#' Get the data for visualization.
#' A helper function to get the data and the label for visualization.
#' @param type A character vector of length 1, the type of metrics to display
#' on y-axis. The available options are "diff" and "statistics", which are
#' differences in amino acid usage at each position between the inputSet and
#' the backgroundSet, and the Z-scores or odds ratios when Z-test or Fisher's
#' exact test is performed to test the differential usage of amino acid at each
#' position between the two sets.
#' @param testDAUresults An object of \code{\link{testDAUresults-class}},
#' which contains results of testing differential amino acid usage).
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' label A character vector of length 1. The type of data for visualization.
#' dat A matrix of numeric data for visualization.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haibo Liu
getData <- function(type, testDAUresults)
testType <- testDAUresults@testType
if (type == "diff")
dat <- testDAUresults@difference
label <- "DAU %"
} else {
dat <- testDAUresults@statistics
if (testType == "fisher")
label <- "OddsRatio"
} else
label <- "Z-score"
list(label = label, dat = dat)
#' Visualize daglogo using a heatmap.
#' Using a heatmap to visualize results of testing differential amino acid usage.
#' @param testDAUresults An object of \code{\link{testDAUresults-class}}, which contains
#' results of testing differential amino acid usage.
#' @param type A character vector of length 1, the type of metrics to display
#' on y-axis. The available options are "diff" and "statistics", which are
#' differences in amino acid usage at each position between the inputSet and
#' the backgroundSet, and the Z-scores or odds ratios when Z-test or Fisher's
#' exact test is performed to test the differential usage of amino acid at each
#' position between the two sets.
#' @param ... other parameters passed to the\code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} function.
#' @import pheatmap
#' @return The output from the \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} function.
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' data("seq.example")
#' data("proteome.example")
#' bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example,
#' numSubsamples=10)
#' t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg)
#' dagHeatmap(testDAUresults = t0, type = "diff")
dagHeatmap <-function(testDAUresults, type = c("diff", "statistics"), ...)
if (missing(testDAUresults) || class(testDAUresults) != "testDAUresults")
stop("testDAUresults should be an object of testDAUresults\n
Please try ?testDAU to get help.", call. = FALSE)
type <- match.arg(type)
data <- getData(type, testDAUresults)
dat <- data$dat[order(rowSums(data$dat), decreasing = TRUE), ]
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
scale = "column",
main = paste0("Heatmap showing ", data$label))
#' @title retrieve color setting for logo visualization
#' @description retrieve prepared color setting for logo
#' @param colorScheme A vector of length 1, the option could be 'null',
#' 'charge', 'chemistry', 'classic' or 'hydrophobicity'
#' @return A character vector of color scheme
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @keywords figure
colorsets2 <- function(colorScheme=c("null", "classic", "charge",
"chemistry", "hydrophobicity")){
colorScheme <- match.arg(colorScheme)
auto <- c('A'='#CCFF00', 'C'='#FFFF00', 'D'='#FF0000', 'E'='#FF0066',
'F'='#00FF66', 'G'='#FF9900', 'H'='#0066FF', 'I'='#66FF00',
'K'='#6600FF', 'L'='#33FF00', 'M'='#00FF00', 'N'='#CC00FF',
'P'='#FFCC00', 'Q'='#FF00CC', 'R'='#0000FF', 'S'='#FF3300',
'T'='#FF6600', 'V'='#99FF00', 'W'='#00CCFF', 'Y'='#00FFCC')
classic <- c("nonpolar_aliphatic"="#000000",
chemistry <- c("hydrophobic"="#000000",
hydrophobicity <- c("hydrophilic"='#000000',
charge <- c("positive"="#FFB32C",
"neutral"="#2000C7", "negative"="#CCCCCC")
#' Color sets for visualization.
#' Create color encoding for visualization of a peptide sequence logo.
#' @param colorScheme A character vector of length 1, determining the color scheme
#' based on amino acid classification methods. The available \code{colorScheme}
#' are ""no","bulkiness_Zimmerman","hydrophobicity_KD", "hydrophobicity_HW",
#' "isoelectric_point_Zimmerman", "contact_potential_Maiorov",
#' "chemistry_property_Mahler", "consensus_similarity_SF",
#' "volume_Bigelow", "structure_alignments_Mirny", "polarity_Grantham",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff", "bulkiness_Zimmerman_group", "hydrophobicity_KD_group",
#' "hydrophobicity_HW_group", "charge_group", "contact_potential_Maiorov_group",
#' "chemistry_property_Mahler_group", "consensus_similarity_SF_group",
#' "volume_Bigelow_group", "structure_alignments_Mirny_group", "polarity_Grantham_group",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff_group", "custom" and "custom_group". If "custom" or
#' "custom_group" are used, users must define a grouping scheme using a list
#' containing sublist named as "color", and "symbol" using the function
#' addScheme, with group set as "NULL" or a list with same names as those of \code{color}
#' and \code{symbol}. No grouping was applied for the first 12 schemes. It is used to
#' color AAs based on similarities or group amino acids into groups of similarities..
