#### view (ExpressionSet) ####
#' view
#' Numeric and graphical display of exprs, pData and fData slots
#' from an ExpressionSet object
#' @param x data frame to be viewed
#' @param printL should the numerical summary be printed?
#' @param plotL should the graphical image be displayed?
#' @param mainC character: plot main title
#' @param paletteC character: color palette; either 'heat' [default], 'revHeat', 'grey', 'revGrey', 'palette', 'ramp'
#' @param rowAllL logical: should all rownames be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param rowCexN numeric: size of row labels [default: 1]
#' @param rowMarN numeric: row margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param rowLabC character: label for the y (row) axis
#' @param rowTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of rownames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param colAllL logical: should all column names be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param colCexN numeric: size of column labels [default: 1]
#' @param colMarN numeric: column margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param colLabC character: label for the x (column) axis
#' @param colTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of colnames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param drawScaleL logical: should the color scale be drawn? [default: TRUE]
#' @param delimitReplicatesL logical: should lines be added to the image to delimit
#' replicates in row or column names?
#' @param standardizeL Logical: should columns be standardized for display?
#' (i.e. subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) [default: FALSE]
#' @param fig.pdfC character: either 'interactive' [default] or the name of the pdf file to save the figure
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return this method has no output
#' @examples
#' library(ropls)
#' data(sacurine)
#' sacSet <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = t(sacurine[["dataMatrix"]]),
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sacurine[["sampleMetadata"]]),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sacurine[["variableMetadata"]]),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = "sacurine"))
#' view(sacSet)
#' @rdname view
#' @export
setMethod("view", signature(x = "ExpressionSet"),
printL = TRUE,
plotL = TRUE,
mainC = "",
paletteC = c("heat",
rowAllL = FALSE,
rowCexN = 1,
rowMarN = 5.1,
rowLabC = "",
rowTruncI = 0,
colAllL = FALSE,
colCexN = 1,
colMarN = 1.1,
colLabC = "",
colTruncI = 0,
drawScaleL = TRUE,
delimitReplicatesL = FALSE,
standardizeL = FALSE,
fig.pdfC = "interactive") {
if ( || mainC == "")
mainC <- Biobase::experimentData(x)@title
printL = printL,
plotL = plotL,
mainC = mainC,
subC = "exprs",
paletteC = paletteC,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
rowTruncI = rowTruncI,
colAllL = colAllL,
colCexN = colCexN,
colMarN = colMarN,
colLabC = colLabC,
colTruncI = colTruncI,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
standardizeL = standardizeL,
fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
printL = printL,
plotL = plotL,
mainC = mainC,
subC = "pData",
paletteC = paletteC,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
rowTruncI = rowTruncI,
colAllL = colAllL,
colCexN = colCexN,
colMarN = colMarN,
colLabC = colLabC,
colTruncI = colTruncI,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
standardizeL = standardizeL,
fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
printL = printL,
plotL = plotL,
mainC = mainC,
subC = "fData",
paletteC = paletteC,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
rowTruncI = rowTruncI,
colAllL = colAllL,
colCexN = colCexN,
colMarN = colMarN,
colLabC = colLabC,
colTruncI = colTruncI,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
standardizeL = standardizeL,
fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
#### view (data.frame) ####
#' view
#' Numeric and graphical display of a data frame
#' @param x data frame to be viewed
#' @param printL should the numerical summary be printed?
#' @param plotL should the graphical image be displayed?
#' @param mainC character: plot main title
#' @param subC character: plot subtitle
#' @param paletteC character: color palette; either 'heat' [default], 'revHeat', 'grey', 'revGrey', 'palette', 'ramp'
#' @param rowAllL logical: should all rownames be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param rowCexN numeric: size of row labels [default: 1]
#' @param rowMarN numeric: row margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param rowLabC character: label for the y (row) axis
#' @param rowTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of rownames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param colAllL logical: should all column names be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param colCexN numeric: size of column labels [default: 1]
#' @param colMarN numeric: column margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param colLabC character: label for the x (column) axis
#' @param colTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of colnames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param drawScaleL logical: should the color scale be drawn? [default: TRUE]
#' @param delimitReplicatesL logical: should lines be added to the image to delimit
#' replicates in row or column names?
#' @param standardizeL Logical: should columns be standardized for display?
