# modification on git from copied files
.posteriorWeights <- function(cD, group, CDpriors, consensus) {
numintSamp <- cD@priors$sampled
weights <- cD@priors$weights
numintSamp <- list(list(cbind(numintSamp, weights)))
priorWeights <- .constructWeights(numintSamp = numintSamp, CDpriors = CDpriors, consensus = consensus)
makeOrderings <- function(cD, orderingFunction)
orderingFunction <- lapply(cD@densityFunction, function(x) x@orderingFunction)
if(!is.list(orderingFunction)) orderingFunction <- list(orderingFunction)
if(length(orderingFunction) == 1) orderingFunction <- lapply(cD@groups, function(x) orderingFunction[[1]])
if(any(sapply(orderingFunction, function(x) is.null(body(x))))) {
warning("No valid ordering function available.")
cD@orderings <-"data.frame", lapply(cD@groups, function(group) rep(NA, nrow(cD))))
} else {
observables <- .catObservables(cD)
orderings <-"data.frame", lapply(1:length(cD@groups), function(grp) {
group <- cD@groups[[grp]]
if(length(levels(group)) > 1) {
glev <- levels(group)
gorders <- sapply(glev, function(gg) {
orderon <- orderingFunction[[grp]](dat = .sliceArray(list(NULL, which(group == gg)), cD@data, drop = FALSE),
observables = lapply(observables, function(obs) .sliceArray(list(NULL, which(group == gg)), obs, drop = FALSE)))
if(is.matrix(orderon)) orderon <- rowMeans(orderon, na.rm = TRUE)
rownames(gorders) <- NULL
matlev <- matrix(glev, ncol(gorders), nrow = nrow(gorders), byrow = TRUE)
orderings <- rep("", nrow(gorders))
for(ii in 1:ncol(gorders)) {
maxes <- gorders == matrix("pmax", c(as.list(data.frame(gorders)), na.rm = TRUE)), ncol = ncol(gorders), nrow = nrow(gorders))
maxes[] <- FALSE
subord <- matrix(NA, ncol(gorders), nrow = nrow(gorders))
subord[maxes] <- matlev[maxes]
eqord <-"paste", c(as.list(, sep = "="))
eqord <- gsub("=*(NA)+=*", "=", eqord)
eqord <- gsub("^=+", "", eqord)
eqord <- gsub("=+$", "", eqord)
eqord <- gsub("=+", "=", eqord)
orderings = paste(orderings, eqord, ">", sep = "")
gorders[maxes] <- NA
orderings <- gsub(">+$", "", orderings)
} else orderings = rep("", nrow(cD))
colnames(orderings) <- names(cD@groups)
cD@orderings <- orderings
`getPosteriors` <-
function(ps, prs, pET = "none", marginalise = FALSE, groups, priorSubset = NULL, maxit = 100, accuracy = 1e-5, eqOverRep = NULL, cl = cl)
if(nrow(ps) == 0) return(list(posteriors = ps, priors = prs))
getPosts <- function(ps, prs)
posts <- t(t(ps) + log(prs))
maxes <-"pmax", data.frame(posts))
posts <- posts - pmax(maxes, maxes + log(rowSums(exp(posts - maxes))))
priorSubset <- 1:nrow(ps)
prs <- switch(pET,
iteratively = {
oldprs <- prs
for(ii in 1:maxit)
posteriors <- getPosts(ps[priorSubset,], prs)
prs <- colSums(exp(posteriors)) / nrow(posteriors)
if(all(abs(oldprs - prs) < accuracy)) break
oldprs <- prs
if(ii == maxit)
warning("Convergence not achieved to required accuracy.")
BIC = {
sampleSize <- length(groups[[1]])
bicps <-"cbind", lapply(1:ncol(ps), function(pp) -2 * ps[priorSubset,pp] + (sum(!eqOverRep[[pp]]) * nlevels(groups[[pp]]) + sum(eqOverRep[[pp]])) * log(sampleSize)))
minbicps <- apply(bicps, 1, which.min)
prs <- sapply(1:length(groups), function(x) sum(minbicps == x, na.rm = TRUE))
if(any(prs == 0)) prs[prs == 0] <- 1/length(priorSubset) / sum(prs == 0)
prs <- prs / sum(prs)
none = prs
posteriors <- getPosts(ps, prs)
oldposts <- posteriors
intmargins <- function(x)
z <- t(t(oldposts[setdiff(priorSubset, x[1]),]) + x[-1])
maxes <-"pmax", data.frame(z))
z <- z - pmax(z, maxes + log(rowSums(exp(z - maxes))))
.logRowSum(t(z)) - log(colSums(!
