# UCSC genome browser interface
# every UCSC session is identified by a 'hguid'
representation(url = "character", hguid = "character",
views = "environment"),
contains = "BrowserSession")
# gets an 'hgsid' to initialize the session
setMethod("initialize", "UCSCSession",
function(.Object, url = "",
user = NULL, session = NULL, force = FALSE, ...)
.Object@url <- url
.Object@views <- new.env()
gwURL <- ucscURL(.Object, "gateway", force=force)
gw <- httpGet(gwURL, cookiefile = tempfile(), header = TRUE,
.parse=FALSE, ...)
if (grepl("redirectTd", gw)) {
url <- sub(".*?a href=\"h([^[:space:]]+cgi-bin/).*", "h\\1", gw)
return(initialize(.Object, url, user=user, session=session,
force=TRUE, ...))
cookie <- grep("Set-[Cc]ookie: hguid[^=]*=", gw)
if (!length(cookie))
stop("Failed to obtain 'hguid' cookie")
hguid <- sub(".*Set-Cookie: (hguid[^=]*=[^;]*);.*", "\\1", gw)
.Object@hguid <- hguid
if (!is.null(user) && !is.null(session)) { ## bring in other session
ucscGet(.Object, "tracks",
list(hgS_doOtherUser = "submit", hgS_otherUserName = user,
hgS_otherUserSessionName = session))
setMethod("seqlengths", "UCSCSession", function(x) {
query <- ucscTableQuery(x, range = GRanges(), table = "chromInfo", check=FALSE)
chromInfo <- getTable(query, check=FALSE)
ans <- setNames(chromInfo$size, chromInfo$chrom)
setMethod("seqnames", "UCSCSession", function(x) names(seqlengths(x)))
setMethod("seqinfo", "UCSCSession", function(x) {
sl <- seqlengths(x)
Seqinfo(names(sl), sl, genome = genome(x)) # no circularity information
normArgTrackData <- function(value, session) {
genomes <- vapply(value, function(x) singleGenome(genome(x)), character(1L))
genomes[] <- ""
tapply(value, unlist(genomes),
genome <- singleGenome(genome(tracks[[1]]))
if (!
genome(session) <- genome
spaces <-, unname(lapply(tracks, seqnames)))
badSpaces <- setdiff(spaces, seqnames(session))
if (length(badSpaces) > 0L)
stop("Invalid chromosomes for ", genome(session), ": ",
paste(badSpaces, collapse = ", "))
handleError <- function(response) {
msg <- getNodeSet(response, "//span[text()='Error']/../text()")
if (length(msg) == 2L)
stop(sub(".*? - ", "", xmlValue(msg[[2L]])))
setReplaceMethod("track", c("UCSCSession", "SimpleGRangesList"),
function(object, name = names(value),
format = c("auto", "bed", "wig", "gff1", "bed15",
"bedGraph"), ..., value)
format <- match.arg(format)
if (length(value)) {
## upload values in blocks, one for each genome
value <- normArgTrackData(value, object)
names(value) <- name
genomes <- sapply(value, function(x) singleGenome(genome(x)))
genomes[] <- ""
tapply(value, unlist(genomes),
form <- ucscForm(tracks, format, ...)
response <- ucscPost(object, "custom", form)
setReplaceMethod("track", c("UCSCSession", "RTLFile"),
function(object, name = names(value), ..., value)
form <- ucscForm(value, genome(object), ...)
response <- ucscPost(object, "custom", form)
setMethod("browserViews", "UCSCSession",
function(object) object@views$instances)
## get the list of track names
setMethod("trackNames", "UCSCSession",
function(object) ucscTracks(object)@ids)
## get the current range
setMethod("range", "UCSCSession",
function(x, ..., na.rm) range(ucscCart(x)))
setReplaceMethod("range", "UCSCSession",
function(x, value) {
ucscGet(x, "cart", ucscForm(normGenomeRange(value, x)))
setMethod("genome", "UCSCSession", function(x) {
setReplaceMethod("genome", "UCSCSession",
function(x, value) {
if (!isSingleString(value))
stop("'genome' must be a single non-NA string")
ucscGet(x, "gateway", list(db = value))
if (genome(x) != value)
stop("Failed to set session genome to '", value, "'")
SeqinfoForUCSCGenome <- function(genome) {
session <- browserSession("UCSC")
genome(session) <- genome
}, error = function(cond) NULL)
GRangesForUCSCGenome <- function(genome, chrom = NULL, ranges = NULL, ...)
GRangesForGenome(genome, chrom = chrom, ranges = ranges, method = "UCSC",
seqinfo = NULL, ...)
## context for querying UCSC tables
representation(session = "UCSCSession",
track = "character_OR_NULL",
table = "character_OR_NULL",
range = "GRanges",
outputType = "character_OR_NULL",
NAMES = "character_OR_NULL",
intersectTrack = "character_OR_NULL"))
setMethod("show", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object) {
cat("Get ")
if (!is.null(tableName(object)))
cat("table '", tableName(object), "' from ", sep = "")
cat("track '", names(trackName(object)), "' within ", sep = "")
range <- range(object)
if (length(range) > 1)
start <- end <- chrom <- "*"
else {
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(range))
start <- start(range)
end <- end(range)
cat(genome(range)[1], ":", chrom, ":", start, "-", end, sep="")
for (itrack in names(intersectTrack(object)))
cat(" &", itrack)
setMethod("browserSession", "UCSCTableQuery", function(object) {
function(object, ..., value) standardGeneric("browserSession<-"))
setReplaceMethod("browserSession", c("UCSCTableQuery", "UCSCSession"),
function(object, value) {
object@session <- value
setMethod("range", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x, ..., na.rm) x@range)
setReplaceMethod("range", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(x, value) {
x@range <- normTableQueryRange(value, browserSession(x))
setGeneric("trackName", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("trackName"))
setMethod("trackName", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x) x@track)
function(x, ..., value) standardGeneric("trackName<-"))
setReplaceMethod("trackName", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x, value)
x@track <- normArgTrack(value, x)
setGeneric("tableName", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("tableName"))
setMethod("tableName", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x) x@table)
normArgTable <- function(name, query) {
if (!is.null(name)) {
if (!isSingleString(name))
stop("table name must be a single string or NULL")
if (!name %in% tableNames(query))
stop("Table '", name, "' is unavailable")
setGeneric("tableName<-", function(x, ..., value)
### FIXME: we need '...' in the formals due to a bug in R 3.5, remove for 3.6
setReplaceMethod("tableName", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(x, check=TRUE, ..., value)
if (!missing(...))