#' (i.e. subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) [default: FALSE]
#' @param fig.pdfC character: either 'interactive' [default] or the name of the pdf file to save the figure
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return this method has no output
#' @examples
#' library(ropls)
#' data(sacurine)
#' view(sacurine[["sampleMetadata"]])
#' @rdname view
#' @export
setMethod("view", signature(x = "data.frame"),
printL = TRUE,
plotL = TRUE,
mainC = "",
subC = "",
paletteC = c("heat",
rowAllL = FALSE,
rowCexN = 1,
rowMarN = 5.1,
rowLabC = "",
rowTruncI = 0,
colAllL = FALSE,
colCexN = 1,
colMarN = 1.1,
colLabC = "",
colTruncI = 0,
drawScaleL = TRUE,
delimitReplicatesL = FALSE,
standardizeL = FALSE,
fig.pdfC = "interactive") {
if (printL)
if (plotL) {
if (cumprod(dim(x))[2] == 0) {
warning("Data frame with no row and/or no column cannot be plotted.",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
} else { <- sapply(x, data.class)
class.vuc <- unique(
if ("logical" %in% class.vuc) { <- which( == "logical")
message(length(, " data.frame 'logical' column(s) converted to 'numeric' for plotting.")
for (j in
x[, j] <- as.numeric(x[, j])
if ("character" %in% class.vuc) { <- which( == "character")
message(length(, " data.frame 'character' column(s) converted to 'numeric' for plotting.")
for (j in {
x.fc <- factor(x[, j])
x[, j] <- as.numeric(x.fc)
if ("factor" %in% class.vuc) { <- which( == "factor")
message(length(, " data.frame 'factor' column(s) converted to 'numeric' for plotting.")
for (j in {
x[, j] <- as.numeric(x[, j])
if (all(sapply(x, data.class) == "numeric")) {
imageF(x = as.matrix(x),
mainC = mainC,
subC = subC,
paletteC = paletteC,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
rowTruncI = rowTruncI,
colAllL = colAllL,
colCexN = colCexN,
colMarN = colMarN,
colLabC = colLabC,
colTruncI = colTruncI,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
standardizeL = standardizeL,
fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
} else {
warning("Data frame could not be plotted because some columns could not be converted to 'numeric'.",
call. = FALSE)
#### view (matrix) ####
#' view
#' Numeric and graphical display of a matrix
#' @param x matrix to be viewed
#' @param printL should the numerical summary be printed?
#' @param plotL should the graphical image be displayed?
#' @param mainC character: plot main title
#' @param subC character: plot subtitle
#' @param paletteC character: color palette; either 'heat' [default], 'revHeat', 'grey', 'revGrey', 'palette', 'ramp'
#' @param rowAllL logical: should all rownames be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param rowCexN numeric: size of row labels [default: 1]
#' @param rowMarN numeric: row margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param rowLabC character: label for the y (row) axis
#' @param rowTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of rownames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param colAllL logical: should all column names be displayed or only the first and
#' last ones?
#' @param colCexN numeric: size of column labels [default: 1]
#' @param colMarN numeric: column margin [default: 6.1]
#' @param colLabC character: label for the x (column) axis
#' @param colTruncI integer: number of character for truncation of colnames (default,
#' 0, means no truncation)
#' @param drawScaleL logical: should the color scale be drawn? [default: TRUE]
#' @param delimitReplicatesL logical: should lines be added to the image to delimit
#' replicates in row or column names?
#' @param standardizeL Logical: should columns be standardized for display?
#' (i.e. subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) [default: FALSE]
#' @param fig.pdfC character: either 'interactive' [default] or the name of the pdf file to save the figure
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return this method has no output
#' @examples
#' library(ropls)
#' data(sacurine)
#' dataMN <- sacurine[["dataMatrix"]]
#' view(dataMN)
#' view(dataMN[, 1:40], mainC = "'Sacurine' dataset", rowAllL = TRUE,
#' colAllL = TRUE, colTruncI = 13, colMarN = 7)
#' view(dataMN[, 1:40], mainC = "'Sacurine' dataset", paletteC = "ramp")
#' sacSet <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = t(sacurine[["dataMatrix"]]),
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sacurine[["sampleMetadata"]]),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sacurine[["variableMetadata"]]),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = "sacurine"))
#' view(sacSet)
#' @rdname view
#' @export
setMethod("view", signature(x = "matrix"),
printL = TRUE,
plotL = TRUE,
mainC = "",
subC = "",
paletteC = c("heat",
rowAllL = FALSE,
rowCexN = 1,
rowMarN = 5.1,
rowLabC = "",
rowTruncI = 0,
colAllL = FALSE,
colCexN = 1,
colMarN = 1.1,
colLabC = "",
colTruncI = 0,
drawScaleL = TRUE,
delimitReplicatesL = FALSE,
standardizeL = FALSE,
fig.pdfC = "interactive") {
if (printL)
if (plotL) {
if (cumprod(dim(x))[2] == 0) {
warning("Matrix with no row and/or no column cannot be plotted.",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (mode(x) == "logical") {
warning("Matrix converted from 'logical' to 'numeric' mode for plotting.",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
mode(x) <- "numeric"
} else if (mode(x) == "character") {
warning("Matrix converted from 'character' to 'numeric' mode for plotting.",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
x <- apply(x, 2, function(y) {
y <- factor(y)
levels(y) <- seq_along(levels(y))
imageF(x = x,
mainC = mainC,
subC = subC,
paletteC = paletteC,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
rowTruncI = rowTruncI,
colAllL = colAllL,
colCexN = colCexN,
colMarN = colMarN,
colLabC = colLabC,
colTruncI = colTruncI,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
standardizeL = standardizeL,
fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
#' Printed summary of an R object
#' Display of the class, mode, size and first...last values from the object; used
#' inside the 'view' wrapper method
#' @param tableMF Input matrix, dataframe or vector
#' @param borderI Number of border (first and last) rows and columns to display
#' @param bigMarkC Big mark separator for summary results
#' @return This function has no output.