#' @seealso {\code{\link{addScheme}}}
#' @return A named character vector of colors
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' colorsets("polarity_Grantham_group")
colorsets <-function(colorScheme = ls(envir = cachedEnv))
colorScheme <- match.arg(colorScheme)
if (!colorScheme %in% ls(envir = cachedEnv))
stop("Unknown color scheme used!")
get(colorScheme, envir = cachedEnv)$color
#' @title convert group name to a single character
#' @description convert group name to a single character to shown in a logo
#' @param nameScheme could be "classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity"
#' @return A character vector of name scheme
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @keywords figure
nameHash <- function(nameScheme=c("classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity")){
nameScheme <- match.arg(nameScheme)
classic <- c("nonpolar_aliphatic"="M",
chemistry <- c("hydrophobic"="H",
hydrophobicity <- c("hydrophilic"='I',
charge<-c("positive"="P", "neutral"="U", "negative"="N")
#' Get character symbols for grouped amino acids
#' @param groupingScheme A character vector of length 1, determining the character
#' symbols used to represent amino acids grouped by their physical and chemical
#' properties. The available \code{groupingScheme} are "no","bulkiness_Zimmerman",
#' "hydrophobicity_KD", "hydrophobicity_HW", "isoelectric_point_Zimmerman",
#' "contact_potential_Maiorov", "chemistry_property_Mahler", "consensus_similarity_SF",
#' "volume_Bigelow", "structure_alignments_Mirny", "polarity_Grantham",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff", "bulkiness_Zimmerman_group", "hydrophobicity_KD_group",
#' "hydrophobicity_HW_group", "charge_group", "contact_potential_Maiorov_group",
#' "chemistry_property_Mahler_group", "consensus_similarity_SF_group",
#' "volume_Bigelow_group", "structure_alignments_Mirny_group", "polarity_Grantham_group",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff_group", and "custom". If "custom" is used, users
#' must define a grouping scheme using a list containing sublists named as "color",
#' "symbol" and "group" using the function \code{\link{addScheme}}. No grouping
#' was applied for the first 12 schemes.
#' @seealso {\code{\link{addScheme}}}
#' @return A named character vector of character symbols if grouping is applied;
#' otherwise NULL.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' getGroupingSymbol("polarity_Grantham_group")
getGroupingSymbol <-function(groupingScheme = ls(envir = cachedEnv))
groupingScheme <- match.arg(groupingScheme)
if (!groupingScheme %in% ls(envir = cachedEnv))
stop("Unknown coloring scheme used!")
if (grepl("group", groupingScheme))
get(groupingScheme, envir = cachedEnv)$symbol
} else
#' @importFrom grid gList rectGrob textGrob linesGrob
plotMarkers <- function(markers, dw, x0, h, lo=NULL){, lapply(markers, function(m){
pos <- mapply(seq, m@start, m@stop, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if(length(lo)>0 && length(lo)==length(h)){
height <- sapply(pos, function(.ele) max(h[.ele])-min(lo[.ele]))
y <- sapply(pos, function(.ele) (min(lo[.ele])+max(h[.ele]))/2)
h2 <- sapply(pos, function(.ele) max(h[.ele]))
height <- sapply(pos, function(.ele) max(h[.ele]))
h2 <- height
y <- height/2
res <- rectGrob(x= x0+(m@start + m@stop-1)*dw/2,
y = y,
width = dw*(m@stop - m@start + 1),
height = height,
gp = m@gp)
tG <- textGrob(label=m@label,
x = x0+(m@start+m@stop-1)*dw/2,
y = h2,
vjust = -.5,
gp = m@gp)
res <- gList(res, tG)
pos <- mapply(seq, m@start, m@stop, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
label <- rep(m@label, lengths(pos))
pos <- unlist(pos)
x = x0+(pos-.5)*dw,
y = h[pos],
vjust = -0.1,
gp = m@gp)
pos <- mapply(seq, m@start, m@stop, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
height <- sapply(pos, function(.ele) max(h[.ele]))
res <- segmentsGrob(x0 = x0+(m@start-1)*dw,
x1 = x0+m@stop*dw,
y0 = height,
y1 = height,
gp = m@gp)
tG <- textGrob(label=m@label,
x = x0+(m@start+m@stop-1)*dw/2,
y = height,
vjust = -.5,
gp = m@gp)
res <- gList(res, tG)
#' Create sequence logo.
#' Create sequence logo for visualizing results of testing differential usage
#' of amino acids.
#' @param testDAUresults An object of \code{\link{testDAUresults-class}}, which
#' cintains results of testing differential amino acid usage).