warning("arguments in '...' ignored")
if (check)
value <- normArgTable(value, x)
x@table <- value
setMethod("names", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x) x@NAMES)
setReplaceMethod("names", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x, value) {
x@NAMES <- value
setGeneric("intersectTrack", function(x, ...)
setMethod("intersectTrack", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x) x@intersectTrack)
setGeneric("intersectTrack<-", function(x, ..., value)
setReplaceMethod("intersectTrack", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x, value) {
x@intersectTrack <- normArgTrack(value, x)
## not exported
setGeneric("outputType", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("outputType"))
setMethod("outputType", "UCSCTableQuery", function(x) x@outputType)
function(x, ..., value) standardGeneric("outputType<-"))
setReplaceMethod("outputType", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(x, value) {
x@outputType <- value
normArgTrack <- function(name, trackids) {
if (is.null(name))
if (!isSingleString(name))
stop("'track' must be a single string")
if (is(trackids, "UCSCTableQuery"))
trackids <- trackNames(trackids)
if (!(name %in% trackids)) {
mapped_name <- trackids[name]
if (
stop("Unknown track: ", name)
name <- mapped_name
} else names(name) <- name
normTableQueryRange <- function(range, x) {
normGenomeRange(range, x, max.length = 1000L)
setGeneric("ucscTableQuery", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("ucscTableQuery"))
setMethod("ucscTableQuery", "UCSCSession",
function(x, track = NULL, range = seqinfo(x), table = NULL,
names = NULL, intersectTrack = NULL, check = TRUE)
if (!is(names, "character_OR_NULL"))
stop("'names' must be 'NULL' or a character vector")
## only inherit the genome from the session
if (missing(range) || !check)
range <- as(range, "GRanges")
else range <- normTableQueryRange(range, x)
query <- new("UCSCTableQuery", session = x, range = range,
NAMES = names)
## the following line must always happen to initialize the session
## otherwise stuff can go haywire
trackids <- trackNames(query)
if (!is.null(track) || !is.null(intersectTrack)) {
query@track <- normArgTrack(track, trackids)
query@intersectTrack <- normArgTrack(intersectTrack, trackids)
tableName(query, check=check) <- table
setMethod("ucscTableQuery", "character",
function(x, ...) {
session <- browserSession()
genome(session) <- x
ucscTableQuery(session, ...)
ucscTableGet <- function(query, .parse = TRUE, tracks = FALSE, ...)
ucscGet(browserSession(query), "tables",
c(ucscForm(query, tracks = tracks), ...), .parse = .parse)
dropCookie <- function(object) {
object@hguid <- character()
ucscTablePost <- function(query, .parse = TRUE, tracks = FALSE, ...)
ucscPost(dropCookie(browserSession(query)), "tables",
c(ucscForm(query, tracks = tracks), list(...)), .parse = .parse)
## gets the track names available from the table browser
setMethod("trackNames", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object) {
doc <- ucscTableGet(object, tracks = TRUE)
track_path <- "//select[@name = 'hgta_track']/option/@value"
tracks <- unlist(getNodeSet(doc, track_path))
label_path <- "//select[@name = 'hgta_track']/option/text()"
labels <- sub("\n.*$", "",
sapply(getNodeSet(doc, label_path), xmlValue))
names(tracks) <- labels
## returns a character vector of table names for a given track name + range
setGeneric("tableNames", function(object, ...)
getTableNames <- function(object) {
doc <- ucscTableGet(object)
table_path <- "//select[@name = 'hgta_table']/option/@value"
unlist(getNodeSet(doc, table_path))
setMethod("tableNames", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object, trackOnly = FALSE)
tables <- getTableNames(object)
outputType <- outputType(object)
if (trackOnly) {
trackOutputs <- c("wigData", "wigBed", "bed")
if (!is.null(outputType))
outputType <- intersect(trackOutputs, outputType)
else outputType <- trackOutputs
if (!is.null(outputType)) {
tables <- tables[sapply(tables, tableHasOutput, object=object)]
tableHasOutput <- function(object, table) {
tableName(object, check=FALSE) <- table
any(outputType(object) %in% ucscTableOutputs(object))
firstTableName <- function(object) {
tables <- getTableNames(object)
for (table in tables)
if (tableHasOutput(object, table))
function(object, ...)
## returns a character vector of available output types for the table
## not exported
setMethod("ucscTableOutputs", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object) {
doc <- ucscTableGet(object)
output_path <- "//select[@name = 'hgta_outputType']/option/@value"
unlist(getNodeSet(doc, output_path))
representation(genome = "character",
tableName = "character",
rowCount = "integer",
formatDescription = "character"),
contains = "DFrame")
setMethod("genome", "UCSCSchema", function(x) {
setMethod("tableName", "UCSCSchema", function(x) {
setMethod("nrow", "UCSCSchema", function(x) {
function(x, ...) standardGeneric("formatDescription"))
setMethod("formatDescription", "UCSCSchema", function(x) {
representation(genome = "character",
tableName = "character",
fieldName = "character",
viaName = "character"))
representation(schema = "UCSCSchema", links = "UCSCLinks",
sample = "DataFrame"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscSchemaDescription"))
## not currently exported, just ucscSchema() is public
setMethod("ucscSchemaDescription", "UCSCTableQuery", function(object)
alphaNum <- function(x) gsub("^ *", "", gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9()+,. _'-]", "", x))
getBoldLabeledField <- function(name) {
expr <- sprintf("//b[text() = '%s:']/following::text()[1]", name)
alphaNum(xmlValue(getNodeSet(doc, expr)[[1]]))