#' @seealso \code{\link{str}}, \code{\link{view}}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' strF(sacurine[['dataMatrix']])
#' strF(sacurine[['sampleMetadata']])
#' @rdname view
#' @export strF
strF <- function(tableMF,
borderI = 2,
bigMarkC = ",") {
if (is.matrix(tableMF)) {
classC <- "matrix"
} else if ( {
classC <- "data.frame"
} else if (is.character(tableMF) ||
is.integer(tableMF) ||
is.logical(tableMF) ||
is.numeric(tableMF) ||
is.double(tableMF)) {
classC <- "vector"
} else {
# if (any(class(tableMF) %in% c("character", "integer", "logical", "numeric", "double"))) {
# classC <- "vector"
# } else
# classC <- class(tableMF)
numericL <- mode(tableMF) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "double")
# if (!(classC %in% c("vector", "matrix", "data.frame"))) {
# str(tableMF)
# return(invisible(NULL))
# }
.header(tableMF = tableMF,
borderI = borderI,
bigMarkC = bigMarkC,
classC = classC,
numericL = numericL)
if (tail(cumprod(dim(tableMF)), 1) > 0)
.table(tableMF = tableMF,
borderI = borderI,
classC = classC,
numericL = numericL)
} ## strF
.header <- function(tableMF,
numericL) {
vector = {
headerDF <- data.frame(length = format(length(tableMF), big.mark = bigMarkC),
class = classC,
mode = mode(tableMF),
typeof = typeof(tableMF),
size = format(object.size(tableMF), units = "Mb"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (numericL)
headerDF <-,
data.frame(min = formatC(min(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
mean = formatC(mean(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
median = formatC(median(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
max = formatC(max(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g")))
}, ## vector
matrix = {
headerDF <- data.frame(dim = paste(format(nrow(tableMF), big.mark = bigMarkC), format(ncol(tableMF), big.mark = bigMarkC), sep = " x "),
class = classC,
mode = mode(tableMF),
typeof = typeof(tableMF),
size = format(object.size(tableMF), units = "Mb"),
NAs = length(which(
if (numericL)
headerDF <-,
data.frame(min = formatC(min(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
mean = formatC(mean(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
median = formatC(median(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g"),
max = formatC(max(tableMF, na.rm = TRUE),
digits = 2, format = "g")))
}, ## matrix
data.frame = {
claVc <- sapply(tableMF, data.class)
if (length(claVc) > 2 * borderI)
claVc <- c(head(claVc, borderI),
tail(claVc, borderI))
if (!is.null(names(claVc))) {
if (length(claVc) > 2 * borderI)
names(claVc)[borderI + 1] <- "..."
claDF <-
rownames(claDF) <- ""
} else {
claVc <- paste(claVc, collapse = " ")
class(claVc) <- "table"
headerDF <- data.frame(nRow = format(dim(tableMF)[1], big.mark = bigMarkC),
nCol = format(dim(tableMF)[2], big.mark = bigMarkC),
size = format(object.size(tableMF), units = "Mb"),
NAs = length(which(
}) ## data.frame
rownames(headerDF) <- ""
.table <- function(tableMF,
numericL) {
if (classC %in% c("data.frame", "matrix")) {
dimAbbVl <- dim(tableMF) > 2 * borderI
if ( {
if (dimAbbVl[2]) {
bordColVi <- c(1:borderI,
(ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF))
} else
bordColVi <- 1:ncol(tableMF)
for (j in bordColVi)
if (is.factor(tableMF[, j]))
tableMF[, j] <- as.character(tableMF[, j])
if (all(dimAbbVl)) {
tableMF <- rbind(cbind(tableMF[1:borderI, 1:borderI, drop = FALSE],
... = rep("...", times = borderI),
tableMF[1:borderI, (ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF), drop = FALSE]),
rep("...", 2 * borderI + 1),
cbind(tableMF[(nrow(tableMF) - borderI + 1):nrow(tableMF), 1:borderI, drop = FALSE],
... = rep("...", times = borderI),
tableMF[(nrow(tableMF) - borderI + 1):nrow(tableMF), (ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF), drop = FALSE]))
if (classC == "matrix") {
if (!is.null(rownames(tableMF)) && any(duplicated(rownames(tableMF)))) {
rownames(tableMF) <- make.names(rownames(tableMF),
unique = TRUE)
} else if (is.null(rownames(tableMF)))
rownames(tableMF) <- c(1:borderI,
(nrow(tableMF) - borderI + 1):nrow(tableMF))
if (is.null(colnames(tableMF)))
colnames(tableMF) <- c(1:borderI,
(ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF))
tableMF <-
rownames(tableMF)[borderI + 1] <- "..."
