
Defines functions fsort split.qofz colVariances mk.E.log.q.p.eta mk.log.lambda mk.qOFz mk.free.energy mk.hp.prior mk.hp.posterior softmax sumlogsumexp updatePosterior greedy free.energy.improved rand.qOFz sortqofz join.subnets find.best.neighbor find.best.splitting retrieve.model compute.weight get.subnet

Documented in split.qofz

get.subnet <- function(res, subnet.id) {
    if (is.numeric(subnet.id)) {
        subnet.id <- paste("Subnet", subnet.id, sep = "-")
        warning("subnet.id given as numeric; converting to character: ", subnet.id, 
            sep = "")
    # Nodes for a given subnet

compute.weight <- function(pt, mu, vars, xt) {
    # pt <- qOFz[t,] # P(c|t) for all c xt <- dat[t, ] # data point
    # Initial weights are zero
    w <- rep.int(0, nrow(mu))
    sds <- sqrt(vars)
    # Avoid overflows: no probability can be 0 exactly. Add negligible constant in
    # these cases
    pt[pt < 9.99988867182683e-321] <- 9.99988867182683e-321
    pt <- pt/sum(pt)  # renormalize
    # set arbitrary weigh for the first cluster (only relations between weights
    # matter) normalize later w[[1]] <- 1 # added below operate on log domain to
    # avoid floating errors
    logdens <- sum(dnorm(xt, mu[1, ], sds[1, ], log = TRUE))
    if (nrow(mu) > 1) {
        logw <- sapply(2:nrow(mu), function(i) {
            # print(prod(dnorm(xt, mu[i, ], sds[i, ])))
            # dens * pt[[i]]/(pt[[1]] * prod(dnorm(xt, mu[i, ], sds[i, ])))
            logdens + log(pt[[i]]) - log(pt[[1]]) - sum(dnorm(xt, mu[i, ], sds[i, 
                ], log = TRUE))
        w <- exp(logw)
        # Densities in original domain, standardized s.t. first weight is 1
        w <- c(1, w)
        # normalize to unity and return
    } else {
        return(1)  #w <- 1


retrieve.model <- function(model, subnet.id) {
    # Recalculate the model for a given subnet Note: the algorithm has some
    # stochasticity in initialization etc.  so the results may not be exactly same
    # each time
    # Former: get.model
    # model: output from run.netresponse function subnet.id: id/index of the subnet
    # to check level: which agglomeration step datamatrix for which the model was
    # calculated
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2
    if (is.numeric(subnet.id)) {
        subnet.id <- paste("Subnet", subnet.id, sep = "-")
        warning("subnet.id given as numeric; converting to character: ", subnet.id, 
            sep = "")
    # Get subnet nodes
    nodes <- model@subnets[[subnet.id]]
    # Compute the model
    x <- matrix(model@datamatrix[, nodes], nrow(model@datamatrix))
    pars <- mixture.model(x, mixture.method = model$params$mixture.method, max.responses = model$params$max.responses, 
        implicit.noise = model$params$implicit.noise, prior.alpha = model$params$prior.alpha, 
        prior.alphaKsi = model$params$prior.alphaKsi, prior.betaKsi = model$params$prior.betaKsi, 
        vdp.threshold = model$params$vdp.threshold, initial.responses = model$params$initial.responses, 
        ite = model$params$ite, speedup = model$params$speedup, bic.threshold = model$params$bic.threshold, 
        pca.basis = model$params$pca.basis)

# INPUT: data, hp_posterior, hp_prior, opts OUTPUT:
# list(free_energy,hp_posterior,data,c) * free_energy: free energy of the best
# split found * hp_posterior: posterior info of the best split found * c: index
# of the cluster that resulted in the best split found DESCRIPTION: Implements
# the VDP algorithm steps 2 to 4.