getDataFrame <- function(tableNode) {
getColumn <- function(ind) {
## FIXME: special treatment required for missing cells
## Is there a way to get child counts for every node in XPath?
expr <- sprintf("tr/td[%d]", ind)
children <- sapply(getNodeSet(tableNode, expr), xmlChildren)
col <- rep(NA, length(children))
col[elementNROWS(children) > 0] <-
alphaNum(sapply(unlist(children), xmlValue))
columnNames <- sapply(getNodeSet(tableNode, "tr[1]/th//text()"), xmlValue)
columns <- lapply(seq_along(columnNames), getColumn)
names(columns) <- columnNames
columns <- columns[elementNROWS(columns) > 0]
doc <- ucscTableGet(object, hgta_doSchema = "describe table schema")
genome <- getBoldLabeledField("Database")
tableName <- getBoldLabeledField("Primary Table")
rowCount <- as.integer(gsub(",", "", getBoldLabeledField("Row Count")))
format <- getBoldLabeledField("Format description")
schemaNode <- getNodeSet(doc, "//table[tr[1]/th[3]/text() = 'SQL type']")[[1]]
schema <- getDataFrame(schemaNode)
schema$RType <- sapply(schema$example, function(x) class(type.convert(x)))
schema$RType[!nzchar(schema$example)] <- "factor"
linkNode <- getNodeSet(doc, "//div[@class = 'subheadingBar' and contains(text(), 'Connected Tables and Joining Fields')]/following::table[1]/tr[2]/td[2]")
if (length(linkNode)) { ## this is apparently optional
linkNode <- linkNode[[1]]
linkTable <- sapply(getNodeSet(linkNode, "a/text()"), xmlValue)
linkText <- sapply(getNodeSet(linkNode, "text()"), xmlValue)
linkMat <- matrix(linkText, nrow=2)
linkGenome <- alphaNum(linkMat[1,])
linkGenome <- substring(linkGenome, 1, nchar(linkGenome)-1L)
linkSplit <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(linkMat[2,], " ", fixed=TRUE)), 3)
linkField <- substring(linkSplit[1,], 2)
linkVia <- sub(".*?\\.(.*?)\\)", "\\1", linkSplit[3,])
links <- new("UCSCLinks", genome = linkGenome, tableName = linkTable,
fieldName = linkField, viaName = linkVia)
} else links <- new("UCSCLinks")
sampNode <- getNodeSet(doc, "//div[contains(@class, 'subheadingBar') and contains(text(), 'Sample')]/following::table[1]//table//table")[[1]]
sample <- getDataFrame(sampNode)
schema <- new("UCSCSchema", schema, genome = genome, tableName = tableName,
rowCount = rowCount, formatDescription = format)
new("UCSCSchemaDescription", schema = schema, links = links, sample = sample)
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscSchema"))
setMethod("ucscSchema", "UCSCSchemaDescription", function(object) {
setMethod("ucscSchema", "UCSCTableQuery", function(object) {
.uploadTableBrowserRanges <- function(query, hgsid) {
lines <- export(query@range, format = "bed", ignore.strand = TRUE)
text <- paste(paste(lines, collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")
upload <- fileUpload("ranges.bed", text, "text/plain")
ucscTablePost(query, hgta_enteredUserRegionFile = upload,
hgta_enteredUserRegions = "",
hgta_doSubmitUserRegions = "submit",
hgsid = hgsid)
## export data from UCSC (internal utility)
ucscExport <- function(object)
get_hgsid <- function(node)
getNodeSet(node, "//input[@name = 'hgsid']/@value")[[1]]
hgsid <- NULL
if (!is.null(names(object))) { # filter by names
text <- paste(names(object), collapse = "\n")
output <- ucscTablePost(object, hgta_doPastedIdentiers = "submit",
hgta_pastedIdentifiers = text)
error <- getNodeSet(output,
"//script[contains(text(), '{showWarnBox')]/text()")
if (length(error))
warning(sub(".*'<li>(.*?)'.*", "\\1", xmlValue(error[[1]])))
hgsid <- get_hgsid(output)
if (!is.null(intersectTrack(object))) {
itrack <- intersectTrack(object)
iquery <- object
iquery@track <- itrack
itable <- tableNames(iquery, TRUE)
if (!length(itable))
stop("No table for intersection track: ", itrack)
if (length(itable) > 1) # for now anyway
itable <- itable[1]
output <- ucscTableGet(object, hgta_nextIntersectGroup = "allTracks",
hgta_nextIntersectTrack = itrack,
hgta_nextIntersectTable = itable,
hgta_nextIntersectOp = "any",
hgta_doIntersectSubmit = "submit",
boolshad.hgta_nextInvertTable = "0",
boolshad.hgta_nextInvertTable2 = "0",
hgsid = hgsid)
hgsid <- get_hgsid(output)
if (!spansGenome(object@range) && length(object@range) > 1L) {
output <- .uploadTableBrowserRanges(object, hgsid)
hgsid <- get_hgsid(output)
followup <- NULL
if (outputType(object) == "bed") { ## some formats have extra pages
followup <- list(hgta_doGetBed = "get BED",
hgta_printCustomTrackHeaders = "on",
boolshad.hgta_printCustomTrackHeaders = "1")
output <- ucscTableGet(object, !is.null(followup),
hgta_doTopSubmit = "get output",
hgsid = hgsid)
if (!is.null(followup)) {
hgsid <- get_hgsid(output)
form <- c(followup, list(hgsid = hgsid))
output <- ucscGet(browserSession(object), "tables", form, .parse = FALSE)
setMethod("track", "UCSCSession",
function(object, name, ...)
track(ucscTableQuery(object, track=name, ...))
inconsistentFieldCounts <- function(x) {
con <- file()
writeLines(x, con)
length(unique(count.fields(con, skip=2L, sep="\t")) > 1L)
outputTruncated <- function(x) {
has.msg <- grepl("^-", tail(x, 1))
has.msg #|| inconsistentFieldCounts(x)
## download a trackSet by name
setMethod("track", "UCSCTableQuery",
tables <- tableNames(object)
table <- tableName(object)
if (!is.null(table) && !(table %in% tables))
stop("Unknown table: '", table, "'. Valid table names: ", tables)
formats <- c("wigData", "wigBed", "bed")
## attempt to automatically determine the table
if (!is.null(table))
tables <- table
for (table in tables) {
object@table <- table
outputs <- ucscTableOutputs(object)
if (any(formats %in% outputs))
if (!any(formats %in% outputs))
stop("No supported output types")
if ("wigData" %in% outputs) { # track stored as wig
format <- "wig"
output <- "wigData"
} else {
format <- output <- "bed"
if ("wigBed" %in% outputs)
output <- "wigBed"
outputType(object) <- output
output <- ucscExport(object)
if (outputTruncated(output))
stop("Output is incomplete: ",
"track may have more than 100,000 elements. ",
"Try downloading the data via the UCSC FTP site.")
