
Defines functions levi_function

levi_function <- function(expressionInput, fileTypeInput, networkNodesInput,
    networkInteractionsInput, geneSymbolnput, readExpColumn, contrastValueInput,
    zoomValueInput, resolutionValueInput, smoothValueInput, expressionLog,
    contourLevi, setcolor) {

    colorSet <- function(x, colorType=c("default", "terrain", "rainbow","heat",
        "topo", "cm", "purple_pink", "green_blue", "blue_yellow", "pink_green",
        "orange_purple", "green_marine")) {
        colorType <- match.arg(colorType)
        defaultColors <- function(n) {
            c("#180052", "#0c0083","#0000b4", "#0000e4","#0010ff", "#0041ff",
              "#0072ff", "#00A3FF", "#00D4FF", "#00FF49","#5AFF00", "#FFE400",
              "#FFC400", "#FFA300", "#FF8300", "#FF6200", "#FF4100", "#FF2100",
              "#FF0000", "#E40000")
        purple_pink <- function(n) {
            c("#4e5052", "#b387e6", "#ff0000")
        green_blue <- function(n) {
            c("#4e5052", "#a4db56", "#1d02c9")
        blue_yellow <- function(n) {
            c("#4e5052", "#27b0cf", "#ffec2b")
        orange_purple <- function(n){
            c("#4e5052", "#fcbb63", "#7300c4")
        green_marine <- function(n){
            c("#4e5052", "#5df0b0", "#360d94")
        pink_green <- function(n){
            c("#4e5052", "#e854d9", "#90db56")
        color_list <- list(
            default = defaultColors,
            terrain = terrain.colors,
            rainbow = rainbow,
            heat = heat.colors,
            topo = topo.colors,
            cm = cm.colors,
            purple_pink = purple_pink,
            green_blue = green_blue,
            blue_yellow = blue_yellow,
            orange_purple = orange_purple,
            green_marine = green_marine,
            pink_green = pink_green

        if ((colorType == "default") || (colorType == "terrain") ||
            (colorType == "rainbow") || (colorType == "heat") ||
           (colorType == "topo") || (colorType == "cm")) {
            colorSetRange <- color_list[[colorType]](20)
        } else {

            colorSetRange <- color_list[[colorType]](3)


    fileTypeFun <- function(x, filecheck=c("dat", "dyn", "stg", "net")){
        filecheck <- match.arg(filecheck)


    fileType <- fileTypeFun(x, fileTypeInput)

    for (k in seq(2,length(readExpColumn))) {

        columnComb<- do.call('rbind',

            #Configuration of contrast, resolution, smothing and zoom
            {contrastValue <- contrastValueInput}
            if (contrastValue < 0) {contrastValue <- 0}
            if (contrastValue > 100) {contrastValue <- 99}

            {resolutionValue <- resolutionValueInput}
            if (resolutionValue > 100) {resolutionValue <- 100}
            if (resolutionValue < 1) {resolutionValue <- 1}

            {zoomValue <- zoomValueInput}
            if (zoomValue < 0) {zoomValue <- 0}
            if (zoomValue > 100) {zoomValue <- 100}

            {smoothValue <- smoothValueInput}
            if (smoothValue <= 0) {smoothValue <- 1}

            gamaValue<-sqrt(b^2 + b^2)

            nameBase <- expressionInput
            networkNodes<- networkNodesInput
            networkEdges <- networkInteractionsInput
            geneSymbol<- geneSymbolnput
            baseTest<- columnComb[,1]
            baseControl<- columnComb[,2]


                    networkNodes <- read.delim(file = networkNodes,
                    header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
                    stringsAsFactors=FALSE, fill = TRUE, col.names =
                    sep = '\t')))))

                    delimiter <- which(networkNodes == "*nodes")

                    edges <- slice(networkNodes, 3:delimiter-1)
                    edges <- edges[,c(1,2)]
                    nodes <- slice(networkNodes,
                    nodes <- nodes[,c(1,2,3)]},

                    nodes <- read.delim(file = networkNodes, header = TRUE,
                        sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, fill = TRUE)
                    edges <- read.delim(file = networkEdges, header = TRUE,
                        sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, fill = TRUE)