if(!is.null(cl)) {
clusterExport(cl, "priorSubset", envir = environment())
getPostsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
environment(intmargins) <- getPostsEnv
for(ii in 1:100)
if(!is.null(cl)) {
clusterExport(cl, "oldposts", envir = environment())
newposts <- matrix(parRapply(cl, cbind(1:nrow(ps), ps), intmargins), ncol = ncol(ps), byrow = TRUE)
} else newposts <- t(apply(cbind(1:nrow(ps), ps), 1, intmargins))
if(max(abs(exp(newposts) - exp(oldposts))) < 1e-3) break
oldposts <- newposts
posteriors <- newposts
list(posteriors = posteriors, priors = prs)
.constructWeights <- function(numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors, withinCluster = FALSE, consensus = FALSE)
if(is.numeric(weights)) weights <- list(list(weights))
priorWeights <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii)
lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj)
sampw <- cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]], exweight = weights[[ii]][[jj]])
nS = numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]]; exweight = weights[[ii]][[jj]]
# save(sampw, nS, exweight, file = "~/sampw.RData")
sampw <- sampw[order(sampw[,2]),]
sapply(split(sampw[,4] * sampw[,3], sampw[,2]), sum)
if(withinCluster) {
assign("priorWeights", priorWeights, envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else return(priorWeights)
`getLikelihoods` <-
function(cD, prs, pET = "BIC", marginalise = FALSE, subset = NULL, priorSubset = NULL, bootStraps = 1, bsNullOnly = TRUE, conv = 1e-4, nullData = FALSE, weightByLocLikelihoods = TRUE, modelPriorSets = list(), modelPriorValues = list(), returnAll = FALSE, returnPD = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, discardSampling = FALSE, modelLikes = TRUE, cl = NULL, tempFile = NULL, largeness = 1e8)#, restrictResults = FALSE)
.likeDataObs <- function(xdata, densityFunction, groups, consensus = FALSE, differentWeights = differentWeights, modelLikes = TRUE) { #, restrictResults) {
`logsum` <-
function(x) {
max(x, max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + log(sum(exp(x - max(x, na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)
PDgivenr.Consensus <- function (number, cts, xrobs, xcobs, sobs, priors, groups, priorWeights, numintSamp, differentWeights, densityFunction)
prior <- lapply(1:ncol(priors), function(jj) priors[,jj])
repcts <- apply(cts, (1:length(dim(cts)))[-2], function(x) rep(x, nrow(priors)))
xobs <- c(xrobs,
lapply(xcobs, function(obs)
array(obs, dim = c(ncol(cts) * nrow(priors), dim(obs)[-c(1:2)], 1))),
lapply(sobs, function(obs) {
slobs <- obs
if(is.vector(slobs) || is.factor(slobs) || length(dim(slobs)) == 1) {
return(rep(slobs, nrow(priors)))
} else apply(slobs, 2:length(dim(slobs)), function(x) rep(x, nrow(priors)))
xobs <- c(xobs, list(dim = datdim))
datalikes <- matrix(
observables = xobs,
parameters = lapply(prior, function(priorpar) rep(priorpar, each = ncol(cts)))),
ncol = ncol(cts), byrow = TRUE)
ld <- sapply(1:length(groups), function(grpnum) {
group <- groups[[grpnum]]
wts <- priorWeights[[grpnum]]
sampInfo <- numintSamp[[grpnum]]
sum(sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
selcts <- group == levels(group)[gg] & !
weightings <- wts[[gg]]
nzWts <- weightings != 0
wsInfo <- which(sampInfo[[gg]][,1] == number)
# weightings[sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,2]] - sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,3]
logsum(rowSums(datalikes[nzWts,selcts,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) + log(weightings[nzWts])) - log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
} else {
weightings <- priorWeights[[1]][[1]]
wsInfo <- which(numintSamp[[1]][[1]][,1] == number)
weightings[numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,2]] - numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,3]
nzWts <- weightings != 0
datalikes <- datalikes[nzWts,,drop = FALSE]
lweight <- log(weightings[nzWts])
lsumweight <- log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
matld <- sapply(whmat, function(grp) logsum(rowSums(datalikes[,grp,drop = FALSE]) + lweight) - lsumweight)
ld <- sapply(split(matld[matmat], zid), sum)
# system.time(ld <- sapply(1:1000, function(grpnum) {
# group <- groups[[grpnum]]
# sum(sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
# selcts <- which(group == levels(group)[gg] & !
# logsum(rowSums(datalikes[,selcts,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) + lweight) - lsumweight
# }))
# })
PDgivenr <- function (number, cts, xrobs, xcobs, sobs, priors, group, wts, sampInfo, differentWeights, modelLikes = TRUE,densityFunction)
glikes <- sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
selcts <- group == levels(group)[gg] & !
