
Defines functions pareto.fit ppareto dpareto plot_gsea null_gsea gsea

Documented in dpareto gsea null_gsea pareto.fit plot_gsea ppareto

#' This function performs Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#' @param reflist named vector of reference scores
#' @param set element set
#' @param method one of 'permutation' or 'pareto'
#' @param w exponent used to raise the supplied scores. Default is 1 (original
#' scores unchanged)
#' @param np Number of permutations (Default: 1000)
#' @param gsea_null a GSEA null distribution (Optional)
#' @return A GSEA object. Basically a list of s components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{ES}{The enrichment score}
#' \item{NES}{The normalized enrichment socre}
#' \item{ledge}{The items in the leading edge}
#' \item{p.value}{The permutation-based p-value}
#' }
#' @examples
#' reflist<-setNames(-sort(rnorm(1000)),paste0('gene',1:1000))
#' set<-paste0('gene',sample(1:200,50))
#' obj<-gsea(reflist,set,method='pareto',np=1000)
#' obj$p.value
#' @export
gsea <- function(reflist,
                gsea_null=NULL) {

    # Get elements in set that are in the ref list
    set <- intersect(names(reflist), set)

    # Sort the reference list
    # Get the list order, from higher (1)to smaller (n)
    ix <- order(reflist, decreasing=TRUE)
    reflist <- reflist[ix] # Reorder the reference list

    # Initialize variables for running sum
    es <- 0
    nes <- 0
    p.value <- 1

    # Identify indexes of set within the sorted reference list
    inSet <- rep(0, length(reflist))
    inSet[which(names(reflist) %in% set)] <- 1

    ### Compute Enrichment Score
    # Compute running sum for hits
    hits<-abs(reflist*inSet) # Get the values for the elements in the set
    hits<-hits^w # Raise this score to the power of w
    score_hit <- cumsum(hits) # Cumulative sum of hits' scores
    # The cumulative sum is divided by the final  sum value
    score_hit <- score_hit / score_hit[length(score_hit)]

    # Compute running sum for non-hits
    score_miss <- cumsum(1-inSet)
    score_miss <- score_miss/score_miss[length(score_miss)]

    # The Running Score is the difference between the two scores! Hits - nonhits
    running_score <- score_hit - score_miss

    # Safety measure, in the case the random genes have all a weight of 0

    # The ES is actually the minimum or maximum Running Scores
    } else {

    ### Identify leading edge
    # Create a vector of 0s long as the reference list
    ledge_indeces <- rep(0, length(running_score))
    # Case 1: negative ES
    if (es<0){
        peak <- which(running_score==min(running_score))[1]
        # Leading edge is stuff AFTER the peak point (ES is negative)
        ledge_indeces[peak:length(ledge_indeces)] <- 1
        ledge_indeces <- which(ledge_indeces == 1)
        ledge_names <- names(reflist[ledge_indeces])
    } else{ # Case 2: positive ES
        peak <- which(running_score==max(running_score)) # Define the peak point
        # Leading edge is stuff BEFORE the peak point (ES is positive)
        ledge_indeces[1:peak] <- 1
        ledge_indeces <- which(ledge_indeces == 1)
        ledge_names <- names(reflist[ledge_indeces])

    ### Compute p-value by permutation
    } else{
        ### If a null list is provided, use it
    if (es<0){
        p.value <- sum(null_es<=es)/length(null_es)
    } else {
        p.value <- sum(null_es>=es)/length(null_es)
    #    }

    # If we are in the tail, the p-value can be calculated in two ways
    if(is.na(p.value) || p.value<0.05) {
            p.value <- 1/np
        if (method=="pareto"){
            # Extract the absolute null ESs above the 95th percentile
            newp.value<-ppareto(abs(es), threshold=q95,
                                exponent=fit$exponent, lower.tail=FALSE)/20
        # If Pareto cannot infer small ESs take the permutation p-value