find.best.splitting <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, min.size = 5) {
    # min.size: minimum size of a component required for splitting
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    dat <- data$given.data$X1
    epsilon <- 1e-10  # FIXME: should this be a tunable function parameter?
    c.max <- opts$c.max
    # Sort clusters by size, use at most c.max candidates and ensure cluster size is
    # > 2
    candidates <- order(hp.posterior$Nc, decreasing = TRUE)
    candidates <- candidates[hp.posterior$Nc[candidates] > 2]
    # candidates <- which(hp.posterior$Nc > 2)
    if (length(candidates) == 0) {
        c <- 1
    qOFz <- mk.qOFz(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)
    fc <- mk.E.log.q.p.eta(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)
    log.lambda <- mk.log.lambda(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)
    sub.data <- data
    # ALGORITHM STEP 3 (3a,3b,3c) check which split gives best improvements in cost
    new.qOFz.list <- list()  #Initialize
    new.free.energy <- rep(Inf, min(c.max, length(candidates)))
    for (c in candidates[seq_len(min(c.max, length(candidates)))]) {
        # relating.n has the indexes of data points that belonged to the candidate
        # cluster prior to splitting (that's why it is the sum over the now 2 clusters
        # (after splitting).  REMARK: Is 0.5 ok? - when there are lots of clusters it is
        # natural to assume some points will have less than 0.5 for any cluster.
        relating.n <- which(qOFz[, c] > 0.5)
        if (length(relating.n) == 0) {
        } else {
        # ALGORITHM STEP 3a. split the candidate cluster Split cluster c in qOFz into two
        # smaller ones
        new.c <- ncol(qOFz)
        new.qOFz <- split.qofz(qOFz, c, new.c, dat, opts$speedup, min.size)
        new.K <- ncol(new.qOFz)
        sub.qOFz <- new.qOFz[relating.n, unique(c(c, new.c, new.K))]
        # Ensure it remains a matrix
        sub.data$given.data$data <- sub.data$given.data$X1 <- array(dat[relating.n, 
            ], dim = c(length(relating.n), ncol(dat)))
        # ALGORITHM STEP 3b and 3c update the posterior of the split clusters for a small
        # number of iter.  update_posterior sorts clusters by size
        sub.hp.posterior <- mk.hp.posterior(sub.data, sub.qOFz, hp.prior, opts)
        dummylist <- updatePosterior(sub.data, sub.hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, 
            10, 0)
        sub.hp.posterior <- dummylist$hp.posterior
        sub.qOFz <- dummylist$qOFz
        # FIXME: check this already previously for c == new.c?
        if (ncol(sub.qOFz) < 3) {
        } else {
        # If there are more than 1 empty components then go to next step
        if (sum(colSums(sub.qOFz) < epsilon) > 1) {
        } else {
        sub.log.lambda <- mk.log.lambda(data, sub.hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)
        insert.indices <- c(c, new.c, new.K:(new.K + ncol(sub.qOFz) - 3))
        if (max(insert.indices) > ncol(log.lambda)) {
            new.log.lambda <- cbind(log.lambda, array(0, dim = c(nrow(log.lambda), 
                max(insert.indices) - ncol(log.lambda))))
        } else {
            new.log.lambda <- log.lambda
        new.log.lambda[, insert.indices] <- sub.log.lambda
        new.fc <- fc
        new.fc[insert.indices] <- mk.E.log.q.p.eta(sub.data, sub.hp.posterior, hp.prior, 
        new.free.energy[[c]] <- mk.free.energy(data, sub.hp.posterior, hp.prior, 
            opts, new.fc, new.log.lambda)$free.energy
        # if new.qOFz is not large enough to accommodate update from sub.qOFz then add
        # columns
        if (ncol(new.qOFz) < max(insert.indices)) {
            new.qOFz <- cbind(new.qOFz, array(0, dim = c(nrow(new.qOFz), max(insert.indices) - 
        new.qOFz[relating.n, ] <- 0
        new.qOFz[relating.n, insert.indices] <- sub.qOFz
        new.qOFz.list[[c]] <- new.qOFz
    # Select cluster split that minimizes free energy
    c <- which.min(new.free.energy)
    free.energy <- new.free.energy[[c]]
    if (is.infinite(free.energy)) {
        c <- -1
    } else {
        hp.posterior <- mk.hp.posterior(data, new.qOFz.list[[c]], hp.prior, opts)
    list(free.energy = free.energy, hp.posterior = hp.posterior, data = data, c = c)

