#' create ncdfFlowSet from FCS files
#' read FCS files from the disk and load them into a ncdfFlowSet object
#' @param files A character vector giving the source FCS raw file paths.
#' @param ncdfFile A character scalar giving the output file name. Default is NULL and the function will generate a random
#' file in the temporary folder, potentially adding the \code{.cdf} suffix unless a file
#' extension is already present. It is sometimes useful to specify this file path to avoid the failure of writing large flow data set to cdf file
#' due to the the shortage of disk space in system temporary folder.
#' It is only valid when isNewNcFile=TRUE
#' @param flowSetId A character scalar giving the unique ncdfFlowSet ID.
#' @param isWriteSlice A logical scalar indicating whether the raw data should also be copied.if FALSE,
#' an empty cdf file is created with the dimensions (sample*events*channels) supplied by raw FCS files.
#' @param phenoData An object of \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} providing a way to manually set the phenotyoic data for the whole data set in ncdfFlowSet.
#' @param channels A character vector specifying which channels to extract from FCS files.
#' It can be useful when FCS files do not share exactly the same channel names.
#' Thus this argument is used to select those common channels that are of interests.
#' Default value is NULL and the function will try to scan the FCS headers of all files
#' and determine the common channels.
#' @param channel_alias,alter.names see \link{read.FCS}
#' @param dim \code{integer} the number of dimensions that specifies the physical storage format of hdf5 dataset.
#' Default is 2, which stores each FCS data as a seperate 2d dataset.
#' Normally, user shouldn't need to change this but dim can also be set to 3, which stores all FCS data as one single 3d dataset.
#' @param compress \code{integer} the HDF5 compression ratio (from 0 to 9). Default is 0, which does not compress the data and is recommeneded (especially for 2d format) because the speed loss usually outweights the disk saving.
#' @param mc.cores \code{numeric} passed to parallel::mclapply. Default is NULL, which read FCS files in serial mode.
#' @param ... extra arguments to be passed to \code{\link{read.FCS}}.
#' @return A ncdfFlowSet object
#' @seealso \code{\link{clone.ncdfFlowSet}}
#' @aliases read.ncdfFlowset
#' @examples
#' library(ncdfFlow)
#' path<-system.file("extdata","compdata","data",package="flowCore")
#' files<-list.files(path,full.names=TRUE)[1:3]
#' #create ncdfFlowSet from fcs with the actual raw data written in cdf
#' nc1 <- read.ncdfFlowSet(files=files,ncdfFile="",flowSetId="fs1",isWriteSlice= TRUE)
#' nc1
#' nc1[[1]]
#' unlink(nc1)
#' rm(nc1)
#' #create empty ncdfFlowSet from fcs and add data slices afterwards
#' nc1 <- read.ncdfFlowSet(files=files,ncdfFile="",flowSetId="fs1",isWriteSlice= FALSE)
#' fs1<-read.flowSet(files)
#' nc1[[1]] <- fs1[[1]]
#' nc1[[1]]
#' nc1[[2]]
#' @export
#' @importFrom flowCore read.FCS read.FCSheader
read.ncdfFlowSet <- function(files = NULL
,flowSetId = flowCore:::guid()
,isWriteSlice= TRUE
, channel_alias = NULL
, alter.names = FALSE
,dim = 2
,compress = 0
, mc.cores = NULL
,...) #dots to be passed to read.FCS
dots <- list(...)
dots[["emptyValue"]] <- ifelse("emptyValue" %in% names(dots), dots[["emptyValue"]], TRUE)
dim <- as.integer(match.arg(as.character(dim), c("2","3")))
channel_alias <- flowCore:::check_channel_alias(channel_alias)
#remove nonexisting files
message(paste(missingFiles,"is missing\n"))
message("No file is found!")
ncdfFile<-tempfile(pattern = "ncfs")
if (!length(grep(".", ncdfFile, fixed = TRUE)))
ncdfFile <- paste(ncdfFile, "nc", sep = ".")