import(text = output, format = format,
seqinfo = seqinfo(range(object)))
## grab sequences for features in 'track' at 'range'
## setMethod("getSeq", "UCSCSession",
## function(object, range, table = "gold")
## {
## followup <- list(hgta_doGenomicDna = "get sequence",
## hgSeq.casing = "upper",
## hgSeq.repMasking = "lower")
## output <- ucscExport(object, range, "gold", table, "sequence",
## followup)
## con <- file()
## writeLines(output, con)
## set <- read.DNAStringSet(con, "fasta")
## close(con)
## set
## })
## get a data.frame from a UCSC table
## think about taking specific columns
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getTable"))
setMethod("getTable", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object, check = TRUE)
outputType(object) <- "primaryTable"
if (is.null(tableName(object))) { # must specify a table name
tableName(object, check=FALSE) <- firstTableName(object)
if (is.null(tableName(object)))
stop("No valid table found")
else if (check && !outputType(object) %in% ucscTableOutputs(object))
stop("tabular output format not available")
output <- ucscExport(object)
## since '#' is not treated as a comment, we discard the
## error message, leaving only the header
if (grepl("\\n# No results", output))
output <- gsub("\\n.*", "", output)
f <- file()
writeLines(output, f)
tab <- read.table(f, sep = "\t", header=TRUE, comment.char = "",
quote = "")
## strip off the '#' => 'X.' header prefix
colnames(tab)[1L] <- substring(colnames(tab)[1L], 3L)
setMethod("getTable", "UCSCSession",
function(object, name, range = base::range(object), table = NULL) {
getTable(ucscTableQuery(object, name, range, table))
## UCSC genome view
setClass("UCSCView", representation(hgsid = "character", form = "list"),
contains = "BrowserView")
## create a view for the given session, position and track visibility settings
## if 'tracks' is a character vector (but not a UCSCTrackModes instance) it is
## assumed to name the tracks that should be in the view. otherwise, an
## attempt is made to coerce it to a UCSCTrackModes instance.
setMethod("browserView", "UCSCSession",
function(object, range, track, imagewidth = 800, browse = TRUE, ...)
form <- list()
if (!missing(range)) {
if (is(range, "IntegerRangesList"))
range <- range[elementNROWS(range) > 0L]
if (length(range) > 1) {
ranges <- range
views <- vector("list", length(ranges))
for (i in seq(length(ranges))) {
range <- ranges[i]
views[[i]] <- callGeneric()
range <- normGenomeRange(range, object)
form <- c(form, ucscForm(range))
view <- new("UCSCView", session = object)
## new hgsid for each browser launch
doc <- ucscGet(object, "gateway")
hgsid <- sub(".*=", "",
grep("hgsid=", getNodeSet(doc, "//a/@href"),
view@hgsid <- as.character(hgsid)
## figure out track modes
origModes <- modes <- ucscTrackModes(view)
if (!missing(track)) {
if (class(track) == "character")
trackNames(modes) <- track
else {
userModes <- as(track, "UCSCTrackModes")
modes[names(userModes)] <- userModes
argModes <- ucscTrackModes(...)
modes[names(argModes)] <- argModes
modes <- modes[modes != origModes]
form <- c(form, ucscForm(modes), ucscForm(view))
if (!missing(imagewidth))
form <- c(form, pix = imagewidth)
if (browse) {
## launch a web browser
ucscShow(object, "tracks", form)
view@form <- form
## save this view
object@views$instances <- c(object@views$instances, view)
viewURL <- function(x) {
urlForm(ucscURL(browserSession(x), "tracks"), x@form)
# every view has a "mode" (hide, dense, pack, squish, full) for each track
### FIXME: probably should be merged with ucscTracks
### Or just leave it; ucscTracks might become more complex, while we
### need a simple way to manipulate track modes.
setClass("UCSCTrackModes", representation(labels = "character"),
contains = "character")
# get/set track modes to/from e.g. a view
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscTrackModes"))
# convenience constructor for track mode object
setMethod("ucscTrackModes", "character",
function(object, labels, hide = character(),
dense = character(), pack = character(),
squish = character(), full = character())
object[hide] <- "hide"
object[dense] <- "dense"
object[pack] <- "pack"
object[squish] <- "squish"
object[full] <- "full"
if (missing(labels))
labels <- names(object)
new("UCSCTrackModes", object, labels = as.character(labels))
setMethod("ucscTrackModes", "missing",
function(object, ...) ucscTrackModes(character(), ...))
setMethod("ucscTrackModes", "UCSCView",
setMethod("ucscTrackModes", "UCSCSession",
function(object, value) standardGeneric("ucscTrackModes<-"))
setReplaceMethod("ucscTrackModes", c("UCSCView", "UCSCTrackModes"),
function(object, value)
{ # FIXME: needs to be more extensible
browserView(object@session, range(object), value)
setReplaceMethod("ucscTrackModes", c("UCSCView", "character"),
function(object, value)
ucscTrackModes(object) <- ucscTrackModes(value)
## subsetting UCSCTrackModes
## if not in ids, try labels
resolveTrackIndex <- function(object, i) {
if (is.character(i)) {
missing <- !(i %in% names(object))
matching <- match(i[missing], object@labels)
if (any( {
unmatched <- i[missing][]
stop("Unknown track(s): ", paste(unmatched, collapse = ", "))
i[missing] <- names(object)[matching]
setMethod("[", "UCSCTrackModes", function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
vec <- x@.Data
names(vec) <- names(x)
names(x@labels) <- names(x)
ind <- resolveTrackIndex(x, i)
initialize(x, vec[ind], labels = x@labels[ind])
setReplaceMethod("[", "UCSCTrackModes", function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
vec <- x@.Data
names(vec) <- names(x)
vec[resolveTrackIndex(x, i)] <- value
x@.Data <- as.vector(vec)
# handle simple track show/hide
setMethod("trackNames", "UCSCTrackModes",
visible <- object != "hide"
tracks <- names(object)[visible]
names(tracks) <- object@labels[visible]
setReplaceMethod("trackNames", "UCSCTrackModes",
function(object, value)
value <- resolveTrackIndex(object, value)
spec <- names(object) %in% value
object[!spec] <- "hide"
object[spec & object == "hide"] <- "full"
setMethod("trackNames", "UCSCView",
tracks <- ucscTracks(object)
modes <- ucscTrackModes(tracks)
tracks@ids[tracks@ids %in% trackNames(modes)]
setReplaceMethod("trackNames", "UCSCView",
function(object, value)
trackNames(ucscTrackModes(object)) <- value
setMethod("visible", "UCSCView", function(object) {
modes <- ucscTrackModes(object)
vis <- modes != "hide"
names(vis) <- modes@labels
setReplaceMethod("visible", "UCSCView", function(object, value) {
modes <- ucscTrackModes(object)
modes[value & modes == "hide"] <- "full"
modes[!value] <- "hide"
ucscTrackModes(object) <- modes
setMethod("range", "UCSCView",
function(x, ..., na.rm) range(ucscCart(x)))
setReplaceMethod("range", "UCSCView",
function(x, value)
browserView(x@session, value, ucscTrackModes(x))
# only one view per session; a view is always active
setMethod("activeView", "UCSCView", function(object) TRUE)
# ucscTrackSet
# visual properties are specified by a "track line" for UCSC
representation(name = "character", description = "character",
visibility = "character", color = "integer",
priority = "numeric"),
prototype(name = "R Track"))
setMethod("show", "TrackLine",
cat(as(object, "character"), "\n")
representation(itemRgb = "logical", useScore = "logical",
group = "character", db = "character",
offset = "numeric", url = "character",
htmlUrl = "character", colorByStrand = "matrix"),
contains = "TrackLine")
ucscPair <- function(key, value) paste(key, value, sep = "=")
