
Defines functions detect.responses

Documented in detect.responses


# Before I put a sketch on paper, the whole idea is worked out
# mentally. In my mind I change the construction, make improvements,
# and even operate the device. Without ever having drawn a sketch I
# can give the measurements of all parts to workmen, and when
# completed all these parts will fit, just as certainly as though I
# had made the actual drawings. It is immaterial to me whether I run
# my machine in my mind or test it in my shop. The inventions I have
# conceived in this way have always worked. In thirty years there
# has not been a single exception. My first electric motor, the
# vacuum wireless light, my turbine engine and many other devices
# have all been developed in exactly this way.
#                                                    - Nicola Tesla


#' @title detect.responses
#' @description Main function of the NetResponse algorithm. 
#' Detect condition-specific network responses, given
#' network and a set of measurements of node activity in a set of
#' conditions. Returns a set of subnetworks and their estimated
#' context-specific responses.
#' @param datamatrix Matrix of samples x features. For example, gene expression
#'   matrix with conditions on the rows, and genes on the columns. The matrix
#'   contains same features than the 'network' object, characterizing the network
#'   states across the different samples.
#' @param network Binary network describing undirected pairwise interactions between
#'   features of 'datamatrix'. The following formats are supported: binary
#'   matrix, graphNEL, igraph, graphAM, Matrix, dgCMatrix, dgeMatrix
#' @param initial.responses Initial number of components for each subnetwork
#'   model. Used to initialize calculations.
#' @param max.responses Maximum number of responses for each subnetwork. Can be
#'   used to limit the potential number of network states.
#' @param max.subnet.size Numeric. Maximum allowed subnetwork size.
#' @param verbose Logical. Verbose parameter.
#' @param implicit.noise Implicit noise parameter. Add implicit noise to vdp
#'   mixture model. Can help to avoid overfitting to local optima, if this
#'   appears to be a problem.
#' @param update.hyperparams Logical. Indicate whether to update
#'   hyperparameters during modeling.
#' @param prior.alpha,prior.alphaKsi,prior.betaKsi Prior parameters for
#'   Gaussian mixture model that is calculated for each subnetwork
#'   (normal-inverse-Gamma prior). alpha tunes the mean; alphaKsi and betaKsi are
#'   the shape and scale parameters of the inverse Gamma function, respectively.
#' @param vdp.threshold Minimal free energy improvement after which the
#'   variational Gaussian mixture algorithm is deemed converged.
#' @param merging.threshold Minimal cost value improvement required for merging
#' two subnetworks.
#' @param ite Defines maximum number of iterations on posterior update
#' (updatePosterior). Increasing this can potentially lead to more accurate
#' results, but computation may take longer.
#' @param information.criterion Information criterion for model selection.
#' Default is BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion); other options include AIC
#' and AICc.
#' @param speedup Takes advantage of approximations to PCA, mutual information
#' etc in various places to speed up calculations. Particularly useful with
#' large and densely connected networks and/or large sample size.
#' @param speedup.max.edges Used if speedup = TRUE. Applies prefiltering of
#' edges for calculating new joint models between subnetwork pairs when
#' potential cost changes (delta) are updated for a newly merged subnetwork and
#' its neighborghs. Empirical mutual information between each such subnetwork
#' pair is calculated based on their first principal components, and joint
#' models will be calculated only for the top candidates up to the number
#' specified by speedup.max.edges. It is expected that the subnetwork pair that
#' will benefit most from joint modeling will be among the top mutual
#' infomation candidates. This way it is possible to avoid calculating
#' exhaustive many models on the network hubs.
#' @param positive.edges Consider only the edges with positive association. Currently measured with Spearman correlation.
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores to be used in parallelization. See
#' help(mclapply) for details.
#' @param mixture.method Specify the approach to use in mixture modeling.
#' Options. vdp (nonparametric Variational Dirichlet process mixture model);
#' bic (based on Gaussian mixture modeling with EM, using BIC to select the
#' optimal number of components)
#' @param bic.threshold BIC threshold which needs to be exceeded before a new mode is added to the mixture with mixture.method = "bic"
#' @param pca.basis Transform data first onto PCA basis to try to avoid problems with non-diagonal covariances.
#' @param ... Further optional arguments to be passed.
#' @return NetResponseModel object.
#' @author Maintainer: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @references See citation("netresponse").
#' @keywords methods iteration
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(toydata)        # Load toy data set
#' D    <- toydata$emat   # Response matrix (for example, gene expression)
#' netw <- toydata$netw   # Network
#' # Run NetReponse algorithm
#' # model <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE)
detect.responses <- function(datamatrix,
        network = NULL,
        initial.responses = 1,   # initial number of components. FIXME: is this used?
        max.responses = 10,      
        max.subnet.size = 10,    # max. subnetwork size
        verbose = TRUE,          # print intermediate messages
        prior.alpha    = 1,      # Prior parameters
        prior.alphaKsi = 0.01,   # for VDP mixture
        prior.betaKsi  = 0.01,   # scale parameter for inverse Gamma
        update.hyperparams = 0,  # update hyperparameters. FIXME: check if this is applicable.
        implicit.noise = 0,      # Add implicit noise in vdp.mk.log.lambda.so and vdp.mk.hp.posterior.so 
        vdp.threshold = 1.0e-5,  # min. free energy improvement that stops VDP
        merging.threshold = 0,   # min. cost improvement for merging
        ite = Inf,               # max. iterations in updatePosterior
        information.criterion = "BIC", # information criterion for node merging
        speedup = TRUE,          # speed up calculations by approximations
        speedup.max.edges = 10,  # max. new joint models to be calculated; MI-based prefiltering applied
        positive.edges = FALSE, # If TRUE, consider positive edges only     
        mc.cores = 1, # number of cores for parallelization
        mixture.method = "vdp", # Which approach to use for sample mixture estimation within given subnet. Options: bic/vdp
        bic.threshold = 0,
        pca.basis = FALSE,
        ... # Further arguments


