
Defines functions predictSE.lmerModLmerTest predictSE.unmarkedFitPCO predictSE.unmarkedFitPCount predictSE.merMod predictSE.mer predictSE.lme predictSE.gls predictSE.default predictSE

Documented in predictSE predictSE.default predictSE.gls predictSE.lme predictSE.lmerModLmerTest predictSE.mer predictSE.merMod predictSE.unmarkedFitPCO predictSE.unmarkedFitPCount

predictSE <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){
  UseMethod("predictSE", mod)

predictSE.default <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##predictions not accounting for correlation structure - using Delta method
predictSE.gls <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){
  ##first part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model
  ##fixed <- mod$call$model[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula
  fixed <- formula(mod)[-2] #modification suggested by C. R. Andersen to extract left part of model formula
  tt <- terms.formula(formula(mod))
  TT <- delete.response(tt)
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

########################### This following piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
  mfArgs <- list(formula = fixed, data = newdata)
  dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)

  ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts
  contr <- mod$contrasts
  for(i in names(dataMix)) {
    if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) {
      levs <- levels(dataMix[,i])
      levsC <- dimnames(contr[[i]])[[1]]
      if (any(wch <- is.na(match(levs, levsC)))) {
        stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","),
                   "not allowed for", i))
      attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE]
########################### The previous piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package

  m <- model.frame(TT, data=dataMix)
  des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, m)
  newdata <- des.matrix  #we now have a design matrix 


fix.coef <- coef(mod)
ncoefs <- length(fix.coef)
names.coef <- labels(fix.coef)
nvals <- dim(newdata)[1]

##check for intercept fixed effect term in model
int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)")

##if no intercept term, return error
  if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms\n")
formula <- character(length=ncoefs)

  nbetas <- ncoefs - 1
  if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) {
    ##create loop to construct formula for derivative
    formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="")
    formula <- c("Beta0", formula)
  } else {
    if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) {
      formula <- "Beta0"
##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="")

##a loop to assemble formula
##first, identify interaction terms
inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs)
for (m in 1:ncoefs) {
inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length")

##change the name of the labels for flexibility
names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="")
if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")}
id <- which(inters == 1)
for (k in 1:length(id)) {
names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="")

##iterate and combine betas and covariates
formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs)
for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
  formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")
##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
  ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
  ##parse returns the unevaluated expression
  eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                    srcfile = NULL)
  ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
  ##remove space within expression
  no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
  equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))


  if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
  ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute
    part.devs <- list( )
    for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
      part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j])

  ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms
  ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id)

  ##assign values of covariates
  cov.values <- list()

  ##if only intercept, then add column
  if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- 1
  if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals)
    for (q in 2:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
  } else {
    for (q in 1:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]

  names(cov.values) <- names.cov
  cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs)

  if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
  ##substitute a given row for each covariate
  predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
  colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
  rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
  part.devs.eval <- list( )
  part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1
  for (w in 1:nvals) {
    if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
        for (p in 2:ncoefs) {
          part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
      } # else {  ##for cases without intercept
        ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
        ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
      part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
      ##extract vc matrix
      vcmat <- vcov(mod)
      mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
      mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
      predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
      predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE
  out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])

} else {
  predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
  colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
  rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
  for (w in 1:nvals) {
      predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals

  out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
  colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

  ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list
  if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
    } else {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

predictSE.lme <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, ...){

  ##logical test for level
  if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n",
                                "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n")

  ##first part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model
  #fixed <- mod$call$fixed[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula - creates problems if formula specified in separate object
  fixed <- formula(mod)[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula
  tt <- terms(mod)
  TT <- delete.response(tt)
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

########################### This following piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
  mfArgs <- list(formula = fixed, data = newdata)
  dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)

  ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts
  contr <- mod$contrasts
  for(i in names(dataMix)) {
    if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) {
      levs <- levels(dataMix[,i])
      levsC <- dimnames(contr[[i]])[[1]] ##could change to rownames(contr[[i]])
      if (any(wch <- is.na(match(levs, levsC)))) {
        stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","),
                   "not allowed for", i))
      attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE]
########################### The previous piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package

  m <- model.frame(TT, data=dataMix)
  des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, m)
  newdata <- des.matrix  #we now have a design matrix 


fix.coef <- fixef(mod)
ncoefs <- length(fix.coef)
names.coef <- labels(fix.coef)
nvals <- dim(newdata)[1]

