
Defines functions checkAndReturnDataSetting

checkAndReturnDataSetting <- function(dataSettings, fieldName, columnNames, sysCall){
  ## Check if 'fieldName' exists in the list 'dataSettings' and 
  ## check its content. Particularly, check if it points to an entry in 
  ## 'columnNames'
  if (!any(fieldName %in% names(dataSettings))){
    stop("attr(data, 'importSettings') must contain a field named '", 
         fieldName, "'.")
  } else {
    fieldEntry <- dataSettings[[fieldName]]
  charFields <- c("proteinIdCol", "uniqueIdCol", "intensityStr", "nonZeroCols", 
                  "fcStr", "fcStrNorm")
  numFields <- c("r2Cutoff", "fcCutoff", "slopeBounds", "fcTolerance")
  if (any(fieldName %in% charFields)){
    if (!is.character(fieldEntry)){
      stop("attr(data, 'importSettings')$", fieldName, 
           " must be of class character.")
  if (any(fieldName %in% numFields)){
      stop("attr(data, 'importSettings')$", fieldName, 
           " must be of class numeric")
  msgTxt <- paste0(
    "Found the following column name in attr(data, 'importSettings')$", 
    fieldName, ": '", fieldEntry, "'")
  exactMatches <- c("proteinIdCol", "uniqueIdCol", "addCol", "qualColName", 
  substrings <- c("intensityStr", "fcStr", "fcStrNorm")
  if (fieldName %in% exactMatches){
    if (!all(fieldEntry %in% columnNames)){
      stop("The column specified by attr(data, 'importSettings')$", fieldName, 
           " was not found in the column names of 'data'.")
  } else if (fieldName %in% substrings){
    if (!any(grepl(fieldEntry, columnNames))){
      stop("The given prefix specified by attr(data, 'importSettings')$", 
           fieldName, " was not found in the column names of 'data'.")

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TPP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.