#' @title Compute a list of clonotypes that are shared between seurat clusters
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function allows users to get a list of clonotypes that are shared
#' between clusters based on the levels of the active cell identities / some
#' custom identity based on the `alt_ident`. A list is returned with its
#' ***names*** being the shared clonotypes, and the values are numeric vectors
#' indicating the index of the clusters that clonotype is found in. The index
#' corresponds to the index in the default levels of the factored identities.
#' If `run_id` is inputted, then the function will attempt to get the shared
#' clonotypes from the corresponding APackOfTheClones run generated from
#' [RunAPOTC()]. Otherwise, it will use the filtering / subsetting parameters
#' to generate the shared clones.
#' @inheritParams RunAPOTC
#' @param top integer or numeric in (0, 1) - if not null, filters the output
#' clones so that only the shared clonotypes with counts the top `top` count /
#' proportion (for numeric in (0, 1) input) shared clones are kept. For cases
#' where several clonotypes tie in size, the clonotype(s) added are not
#' guaranteed but deterministic given the other arguments are identical.
#' @param top_per_cl integer or numeric in (0, 1) - if not null, filters the
#' output clones so that for each seurat cluster, only the clonotypes with the
#' `top_per_cl` frequency/count is preserved when aggregating shared clones,
#' in the same way as the above. Note that if inputted in conjunction with
#' `top`, it will get the *intersection* of the clonotypes filtered each way.
#' For cases where several clonotypes tie in size, the clonotype(s) added are
#' not guaranteed but deterministic given the other arguments are identical.
#' @param intop integer or numeric in (0, 1) - if not null, filters the raw
#' clone sizes before computing the shared clonotypes so that only the
#' clonotypes that have their overall size in the top `intop` largest sizes
#' (if it is integer, else the `intop` proportion) are kept. To emphasize,
#' this argument ***does not necessarily*** return the `top` shared clones
#' and likely a little less, because this filters the raw clone sizes, of
#' which, its very likely that not all those clones end up being shared.
#' @param intop_per_cl integer or numeric in (0, 1) - if not null, filters
#' the raw *clustered* clone sizes before computing shared clones, so that
#' for every clone in a seurat cluster, the top `intop_per_cl` count /
#' proportion (for numeric in (0, 1) input) clones are kept.
#' @param publicity numeric pair. A simple filter range of
#' `c(lowerbound, upperbound)` to retain only shared clones with their
#' "publicity" - number of clusters they are present in - within this
#' range.
#' @return a named list where each name is a clonotype, each element is a
#' numeric indicating which seurat cluster(s) its in, in no particular order.
#' If no shared clones are present, the output is an empty list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("combined_pbmc")
#' getSharedClones(combined_pbmc)
#' getSharedClones(
#' combined_pbmc,
#' orig.ident = c("P17B", "P18B"), # a named subsetting parameter
#' clonecall = "aa"
#' )
#' # extract shared clones from a past RunAPOTC run
#' combined_pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' combined_pbmc, run_id = "foo", verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getSharedClones(
#' combined_pbmc, run_id = "foo", top = 5
#' )
#' # doing a run and then getting the clones works too
#' combined_pbmc <- RunAPOTC(combined_pbmc, run_id = "run1", verbose = FALSE)
#' getSharedClones(combined_pbmc, run_id = "run1")
getSharedClones <- function(
reduction_base = "umap",
clonecall = "strict",
extra_filter = NULL,
alt_ident = NULL,
run_id = NULL,
top = NULL,
top_per_cl = NULL,
intop = NULL,
intop_per_cl = NULL,
publicity = c(2L, Inf)
) {
# handle inputs
varargs_list <- list(...)
apotc_obj = getApotcDataIfExistsElseCreate(
seurat_obj, run_id, environment(), ...