# to a text line
setAs("TrackLine", "character",
checkString <- function(str, len) {
## These are more annoying than useful
## if (nchar(gsub("[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]", "", str)))
## warning("The string '", str,
## "' contains non-standard characters.")
## if (nchar(str) > len) {
## str <- substring(str, 1, len)
## warning("The string '", str, "' must be less than ", len,
## " characters; it has been truncated.")
## }
if (regexpr(" ", str)[1] != -1)
str <- paste("\"", str, "\"", sep="")
str <- "track"
name <- from@name
if (length(name))
str <- paste(str, " name=", checkString(name, 15), sep="")
desc <- from@description
if (length(desc))
str <- paste(str, " description=", checkString(desc, 60), sep="")
vis <- from@visibility
if (length(vis))
str <- paste(str, " visibility=", vis, sep="")
color <- from@color
if (length(color))
str <- paste0(str, " color=\"", paste0(color, collapse=","), "\"")
priority <- from@priority
if (length(priority))
str <- paste(str, " priority=", priority, sep="")
setAs("BasicTrackLine", "character",
str <- as(as(from, "TrackLine"), "character")
itemRgb <- from@itemRgb
if (length(itemRgb))
str <- paste(str, " itemRgb=", if (itemRgb) "on" else "off", sep = "")
useScore <- from@useScore
if (length(useScore))
str <- paste(str, " useScore=", if (useScore) "1" else "0", sep = "")
group <- from@group
if (length(group))
str <- paste(str, " group=", group, sep="")
db <- from@db
if (length(db))
str <- paste(str, " db=", db, sep="")
offset <- from@offset
if (length(offset))
str <- paste(str, " offset=", offset, sep="")
url <- from@url
if (length(url))
str <- paste(str, " url=", "\"", url, "\"", sep="")
htmlUrl <- from@htmlUrl
if (length(htmlUrl))
str <- paste(str, " htmlUrl=", "\"", htmlUrl, "\"", sep="")
colorByStrand <- from@colorByStrand
if (length(colorByStrand)) {
colors <- paste(colorByStrand[1,], colorByStrand[2,],
colorByStrand[3,], sep = ",", collapse = " ")
str <- paste(str, " colorByStrand=\"", colors, "\"", sep = "")
ucscParsePairs <- function(str)
str <- sub("^[[:alpha:]]*[[:blank:]]", "", str)
split <- as.character(read.table(sep = "=", comment.char = "", = TRUE,
strip.white = TRUE, text = str))
vals <- character(0)
if (length(split)) {
mixed <- tail(head(split, -1), -1)
tags <- head(split, 1)
vals <- tail(split, 1)
if (length(mixed)) {
tags <- c(tags, sub(".*[[:space:]]([[:alnum:]]*)$", "\\1", mixed))
vals <- c(sub("(.*)[[:space:]][[:alnum:]]*$", "\\1", mixed), vals)
names(vals) <- tags
# from a text line
setAs("character", "TrackLine",
line <- new("TrackLine")
vals <- ucscParsePairs(from)
if (!["name"]))
line@name <- vals[["name"]]
if (!["description"]))
line@description <- vals[["description"]]
if (!["visibility"]))
line@visibility <- vals[["visibility"]]
if (!["color"]))
line@color <- as.integer(strsplit(vals[["color"]], ",")[[1]])
if (!["priority"]))
line@priority <- as.numeric(vals[["priority"]])
setAs("character", "BasicTrackLine",
line <- new("BasicTrackLine", as(from, "TrackLine"))
vals <- ucscParsePairs(from)
if (!["itemRgb"]))
line@itemRgb <- tolower(vals[["itemRgb"]]) == "on"
if (!["useScore"]))
line@useScore <- vals[["useScore"]] == "1"
if (!["group"]))
line@group <- vals[["group"]]
if (!["db"]))
line@db <- vals[["db"]]
if (!["offset"]))
line@offset <- as.integer(vals[["offset"]])
if (!["url"]))
line@url <- vals[["url"]]
if (!["htmlUrl"]))
line@htmlUrl <- vals[["htmlUrl"]]
if (!["colorByStrand"])) {
colorToken <- strsplit(strsplit(vals[["colorByStrand"]], " ")[[1]],
line@colorByStrand <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(colorToken)), nrow = 3)
representation(altColor = "integer", autoScale = "logical",
alwaysZero = "logical",
gridDefault = "logical", maxHeightPixels = "integer",
graphType = "character", viewLimits = "numeric",
yLineMark = "numeric", yLineOnOff = "logical",
windowingFunction = "character",
smoothingWindow = "numeric", type = "character"),
contains = "TrackLine")
setAs("GraphTrackLine", "character",
str <- as(as(from, "TrackLine"), "character")
type <- if (from@type == "wig") "wiggle_0" else "bedGraph"
str <- paste(str, " type=", type, sep = "")
color <- from@altColor
if (length(color))
str <- paste(str, " altColor=", paste(color, collapse=","), sep="")
autoScale <- from@autoScale
onoff <- function(x) if (x) "on" else "off"
if (length(autoScale))
str <- paste(str, " autoScale=", onoff(autoScale), sep = "")
alwaysZero <- from@alwaysZero
if (length(alwaysZero))
str <- paste(str, " alwaysZero=", onoff(alwaysZero), sep = "")
gridDefault <- from@gridDefault
if (length(gridDefault))
str <- paste(str, " gridDefault=", onoff(gridDefault), sep = "")
maxHeightPixels <- from@maxHeightPixels
if (length(maxHeightPixels))
str <- paste(str, " maxHeightPixels=",
paste(maxHeightPixels, collapse=":"), sep = "")
graphType <- from@graphType
if (length(graphType))
str <- paste(str, " graphType=", graphType, sep = "")
viewLimits <- from@viewLimits
if (length(viewLimits))
str <- paste(str, " viewLimits=", paste(viewLimits, collapse = ":"),
sep = "")
yLineMark <- from@yLineMark
if (length(yLineMark))
str <- paste(str, " yLineMark=", yLineMark, sep = "")
yLineOnOff <- from@yLineOnOff
if (length(yLineOnOff))
str <- paste(str, " yLineOnOff=", onoff(yLineOnOff), sep = "")
windowingFunction <- from@windowingFunction
if (length(windowingFunction))
str <- paste(str, " windowingFunction=", windowingFunction, sep = "")
smoothingWindow <- from@smoothingWindow
if (length(smoothingWindow))
str <- paste(str, " smoothingWindow=", smoothingWindow, sep = "")
setAs("character", "GraphTrackLine",
line <- new("GraphTrackLine", as(from, "TrackLine"))
vals <- ucscParsePairs(from)
type <- vals[["type"]]
if (!(type %in% c("wiggle_0", "bedGraph")))
stop("Unknown graph track type: ", type)