        # Check data matrix validity         
        datamatrix <- check.matrix(datamatrix)

        # Check network validity and polish
        tmp <- check.network(network, datamatrix, verbose = verbose)
        network <- tmp$formatted
        network.orig <- tmp$original
        delta <- tmp$delta
        network.nodes <- tmp$nodes

        ### INITIALIZE ###  
        if (verbose) message("matching the features between network and datamatrix")  
        samples <- rownames(datamatrix)
        datamatrix   <- matrix(datamatrix[, network.nodes], nrow(datamatrix))
        colnames(datamatrix) <- network.nodes
        rownames(datamatrix) <- samples
        # Store here all params used in the model (defined in function call)
        params <- list(initial.responses = initial.responses, 
        max.responses = max.responses,
        max.subnet.size = max.subnet.size,
        verbose = verbose, 
        prior.alpha = prior.alpha, 
        prior.alphaKsi = prior.alphaKsi,
            prior.betaKsi = prior.betaKsi, 
        update.hyperparams = update.hyperparams, 
        implicit.noise = implicit.noise,
            vdp.threshold = vdp.threshold,
            merging.threshold = merging.threshold,
        ite = ite, 
        information.criterion = information.criterion,
        speedup = speedup,
        speedup.max.edges = speedup.max.edges,
        Nlog = log( nrow( datamatrix ) ),
        nbins = floor(sqrt(nrow(datamatrix))),
        mc.cores = mc.cores,
        mixture.method = mixture.method,
        bic.threshold = bic.threshold,
        positive.edges = positive.edges, 
        pca.basis = pca.basis         

    # Place each node in a singleton subnet
    G <- lapply(seq_len(ncol( datamatrix )), function( x ){ x }) 

    # Filter network
    tmp <- filter.netw(network, delta, datamatrix, params)
    network <- tmp$network      
    delta <- tmp$delta
    # FIXME: for more efficient memory usage, remove from the
    # datamatrix those nodes which are
    # not in the network. But check that the indices are not confused.


    tmp <- independent.models(datamatrix, params)
    node.models <- tmp$nodes # model parameters
    C <- sum(tmp$C)


    # Store agglomeration steps
    move.cost.hist  <- matrix(c(0, 0, C), nrow = 3)

    if (params$max.subnet.size > 1) {

    ### compute costs for combined (singleton) variable pairs  ###
    tmp <- pick.model.pairs(network, network.nodes, node.models, datamatrix, params)

    model.pairs <- tmp$model.pairs
    delta <- tmp$delta

    # if there are groups left sharing a link and improvement (there are
    # connected items that have delta<0) then continue merging
    # note that diag(network) has been set to 0
    while ( !is.null(network) && any( na.omit(-delta) > merging.threshold )){

        if ( verbose ) { message(paste('Combining groups, ', sum(!is.na(G)), ' group(s) left...\n'))} else{}
        # Identify the best neighbor pair in the network (also check that
        # the new merged pair would not exceed the max allowed subnetwork
        # size)

        tmp <- find.best.neighbor(G, params$max.subnet.size, network, delta)
        delta <- tmp$delta
        best.edge <- tmp$best.edge

        # If merging is still possible
        if (-tmp$mindelta > merging.threshold) {

            a <- tmp$a 
            b <- tmp$b
        C <- C + tmp$mindelta
        move.cost.hist <- cbind(move.cost.hist, matrix(c(a, b, C), 3))      

        # put the new group to a's place only for those variables for
        # which this is needed.  For others, put Inf on the a neighborgs,
        # combine a and b in the network, remove self-link a-a, 
        # remove b (row and col)
        tmp.join <- join.subnets(network, delta, best.edge)
        network <- tmp.join$network
        delta <- tmp.join$delta
        node.models[[a]] <- model.pairs[[best.edge]]
        node.models[[b]] <- NA
        # remove self-links
        keep <- !(network[1,] == network[2,])
        network <- network[, keep]
        delta <- delta[keep]
        model.pairs <- model.pairs[keep]    

