## functions for plotting
#' Add logic.
#' extend model with node representing logic gate
#' @export
#' @param child define the child
#' @param logic define the logical gate
#' @param model normal model
#' @examples
#' model <- CreateRandomGraph(c("Ikk1", "Ikk2", "RelA"))
#' model2 <- AddLogicGates("RelA", "OR", model)
#' @return model list with additional logic gate
AddLogicGates <- function(child, logic, model) {
## Extends model with a node representing a logic gate for plotting
parents <- names(which(model[,child]==1))
redirectEdges <- function(model, parents, child) {
## Redirect edges via most recently added logic gate
model[parents, child] <- 0
model[nrow(model), child] <- 1
model[parents, ncol(model)] <- 1
model <- cbind(model, rep(0, dim(model)[1]))
model <- rbind(model, rep(0, dim(model)[2]))
rownames(model)[dim(model)[1]] <- logic
colnames(model)[dim(model)[1]] <- logic
model <- redirectEdges(model, parents, child)
#' Plot pathway.
#' Plots the winning pathway structure
#' @param x object of class epiNEM
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @export
#' @method plot epiNEM
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency plot.igraph layout.fruchterman.reingold
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 100*4, replace = TRUE), 100, 4)
#' colnames(data) <- c("A", "A.B", "B", "C")
#' rownames(data) <- paste("E", 1:100, sep = "_")
#' res <- epiNEM(data, method = "exhaustive")
#' plot(res)
#' @return plot of the logical network
plot.epiNEM <- function(x, ...) {
results <- x
result <- results$origModel
logics <- results$logics
## logics <- paste("NOT ", gsub("masks.*", "", logics), sep = "")
Egeneset <- results$EGeneset
diag(result) <- 0
nGenes <- ncol(result)
geneColor <- rep("lightpink", nGenes)
geneShape <- rep("circle", nGenes)
EGenes <- rownames(Egeneset)
nEGenes <- nrow(Egeneset)
EGeneShape <- rep("circle", nEGenes)
EGeneColor <- rep("lightgrey", nEGenes)
child <- colnames(result)[results$column]
for (i in 1:length(logics)){
result <- AddLogicGates(child[i], logics[i], result)
for (i in 1:nEGenes){
result <- cbind(result, rep(0, dim(result)[1]))
result <- rbind(result, rep(0, dim(result)[2]))
rownames(result)[dim(result)[1]] <- Egeneset[i]
colnames(result)[dim(result)[1]] <- Egeneset[i]
## if for unconnected node summarizing non-attached E-Genes
if(i < nEGenes) {
result[rownames(Egeneset)[i], ncol(result)] <- 1
labels <- colnames(result)
nLogics <- length(logics)
logicColor <- rep("lightgreen", nLogics)
logicShape <- rep("rectangle", nLogics)
geneSize <- rep(30, nGenes)
logicSize <- unlist(lapply(logics, function(l) (nchar(l) + 5) * 3))
EGeneSize <- rep(30, nEGenes)
## lay3 as layout
g <- graph.adjacency(result)
plot.igraph(g, vertex.color=c(geneColor, logicColor, EGeneColor),
vertex.size=c(geneSize, logicSize, EGeneSize),
vertex.size2=c(rep(30,nGenes), rep(15,nLogics),
rep(30, nEGenes)),
vertex.shape=c(geneShape, logicShape, EGeneShape),
edge.arrow.size=c(rep(0.3, nGenes+nLogics+nEGenes)),
layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold)
#' Plot screen.
#' Plots the sresults of a systematic knock-out screen
#' @param x object of class epiScreen
#' @param global plot global distribution or for each pair (FALSE)
#' @param ind index of pairs to plot
#' @param colorkey if TRUE prints colorkey
#' @param cexGene size of modulator annotation
#' @param off relative distance from the gene names to the respective
#' likelihoods
#' @param cexLegend font size of the legend
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @export
#' @method plot epiScreen
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 100*9, replace = TRUE), 100, 9)
#' colnames(data) <- c("A.B", "A.C", "B.C", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G")
#' rownames(data) <- paste("E", 1:100, sep = "_")
#' res <- epiScreen(data)
#' plot(res)
#' plot(res, global = FALSE, ind = 1:3)
#' @return plot(s) of an epiNEM screen analysis
plot.epiScreen <- function(x, global = TRUE, ind = NULL, colorkey = TRUE,
cexGene = 1, off = 0.05, cexLegend = 1, ...) {
doubles <- x$doubles
if (is.null(ind)) { ind <- 1:length(doubles) }
if (global) {
distmat <- x$logic
distmat[which(distmat == 0)] <- 7
distmat[which(distmat %in% "AND")] <- 1
distmat[which(distmat %in% "OR")] <- 2
distmat[which(distmat %in% "XOR")] <- 3
distmat[which(distmat %in% "NOEPI")] <- 6
distmat[which(distmat %in% c("UNCON", "NOINFO", "NOINF"))] <- 7
for (i in 1:ncol(distmat)) {
genes <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(distmat)[i], "\\."))