line@type <- if (type == "wiggle_0") "wig" else "bedGraph"
if (!["altColor"]))
line@altColor <- as.integer(strsplit(vals[["altColor"]], ",")[[1]])
if (!["autoScale"]))
line@autoScale <- tolower(vals[["autoScale"]]) == "on"
if (!["alwaysZero"]))
line@alwaysZero <- tolower(vals[["alwaysZero"]]) == "on"
if (!["gridDefault"]))
line@gridDefault <- tolower(vals[["gridDefault"]]) == "on"
if (!["maxHeightPixels"]))
line@maxHeightPixels <-
as.integer(strsplit(vals[["maxHeightPixels"]], ":")[[1]])
if (!["graphType"]))
line@graphType <- vals[["graphType"]]
if (!["viewLimits"]))
line@viewLimits <-
as.numeric(strsplit(vals[["viewLimits"]], ":")[[1]])
if (!["yLineMark"]))
line@yLineMark <- as.numeric(vals[["yLineMark"]])
if (!["yLineOnOff"]))
line@yLineOnOff <- tolower(vals[["yLineOnOff"]]) == "on"
if (!["windowingFunction"]))
line@windowingFunction <- vals[["windowingFunction"]]
if (!["smoothingWindow"]))
line@smoothingWindow <- as.numeric(vals[["smoothingWindow"]])
setAs("BasicTrackLine", "GraphTrackLine",
function(from) new("GraphTrackLine", from))
setAs("GraphTrackLine", "BasicTrackLine",
function(from) new("BasicTrackLine", from))
representation(trackLine = "TrackLine"),
prototype(trackLine = new("BasicTrackLine")),
UCSCData <- function(ranges, trackLine = NULL) {
ucsc <- as(ranges, "UCSCData")
ucsc@trackLine <- trackLine
setMethod("show", "UCSCData",
if (!is.null(object@trackLine@name))
cat("UCSC track '", object@trackLine@name, "'\n", sep = "")
chooseGraphType <- function(from) {
if (is(from, "GPos")) {
return(if (is(from, "StitchedGPos")) "bedGraph" else "wig")
r <- ranges(from)
type <- "bedGraph"
## decide whether compression is a good idea
steps <- diff(sort(start(r)))
if (length(unique(width(r))) == 1L && # all spans must be the same for WIG
(length(unique(steps)) == 1L || # fixed-step makes sense
((3L * length(unique(width(r)))) < length(r) && # makes sense wrt size
mean(steps) < 100))) # dense enough for UCSC efficiency
type <- "wig"
setAs("GRanges", "UCSCData", function(from) {
line <- metadata(from)$trackLine
if (is.null(line)) {
if (is.numeric(score(from))) { # have numbers, let's plot them
type <- chooseGraphType(from)
line <- new("GraphTrackLine", type = type)
} else {
line <- new("BasicTrackLine")
db <- unique(genome(from))
if (length(db) == 1 && !
line@db <- db
} else {
metadata(from)$trackLine <- NULL
new("UCSCData", as(from, "GRanges"), trackLine = line)
## We want 'as(UCSCData, "GRanges", strict=FALSE)' to do the right thing (i.e.
## be a no-op) but as() won't do that if a coerce,UCSCData,GRanges method
## exists (this is a serious flaw in as() current design/implementation).
## The workaround is to support the 'strict=FALSE' case at the level of
## the coerce() method but setAs() doesn't let us do that so we use
## setMethod("coerce", ...) to define the method.
setMethod("coerce", c("UCSCData", "GRanges"),
function(from, to="GRanges", strict=TRUE) {
if (strict) {
gr <- new("GRanges")
for (what in slotNames(gr))
slot(gr, what) <- slot(from, what)
metadata(gr)$trackLine <- from@trackLine
} else from
splitUCSCData <- function(x, f, drop=FALSE, ...) {
lapply(split(seq_along(x), f, drop=drop, ...),
function(i) x[i]),
setMethod("split", "UCSCData", splitUCSCData)
setMethod("split", c("UCSCData", "Vector"), splitUCSCData)
setClass("UCSCFile", contains = "RTLFile")
UCSCFile <- function(resource) {
new("UCSCFile", resource = resource)
## the 'ucsc' format is a meta format with a track line followed by
## features formatted as 'wig', 'bed', 'bed15', 'bedGraph', 'gff', or
## really any text track format.
function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric("export.ucsc"))
setMethod("export.ucsc", c("ANY", "RTLFile"),
function(object, con, subformat = "auto", ...)
if (subformat == "auto" && !is(con, "UCSCFile"))
subformat <- fileFormat(con)
export(object, UCSCFile(resource(con)), subformat=subformat, ...)
setMethod("export.ucsc", c("ANY", "ANY"),
function(object, con, ...)
export(object, con, "ucsc", ...)
.export_SimpleGRangesList_RTLFile <- function(object, con, format, ...) {
export(object, UCSCFile(resource(con)), subformat = fileFormat(con), ...)
setMethod("export", c("GRangesList", "UCSCFile"),
function(object, con, format, append = FALSE, index = FALSE, ...)
if (isTRUE(index) && length(object) > 1)
stop("Cannot index multiple tracks in a single file")
trackNames <- names(object)
if (is.null(trackNames))
trackNames <- paste("R Track", seq_len(length(object)))
ucsc <- unlist(lapply(object, is, "UCSCData"))
lines <- unlist(lapply(object[ucsc], slot, "trackLine"))
trackNames[ucsc] <- as.character(sapply(lines, slot, "name"))
tracks <- vector("list", length(object))
for (i in seq_len(length(object))) {
tracks[[i]] <- export(object[[i]], con, name = trackNames[i],
append = append, index = index, ...)
append <- TRUE
trackLineClass <- function(subformat)
subformat <- tolower(subformat)
if (subformat == "wig" || subformat == "bedgraph")
else if (subformat == "bed15")
else "BasicTrackLine"
setMethod("fileFormat", "TrackLine", function(x) "bed")
setMethod("fileFormat", "GraphTrackLine", function(x) x@type)
setMethod("bestFileFormat", c("UCSCData", "ANY"), function(x, dest) {
setMethod("export", c("ANY", "UCSCFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
cl <- class(object)
track <- try(as(object, "GRanges"), silent = TRUE)
if (class(track) == "try-error") {
track <- try(as(object, "SimpleGRangesList"), silent = TRUE)
if (is(track, "try-error"))
stop("cannot export object of class '", cl, "': ", track)
object <- track
setMethod("export", c("GenomicRanges", "UCSCFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
object <- as(object, "UCSCData")
setMethod("export", c("UCSCData", "UCSCFile"),
function(object, con, format, subformat = "auto", append = FALSE,
index = FALSE, ...)
