
# codCorrect-method.
setGeneric("codCorrect", function(object, method = "half", normexp.method="saddle", offset=0)	standardGeneric("codCorrect"))
setMethod("codCorrect", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, method = "half", normexp.method="saddle", offset=0)
	x = object
	if(getInfo(x, "background") != "NONE") {
		warning("data already corrected, skipped.")
	method <- match.arg(method, c("none", "subtract", "half", "normexp"))

	# take data.
	#int <- assayDataElement(x, "intensity")
	#bkgd <- assayDataElement(x, "background")
	int <- getInt(x)
	bkgd <- getBkg(x)

	# correct intensities.
	newInt=backgroundCorrect.matrix(int, bkgd, method=method, normexp.method=normexp.method,offset=offset)

	assayDataElement(x, "exprs") <- newInt
	# info.
	experimentData(x)@preprocessing[["background"]] <- method

# getInfo-method.
setGeneric("getInfo", function(x, what)
setMethod("getInfo", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, what)

# codNormalize-method.
setGeneric("codNormalize", function(object, method = "quantile", log.it = TRUE, ...)	standardGeneric("codNormalize"))
setMethod("codNormalize", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, method="quantile", log.it=TRUE, weights=NULL, loess.method="fast")

setMethod("normalize", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, method="quantile", log.it=TRUE, weights=NULL, loess.method="fast")
	x = object
	method <- match.arg(method, c("median", "quantile", "loess"))

	if(getInfo(x, "normalization") != "NONE") {
		warning("data already normalized, skipped.")
	# take data.
	#newInt <- assayDataElement(x, "intensity")
	newInt <- getInt(x)

	# log.it?
	if(log.it && !getInfo(x, "log"))
		newInt <- log2(newInt)
		if(log.it && getInfo(x, "log"))
			warning("already log2 data, skipping...")

	# check weights.
	# do normalization stuff.
		#median = newInt <- normalize.median(newInt,weights=weights),
		median = newInt <- normalizeMedianValues(newInt),
		quantile = newInt <- normalizeQuantiles(newInt),
		#quantile = newInt <- normalize.quantiles(newInt),
		#loess = newInt <- normalize.loess(newInt, log.it = FALSE,
		#	verbose = FALSE)
		loess = newInt <- normalizeCyclicLoess(newInt, weights=weights, method = loess.method)	 

	# reassign data.
	assayDataElement(x, "exprs") <- newInt
	# info.
	experimentData(x)@preprocessing[["normalization"]] <- method
	experimentData(x)@preprocessing[["log"]] <- log.it


# codPreprocess-method.
setGeneric("codPreprocess", function(x, bg.method = "half", 
	norm.method = "quantile", log.it = TRUE) standardGeneric("codPreprocess"))
setMethod("codPreprocess", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, bg.method = "half", norm.method = "quantile", log.it = TRUE)
	x <- codCorrect(x, method = bg.method)
	x <- codNormalize(x, method = norm.method, log.it = log.it)

# exprs method.
setMethod("exprs", "CodelinkSet",
	assayDataElement(object, "exprs")

# getInt method.
setGeneric("getInt", function(object) standardGeneric("getInt"))
setMethod("getInt", "CodelinkSet",
	#assayDataElement(object, "intensity")

# getBkg method.
setGeneric("getBkg", function(object) standardGeneric("getBkg"))
setMethod("getBkg", "CodelinkSet",
	assayDataElement(object, "background")

# getSNR method.
setGeneric("getSNR", function(object) standardGeneric("getSNR"))
setMethod("getSNR", "CodelinkSet",
	assayDataElement(object, "snr")

# getFlag method.
setGeneric("getFlag", function(object) standardGeneric("getFlag"))
setMethod("getFlag", "CodelinkSet",
	assayDataElement(object, "flag")

# getWeight method.
#setMethod("weights", "CodelinkSet",
# {
#	assayDataElement(object, "weight")
# alias.
setGeneric("getWeight", function(object) standardGeneric("getWeight"))
setMethod("getWeight", "CodelinkSet",
	assayDataElement(object, "weight")