    # Calculate the normalized enrichment score


#' Calculate Null Distribution for GSEA
#' This function generates a GSEA null distribution from
#' @param set A vector containing gene names.
#' @param reflist A named vector containing the weights of the entire signature
#' @param np Number of permutations (Default: 1000)
#' @param w exponent used to raise the supplied scores. Default is 1 (original
#' scores unchanged)
#' @return A vector of null scores appropriate for the set/reflist combination
#' provided
#' @examples
#' reflist<-setNames(-sort(rnorm(26)),LETTERS)
#' set<-c('A','B','D','F')
#' nulldist<-null_gsea(set,reflist)
#' nulldist[1:10]
#' @export
    gsea_null <- rep(0, np)
    gsea_null <- sapply(1:np, function(i) {
        # Identify indexes of set within the sorted reference list
        inSet <- rep(0, length(reflist))
        inSet[which(names(reflist) %in% set)] <- 1

        # By sampling the order of the set elements, we get the real permutation
        null_inSet <- inSet[sample(1:length(inSet))]

        # Same as before, cumulative sums of hits and nonhits
        null_hit <- cumsum(null_hit)
        null_hit <- null_hit/null_hit[length(null_hit)]
        null_miss <- cumsum(1-null_inSet)
        null_miss <- null_miss/null_miss[length(null_miss)]
        # And dependending on the cumulative sums, null running sum and
        # null enrichment score
        null_running_score <- null_hit - null_miss

        # The ES is just he maximum or the minimum
        } else {
#' Plot GSEA results
#' This function generates a GSEA plot from a gsea object
#' @param gsea.obj GSEA object produced by the \code{gsea} function
#' @param twoColors the two colors to use for positive[1] and negative[2]
#' enrichment scores
#' @param colBarcode The color of the barcode
#' @param plotNames Logical. Should the set names be plotted?
#' @param title String to be plotted above the Running Enrichment Score
#' @param bottomYlabel String for the label
#' @param bottomYtitle String for the title of the bottom part of the plot
#' @param ext_nes Provide a NES from an external calculation
#' @param omit_middle If TRUE, will not plot the running score
#' (FALSE by default)
#' @return Nothing, a plot is generated in the default output device
#' @examples
#' reflist<-setNames(-sort(rnorm(26)),LETTERS)
#' set<-c('A','B','D','F')
#' obj<-gsea(reflist,set,method='pareto')
#' plot_gsea(obj)
#' @export
plot_gsea <- function(gsea.obj, twoColors = c("red",
                    plotNames = FALSE, colBarcode = "black",
                    title = "Running Enrichment Score",
                    bottomYtitle = "List Values",
                    bottomYlabel = "Signature values",
                    ext_nes = NULL, omit_middle = FALSE) {
    # Extract parameters from the gsea object
    es <- gsea.obj$es
    nes <- gsea.obj$nes
    p.value <- gsea.obj$p.value
    ledge <- gsea.obj$ledge
    running_score <- gsea.obj$running_score
    set <- gsea.obj$set
    reflist <- gsea.obj$reflist
    inSet <- gsea.obj$inSet

    # Define plot borders? Who wrote the
    # original code has a non-euclidean mind
    min.RES <- min(running_score)
    max.RES <- max(running_score)
    delta <- (max.RES - min.RES) * 0.5
    min.plot <- min.RES
    max.plot <- max.RES
    max.corr <- max(reflist)
    min.corr <- min(reflist)
    corr0.line <- (-min.corr/(max.corr -
                                min.corr)) * 1.25 * delta + min.plot

    if (es < 0) {
        l.ledge.ref.plot <- length(reflist) -
    } else {
        l.ledge.ref.plot <- length(ledge)

    # Define colors (red is positive nes,
    # blue is negative nes)
    if (nes > 0) {
        col.f <- twoColors[1]
    } else {
        col.f <- twoColors[2]
    N <- length(reflist)
    ind <- 1:N

    ### Define layout, let's end this
    ### destructive putting everything in a
    ### single window
    if (omit_middle) {
        layoutMatrix <- rbind(1, 2)
        layout(layoutMatrix, heights = c(1,
    } else {
        layoutMatrix <- rbind(1, 2, 3)
        layout(layoutMatrix, heights = c(1,
                                        4, 2))