                    edges <- edges[,c(1,2)]
                    nodes <- nodes[,c(1,2,3)]
                    colnames(edges) <- c("V1", "V2")
                    colnames(nodes) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3")},

                    net_read <- read.delim(file = networkNodes, header = FALSE,

                    delimiter_edge <- which(net_read == "*Edges")
                    edges <- data_frame()

                    edges_sl <- as.data.frame(slice(net_read,

                    delimiter_nodes_end <- which(net_read == "*Edges")
                    nodes_sl <- as.data.frame(slice(net_read,
                    nodes <- data_frame()
                        for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_sl))) {
                            nodes_rt <- read.table(text =
                            as.character(nodes_sl[i,1]), sep = " ")

                            nodes_ft <- Filter(function(x)!all(is.na(x)),
                            nodes_ft <- nodes_ft[,c(1,2,3,4)]
                            colnames(nodes_ft) <- c("V1", "V2","V3", "V4")
                            nodes_ft <- data.frame(lapply(nodes_ft, function(x)
                                {gsub("FALSE", "F", x)}),
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            nodes_ft <- data.frame(lapply(nodes_ft, function(x)
                                {gsub("TRUE", "T", x)}),
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            nodes <-rbind(nodes, nodes_ft)

                        for (i in seq_len(nrow(edges_sl))) {
                            edges_rt <- read.table(text =
                            as.character(edges_sl[i,1]), sep = " ")
                            edges_ft <- Filter(function(x)!all(is.na(x)),
                            edges_ft <- edges_ft[,c(1,2)]
                            colnames(edges_ft) <- c("V1", "V2")
                            edges <-rbind(edges, edges_ft)


                        net_mg<- merge(edges, nodes, by.x = "V1", by.y = "V1",
                        all.x = FALSE)
                        colnames(net_mg) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
                        net_mg<- merge(net_mg, nodes, by.x = "b", by.y = "V1",
                        all.x = FALSE)
                        edges <- net_mg[,c(3,6)]
                        colnames(edges) <- c("V1", "V2")

                        nodes <- nodes[,c(2,3,4)]
                        colnames(nodes) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3")
                        nodes <-nodes
                        edges <- edges

                        tf <- tempfile(tmpdir = tdir <- tempdir())
                        dyn_files <- unzip(networkNodes, exdir = tdir)
                        dyn_read <- read_xml(dyn_files , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

                        dyn_label <- xml_find_all(dyn_read,
                        xpath = "//*/*/@label")
                        vals <- trimws(xml_text(dyn_label))
                        dyn_df = as.data.frame(vals, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                        dyn_id <- xml_find_all(dyn_read, xpath = "//*/*/@id")
                        vals_id <- trimws(xml_text(dyn_id))
                        nodes <- as.data.frame(slice(dyn_df, 1:length(vals_id)))
                        nodes$V1 <- seq(0,nrow(nodes)-1)

                        dyn_source <- xml_find_all(dyn_read,
                        xpath = "//*/*/@source")
                        dyn_target <- xml_find_all(dyn_read,
                        xpath = "//*/*/@target")
                        dyn_x <- xml_find_all(dyn_read, xpath = "//*/*/@x")
                        dyn_y <- xml_find_all(dyn_read, xpath = "//*/*/@y")

                        datasource_tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(dyn_source, gsub,
                        pattern = "source=",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE))
                        datasource <- as.data.frame(lapply(datasource_tmp, gsub,
                        pattern = "\"",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        colnames(datasource) <- NULL

                        datatarget_tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(dyn_target, gsub,
                        pattern = "target=",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE))

                        datatarget <- as.data.frame(lapply(datatarget_tmp, gsub,
                        pattern = "\"",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        colnames(datatarget) <- NULL
                        datateste <- as.data.frame(cbind(t(datasource),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                        datax_tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(dyn_x, gsub,
                        pattern = "x=",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE))
                        datax <- as.data.frame(lapply(datax_tmp, gsub,
                        pattern = "\"",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        colnames(datax) <- NULL