find.best.neighbor <- function(G, max.subnet.size, network, delta) {
    # Order edges by delta values. The two subnets with the smallest delta are joined
    # unless the merged subnet exceeds max size.
    o <- order(delta)
    # Check size of the resulting merged subnet one-by-one, starting from the
    # smallest
    best.found <- FALSE
    cnt <- 0
    best.edge <- a <- b <- NULL
    mindelta <- Inf
    while (!best.found) {
        cnt <- cnt + 1
        ind <- o[[cnt]]  # FIXME: could use the filtering for top neighborghs here as well
        z <- network[1, ind]
        i <- network[2, ind]
        # Finish when the new merged subnetwork, which does not exceed max size, is found
        if (length(c(G[[z]], G[[i]])) <= max.subnet.size) {
            # Sort a and b
            a <- min(c(z, i))
            b <- max(c(z, i))
            best.edge <- ind
            mindelta <- delta[[best.edge]]
            best.found <- TRUE
        } else {
            # Infinite cost for merges that exceed maximum size
            delta[[ind]] <- Inf
    list(a = a, b = b, mindelta = mindelta, best.edge = best.edge, delta = delta)

join.subnets <- function(network, delta, best.edge) {
    # Pick the nodes to merge
    a <- network[1, best.edge]
    b <- network[2, best.edge]
    # replace b nodes by a: this replaces edges from other nodes pointing to b to
    # point into a
    network[network == b] <- a
    # remove delta values for nodes associated with node a since this node now has
    # different (merged) set of features and the model needs to be recalculated
    inds <- apply(network == a, 2, any)
    delta[inds] <- NA
    # sort entries (row1 < row2)
    network <- matrix(apply(network, 2, sort), 2)
    list(network = network, delta = delta)

# INPUT: matrix (q_of_z) OUTPUT: matrix

# DESCRIPTION: Sorted matrix in decreasing fashion based on the value of colSums.
# Remark: The last column of the matrix is kept in place (it is not sorted).

sortqofz <- function(qOFz) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    Nc <- colSums(qOFz)
    I <- order(Nc[-length(Nc)], decreasing = TRUE)
    I <- c(I, ncol(qOFz))  # add last column element separately (outside of ordering)
    # Order the cols and ensure qOFz remains a matrix
    array(qOFz[, I], dim = dim(qOFz))

# INPUT: data - matrix with data vectors K - number of clusters OUTPUT: q_of_z -
# matrix of size N*(K+1).  DESCRIPTION: This function assigns data randomly to K
# clusters by drawing cluster membership values from a uniform distribution.

rand.qOFz <- function(N, K) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    qOFz <- matrix(runif(N * (K + 1)), N, K + 1)
    qOFz[, K + 1] <- 0
    # normalize and return (each row should sum up to 1)

# INPUT: 'old' free_energy value, 'new' free_energy value, options OUTPUT: bool:
# 0 if the there was no significant improvement.  1 if new_free_energy is smaller
# than free_energy (more than opts$threshold).

free.energy.improved <- function(free.energy, new.free.energy, warn.when.increasing, 
    threshold) {
    # INPUT: 'old' free.energy value, 'new' free.energy value, options OUTPUT: bool:
    # 0 if the there was no significant improvement.  1 if new.free.energy is smaller
    # than free.energy (more than opts$threshold).
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    diff <- new.free.energy - free.energy
    v <- abs(diff/free.energy)
    if (is.nan(v) || v < threshold) {
        bool <- 0
    } else {
        if (diff > 0) {
            if (warn.when.increasing) {
                if (v > 0.001) {
                    stop(c("the free energy increased. The diff is ", toString(diff)))
                } else {
                    warning(c("the free energy increased. The diff is ", toString(diff)))
            bool <- 0
        } else {
            bool <- ifelse(diff == 0, 0, 1)

# INPUT: data: structure with data matrix hp_posterior: posterior information for
# the current mixture model hp_prior: prior information opts: options list.
# OUTPUT: list(free_energy, hp_posterior, hp_prior, data); DESCRIPTION: Read the
# main description on the beginning of the file.

greedy <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, min.size) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    free.energy <- mk.free.energy(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)$free.energy
    while (1) {
        # ALGORITHM STEP 2-4
        templist <- find.best.splitting(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, min.size)
        new.free.energy <- templist$free.energy
        new.hp.posterior <- templist$hp.posterior
        c <- templist$c
        if (c == (-1)) 
            }  # infinite free energy -> break splitting
        # ALGORITHM STEP 5
        dummylist <- updatePosterior(data, new.hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, ite = opts$ite, 
            do.sort = 1)
        new.free.energy <- dummylist$free.energy
        new.hp.posterior <- dummylist$hp.posterior
        # ALGORITHM STEP 6
        if (free.energy.improved(free.energy, new.free.energy, 0, opts$threshold) == 
            0) {
            break  #free.energy didn't improve, greedy search is over
        free.energy <- new.free.energy
        hp.posterior <- new.hp.posterior
    list(free.energy = free.energy, hp.posterior = hp.posterior, hp.prior = hp.prior, 
        data = data)


