## Functions for manipulating, creating, reading and writing msp
## objects, i.e. lists of compounds containing both pseudospectra and
## meta-information.
## Creates an msp object from a list of two-column matrices, supplemented by
## meta-information such as Name, rt, etc. In case three-column
## matrices are given, this will be used for rt and will override any
## rt or present in
## For consistency: only two-column spectra will be written in the msp
## file, so any retention time information is summarized in the rt and
## slots. (Aug 1, 2013)
## bug in construct.msp: current function works only for data.frames
## and not for nested lists, as is promised in the documentation.
construct.msp <- function(spectra, {
if (!(all(sapply(, length) == length(spectra))))
stop("Unequal lengths in arguments")
if (all(sapply(spectra, ncol) == 3)) {$rt <- round(sapply(spectra, function(x) mean(x[,3])), 3)$ <- round(sapply(spectra, function(x) sd(x[,3])), 4)
c(lapply(, "[", ii),
list(pspectrum = spectra[[ii]][,1:2])))
## write.msp writes an existing and complete msp object to a
## file. Empty elements are not written. If Name is present, it will
## be used as the first field.
write.msp <- function(msp, file, newFile = TRUE) {
if (newFile) {
system(paste("rm -f", file))
cat("", file = file)
for (i in seq(along = msp)) {
fields <- names(msp[[i]])
fields <- fields[fields != "pspectrum"]
if ("Name" %in% fields)
fields <- c("Name", fields[fields != "Name"])
for (j in fields)
if (length(msp[[i]][[j]]) > 0)
cat(j, ": ", msp[[i]][[j]], "\n",
sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
pspec <- msp[[i]]$pspectrum
nI <- nrow(pspec)
cat("Num Peaks:", nI, file = file, append = TRUE)
for (j in seq_len(nI)) {
if ((j-1) %% 5 == 0) cat("\n", file = file, append = TRUE)
cat(" ", pspec[j,1], " ", pspec[j,2], ";",
sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
cat("\n\n", file = file, append = TRUE)
## function to select pseudospectra from an msp object: filtering can
## be done on the basis of rt, mz, relative intensity and number of
## features. Defaults amount to no filtering.
filter.msp <- function(msp, rtrange = NULL, mzrange = NULL,
minintens = 0, minPeaks = 0) {
if (!is.null(rtrange)) {
rts <- sapply(msp, function(x) x$rt)
msp <- msp[which(rts < max(rtrange) & rts > min(rtrange))]
if (length(msp) == 0) return(msp)
if (!is.null(mzrange)) {
msp <- lapply(msp,
function(x) {
mz.idx <- x$pspectrum[,1] > min(mzrange) &
x$pspectrum[,1] < max(mzrange)
x$pspectrum <- x$pspectrum[mz.idx,]
if (minintens > 0) {
msp <- lapply(msp,
function(x) {
I.idx <- (x$pspectrum[,2] / max(x$pspectrum)) > minintens
x$pspectrum <- x$pspectrum[I.idx,]
if (minPeaks > 0) {
npks <- sapply(msp, function(x) nrow(x$pspectrum))
msp <- msp[npks > minPeaks]
## Function reads an msp file, and returns one list of
## compounds. Argument allow to exclude all molecular
## formulas with non-organic elements. What exactly are organic
## elements can be defined with the optional argument org.set. A
## second optional argument indicates which fields should never be
## converted into numbers, even if possible.
read.msp <- function(file, = FALSE,
org.set = c("C", "H", "D", "N", "O", "P", "S"),
noNumbers = NULL) {
## first define three auxiliary functions, not used outside this function
## return the value of the given field in string x. If the field is
## not present, either stop with an error or return NULL (e.g. if it
## is not a required field)
get.text.value <- function(x, field, do.err = TRUE) {
woppa <- strsplit(x, field)
woppa.lengths <- sapply(woppa, length)
if (all(woppa.lengths == 2)) { ## remove leading white space
sapply(woppa, function(y) gsub("^ +", "", y[2]))
} else {
if (do.err) {
stop(paste("Invalid field", field, "in", x[woppa.lengths != 2]))
