
##' Compute the coverage from a Short Read Alignment file
##' Computes the genomic reads' coverage from a
##' read file in bam format or any format supported by \pkg{ShortRead}.
##' \dots{} for fetchCoverage: Can be used for readAligned method from package
##' \pkg{ShortRead}. The use of the dots for the scanBamFlag method from package
##' \pkg{Rsamtools} has been deprecated, as were the 'what' and 'isUnmappedQuery'
##' argument to the function
##' @aliases fetchCoverage-deprecated
##' @name easyRNASeq coverage methods
##' @rdname easyRNASeq-coverage-methods
##' @param obj An \code{\linkS4class{RNAseq}} object
##' @param bp.coverage a boolean that default to FALSE to decide whether
##' coverage is to be calculated and stored by bp
##' @param chr.map A data.frame describing the mapping of original chromosome
##' names towards wished chromosome names. See details.
##' @param chr.sel A vector of chromosome names to subset the final results.
##' @param filename The full path of the file to use
##' @param filter The filter to be applied when loading the data using the
##' "aln" format
##' @param format The format of the reads, one of "aln","bam". If not "bam",
##' all the types supported by the ShortRead package are supported too.
##' @param gapped Is the bam file provided containing gapped alignments?
##' @param ignoreWarnings set to TRUE (bad idea! they have a good reason to be
##' there) if you do not want warning messages.
##' @param paired Is the bam file containing PE reads?
##' @param stranded Is the bam file from a strand specific protocol?
##' @param type The type of data when using the "aln" format. See the
##' \pkg{ShortRead} package.
##' @param validity.check Shall UCSC chromosome name convention be enforced
##' @param ... additional arguments. See details
##' @return An \code{\linkS4class{RNAseq}} object. The slot readCoverage
##' contains a SimpleRleList object representing a list of coverage vectors,
##' one per chromosome.
##' @author Nicolas Delhomme
##' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{Rle}}
##' \code{\link[ShortRead:readAligned]{ShortRead:readAligned}}
##' @keywords methods
##' @examples
##'   \dontrun{
##' 	library("RnaSeqTutorial")
##' 	library(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3)
##' 	obj <- new('RNAseq',
##' 		organismName="Dmelanogaster",
##' 		readLength=36L,
##' 		chrSize=as.list(seqlengths(Dmelanogaster))
##' 		)
##' 	obj <- fetchCoverage(
##' 			obj,
##' 			format="bam",
##'                         filename=system.file(
##' 				"extdata",
##' 				"ACACTG.bam",
##'                             	package="RnaSeqTutorial")
##' 			)
##' 	}

    ## warn for deprecation

      warning("Passing scanBamFlag arguments has been deprecated. They will be ignored.")

    ## check the filename
      stop(paste("Cannot read the file:",filename))

    ## set fileName slot if unset (just the filename)
    if(length(fileName(obj)) == 0){
      fileName(obj) <- basename(filename)

    ## check the format

    ## convert a filename to a BamFile
    if(format=="bam" & is.character(filename)){
      filename <- getBamFileList(filename)

    ## are we looking for gapped alignments?
                 warning("The 'gapped' flag is ignored with data of the 'aln' format kind.")

    ## switch to read the file
    ## not sure that the ... works for readAligned.
    aln.info <- switch(format,
                         ## flag <- eval(parse(text=paste(
                         ##                      "scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=isUnmappedQuery",
                         ##                      .getArguments(scanBamFlag,...),")",sep="")))
                           ##   scanBam(filename,
                           ##   index=filename,
                           ##   param=ScanBamParam(flag=flag,what=what))[[1]],

    ## stop if the chr sel removes everything!
    if(length(aln.info$rng.list)==0 | sum(elementNROWS(aln.info$rng.list)) == 0){
      stop(paste("No data was retrieved from the file: ",
                 ". Make sure that your file is valid, that your 'chr.sel' (if provided) contains valid values; i.e. values as found in the alignment file, not as returned by 'RNAseq'.",

    librarySize(obj) <- aln.info$lib.size

    ## UCSC chr naming convention validity check
      ## modified in version 1.1.9 (06.03.2012) as it was unwise to check for chr in the names
      ## that's dealt with in the .convertToUSCS function
      ##              chr.grep <- grep("chr",names(aln.info$rng.list))
      ##              if(length(chr.grep)== 0 | !all(1:length(names(aln.info$rng.list)) %in% chr.grep)){
      if(organismName(obj) != "custom"){
          warning("You enforce UCSC chromosome conventions, however the provided alignments are not compliant. Correcting it.")
      names(aln.info$rng.list) <- .convertToUCSC(names(aln.info$rng.list),organismName(obj),chr.map)
      ##              }

    ## check if we have a single read length
    rL <- unique(do.call("c",lapply(width(aln.info$rng.list),unique)))
    rL <- rL[rL != 0]
    rL <- sort(rL,decreasing=TRUE)

