
Defines functions consensusScores

Documented in consensusScores

#' Top consensus gene sets and boxplot
#' Calculates the consensus scores for the gene sets using multiple gene set
#' analysis methods (with \code{runGSA()}). Optionally also produces a boxplot
#' to visualize the results.
#' Based on the results given by the elements of \code{resList}, preferably
#' representing similar runs with \code{\link{runGSA}} but with different
#' methods, this function ranks the gene sets for each \code{GSAres} object,
#' based on the selected directionality class. Next, the median rank for each
#' gene set is taken as a score for top-ranking gene sets. The highest scoring
#' gene-sets (with consensus rank, i.e.
#' \code{rank(rankScore,ties.method="min")}, smaller or equal to \code{n}) are
#' selected and depicted in a boxplot, showing the distribution of individual
#' ranks (shown as colored points), as well as the median rank (shown as a red
#' line). As an alternative of using the median rank as consensus score, it is
#' possible to choose the mean or using the Borda or Copeland method, through
#' the \code{method} argument. A more conservative approach can also be taken
#' using the maximum rank as a consensus score, prioritizing gene-sets that are
#' consistently ranked high across all GSA runs.
#' All elements of \code{resList} have to be objects containing results for the
#' same number of gene-sets. The ranking procedure handles ties by giving them
#' their minimum rank.
#' @param resList a list where each element is an object of class
#' \code{GSAres}, as returned by the \code{runGSA} function.
#' @param class a character string determining the p-values of which
#' directionality class that should be used as significance information for the
#' plot. Can be one of \code{"distinct"}, \code{"mixed"}, \code{"non"}.
#' @param direction a character string giving the direction of regulation, can
#' be either \code{"up"} or \code{"down"}.
#' @param n consensus rank cutoff. All gene sets with consensus rank (see
#' details below) \code{<=n} will be included in the plot. Defaults to 50.
#' @param adjusted a logical, whether to use adjusted p-values or not. Note
#' that if \code{runGSA} was run with the argument \code{adjMethod="none"}, the
#' adjusted p-values will be equal to the original p-values.
#' @param method a character string selecting the method, either "mean",
#' "median", "max", "Borda" or "Copeland".
#' @param plot a logical, whether or not to draw the boxplot.
#' @param cexLabel the x- and y-axis label sizes.
#' @param cexLegend the legend text size.
#' @param showLegend a logical, whether or not to show the legend and the
#' indivual method ranks as points in the plot.
#' @param rowNames a character string determining which rownames to use, set to
#' either \code{"ranks"} for the consensus rank, \code{"names"} for the gene
#' set names, or \code{"none"} to omit rownames.
#' @param logScale a logical, whether or not to use log-scale for the x-axis.
#' @param main a character vector giving an alternative title of the plot.
#' @return A list containing a matrix of the ranks for the top \code{n} gene
#' sets, given by each run, as well as the corresponding matrix of p-values,
#' given by each run.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{runGSA}}
#' @examples
#'    # Load some example GSA results:
#'    data(gsa_results)
#'    # Consensus scores for the top 50 gene sets (in the non-directional class):
#'    cs <- consensusScores(resList=gsa_results,class="non")
#'    # Access the ranks given to gene set s7 by each individual method:
#'    cs$rankMat["s7",]
consensusScores <- function(resList, class, direction, n=50, adjusted=FALSE, method="median", plot=TRUE, 
                            cexLabel=0.8, cexLegend=1, showLegend=TRUE, rowNames="names", logScale=FALSE, main) {
   test <- 1 # Which contrast? Only one allowed, currently!