##check for intercept fixed effect term in model
int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)")

##if no intercept term, return error
  if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms\n")
formula <- character(length=ncoefs)

  nbetas <- ncoefs - 1
  if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) {
    ##create loop to construct formula for derivative
    formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="")
    formula <- c("Beta0", formula)
  } else {
    if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) {
      formula <- "Beta0"
##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="")

##a loop to assemble formula
##first, identify interaction terms
inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs)
for (m in 1:ncoefs) {
inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length")

##change the name of the labels for flexibility
names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="")
if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")}
id <- which(inters == 1)
for (k in 1:length(id)) {
names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="")

##iterate and combine betas and covariates
formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs)
for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
  formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")
##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
  ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
  ##parse returns the unevaluated expression
  eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                    srcfile = NULL)
  ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
  ##remove space within expression
  no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
  equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))


  if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
  ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute
    part.devs <- list( )
    for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
      part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j])

  ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms
  ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id)

  ##assign values of covariates
  cov.values <- list()

  ##if only intercept, then add column
  if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- 1
  if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals)
    for (q in 2:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
  } else {
    for (q in 1:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]

  names(cov.values) <- names.cov
  cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs)

  if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
  ##substitute a given row for each covariate
  predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
  colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
  rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
  part.devs.eval <- list( )
  part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1
  for (w in 1:nvals) {
    if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
        for (p in 2:ncoefs) {
          part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
      } # else {  ##for cases without intercept
        ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
        ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
      part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
      ##extract vc matrix
      vcmat <- vcov(mod)
      mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
      mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
      predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
      predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE
  out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])

} else {
  predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
  colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
  rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
  for (w in 1:nvals) {
    predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
    predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals

  out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
  colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

  ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list
  if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
    } else {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

##current function only works for offset with Poisson distribution and log link
predictSE.mer <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, type = "response", ...){

  ##logical test for level
  if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n",
                                "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n")

###determine characteristics of glmm
  mod.details <- fam.link.mer(mod)
  fam.type <- mod.details$family
  link.type <- mod.details$link
  supp.link <- mod.details$supp
  if(identical(supp.link, "no")) stop("\nOnly canonical link is supported with current version of function\n")
  if(identical(link.type, "other")) stop("\nThis function is not yet defined for the specified link function\n")


  ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model
  tt <- terms(mod)
  TT <- delete.response(tt)
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
  mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata)
  dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)

  ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts

###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme
  orig.frame <- mod@frame

  ##matrix with info on factors
  fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1]

  ##continue if factors
  if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) {
    id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor")
    fact.name <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors

    contr <- list( )
    for(j in fact.name) {
      contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j])
##########end of code to create list changed from nlme

  for(i in names(dataMix)) {
    if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) {
      levs <- levels(dataMix[,i])
      levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]])
      if (any(wch <- is.na(match(levs, levsC)))) {
        stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","),
                   "not allowed for", i))
      attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE]
########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
  ##check for offset
  ##if(length(mod@offset) > 0) {
  ##  calls <- attr(TT, "variables")
  ##  off.num <- attr(TT, "offset")
    ##offset values
    ##offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata)

    checkCall <- as.list(mod@call)
    checkOffset <- any(regexpr("offset", text = as.character(names(checkCall))) != -1)
    if(checkOffset) {
        calls <- attr(TT, "variables")
        off.num <- attr(TT, "offset")
        ##offset values
        offset.values <- eval(attr(mod@frame, "offset"), newdata)
  ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) 
  ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call
  des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix)
  newdata <- des.matrix  #we now have a design matrix

  fix.coef <- fixef(mod)
  ncoefs <- length(fix.coef)
  names.coef <- labels(fix.coef)
  nvals <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model
  int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)")

  ##if no intercept term, return error
  if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n")
  formula <- character(length=ncoefs)

  nbetas <- ncoefs - 1
  if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) {
    ##create loop to construct formula for derivative
    formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="")
    formula <- c("Beta0", formula)
  } else {
    if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) {
      formula <- "Beta0"
  ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="")

  ##a loop to assemble formula
  ##first, identify interaction terms
  inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs)
  for (m in 1:ncoefs) {
    inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length")