# browser()
maxEvents <- 0L
fileIds <- seq_len(nFile)
getChnlEvt <- function(curFile){
thisCall <- quote(read.FCSheader(curFile))
thisCall <-,dots))
txt <- eval(thisCall)[[1]]
nChannels <- as.integer(txt[["$PAR"]])
channelNames <- unlist(lapply(1:nChannels,function(i)flowCore:::readFCSgetPar(txt,paste("$P",i,"N",sep=""))))
channelNames<- unname(channelNames)
channelNames <- flowCore:::update_channel_by_alias(channelNames, channel_alias)
channelNames <- make.names(channelNames)
if(!is.null(channels))#check if channel names contains the specified one
stop(channels[channel.notFound],"not Found in ",basename(curFile)," !")
c(chnl = paste(channelNames,collapse="|"), evt = txt[["$TOT"]])
#channel names check
chnlEvt <- lapply(files, getChnlEvt)
#loadedNamespace may show the package that is loaded but not attached
if(!any(grepl("parallel", search())))
#parallel at higher granule level to reduce the overhead of dispatching
#since each taskgetChnlEvt) is relative small
groups <- split(files,ceiling(fileIds/(nFile/mc.cores)))
chnlEvt <- mclapply(groups, function(group){
lapply(group, getChnlEvt)
}, mc.cores = mc.cores)
chnlEvt <- unlist(chnlEvt, recursive = FALSE)
channels.all <- sapply(chnlEvt, "[[", "chnl")
events <- as.integer(sapply(chnlEvt, "[[", "evt"))
if(dim == 3)
maxEvents <- max(events)
#try to find common channels among fcs files
message("All FCS files have the same following channels:\n"
message("Not all FCS files have the same channels\n")
for(i in 2:length(chnls_list))
message("Only load the following common channels:\n",paste(chnls_common,collapse="\n"))
channels.all.unique <- unique(unlist(chnls_list))
message("Skip the channels that are not found in all samples:\n",paste(channels.all.unique[-match(chnls_common, channels.all.unique)],collapse="\n"))
chnls_common <- channels
#set dataset argument if it is absent to avoid redundant warning messages
dots[["dataset"]] <- ifelse("dataset" %in% names(dots), dots[["dataset"]], 1)
thisCall <- quote(read.FCSheader(files[1]))
thisCall <-,dots))
tmp <- eval(thisCall)[[1]]
#make a dummy parameters slot for every frames to pass the validity check of flowSet class
#Note:This call will generate wrong params when chnls_common is less than original chnls
params <- flowCore:::makeFCSparameters(chnls_common,tmp, transformation=F, scale=F,decades=0, realMin=-111)
#determine guids
guids <- sampleNames(pd)
guids <- basename(files)
pd <- AnnotatedDataFrame(data = data.frame(name=guids
,varMetadata = data.frame(labelDescription="Name"
guids <- make.unique(guids)
#assign metaData to two environment slots
e1<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
e2<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
for(i in seq_len(nFile)) {
assign(guids[i], NA, e2)
#create ncdf ncdf object
,frames = e1
,flowSetId = flowSetId
, file = ncdfFile
#create empty cdf file
msgCreate <- createFile(ncdfFile, as.integer(maxEvents),
length(chnls_common), as.integer(nFile), dim, as.integer(compress)
,is_libver_earliest = isTRUE(getOption("h5Flow_is_libver_earliest")))
##remove indicies to keep the slot as empty by default for memory and speed issue
#when isWriteSlice is False,keep the ncdf matrix empty(Mike)
#escape all the meta characters within channal names
colPattern <- .escapeMeta(chnls_common)
colPattern <- paste(colPattern,collapse="|") <- function(i)
thisCall <- quote(read.FCS(curFile
,column.pattern = colPattern
, alter.names = alter.names
, channel_alias = channel_alias
thisCall <-,dots))
this_fr <- eval(thisCall)
#we need to reorder columns in order to make them identical across samples
#serial read
for(i in fileIds)
ncfs[[guids[i], compress = compress]] <-
#parallel read
#split into groups of files with group size = mc.ores
groups <- split(fileIds,ceiling(fileIds/mc.cores))
#read each group with multicore
for(group in groups){
frList <- mclapply(group,, mc.cores = mc.cores)
#then serial write (because phdf5 is not implemented yet)
for(j in seq_along(group)){
i <- group[j]
ncfs[[guids[i], compress = compress]] <- frList[[j]]
#' escape some special character for a given character vector
#' @param metaCharacters \code{character} vector specifying the special characters to escape, default is all the mete characters defined in regexprs
#' @param x \code{character} vector the original character vector that contains the special characters
#' @return the modified character vector by padding "\\" before all the special characters
#' @noRd
.escapeMeta <- function(x, metaCharacters = c("\\", "|", "(", ")", "[", "{", "^", "$", "*", "+", "?", ".")){
#pad the \\ before each meta character
metaCharacters <- paste(sapply(metaCharacters, function(thisMeta)paste0("\\", thisMeta)), collapse = "")
#wrap into parenthesized pattern
metaCharacters <- paste0("([",metaCharacters, "])")
#escape all the meta characters
gsub(metaCharacters, "\\\\\\1", x)
#' Clone a ncdfFlowSet
#' Create a new ncdfFlowSet object from an existing one
#' @param ncfs A \code{\link{ncdfFlowSet}}.