} else if (dimAbbVl[1]) {
if ( && is.null(colnames(tableMF)))
colnames(tableMF) <- 1:ncol(tableMF)
tableMF <- rbind(tableMF[1:borderI, , drop = FALSE],
rep("...", ncol(tableMF)),
tableMF[(nrow(tableMF) - borderI + 1):nrow(tableMF), , drop = FALSE])
if (classC == "matrix") {
if (!is.null(rownames(tableMF)) && any(duplicated(rownames(tableMF)))) {
rownames(tableMF) <- make.names(rownames(tableMF),
unique = TRUE)
} else if (is.null(rownames(tableMF)))
rownames(tableMF) <- c(1:borderI,
(nrow(tableMF) - borderI + 1):nrow(tableMF))
if (is.null(colnames(tableMF)))
colnames(tableMF) <- 1:ncol(tableMF)
tableMF <-
rownames(tableMF)[borderI + 1] <- "..."
} else if (dimAbbVl[2]) {
tableMF <- cbind(tableMF[, 1:borderI, drop = FALSE],
... = rep("...", times = nrow(tableMF)),
tableMF[, (ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF), drop = FALSE])
if (classC == "matrix") {
if (!is.null(rownames(tableMF)) && any(duplicated(rownames(tableMF))))
rownames(tableMF) <- make.names(rownames(tableMF),
unique = TRUE)
if (is.null(colnames(tableMF)))
colnames(tableMF) <- c(1:borderI,
(ncol(tableMF) - borderI + 1):ncol(tableMF))
tableMF <-
} ## 'data.frame' and 'matrix'
if (classC == "vector") {
tableMF <- tableMF
if (numericL)
tableMF <- round(tableMF, 3)
if (length(tableMF) > 2 * borderI) {
tableMF <- c(head(tableMF, borderI),
tail(tableMF, borderI))
if (!is.null(names(tableMF)))
names(tableMF)[borderI + 1] <- "..."
if (!is.null(names(tableMF))) {
tableMF <-
rownames(tableMF) <- ""
} else {
tableMF <- paste(tableMF, collapse = " ")
} ## vector
} ## tabF
#' Displaying a numerical matrix
#' Wrapper of the stats::image function used inside the 'view' method
#' @seealso \code{\link{image}}, \code{\link{view}}
#' @examples
#' data(sacurine)
#' imageF(sacurine[['dataMatrix']])
#' @rdname view
#' @export
imageF <- function(x,
mainC = "",
subC = "",
paletteC = c("heat",
rowAllL = FALSE,
rowCexN = 1,
rowMarN = 5.1,
rowLabC = "",
rowTruncI = 0,
colAllL = FALSE,
colCexN = 1,
colMarN = 1.1,
colLabC = "",
colTruncI = 0,
drawScaleL = TRUE,
delimitReplicatesL = FALSE,
standardizeL = FALSE,
fig.pdfC = "interactive") {
if (!is.matrix(x) || mode(x) != "numeric")
# if (class(x) != "matrix" || mode(x) != "numeric")
stop("'x must be a matrix of numerics for the 'image' plot type", call. = FALSE)
if (delimitReplicatesL && (length(rownames(x)) * length(colnames(x))) == 0)
stop("Rownames and colnames are required when the delimitReplicatesL argument is TRUE", call. = FALSE)
if (standardizeL) {
message("Standardization of the columns for plotting.")