# INPUT: data, hp_posterior, hp_prior, opts, ite, do_sort * do_sort: TRUE/FALSE:
# indicates whether the clusters should be sorted by size or not.  * ite: number
# of update iterations. OUTPUT: Updated parameters: list(free_energy,
# hp_posterior, q_of_z) DESCRIPTION: Updates the posterior of the mixture model.
# if do_sort=true it also sorts the cluster labels by size. (i.e. cluster 1 =
# largest cluster)

updatePosterior <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, ite = Inf, do.sort = 1) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    epsilon <- 1e-10
    free.energy <- Inf
    i <- last.Nc <- start.sort <- 0
    opts.internal <- opts
    break.loop <- FALSE
    while (1) {
        i <- i + 1
        new.free.energy <- Inf
        cnt <- 0
        while (is.infinite(new.free.energy) && cnt <= 10) {
            templist <- mk.free.energy(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts.internal)
            new.free.energy <- templist$free.energy
            log.lambda <- templist$log.lambda
            if (is.infinite(new.free.energy)) {
                warning("Free energy not finite: adding implicit noise.")
                opts.internal$implicitnoisevar <- opts.internal$implicitnoisevar + 
            cnt <- cnt + 1
        if ((is.finite(ite) && i >= ite) || (is.infinite(ite) && free.energy.improved(free.energy, 
            new.free.energy, 0, opts.internal$threshold) == 0)) {
            free.energy <- new.free.energy
            if (do.sort && opts.internal$do.sort && (!start.sort) && is.finite(free.energy)) {
                start.sort <- 1
            } else break  # this will break the while loop
        last.Nc <- hp.posterior$Nc
        free.energy <- new.free.energy
        qOFz <- mk.qOFz(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts.internal, log.lambda)
        # if the last component is not 'empty' and max number components not reached add
        # a new empty component
        if (sum(qOFz[, ncol(qOFz)]) >= epsilon && ncol(qOFz) < opts$c.max) {
            qOFz <- cbind(qOFz, 0)
        # Sort components by size (note: last component kept in its place)
        if (start.sort) {
            qOFz <- sortqofz(qOFz)
        # Pick at most c.max+1 components, remove the smallest one, except the one added
        # in this iteration (ie. c.max + 1) FIXME: consider how to improve the
        # implementation regarding to this!  (3/2012) if (ncol(qOFz) == opts$c.max + 1) {
        # qOFz <- qOFz[, setdiff(seq_len(ncol(qOFz)), opts$c.max), drop = FALSE] }
        # If the smallest of the previous components (excluding the one added in this
        # interation) is empty then remove it (if new component was not added this is ok
        # to have as well)
        if (sum(qOFz[, ncol(qOFz) - 1]) < epsilon) {
            qOFz <- matrix(qOFz[, -(ncol(qOFz) - 1)], nrow(qOFz))
        qOFz <- matrix(qOFz/rowSums(qOFz), nrow(qOFz))  # probabilities sum to one      
        hp.posterior <- mk.hp.posterior(data, qOFz, hp.prior, opts.internal)
    list(free.energy = free.energy, hp.posterior = hp.posterior, qOFz = qOFz)

sumlogsumexp <- function(log.lambda) {
    .Call("vdpSumlogsumexp", log.lambda, PACKAGE = "netresponse")