weightings <- wts[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]]
nzWts <- weightings != 0
prior <- lapply(1:ncol(priors[[gg]]), function(jj) priors[[gg]][nzWts,jj])
xobs <- c(xrobs,
lapply(xcobs, function(obs)
array(.sliceArray(list(NULL, which(selcts)), obs, drop = FALSE), dim = c(sum(nzWts) * sum(selcts), dim(obs)[-(1:2)], 1))),
lapply(sobs, function(obs) {
slobs <- .sliceArray(list(which(selcts)), obs, drop = FALSE)
if(is.vector(slobs) || is.factor(slobs) || length(dim(slobs)) == 1) {
return(rep(slobs, sum(nzWts)))
} else apply(slobs, 2:length(dim(slobs)), function(x) rep(x, sum(nzWts)))
xobs <- c(xobs, list(dim = datdim))
repcts <- apply(.sliceArray(list(NULL, which(selcts)), cts, drop = FALSE), (1:length(dim(cts)))[-2], function(x) rep(x, sum(nzWts)))
wsInfo <- which(sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][,1] == number)
# weightings[sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,2]] - sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,3]
likeD <-
observables = xobs,
parameters = lapply(prior, function(priorpar) rep(priorpar, each = sum(selcts))))
,ncol = sum(selcts),byrow = TRUE)
, na.rm = TRUE) + log(weightings[nzWts]) - log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
if(modelLikes) {
mL <- logsum(likeD)
} else {
lD <- rep(-Inf, nrow(priors[[gg]]))
lD[nzWts] <- likeD
if(modelLikes) {
} else return(glikes)
xid <- xdata$id
cts <- xdata$data
xrobs <- xdata$rowObs
xcobs <- xdata$cellObs
if(consensus) {
PDlikes <- PDgivenr.Consensus(number = xid, cts = cts, xrobs = xrobs, xcobs = xcobs, sobs = sampleObservables, priors = CDpriors, groups = groups, priorWeights = priorWeights, numintSamp = numintSamp, differentWeights = differentWeights, densityFunction = densityFunction[[1]])
} else {
PDlikes <- lapply(1:length(CDpriors), function(gg)
number = xid, cts = cts, xrobs = xrobs, xcobs = xcobs, sobs = sampleObservables, priors = CDpriors[[gg]], group = groups[[gg]],
wts = priorWeights[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]],
sampInfo = numintSamp[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]],
differentWeights = differentWeights, modelLikes = modelLikes,
densityFunction <- densityFunction[[gg]])
if(modelLikes) PDlikes <- unlist(PDlikes)
# if(restrictResults) {
# restrictThresh <- 1 / (length(groups))
# maxprior <- 1 / length(groups)
# minpriors <- log(1 - maxprior) - log(length(groups))
# valid <- (logsum(c(log(maxprior) + log(1 - restrictThresh), log(restrictThresh) + minpriors))) + PDlikes > log(restrictThresh) + logsum(PDlikes + minpriors)
# return(list(whval = which(valid), PDL = PDlikes[valid], residual = logsum(PDlikes[!valid])))
# }
if(!inherits(cD, what = "countData"))
stop("variable 'cD' must be of or descend from class 'countData'")
if(length(modelPriorValues) == 0 & !missing(prs)) modelPriorValues <- prs
listPosts <- list()
if(!(class(subset) == "integer" | class(subset) == "numeric" | is.null(subset)))
stop("'subset' must be integer, numeric, or NULL")
if(is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:nrow(cD)
if(is.null(priorSubset)) priorSubset <- subset
if(length(modelPriorSets) == 0) modelPriorSets <- list(subset)
if(any(duplicated(unlist(modelPriorSets)))) stop("Some element appears twice in the modelPriorSets list")
if(!all(subset %in% unlist(modelPriorSets))) stop("The modelPriorSets list does not contain all the data specified in the `subset' parameter (or all data, if this parameter is not specified).")