zero_indexed = FALSE,
exclude_unique_clones = TRUE,
in_top_clones = intop,
in_top_per_cluster = intop_per_cl,
top_shared = top,
top_shared_per_cluster = top_per_cl,
publicity_range = publicity
getSharedClones_error_handler <- function() {
args <- get_parent_func_args()
is_a_positive_integer, is_a_numeric_in_0_1, is.null)
is_a_positive_integer, is_a_numeric_in_0_1, is.null)
is_a_positive_integer, is_a_numeric_in_0_1, is.null)
is_a_positive_integer, is_a_numeric_in_0_1, is.null)
typecheck(args$publicity, is_numeric_pair)
# input: an ApotcData object
# output: a named list where each name is a clonotype, each element is a
# numeric indicating which seurat cluster(s) its in. If exclude_unique_clones,
# will filter out any clonotype with only length one. (not shared)
get_shared_clones <- function(
zero_indexed = FALSE,
exclude_unique_clones = TRUE,
in_top_clones = NULL,
in_top_per_cluster = NULL,
top_shared = NULL,
top_shared_per_cluster = NULL,
publicity_range = c(-Inf, Inf)
) {
raw_clone_sizes <- get_raw_clone_sizes(apotc_obj)
raw_clone_sizes %>%
filter_top_sizes_if_needed(in_top_clones, in_top_per_cluster) %>%
get_raw_shared_clones(zero_indexed) %>%
remove_unique_clones_if(exclude_unique_clones) %>%
raw_clone_sizes, top_shared, top_shared_per_cluster
) %>%
filter_publicity(publicity_range) %>%
filter_top_sizes_if_needed <- function(
clone_sizes, top_clones, top_per_cluster
) {
clone_sizes %>% filter_clonesize_2way_if_need(
filter_top_clones, top_clones,
filter_top_by_cluster, top_per_cluster
filter_top_clones <- function(clone_sizes, top_clones) {
top_clonotypes <- get_top_clonotypes(clone_sizes, top_clones)
clone_sizes %>% lapply(function(x) {
if (is_empty(x)) x else as_table(x[names(x) %in% top_clonotypes])
filter_top_by_cluster <- function(clone_sizes, top_clones) {
if (is_list_of_empty_tables(clone_sizes)) return(clone_sizes)
clone_sizes <- sort_each_clone_size_table(
clone_sizes, decreasing = TRUE
if (is_an_integer(top_clones)) {
calc_top_clonesize_index <- function(desc_tbl_vals) {
min(top_clones, length(desc_tbl_vals))
else if (is_a_numeric_in_0_1(top_clones)) {
calc_top_clonesize_index <- function(desc_tbl_vals) {
round(length(desc_tbl_vals) * top_clones)
clone_sizes %>% lapply(function(x) {
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
desc_table_vals <- get_unique_table_values(x, sort_decreasing = TRUE)
clonesize_lowerbound <- desc_table_vals[
as_table(x[x >= clonesize_lowerbound])
get_raw_shared_clones <- function(clustered_clone_sizes, zero_indexed = FALSE) {
if (is_list_of_empty_tables(clustered_clone_sizes)) return(list())
shared_clonotype_map <- clustered_clone_sizes %>%
unlist() %>%
names() %>%
for (i in seq_along(clustered_clone_sizes)) {
if (is_empty(clustered_clone_sizes[[i]])) next
for (clonotype in names(clustered_clone_sizes[[i]])) {
shared_clonotype_map[[clonotype]] <- c(
shared_clonotype_map[[clonotype]], i - zero_indexed
# FIXME if some keys are too long, it becomes ...
# takes in a named list of clonotypes as names, the elements are numeric vectors
# indicating the seurat_cluster(s) they are in. If the numericvector is of length
# 1, remove the element. This is done in Rcpp to achieve true linear runtime.
remove_unique_clones_if <- function(shared_clonotypes, should_actually_remove) {
if (!should_actually_remove || is_empty(shared_clonotypes)) {
results <- rcppRemoveUniqueClonesHelper(
names(shared_clonotypes), shared_clonotypes
unique_clone_list <- results[[2]]
names(unique_clone_list) <- results[[1]]
filter_shared_if_needed <- function(
shared_clonotypes, clone_sizes, top, top_per_cl
) {
shared_clonotypes %>%
filter_top_shared(clone_sizes, top) %>%
filter_top_shared_per_cl(clone_sizes, top_per_cl)
filter_top_shared <- function(shared_clones, raw_clone_sizes, top) {
if (is.null(top) || is_empty(shared_clones)) return(shared_clones)
mergeCloneSizes(raw_clone_sizes, sort_decreasing = NULL),
filter_top_shared_w_clone_table <- function(shared_clones, clone_table, top) {
if (is_list_of_empty_tables(clone_table) || is_empty(shared_clones)) {
sorted_shared_clones <- sort(
clone_table[names(shared_clones)], decreasing = TRUE, method = "radix"
if (is_an_integer(top)) {
top_index <- min(length(shared_clones), top)
} else if (is_a_numeric_in_0_1(top)) {
top_index <- length(shared_clones) * top
} else {
stop("dev error: wrong variable type")
filtered_clones <- names(sorted_shared_clones)[1:top_index]
filter_shared_that_contain(shared_clones, filtered_clones)
filter_top_shared_per_cl <- function(shared_clones, clone_sizes, top) {
if (is.null(top) ||
is_list_of_empty_tables(clone_sizes) ||
) {
filtered_clones <- sort_each_table(clone_sizes, desc = TRUE) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
if (is_empty(x)) return(list())
names(filter_top_shared_w_clone_table(shared_clones, x, top))
}) %>%
filter_shared_that_contain(shared_clones, filtered_clones)
filter_shared_that_contain <- function(shared_clones, filter_clonotypes) {
shared_clones[names(shared_clones) %in% filter_clonotypes]
filter_publicity <- function(shared_clones, publicity_range) {
if (is_empty(shared_clones)) return(shared_clones)
shared_clones %>% sapply(function(x) {
is_bound_between(length(x), publicity_range[1], publicity_range[2])