                        datay_tmp <- as.data.frame(lapply(dyn_y, gsub,
                        pattern = "y=",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE))
                        datay <- as.data.frame(lapply(datay_tmp, gsub,
                        pattern = "\"",
                        replacement = "", fixed = TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        colnames(datay) <- NULL

                        edges <- datateste
                        edges$V1 = as.numeric(edges$V1)
                        edges$V2 = as.numeric(edges$V2)

                        t1<- merge(edges, nodes, by.x = "V1", by.y = "V1")
                        colnames(t1) <- c("a", "b", "c")
                        t1<- merge(t1, nodes, by.x = "b", by.y = "V1",
                        all.x = FALSE)
                        edges <- as.matrix(t1[,c(3,4)])
                        colnames(edges) <- c("V1", "V2")

                        edges <- edges

                        nodes <- as.data.frame(cbind(nodes[,1], t(datax),
                        t(datay)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                        nodes$V1 = as.character(nodes$V1)
                        nodes$V2 = as.numeric(nodes$V2)
                        nodes$V3 = as.numeric(nodes$V3)
                        nodes <- nodes


        #Remove"NA" and "-" from expression file
            expression <- read.delim(file = nameBase, header = TRUE,
            sep = "\t", quote = "")

            expression <- subset(expression,expression[,paste(geneSymbol)] !=
            expression <- subset(expression,expression[,paste(geneSymbol)] !=
            expression <- unique(expression)
            head_express = as.list(names(expression))
            if (baseControl == " ") {
                baseControl <- baseTest
            arguments <- list(geneSymbol, baseTest, baseControl)
            for (i in seq(arguments)){
                if (!is.element(arguments[i], head_express) ) {
                    stop(paste0("This argument do not exist in this dataframe:
                    ", arguments[i]))}
            if (expressionLog) {
                expressSelect =expression[,c(geneSymbol, baseTest, baseControl)]
                expressSelect[,2:3] <- 2^expressSelect[,2:3]
            } else {
                expressSelect =expression[,c(geneSymbol, baseTest, baseControl)]
            newExpression <- aggregate(x = expressSelect[c
                 by = expressSelect[c(geneSymbol)],
                 FUN = function(media_valor){

        if (fileType == "dat"){
            edges <-select(edges, 1,2)
            nodes <- as.data.frame(nodes)
            nodes[, c(2)] <- sapply(nodes[, c(2)], as.double)

        if (fileType == "net"){
            nodes <- as.data.frame(nodes)

        if (fileType == "dyn"){
            nodes <- as.data.frame(nodes)

        if (fileType == "stg"){
            nodes <- as.data.frame(nodes)

        nodes <- arrange(nodes, nodes[,c(1)])

        #signalCoordMerge have values of controle and test
        signalCoordMerge <- merge(nodes, newExpression, by.x = "V1",
            by.y = geneSymbol,
            all.x = TRUE)
        #signalCoordMerge[is.na(signalCoordMerge)] <- 0
        listLink<- unique(edges[,c(1,2)])

        graph_edge <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(listLink), directed = FALSE)
        edgesGraph <- as_long_data_frame(graph = graph_edge)

        colnames(edgesGraph) <- NULL
        colnames(edgesGraph) <- c("a", "b", "c", "V1")
        nodes$V1 = as.character(nodes$V1)
        nodes$V2 = as.numeric(nodes$V2)
        nodes$V3 = as.numeric(nodes$V3)
        nodesCoord <- aggregate(x = nodes[,c(2:3)], by = nodes[1], FUN = mean)