softmax <- function(A) {
    qOFz <- .Call("vdpSoftmax", A, PACKAGE = "netresponse")
    # Ensure that this remains a matrix even if it has 1-dimension on rows or cols
    qOFz <- array(qOFz, dim = dim(A))
    # In rare (< 1 / 1e6?) cases, and particularly when sample size is large (>1500)
    # the vdpSoftmax function seems to produce NaNs. This occurred for particularly
    # low values of A: A[,1] in the range < -800 and below while other values in
    # A[,1] were at least -400 and mostly in range -100 ... 0; for A[,2] typical
    # range around -800, and for the NaN outlier: -1000. In both cases it was
    # A[209,1] and A[209,2] i.e. the same sample.  This is so rare that the effect on
    # the results is negligible, but this should be diagnosed and fixed asap. As this
    # is part of iteration, simply replace the defected sample with equal probability
    # in all groups.
    if (sum(!is.na(qOFz)) > 0) {
        # FIXME: optimize with apply!  Detect empty components and ignore
        inds <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(qOFz))) {
            if (sum(na.omit(qOFz[, i])) == 0) {
                inds <- c(inds, i)
                qOFz[, i] <- 0
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(qOFz))) {
            if (sum(is.na(qOFz[i, ])) > 0) {
                inds2 <- setdiff(seq(ncol(qOFz)), inds)
                qOFz[i, inds2] <- rep.int(1/length(inds2), length(inds2))

mk.hp.posterior <- function(data, qOFz, hp.prior, opts) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    dat <- data$given.data$X1
    # Ensure that qOFz is a matrix
    qOFz <- matrix(qOFz, nrow(dat))
    # If qOFz exceeds max cluster size then remove one cluster (the second last one,
    # which assumes clusters are sorted and the last is a new one) FIXME 3/2012 quick
    # hack - consider better implementations regarding this
    if (ncol(qOFz) > opts$c.max + 1) {
        inds <- setdiff(seq_len(ncol(qOFz)), ncol(qOFz) - 1)
        qOFz <- matrix(qOFz[, inds], nrow(dat))
        qOFz <- matrix(qOFz/rowSums(qOFz), nrow(dat))
    # Compatibility variables not needed for the current functionality
    tmp.realS <- X2 <- dimX2 <- 0
    out <- .Call("mHPpost", dat, ncol(dat), nrow(dat), X2, dimX2, tmp.realS, opts$implicitnoisevar, 
        hp.prior$Mumu, hp.prior$S2mu, hp.prior$AlphaKsi, hp.prior$BetaKsi, hp.prior$U.p, 
        hp.prior$alpha, qOFz, ncol(qOFz), PACKAGE = "netresponse")
    qOFz <- matrix(out$qOFz, nrow(qOFz))
    # if (ncol(qOFz) > opts$c.max) { }
    hp.posterior <- list(Mubar = matrix(out$Mubar, ncol(qOFz)), Mutilde = matrix(out$Mutilde, 
        ncol(qOFz)), KsiAlpha = matrix(out$KsiAlpha, ncol(qOFz)), KsiBeta = matrix(out$KsiBeta, 
        ncol(qOFz)), gamma = matrix(out$gamma, 2), Nc = out$Nc, qOFz = qOFz, Uhat = out$Uhat)

mk.hp.prior <- function(data, opts) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    # INPUT: data - matrix with data vectors opts - list with algorithm options
    # OUTPUT: hp_prior - list with prior information DESCRIPTION: Prior for the mean
    # = mean of data Prior for the variance = variance of data
    dat <- data$given.data$X1  # real-valued. Data to be clustered.
    Mean <- colMeans(dat)  # mean of each dimension
    Var <- colVariances(dat, Mean)  # Variance of each dimension
    # colSums((dat - rep(Mean, each = nrow(dat)))^2)/nrow(dat)
    # priors for distribution of codebook vectors Mu ~ N(MuMu, S2.Mu).. list(Mumu =
    # Mean, S2mu = Var, U.p = Inf) priors for data variance Ksi ~ invgam(AlphaKsi,
    # BetaKsi) variance is modeled with inverse Gamma distribution FIXME: some of
    # these are redundant, remove to save memory
    list(Mumu = Mean, S2mu = Var, U.p = Inf, AlphaKsi = rep(opts$prior.alphaKsi, 
        ncol(dat)), BetaKsi = rep(opts$prior.betaKsi, ncol(dat)), alpha = opts$prior.alpha)


# INPUT: data, hp_posterior, hp_prior, opts OUTPUT: free_energy: value of mixture
# model's free energy log_lambda: Used for posterior of labels q_of_z <-
# softmax(log_lambda); DESCRIPTION: ...