# overlay clone links on an APackOfTheClones plot
# maybe also make method to take in the plot directly?
overlay_shared_clone_links <- function(
only_cluster, # TODO allow between pairs
link_type = "line",
link_color_mode = "blend",
link_alpha = 1,
link_width = "auto",
verbose = TRUE,
link_mode = "default",
extra_spacing = "auto" # not very relevant atm
) {
if (identical(link_type, "line")) {
link_dataframe <- compute_line_link_df(
apotc_obj, shared_clones, extra_spacing, link_mode, only_cluster
} else {
stop(call. = FALSE, "no other link types are implemented yet")
link_dataframe <- add_link_colors(
apotc_obj, link_dataframe, link_color_mode
result_plot %>%
link_type = link_type,
link_dataframe = link_dataframe,
link_alpha = process_link_alpha(apotc_obj, link_alpha, verbose),
link_width = process_link_width(apotc_obj, link_width, verbose)
compute_line_link_df <- function(
apotc_obj, shared_clones, extra_spacing, link_mode, only_cluster
) {
if (link_mode != "default") {
stop(call. = FALSE, "dev error: no other link modes are implemented")
if (should_estimate(extra_spacing)) {
extra_spacing <- 0 # TODO make better in future
clusterLists = get_clusterlists(apotc_obj),
rawCloneSizes = get_raw_clone_sizes(apotc_obj),
sharedClonotypeClusters = shared_clones,
oneIndexedSourceClusterIndex = ifelse(
is.null(only_cluster), -1, only_cluster
extraSpacing = extra_spacing - get_rad_decrease(apotc_obj)
add_link_colors <- function(apotc_obj, link_dataframe, link_color_mode) {
"blend" = return(add_blend_link_colors(apotc_obj, link_dataframe)),
return(add_plain_link_colors(link_dataframe, link_color_mode))
add_blend_link_colors <- function(apotc_obj, link_dataframe) {
colors <- get_cluster_colors(apotc_obj)
# extremeley cursed hack fix to pass R CMD check:
"link_dataframe %>% dplyr::mutate(",
"color = get_average_hex(colors[c1], colors[c2])",
add_plain_link_colors <- function(link_dataframe, link_color) {
link_dataframe$color <- rep(link_color, nrow(link_dataframe))
process_link_alpha <- function(apotc_obj, link_alpha, verbose) {
if (should_estimate(link_alpha)) {
link_alpha <- estimate_link_alpha(apotc_obj)
if (verbose) message(
"* setting `clone_link_alpha` to ", round(link_alpha, digits = 3)
estimate_link_alpha <- function(apotc_obj) {
0.75 # TODO make better in the future
process_link_width <- function(apotc_obj, link_width, verbose) {
if (should_estimate(link_width)) {
link_width <- estimate_link_width(apotc_obj)
if (verbose) message(
"* setting `clone_link_width` to ", round(link_width, digits = 3)
estimate_link_width <- function(apotc_obj) {
3 * get_clone_scale_factor(apotc_obj) # TODO improve
# internal dispatch function to get a dataframe of line connections
overlay_links <- function(
result_plot, link_type, link_dataframe, link_alpha, link_width
) {
"line" = overlay_line_links(
) %>% return()
# should not get to any other case, this is just here for future extensions
overlay_line_links <- function(
result_plot, link_dataframe, link_alpha, link_width
) {
result_plot +
data = link_dataframe,
mapping = apotc_aes_string(
x = "x1",
y = "y1",
xend = "x2",
yend = "y2",
colour = "color"
alpha = link_alpha,
linewidth = link_width
) +
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