mainC <- paste0(mainC, " (standardized)")
x <- apply(x, 2, function(y) {
y <- y - mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)
sd.n <- sqrt(var(y, na.rm = TRUE))
if (sd.n < .Machine$double.eps) {
} else {
return(y / sd.n)
dimVc <- c("row", "col")
dimnamesLs <- lapply(dimVc,
function(dimC) {
which(dimVc == dimC),
ifelse(dimC == "row",
names(dimnamesLs) <- dimVc
imageMN <- t(x[nrow(x):1, , drop = FALSE])
paletteVc <- .palette(imageMN, paletteC)
currentParLs <- par()
for (parC in c("cin", "cra", "csi", "cxy", "din", "page"))
currentParLs[[parC]] <- NULL
if (fig.pdfC != "interactive") {
basenameC <- basename(fig.pdfC)
basenameSplitVc <- unlist(strsplit(basenameC, ".", fixed = TRUE))
extC <- tail(basenameSplitVc, 1)
if (extC != "pdf")
stop("The name of the pdf file should end with a '.pdf' extension.",
call. = FALSE)
par(bg = "white",
font = 2,
lwd = 2)
if (mainC != "" || subC != "") {
omaVn <- rep(0, times = 4)
if (mainC != "")
omaVn[3] <- 1.6
if (subC != "")
omaVn[1] <- 1.6
par(oma = omaVn)
## drawing color scale
if (drawScaleL)
.drawScale(imageMN = imageMN,
paletteC = paletteC,
paletteVc = paletteVc,
colAllL = colAllL,
colMarN = colMarN)
## draw image
.drawImage(imageMN = imageMN,
mainC = mainC,
subC = subC,
paletteVc = paletteVc,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
colAllL = colAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
colCexN = colCexN,
rowMarN = rowMarN,
colMarN = colMarN,
rowLabC = rowLabC,
colLabC = colLabC,
drawScaleL = drawScaleL,
delimitReplicatesL = delimitReplicatesL,
dimnamesLs = dimnamesLs)
if (fig.pdfC != "interactive")
.dimNames <- function(matMN,
truncateI = 0) {
if (length(dimnames(matMN)[[dimI]]) == 0) {
namesVc <- rep("", times = dim(matMN)[dimI])
namesCharVsNumL <- TRUE
} else {
namesVc <- dimnames(matMN)[[dimI]]
namesCharVsNumL <- suppressWarnings(any(
if (namesCharVsNumL) {
namesDuplicateVl <- duplicated(namesVc)
namesVc[namesDuplicateVl] <- ""
if (truncateI > 0)
namesVc <- .truncate(namesVc, truncateI)
return(list(namesVc = namesVc,
namesCharVsNumL = namesCharVsNumL))
.palette <- function(imaMN, typC = c("heat",
"ramp")[1]) {
heat = {return(rev(grDevices::rainbow(ceiling(256 * 1.5))[1:256]))},
revHeat = {return(grDevices::rainbow(ceiling(256 * 1.5))[1:256])},
grey = {return(grDevices::grey((0:255) / 256))},
revGrey = {return(rev(grDevices::grey((0:255) / 256)))},
palette = {return(seq(from = min(imaMN),
to = max(imaMN),
by = 1))},
ramp = {return(grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "orange", "red"),
space = "rgb")(256)[1:256])})
.drawScale <- function(imageMN,
colMarN) {
layout(matrix(c(2, 1),
nrow = 1,
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE),
widths = c(8, 2))
par(mar = c(1.1,
yes = colMarN,
no = 3.1),
ylimVn <- c(0, 256)
ybottomVn <- 0:255
ytopVn <- 1:256
if (paletteC == "palette") {
ylimVn <- c(min(imageMN) - 1, max(imageMN))
ybottomVn <- seq(from = min(imageMN) - 1, to = max(imageMN) - 1, by = 1)
ytopVn <- seq(from = min(imageMN), to = max(imageMN))
plot(x = 0,
y = 0,
font.axis = 2,
font.lab = 2,
type = "n",
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = ylimVn,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i",
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n")
rect(xleft = 0,
ybottom = ybottomVn,
xright = 1,
ytop = ytopVn,
col = paletteVc,
border = NA)
axis(at = .prettyAxis(range(imageMN, na.rm = TRUE), 256)$atVn,
font = 2,
font.axis = 2,
labels = .prettyAxis(range(imageMN, na.rm = TRUE), 256)$labelVn,
las = 1,
lwd = 2,
lwd.ticks = 2,
side = 4,
xpd = TRUE)
code = 0,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
code = 0,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
graphics::box(lwd = 2)
.prettyAxis <- function(axisValuesVn,
opLengthN) {
if (NA %in% axisValuesVn) {
warning("NA in axisValuesVn", call. = FALSE)
axisValuesVn <- as.vector(stats::na.omit(axisValuesVn))
if (opLengthN < length(axisValuesVn))
stop("The length of in vector must be inferior to the length of the length parameter.")
