
Defines functions cxds2 .checkPropArg .checkColArg mockDoubletSCE selFeatures .castorigins getExpectedDoublets .adjust.dbr.homotypy .getMostLikelyOrigins .tablevec

Documented in cxds2 getExpectedDoublets mockDoubletSCE selFeatures

.tablevec <- function(x){
  if(!is(x, "table")) x <- table(x)
  y <- as.numeric(x)
  names(y) <- names(x)

.getMostLikelyOrigins <- function(knn, known.origins=NULL){
  origins <- t(vapply( seq_len(nrow(knn$orig)), FUN.VALUE=character(2),
           if(all(is.na(knn$orig[i,]))) return(c(NA_character_,NA_character_))
           n <- .tablevec(knn$orig[i,])
           if(length(n)==1) return(c(names(n),FALSE))
           if(sum(n==max(n))==1) return(c(names(n)[which.max(n)],FALSE))
           x <- split(knn$distance[i,], knn$orig[i,])
           x <- sort(vapply(x,min,numeric(1)))
           if( (x[2]-x[1])/x[1] > 0.2 ) return(c(names(x)[1], FALSE))
           return(c(names(x)[1], TRUE))
  origins <- as.data.frame(origins)
  colnames(origins) <- c("mostLikelyOrigin", "originAmbiguous")
    w <- which(!is.na(known.origins))
    origins[w,1] <- as.character(known.origins[w])
    origins[w,2] <- "FALSE"
  origins[,1] <- factor(origins[,1])
  origins[,2] <- as.logical(origins[,2])

.adjust.dbr.homotypy <- function(clusters, dbr=NULL){
  if(is.null(dbr)) dbr <- (0.01*length(clusters)/1000)
  # adjust expected dbr for expected homotypic doublets
  homotypic.prop <- sum((table(clusters)/length(clusters))^2)

#' getExpectedDoublets
#' @param x A vector of cluster labels for each cell
#' @param dbr The expected doublet rate.
#' @param only.heterotypic Logical; whether to return expectations only for 
#' heterotypic doublets
#' @return The expected number of doublets of each combination of clusters
#' @examples
#' # random cluster labels
#' cl <- sample(head(LETTERS,4), size=2000, prob=c(.4,.2,.2,.2), replace=TRUE)
#' getExpectedDoublets(cl)
#' @export
getExpectedDoublets <- function(x, dbr=NULL, only.heterotypic=TRUE){
    clusters <- x$scDblFinder.clusters
  }else if(is(x,"list")){
    clusters <- x$k
    clusters <- x
  clusters <- droplevels(as.factor(clusters))
  ncells <- length(clusters)
  if(is.null(dbr)) dbr <- (0.01*ncells/1000)

  cs <- table(clusters)/ncells
  eg <- expand.grid(seq_along(cs), seq_along(cs))
  eg <- eg[eg[,1]<=eg[,2],]
  expected <- apply(eg,1, FUN=function(x){
  expected <- dbr*ncells*expected/sum(expected)
  names(expected) <- apply(eg,1,FUN=function(x){
    paste(names(cs)[x], collapse="+")
  if(only.heterotypic) expected <- expected[which(eg[,1]!=eg[,2])]

.castorigins <- function(e, val=NULL){
  if(is.table(e) || is.null(dim(e))){
    e <- cbind(do.call(rbind, strsplit(names(e),"+",fixed=TRUE)),
  if(is.null(val)) val <- rev(colnames(e))[1]
  names(n) <- n <- unique(as.character(as.matrix(e[,1:2])))
  vapply(n, FUN.VALUE=numeric(length(n)), FUN=function(x){
    vapply(n, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1), FUN=function(y){
      if(x==y) return(NA)
      w <- which(e[,1] %in% c(x,y) & e[,2] %in% c(x,y))
      if(length(w)==0) return(0)

#' selFeatures
#' Selects features based on cluster-wise expression or marker detection, or a
#' combination.
#' @param sce A \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment-class}},
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment-class}} with a 
#' 'counts' assay.
#' @param clusters Optional cluster assignments. Should either be a vector of 
#' labels for each cell.
#' @param nfeatures The number of features to select.
#' @param propMarkers The proportion of features to select from markers (rather
#' than on the basis of high expression). Ignored if `clusters` isn't given.
#' @param FDR.max The maximum marker binom FDR to be included in the selection.
#' (see \code{\link[scran]{findMarkers}}).
#' @return A vector of feature (i.e. row) names.
#' @export
#' @importFrom scuttle sumCountsAcrossCells
#' @importFrom scran findMarkers
#' @examples
#' sce <- mockDoubletSCE()
#' selFeatures(sce, clusters=sce$cluster, nfeatures=5)
selFeatures <- function(sce, clusters=NULL, nfeatures=1000, propMarkers=0, FDR.max=0.05){
  if(nrow(sce)<=nfeatures) return(row.names(sce))
  if(is.null(clusters)) propMarkers <- 0
  g <- c()
  if((ng <- ceiling((1-propMarkers)*nfeatures))>0){
      g <- row.names(sce)[order(Matrix::rowMeans(counts(sce),na.rm=TRUE),
      cl.means <- as.matrix(assay(scuttle::sumCountsAcrossCells(counts(sce), clusters)))
      g <- unique(as.numeric(t(apply(cl.means, 2, FUN=function(x){
    order(x, decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(nfeatures)]
      g <- row.names(sce)[g]
  if(ng==nfeatures) return(g)
  mm <- scran::findMarkers(sce, groups=clusters, test.type="binom", assay.type="counts")
	mm <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(mm, FUN=function(x){
	  x <- x[x$FDR<FDR.max,]
	  data.frame(gene=row.names(x), Top=x$Top, FDR=x$FDR, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	}), .id = "cluster")
	g2 <- unique(c(g,mm$gene))
	if(length(g2)<nfeatures) return(g2)
	i <- nfeatures/(2*length(unique(clusters)))
	while(length(g <- unique(c(g,mm$gene[mm$Top<=i])))<nfeatures) i<-i+1