#' @param isNew A logical scalar indicating whether the new cdf file should be created.
#' If FALSE, the original cdf file is associated with the new ncdfFlowSet object.
#' @param ncdfFile A character scalar giving the output file name. By
#' default, It is NULL and the function will generate a random
#' file name, potentially adding the \code{.cdf} suffix unless a file
#' extension is already present. It is only valid when isNewNcFile=TRUE
#' @param isEmpty A logical scalar indicating whether the raw data should also be copied.if FALSE,
#' an empty cdf file is created with the same dimensions (sample*events*channels) as the orignial one.
#' @param dim \code{integer} see details in \link{read.ncdfFlowset}.
#' @param compress \code{integer} see details in \link{read.ncdfFlowset}.
#' @return A ncdfFlowSet object
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.ncdfFlowSet}}
#' @examples
#' path<-system.file("extdata","compdata","data",package="flowCore")
#' files<-list.files(path,full.names=TRUE)[1:3]
#' #create ncdfFlowSet from fcs
#' nc1 <- read.ncdfFlowSet(files=files,ncdfFile="",flowSetId="fs1",isWriteSlice= TRUE)
#' ##clone the ncdfFlowSet object
#' nc2<-clone.ncdfFlowSet(nc1,"")
#' nc2[[1]]
#' #optionally create the empty hdf file without writting the acutal flow data into it
#' nc2 <- clone.ncdfFlowSet(nc1,"", isEmpty = TRUE)
#' #add the actual raw data
#' fs1 <- read.flowSet(files=files)
#' nc2[[sampleNames(fs1)[1]]] <- fs1[[1]]
#' nc2[[1]]
#' #delete the cdf file associated with ncdfFlowSet before removing it from memory
#' unlink(nc2)
#' rm(nc2)
#' unlink(nc1)
#' rm(nc1)
#' @export
clone.ncdfFlowSet<-function(ncfs,ncdfFile=NULL,isEmpty=FALSE,isNew=TRUE, dim = 2, compress = 0)
dim <- as.integer(match.arg(as.character(dim), c("2","3")))
##when isNew==TRUE, the actual data reflected by the current view of ncdfFlowSet is created
##and the new ncfs is no longer associated to the orginal one. which mean it is no longer a view of subset
## of the original cdf repository
#update frames info
ncfs@frames<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
for(i in sampleNames(orig))
ncdfFile<-tempfile(pattern = "ncfs")
if (!length(grep(".", ncdfFile, fixed = TRUE)))
ncdfFile <- paste(ncdfFile, "nc", sep = ".")
#update file info
#sync the view info of samplenames and colnames
#init view info of indices
ncfs@indices<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
for(i in sampleNames(orig))
msgCreate <- createFile(ncdfFile, as.integer(ncfs@maxEvents),
as.integer(length(colnames(ncfs))), as.integer(length(ncfs))
, dim, as.integer(compress),is_libver_earliest = isTRUE(getOption("h5Flow_is_libver_earliest")))
if(!msgCreate)stop("make sure the file does not exist already or your have write permission to the folder!")
if(!isEmpty)##write the actual data
for(i in sampleNames(orig))
message("copying data slice:",i)
ncfs[[i, compress = compress]] <- orig[[i]]
#when isNew==FALSE, then keep the exact 3D view info of the original ncfs
#copy frames info
ncfs@frames<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
for(i in ls(orig))
#copy indices info if isEmpty==FALSE
if(isEmpty)#when empty init the indices with
ncfs@indices<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
#copy indices info
for(i in sampleNames(ncfs))
ncfs@indices<-new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
#copy indices info
for(i in ls(orig))
assign(i, orig[[i]], ncfs@indices)
#' @title save/load a ncdfFlowSet object to/from disk.