mk.free.energy <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, fc = NULL, log.lambda = NULL) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    if (is.null(fc) || is.null(log.lambda)) {
        fc <- mk.E.log.q.p.eta(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)  # 1*K
        log.lambda <- mk.log.lambda(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)  # N*K
    hpgsum <- colSums(hp.posterior$gamma)
    dig <- digamma(hpgsum)
    E.log.p.of.V <- lgamma(hpgsum) - lgamma(1 + hp.prior$alpha) - colSums(lgamma(hp.posterior$gamma)) + 
        lgamma(hp.prior$alpha) + ((hp.posterior$gamma[1, ] - 1) * (digamma(hp.posterior$gamma[1, 
        ]) - dig)) + ((hp.posterior$gamma[2, ] - hp.prior$alpha) * (digamma(hp.posterior$gamma[2, 
        ]) - dig))
    extra.term <- sum(E.log.p.of.V)
    free.energy <- extra.term + sum(fc) - sumlogsumexp(log.lambda)
    # Return
    list(free.energy = free.energy, log.lambda = log.lambda)

# mk.free.energy.c <- cmpfun(mk.free.energy)

mk.qOFz <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts, log.lambda = NULL) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    if (is.null(log.lambda)) {
        log.lambda <- mk.log.lambda(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts)
    qOFz <- softmax(log.lambda)
    # Do not allow empty clusters
    as.matrix(qOFz[, !colSums(qOFz) == 0], nrow(log.lambda))

mk.log.lambda <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    dat <- data$given.data$X1
    # Ensure matrix for data
    if (!is.matrix(dat)) {
        stop("Error in mk.log.lambda: dat should be a matrix!")
    # Compatibility variables, not needed for current functionality
    tmp.realS <- X2 <- dimX2 <- 0
    out <- .Call("mLogLambda", dat, ncol(dat), nrow(dat), X2, dimX2, tmp.realS, opts$implicitnoisevar, 
        hp.prior, hp.posterior, PACKAGE = "netresponse")
    matrix(out, nrow(dat))


# INPUT: data, hp_posterior, hp_prior, opts OUTPUT: matrix [1xk]: used to compute
# the free_energy formula.  DESCRIPTION: Regards the gaussian model's parameters.

mk.E.log.q.p.eta <- function(data, hp.posterior, hp.prior, opts) {
    # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Antonio Gusmao and Leo Lahti Licence: GPL >=2 This
    # function is based on the Variational Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model
    # implementation, Copyright (C) 2007 Kenichi Kurihara (all rights reserved) and
    # the Agglomerative Independent Variable Group Analysis package: Copyright (C)
    # 2001-2007 Esa Alhoniemi, Antti Honkela, Krista Lagus, Jeremias Seppa, Harri
    # Valpola, and Paul Wagner
    # returns E [ log q(eta)/p(eta) ].q fc: 1 by k
    dat <- data$given.data$X1
    # Ensure matrix for data
    if (!is.matrix(dat)) {
        stop("Error in mk.E.log.q.p.eta: dat is not a matrix!")
    N <- nrow(dat)
    M1 <- ncol(dat)
    K <- nrow(hp.posterior$Mubar)
    l.codebook <- (-M1/2) * matrix(1, K)
    Ksi.log <- (digamma(hp.posterior$KsiAlpha) - log(hp.posterior$KsiBeta))
    for (j in seq_len(M1)) {
        l.codebook <- l.codebook + 0.5 * (log(hp.prior$S2mu[[j]]/hp.posterior$Mutilde[, 
            j]) + ((hp.posterior$Mubar[, j] - hp.prior$Mumu[[j]])^2 + hp.posterior$Mutilde[, 
            j])/hp.prior$S2mu[[j]]) + lgamma(hp.prior$AlphaKsi[[j]]) - lgamma(hp.posterior$KsiAlpha[, 
            j]) + hp.posterior$KsiAlpha[, j] * log(hp.posterior$KsiBeta[, j]) - hp.prior$AlphaKsi[[j]] * 
            log(hp.prior$BetaKsi[[j]]) + (hp.posterior$KsiAlpha[, j] - hp.prior$AlphaKsi[[j]]) * 
            Ksi.log[, j] + (hp.prior$BetaKsi[[j]] - hp.posterior$KsiBeta[, j]) * 
            (hp.posterior$KsiAlpha[, j]/hp.posterior$KsiBeta[, j])

# mk.E.log.q.p.eta.c <- cmpfun(mk.E.log.q.p.eta)


colVariances <- function(dat, Mean) {
    # This is about 5x faster than apply(dat, 2, var) max(abs(colVariances(dat) -
    # apply(dat,2,var)))
    colSums((dat - rep(Mean, each = nrow(dat)))^2)/(nrow(dat) - 1)

