
Defines functions .artms_getMSstatsFormat

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @title Generate MSstats format object and file
# @description Takes as input a reduced version of the Evidence file and
# generates the input data.frame required by MSstats.
# It processes fractionated data as well.
# @param data_f (data.frame) of the filtered Maxquant evidence file.
# @param fraction (boolean) 1 or 0 option to specified whether or not
#  is a fractionated experiment
# @param output_name (char) Output file name (to generate the output files). 
# '.txt' extension required
# @param funfunc (char) The function to use to aggregating the data if it is a
# fractionated experiment (default: `sum`)
# @param data_object (logical) if TRUE the output_name cannot be the evidence file
# since it would be an data_object
# @param verbose (logical) `TRUE` (default) shows function messages
# @return (data.frame) MSstats compatible format
# @keywords internal, MSstats, format, input, fractions
.artms_getMSstatsFormat <- function(data_f, 
                                    funfunc = "sum",
                                    data_object = data_object,
                                    verbose = TRUE) {
  Run = PeptideSequence = Condition_BioReplicate_Run = NULL
  if(verbose) message(">> CONVERTING THE DATA TO MSSTATS FORMAT ")

  if(any(missing(data_f) | 
         missing(fraction) |
    stop("Missed (one or many) required argument(s)
         Please, check the help of this function to find out more")
    output_name <- "artms_evidence.txt"
    if (!grepl(".txt", output_name)) {
      stop("Argument <output_file> must have the extension '.txt'")
  data_f <- artmsChangeColumnName(data_f, 
  data_f$PeptideSequence <- gsub("_", "", data_f$PeptideSequence)
    message("-- Selecting Sequence Type: MaxQuant 'Modified.sequence' column")
  # DEAL WITH FRACTIONS FIRST (but in reality it is just checking,
  # because it is doing a sum up of redundant features anyway)
  if (any(grepl("FractionKey", colnames(data_f))) & fraction) {
      message("-- DEALING WITH FRACTIONS (sum up msint per features) ")
    predmss <- aggregate(data = data_f,
                         Intensity ~ Proteins + 
                           PeptideSequence + 
                           Charge + 
                           IsotopeLabelType + 
                           Condition +
                           BioReplicate + Run,
                         FUN = funfunc)
    predmss <- predmss[, c("Proteins",
  } else{
    # If there are duplications, sum up
    predmss <- aggregate(data = data_f,
                         Intensity ~ Proteins + PeptideSequence + Charge + 
                           IsotopeLabelType + Condition + BioReplicate + Run,
                         FUN = sum)
    predmss <- predmss[, c("Proteins",
  # step required by MSstats to add 'NA' intensity values for those
  # features not found in certain bioreplicates/runs
  # If this is not done, MSstats will still works,
  # but it will generate a gigantic warning.
  # Using dcast from data.table because it has the option "sep" that allows to
  # choose the 'collapse' character to use.
    message("-- Adding NA values for missing values (required by MSstats) ")
  # predmss_dc <- data.table::dcast(data = setDT(predmss),
  #                                 Proteins+PeptideSequence+Charge+IsotopeLabelType~Condition+
  #                                   BioReplicate + Run,
  #                                 value.var = "Intensity",
  #                                 fun.aggregate = sum,
  #                                 sep = "___")
  predmss_dc <- predmss %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(Condition_BioReplicate_Run = paste(Condition, BioReplicate, Run, sep = "___") ) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = c(Proteins, PeptideSequence, Charge, IsotopeLabelType), 
                       names_from = Condition_BioReplicate_Run, 
                       values_from = Intensity, 
                       values_fn = list(Intensity = sum), values_fill = list(Intensity = 0))
  # predmss_melt <- data.table::melt(data = predmss_dc,
  #                                  id.vars = c('Proteins', 
  #                                              'PeptideSequence', 
  #                                              'Charge', 
  #                                              'IsotopeLabelType'),
  #                                  value.name = "Intensity")
  predmss_melt <- predmss_dc %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(Proteins, PeptideSequence, Charge, IsotopeLabelType), 
                        names_to = "variable", 
                        values_to = "Intensity")
  # And put back the condition, bioreplicate and run columns
  predmss_melt$Condition <- gsub("(.*)(___)(.*)(___)(.*)", "\\1", predmss_melt$variable)
  predmss_melt$BioReplicate <- gsub("(.*)(___)(.*)(___)(.*)", "\\3", predmss_melt$variable)
  predmss_melt$Run <- gsub("(.*)(___)(.*)(___)(.*)", "\\5", predmss_melt$variable)
  # After the data has been aggregated, then we add the columns
  predmss_melt$ProductCharge <- NA
  predmss_melt$FragmentIon <- NA
  # Names required by MSstats
  predmss_melt <- artmsChangeColumnName(predmss_melt, "Proteins", "ProteinName")
  predmss_melt <- artmsChangeColumnName(predmss_melt, "Charge", "PrecursorCharge")

  # And re-sort it as msstats likes it
  dmss <- predmss_melt[, c("ProteinName",
  ## sanity check for zero's
  if (nrow(dmss[!is.na(dmss$Intensity) & dmss$Intensity == 0, ]) > 0) {
    dmss[!is.na(dmss$Intensity) & dmss$Intensity == 0, ]$Intensity = NA
  dmss <- as.data.frame(dmss)
  if(verbose) message("-- Write out the MSstats input file (-mss.txt) ")
              file = gsub('.txt', '-mss.txt', output_name),
              eol = "\n",
              sep = "\t",
              quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE,
              col.names = TRUE)

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artMS documentation built on April 14, 2021, 6 p.m.