if (length(axisValuesVn) < opLengthN) {
axisValuesVn <- seq(from = min(axisValuesVn), to = max(axisValuesVn), length.out = opLengthN)
prettyAxisValues <- pretty(axisValuesVn)
prettyLabelsVn <- prettyAtVn <- c()
for (n in 1:length(prettyAxisValues))
if (min(axisValuesVn) < prettyAxisValues[n] && prettyAxisValues[n] < max(axisValuesVn)) {
prettyLabelsVn <- c(prettyLabelsVn, prettyAxisValues[n])
prettyAtVn <- c(prettyAtVn, which(abs(axisValuesVn - prettyAxisValues[n]) == min(abs(axisValuesVn - prettyAxisValues[n])))[1])
prettyAxisLs <- list(atVn = prettyAtVn,
labelVn = prettyLabelsVn)
.drawImage <- function(imageMN,
dimnamesLs) {
par(mar = c(1.1,
yes = colMarN,
no = 3.1),
ifelse(drawScaleL, yes = 0.3, no = 1.6)))
graphics::image(x = 1:nrow(imageMN),
y = 1:ncol(imageMN),
z = imageMN,
col = paletteVc,
font.axis = 2,
font.lab = 2,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
xlab = "",
ylab = "")
.drawAxis(imageMN = imageMN,
rowAllL = rowAllL,
colAllL = colAllL,
rowCexN = rowCexN,
colCexN = colCexN,
dimnamesLs = dimnamesLs)
## xlab
mtext(font = 2,
line = colMarN - 1,
side = 3,
text = colLabC)
## ylab
mtext(font = 2,
line = rowMarN - 1,
side = 2,
text = rowLabC)
## additional lines
if (delimitReplicatesL) {
for (dimI in 1:2) {
dimAllL <- ifelse(dimI == 1, rowAllL, colAllL)
if (dimAllL && dimnamesLs[[dimI]][["namesCharVsNumL"]]) {
if (dimI == 1) {
delimN <- ncol(imageMN) - which(dimnamesLs[[dimI]][["namesVc"]] != "") + 1.5
abline(h = delimN, lwd = 1)
} else {
delimN <- which(dimnamesLs[[dimI]][["namesVc"]] != "") - 0.5
abline(v = delimN, lwd = 1)
## border
graphics::box(lwd = 2)
## arrows at the end of the axes
length = 0.1,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
length = 0.1,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
## writing figure title
if (mainC != "")
mtext(adj = 0.5,
cex = 1.2,
font = 2,
line = 0.1,
outer = TRUE,
side = 3,
text = mainC)
## writing figure caption
if (subC != "")
mtext(adj = 1,
cex = 0.9,
font = 3,
line = 0.6,
outer = TRUE,
side = 1,
text = paste0(subC, " "))
.drawAxis <- function(imageMN,
dimnamesLs) {
for (dimI in 1:2) {
dimAllL <- ifelse(dimI == 1, rowAllL, colAllL)
dimCexN <- ifelse(dimI == 1, rowCexN, colCexN)
labelAtVn <- 1:dim(imageMN)[dimI]
dimNamesVc <- dimnamesLs[[dimI]][["namesVc"]]
dimNamesCharVsNumL <- dimnamesLs[[dimI]][["namesCharVsNumL"]]
if (!dimAllL) {
labelIndiceVi <- c(1, dim(imageMN)[3 - dimI])
# labelIndiceVi <- c(1, dim(imageMN)[dimI])
labelNameVc <- rep("", times = 2)
if (suppressWarnings(any([1],
tail(dimNamesVc , 1))))))) {
labelNameVc <- c(dimNamesVc[1], tail(dimNamesVc, 1))
} else {
labelNameVc <- round(as.numeric(c(dimNamesVc[1], tail(dimNamesVc, 1))),
digits = 1)
labelIndiceVc <- paste0(rep("[", 2),
rep("] ", 2))
labelVc <- paste0(labelIndiceVc,
rep("\n", times = 2),
atVn <- c(1, dim(imageMN)[3 - dimI])
if (dimI == 1) {
labelIndiceVc <- rev(labelIndiceVc)
labelVc <- rev(labelVc)
axis(side = dimI + 1,
at = atVn,
font = 2,
hadj = 0,
labels = labelVc,
las = 2,
line = 3,
lty = "blank",
tick = FALSE)
} else {
axis(side = dimI + 1,
at = atVn[1],
font = 2,
hadj = 0,
labels = labelVc[1],
line = -0.5,
tick = FALSE)
axis(side = dimI + 1,
at = atVn[2],
font = 2,
hadj = 1,
labels = labelVc[2],
line = -0.5,
tick = FALSE)
} else {
# dimAllL
if (dimNamesCharVsNumL) {
labelVc <- dimNamesVc[dimNamesVc != ""]
labelLowIndiceVn <- which(dimNamesVc != "")
labelSpanVn <- diff(c(labelLowIndiceVn, length(dimNamesVc) + 1))
labelAtVn <- labelLowIndiceVn - rep(1, times = length(labelLowIndiceVn)) + labelSpanVn / 2 + rep(0.5, times = length(labelLowIndiceVn))
par(cex = dimCexN)
if (dimI == 1) {
labelAtVn <- ncol(imageMN) - rev(labelLowIndiceVn) + rep(1, times = length(labelLowIndiceVn)) - rev(labelSpanVn) / 2 + rep(0.5, times = length(labelLowIndiceVn))
labelVc <- rev(labelVc)
axis(side = dimI + 1,
at = labelAtVn,
font = 2,
labels = labelVc,
las = 2,
line = -0.5,
tick = FALSE)
} else {
dimNamesVn <- as.numeric(dimNamesVc)
prettyVn <- pretty(dimNamesVn)
prettyVn <- prettyVn[min(dimNamesVn) <= prettyVn & prettyVn <= max(dimNamesVn)]
indiceVn <- numeric()
for (k in 1:length(prettyVn)) {
indiceVn[k] <- which(abs(dimNamesVn - prettyVn[k]) == min(abs(dimNamesVn - prettyVn[k])))[1]
if (dimI == 1)
indiceVn <- nrow(imageMN) - rev(indiceVn)
axis(side = dimI + 1,
at = indiceVn,
font = 2,
labels = as.character(prettyVn))
par(cex = 1)
.truncate <- function(stringVc, ncharI = 15) {
truncatedVc <- character(length(stringVc))
for (i in 1:length(stringVc)) {
strC <- stringVc[i]
nchI <- nchar(strC)
if (nchI <= ncharI) {
truncatedVc[i] <- strC
} else {
truncatedVc[i] <- paste0(substr(strC, 1, ncharI - 1), ".")