# assignWeight method.
#setGeneric("weights<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("weights<-"))
#setReplaceMethod("weights", signature(object="CodelinkSet",value="matrix"),
#function(object, value) assayDataElementReplace(object, "weight", value))

# probeNames-method.
setGeneric("probeNames", function(object) standardGeneric("probeNames"))
setMethod("probeNames", "CodelinkSet",
	as.character(pData(featureData(object))[, "probeName"])

# probeTypes method to get feature types.
setGeneric("probeTypes", function(object) standardGeneric("probeTypes"))
setMethod("probeTypes", "CodelinkSet",
	as.character(pData(featureData(object))[, "probeType"])

# meanSNR method to get mean SNR values.
setGeneric("meanSNR", function(object) standardGeneric("meanSNR"))
setMethod("meanSNR", "CodelinkSet",
	pData(featureData(object))[, "meanSNR"]

# logicalRow method to get chip row positions.
setGeneric("logicalRow", function(object) standardGeneric("logicalRow"))
setMethod("logicalRow", "CodelinkSet",
	pData(featureData(object))[, "logicalRow"]

# logicalCol method to get chip col positions.
setGeneric("logicalCol", function(object) standardGeneric("logicalCol"))
setMethod("logicalCol", "CodelinkSet",
	pData(featureData(object))[, "logicalCol"]

# experimental codPlot-method.
# this intends to be a general interface for all plotting utilities.
setGeneric("codPlot", function(object, array, what = "ma", ...)

# codPlot, CodelinkSet-method.
setMethod("codPlot", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, array, what = "ma", ...)
	x = object
	what <- match.arg(what, c("ma", "density", "scatter", "image"))

		ma = {
			if(missing(array)) array = 1;
			codPlotMA(x, array, ...) },
		density = {
			#if(missing(array)) array = NULL
			#codPlotDensity(x, array, ...) },
			codPlotDensity(x, array=array, ...) },
		scatter = {
			if(missing(array)) array = 1;
			codPlotScatter(x, array=array, ...) },
		image = {
			if(missing(array)) array = 1;
			codPlotImage(x, array=array, ...) }
# codPlot(), MArrayLM-method.
setMethod("codPlot", "MArrayLM",
function(object, array, what = "ma", ...)
	if(missing(array)) array = 1
	codPlotMA(object, array = array, ...)

# codPlotMA, generic.
setGeneric("codPlotMA", function(x, array = 1, ...)
# codPlotMA, CodelinkSet-method.
setMethod("codPlotMA", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, array = 1, array2, label = "type", cutoff = c(-1, 1),
	snr.cutoff = 1,	legend.x, pch = ".", ...)
	label <- match.arg(label, c("type", "snr", "none"))
	type <- probeTypes(x)
	snr <- meanSNR(x)

	# compute MA values.
	X <- getInt(x)
	islog <- getInfo(x, "log")
	if (!islog) X <- log2(X)
	X1 <- X[, array]
	if (missing(array2))
		X2 <- rowMeans(X[, -array, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
		X2 <- X[, array2]

	M <- X2 - X1
	A <- (X1 + X2) / 2

	# get title.
	samples <- sampleNames(x)
	if (missing(array2)) {
		title <- paste("Median vs", samples[array])
	} else {
		title <- paste(samples[array2], "vs", samples[array])

	plotxy(A, M, label = label,	cutoff = cutoff, snr.cutoff = snr.cutoff,
		legend.x = legend.x, pch = pch, type = type, snr = snr, title = title, 
		xlab = "A", ylab = "M", ...)
# codPlotMA, MArrayLM-method.
setMethod("codPlotMA", "MArrayLM",
function(x, array = 1, label = "type", cutoff = c(-1, 1),
	snr.cutoff = 1, legend.x, pch = ".", Amean, type, snr, ...)
	label <- match.arg(label, c("type", "snr", "none"))
	if(missing(type) && label == "type") {
		label = "none"
		warning("missing type information.")
	if(missing(snr) && label == "snr") {
		label = "none" 
		warning("missing snr info.")