    # layout.show(n=3)

    ### PLOT 1: barcode-like enrichment tags
    par(mar = c(0, 4.1, 2, 2.1))
    plot(0, col = "white", xlim = c(1, N),
        ylim = c(0, 10), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
        type = "n", frame.plot = FALSE, xlab = "",
        ylab = "", xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r",
        main = paste("Number of elements: ",
                    N, " (in full list), ", length(set),
                    " (in element set)", sep = "",
                    collapse = ""))
    for (position in 1:N) {
        if (inSet[position] == 1) {
            if (N < 50 & length(set) <= 10) {
                rect(xleft = position - 0.2,
                    ybottom = 0, xright = position +
                        0.2, ytop = 10, col = colBarcode,
                    border = NA)
            } else {
                abline(v = position, lwd = 2,
                    col = colBarcode)
            if (plotNames) {
                text(labels = names(reflist[position]),
                    x = position - 0.2, y = 0,
                    srt = 90, offset = 0, pos = 4,
                    font = 2)

    ### PLOT 2: The running sum plot
    if (!omit_middle) {
        par(mar = c(2, 4.1, 2, 2.1))
        plot(ind, running_score, sub = "",
            xlab = "", ylab = "Enrichment Score",
            xlim = c(1, N), ylim = c(min.plot,
                                    max.plot), type = "l", pch = 20,
            lwd = 4, cex = 1, col = col.f,
            xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r", main = title)
        grid(col = "dark grey", lty = 2)

        # This is important: zero running score
        # line
        lines(c(1, N), c(0, 0), lwd = 1,
            lty = 1, cex = 1)

        # This is also important: it's the max
        # enrichment vertical line (aka LEADING
        # EDGE)
        lines(c(l.ledge.ref.plot, l.ledge.ref.plot),
            c(min.plot, max.plot), lwd = 1,
            lty = 1, cex = 1)

        if (es >= 0) {
            legend_position <- "topright"
        } else {
            legend_position <- "topleft"

        # If an external NES is not provided, the
        # standard GSEA one is shown
        if (is.null(ext_nes)) {
                legend = c(paste("ES = ",
                                    signif(es, 3), sep = ""),
                            paste("NES = ", signif(nes,
                                                    3), sep = ""),
                            paste("p-value = ",
                                    signif(p.value, 3), sep = "")),
                bg = "white")
        } else {
                legend = c(paste("NES = ",
                                    signif(ext_nes, 3), sep = ""),
                            paste("p-value = ",
                                        3), sep = "")), bg = "white")

    ### Plot3: weight values
    if (omit_middle) {
        bottomMain <- title
    } else {
        bottomMain <- bottomYtitle

    par(mar = c(2, 4.1, 2, 2.1))
    plot(ind, reflist, type = "l", pch = 20,
        lwd = 3, xlim = c(1, N), cex = 1,
        col = 1, xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r",
        main = bottomMain, ylab = bottomYlabel,
        cex.axis = 0.8)
    grid(col = "dark grey", lty = 2)
    # zero correlation horizontal line
    lines(c(1, N), c(corr0.line, corr0.line),
        lwd = 1, lty = 1, cex = 1, col = 1)

    if (omit_middle) {
        # If an external NES is not provided, the
        # standard GSEA one is shown
        if (is.null(ext_nes)) {
                legend = c(paste("ES = ",
                                    signif(es, 3), sep = ""),
                            paste("NES = ",
                                        3), sep = ""),
                            paste("p-value = ",
                                    signif(p.value, 3), sep = "")),
                bg = "white")
        } else {
                legend = c(paste("NES = ",
                                    signif(ext_nes, 3), sep = ""),
                            paste("p-value = ", signif(z2p(ext_nes),
                                                        3), sep = "")),
                bg = "white")