   # Error check:
   tmp <- try(pValue <- match.arg(class, c("distinct","mixed","non"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
   if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
      stop("argument class is not valid")
   if(pValue == "non") {
      if(!missing(direction)) warning("argument direction will not be used for pValue='non'")
      direction <- "none"
   } else {
      tmp <- try(direction <- match.arg(direction, c("up","down"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
      if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
         stop("argument direction is not valid")
   if(pValue == "distinct" & direction == "up") pValue <- "dirup"
   if(pValue == "distinct" & direction == "down") pValue <-"dirdn"
   if(pValue == "non") pValue <- "mix"
   if(pValue == "mixed" & direction == "up") pValue <-"subup"
   if(pValue == "mixed" & direction == "down") pValue <-"subdn"
   tmp <- try(method <- match.arg(method, c("mean","median","max","Borda","Copeland"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
   if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
      stop("argument method is not valid")
   tmp <- try(rowNames <- match.arg(rowNames, c("names","ranks","none"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
   if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
      stop("argument rowNames is not valid")
   # Check reslist length:
   if(length(resList)<2) stop("argument reslist contains too few objects")
   # Check similarity of results:
   tmp1 <- names(resList[[1]]$gsc)
   for(i in 2:length(resList)) {
      tmp2 <- names(resList[[i]]$gsc)
      if(length(tmp1) != length(tmp2)) stop("the listed GSAres objects have to have the same number of gene-sets in the same order")
      if(!all(tmp1 == tmp2)) stop("the listed GSAres objects have to have the same number of gene-sets in the same order")
      tmp1 <- tmp2
   # Check that results have the selected p-value:
   saveInd <- rep(TRUE, length(resList))
   for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
      a <- resList[[i]]
      #if(test < 1 | test > ncol(a$nGenes)) stop("argument test is out of bounds")
      if(!adjusted) {
         if(pValue == "dirup") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pDistinctDirUp[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "dirdn") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pDistinctDirDn[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "mix")   if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pNonDirectional[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "subup") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pMixedDirUp[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "subdn") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pMixedDirDn[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
      } else {
         if(pValue == "dirup") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pAdjDistinctDirUp[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "dirdn") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pAdjDistinctDirDn[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "mix")   if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pAdjNonDirectional[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "subup") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pAdjMixedDirUp[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
         if(pValue == "subdn") if(all(is.na(resList[[i]]$pAdjMixedDirDn[,test]))) saveInd[i] <- FALSE
   if(sum(saveInd) < 2) stop("Less than two objects in resList contain the selected p-value")
   resList <- resList[saveInd]
   if(sum(!saveInd)) {
      warning(paste("No values for selected p-value for resList[c(",paste(which(!saveInd),collapse=","),
                 ")], omitting those objects from the list",sep=""))
   # Rank matrix:
   rankMat <- matrix(nrow=length(resList),ncol=length(names(resList[[1]]$gsc)))
   for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
      a <- resList[[i]]
      #if(test < 1 | test > ncol(a$nGenesTot)) stop("argument test is out of bounds")
      if(!adjusted) {
         if(pValue == "dirup") a <- a$pDistinctDirUp[,test]
         if(pValue == "dirdn") a <- a$pDistinctDirDn[,test]
         if(pValue == "mix") a <- a$pNonDirectional[,test]
         if(pValue == "subup") a <- a$pMixedDirUp[,test]
         if(pValue == "subdn") a <- a$pMixedDirDn[,test]
      } else {
         if(pValue == "dirup") a <- a$pAdjDistinctDirUp[,test]
         if(pValue == "dirdn") a <- a$pAdjDistinctDirDn[,test]
         if(pValue == "mix") a <- a$pAdjNonDirectional[,test]
         if(pValue == "subup") a <- a$pAdjMixedDirUp[,test]
         if(pValue == "subdn") a <- a$pAdjMixedDirDn[,test]
      a[is.na(a)] <- 1                         # <------ good to do this? Yep, otherwise NA will get increasing ranks.
      rankMat[i,] <- rank(a,ties.method="min") # <------ min or average? Probably min is more fair.