modelPriorSets <- lapply(modelPriorSets, function(x) x[x %in% subset])
modelPriorValues <- lapply(modelPriorSets, function(x) modelPriorValues)
if(is.list(modelPriorValues) && length(modelPriorValues) == 0) {
modelPriorValues <- lapply(modelPriorSets, function(x) rep(NA, length(cD@groups)))
if(length(modelPriorValues) != length(modelPriorSets)) stop("The length of 'modelPriorValues' (if a list) must be identical to that of 'modelPriorSets' (or zero).")
if(pET %in% c("none", "iteratively"))
lapply(modelPriorValues, function(prs) {
if(length(prs) != length(cD@groups)) stop("All members of modelPriorValues must be of same length as the number of groups in the 'cD' object")
if(any(prs < 0))
stop("Negative values in all members of modelPriorValues are not permitted")
if(!nullData & sum(prs) != 1)
stop("If 'nullData = FALSE' then all members of modelPriorValues should sum to 1.")
if(nullData & sum(prs) >= 1)
stop("If 'nullData = TRUE' then all members of modelPriorValues should sum to less than 1.")
if(pET %in% c("iteratively", "BIC") && (any(sapply(modelPriorValues, length) < 100) & sapply(modelPriorSets, is.null))) warning("Some subsets contain fewer than one hundred members; estimation of model priors may be unstable")
if(is.null(conv)) conv <- 0
groups <- cD@groups
CDpriors <- cD@priors$priors
cdDF <- cD@densityFunction
if(length(cdDF) == 1) cdDF <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(ii) cdDF[[1]])
if(length(cD@densityFunction) == 1) {
densityFunction <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(ii) cD@densityFunction[[1]]@density)
} else densityFunction <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(ii) cD@densityFunction[[ii]]@density)
numintSamp <- cD@priors$sampled
weights <- cD@priors$weights; if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nrow(cD@priors$sampled))
nullWeights <- cD@priors$nullWeights;
data <- cD@data
datdim <- dim(cD)
sampleObservables <- cD@sampleObservables
rowObservables <- cD@rowObservables
if(!("seglens" %in% names(cD@cellObservables) || "seglens" %in% names(rowObservables))) rowObservables <- c(rowObservables, list(seglens = rep(1, nrow(cD))))
if(!("libsizes" %in% names(sampleObservables))) sampleObservables <- c(sampleObservables, list(seglens = rep(1, ncol(cD))))
if(is.matrix(CDpriors)) consensus <- TRUE else consensus <- FALSE
if(is.numeric(weights) & is.matrix(numintSamp) & bootStraps == 1 & !nullData)
differentWeights <- FALSE
numintSamp <- list(list(numintSamp))
priorWeights <- .constructWeights(numintSamp = numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors = CDpriors, consensus = consensus)
} else {
differentWeights <- TRUE
if(discardSampling) numintSamp[,1] <- NA
numintSamp <- lapply(groups, function(x) lapply(1:length(levels(x)), function(z) numintSamp))
weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = rep(1, nrow(z))))
weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = weights))
# numintSamp <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]], weights = weights[[ii]][[jj]])))
priorWeights <- .constructWeights(numintSamp = numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors = CDpriors, consensus = consensus)
ndelocGroup <- which(unlist(lapply(cD@groups, function(x) all(x[!] == x[!][1]))))
if(length(ndelocGroup) == 0) stop("If 'nullData = TRUE' then there must exist some vector in groups whose members are all identical") else ndelocGroup <- ndelocGroup[1]
nullFunction <- cD@densityFunction[[ndelocGroup]]@nullFunction
modifyNullPriors <- cD@densityFunction[[ndelocGroup]]@modifyNullPriors
if(is.null(body(nullFunction)) & nullData) {
warning("nullData cannot be TRUE if no nullFunction is specified within the supplied densityFunction object.")
