## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liestřl and Ole Christian Lingjćrde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liestřl et al. (2012), BMC Genomics
##Required by:
### none
### findNN
### getArms
### getMad
### numericArms
### numericChrom
### pullOutContent
#Main function for allele-specific PCF to be called by user
aspcf <- function(logR,BAF,pos.unit="bp",arms=NULL,kmin=5,gamma=40,baf.thres=c(0.1,0.9),skew=3,assembly="hg19",digits=4,return.est=FALSE,save.res=FALSE,file.names=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
#Check pos.unit input:
if(!pos.unit %in% c("bp","kbp","mbp")){
stop("pos.unit must be one of bp, kbp and mbp",call.=FALSE)
#Check assembly input:
if(!assembly %in% c("hg19","hg18","hg17","hg16","mm7","mm8","mm9")){
stop("assembly must be one of hg19, hg18, hg17 or hg16",call.=FALSE)
#Check if logR and BAF are files:
isfile.logR <- class(logR)=="character"
isfile.BAF <- class(BAF)=="character"
#Check and extract logR-data input:
#Input could come from winsorize and thus be a list; check and possibly retrieve data frame
logR <- pullOutContent(logR,what="")
stopifnot(ncol(logR)>=3) #something is missing in input data
#Extract information from logR:
chrom <- logR[,1]
position <- logR[,2]
nSample <- ncol(logR)-2
sampleid <- colnames(logR)[-c(1:2)]
#logR is a datafile which contains logR-data
f.logR <- file(logR,"r") #open file connection
head <- scan(f.logR,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE,sep="\t") #Read header
stop("Data in logR file must have at least 3 columns",call.=FALSE)
sampleid <- head[-c(1:2)]
nSample <- length(sampleid)
#Read just the two first columns to get chrom and pos
chrom.pos <- read.table(file=logR,sep="\t",header=TRUE,colClasses=c(rep(NA,2),rep("NULL",nSample)), #chromosomes could be character or numeric
chrom <- chrom.pos[,1]
position <- chrom.pos[,2]
#Make sure chrom is not factor:
#If chrom is factor; convert to character
chrom <- as.character(chrom)
#Make sure chromosomes are numeric (replace X and Y by 23 and 24)
num.chrom <- numericChrom(chrom)
nProbe <- length(num.chrom)
#Make sure position is numeric:
stop("input in logR column 2 (posistions) must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
#Get character arms:
arms <- getArms(num.chrom,position,pos.unit,get(assembly))
#Translate to numeric arms:
num.arms <- numericArms(num.chrom,arms)
#Unique arms:
arm.list <- unique(num.arms)
nArm <- length(arm.list)
#Check BAF input:
#Input could come from winsorize and thus be a list; check and possibly retrieve data frame
BAF <- pullOutContent(BAF,what="")
ncol.BAF <- ncol(BAF)
nrow.BAF <- nrow(BAF)
f.BAF <- file(BAF,"r")
ncol.BAF <- length(scan(f.BAF,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE,sep="\t"))
nrow.BAF <- nrow(read.table(file=BAF,sep="\t",header=TRUE,colClasses=c(NA,rep("NULL",ncol.BAF-1)),
if(nrow.BAF!=nProbe || ncol.BAF!=nSample+2){
stop("Input in BAF does not represent the same number of probes and samples as found in input in logR",call.=FALSE)
yhat.names <- c("chrom","pos",sampleid)
seg.names <- c("sampleID","chrom","arm","start.pos","end.pos","n.probes","logR.mean","BAF.mean")
segments <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=8))