#' fromW4M (deprecated)
#' Creating a ExpressionSet object from the 3 'dataMatrix.tsv',
#' 'sampleMetadata.tsv' and 'variableMetadata.tsv' tabulated files
#' @param dirC Character: directory containing the 3 .tsv files
#' @param namePatternC Character: optional file name pattern common to all three
#' file names (e.g., when you want to distinguish between two sets of files
#' within the same directory)
#' @param fileTableNamesVc Vector of characters: if your file names do not
#' contain the standard 'dataMatrix', 'sampleMetadata', and 'variableMetadata'
#' patterns (e.g. if you use 'profile', 'observation', and 'feature' instead),
#' please indicate them here
#' @param verboseL Logical: should comments be printed?
#' @return ExpressionSet instance
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{}
#' @examples sacSet <- fromW4M(file.path(path.package("ropls"), "extdata"))
#' @rdname fromW4M
#' @export
fromW4M <- function(dirC,
namePatternC = "",
fileTableNamesVc = c("dataMatrix",
verboseL = TRUE) {
tabVc <- c("dataMatrix",
if (!file.exists(dirC))
stop("Directory '", dirC, "' was not found.",
call. = FALSE)
filVc <- character(length(tabVc))
names(filVc) <- tabVc
filAllVc <- list.files(dirC,
pattern = "^.*\\.tsv$")
## restricting to files with pattern
if (namePatternC != "")
filAllVc <- grep(namePatternC, filAllVc, value = TRUE)
## restricting to one file for each table
for (tabC in tabVc) {
namC <- fileTableNamesVc[tabVc == tabC]
filC <- grep(namC, filAllVc, value = TRUE)
if (length(filC) == 0) {
stop("No file found for the ", tabC, " with ",
ifelse(namePatternC != "",
paste0("'", namC, "' pattern and "), ""),
"a name including '", namC, "' in the '", dirC,
"' directory.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(filC) > 1) {
stop("Several files found for the ", tabC, " with ",
ifelse(namePatternC != "", paste0("'", namC, "' pattern and "),
""), "a name including '", namC, "' in the '",
dirC, "' directory.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
filVc[tabC] <- filC
## R standards for row and column names in matrices and data frames
.checkRformatF(dirC, filC, verboseL)
## Loading data
for(tabC in tabVc) {
tabDF <- read.table(file.path(dirC, filVc[tabC]),
check.names = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1,
sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dataMatrix = {
datMN <- as.matrix(tabDF)
sampleMetadata = {
samDF <- tabDF
variableMetadata = {
varDF <- tabDF
chkL <- .checkW4mFormatF(t(datMN), samDF, varDF)
if(chkL) {
} else
"Problem with the sample or variable names in the tables (see above)"
eset <- ExpressionSet(assayData = datMN,
phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = samDF),
featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = varDF),
experimentData = new("MIAME",
title = namePatternC))
# deprecated
.checkRformatF <- function(dirCa, filCa, vrbLa) {
rowVc <- read.table(file.path(dirCa, filCa),
check.names = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1]
colVc <- unlist(read.table(file.path(dirCa, filCa),
check.names = FALSE,
nrows = 1,
sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))[-1]
if (any(duplicated(rowVc)))
stop("The following ",
ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'sample', 'variable'),
" name(s) is/are duplicated in the ",
": '",
paste(rowVc[duplicated(rowVc)], collapse = "', '"), "'",
call. = FALSE)
if (any(duplicated(colVc)))
stop("The following ", ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'variable', 'sample'), " name(s) is/are duplicated in the ",
": '",
paste(colVc[duplicated(colVc)], collapse = "', '"), "'",
call. = FALSE)
rowMakVc <- make.names(rowVc, unique = TRUE)
rowDifVl <- rowVc != rowMakVc
if (any(rowDifVl)) {
rowDifDF <- data.frame(row = 1:length(rowVc),
actual = rowVc,
preferred = rowMakVc)
rowDifDF <- rowDifDF[rowDifVl, , drop = FALSE]
if (vrbLa) {
warning("The following ",
ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'sample', 'variable'),
" name(s) of the ",
" is/are not in the standard R format, which may result in errors when loading the data:")