#' mockDoubletSCE
#' Creates a mock random single-cell experiment object with doublets
#' @param ncells A positive integer vector indicating the number of cells per
#' cluster (min 2 clusters)
#' @param ngenes The number of genes to simulate. Ignored if `mus` is given.
#' @param mus A list of cluster averages.
#' @param dbl.rate The doublet rate
#' @param only.heterotypic Whether to create only heterotypic doublets
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object, with the colData columns `type` 
#' indicating whether the cell is a singlet or doublet, and `cluster` 
#' indicating from which cluster (or cluster combination) it was simulated.
#' @export
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom stats rnorm rpois
#' @examples
#' sce <- mockDoubletSCE()
mockDoubletSCE <- function(ncells=c(200,300), ngenes=200, mus=NULL, 
                           dbl.rate=0.1, only.heterotypic=TRUE){
    stop("ncells should be a positive integer vector of length >=2")
  if(is.null(names(ncells))) names(ncells)<-paste0("cluster",seq_along(ncells))
    mus <- lapply(ncells, FUN=function(x) 2^rnorm(ngenes))
    if(!is.list(mus) || length(mus)!=length(ncells) || 
      stop("If provided, `mus` should be a list of length equal to that of ",
           "`ncells`, with each slot containing a numeric vector of averages ",
           "for each gene.")
    names(mus) <- names(ncells)

  # non-doublets
  counts <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(mus), FUN=function(i){
    matrix(rpois(ncells[[i]]*ngenes, mus[[i]]), nrow=ngenes)
  sce <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=counts), 
                                           origin=rep(names(ncells), ncells)))
  # doublets
  expected <- getExpectedDoublets(sce$origin, dbl.rate, 
  simdbl <- rpois(length(expected), expected)
    mus <- lapply(strsplit(names(expected),"+",fixed=TRUE), FUN=function(x){
    doublets <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(mus), FUN=function(i){
      matrix(rpois(simdbl[[i]]*ngenes, mus[[i]]), nrow=ngenes)
    sce2 <- SingleCellExperiment( list(counts=doublets), 
                                          origin=rep(names(expected), simdbl)))
    sce <- cbind(sce, sce2)
  # set original cluster for homotypic doublets
  sce$cluster <- factor(sce$origin, c(names(ncells),names(expected)))
  names(n) <- n <- levels(sce$cluster)
  n[paste(names(ncells),names(ncells),sep="+")] <- names(ncells)
  levels(sce$cluster) <- as.character(n)
  sce$cluster <- droplevels(sce$cluster)
  colnames(sce) <- paste0("cell",seq_len(ncol(sce)))
  row.names(sce) <- paste0("gene",seq_len(ngenes))
  sce$type <- factor(sce$type, c("singlet","doublet"))

.checkColArg <- function(sce, x, acceptNull=TRUE){
  arg <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if(!acceptNull) stop("Missing argument `",arg,"`!")
  if(is.character(x) && length(x)==1){
    if(!(x %in% colnames(colData(sce)))) 
      stop("Could not find `", arg, "` column in colData!")
    x <- colData(sce)[[x]]
  }else if(length(x)!=ncol(sce)){
    stop("`",arg,"` should have a length equal to the number of columns in ",
.checkPropArg <- function(x, acceptNull=TRUE){
  arg <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if( is.null(x) && acceptNull ) return(NULL)
  if(is.null(x) || length(x)!=1 || !is.numeric(x) || x>1 || x<0)
    stop("`",arg,"` should be a positive value between 0 and 1.")

#' cxds2
#' Calculates a coexpression-based doublet score using the method developed
#' by \href{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/36/4/1150/5566507}{Bais and Kostka 2020}.
#' This is the original implementation from the `scds` package, but enabling
#' scores to be calculated for all cells while the gene coexpression is based
#'  only on a subset (i.e. excluding known/artificial doublets).
#' @param x A matrix of counts, or a `SingleCellExperiment` containing a 
#' 'counts'
#' @param whichDbls The columns of `x` which are known doublets.
#' @param ntop The number of top features to keep.
#' @param binThresh The count threshold to be considered expressed.
#' @return A cxds score or, if `x` is a `SingleCellExperiment`, `x` with an 
#' added `cxds_score` colData column.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @examples
#' sce <- mockDoubletSCE()
#' sce <- cxds2(sce)
cxds2 <- function(x, whichDbls=c(), ntop=500, binThresh=0){
    x$cxds_score <- cxds2(counts(x), whichDbls=whichDbls, ntop=ntop, 
  Bp <- x <- x > binThresh
  ps <- Matrix::rowMeans(x)
    hvg <- order(ps * (1 - ps), decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(ntop)]
    Bp <- x <- x[hvg, ]
    ps <- ps[hvg]
  if(length(whichDbls)>0) Bp <- Bp[,-whichDbls]
  prb <- outer(ps, 1 - ps)
  prb <- prb + t(prb)
  obs <- Bp %*% (1 - Matrix::t(Bp))
  obs <- obs + Matrix::t(obs)
  S <- suppressWarnings({
    stats::pbinom(as.matrix(obs) - 1, prob = prb, size=ncol(Bp), 
        lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
  if(any(w <- is.infinite(S))){
    smin <- min(S[!is.infinite(S)])
    S[S<smin] <- smin
  s <- -Matrix::colSums(x * (S %*% x))
  s <- s - min(s)

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scDblFinder documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:48 p.m.