  ##change the name of the labels for flexibility
  names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="")
  if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")}
  id <- which(inters == 1)
  for (k in 1:length(id)) {
    names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="")

  ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
  formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs)
  for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
    formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")
  ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
  if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
  ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
  ##parse returns the unevaluated expression
  eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                    srcfile = NULL)
  ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
  ##remove space within expression
  no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
  equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))

########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############
    if(checkOffset) {
      ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
      formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1)
      for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
        formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")

      ##add offset variable to formula
      formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals"
      ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
      if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
      ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
      eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                        srcfile = NULL)
      ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
      ##remove space within expression
      no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
      equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET###############

  ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms
  ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id)

  ##assign values of covariates
  cov.values <- list( )

  ##if only intercept, then add column
  if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- 1
  if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
    cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals)
    for (q in 2:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
  } else {
    for (q in 1:ncoefs) {
      cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
  names(cov.values) <- names.cov
  cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs)


####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's
####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale
  if((identical(type, "response") && identical(link.type, "identity")) || (identical(type, "link"))) {
    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute
      part.devs <- list( )
      for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
        part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j])

    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      ##substitute a given row for each covariate
      predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
      colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
      rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
      part.devs.eval <- list( )
      part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1
      for (w in 1:nvals) {
        if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
          for (p in 2:ncoefs) {
            part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
        } # else {  ##for cases without intercept
        ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
        ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
        part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
        ##extract vc matrix
        vcmat <- vcov(mod)
        mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
        mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
        predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]

        if(length(mod@offset) > 0) {
          predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
        predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
        predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed
      out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
    } else {
      predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
      colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
      rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
      for (w in 1:nvals) {
        predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
        if(checkOffset) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]

        predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
      out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's
####on response scale if other than identity link is used
  if(identical(type, "response") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) {
    ##for binomial GLMM with logit link
    if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
      ##build partial derivatives
      logit.eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")/(1+exp(", equation, "))")),
                              srcfile = NULL)
      ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
      ##remove space within expression
      no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(logit.eq.space))
      logit.eq <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
      part.devs <- list( )
      for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
        part.devs[[j]] <- D(logit.eq, formula[j])

    ##for poisson, gaussian or Gamma GLMM with log link
    if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
      ##build partial derivatives
      log.eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")")),
                            srcfile = NULL)

      ##remove space within expression
      no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(log.eq.space))
      log.eq <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
      part.devs <- list( )
      for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
        part.devs[[j]] <- D(log.eq, formula[j])

    ##assign values of beta estimates to beta parameters
    beta.vals <- fix.coef
    names(beta.vals) <- formula

    ##neat way of assigning beta estimate values to objects using names in beta.vals
    for(d in 1:ncoefs) {  
      assign(names(beta.vals)[d], beta.vals[d])

    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      ##substitute a given row for each covariate
      predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
      colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
      rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
      part.devs.eval <- list( )
      for (w in 1:nvals) {
        if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
          for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
            cmds <- list( )
            for(r in 2:ncoefs) {
              ##create commands
              cmds[[r]] <- paste(names.cov[r], "=", "cov.values[[names.cov[", r, "]]][", w, "]")

            ##if offset present, add in equation
            if(checkOffset) {
                cmds[[ncoefs+1]] <- paste("offset.vals = offset.values[w]")

            ##assemble commands
            cmd.arg <- paste(unlist(cmds), collapse = ", ")
            cmd.eval <- paste("eval(expr = part.devs[[", p, "]],", "envir = list(", cmd.arg, ")", ")")
            ##evaluate partial derivative
            part.devs.eval[[p]] <- eval(parse(text = cmd.eval))

        if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {  #for cases with intercept only
          part.devs.eval[[1]] <- eval(part.devs[[1]])
        ## else {  ##for cases without intercept
        ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
        ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
        part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
        ##extract vc matrix
        vcmat <- vcov(mod)
        mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
        mat_tpartialdevs <- t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
        var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs
        SE <- sqrt(var_hat)
        predicted.vals <- fix.coef %*% cov.values.mat[w,]
          if(checkOffset) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]

        if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
          predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals))
        } else {
          if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)

        predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed
      out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
    } else {
      predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
      colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
      rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
      for (w in 1:nvals) {
        predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
        if(checkOffset) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
        if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
          predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals))
        } else {
          if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)

      out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

    ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list
  if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
    } else {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