        #merge edgesGraph and nodesCoord
        edgesNodesMerge <- merge(edgesGraph, nodesCoord, by.x = "c",
            by.y = "V1",
            all.x = TRUE)
        edgesNodesMerge <- merge(edgesNodesMerge, nodesCoord, by.x = "V1",
            by.y = "V1",
            all.x = TRUE)
        edgesNodesMerge <- edgesNodesMerge[,c(3,4,2,1,5,6,7,8)]

        edgesNodesMerge$V2 <- (edgesNodesMerge[,c(5)] +
        edgesNodesMerge$V3 <- (edgesNodesMerge[,c(6)] +

        edgesSignalMerge <- merge(edgesGraph, signalCoordMerge, by.x = "c",
            by.y = "V1", all.x = TRUE)
        edgesSignalMerge <- merge(edgesSignalMerge, signalCoordMerge,
            by.x = "V1", by.y = "V1", all.x = TRUE)
        naColumnA <- as.matrix(
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        naColumnB <- as.matrix(
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        naTotal <- unique(rbind(naColumnA, naColumnB))

        #Create title for chart
        if (baseTest == baseControl) {
            titleChart <- baseTest
        } else {
            titleChart <- paste(baseTest,baseControl, sep = '-')

        #Creates log if exists nodes without expression value
        if (length(naTotal) > 0) {
                "There are ",nrow(naTotal)," nodes without expression value,
                see log in path: ",
                file.path(tempdir(),titleChart, "levi.log")))
            if (!file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), titleChart))){
                dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), titleChart))

            file.path(tempdir(),titleChart, "levi.log")
            levi_log <- file(file.path(tempdir(),titleChart, "levi.log"),
            open = "wt")
            sink(levi_log, type = "message")
            sink(type = "message")

        edgesSignalMerge <- edgesSignalMerge[,c(3,4,2,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)]

        edgesSignalMerge$V2 <- (edgesSignalMerge[,c(8)] +
        edgesSignalMerge$V3 <- (edgesSignalMerge[,c(7)] +

        nnodes <- nrow(nodes)
        nedges <- nrow(edges)
        coordAll <- rbind(nodesCoord[,c(2,3)], edgesNodesMerge[,c(9,10)])

        signalExpAll <- data.frame(V1 = c(signalCoordMerge[,c(5)],
        signalCtrlAll <- data.frame(V1 = c(signalCoordMerge[,c(4)],

        numberCoord <- numberAll
        coord <- as.matrix(coordAll)
        signalExp <- as.matrix(signalExpAll)

        if (baseTest == baseControl){
            signalCtrl <- matrix(data = 1, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(signalCtrlAll))
        } else {
            signalCtrl <- as.matrix(signalCtrlAll)
        signalExp[is.na(signalExp)] <- 0.5
        signalCtrl[is.na(signalCtrl)] <- 0.5

        a <- max(signalExp)
        b <- max(signalCtrl)

        # normalization and centralization

        if (b >= d) {e <- b}
        if (d > b) {e <- d}
        centroX <- centroX/e
        centroY <- centroY/e

        coord[,c(1)]<- (coord[,c(1)]/e)+(0.5-centroX)

        #Applies the calculation and takes the smallest value for coordinates

        coordPiso <- SigCoordPiso(coord= coord,
        resolutionValue = resolutionValue,gamaValue= gamaValue,
        increase = increase,  contrastValue = contrastValue,
        zoomValue=zoomValue, numberCoord=numberCoord)

        matrix_resultado <- matrix_entrada(coordPiso= coordPiso,
        SignalOut= SignalOut,
        coord= coord, resolutionValue= resolutionValue,
        signalExp = signalExp, signalCtrl = signalCtrl, increase= increase,
        zoomValue= zoomValue, numberCoord= numberCoord)

        matrixIn <- as.matrix(matrix_resultado$m1)
        h <- matrix_resultado$m3


        matrixFinal <- matrix_saida(matrixIn =  matrixIn,
        resolutionValue = resolutionValue, gamaValue =  gamaValue,
        increase = increase, zoomValue = zoomValue, h = h,
        smoothValue = smoothValue)

        matrixOut <- matrixFinal$m1
        matrixOutExp <- matrixFinal$m2
        matrixOutCtrl <- matrixFinal$m3

        i <- seq_len(n)
        j <- seq_len(n-1)
        b <- max(matrixOutExp[i, j+1])
        c <- max(matrixOutCtrl[i, j+1])

        matrixOutExp[i, i] <- matrixOutExp[i, i]/b
        matrixOutCtrl[i, i] <- matrixOutCtrl[i, i]/c