	M <- x$coef[, array]
		if(missing(Amean)) stop("no Amean information.")
		else A <- Amean
		A <- x$Amean
	title <- colnames(x$coef)[array]
	plotxy(A, M, label = label,	cutoff = cutoff, snr.cutoff = snr.cutoff,
		legend.x = legend.x, pch = pch, type = type, snr = snr, title = title, 
		xlab = "A", ylab = "M", ...)

# codPlotDensity-method.
setGeneric("codPlotDensity", function(x, array, ...)
setMethod("codPlotDensity", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, array, lwd, ...)
	X <- getInt(x)
	islog <- getInfo(x, "log")

		array <- 1:dim(X)[2]
	if(!islog) X <- log2(X)

	narray <- length(array)
	col <- rainbow(narray)

	d <- list()
	xlim <- c()
	ylim <- c()
	for(n in 1:narray) {
		d[[n]] <- density(X[, k], na.rm = TRUE)
		xlim <- c(xlim, d[[n]]$x)
		ylim <- c(ylim, d[[n]]$y)

	xlim <- range(xlim, na.rm = TRUE)
	ylim <- range(ylim, na.rm = TRUE)

	plot(0, col = "white", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "Intensity",
		ylab = "Density")
	if(missing(lwd)) lwd <- 2

	for(n in 1:narray)
		lines(d[[n]], col = col[n], lwd = lwd, ...)
	legend("topright", legend = sampleNames(x[,array]), fill = col, bty = "n")

setGeneric("codPlotScatter", function(x, array = 1, ...)
setMethod("codPlotScatter", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, array = 1, array2, label = "type", cutoff = c(-1, 1),
		snr.cutoff = 1,	legend.x, pch = ".", ...)
	#object, x=1, y=2, cutoff=FALSE, label="type", title=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL
	label <- match.arg(label, c("type", "snr", "none"))
	type <- probeTypes(x)
	snr <- meanSNR(x)
	samples <- sampleNames(x)

	X <- getInt(x)
	islog <- getInfo(x, "log")
	X1 <- X[, array]
	xlab = samples[array]
	ylab = "Median"
	if(missing(array2)) {
		# compute mean in non-log scale and restore it if needed.
		X2 <- rowMeans(if(!islog) X else 2^X, na.rm = TRUE)
		if(islog) X2 <- log2(X2)
	} else {
		X2 <- X[, array2]
		ylab = samples[array2] 
	if(!islog) {
		X1 <- log2(X1)
		X2 <- log2(X2)
	if(missing(array2)) {
		title <- paste("Median vs", samples[array])
	} else {
		title <- paste(samples[array2], "vs", samples[array])
	plotxy(X1, X2, label = label,	cutoff = cutoff, snr.cutoff = snr.cutoff,
			legend.x = legend.x, pch = pch, type = type, snr = snr, title = title, loess = FALSE, xyline = TRUE, 
			xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

# codPlotImage-method.
setGeneric("codPlotImage", function(x, array = 1, ...)
setMethod("codPlotImage", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, array = 1, signal = "bg", low = "white", high = "blue",
	log.it = FALSE, ...)
	signal <- match.arg(signal, c("bg", "intensity", "snr"))
		bg = X <- getBkg(x)[, array],
		intensity = X <- getInt(x)[, array],
		snr = X <- getSNR(x)[, array]

	if(log.it) X <- log2(X)
	d <- getChipDimensions(x)
	if(is.null(d)) {
		gc <- 1
		gr <- 1
	} else {
		gc <- d["gc"]
		gr <- d["gr"]

	rows <- logicalRow(x)
	cols <- logicalCol(x)

	or <- max(rows)
	oc <- max(cols)
	o <- matrix(NA, nrow = or, ncol = oc)
	for(n in 1:length(rows)) {
		o[rows[n], cols[n]] <- X[n]

	col <- colorRampPalette(c(low, high))(123)
	op <- par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))

	if(is.null(d)) {
		sc <- oc/gc
		sr <- or/gr
	} else {
		sc <- d["sc"]
		sr <- d["sr"]

	image(0:(gr * sr), 0:(gc * sc), o, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ...)