#' Probability density of Pareto distributions
#' Gives NA on values below the threshold
#' @param x Data vector of log probability densities
#' @param threshold numeric value to define the start of the tail
#' @param exponent the exponent obtained from the pareto.fit function
#' @param log logical, should the values be log-transformed?
#' @return Vector of (log) probability densities
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x<-abs(rnorm(1000))
#' n<-length(x)
#' exponent<-1+n/sum(log(x))
#' dp<-dpareto(x,exponent=exponent)
#' plot(dp)
#' @export
dpareto <- function(x, threshold = 1, exponent,
                    log = FALSE) {
    # Avoid doing limited-precision
    # arithmetic followed by logs if we want
    # the log!
    if (!log) {
        prefactor <- (exponent - 1)/threshold
        f <- function(x) {
            prefactor * (x/threshold)^(-exponent)
    } else {
        prefactor.log <- log(exponent - 1) -
        f <- function(x) {
            prefactor.log - exponent * (log(x) -
    d <- ifelse(x < threshold, NA, f(x))

#' Cumulative distribution function of the Pareto distributions
#' '
#' Gives NA on values < threshold
#' @param x Data vector, lower threshold, scaling exponent, usual flags
#' @param threshold numeric value to define the start of the tail
#' @param exponent the exponent obtained from the pareto.fit function
#' @param lower.tail logical. If the lower tail of the distribution should be
#' considered. Default is TRUE
#' @return Vector of (log) probabilities
#' @examples
#' # Estimate the tail of a pospulation normally distributed
#' set.seed(1)
#' x<-rnorm(1000)
#' q95<-as.numeric(quantile(abs(x),0.95))
#' fit<-pareto.fit(abs(x),threshold=q95)
#' # We can infer the pvalue of a value very much right to the tail of the
#' # distribution
#' value<-5
#' pvalue<-ppareto(value, threshold=q95, exponent=fit$exponent,
#' lower.tail=FALSE)/20
#' plot(density(abs(x)),xlim=c(0,value+0.3),main='Pareto fit')
#' arrows(value,0.2,value,0)
#' text(value,0.2,labels=paste0('p=',signif(pvalue,2)))
#' @export
ppareto <- function(x, threshold = 1, exponent,
                    lower.tail = TRUE) {
    if (!lower.tail) {
        f <- function(x) {
            (x/threshold)^(1 - exponent)
    if (lower.tail) {
        f <- function(x) {
            1 - (x/threshold)^(1 - exponent)
    p <- ifelse(x < threshold, NA, f(x))

#' Estimate parameters of Pareto distribution
#' A wrapper for functions implementing actual methods
#' @param data data vector, lower threshold (or 'find', indicating it should be
#' found from the data), method (likelihood or regression, defaulting to former)
#' @param threshold numeric value to define the start of the tail
#' @return List indicating type of distribution ('pareto'), parameters,
#' information about fit (depending on method), OR a warning and NA if method
#' is not recognized
#' @examples
#' # Estimate the tail of a pospulation normally distributed
#' set.seed(1)
#' x<-rnorm(1000)
#' q95<-as.numeric(quantile(abs(x),0.95))
#' fit<-pareto.fit(abs(x),threshold=q95)
#' # We can infer the pvalue of a value very much right to the tail of the
#' # distribution
#' value<-5
#' pvalue<-ppareto(value, threshold=q95, exponent=fit$exponent,
#' lower.tail=FALSE)/20
#' plot(density(abs(x)),xlim=c(0,value+0.3),main='Pareto fit')
#' arrows(value,0.2,value,0)
#' text(value,0.2,labels=paste0('p=',signif(pvalue,2)))
#' @export
pareto.fit <- function(data, threshold) {
    data <- data[data >= threshold]
    n <- length(data)
    x <- data/threshold
    alpha <- 1 + n/sum(log(x))
    # Calculate Log-Likelihood
    loglike <- sum(dpareto(data, threshold = threshold,
                        exponent = alpha, log = TRUE))
    # KS distance
    newdata <- data[data >= threshold]
    d <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(newdata,
                                ppareto, threshold = threshold,
                                exponent = alpha))
    ks.dist <- as.vector(d$statistic)
    fit <- list(type = "pareto", exponent = alpha,
                xmin = threshold, loglike = loglike,
                ks.dist = ks.dist, samples.over.threshold = n)

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