} else {
## see if only organic elements are present. Strategy: replace these
## by "" and convert to numbers. If not possible, then return FALSE.
## Jan 26, 2012: add deuterium as an organic element - sometimes
## deuterated standards are used <- function(strs, org.set)
formulas <- get.text.value(strs, "Formula:")
org.string <- paste("[", paste(org.set, collapse=""), "]",
collapse = "")
suppressWarnings(which(!, "",
## read ALL fields in a set of strings from an msp file and return as
## an msp object. All elements that can be converted into numbers are
## converted, unless explicitly stated in the exception list. Element
## "Num Peaks" is treated separately.
read.compound <- function(strs, noNumbers) {
if (is.null(noNumbers))
noNumbers <- c("Name", "CAS", "stdFile",
"date", "validated", "ChemspiderID",
"SMILES", "InChI", "Class", "comment",
fields.idx <- grep(":", strs)
fields <- sapply(strsplit(strs[fields.idx], ":"), "[[", 1)
pk.idx <- which(fields == "Num Peaks")
if (length(pk.idx) == 0) ## should not happen
stop("No spectrum found")
## read all normal fields
cmpnd <- lapply(fields.idx[-pk.idx],
paste(fields[x], ":", sep = "")))
names(cmpnd) <- fields[-pk.idx]
## convert numeric ones
cnvrt.idx <- which(!(names(cmpnd) %in% noNumbers))
cmpnd[cnvrt.idx] <- lapply(cmpnd[cnvrt.idx],
function(x) {
if ( <- as.numeric(x)))) {
} else {
## now add pseudospectrum
nlines <- length(strs)
npeaks <- as.numeric(get.text.value(strs[pk.idx], "Num Peaks:"))
peaks.idx <- (pk.idx+1):nlines
pks <- gsub("^ +", "", unlist(strsplit(strs[peaks.idx], ";")))
pks <- pks[pks != ""]
if (length(pks) != npeaks)
stop("Not the right number of peaks in compound", cmpnd$Name)
pklst <- strsplit(pks, " ")
pklst <- lapply(pklst, function(x) x[x != ""])
cmz <- as.numeric(sapply(pklst, "[[", 1))
cintens <- as.numeric(sapply(pklst, "[[", 2))
## intens.OK <- cintens >= minintens
finaltab <- matrix(c(cmz, cintens), ncol = 2)
if (any(table(cmz) > 1)) {
warning("Duplicate mass in compound ", cmpnd$Name,
" (CAS ", cmpnd$CAS, ")... summing up intensities")
finaltab <- aggregate(finaltab[,2],
by = list(finaltab[,1]),
FUN = sum)
colnames(finaltab) <- c("mz", "intensity")
c(cmpnd, list(pspectrum = finaltab))
## Go!
huhn <- scan(file, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE)
starts <- which(regexpr("Name: ", huhn) == 1)
ends <- c(starts[-1] - 1, length(huhn))
if ( { ## filter out those compounds with non-organic elements
formulas <- which(regexpr("Formula:", huhn) == 1)
if (length(formulas) > 0) {
orgs <-[formulas], org.set)
starts <- starts[orgs]
ends <- ends[orgs]
read.compound(huhn[starts[i]:ends[i]], noNumbers = noNumbers))