#' @param type A character vector of length 1. Type of statistics to be displayed
#' on y-axis. Available choices are "diff" or "zscore".
#' @param pvalueCutoff A numeric vector of length 1. A cutoff of p-values.
#' @param groupingSymbol A named character vector.
#' @param font A character vector of length 1. Font type for displaying sequence
#' Logo.
#' @param legend A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether to show the
#' legend.
#' @param title A character vector of length 1, main title for a plot.
#' @param labelRelativeToAnchor A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether
#' x-axis label should be adjusted relative to the anchoring position.
#' @param labels A character vector, x-axis labels.
#' @param fontface An integer, fontface of text for axis annotation and legends.
#' @param fontsize An integer, fontsize of text for axis annotation and legends.
#' @param alpha Alpha channel for transparency of low affinity letters.
#' @param markers A list of \link[motifStack]{marker-class}.
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.size
#' @importFrom graphics
#' @importFrom motifStack plotMotifLogoA
#' @importClassesFrom motifStack marker
#' @import grid
#' @return A sequence Logo is plotted without returned values.
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' data('seq.example')
#' data('proteome.example')
#' bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example,
#' numSubsamples=10, testType = "ztest")
#' t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg)
#' t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg,
#' groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD")
#' t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg,
#' groupingScheme = "charge_group")
#' t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg,
#' groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler")
#' t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg,
#' groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group")
#' dagLogo(t0, markers = list(new("marker", type="rect", start=c(5, 8),
#' gp=gpar(lty=3, fill=NA)),
#' new("marker", type="text", start=9, label="*",
#' gp=gpar(col=3))))
#' dagLogo(t1, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t1@group))
#' dagLogo(t2, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t2@group))
#' dagLogo(t3, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t3@group))
#' dagLogo(t4, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t4@group))
dagLogo <- function(testDAUresults,
type = c("diff", "zscore"),
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(testDAUresults@group),
font = "Helvetica",
fontface = "bold",
fontsize = 8,
title = NULL,
legend = FALSE,
labelRelativeToAnchor = FALSE,
labels = NULL, alpha=1,
markers = list())
if (missing(testDAUresults) || class(testDAUresults) != "testDAUresults")
stop("testDAUresults should be an object of testDAUresults\n
Please try ?testDAU to get help.", call. = FALSE)
type <- match.arg(type)
data <- getData(type, testDAUresults)
dat <- data$dat
npos <- ncol(dat)
ncha <- nrow(dat)
if (!is.null(labels))
if (length(labels) < npos)
stop("The length of labels is too short!",
call. = FALSE)
colset <- colorsets(testDAUresults@group)
colset <- colset[rownames(dat)]
if (any(
stop("Not every symbol has its color setting.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(groupingSymbol))
rownames(dat) <- groupingSymbol[rownames(dat)]
names(colset) <- groupingSymbol[names(colset)]
rname <- rownames(dat)
if (max(nchar(rname)) > 1)
stop("Please using the groupingSymbol to convert",
" the symbols into single letters.",
call. = FALSE)
key <- paste("x",
paste(colset[rname], collapse = ""),
paste(rname, collapse = ""),
sep = "_")
## can't use ifelse here
if(exists("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", envir = .globalEnv))
symbolsCache = get("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", envir = .globalEnv)
} else
symbolsCache = list()
if (!is.null(symbolsCache[[key]]))
symbols <- symbolsCache[[key]]
} else
symbols <- motifStack:::coloredSymbols(ncha,
alpha = alpha, envir = .globalEnv)
symbolsCache[[key]] <- symbols
## save symbolsCache to the environment variable for future use
assign("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", symbolsCache, envir = .globalEnv)
if (legend)
if (is.null(groupingSymbol))
groupingSymbol <- get(testDAUresults@group, envir = cachedEnv)$symbol
groupingSymbol <- c("WWWW"="W")
pictureGrob <- get("pictureGrob", envir = .globalEnv)
dw <- ifelse(legend, 1 / (npos + 6), 1 / (npos + 2))
##check font height to fix the number size
## ## This doesn't refresh the setting for the new page of
## the grid graphics system
grid.newpage() ## update the plotting frame for the grid graphics system
##set ylim
## below x-axis
datN <- apply(dat, 2, function(.col)
sum(.col[.col < 0]))
## above x-axis
datP <- apply(dat, 2, function(.col)
sum(.col[.col > 0]))
ylim <-
c((as.integer(min(datN) / 0.05) - 1) * 0.05,
(as.integer(max(datP) / 0.05) + 1) * 0.05)
if(length(markers)>0){## leave space in top for marker labels.