auto <- FALSE
if (subformat == "auto") {
auto <- TRUE
subformat <- bestFileFormat(object, con)
graphFormat <- tolower(subformat) %in% c("wig", "bedgraph")
if (graphFormat) {
strand <- as.character(strand(object))
strand[] <- "NA"
isStrandDisjoint <- function(track) {
all(tapply(ranges(track), seqnames(track), function(r) {
isDisjoint(r) && all(width(r) > 0)
}), na.rm=TRUE)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(split(object, strand), isStrandDisjoint))))
if (auto) {
subformat <- "bed"
graphFormat <- FALSE
else stop("Track not compatible with WIG/bedGraph: ",
"Overlapping features must be on separate strands",
" and every feature width must be positive")
lineClass <- trackLineClass(subformat)
if (!is(object@trackLine, lineClass))
object@trackLine <- as(object@trackLine, lineClass)
if (is(object@trackLine, "GraphTrackLine"))
object@trackLine@type <- subformat
args <- list(...)
lineArgs <- names(args) %in% slotNames(lineClass)
for (argName in names(args)[lineArgs])
slot(object@trackLine, argName) <- args[[argName]]
if (is(object@trackLine, "BasicTrackLine") &&
ranges(object) <- shift(ranges(object), -object@trackLine@offset)
trackLine <- NULL
if (graphFormat) {
strand <- as.character(strand(object))
strand[] <- "NA"
if (!all(strand[1] == strand)) {
nameMap <- c("+" = "p", "-" = "m", "NA" = "NA")
strand <- factor(strand)
name <- paste(object@trackLine@name, nameMap[levels(strand)])
tracks <- split(object, strand)
export(tracks, con, subformat, append,
trackNames = name, ...)
} else if (subformat == "bed15") {
if (is.null(object@trackLine@expNames))
object@trackLine@expNames <- colnames(object)
trackLine <- object@trackLine
file <- con
m <- manager()
con <- connection(m, con, if (append) "a" else "w")
cat(as(object@trackLine, "character"), "\n", file=con, sep = ""), c(list(as(object, "GRanges"), con, subformat),
args[!lineArgs], trackLine = trackLine))
release(m, con)
if (index)
indexTrack(FileForFormat(resource(file), subformat), skip = 1L)
else invisible(file)
setGeneric("import.ucsc", function(con, ...) standardGeneric("import.ucsc"))
setMethod("import.ucsc", "ANY",
function(con, ...)
import(con, "ucsc", ...)
setMethod("import.ucsc", "RTLFile",
function(con, subformat = "auto", ...)
if (!is(con, "UCSCFile")) {
format <- fileFormat(con)
if (subformat != "auto" && format != subformat)
stop("Attempt to import '", class(con), "' as ", subformat)
subformat <- format
import.ucsc(resource(con), subformat = subformat, ...)
parseFormatFromTrackLine <- function(x) {
if (!grepl("type=", x))
else {
type <- sub(".*type=\"(.*?)\".*", "\\1", x)
if (type == "array")
else if (type == "wiggle_0")
else type
setMethod("import", "UCSCFile",
function(con, format, text, subformat = "auto", drop = FALSE,
genome = NA, ...)
lines <- readLines(resource(con), warn = FALSE)
tracks <- grep("^track", lines)
trackLines <- lines[tracks]
starts <- tracks + 1L
ends <- c(tail(tracks, -1) - 1L, length(lines))
makeTrackSet <- function(i)
if (subformat == "auto") {
subformat <- parseFormatFromTrackLine(trackLines[i])
if (is.null(subformat)) {
p <- resourceDescription(con)
subformat <- file_ext(p)
line <- as(trackLines[i], trackLineClass(subformat))
if (starts[i] <= ends[i]) {
text <- window(lines, starts[i], ends[i])
} else {
text <- character()
if ( && is(line, "BasicTrackLine") &&
genome <- line@db
if (subformat == "bed15") { # need to pass track line
ucsc <- import(format = "bed15", text = text,
trackLine = line,
genome = genome, ...)
} else {
ucsc <- import(format = subformat, text = text,
genome = genome, ...)
if (is(line, "BasicTrackLine") && length(line@offset))
ranges(ucsc) <- shift(ranges(ucsc), line@offset)
ucsc <- as(ucsc, "UCSCData", FALSE)
ucsc@trackLine <- line
tsets <- lapply(seq_along(trackLines), makeTrackSet)
trackNames <- sapply(tsets, function(x) x@trackLine@name)
if (!any(
names(tsets) <- trackNames
if (drop && length(tsets) == 1)
GRangesList(tsets, compress=FALSE)
setMethod("login", "UCSCSession", function(x, username, password) {
ucscPost(x, "hgLogin", list( = "Login",
hgLogin_userName = username,
hgLogin_password = password))
setMethod("saveView", "UCSCView", function(x, name, username, password,
share = TRUE)
if (!missing(username))
login(browserSession(x), username, password)
ucscPost(x, "hgSession",
list(hgS_newSessionName = name,
hgS_newSessionShare = if (share) "on" else "off"))
setMethod("restoreView", "UCSCSession",
function(x, name, username, password) {
if (!missing(username))
login(x, username, password)
ucscPost(x, "hgSession",
setNames(list("use"), paste0("hgS_load_", name)))
############ INTERNAL API ############
## every cgi variable is stored in the 'cart'
setClass("ucscCart", contains = "character")
setGeneric("ucscCart", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscCart"))
setMethod("ucscCart", "UCSCSession",
function(object, form = ucscForm(activeView(object)))
node <- ucscGet(object, "cart", form)
raw <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(node, "//pre/text()")[[1]])
lines <- strsplit(raw, "\n")[[1]]
fields <- strsplit(lines, " ")
pairs <- fields[sapply(fields, length) == 2]
mat <- matrix(unlist(pairs), nrow = 2)
vals <- mat[2,]
names(vals) <- mat[1,]
new("ucscCart", vals)
setMethod("ucscCart", "UCSCView",
ucscCart(object@session, ucscForm(object))
setMethod("genome", "ucscCart", function(x) x[["db"]])
setMethod("range", "ucscCart",
function(x, ..., na.rm)
pos <- x["position"]
posSplit <- strsplit(pos, ":")[[1]]
range <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", strsplit(posSplit[2], "-")[[1]]))
GRangesForUCSCGenome(x[["db"]], posSplit[1],
IRanges(range[1], range[2]))
### track information
representation(ids = "character", modes = "character"))
setGeneric("ucscTracks", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscTracks"))
setMethod("ucscTracks", "UCSCSession",
function(object, form = list())
tracks <- ucscGet(object, "tracks", form)
nodes <- getNodeSet(tracks, "//select/option[@selected]/text()")
trackModes <- sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
nodes <- getNodeSet(tracks, "//select/@name")
trackIds <- unlist(nodes)
##trackIds <- sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
nodes <- getNodeSet(tracks, "//select/../a[not(@class)]/text()")
nms <- sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
names(trackIds) <- sub("^ ", "", nms)
new("ucscTracks", ids = trackIds, modes = trackModes)
setMethod("ucscTracks", "UCSCView",
ucscTracks(object@session, ucscForm(object))
setMethod("ucscTrackModes", "ucscTracks",
modes <- object@modes
labels <- names(object@ids)
names(modes) <- object@ids
ucscTrackModes(modes, labels)
## List available UCSC genomes
.getOrganism <- function(db){
.ucsc <- ""
.tryQuery <- function(url, query)
htmlTreeParse(url, useInternalNodes=TRUE)[[query]]
}, error=function(err) {
urls <- sprintf("%s/hgGateway?db=%s", .ucsc, db)
sapply(urls, .tryQuery, "string(//div[@id='sectTtl']/i)")
ucscGenomes <- function(organism=FALSE) {
url <- ""
df <- readHTMLTable(url)[[1L]][c(2,1,3,4,5)]
.cleanTableCells <- function(x)
x <- sub("^ *", "", x)