#' @description
#' The \code{ncdfFlowSet} object contains two parts: R object and cdf file.
#' Save/load a ncdfFlowSet mainly involves the R part using saveRDS/readRDS.
#' @param ncfs A \code{ncdfFlowSet}
#' @param path A character scalar giving the path to save/load the ncdfFlowSet to/from.
#' @param overwrite A logical scalar specifying whether to overwrite the existing folder.
#' @param cdf a character scalar. The valid options are :"copy","move","skip","symlink","link" specifying what to do with the cdf data file.
#' Sometime it is more efficient to move or create a link of the existing cdf file to the archived folder.
#' @return
#' \code{load_ncfs} returns a ncdfFlowSet object
#' @seealso \code{\link{ncdfFlowSet-class}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #ncfs is a ncdfFlowSet
#' save_ncfs(fs, path = "tempFolder")
#' fs1 <- load_ncfs(path = "tempFolder")
#' }
#' @rdname save_ncfs
#' @export
#' @aliases save_ncfs load_ncfs
save_ncfs <- function(ncfs, path, overwrite = FALSE
, cdf = c("copy", "move","link", "skip","symlink")){
cdf <- match.arg(cdf)
id <- ncfs@flowSetId
rds_toSave <- paste(id,"rds",sep=".")
# browser()
path <- normalizePath(path,mustWork = TRUE)
this_files <- list.files(path)
#validity check for non-empty folder
rds_ind <- grep("\\.rds$",this_files)
stop("Not a valid ncdfFlowSet archiving folder!")
this_rds <- this_files[rds_ind]
stop("The ncdfFlowSet doesn't match the archived files in: ", path)
#validity check for cdf
cdf_ind <- grep("\\.nc$",this_files)
if(length(cdf_ind) != 1){
stop("Not a valid ncdfFlowSet archiving folder!")
#start to delete the old files in path
#check if the target path is the same as current cdf path
this_cdf <- file.path(path,this_files[cdf_ind])
if(normalizePath(ncfs@file) == this_cdf){
cdf <- "skip"
if(cdf != "skip"){
stop(path,"' already exists!")
dir.create(path = path)
#do the dir normalization again after it is created
path <- normalizePath(path,mustWork = TRUE)
rds.file <- file.path(path,paste(id,"rds",sep="."))
#save ncdf file
if(cdf != "skip")
from <- ncfs@file
# browser()
if(cdf == "move"){
message("moving ncdf...")
ncFile <- file.path(path,basename(from))
res <- file.rename(from,ncFile)
ncFile <- tempfile(tmpdir = path, fileext = ".nc")
if(cdf == "copy"){
message("saving ncdf...")
res <- file.copy(from=from,to=ncFile)
else if(cdf == "symlink"){
message("creating the symbolic link to ncdf...")
res <- file.symlink(from=from,to=ncFile)
}else if(cdf == "link"){
message("creating the hard link to ncdf...")
res <-,to=ncFile)
stop("failed to ",cdf," ",from,"!")
message("saving R object...")
saveRDS(ncfs, rds.file)
message("Done\nTo reload it, use 'load_ncfs' function\n")
#' @rdname save_ncfs
#' @export
#' @aliases load_ncfs
# browser()
path <- normalizePath(path,mustWork = TRUE)
stop(path,"' not found!")
files <- list.files(path)
# browser()
rds.file <- file.path(path,files[grep(".rds$",files)])
stop(".rds file missing in ",path)
stop("multiple .rds files found in ",path)
message("loading R object...")
ncfs <- readRDS(rds.file)
stop(".nc file missing in ",path)
ncfs@file <- nc.file
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