if(any(sapply(markers, function(.ele) any(nchar(.ele@label)>0)))){
ylim[2] <- (as.integer(max(datP) / 0.05) + 2) * 0.05
remap <- function(x) {
(ylim[1] - x) / (ylim[1] - ylim[2]) / (1 + dw)
reheight <- function(x) {
abs(x / (ylim[1] - ylim[2]) / (1 + dw))
line1 <-
as.numeric(convertUnit(unit(1, "strwidth", "W"), "npc"))
ch1 <- convertUnit(grobWidth(textGrob(label = "A",
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize,
fontface = fontface))),
unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
cex <- dw / line1
lwd <- cex / 3
x0 <- convertUnit(grobWidth(textGrob(label = as.character(max(ylim)),
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize,
fontface = fontface))),
unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
dw <- ifelse(legend, 1 / (npos + 1 + (x0 + 2*ch1)/dw +
1 / (npos + 1 + (x0 + 2*ch1)/dw))
x0 <- dw
x1 <- 4 / 5 * x0 + 2*ch1
x2 <- 6 / 5 * x0 + 2*ch1
x3 <- ch1 * 3 / 4
x0 <- x0 + 2*ch1
##draw axis
x.pos <- 0
remap(0) + dw / 2,
just = c(.5, .5),
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface = fontface)
x = x0,
y = c(remap(0) + dw, 1),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.01, "npc")),
gp = gpar(lwd = lwd)
x = x0,
y = c(remap(0), 0),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.01, "npc")),
gp = gpar(lwd = lwd)
##draw tick
tick <- ifelse(type == "diff", 0.1, 10 ^ as.integer(log10(max(
times <- ifelse(type == "diff", 100, 1)
for (i in c(as.integer(min(datN) / tick):(-1), 1:as.integer(max(datP) / tick)))
x = c(x2, x0),
y = remap(i * tick) + dw / 2,
gp = gpar(lwd = lwd/2)
label = times * tick * i,
x = x1,
y = remap(i * tick) + dw / 2,
just = c(1, .5),
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface = fontface)
## add ylab
grid.text(label= data$label,
x = x3, y = remap(0) + dw / 2,
just = "centre", rot = 90,
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface = fontface)
x.pos <- x0 + dw / 2
## save y position for markers
y.poss <- numeric(length=npos)
y.low.poss <- numeric(length=npos)
for (j in 1:npos)
heights <- dat[, j]
id <- order(heights)
heights <- heights[testDAUresults@pvalue[, j] < pvalueCutoff]
id <-
id[id %in% which(testDAUresults@pvalue[, j] < pvalueCutoff)]
id1 <- order(heights)
y.pos <- remap(sum(heights[heights < 0]))
y.low.poss[j] <- y.pos
flag <- 0
x_tick <- j
if (labelRelativeToAnchor)
x_tick <- j - 1 - testDAUresults@upstreamOffset
} else if (!is.null(labels))
x_tick <- labels[j]
if (length(heights) > 0)
for (i in
h <- reheight(heights[id1[i]])
if (heights[id1[i]] > 0)
flag <- flag + 1
if (flag == 1)
## plot x-axis tick labels
x.pos + dw / 2,
y.pos + dw / 2,
just = c(.5, .5),
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize*0.8, fontface = fontface)
y.pos <- y.pos + dw
flag <- flag + 1
## plot symbols for amino acids
if (h > 0)
symid <- ifelse(heights[id1[i]] > 0, id[i],
paste0(id[i], "_", alpha))
just = c(0, 0),
distort = TRUE
y.pos <- y.pos + h
y.poss[j] <- y.pos
## plot x-axis tick labels
if (flag == 0)
x.pos + dw / 2,
y.pos + dw / 2,
just = c(.5, .5),
gp = gpar(fontsize=fontsize * 0.8,
fontface = fontface))
x.pos <- x.pos + dw
## plot markers
grid.draw(plotMarkers(markers, dw, x0+dw/2, y.poss, y.low.poss))
if (!is.null(title))
x = 0.5,
y = 0.98,
just = c(.5, .5),
gp = gpar(col = "black",
fontface = fontface))
## plot legend
if (legend)
if (is.null(groupingSymbol))
groupingSymbol <- get(testDAUresults@group, envir = cachedEnv)$symbol
curH <- 0
curX <- npos*dw + x0 + 2.25*ch1
for (i in 1:length(groupingSymbol))
t1 <- textGrob(
x = curX,
y = .95 - curH,
just = c(.5, .5),
gp = gpar(col = colset[groupingSymbol[i]],
fontface = fontface))
t2 <- textGrob(
x = curX + 1.2*line1,
y = .95 - curH,
just = c(0, .5),
gp = gpar(col = colset[groupingSymbol[i]], fontsize=fontsize,
fontface = fontface))
curH <- curH + convertHeight(grobHeight(t1),
unitTo = "npc",
valueOnly = TRUE)*1.5
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