	for (igrid in 0:gc) lines(c(0, gr * sr), rep(igrid * sc, 2), lwd = 2)
	for (igrid in 0:gr) lines(rep(igrid * sr, 2), c(0, gc * sc), lwd = 2)
	box(lwd = 2)

	mtext(paste("Array:", array, "Signal: ", signal, " Sample:",
		sampleNames(x)[array]), side=1, cex=0.8)
setGeneric("getChipDimensions", function(x)
setMethod("getChipDimensions", "character",
	#if(missing(x)) return(NULL)
		hwgcod = {
			gc <- 1
			gr <- 12
			sc <- 112
			sr <- 42
		mwgcod = {
			gc <- 1
			gr <- 10
			sc <- 112
			sr <- 41
		rwgcod = {
			gc <- 1
			gr <- 8
			sc <- 112
			sr <- 41
		h20kcod = {
			gc <- 1
			gr <- 1
			sc <- 71
			sr <- 332
	return(c(gc = gc, gr = gr, sc = sc, sr = sr))
setMethod("getChipDimensions", "CodelinkSet",
setGeneric("chipDevice", function(x, f = 3) standardGeneric("chipDevice"))
setMethod("chipDevice", "CodelinkSet",
function(x, f = 3)
	arrayNew(f = f, chip = x@annotation)

setGeneric("writeCodelink", function(object, file, dec = ".", sep = "\t", flag = FALSE, chip) standardGeneric("writeCodelink"))
setMethod("writeCodelink", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, file, dec = ".", sep = "\t", flag = FALSE, chip)
    if(missing(chip)) chip <- annotation(object)
    if(chip == "") stop("chip name is needed.")
    probes <- probeNames(object)
    probes.acc <- lookUp(probes, chip, "ACCNUM", load = TRUE)
    probes.eg <- lookUp(probes, chip, "ENTREZID")

	tmp <- cbind(probeNames(object), unlist(probes.acc), unlist(probes.eg), exprs(object), getSNR(object))	
    head <- c("PROBE_NAME", "ACCESSION", "ENTREZID", paste("INTENSITY_", sampleNames(object), sep = ""),
            paste("SNR_", sampleNames(object), sep = ""))
	if(flag) {
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, getFlag(object))
        head <- c(head, paste("FLAG_", sampleNames(object), sep = ""))
	rownames(tmp) <- featureNames(object)
    tmp <- rbind(Index=head, tmp)
    write.table(tmp, file = file, quote = FALSE, sep = sep, dec = dec, col.names = FALSE)

setGeneric("averageProbes", function(object, parallel = FALSE)
setMethod("averageProbes", "CodelinkSet",
function(object, parallel = FALSE)
	uprobes <- unique(probeNames(object))
	mat <- exprs(object)
	samples <- sampleNames(object)
	mylapply <- lapply
	if (parallel) {
		if (is.loaded("mclapply", PACKAGE="parallel")) {
			mylapply <- get('mclapply', envir=getNamespace('multicore'))
		} else {
			message("Parallel functionality is provided by package 'parallel', please load the package to use it")
			message("Package 'parallel' is available by default in R>= 2.14.0")
	tmp <- mylapply(uprobes, function(x) {
		idx <- probeNames(object) == x
		int.m <- colMeans(mat[idx,, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
		int.sd <- apply(mat[idx,, drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
		c(which(idx)[1], int.m, int.sd)
	int.m <- matrix(unlist(tmp), ncol = ncol(object)*2 + 1, nrow = length(uprobes), byrow = TRUE)
	uidx <- int.m[, 1]
	int.m <- int.m[, -1]
	sel <- c(rep(TRUE, ncol(object)), rep(FALSE, ncol(object)))
	int.sd <- int.m[, !sel]
	int.m <- int.m[, sel]
	fdata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
			data = pData(featureData(object))[uidx, c("probeName", "probeType")],
			varMetadata = varMetadata(featureData(object))[c("probeName", "probeType"), , drop = FALSE])
	featureNames(fdata) <- uprobes
	new("CodelinkSetUnique", exprs = int.m, sd = int.sd, phenoData = phenoData(object), featureData = fdata, annotation = annotation(object))

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codelink documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:19 p.m.