nullData <- FALSE
} else {
groups <- c(groups, null = groups[ndelocGroup])
densityFunction <- c(densityFunction, densityFunction[ndelocGroup])
cdDF <- c(cdDF, cdDF[ndelocGroup])
ndenulGroup <- length(groups)
numintSamp[[ndenulGroup]] <- numintSamp[[ndelocGroup]]
CDpriors[[ndenulGroup]] <- modifyNullPriors(CDpriors[[ndelocGroup]], datdim)
if(!consensus) ndePriors <- nullFunction(CDpriors[[ndelocGroup]][[1]]) else ndePriors <- nullFunction(CDpriors)
if(weightByLocLikelihoods && "locLikelihoods" %in% slotNames(cD) && nrow(cD@locLikelihoods) > 0){
newts <- exp(rowSums(log(1 - exp(cD@locLikelihoods)), na.rm = TRUE))[cD@priors$sampled[,1]]
weights <- lapply(groups, function(x) lapply(levels(x), function(jj) return(1 - newts)))
weights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]] <- newts
} else {
if(is.null(nullWeights)) {
nullweights <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]]
sep <- bimodalSeparator(ndePriors[ndePriors > -Inf], nullweights[ndePriors > -Inf])
modelPriorValues <- lapply(modelPriorValues, function(prs) c(prs, 1 - sum(prs)))
priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]] <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]]
priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]] <- priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]] * as.numeric(ndePriors <= sep)
priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]] <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]] * as.numeric(ndePriors > sep)
weights[[ndenulGroup]] <- weights[[ndelocGroup]]
weights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][numintSamp[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][,2] %in% which(ndePriors <= sep)] <- 0
weights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]][numintSamp[[ndenulGroup]][[1]][,2] %in% which(ndePriors > sep)] <- 0
} else weights[[ndenulGroup]] <- nullWeights
priorWeights <- .constructWeights(numintSamp = numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors = CDpriors, consensus = consensus)
propest <- NULL
converged <- FALSE
if(consensus) {
# rg <-"rbind", groups)
# greps <- unique(lapply(1:ncol(rg), function(ii) which(colSums(rg == rg[,ii]) == nrow(rg))))
# gr <- c(); gr[unlist(greps)] <- rep(1:length(greps), sapply(greps, length))
# permat <-"rbind", lapply(1:max(gr), function(kk)
# chooseMatrix(max(gr), kk)))[,gr] == 1
z <- lapply(groups, function(grp) split(1:ncol(cD), as.numeric(grp)))
whmat <- unique("c",z))
# whmat <- apply(permat, 1, function(x) which(x))
matmat <- match("c", z), whmat)
zid <- rep(1:length(z), sapply(z, length))
} else {
matmat <- NULL; whmat <- NULL; zid <- NULL
clusterExport(cl, c("CDpriors", "datdim", "densityFunction", "sampleObservables", ".sliceArray", "matmat", "whmat", "zid"), envir = environment())
if(verbose) message("Finding posterior likelihoods...", appendLF = FALSE)
if(bootStraps > 1) {
priorReps <- unique(unlist(sapply(numintSamp, function(x) as.integer(unique(sapply(x, function(z) z[,1]))))))
priorReps <- priorReps[priorReps > 0 & !]
if(!all(priorReps %in% 1:nrow(cD@data)) & bootStraps > 1)
warning("Since the sampled values in the '@priors' slot are not available, bootstrapping is not possible.")
bootStraps <- 1
} else priorReps <- c()
message("Length of priorReps:", length(priorReps))
message("Length of priorSubset:", length(priorSubset))
message("Length of subset:", length(subset))
postRows <- unique(c(priorReps, priorSubset, subset))
message("Length of postRows:", length(postRows))
.fastUniques <- function(x){
if (nrow(x) > 1) {
return(c(TRUE, rowSums(x[-1L, , drop = FALSE] == x[-nrow(x),, drop = FALSE]) != ncol(x)))
} else return(TRUE)
whunq <- TRUE
ncuts <- ceiling(length(groups) * as.double(nrow(cD)) / largeness)
if(ncuts == 1) splitRows <- list(postRows) else splitRows <- split(postRows, cut(postRows, ncuts, labels = FALSE))
posteriors <- NULL
for(cc in 1:bootStraps)
if(cc > 1)
if(!bsNullOnly | !nullData) {
weights <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) exp(posteriors[numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1],ii])))
} else {
weights <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii)
lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj)
if(ii == ndenulGroup) weights = exp(posteriors[numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1],ii]) else weights = 1 - exp(posteriors[numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1],ndenulGroup])
ps <- NULL
if (is.null(cl)) {
if(cc > 1)
priorWeights <- .constructWeights(numintSamp = numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors = CDpriors)
for(ss in 1:length(splitRows)) {
if(verbose) message("Analysing part ", ss, " of ", length(splitRows))
if(verbose) message("Preparing data...", appendLF = FALSE)
sliceData <- list()
sliceData <- lapply(splitRows[[ss]], function(id) {
if(verbose) if(sample(1:round(nrow(data) / 50), 1) == 1) message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
list(id = id,
data = asub(data, id, dims = 1, drop = FALSE),
cellObs = lapply(cD@cellObservables, function(cob) asub(cob, id, dims = 1, drop = FALSE)),
rowObs = lapply(rowObservables, function(rob) asub(rob, id, dims = 1, drop = FALSE)))
if(verbose) message("done.")
