#' @title
#' Check for the existence of an APackOfTheClones run with its run id
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A convenience function to check for the existence of an APackOfTheClones
#' run with its run id, regardless of if any run has been made
#' @param seurat_obj a seurat object
#' @param run_id character. The id of the associated ApotcRun.
#' @return A logical indicating whether the run exists.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "strict",
#' run_id = "run1",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' containsApotcRun(pbmc, "run1")
#' #> [1] TRUE
#' containsApotcRun(pbmc, "run2")
#' #> [1] FALSE
containsApotcRun <- function(seurat_obj, run_id) {
if (!is_seurat_object(seurat_obj)) stop("input must be a seurat object")
typecheck(run_id, is_a_character)
if (!containsAnyApotcData(seurat_obj)) {
any(getApotcDataIds(seurat_obj) == run_id)
#' @title
#' Rename an APackOfTheClones run
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A function to rename an APackOfTheClones run identified by its run id in
#' a Seurat object.
#' @param seurat_obj A Seurat object containing APackOfTheClones data - the
#' output of [RunAPOTC()]
#' @param old_run_id Character. The current id of the APackOfTheClones run to
#' be renamed.
#' @param new_run_id Character. The new id to assign to the APackOfTheClones
#' run.
#' @return A Seurat object with the APackOfTheClones run renamed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "strict",
#' run_id = "run1",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' pbmc <- renameApotcRun(pbmc, "run1", "new_run")
#' # Now "run1" has been renamed to "new_run"
renameApotcRun <- function(seurat_obj, old_run_id, new_run_id) {
if (!is_seurat_object(seurat_obj)) stop("input must be a seurat object")
typecheck(old_run_id, is_a_character)
typecheck(new_run_id, is_a_character)
if (!containsApotcRun(seurat_obj, old_run_id))
stop("There's no run named `", old_run_id, "`")
if (containsApotcRun(seurat_obj, new_run_id))
stop("There is already a run named `", new_run_id, "`")
getApotcDataIds(seurat_obj) == old_run_id
] <- new_run_id
#' @title
#' Delete the results of an APackOfTheClones run
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A convenience function to erase all data associated with a particular run,
#' including the ApotcData and command in seurat_obj@command. The run_id would
#' be no longer accessible afterwards.
#' @param seurat_obj a seurat object that has had RunAPOTC ran on it before in
#' order of the functions being called.
#' @param run_id character. The id of the associated ApotcRun.
#' @return The modified input seurat object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "strict",
#' run_id = "run1",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getApotcDataIds(pbmc)
#' #> [1] "run1"
#' # delete the data
#' pbmc <- deleteApotcData(pbmc, "run1")
#' getApotcDataIds(pbmc)
#' #> NULL
deleteApotcData <- function(seurat_obj, run_id) {
if (!is_seurat_object(seurat_obj)) stop("input must be a seurat object")
if (length(run_id) != 1) stop("the `run_id` argument must be of length 1")
if (!containsApotcRun(seurat_obj, run_id)) {
stop(paste("no run with id:", run_id, "is present"))
seurat_obj <- setApotcData(seurat_obj, run_id, NULL)
seurat_obj@commands[[get_command_name("RunAPOTC", run_id)]] <- NULL
#' @title
#' Get all run ids of previous RunAPOTC runs on a seurat object
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A convenience function to get all run ids of previous RunAPOTC run IDs
#' @param seurat_obj a seurat object that has had RunAPOTC ran on it before in
#' order of the functions being called.
#' @return a character vector of all run ids of previous RunAPOTC runs, in
#' the order they were ran in. If there are no runs on the object, it returns
#' `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "strict",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getApotcDataIds(pbmc)
#' #> [1] "umap;CTstrict;_;_"
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = pbmc,
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "gene",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getApotcDataIds(pbmc)
#' #> [1] "umap;CTstrict;_;_" "umap;CTgene;_;_"
getApotcDataIds <- function(seurat_obj) {
if (!is_seurat_object(seurat_obj)) stop("input must be a seurat object")
ids <- names(seurat_obj@misc[["APackOfTheClones"]])
if (identical(ids, character(0)) || is.null(ids)) return(NULL)
#' @title
#' Get the object id of the most recent RunAPOTC run on a seurat object
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A convenience function to get the object id of the most recent valid
#' [RunAPOTC()] run, to be used by [APOTCPlot()] and [AdjustAPOTC]
#' @param seurat_obj a seurat object that has had RunAPOTC ran on it before in
#' order of the functions being called.
#' @return a character of the object id of the last [RunAPOTC()] call
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # first run
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "strict",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getLastApotcDataId(pbmc)
#' #> [1] "umap;CTstrict;_;_"
#' # second run with a different clonecall
#' pbmc <- RunAPOTC(
#' seurat_obj = pbmc,
#' reduction_base = "umap",
#' clonecall = "gene",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' getLastApotcDataId(pbmc)
#' #> [1] "umap;CTgene;_;_"