##merMod (glmerMod and lmerMod) fits
predictSE.merMod <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, type = "response", ...){

  ##logical test for level
  if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n",
                                "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n")

###determine characteristics of glmm
    mod.details <- fam.link.mer(mod)
    fam.type <- mod.details$family
    link.type <- mod.details$link
    supp.link <- mod.details$supp
    if(identical(supp.link, "no")) stop("\nOnly canonical link is supported with current version of function\n")
    if(identical(link.type, "other")) stop("\nThis function is not yet defined for the specified link function\n")


    ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model
    tt <- terms(mod)
    TT <- delete.response(tt)
    newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
    mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata)
    dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)

    ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts

###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme
    orig.frame <- mod@frame

    ##matrix with info on factors
    fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1]

    ##continue if factors
    if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) {
      id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor")
      fact.name <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors

      contr <- list( )
      for(j in fact.name) {
        contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j])
##########end of code to create list changed from nlme

    for(i in names(dataMix)) {
      if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) {
        levs <- levels(dataMix[,i])
        levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]])
        if (any(wch <- is.na(match(levs, levsC)))) {
          stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","),
                     "not allowed for", i))
        attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE]
########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
    ##check for offset
    if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
      calls <- attr(TT, "variables")
      off.num <- attr(TT, "offset")
      ##offset values
      offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata)
    ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) 
    ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call
    des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix)
    newdata <- des.matrix  #we now have a design matrix

    fix.coef <- fixef(mod)
    ncoefs <- length(fix.coef)
    names.coef <- labels(fix.coef)
    nvals <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model
    int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)")

    ##if no intercept term, return error
    if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n")
    formula <- character(length=ncoefs)
    nbetas <- ncoefs - 1
    if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) {
      ##create loop to construct formula for derivative
      formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="")
      formula <- c("Beta0", formula)
    } else {
      if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) {
        formula <- "Beta0"
    ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="")

    ##a loop to assemble formula
    ##first, identify interaction terms
    inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs)
    for (m in 1:ncoefs) {
      inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length")

    ##change the name of the labels for flexibility
    names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="")
    if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")}
    id <- which(inters == 1)
    for (k in 1:length(id)) {
      names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="")

    ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
    formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs)
    for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
      formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")
    ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
    if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
    ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
    ##parse returns the unevaluated expression
    eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                      srcfile = NULL)
    ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
    ##remove space within expression
    no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
    equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))

########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############
    if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
      ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
      formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1)
      for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
        formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")

      ##add offset variable to formula
      formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals"
      ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
      if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
      ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
      eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                        srcfile = NULL)
      ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
      ##remove space within expression
      no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
      equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET###############

    ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms
    ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id)

    ##assign values of covariates
    cov.values <- list( )
  ##if only intercept, then add column
    if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {
      cov.values[[1]] <- 1
    if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
      cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals)
      for (q in 2:ncoefs) {
        cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
    } else {
      for (q in 1:ncoefs) {
        cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
    names(cov.values) <- names.cov
    cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs)


####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's
####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale
    if((identical(type, "response") && identical(link.type, "identity")) || (identical(type, "link"))) {
      if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute
        part.devs <- list( )
        for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
          part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j])

      if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        ##substitute a given row for each covariate
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        part.devs.eval <- list( )
        part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
          if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
            for (p in 2:ncoefs) {
              part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
          } # else {  ##for cases without intercept
          ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
          ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
          part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
          ##extract vc matrix
          vcmat <- vcov(mod)
          mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
          mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
          predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]

          if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
          predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
          predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed
        out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
      } else {
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
          predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
          if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]

          predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
        out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's
####on response scale if other than identity link is used
    if(identical(type, "response") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) {
      ##for binomial GLMM with logit link
      if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
        ##build partial derivatives
        logit.eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")/(1+exp(", equation, "))")),
                                srcfile = NULL)
        ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
        ##remove space within expression
        no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(logit.eq.space))
        logit.eq <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
        part.devs <- list( )
        for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
          part.devs[[j]] <- D(logit.eq, formula[j])

      ##for poisson, gaussian or Gamma GLMM with log link
      if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
        ##build partial derivatives
        log.eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")")),
                              srcfile = NULL)
        ##remove space within expression
        no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(log.eq.space))
        log.eq <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
        part.devs <- list( )
        for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
          part.devs[[j]] <- D(log.eq, formula[j])