   # Consensus score for each gene-set:
   rankScore <- rep(NA,ncol(rankMat))
   if(method == "median") {
      for(iGS in 1:ncol(rankMat)) {
         rankScore[iGS] <- median(rankMat[,iGS])
   } else if(method == "mean") {
      for(iGS in 1:ncol(rankMat)) {
         rankScore[iGS] <- mean(rankMat[,iGS])
   } else if(method == "max") {
      for(iGS in 1:ncol(rankMat)) {
         rankScore[iGS] <- max(rankMat[,iGS])
   } else {
      tmp <- as.data.frame(t(rankMat))
      rownames(tmp) <- 1001:(nrow(tmp)+1000)
      rankScore <- relation_class_ids(relation_consensus(tmp,method))
      names(rankScore) <- NULL
   # Get top ranked gene-sets:
   topInd <- which(rank(rankScore,ties.method="min") <= n) # index of top gene sets (no order)
   topInd <- topInd[sort(rankScore[topInd],index.return=TRUE)$ix] # index in rank order
   topInd <- rev(topInd)
   # Get consensus ranks:
   consRanks <- rank(rankScore[topInd],ties.method="min")
   # Row names:
   topGSnames <- names(resList[[1]]$gsc)[topInd]
   if(rowNames == "names") {
      tmp <- topGSnames
      for(i in 1:length(tmp)) {
         if(nchar(tmp[i])>35) tmp[i] <- paste(substr(tmp[i],1,35),"...",sep="")
      rowNames <- tmp
      yaxt <- "s"
      ylabel <- ""
   } else if(rowNames == "ranks") {
      rowNames <- consRanks
      yaxt <- "s"
      ylabel <- "Consensus ranks"
   } else {
      rowNames <- rep("",length(topInd))  
      yaxt <- "n"
      ylabel <- ""
   # Plot:
   if(plot) {
      logScale <- ifelse(logScale,"x","") 
      if(missing(main)) {
         tmp <- paste(" ",direction,sep="")
         if(tmp==" none") tmp <- ""
         main <- paste(method, " rank, based on p-values (",class," directional",tmp,")",sep="")
      if(yaxt == "n") {
         cexPoint <- 0.9
      } else {
         cexPoint <- 1.2
      boxplot(rankMat[,topInd], range=1.5, log=logScale, col="black",border="red",outline=!showLegend,
              oma=c(0,0,0,20),mar=c(0,0,0,20), las=1, cex.axis=cexLabel, main=main,yaxt=yaxt,xlab="Individual ranks",
      if(showLegend) {
         for(i in 1:ncol(rankMat[,topInd])) {
      boxplot(rankMat[,topInd],col="black", log=logScale, range=1.5,border="red",outline=FALSE,
              add=TRUE,horizontal=TRUE,names=rowNames,las=1, cex.axis=cexLabel,yaxt=yaxt,xlab="Individual ranks",
   if(is.null(names(resList))) {
      methodNames <- lapply(resList, function(x) x$geneSetStat)
   } else {
      methodNames <- names(resList)
   if(plot & showLegend) {
      x <- ifelse(logScale=="x",10^par("usr")[2]*1.2,par("usr")[2]*1.05)
   # Individual p-values for the gene sets:
   gsNames <- rev(topGSnames)
   iGs <- match(gsNames,names(resList[[1]]$gsc))
   pMat <- matrix(nrow=length(iGs),ncol=length(resList))
   rownames(pMat) <- gsNames
   colnames(pMat) <- methodNames
   for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
      if(!adjusted) {
         if(pValue == "dirup") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pDistinctDirUp[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "dirdn") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pDistinctDirDn[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "mix")   pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pNonDirectional[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "subup") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pMixedDirUp[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "subdn") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pMixedDirDn[iGs,test]
      } else {
         if(pValue == "dirup") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pAdjDistinctDirUp[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "dirdn") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pAdjDistinctDirDn[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "mix")   pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pAdjNonDirectional[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "subup") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pAdjMixedDirUp[iGs,test]
         if(pValue == "subdn") pMat[,i] <- resList[[i]]$pAdjMixedDirDn[iGs,test]
   # Return result:
   rankMat <- t(rankMat[,rev(topInd)])
   rownames(rankMat) <- rev(topGSnames)
   colnames(rankMat) <- methodNames
   rankMat <- cbind(rev(consRanks),rev(rankScore[topInd]),rankMat)
   colnames(rankMat)[1:2] <- c("ConsRank","ConsScore")
   res <- list()
   res$rankMat <- rankMat
   res$pMat <- pMat

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