## Some empty cells in the table of UCSC genome releases seem to contain
## invisible junk. This junk seems to vary from one platform to the other
## (not clear why, maybe some sort of local issue?).
## There must be a simplest way to get rid of this junk...
## TODO: Test this on Windows!
is_empty_cell <- x %in% c("<c2><a0>", "\xc2\xa0", "\xc3\x82\xc2\xa0")
x[is_empty_cell] <- ""
if (!identical(names(df), COLS))
stop("table of UCSC genome releases (found at ", url, "#release1) ",
"doesn't have expected columns ", paste(COLS, collapse=", "))
## readHTMLTable is returning one NA row for some reason
names(df) <- c("db","species","date","name","status")
df <- df[!apply(df, 1, function(x) all(,]
df <- df[df$db != "" , ]
not_empty <- df$species != ""
df$species <-$species[not_empty], diff(which(c(not_empty, TRUE))))
df <- df[df$status == "Available", -5L]
if (organism) {
df$organism <- NA_character_
org <- lapply(as.character(df$db), function(xx)
df$organism[!sapply(org, is.null)] <- unlist(org)
rownames(df) <- NULL
# form creation
setGeneric("ucscForm", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscForm"))
setMethod("ucscForm", "IntegerRangesList",
form <- list()
genome <- singleGenome(genome(object))
if (!
form <- c(form, db = genome)
chrom <- space(object)
if (!is.null(chrom)) {
if (!length(chrom))
chrom <- levels(chrom)[1]
scipen <- getOption("scipen")
options(scipen = 100) # prevent use of scientific notation
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
position <- chrom
if (length(unlist(start(object))))
position <- paste(chrom, ":",
unlist(start(object)), "-",
unlist(end(object)), sep = "")
form <- c(form, position = position)
setMethod("ucscForm", "GRanges",
scipen <- getOption("scipen")
options(scipen = 100) # prevent use of scientific notation
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
form <- list()
genome <- singleGenome(genome(object))
if (!
form <- c(form, db = genome)
if (length(object) > 0L) {
object <- object[1]
c(form, position = paste(seqnames(object), ":",
unlist(start(object)), "-",
unlist(end(object)), sep = ""))
} else form
setMethod("ucscForm", "UCSCTrackModes",
setMethod("ucscForm", "UCSCView",
if (length(object@hgsid))
list(hgsid = as.character(object@hgsid))
else list()
setMethod("ucscForm", "FileUploadInfo",
function(object, genome = NA_character_, ...)
form <- list(Submit = "Submit", hgt.customFile = object)
if (!
form <- c(form, db = genome)
setMethod("ucscForm", "SimpleGRangesList",
function(object, format, ...)
lines <- export(object, format = "ucsc", subformat = format, ...)
text <- paste(paste(lines, collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")
filename <- paste("track", format, sep = ".")
upload <- fileUpload(filename, text, "text/plain")
genome <- singleGenome(genome(object))
ucscForm(upload, genome)
setMethod("ucscForm", "RTLFile",
function(object, genome, ...)
upload <- fileUpload(path(object), "text/plain")
ucscForm(upload, genome)
setMethod("ucscForm", "UCSCTableQuery",
function(object, tracks = FALSE) {
## range (ie genome) is required
range <- object@range
table <- object@table
form <- list()
if (!spansGenome(range) && length(range) == 1) {
form <- c(form, ucscForm(range))
if (is.null(object@track) && !tracks) {
form <- c(form, list(hgta_group = "allTables"))
if (is.null(table))
table <- "chromInfo"
form <- c(form, list(hgta_group = "allTracks",
hgta_track = object@track))
if (spansGenome(range))
regionType <- "genome"
else if (length(range) == 1)
regionType <- "range"
else regionType <- "userRegions"
form <- c(form, hgta_regionType = regionType,
hgta_table = table)
if (!is.null(object@outputType)) {
form <- c(form, hgta_outputType = object@outputType)
form$hgta_compressType <- "none" # TODO: support gzip
setMethod("ucscForm", "NULL", function(object) list())
# Transforming to a cookie string
setGeneric("ucscCookie", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ucscCookie"))
setMethod("ucscCookie", "UCSCSession",
# HTTP wrappers
# URL constants for UCSC
ucscURLTable <- c(gateway = "hgGateway", tracks = "hgTracks",
custom = "hgCustom", tables = "hgTables",
cart = "cartDump")
ucscURL <-
function(object, key, force=TRUE)
path <- ucscURLTable[key]
if (
stop("Key '", key, "' does not match a known URL")
if (force && key == "gateway") {
path <- paste0(path, '?redirect="manual"')
paste(object@url, path, sep="")
# convenience wrappers for _initialized_ sessions
ucscShow <- function(object, key, .form = list(), ...)
httpShow(ucscURL(object, key), .form, ...)
ucscPost <- function(object, key, .form = list(), ...)
httpPost(ucscURL(object, key), .form, ..., cookie = ucscCookie(object))
ucscGet <- function(object, key, .form = list(), ...)
httpGet(ucscURL(object, key), .form, ..., cookie = ucscCookie(object))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.