      ##assign values of beta estimates to beta parameters
      beta.vals <- fix.coef
      names(beta.vals) <- formula

      ##neat way of assigning beta estimate values to objects using names in beta.vals
      for(d in 1:ncoefs) {  
        assign(names(beta.vals)[d], beta.vals[d])

      if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        ##substitute a given row for each covariate
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        part.devs.eval <- list( )
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
          if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
            for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
              cmds <- list( )
              for(r in 2:ncoefs) {
                ##create commands
                cmds[[r]] <- paste(names.cov[r], "=", "cov.values[[names.cov[", r, "]]][", w, "]")
              ##if offset present, add in equation
              if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
                cmds[[ncoefs+1]] <- paste("offset.vals = offset.values[w]")

              ##assemble commands
              cmd.arg <- paste(unlist(cmds), collapse = ", ")
              cmd.eval <- paste("eval(expr = part.devs[[", p, "]],", "envir = list(", cmd.arg, ")", ")")
              ##evaluate partial derivative
              part.devs.eval[[p]] <- eval(parse(text = cmd.eval))

          if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {  #for cases with intercept only
            part.devs.eval[[1]] <- eval(part.devs[[1]])
          ## else {  ##for cases without intercept
          ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
          ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
          part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
          ##extract vc matrix
          vcmat <- vcov(mod)
          mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
          mat_tpartialdevs <- t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
          var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs
          SE <- sqrt(var_hat)
          predicted.vals <- fix.coef %*% cov.values.mat[w,]
          if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]

          if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals))
          } else {
            if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
              predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)

          predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed
        out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
      } else {
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
          predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
          if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
          if(identical(link.type, "logit")) {
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals))
          } else {
            if(identical(link.type, "log")) {
              predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)

        out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

    ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list
    if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
      out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
      if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
      } else {
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

##compute predicted values and SE
predictSE.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE,
                                        type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = "lambda", ...) {

  ##only response scale is supported for ZIP models
  if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for predictions of this model type\n")
  ##extract data from model object
  if(!is.data.frame(newdata)) stop("\n'newdata' must be a data frame\n")
  new.data.set <- newdata

  nvals <- nrow(new.data.set)

  ##extract variables on lambda for pcount( ) model
  lam.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$state)
  lam.est.noint <- lam.est[-1]

  ##total parameters lambda + psi
  ncoefs <- length(lam.est) + 1
  ##number of parameters on lambda
  n.est.lam <- length(lam.est)
  ##extract variables on psi
  psi.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$psi)

  ##check if NULL
  if(is.null(psi.est)) stop("\nThis function is only for zero-inflated Poisson mixture:\nuse \'predict\' for other cases\n")

  ##full model labels
  mod.lab <- labels(coef(mod))

  ##extract labels
  lam.lab <- labels(lam.est)
  lam.lab.noint <- lam.lab[-1]
  psi.lab <- labels(psi.est)

  ##extract formula from model
  formula <- mod@formula

  ##if lambda
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    form <- as.formula(paste("~", formula[3], sep="")) #state
  } else {
    stop("\nThis function only supports predictions on lamba\n")

  ##extract model frame matrix
  Mat <- model.frame(formula = form, data = new.data.set)      
  des.mat <- model.matrix(form, Mat)

  ##check for offset
  X.offset <- model.offset(Mat)
  if(is.null(X.offset)) {
    X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(Mat))
  ##check for intercept
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {int.yes <- any(lam.lab == "lam(Int)")}
  ##if no intercept term, return error
  if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms: change model parameterization\n")
  ##number of estimates (not counting intercept)
  n.est <- n.est.lam - 1

  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    ##create a list holding each cov
    covs <- list( )
    for(i in 1:n.est) {
      covs[[i]] <- paste("cov", i, sep = "")

    ##covariate labels
    cov.labels <- unlist(covs)
    ##change names of columns in design matrix
    colnames(des.mat) <- c("(Int)", unlist(covs))

  } else {colnames(des.mat) <- "(Int)"}

  ##names of columns in design matrix
  design.names <- colnames(des.mat)

  ##extract values from new.data.set
  cov.values <- list( )
  for(i in 1:n.est.lam) {
    cov.values[[i]] <- des.mat[, design.names[i]]
  names(cov.values) <- design.names