    ## check what the user provided
    ## the double && is to make sure we have
    ## a single value tested even if rL
    ## has more than one element. R test anyway all conditions...
    ## 2012-07-06 Changed to change the readLengh as well when there are multiple
    ## readLengths
    if(length(readLength(obj))==1 && readLength(obj)==integer(1)){
      .catn("Updating the read length information.")
        .catn(switch(format,"gapped" = "The alignments are gapped.",
                     "The reads have been trimmed."))
        .catn("Minimum length of",min(rL),"bp.")
        .catn("Maximum length of",max(rL),"bp.")
      } else {
        .catn("The reads are of",rL,"bp.")
    } else {
      if(any(rL != readLength(obj))){
        warning(paste("The read length stored in the object (probably provided as argument):",
                      "\nis not the same as the",ifelse(length(rL)==1,"one:","ones:"),
                      paste(rL,collapse=", "),"determined from the file:",
                      path(filename),"\nUpdating the readLength slot."))
    readLength(obj) <- as.integer(rL)

    ## check for the chromosome size and report any problem
    ## TODO this would not be necessary if chr.size is auto
    if(!all(names(aln.info$rng.list) %in% names(chrSize(obj)))){
      warning(paste("The chromosome(s):",
                    paste(names(aln.info$rng.list)[!names(aln.info$rng.list) %in% names(chrSize(obj))],collapse=", "),
                    "is (are) not present in the provided 'chr.sizes' argument"))

    if(any(unlist(start(aln.info$rng.list),use.names=FALSE) > chrSize(obj)[rep(names(aln.info$rng.list),
      stop("Some of your read coordinates are bigger than the chromosome sizes you provided. Aborting!")

    ## check and correct the names in the width and in the ranges, keep the common selector
    valid.names <- sort(intersect(names(aln.info$rng.list),names(chrSize(obj))))
      chrs <- .convertToUCSC(chr.sel,organismName(obj),chr.map)
      if(!all(chrs %in% valid.names)){
        valid.names <- valid.names[valid.names %in% chrs]
          if(!all(names(aln.info$rng.list)[names(aln.info$rng.list) %in% chrs] %in% valid.names)){
            warning("Not all the selected ('chr.sel') chromosome names from your read file(s) (aln or bam) exist in your chromosome size list 'chr.sizes'.")
          if(!all(names(chrSize(obj))[names(chrSize(obj)) %in% chrs] %in% valid.names)){
            warning("Not all the selected ('chr.sel') chromosome names from the chromosome size list 'chr.sizes' are present in your read file(s) (aln or bam).")
          if(warn & !ignoreWarnings){
            warning(paste("The available chromosomes in both your read file(s) (aln or bam) and 'chr.sizes' list were restricted to their common term.\n",
                          "These are: ",paste(valid.names,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    } else {
        if(!all(names(aln.info$rng.list) %in% valid.names)){
          warning("Not all the chromosome names present in your read file(s) (aln or bam) exist in your chromosome size list 'chr.sizes'.")
          warning("Not all the chromosome names in your chromosome size list 'chr.sizes' are present in your read file(s) (aln or bam).")
        if(warn & !ignoreWarnings){
          warning(paste("The available chromosomes in both your read file(s) (aln or bam) and 'chr.sizes' list were restricted to their common term.\n",
                        "These are: ",paste(valid.names,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))

    ## calc the coverage

    ## define the possibilities
    ## 00 is variable length and read coverage
    ## 01 is variable length and bp coverage
    ## 10 is unique length and read coverage
    ## 11 is unique length and bp coverage
    ## 01 and 11 are the same, we just return the bp coverage

    ## Nico August 6th 2012 v1.3.9
    ## Removed the 1e6 divisions as Herve added the support for numeric Rle as a result
    ## from the coverage vector.
    ## Nico sometime July 2012 v1.3.7
    ## the 1e6 series of division allows us to take into account the read proportions for
    ## read of variable length. One would normally divide by the individual readLength, but
    ## weight can only take integers. As a consequence, using a multiplier / divisor of 1e6
    ## lessen the effect of rounding up
    ## IMPORTANT: note that this might result in an integer overflow in the coverage function
    ## that is not reported!! On a 32bit machine, we should still be able to deal with a 2000+ bp coverage
    ## would anyone sequence that deep??
    readCoverage(obj) <- switch(paste(as.integer(c(length(rL)==1,bp.coverage)),collapse=""),
                                "00" = coverage(aln.info$rng.list[match(valid.names,names(aln.info$rng.list))],
                                "10" = coverage(aln.info$rng.list[match(valid.names,names(aln.info$rng.list))],

    ## Nico August 6th 2012 v1.3.9
    ## commented ou as Herve implemented support for Rle numeric vectors for the coverage
    ## and it would return a warning if any coverage value would be NA (i.e. above the 32/64 bit limit).
    ## Nico sometime July 2012 v1.3.7
    ## ensure that we're not returning junk
    ## could happen if 1e6 is too much and we
    ## reach the integer limits
    ## if(!bp.coverage){
    ##   obs <- sum(sum(readCoverage(obj)))
    ##   exp <- librarySize(obj)
    ##   if( (obs < exp * 0.9) | (obs > exp * 1.1)){
    ##     stop("The observed number of count differs from the expected number! Something went wrong, please contact the author.")
    ##   }
    ## }

    ## Nico August 9th 2012 v.1.3.10
    ## coverage use to return a named list which it does not anymore
    names(readCoverage(obj)) <- valid.names

    ## return obj

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