
Defines functions createValidPlotPaths

createValidPlotPaths <- function(type, protIDs, plotDir){
  # type should be "meltCurve" or "smoothingSpline"
  ## File names for melting curve plots: Replace special characters by '_'.
  fNames <- paste0(type, "_", gsub("([^[:alnum:]])", "_", protIDs))
  # limit file name length to 255 characters to avoid crashes on most filesystems:
  maxLen <- 255 - nchar(".pdf") - nchar("_truncated") - nchar(as.character(length(fNames)))
  tooLong <- nchar(fNames) > maxLen
  cropSuffix <- paste0("_truncated", 1:sum(tooLong))
  fNames <- sapply(fNames, function(fTmp) {
    fNew <- substr(fTmp, 1, min(maxLen, nchar(fTmp)))
  }, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  fNames[tooLong] <- paste0(fNames[tooLong], cropSuffix)
  fNames <- paste0(fNames, ".pdf")
  plotPathsFull <- file.path(plotDir, fNames)
  pathTable <- data.frame(uniqueID = protIDs, path = plotPathsFull) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>% mutate_all(as.character)

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TPP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.