  ##build equation

  ##iterate over betas except first
  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    betas <- paste("beta", 0:(n.est), sep = "")
    betas.noint <- betas[-1]
    temp.eq <- list( )
    for(i in 1:length(betas.noint)){
      temp.eq[i] <- paste(betas.noint[i], "*", covs[i], sep = " ")

    ##linear predictor log scale
    lam.eq.log <- paste(c("beta0", unlist(temp.eq)), collapse = " + ")
  } else {
    betas <- "beta0"
    lam.eq.log <- betas

  ##linear predictor log scale
  lam.eq.resp <- paste("exp(", lam.eq.log, "+ Val.offset", ")")
  ##logit scale for psi0 (zero-inflation intercept)
  psi.eq <- paste("(1 - (exp(psi0)/(1 + exp(psi0))))")
  ##combine both parameters to get abundance
  final.eq <- paste(lam.eq.resp, "*", psi.eq)

  ##total estimates
  tot.est.names <- c(betas, "psi0")
  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    tot.est <- c(tot.est.names, cov.labels)
  } else {
    tot.est <- c(tot.est.names)
  ##extract vcov matrix
  ##multiply by c.hat
  vcmat <- vcov(mod)[c(lam.lab, psi.lab), c(lam.lab, psi.lab)] * c.hat

  ##start modifications

  eq.space <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(final.eq, collapse = "+")), 
                    srcfile = NULL)
  no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
  equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
  if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
    part.devs <- list( )
    for (j in 1:ncoefs) {
      part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, tot.est.names[j])

  ##assign values of betas and psi
  for(i in 1:n.est.lam) {  
    assign(betas[i], lam.est[i])
  psi0 <- psi.est
  cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, 
                           ncol = n.est.lam)
  if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
    predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
    colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
    rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
    pred.eq <- list()
    ##extract columns
    for (w in 1:nvals) {
      if (int.yes) {
        for (p in 1:n.est.lam) {
          pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]]
      ##values from design matrix
      design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq)

      ##add value of offset for w
      Val.offset <- X.offset[w]
      ##compute values for betas
      exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals + Val.offset)
      ##compute predictions including psi
      predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est))))
      ##assign values for covariates

      ##columns for covariates only - exclude intercept
      if(n.est.lam > 1) {
        design.covs <- design.vals[-1]
        for (p in 1:length(cov.labels)) {
          assign(cov.labels[p], design.covs[p])
      ##evaluate partial derivative
      part.devs.solved <- list( )
      for (j in 1:ncoefs) {
        part.devs.solved[[j]] <- eval(part.devs[[j]]) 

      mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(unlist(part.devs.solved))
      mat_tpartialdevs <- t(mat_partialdevs)
      var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat %*% mat_partialdevs
      SE <- sqrt(var_hat)
      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
      predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE
    out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[, "Pred.value"], 
                       se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
  } else {
    predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
    colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
    rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
    pred.eq <- list( )
    ##extract columns
    for (w in 1:nvals) {
      if (int.yes) {
        for (p in 1:n.est.lam) {
          pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]]
      ##values from design matrix
      design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq)
      ##compute values for betas
      exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals)
      ##compute predictions including psi
      predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est))))

      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

  if (identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
    else {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

##compute predicted values and SE
predictSE.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE,
                                     type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = "lambda", ...) {

  ##only response scale is supported for ZIP models
  if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not supported for predictions of this model type\n")
  ##extract data from model object
  if(!is.data.frame(newdata)) stop("\n'newdata' must be a data frame\n")
  new.data.set <- newdata

  nvals <- nrow(new.data.set)

  ##extract variables on lambda for pcountOpen( ) model  
  lam.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$lambda)
  lam.est.noint <- lam.est[-1]

  ##total parameters lambda + psi
  ncoefs <- length(lam.est) + 1
  ##number of parameters on lambda
  n.est.lam <- length(lam.est)
  ##extract variables on psi
  psi.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$psi)

  ##check if NULL
  if(is.null(psi.est)) stop("\nThis function is only for zero-inflated Poisson mixture:\nuse \'predict\' for other cases\n")

  ##full model labels
  mod.lab <- labels(coef(mod))