# colVariances.c <- cmpfun(colVariances)

#' @title split.qofz
#' @description Split q of z.
#' @details INPUT: data, qOFz, hp_posterior, hp_prior, opts OUTPUT: list(new.qOFz, new.c);
#' * new.qOFz: posterior over labels including the split clusters.  * new.c: index
#'  of the newly created cluster.  DESCRIPTION: Implements the VDP algorithm step
#'  3a.
#' @description Main function of the NetResponse algorithm. 
#' Detect condition-specific network responses, given
#' network and a set of measurements of node activity in a set of
#' conditions. Returns a set of subnetworks and their estimated
#' context-specific responses.
#' @param qOFz qOFz
#' @param c c
#' @param new.c new.c
#' @param dat dat
#' @param speedup speedup
#' @param min.size min.size
#' @return object
split.qofz <- function(qOFz, c, new.c, dat, speedup = TRUE, min.size = 4) {
    # compute the first principal component of the candidate cluster, not the whole
    # data set.
    # min.size option sets the required minimum size of a cluster for splitting;
    # smaller clusters are not splitted
    # Pick sample indices and samples corresponding to cluster c
    cluster_assignments <- apply(qOFz, 1, which.max)
    indices <- which(cluster_assignments == c)
    if (length(indices) < min.size) {
        #'Component must have at least min.size samples to be splitted.'
        # -> no splitting
        new.qOFz <- qOFz
    } else {
        component.data <- matrix(dat[indices, ], length(indices))
        # If the number of samples is high calculating PCA might take long but can be
        # approximated by using less samples:
        pcadata <- component.data
        if (speedup) {
            # when a candidate cluster, C, is split to generate two new clusters, it is split
            # by mapping the data onto the first principal component of the data in C and
            # then splitting that in half. To speed up, one can compute an approximate first
            # principal component by considering a randomly selected subset of the data
            # belonging to C, and computing its first principal component.
            # number of samples in this component
            ns <- nrow(component.data)
            nd <- ncol(component.data)
            # If component size exceeds cmax, use only a random subset of data to calculate
            # PCA size of the random subset increases slowly (linearly) with component size.
            cmax <- 20  #take at least this many random samples    
            nr <- min(ns, cmax + floor(sqrt(ns)))  # do not take more samples than are available
            rinds <- sample(ns, nr)
            # Pick random subset of the component data and accompanying indices to speed up
            # PCA calculations
            pcadata <- matrix(component.data[rinds, ], nrow = nr)
            indices <- indices[rinds]
        # Split the cluster based on the first PCA component FIXME: compare speed with
        # other PCA implementations and select fastest
        dir <- prcomp(pcadata)$x[, 1]
        I1 <- indices[dir >= 0]
        I2 <- indices[dir < 0]
        # Initialize split by adding a zero column on qOFz
        # If one of qOFz clusters is empty, then do not create new clusters but instead
        # fill in the empty cluster during cluster split.  FIXME: ensure already in
        # creating qOFz-matrices that no zero columns are allowed. This will avoid the
        # need to address the issue here.  -> OK, done this. w remove this unnecessary
        # check here and test if the code works ok
        empty.cols <- (colSums(qOFz) == 0)
        if (!any(empty.cols)) {
            # no empty columns -> add an empty cluster
            new.qOFz <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(qOFz), ncol(qOFz) + 1))
            new.qOFz[, -new.c] <- qOFz
        } else {
            # an empty column -> no need to add new clusters
            new.qOFz <- qOFz
            new.c <- which(empty.cols)[[1]]
        # Split this component (samples given in I1, I2) into two smaller components
        new.qOFz[I1, c] <- qOFz[I1, c]
        new.qOFz[I2, c] <- 0  # Remove entries from cluster c
        new.qOFz[I2, new.c] <- qOFz[I2, c]  # Add same entries to cluster new.c

# split.qofz.c <- cmpfun(split.qofz)


# fsort <- function (df, sortvar, decreasing = FALSE) {
fsort <- function(df, sortvar) {
    o <- order(df[[sortvar]])
    # if (decreasing) {o <- rev(o)}
    df[o, ]

# fsort.c <- cmpfun(fsort)


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netresponse documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:04 p.m.