colMakVc <- make.names(colVc, unique = TRUE)
colDifVl <- colVc != colMakVc
if (any(colDifVl)) {
colDifDF <- data.frame(col = 1:length(colVc),
actual = colVc,
preferred = colMakVc)
colDifDF <- colDifDF[colDifVl, , drop = FALSE]
if (vrbLa) {
warning("The following ",
ifelse(names(filCa) == 'sampleMetadata', 'variable', 'sample'),
" name(s) of the ",
" is/are not in the standard R format, which may result in errors when loading the data:")
# deprecated
.checkW4mFormatF <- function(datMN, samDF, varDF) {
chkL <- TRUE
if(!identical(rownames(datMN), rownames(samDF))) {
## checking sample names
chkL <- FALSE
datSamDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(datMN), rownames(samDF))
if(length(datSamDifVc)) {
cat("\nThe following samples were found in the dataMatrix column names but not in the sampleMetadata row names:\n", sep="")
print( = as.numeric(sapply(datSamDifVc, function(samC) which(rownames(datMN) == samC))),
name = datSamDifVc))
samDatDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(samDF), rownames(datMN))
if(length(samDatDifVc)) {
cat("\n\nThe following samples were found in the sampleMetadata row names but not in the dataMatrix column names:\n", sep="")
print( = as.numeric(sapply(samDatDifVc, function(samC) which(rownames(samDF) == samC))),
name = samDatDifVc))
if(nrow(datMN) != nrow(samDF)) {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix has ", nrow(datMN), " columns (ie samples) whereas the sampleMetadata has ", nrow(samDF), " rows\n", sep="")
} else if(identical(gsub("^X", "", rownames(datMN)), rownames(samDF))) {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix column names start with an 'X' but not the sampleMetadata row names\n", sep="")
} else if(identical(gsub("^X", "", rownames(samDF)), rownames(datMN))) {
cat("\n\nThe sampleMetadata row names start with an 'X' but not the dataMatrix column names\n", sep="")
} else if(identical(sort(rownames(datMN)), sort(rownames(samDF)))) {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix column names and the sampleMetadata row names are not in the same order:\n", sep="")
print( = 1:nrow(datMN),
sampleMetadata_rownames=rownames(samDF))[rownames(datMN) != rownames(samDF), , drop = FALSE])
} else {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix column names and the sampleMetadata row names are not identical:\n", sep="")
print( = 1:nrow(datMN),
sampleMetadata_rownames=rownames(samDF))[rownames(datMN) != rownames(samDF), , drop = FALSE])
if(!identical(colnames(datMN), rownames(varDF))) {
## checking variable names
chkL <- FALSE
datVarDifVc <- setdiff(colnames(datMN), rownames(varDF))
if(length(datVarDifVc)) {
cat("\nThe following variables were found in the dataMatrix row names but not in the variableMetadata row names:\n", sep="")
print( = as.numeric(sapply(datVarDifVc, function(varC) which(colnames(datMN) == varC))),
name = datVarDifVc))
varDatDifVc <- setdiff(rownames(varDF), colnames(datMN))
if(length(varDatDifVc)) {
cat("\n\nThe following variables were found in the variableMetadata row names but not in the dataMatrix row names:\n", sep="")
print( = as.numeric(sapply(varDatDifVc, function(varC) which(rownames(varDF) == varC))),
name = varDatDifVc))
if(ncol(datMN) != nrow(varDF)) {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix has ", nrow(datMN), " rows (ie variables) whereas the variableMetadata has ", nrow(varDF), " rows\n", sep="")
} else if(identical(sort(colnames(datMN)), sort(rownames(varDF)))) {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix row names and the variableMetadata row names are not in the same order:\n", sep="")
print( = 1:ncol(datMN),
variableMetadata_rownames=rownames(varDF))[colnames(datMN) != rownames(varDF), , drop = FALSE])
} else {
cat("\n\nThe dataMatrix row names and the variableMetadata row names are not identical:\n", sep="")
print( = 1:ncol(datMN),
variableMetadata_rownames=rownames(varDF))[colnames(datMN) != rownames(varDF), , drop = FALSE])
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