  ##extract labels
  lam.lab <- labels(lam.est)
  lam.lab.noint <- lam.lab[-1]
  psi.lab <- labels(psi.est)

  ##extract formula from model
  formula <- mod@formula

  ##if lambda
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    form <- mod@formlist$lambdaformula
  } else {
    stop("\nThis function only supports predictions on lamba\n")

  ##extract model frame matrix
  Mat <- model.frame(formula = form, data = new.data.set)      
  des.mat <- model.matrix(form, Mat)

  ##check for offset
  X.offset <- model.offset(Mat)
  if(is.null(X.offset)) {
    X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(Mat))
  ##check for intercept
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {int.yes <- any(lam.lab == "lam(Int)")}
  ##if no intercept term, return error
  if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms: change model parameterization\n")
  ##number of estimates (not counting intercept)
  n.est <- n.est.lam - 1

  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    ##create a list holding each cov
    covs <- list( )
    for(i in 1:n.est) {
      covs[[i]] <- paste("cov", i, sep = "")

    ##covariate labels
    cov.labels <- unlist(covs)
    ##change names of columns in design matrix
    colnames(des.mat) <- c("(Int)", unlist(covs))

  } else {colnames(des.mat) <- "(Int)"}

  ##names of columns in design matrix
  design.names <- colnames(des.mat)

  ##extract values from new.data.set
  cov.values <- list( )
  for(i in 1:n.est.lam) {
    cov.values[[i]] <- des.mat[, design.names[i]]
  names(cov.values) <- design.names

  ##build equation

  ##iterate over betas except first
  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    betas <- paste("beta", 0:(n.est), sep = "")
    betas.noint <- betas[-1]
    temp.eq <- list( )
    for(i in 1:length(betas.noint)){
      temp.eq[i] <- paste(betas.noint[i], "*", covs[i], sep = " ")

    ##linear predictor log scale
    lam.eq.log <- paste(c("beta0", unlist(temp.eq)), collapse = " + ")
  } else {
    betas <- "beta0"
    lam.eq.log <- betas

  ##linear predictor log scale
  lam.eq.resp <- paste("exp(", lam.eq.log, "+ Val.offset", ")")
  ##logit scale for psi0 (zero-inflation intercept)
  psi.eq <- paste("(1 - (exp(psi0)/(1 + exp(psi0))))")
  ##combine both parameters to get abundance
  final.eq <- paste(lam.eq.resp, "*", psi.eq)

  ##total estimates
  tot.est.names <- c(betas, "psi0")
  if(n.est.lam > 1) {
    tot.est <- c(tot.est.names, cov.labels)
  } else {
    tot.est <- c(tot.est.names)
  ##extract vcov matrix
  ##multiply by c.hat
  vcmat <- vcov(mod)[c(lam.lab, psi.lab), c(lam.lab, psi.lab)] * c.hat

  ##start modifications

  eq.space <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(final.eq, collapse = "+")), 
                    srcfile = NULL)
  no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
  equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
  if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
    part.devs <- list( )
    for (j in 1:ncoefs) {
      part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, tot.est.names[j])

  ##assign values of betas and psi
  for(i in 1:n.est.lam) {  
    assign(betas[i], lam.est[i])
  psi0 <- psi.est
  cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, 
                           ncol = n.est.lam)
  if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
    predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
    colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
    rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
    pred.eq <- list()
    ##extract columns
    for (w in 1:nvals) {
      if (int.yes) {
        for (p in 1:n.est.lam) {
          pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]]
      ##values from design matrix
      design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq)

      ##add value of offset for w
      Val.offset <- X.offset[w]
      ##compute values for betas
      exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals + Val.offset)
      ##compute predictions including psi
      predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est))))
      ##assign values for covariates

      ##columns for covariates only - exclude intercept
      if(n.est.lam > 1) {
        design.covs <- design.vals[-1]
        for (p in 1:length(cov.labels)) {
          assign(cov.labels[p], design.covs[p])
      ##evaluate partial derivative
      part.devs.solved <- list( )
      for (j in 1:ncoefs) {
        part.devs.solved[[j]] <- eval(part.devs[[j]]) 

      mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(unlist(part.devs.solved))
      mat_tpartialdevs <- t(mat_partialdevs)
      var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat %*% mat_partialdevs
      SE <- sqrt(var_hat)
      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
      predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE
    out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[, "Pred.value"], 
                       se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
  } else {
    predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
    colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
    rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
    pred.eq <- list( )
    ##extract columns
    for (w in 1:nvals) {
      if (int.yes) {
        for (p in 1:n.est.lam) {
          pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]]
      ##values from design matrix
      design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq)
      ##compute values for betas
      exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals)
      ##compute predictions including psi
      predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est))))

      predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"

  if (identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
    out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
    if (identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
    else {
      colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