        # Merge groups G[[a]], G[[b]]
        G[[a]] <- sort(c(G[[a]], G[[b]]))
        G[[b]] <- NA

        # Skip the first b-1 elements as we only apply lower triangle here
        if ( ncol(network) <= 1 ) {
            if ( verbose ) { message("All nodes have been merged.\n") }
            delta <- Inf # indicates no merging can be be done any more
        } else {
            # Compute new joint models for the new
	    # merged subnet and its neighborghs
            merge.edges <- which(is.na(delta))
            # Remove edges that would exceed max.size
            # FIXME: include as part of cost function?

        if (length(merge.edges) > 0) {

            new.sizes <- apply(matrix(network[, merge.edges], 2), 2, function (x) {length(c(G[[x[[1]]]], G[[x[[2]]]]))})
            merge.edges <- merge.edges[new.sizes <= params$max.subnet.size]

            if (speedup && length(merge.edges) > speedup.max.edges) {

                # To speed up computation, pre-filter the edge set for which
                # new models are calculated.  Calculate empirical associations
                # between the first principal components of each
                # subnetwork pair. If number of new subnetwork pairs exceeds
                # the threshold, then calculate new model only for the
                # subnetwork pairs that have the highest associations.
                # It is expected that the subnetwork pair that will benefit
                # most from joint modeling will also be among the top 
                # candidates. This way we can avoid calculating
                # exhaustive many models on large network hubs at each
                # update.
                gmis <- get.mis(datamatrix, network, delta, network.nodes, G, params)
            merge.edges <- which(is.na(delta))[order(gmis, decreasing = TRUE)]
            # Remove edges that would exceed max.size
            new.sizes <- apply(matrix(network[, merge.edges], 2), 2, function (x) {length(c(G[[x[[1]]]], G[[x[[2]]]]))})
            keep <- (new.sizes <= params$max.subnet.size)
            merge.edges <- merge.edges[keep][seq_len(speedup.max.edges)]
            # Needs Inf: NAs would be confused with other merges later since
            # models to be calculated are taken from is.na(delta) at each step
                delta[setdiff(which(is.na(delta)), merge.edges)] <- Inf 


        # TODO: parallelize to speed up
        for (edge in merge.edges) {
            tmp <- update.model.pair(datamatrix, delta, network, edge, network.nodes, G, params, node.models, model.pairs)
            model.pairs <- tmp$model.pairs
            delta <- tmp$delta


    } else {
        if ( verbose ) { message(paste('Merging completed: no groups having links any more, or cost function improvement does not exceed the threshold.')) }
    # Remove left-out nodes (from the merges)
    nainds <- is.na(node.models)
    node.models <- node.models[!nainds]
    G <- G[!nainds]

    # Form a list of subnetworks (no filters)
    # mclapply was slower here  
    subnet.list <- lapply(G, function(x) { network.nodes[unlist(x)] }) 

    # name the subnetworks
    names(node.models) <- names(subnet.list) <- names(G) <- paste("Subnet-", seq_len(length(G)), sep = "")  

    # Convert original network to graphNEL (not before, to save more memory for computation stage)
    network.orig <- igraph.to.graphNEL(graph.data.frame(as.data.frame(t(network.orig)), directed = FALSE, vertices = data.frame(cbind(seq_len(length(network.nodes)), network.nodes))))
    nodes(network.orig) <- network.nodes

    # For one-dimensional subnets, 
    # order the modes by magnitude to simplify interpretation
    for (mi in seq_len(length(node.models))) {
    if (ncol(node.models[[mi]]$mu) == 1 && length(node.models[[mi]]$w) > 1) {
        o <- order(node.models[[mi]]$mu[,1])
        node.models[[mi]]$mu <- matrix(node.models[[mi]]$mu[o,], nrow = length(o))
        node.models[[mi]]$sd <- matrix(node.models[[mi]]$sd[o,], nrow = length(o))
        node.models[[mi]]$w <- node.models[[mi]]$w[o]
        rownames(node.models[[mi]]$mu) <- rownames(node.models[[mi]]$sd) <- names(node.models[[mi]]$w) <- paste("Mode-", seq_len(length(node.models[[mi]]$w)), sep = "")

    # FIXME: if all nodes will be combined (merging.threshold = -Inf),
    # there will be an error. Fix.
    #  costs: cost function values at each state
    #  moves: indices of groups joined at each state in its columns
    #  groupings: groupings at each level of the hierarchy
    #  models: compressed representations of the models from each step

    model <- new("NetResponseModel",
        moves = matrix(move.cost.hist, 3),
        last.grouping = G,        # network nodes in indices
        subnets = subnet.list,    # network nodes in feature names;
        # FIXME: remove available from models and G
        params = params,
        datamatrix = datamatrix,
        network = network.orig,
        models = node.models

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netresponse documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:04 p.m.