getLastApotcDataId <- function(seurat_obj) {
# object id generation:
# from the input of RunAPOTC, convert the condition to a call to be put in
# %>% dpylr::filter(eval(parse(text = "output of this func")))
# assume that metadata_filter is a valid ADDITIONAL filter condition.
# assume that varargs_list is a valid named list where each name is a column
# and element is a string vector of which factors to INCLUDE
# In hindsight %in% can be used but its now unessecary to make changes
parse_to_metadata_filter_str <- function(metadata_filter, varargs_list) {
if (!is_valid_args(varargs_list)) {
if (is_valid_filter_str(metadata_filter)) {
filter_strings <- vector("character", length(varargs_list))
colnames <- names(varargs_list)
for (i in seq_along(varargs_list)) {
filter_strings[i] <- col_cond_vec_to_filter_str(
condition_vector = sort(unique(varargs_list[[i]])), colnames[i]
filter_string <- sort_and_join_conds_by_and(filter_strings)
if (is_valid_filter_str(metadata_filter)) {
filter_string <- paste(
"(", filter_string, ")&(", metadata_filter, ")", sep = ""
is_valid_args <- function(varargs_list) isnt_empty(varargs_list)
is_valid_filter_str <- function(metadata_string) {
if (is.null(metadata_string)) return(FALSE)
if (identical(strip_spaces(metadata_string), "")) return(FALSE)
col_cond_vec_to_filter_str <- function(condition_vector, colname) {
insertchar <- ""
if (is.character(condition_vector)) insertchar <- "'"
condition_vector = condition_vector,
colname = colname,
insert_char = insertchar
col_conds_to_str_w_insert <- function(
condition_vector, colname, insert_char
) {
filter_str <- ""
for (i in seq_along(condition_vector)) {
filter_str <- paste(
colname, "==", insert_char, condition_vector[i], insert_char,
"|", sep = ""
substr(filter_str, 1, nchar(filter_str) - 1)
sort_and_join_conds_by_and <- function(filter_strings) {
if (length(filter_strings) == 1) return(filter_strings[1])
"(", paste(sort(filter_strings), collapse = ")&("), ")", sep = ""
# if symbolic, convert to filter string
convert_to_string_if_expr <- function(deparsed_metadata_filter) {
gsub("\"", "'", deparsed_metadata_filter)
# functions for converting args of RunAPOTC to the apotc data sample id
# stored under under @misc[["APackOfTheClones"]][[id]]
infer_object_id_if_needed <- function(args, varargs_list) {
if (!should_compute(args$run_id)) return(args$run_id)
if (
is.null(args$reduction_base) &&
is.null(args$clonecall) &&
is.null(args$extra_filter) &&
) {
latest_id <- getLastApotcDataId(args$seurat_obj)
# verbosity?
"* using the latest APackOfTheClones Run Data with object id:",
reduction_base = attempt_correction(
args$seurat_obj, args$reduction_base
clonecall = .theCall(args$, args$clonecall),
varargs_list = varargs_list,
metadata_filter = args$extra_filter
utils::globalVariables(c(".idSepStr", ".idNullStr"))
.idSepStr = ";" # not the best idea - `;` on its own is end of line.
.idNullStr = "_"
parse_to_object_id <- function(
reduction_base, clonecall, varargs_list, metadata_filter
) {
object_id <- paste(reduction_base, .idSepStr, clonecall, .idSepStr, sep = "")
if (!is_valid_args(varargs_list)) {
object_id <- paste(object_id, .idNullStr, .idSepStr, sep = "")
} else {
object_id <- paste(
object_id, varargs_list_to_id_segment(varargs_list),
.idSepStr, sep = ""
if (!is_valid_filter_str(metadata_filter)) {
return(paste(object_id, .idNullStr, sep = ""))
paste(object_id, gsub(" ", "", metadata_filter), sep = "")
get_default_apotc_id <- function(reduction_base, clonecall) {
reduction_base = reduction_base, clonecall = clonecall,
varargs_list = list(), metadata_filter = NULL
varargs_list_to_id_segment <- function(varargs_list) {
segments <- vector("character", length(varargs_list))
colnames <- names(varargs_list)
for (i in seq_along(varargs_list)) {
segments[i] <- paste(
colnames[i], "=",
sep = ""
if (length(segments) == 1) {
paste(sort(segments), collapse = ",")
# deparse into a list of
# reduction_base, clonecall, varargs_list, metadata_filter
deparse_object_id <- function(object_id) {
segments <- strsplit(object_id, .idSepStr)[[1]]
reduction_base <- segments[1]
clonecall <- segments[2]
if (identical(segments[3], .idNullStr)) {
varargs_list <- list()
} else {
varargs_list <- id_segment_to_varargs_list(segments[3])
if (identical(segments[4], .idNullStr)) {
metadata_filter <- ""
} else {
metadata_filter <- segments[4]
reduction_base = reduction_base, clonecall = clonecall,
varargs_list = varargs_list, extra_filter = metadata_filter
id_segment_to_varargs_list <- function(id_segment) {
eval(as_expression("list(", id_segment, ")"))
# getting and setting related functions
getApotcData <- function(seurat_obj, obj_id) {
getLastApotcData <- function(seurat_obj) {
getApotcData(seurat_obj, getLastApotcDataId(seurat_obj))
getApotcDataIfExistsElseCreate <- function(seurat_obj, obj_id, arglist, ...) {
if (!is.null(obj_id)) {
if (!containsApotcRun(seurat_obj, obj_id)) {
stop(call. = FALSE, "No runs found with the id: `", obj_id, "`")
return(getApotcData(seurat_obj, obj_id))
if (is_an_integer(arglist)) arglist <- parent.frame(arglist)
if (is.null(arglist)) arglist <- parent.frame()
actual_metadata_filter <- parse_to_metadata_filter_str(
arglist$extra_filter, list(...)
seurat_obj %>%
reduction_base = arglist$reduction_base,
clonecall = arglist$clonecall,
extra_filter = actual_metadata_filter,
alt_ident = arglist$alt_ident,
run_id = "__getApotcDataIfExistsElseCreate__",
override = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
) %>%
setApotcData <- function(seurat_obj, obj_id, apotc_obj) {
seurat_obj@misc[["APackOfTheClones"]][[obj_id]] <- apotc_obj
containsAnyApotcData <- function(seurat_obj) {
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