if(verbose) message("Estimating likelihoods...",appendLF = FALSE)
if (is.null(cl)) {
tps <- lapply(sliceData,
.likeDataObs, densityFunction = densityFunction, groups = groups, consensus = consensus, differentWeights = differentWeights, modelLikes = modelLikes)
} else {
clusterExport(cl, "numintSamp", envir = environment())
clusterCall(cl, .constructWeights, numintSamp = numintSamp, weights = weights, CDpriors = CDpriors, withinCluster = TRUE, consensus = consensus)
getLikesEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
environment(.likeDataObs) <- getLikesEnv
tps <- parLapplyLB(cl[1:min(length(cl), length(postRows[whunq]))], sliceData,
.likeDataObs, densityFunction = densityFunction, groups = groups, consensus = consensus, differentWeights = differentWeights, modelLikes = modelLikes)#, restrictResults = restrictResults)
if(!is.null(tempFile)) save(tps, file = paste(tempFile, "_", ss, ".RData", sep = ""))
if(verbose) message("...done!")
ps <- c(ps, tps)
rps <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
rps[postRows[whunq],] <-"rbind", ps)
if(returnPD) return(rps)
restprs <- lapply(1:length(modelPriorSets), function(pp) {
pSub <- intersect(priorSubset, modelPriorSets[[pp]])
prs <- modelPriorValues[[pp]]
if(pET == "iterative" || (pET == "BIC" & all([[pp]]))))
if(length(pSub) == nrow(cD) && all(1:nrow(cD) == pSub)) pps <- rps else pps <- rps[pSub,,drop = FALSE]
restprs <- getPosteriors(ps = pps, prs, pET = pET, marginalise = FALSE, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL,
eqOverRep = lapply(cdDF, function(x) x@equalOverReplicates(dim(cD))), cl = cl)$priors
} else restprs <- prs
restprs <- lapply(restprs, function(x) {
names(x) <- names(groups)
names(restprs) <- names(modelPriorSets)
ppsPosts <- lapply(1:length(modelPriorSets), function(pp) {
#pSub <- intersect(union(priorReps, subset), modelPriorSets[[pp]])
pSub <- postRows
if(length(pSub) == nrow(cD) && all(1:nrow(cD) == pSub)) pps <- rps else pps <- rps[pSub,,drop = FALSE]
pps <- getPosteriors(ps = pps, prs = restprs[[pp]], pET = "none", marginalise = marginalise, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL, cl = cl)
list(pps = pps, pSub = pSub)
if(is.null(posteriors)) posteriors <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
compPosts <-"c", lapply(ppsPosts, function(x) x$pSub))
newPosts <- posteriors
for(ii in 1:length(ppsPosts)) {
newPosts[ppsPosts[[ii]]$pSub,] <- ppsPosts[[ii]]$pps$posteriors
if(all(abs(exp(posteriors[compPosts,,drop = FALSE]) - exp(newPosts[compPosts,,drop = FALSE])) < conv)) converged <- TRUE
posteriors <- newPosts
if(returnAll | converged | cc == bootStraps)
retPosts <- posteriors
retPosts[priorReps[!(priorReps %in% subset)],] <- NA
nullPosts <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
if(nullData) {
nullPosts <- retPosts[,ndenulGroup,drop = FALSE]
retPosts <- retPosts[,-ndenulGroup, drop = FALSE]
colnames(retPosts) <- names(cD@groups)
if(nullData) {
cD@priors$weights <- weights[-ndenulGroup]
cD@priors$nullWeights <- weights[[ndenulGroup]]
} else cD@priors$weights <- weights
listPosts[[cc]] <- (new(class(cD), cD, posteriors = retPosts,
nullPosts = nullPosts, priorModels = restprs))
listPosts[[cc]] <- makeOrderings(listPosts[[cc]])
clusterEvalQ(cl, rm(list = ls()))
if(verbose) message("done.")
if(!returnAll) return(listPosts[[cc]]) else {
if(length(listPosts) == 1) return(listPosts[[1]]) else return(listPosts)
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