distmat[which(distmat[, i] %in%
paste(genes[1], " masks the effect of ", genes[2],
sep = "")), i] <- 4
distmat[which(distmat[, i] %in%
paste(genes[2], " masks the effect of ", genes[1],
sep = "")), i] <- 5
distmat <- apply(distmat, c(1,2), as.numeric)
for (i in 1:ncol(distmat)) {
distmat[, i] <- rev(sort(distmat[, i]))
y <- distmat
distmat <-
distmat[, order(apply(distmat, 2, function(x) {
return(sum(x == 1))
y[which(y == 5)] <- 4
## if (nrow(y) > 20) {
rownames(distmat) <- NULL
## }
labeltext <- c("", "no information\n\n\n", "no epistasis\n\n\n",
"masking (NOT B)\n\n\n",
"masking (NOT A)\n\n\n", "XOR\n\n\n",
"OR\n\n\n", "AND\n\n\n")
if (colorkey) {
colorkey <- list(space = "right",
labels = rev(labeltext), width = 1,
at = seq(1.5,7.5, length.out = 8))
} else {
colorkey <- NULL
HeatmapOP(distmat, Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "logic gate distribution",
sub = "", col = "Paired", breaks =
seq(0.5,7.5, length.out = 8),
colorkey = colorkey,
xlab = "double knock-outs",
ylab = "modulators\n(different order for each pair)", ...)
} else {
palette(c("#4444cc", "#77aa77", "#009933",
"#ff0000", "#dd8811", "#aa44bb", "#999900"))
logicmat0 <- x$logic
llmat0 <- x$ll
for (i in 1:length(x$doubles)) {
if (!(i %in% ind)) { next() }
logicvec <- logicmat0[, i]
llvec <- llmat0[, i]
logicvec <- logicvec[order(llvec, decreasing = TRUE)]
llvec <- llvec[order(llvec, decreasing = TRUE)]
parents <- unlist(strsplit(doubles[i], "\\."))
pchvec <- numeric(length(llvec))
pchvec[which(logicvec %in% "AND")] <- 1
pchvec[which(logicvec %in% "OR")] <- 2
pchvec[which(logicvec %in% "XOR")] <- 3
pchvec[grep(paste("^", parents[1], sep = ""), logicvec)] <- 4
pchvec[grep(paste("^", parents[2], sep = ""), logicvec)] <- 5
pchvec[which(logicvec %in% "NOEPI")] <- 6
pchvec[which(logicvec %in% c("NOINFO", "NOINF"))] <- 7
logicvec <- logicvec[-which(logicvec %in% "0")]
pchvec <- pchvec[-which(pchvec == 0)]
llvec <- llvec[-which(llvec == 0)]
colvec <- pchvec
thetop <- sum(!(logicvec %in% c("UNCON", "NOINFO", "NOINF")))
if (all(is.infinite(llvec) == TRUE)) {
llvec[1:length(llvec)] <- -1000
margin <- 100
donames <- 30
} else {
range <- max(llvec[1:thetop]) - min(llvec[1:thetop])
if (range == 0) {
range <- 10
margin <- range*0.25
offset <- range*off
ylim <- c(llvec[1], llvec[1]+10)
} else {
margin <- range*0.25
offset <- range*off
ylim <- c(min(llvec[1:thetop]),
offset <- range*off
mark <- ""
legendx <- length(llvec[1:thetop])
p2max <- max(llvec[1:thetop])
if (p2max == min(llvec[1:thetop])) {
p2max <- p2max+margin*0.2
legendtext <- c("AND", "OR", "XOR",
paste(tolower(parents[1])," masks ",
tolower(parents[2]), sep = ""),
paste(tolower(parents[2]), " masks ",
tolower(parents[1]), sep = ""),
"no epistasis")
if (thetop == 0) { next() }
plot = plot(llvec[1:thetop], pch = pchvec[1:thetop],
col = colvec[1:thetop],
ylab = "likelihood", xlab = "ranked single knockouts",
ylim = ylim,
xlim = c(1, thetop+(thetop/100)),
main = tolower(paste(unlist(strsplit(doubles[i],
collapse = " and ")))
text = text((1:thetop)+(thetop/100),
labels = tolower(names(llvec)[1:thetop]),
srt = 45, pos = 3,
offset = 0, cex = cexGene, ...)
