability[goodBins]),
rownames(median.counts2) <- paste0(median.counts2$gc, "-",
l2 <- loess(x ~ gc * mappability,
data=median.counts2, span=span[i], family=family[i], ...)
# fit2 <- l$fitted
# names(fit2) <- rownames(median.counts)
fit2 <- as.vector(predict(l2, all.combinations))
names(fit2) <- rownames(all.combinations)
fit[!] <- fit2[!]
residual <- corvals / fit[paste0(gc, "-", mappability)] - 1
prevGoodBins <- goodBins
goodBins <- binsToUse(object) & ! &
abs(residual) <= cutoffValue
iter <- iter + 1
loessFit <- fit[paste0(gc, "-", mappability)]
attr(loessFit, "used.span") <- span[i]
attr(loessFit, "") <- family[i]
}, silent=TRUE)
loessFit <- rep(1, times=nrow(counts))
attr(loessFit, "used.span") <- NA_real_
attr(loessFit, "") <- NA_character_
fits <- future_lapply(seq_len(ncol(counts)), FUN=calculateFits, ...)
loessFit <-, fits)
dimnames(loessFit) <- dimnames(counts)
object$loess.span <- unlist(lapply(fits, FUN=attr, which="used.span"))
object$ <- unlist(lapply(fits, FUN=attr, which=""))
assayDataElement(object, "fit") <- loessFit
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