        ExpCtrl <- matrixOut[i, rev(i)]
        exp <- matrixOutExp[i, rev(i)]
        ctrl <- matrixOutCtrl[i, rev(i)]

        if (baseTest == baseControl){
            landgraph <- melt(exp, value.name = "z")
        } else {
            landgraph <- melt(ExpCtrl, value.name = "z")

        landgraphFinal <- as.data.frame(landgraph[,c(1,2,3)])

        matrixSize <- sqrt(NROW(landgraphFinal))

        if (missing(contourLevi) || contourLevi == TRUE) {
            landgraphChart <-ggplot(data = landgraphFinal,
                aes(x = Var1, y = Var2))+
                geom_raster(aes(fill = z), interpolate = TRUE, hjust = 0.5,
                vjust = 0.5) +
                geom_contour(aes(z = z)) +
                scale_fill_gradientn(colours=colorSet(x, setcolor),
                values=c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45,
                0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1),
                breaks=seq(0,1,0.2), limits=c(0,1),
                guide = guide_colorbar(title="Expression Level",
                title.position = "right", title.hjust = 0.5,
                title.theme = element_text(angle = 270, size = 9),
                barwidth= 1,barheight = 10)) +
                theme_void() +
                ggtitle(titleChart) +
                theme(plot.title = element_text(
                margin = margin(t = 10, b = -10), hjust = 0.5,lineheight=.8,
                face="bold"),legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,-20)) +
                annotate("text", x = c(matrixSize+2,matrixSize+2),
                y = c(matrixSize*0.42,matrixSize*0.6),
                label = c("decrease", "increase"),size=3 , angle=90) +
                annotate("segment", x = matrixSize*1.07, xend = matrixSize*1.07,
                y = matrixSize*0.49, yend = matrixSize*0.35, colour = "black",
                size=0.2, alpha=0.6, arrow=arrow(type = "closed",
                length = unit(x = c(0.2), units = "cm"))) +
                annotate("segment", x = matrixSize*1.07, xend = matrixSize*1.07,
                y = matrixSize*0.51, yend = matrixSize*0.67, colour = "black",
                size=0.2,alpha=0.6, arrow=arrow(type = "closed",
                length = unit(x = c(0.2), units = "cm"))) +
                coord_fixed(ratio = 1)
        } else {
            landgraphChart <-ggplot(data = landgraphFinal,
                aes(x = Var1, y = Var2))+
                geom_raster(aes(fill = z), interpolate = TRUE,
                            hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5) +
                scale_fill_gradientn(colours=colorSet(x, setcolor),
                values=c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45,
                0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1),
                breaks=seq(0,1,0.2), limits=c(0,1),
                guide = guide_colorbar(title="Expression Level",
                title.position = "right", title.hjust = 0.5,
                title.theme = element_text(angle = 270, size = 9), barwidth= 1,
                barheight = 10)) +
                theme_void() +
                ggtitle(titleChart) +
                theme(plot.title =
                element_text(margin = margin(t = 10, b = -10), hjust = 0.5,
                lineheight=.8, face="bold"), legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,-20)) +
                annotate("text", x = c(matrixSize+2,matrixSize+2),
                y = c(matrixSize*0.42,matrixSize*0.6),
                label = c("decrease", "increase"), size=3 , angle=90) +
                annotate("segment", x = matrixSize*1.07, xend = matrixSize*1.07,
                y = matrixSize*0.49, yend = matrixSize*0.35, colour = "black",
                size=0.2, alpha=0.6, arrow=arrow(type = "closed",
                length = unit(x = c(0.2), units = "cm"))) +
                annotate("segment", x = matrixSize*1.07, xend = matrixSize*1.07,
                y = matrixSize*0.51, yend = matrixSize*0.67, colour = "black",
                size=0.2, alpha=0.6, arrow=arrow(type = "closed",
                length = unit(x = c(0.2), units = "cm"))) +
                coord_fixed(ratio = 1)
        landgraphChart <- landgraphChart + coord_fixed(ratio = 1)

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levi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:21 p.m.