colnames(segments) <- seg.names
logR.yhat <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=nSample)
#Create directory where results are to be saved
dir.res <- "aspcf_results"
if(!dir.res %in% dir()){
file.names <- c(paste(dir.res,"/","logR_estimates.txt",sep=""),paste(dir.res,"/","segments.txt",sep=""))
#Check that file.names is the correct length
stop("'file.names' must be of length 2", call.=FALSE)
#estimates must be returned from routines if return.est or save.res
yest <- any(return.est,save.res)
#run ASPCF separately on each chromosomearm:
for(c in 1:nArm){
probe.c <- which(num.arms==arm.list[c])
pos.c <- position[probe.c]
#Result matrices for this arm
segments.c <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=8))
logR.yhat.c <- matrix(nrow=length(probe.c),ncol=0)
#Get data for this arm
arm.logR <- logR[probe.c,-c(1:2),drop=FALSE]
#Read data for this arm from file; since f is a opened connection, the reading will start on the next line which has not already been read
#skip two first columns
arm.logR <- read.table(f.logR,nrows=length(probe.c),sep="\t",colClasses=c(rep("NULL",2),rep("numeric",nSample)))
arm.BAF <- BAF[probe.c,-c(1:2),drop=FALSE]
#Read data for this arm from file; since f is a opened connection, the reading will start on the next line which has not already been read
arm.BAF <- read.table(f.BAF,nrows=length(probe.c),sep="\t",colClasses=c(rep("NULL",2),rep("numeric",nSample)))
#Checking that there are no missing values in logR:
stop("Missing values are not allowed in logR input",call.=FALSE)
#Make sure data is numeric:
stop("input in logR columns 3 and onwards must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
stop("input in BAF columns 3 and onwards must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
#Run ASPCF separately for each sample:
for(i in 1:nSample){
sample.logR <- arm.logR[,i]
sample.BAF <- arm.BAF[,i]
yhat1 <- rep(NA,length(probe.c))
yhat2 <- rep(NA,length(probe.c))
#Filter out BAF-values below/above threshold:
filt.baf <- sample.BAF
filt.baf[filt.baf<baf.thres[1]] <- NA
filt.baf[filt.baf>baf.thres[2]] <- NA
obs <- !
if(sum(obs)!=0){ #Making sure at least one BAF-value in this arm and this sample passes the threshold test!
#Find nearest non-missing neighbour for obs. that have been filtered:
nn <- rep(NA,length(probe.c))
nn[obs] <- which(obs)
nn[!obs] <- findNN(pos=pos.c,obs=obs)
#aggregate logR values for probes with the same NN:
use.logR <- aggregate(sample.logR,by=list(nn),FUN=mean)$x
use.logR <- sample.logR
#use BAF-values inside threshold:
use.BAF <- filt.baf[obs]
res <- fastAspcf(logR=use.logR,allB=use.BAF,kmin=kmin,gamma=gamma,skewed.SD=skew)
yhat1[obs] <- res$yhat1
yhat2[obs] <- res$yhat2
#Interpolate over filtered positions:
yhat1[!obs] <- yhat1[nn[!obs]]
yhat2[!obs] <- yhat2[nn[!obs]]
yhat1 <- rep(mean(sample.logR),length(probe.c))
yhat2 <- rep(NA,length(probe.c))
message(paste("aspcf is not run for ",sampleid[i]," in chromosome arm ",unique(chrom[probe.c]),unique(arms[probe.c])," because all of the BAF-values are outside the threshold values. Mean is returned for logR.",sep=""))
yhat1 <- round(yhat1,digits=digits)
yhat2 <- round(yhat2,digits=digits)
#Create segmentation information:
#Note that yhat1 and yhat2 will have the same breakpoints; hence only use one of them to find these
wd <- which(diff(yhat1)!=0)
seg.start <- c(1,wd+1)
seg.stop <- c(wd,length(probe.c))
nSeg <- length(seg.start)
#Create table with relevant segment-information
seg.arm <- rep(unique(arms[probe.c]),nSeg)
seg.chrom <- rep(unique(chrom[probe.c]),nSeg)
pos.start <- pos.c[seg.start]
pos.stop <- pos.c[seg.stop]
n.pos <- seg.stop-seg.start+1
logR.mean <- yhat1[seg.start]
BAF.mean <- yhat2[seg.start]
#Data frame:
seg <- data.frame(rep(sampleid[i],nSeg),seg.chrom,seg.arm,pos.start,pos.stop,n.pos,logR.mean,BAF.mean,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(seg) <- seg.names
segments.c <- rbind(segments.c,seg)
logR.yhat.c <- cbind(logR.yhat.c,yhat1)
#Should results be written to files or returned to user:
#open connection for writing to file
w1 <- file(file.names[1],"w")
w2 <- file(file.names[2],"w")
#Write estimated PCF-values file for this arm:
write.table(data.frame(chrom[probe.c],pos.c,logR.yhat.c,stringsAsFactors=FALSE), file = w1,col.names=if(c==1) yhat.names else FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
#Write segments to file for this arm
write.table(segments.c,file=w2,col.names=if(c==1) seg.names else FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
#Append to results for other arms:
segments <- rbind(segments,segments.c)
logR.yhat <- rbind(logR.yhat,logR.yhat.c)
cat(paste("aspcf finished for chromosome arm ",seg.chrom[1],seg.arm[1],sep=""),"\n")
#Close connection
#Close connection
cat(paste("logR-estimates were saved in file",file.names[1]),sep="\n")
cat(paste("segments were saved in file",file.names[2]),sep="\n")
logR_yhat <- data.frame(chrom,position,logR.yhat,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# fast ASPCF version
fastAspcf <- function(logR, allB, kmin, gamma,skewed.SD){
N <- length(logR)
w <- 1000 #windowsize
d <- 100
startw = -d
stopw = w-d
nseg = 0
var2 = 0
breakpts = 0
larger = TRUE
from <- max(c(1,startw))
to <- min(c(stopw,N))
logRpart <- logR[from:to]
allBpart <- allB[from:to]
allBflip <- allBpart
allBflip[allBpart > 0.5] <- 1 - allBpart[allBpart > 0.5]
sd1 <- getMad(logRpart)
sd2 <- getMad(allBflip)
#Must check that sd1 and sd2 are defined and != 0:
sd.valid <- c(!,!,sd1!=0,sd2!=0)
#run aspcfpart:
part.res <- aspcfpart(logRpart=logRpart, allBflip=allBflip, a=startw, b=stopw, d=d, sd1=sd1, sd2=sd2, N=N, kmin=kmin, gamma=gamma)
breakptspart <- part.res$breakpts
# the 'larger' is (occasionally) necessary in the last window of the segmentation!
larger = breakptspart>breakpts[length(breakpts)]
breakpts <- c(breakpts, breakptspart[larger])
var2 <- var2 + sd2^2
nseg = nseg+1
if(stopw < N+d){
startw <- min(stopw-2*d + 1,N-2*d)
stopw <- startw + w
}#end repeat
breakpts <- unique(c(breakpts, N))
if(nseg==0){nseg=1} #just in case the sd-test never passes.
sd2 <- sqrt(var2/nseg)
# On each segment calculate mean of unflipped B allele data
frst <- breakpts[1:length(breakpts)-1] + 1
last <- breakpts[2:length(breakpts)]
nseg <- length(frst)
yhat1 <- rep(NA,N)
yhat2 <- rep(NA,N)
for(i in 1:nseg){
yhat1[frst[i]:last[i]] <- rep(mean(logR[frst[i]:last[i]]), last[i]-frst[i]+1)
yi2 <- allB[frst[i]:last[i]]
# Center data around zero (by subtracting 0.5) and estimate mean
if(length(yi2)== 0){
mu <- 0