mtext = mtext(mark, side = 3, line = 1, outer = FALSE,
cex = 4, adj = 0, ...)
legend = legend("topright",
## legendx, p2max,
legend = legendtext,
col = 1:6, pch = 1:6, xjust = 1, yjust = 1,
cex = cexLegend)
#' Plot simulations.
#' Plots the simulation results
#' @param x object of class epiSim
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @export
#' @method plot epiSim
#' @examples
#' res <- SimEpiNEM(runs = 1)
#' plot(res)
#' @return plot(s) of an epiNEM simulation analysis
plot.epiSim <- function(x, ...) {
sens <- sim$sens
spec <- sim$spec
sens2 <- sim$sens2
spec2 <- sim$spec2
logics <- sim$logics
time <- sim$time
noiselvls <- sim$noiselvls
acc <- (sens + spec)/2
acc2 <- (sens2 + spec2)/2
m <- rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(3,4))
do <- sim$do
do2 <- gsub("^b", "B-NEM",
gsub("^e", "epiNEM",
gsub("^n", "NEM", gsub("^p", "PC algorithm",
gsub("^a", "Aracne", sim$do)))))
colvec <- accframe2 <- timeframe <- accframe <- logicsframe <- NULL
colvecorg <- c("orange", "blue", "darkgreen", "brown", "darkgrey")
for (i in 1:dim(spec2)[1]) {
colvec <- c(colvec, rep(colvecorg[i], dim(spec2)[3]))
timeframe[[do2[i]]] <- data.frame(time[i,,])
colnames(timeframe[[do2[i]]]) <- noiselvls
accframe2[[do2[i]]] <- data.frame(acc2[i,,])
colnames(accframe2[[do2[i]]]) <- noiselvls
timeframe <-
accframe2 <-
colnames(timeframe) <- colnames(accframe2) <- rep(noiselvls, length(do2))
boxplot(, col = colvec, main = "running time",
ylab = "seconds")
abline(v=(1:(length(do)-1)*length(noiselvls) + 0.5), col = "black",
lty = 6)
axis(1, 4+(0:(length(do2)-1))*8,
tick = FALSE, pos = -25)
boxplot(accframe2, col = colvec,
main = "accuracy of the inferred edges", ylim = c(0,1))
abline(v=(1:(length(do)-1)*length(noiselvls) + 0.5), col = "black",
lty = 6)
axis(1, 4+(0:(length(do2)-1))*8,
tick = FALSE, pos = -0.2)
if (any(do %in% c("b", "e"))) {
colvec2 <- unique(colvec)[which(do %in% c("b", "e"))]
colvec2 <- rep(colvec2, each = length(noiselvls))
for (i in 1:sum(do %in% c("b", "e"))) {
accframe[[do2[i]]] <- data.frame(acc[i,,])
colnames(accframe[[do2[i]]]) <- noiselvls
logicsframe[[do2[i]]] <- data.frame(logics[i,,])
colnames(logicsframe[[do2[i]]]) <- noiselvls
accframe <-
logicsframe <-
colnames(logicsframe) <- colnames(accframe) <- rep(noiselvls, 2)
boxplot(logicsframe, col = colvec2,
main = "accuracy of the inferred logic gate",
ylim = c(0,1))
abline(v=length(noiselvls)+0.5, col = "black", lty = 6)
axis(1, 4+(0:(sum(do %in% c("b", "e"))-1))*8,
do2[which(do %in% c("b", "e"))],
tick = FALSE, pos = -0.2)
boxplot(accframe, col = colvec2,
main = "accuracy of the expected data",
ylim = c(0,1))
abline(v=length(noiselvls)+0.5, col = "black", lty = 6)
axis(1, 4+(0:(sum(do %in% c("b", "e"))-1))*8,
do2[which(do %in% c("b", "e"))],
tick = FALSE, pos = -0.2)
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