## to.msp is a function to export features (mz / I combinations) to a
## text file so that it can be used for searching the extDB (in our case NIST)
## library. In general, several groups will be written. If the first
## argument is an annotation object, CAMERA groups will be used; if it
## is a peak table, the retention time will be used to create groups
## (retention times should be exactly equal!). Nothing will be written
## if file equals NULL, but an object will be returned, now also
## containing retention time information.
## Addition Jan 31: the xsAnnotate object can contain data from more
## than one file.
## Bug, corrected May 15: ndigit was only used for rounding when
## writing to a file...
## bug: minintens not used in the proper way (addressed March 25,
## 2013) - should be a fraction of the most intense signal
## March 25: removed default values for minfeat and minintens. These
## should always come from the pipeline settings
## July 23: added an additional settings argument which summarizes
## individual arguments (and has precedence over these, too).
to.msp <- function(object, file = NULL,
settings = NULL, ndigit = 0, minfeat, minintens,
intensity = c("maxo", "into"), secs2mins = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(settings)) {
intensity <- settings$intensityMeasure
minfeat <- settings$minfeat
minintens <- settings$minintens
} else {
intensity <- match.arg(intensity)
if (is(object)[1] == "xsAnnotate") { ## CAMERA annotation object
allpks <- object@groupInfo
minI <- minintens * max(allpks[, intensity])
tooSmall <- which(allpks[, intensity] < minI)
pspectra <- lapply(object@pspectra,
function(x) x[!x %in% tooSmall])
} else { ## a peak table
minI <- minintens * max(object[, intensity])
allpks <- object[object[, intensity] >= minI,]
pspectra <- split(seq_len(nrow(allpks)), allpks[,"rt"])
## remove all spectra with less than minfeat peaks
npeaks <- sapply(pspectra, length)
pspectra <- pspectra[npeaks >= minfeat]
if (!is.null(file)) {
if (length(pspectra) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(length(pspectra))) {
## maximum of 1000 features per file
ofile <- paste(file, "_", ceiling(i / 1000), ".txt", sep = "")
newfile <- (i %% 1000) == 1
idx <- pspectra[[i]]
pks <- allpks[idx,,drop = FALSE]
pks <- pks[order(pks[,"mz"]),,drop = FALSE]
pks[,intensity] <- 1000*pks[,intensity]/max(pks[,intensity])
cat("Name: grp ", i, " (rt: ", mean(pks[,"rt"]), ")", sep = "",
file = ofile, append = !newfile)
cat("\nNum Peaks:", nrow(pks), file = ofile, append = TRUE)
for (ii in seq_len(nrow(pks)))
round(pks[ii, "mz"], ndigit), "\t",
round(pks[ii, intensity], ndigit), ")",
file = ofile, append = TRUE, sep = "")
cat("\n\n", file = ofile, append = TRUE)
result <-
cbind(mz = round(allpks[x,"mz"], digits = ndigit),
allpks[x, c(intensity, "rt")])))
if (secs2mins) {
function(x) cbind(x[,c("mz", intensity)],
rt = x[,"rt"] / 60)))
} else {
## SearchNIST is a function added to assist user accessing their own copy of NIST database
## starting from a MSP file created by to.msp function
## The fucntion will help creating the connection between R and NIST mass spectral library search tool on Windows OS
## Require NIST MS (Mass Spectral) Search Program Version 2.0 or higher AND Windows OS
## Please remove AUTOIMP.MSD file from C:\NISTMS\MSSEARCH before first launch
# GUITTON Yann - 2015 Laberca
SearchNIST<-function(mspfile=NULL, savepath=NULL){
#create a local output directory
if (is.null(savepath)){
savepath<-choose.dir(default=getwd(), caption="Please, select your Saving directory")
st<-strsplit(date(), " ")[[1]]
stBis<-strsplit(st[4], ":")[[1]]
Hour<-paste(stBis[1], stBis[2], stBis[3], sep="-")
Date<-paste(st[1], st[2], st[3], Hour, sep="_")
Mypath<-paste("output_SearchNIST", "_", "result", Date, sep="")
if (is.null(mspfile)==TRUE) {
#System Check
if ((["sysname"])!="Windows"){
cat("Sorry, this function only works on Windows. Your OS is not Windows.\n")
#Search for MSSEARCH location should be c:/nist/mssearch
if (file.exists(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini"))==TRUE){
nistpath<-readLines(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini"))[pmatch("Path32", readLines(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini")))]
nistpath<-file.path(unlist(strsplit(nistpath, split="="))[2])
nistpath<-readLines(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini"))[pmatch("Path16", readLines(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini")))]
print("Your NIST MS program version is <2.0 or impossible to detect NIST")
nistpath<-choose.dir(default=getwd(), caption="Please, select the MS SEARCH directory, should be c:/nist/mssearch/")
if (file.exists(file.path("C:", "Windows","win.ini"))==FALSE){
nistpath<-choose.dir(default=getwd(), caption="Please, select the MS SEARCH directory, should be c:/nist/mssearch/")
#create AUTIMP.MSD file
cat(secondlocatorpath, file = zz, sep = "\n")
mspfile<-choose.files(default=paste(getwd(),"/*.msp",sep=""),caption="Please, select the MSP file", multi=FALSE, filters=matrix(c("your msp file","*.msp"),ncol=2))
zz<-file("FILESPEC.FIL", "w")
cat(paste(file.path(mspfile),"Overwrite",sep=" "), file = zz, sep = "\n")
cat(paste(23,62789), file = zz, sep = "\n")
#zz<-file(paste(nistpath,"FILESPEC.FIL", sep=""), "w")
zz<-file("FILESPEC.FIL", "w")
cat(paste(file.path(mspfile),"Overwrite",sep=" "), file = zz, sep = "\n")
cat(paste(23,62789), file = zz, sep = "\n")
code<-paste(file.path(nistpath,"nistms$.exe"), " /Instrument /par=2", sep="")
#system("c:/nist05/mssearch/nistms$.exe /Instrument /par=2")
print("Please wait...")
print(paste("A file called ResultsFromNIST.txt has been generated in ", Mypath, sep=" "))
#a parser for that file is needed
#clean unused files from directories needed
}#end else system check
}#end function
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