##lmerModLmerTest fits
predictSE.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, newdata, se.fit = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, ...){

  ##logical test for level
  if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n",
                                "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n")

    ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model
    tt <- terms(mod)
    TT <- delete.response(tt)
    newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
    mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata)
    dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)

    ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts

###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme
    orig.frame <- mod@frame

    ##matrix with info on factors
    fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1]

    ##continue if factors
    if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) {
      id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor")
      fact.name <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors

      contr <- list( )
      for(j in fact.name) {
        contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j])
##########end of code to create list changed from nlme

    for(i in names(dataMix)) {
      if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) {
        levs <- levels(dataMix[,i])
        levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]])
        if (any(wch <- is.na(match(levs, levsC)))) {
          stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","),
                     "not allowed for", i))
        attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE]
########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package
    ##check for offset
    if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
      calls <- attr(TT, "variables")
      off.num <- attr(TT, "offset")
      ##offset values
      offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata)
    ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) 
    ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call
    des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix)
    newdata <- des.matrix  #we now have a design matrix

    fix.coef <- fixef(mod)
    ncoefs <- length(fix.coef)
    names.coef <- labels(fix.coef)
    nvals <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model
    int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)")

    ##if no intercept term, return error
    if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n")
    formula <- character(length=ncoefs)
    nbetas <- ncoefs - 1
    if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) {
      ##create loop to construct formula for derivative
      formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="")
      formula <- c("Beta0", formula)
    } else {
      if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) {
        formula <- "Beta0"
    ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="")

    ##a loop to assemble formula
    ##first, identify interaction terms
    inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs)
    for (m in 1:ncoefs) {
      inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length")

    ##change the name of the labels for flexibility
    names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="")
    if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")}
    id <- which(inters == 1)
    for (k in 1:length(id)) {
      names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="")

    ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
    formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs)
    for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
      formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")
    ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
    if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
    ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
    ##parse returns the unevaluated expression
    eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                      srcfile = NULL)
    ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
    ##remove space within expression
    no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
    equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))

########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############
    if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
      ##iterate and combine betas and covariates
      formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1)
      for(b in 1:ncoefs) {
        formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*")

      ##add offset variable to formula
      formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals"
      ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present
      if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"}
      ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression
      eq.space <- parse(text  = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")),
                        srcfile = NULL)
      ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit
      ##remove space within expression
      no.space <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character(eq.space))
      equation <- parse(text = as.expression(no.space))
########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET###############

    ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms
    ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id)

    ##assign values of covariates
    cov.values <- list( )
  ##if only intercept, then add column
    if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) {
      cov.values[[1]] <- 1
    if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
      cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals)
      for (q in 2:ncoefs) {
        cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
    } else {
      for (q in 1:ncoefs) {
        cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]]
    names(cov.values) <- names.cov
    cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs)


####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's
####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale
    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute
        part.devs <- list( )
        for(j in 1:ncoefs) {
            part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j])

    if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        ##substitute a given row for each covariate
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        part.devs.eval <- list( )
        part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
            if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) {
                for (p in 2:ncoefs) {
                    part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
            } # else {  ##for cases without intercept
            ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) {
            ##  part.devs.eval[[p]] <-  cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w]
            part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval)
            ##extract vc matrix
            vcmat <- vcov(mod)
            mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column
            mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved)        #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]

            if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
                predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
            predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed
        out.fit.SE <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], se.fit = predicted.SE[, "SE"])
    } else {
        predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1)
        colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value")
        rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals
        for (w in 1:nvals) {
            predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,]
            if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) {
                predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w]
            predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals
        out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- "fit"
    ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list
    if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) {
      out.fit.SE <- predicted.SE
      if(identical(se.fit, TRUE)) {
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit", "se.fit")
      } else {
        colnames(out.fit.SE) <- c("fit")

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