Defines functions ct.multiGSEA ct.GREATdb

Documented in ct.GREATdb ct.multiGSEA

##' Update a gene-centric msdb object for GREAT-style enrichment analysis using a specified CRISPR annotation.
##' @param annotation an annotation object returned by \code{ct.prepareAnnotation()}. 
##' @param gsdb A gene-centric \code{GeneSetDb} object to conform to the relevant peakwise dataset.
##' @param minsize Minimum number of targets required to consider a geneset valid for analysis.
##' @return A new \code{GeneSetDb} object with the features annotated genewise to pathways.
ct.GREATdb <- function(annotation, 
                       gsdb = getMSigGeneSetDb(c('h', 'c2'), 'human'), 
                       minsize = 10){
  #check the anbnotation object
  annotation <- ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation)
  #Check to make sure that the geneID column values are present in the provided gsdb
  genes <-na.omit(unique(annotation$geneID))
  message(paste0(length(intersect(multiGSEA::featureIds(gsdb), genes)), ' valid genes found in the supplied gene database (of ', length(genes), ')'))

  #Tabulate targets per gene
  targetsPerGene <- lapply(genes,
                           return(as.character(unique(annotation$geneSymbol[annotation$geneID %in% x])))
  names(targetsPerGene) <- genes
  #Pull the lists from the gsdb
  gsdb_list <- as.list(gsdb)
  new_gs <- lapply(gsdb_list,
  new_gs <- new_gs[unlist(lapply(new_gs, length)) >= minsize]
  message(paste0(length(new_gs), ' adjusted genesets created.'))
  if(length(new_gs) == 0){stop('Exiting.')}
  collections <- vapply(names(new_gs), function(x){strsplit(x, split = ';;')[[1]][1]}, character(1))
  sets <- vapply(names(new_gs), function(x){strsplit(x, split = ';;')[[1]][2]}, character(1))
  names(new_gs) <- sets
  out <- lapply(unique(collections),
                  new_gs[collections %in% z]
  names(out) <- unique(collections)

##' @title Geneset Enrichment within a CRISPR screen using multiGSEA
##' This function identifies differentially enriched/depleted ontological categories within the hits of a CRISPR screen 
##' given a provided `GenseSetDb()` and a results `data.frame` created by `ct.generateResults()`. Testing is performed using 
##' a Hypergeometric test, and results are returned as a `MultiGSEAResult` object defined in the `multiGSEA` package. Note that the 
##' `@logFC` slot in the returned object will contain the median gRNA lfc across all associated guides, which in some cases may 
##' have dubious interpretive value. 
##' This method used overrepresentation analysis, derived from `limma::kegga()`, and incorporates the number of gRNAs associated with 
##' each Target (inferred from the `geneSymbol` column of the `resultsDF`)  as the bias vector (because standard aggregation methods 
##' should be underpowered for targets with few guides). Setting `unbiased` = `TRUE` suppresses this behavior, which is identical to 
##' a hypergeometric test.  
##' @param resultsDF `data.frame` returned by `ct.generateResults()`.
##' @param gsdb `GenseSetDb` object containing annotations.
##' @param stat Statistic to be used in calling enrichment/depletion in the screen. Must be one of 'q', 'p', or 'rho'. 
##' @param cutoff Q, P, or Rho statistic cutoff defining significant enrichment/depletion in the screen. Default is 0.1. 
##' @param unbiased Logical indicating whether to estimate bias on the basis of the number of gRNAs associated with each target.
##' @examples 
##' data('ann')
##' data('resultsDF')
##' #gsd <- multiGSEA::getMSigGeneSetDb(c('h', 'c2'), 'mouse', id.type = 'entrez')
##' @author Steve Lianoglou for multiGSEA; Russell Bainer for wrapping functions.
ct.multiGSEA <- function(resultsDF, 
                         cutoff = 0.1, 
                         stat = c('q', 'p', 'rho'),
                         unbiased = FALSE){
  #input check
  if (!is(gsdb, "GeneSetDb")) {
    if (is(gsdb, "GeneSetCollection") || is(gsdb, "GeneSet")) {
      stop("A GeneSetDb is required. GeneSetCollections can be converted to a ", 
           "GeneSetDb via the GeneSetDb constructor, or a call to ", 
           "`as(gene_set_collection, 'GeneSetDb')`. See ?GeneSetDb for more ", 
    stop("GeneSetDb required. Please see `?GeneSetDb` for ways to turn your ", 
         "gene sets into a GeneSetDb")
  guides <- table(resultsDF$geneSymbol)
  resultsDF <- resultsDF[!duplicated(resultsDF$geneSymbol),]
  stopifnot(is.numeric(cutoff), cutoff <= 1, cutoff >= 0)

  stat <- match.arg(stat)
  id <- match.arg(id)
  #Compose the df for feeding multigsea
  oraIpt <- data.frame('feature_id' = as.character(resultsDF$geneID), 
                       'significant' = switch(stat,
                                      'q' = (resultsDF$`Target-level Enrichment Q` < cutoff) | (resultsDF$`Target-level Depletion Q` < cutoff), 
                                      'p' = (resultsDF$`Target-level Enrichment P` < cutoff) | (resultsDF$`Target-level Depletion P` < cutoff), 
                                      'rho' = (resultsDF$Rho_enrich < cutoff) | (resultsDF$Rho_deplete < cutoff)
                       'direction' = vapply(resultsDF$`Median log2 Fold Change`, function(x){ifelse(x < 0, 'Deplete', 'Enrich')}, character(1)),
                       'guides' = as.numeric(guides[as.character(resultsDF$geneSymbol)]),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  row.names(oraIpt) <- oraIpt$feature_id
  #Check if the Db should be GREAT
  if(!all(table(oraIpt$feature_id) == 1)){
    warning("Multiple targets are associated with some features. Consider converting to a GREATdb if you haven't done so already; see gCrisprTools::ct.GREATdb().")
fb <- ifelse(unbiased, NULL, 'guides')

msdb <- multiGSEA::multiGSEA(gsd = gsdb, x = oraIpt, methods = 'ora', groups = 'direction', rank_by = 'guides', feature.bias = 'guides')                     
# When we run data through the "multiGSEA pipeline" as opposed to calling
# methods like "ora" directlly, the *eventual* data.frame that materializes
# that ora() will execute over expects to have certain things in place.
# In this case, it is expected that the features (rows) that are "enriched"
# is a TRUE/FALSE column named 'significant'. So we just have to make it so
# here.
in.df <- transform(in.df, significant = sig)
out <- multiGSEA::multiGSEA(gsdb, oraIpt, methods = c("ora", "cameraPR"),
                 groups = "direction", rank_by = "guides",
                 feature.bias = "guides")

  #identify significant targets
  enr <- 
  dep <- switch(stat,
                'q' = resultsDF$geneID[resultsDF$`Target-level Depletion Q` < cutoff], 
                'p' = resultsDF$geneID[resultsDF$`Target-level Depletion P` < cutoff], 
                'rho' = resultsDF$geneID[resultsDF$Rho_deplete < cutoff]
  raw.hgt <-  hyperGeometricTest(gsd = genesetDB, selected = up, universe = universe, do.conform = TRUE) 

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gCrisprTools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:17 p.m.