mu <- mean(abs(yi2-0.5))
# Make a (slightly arbitrary) decision concerning branches
# This may be improved by a test of equal variances
if(sqrt(sd2^2+mu^2) < skewed.SD*sd2){
mu <- 0
yhat2[frst[i]:last[i]] <- rep(mu+0.5,last[i]-frst[i]+1)
}#end fastAspcf
#Get breakpts for a given window
aspcfpart <- function(logRpart, allBflip, a, b, d, sd1, sd2, N, kmin, gamma){
from <- max(c(1,a))
usefrom <- max(c(1,a+d))
useto <- min(c(N,b-d))
N <- length(logRpart)
y1 <- logRpart
y2 <- allBflip
#Check that vectors are long enough to run algorithm:
if(N < 2*kmin){
breakpts <- 0
# Find initSum, initKvad, initAve for segment y[1..kmin]
initSum1 <- sum(y1[1:kmin])
initKvad1 <- sum(y1[1:kmin]^2)
initAve1 <- initSum1/kmin
initSum2 <- sum(y2[1:kmin])
initKvad2 <- sum(y2[1:kmin]^2)
initAve2 <- initSum2/kmin
# Define vector of best costs
bestCost <- rep(0,N)
cost1 <- (initKvad1 - initSum1*initAve1)/sd1^2
cost2 <- (initKvad2 - initSum2*initAve2)/sd2^2
bestCost[kmin] <- cost1 + cost2
# Define vector of best splits
bestSplit <- rep(0,N)
# Define vector of best averages
bestAver1 <- rep(0,N)
bestAver2 <- rep(0,N)
bestAver1[kmin] <- initAve1
bestAver2[kmin] <- initAve2
Sum1 <- rep(0,N)
Sum2 <- rep(0,N)
Kvad1 <- rep(0,N)
Kvad2 <- rep(0,N)
Aver1 <- rep(0,N)
Aver2 <- rep(0,N)
Cost <- rep(0,N)
# We have to treat the region y(1..2*kmin-1) separately, as it
# cannot be split into two full segments
kminP1 <- kmin+1
for (k in (kminP1):(2*kmin-1)) {
Sum1[kminP1:k] <- Sum1[kminP1:k]+y1[k]
Aver1[kminP1:k] <- Sum1[kminP1:k]/((k-kmin):1)
Kvad1[kminP1:k] <- Kvad1[kminP1:k]+y1[k]^2
Sum2[kminP1:k] <- Sum2[kminP1:k]+y2[k]
Aver2[kminP1:k] <- Sum2[kminP1:k]/((k-kmin):1)
Kvad2[kminP1:k] <- Kvad2[kminP1:k]+y2[k]^2
bestAver1[k] <- (initSum1+Sum1[kminP1])/k
bestAver2[k] <- (initSum2+Sum2[kminP1])/k
cost1 <- ((initKvad1+Kvad1[kminP1])-k*bestAver1[k]^2)/sd1^2
cost2 <- ((initKvad2+Kvad2[kminP1])-k*bestAver2[k]^2)/sd2^2
bestCost[k] <- cost1 + cost2
for (n in (2*kmin):N) {
Sum1[kminP1:n] <- Sum1[kminP1:n]+ y1[n]
Aver1[kminP1:n] <- Sum1[kminP1:n]/((n-kmin):1)
Kvad1[kminP1:n] <- Kvad1[kminP1:n]+ (y1[n])^2
cost1 <- (Kvad1[kminP1:nMkminP1]-Sum1[kminP1:nMkminP1]*Aver1[kminP1:nMkminP1])/sd1^2
Sum2[kminP1:n] <- Sum2[kminP1:n]+ y2[n]
Aver2[kminP1:n] <- Sum2[kminP1:n]/((n-kmin):1)
Kvad2[kminP1:n] <- Kvad2[kminP1:n]+ (y2[n])^2
cost2 <- (Kvad2[kminP1:nMkminP1]-Sum2[kminP1:nMkminP1]*Aver2[kminP1:nMkminP1])/sd2^2
Cost[kminP1:nMkminP1] <- bestCost[kmin:(n-kmin)] + cost1 + cost2
Pos <- which.min(Cost[kminP1:nMkminP1])+kmin
cost <- Cost[Pos] + gamma
aver1 <- Aver1[Pos]
aver2 <- Aver2[Pos]
totAver1 <- (Sum1[kminP1]+initSum1)/n
totCost1 <- ((Kvad1[kminP1]+initKvad1) - n*totAver1*totAver1)/sd1^2
totAver2 <- (Sum2[kminP1]+initSum2)/n
totCost2 <- ((Kvad2[kminP1]+initKvad2) - n*totAver2*totAver2)/sd2^2
totCost <- totCost1 + totCost2
if (totCost < cost) {
Pos <- 1
cost <- totCost
aver1 <- totAver1
aver2 <- totAver2
bestCost[n] <- cost
bestAver1[n] <- aver1
bestAver2[n] <- aver2
bestSplit[n] <- Pos-1
# Trace back
n <- N
breakpts <- n
while(n > 0){
breakpts <- c(bestSplit[n], breakpts)
n <- bestSplit[n]
breakpts <- breakpts + from -1
breakpts <- breakpts[breakpts>=usefrom & breakpts<=useto]
}#end aspcfpart
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