mstmap <- function(object, ...)
mstmap.default <- function(object, ...)
stop("Only \"data.frame\" and \"cross\" methods are available. See specific help files for more details.")
mstmap.cross <- function(object, chr, id = "Genotype", bychr = TRUE, suffix = "numeric",
anchor = FALSE, = "kosambi", = "COUNT",
p.value=1e-6, noMap.dist = 15.0, noMap.size = 0, miss.thresh = 1.0,
mvest.bc = FALSE, detectBadData = FALSE, return.imputed = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...) {
if(!(id %in% names(object$pheno)))
stop("The unique identifier for the genotypes, ", deparse(substitute(id)),
", cannot be found in the object")
if(!inherits(object, c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("Cross object must inherit from one of the classes \"bc\", \"dh\",\"riself\",\"bcsft\". See ?mstmap.cross for more details.")
if(!( %in% c("haldane","kosambi")))
stop("Distance function needs to be \"haldane\" or \"kosambi\" (see ?mstmap.cross).")
if(!( %in% c("COUNT","ML")))
stop("Objective function needs to be \"COUNT\" or \"ML\" (see ?mstmap.cross).")
if((miss.thresh > 1) | miss.thresh < 0)
stop("Missing value threshold is required to be between 0 and 1.")
if(class(object)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself")){
pop.type <- "DH"
allele <- c("A","B","")
if(class(object)[1] %in% "bcsft"){
scheme <- attr(object, "scheme")
if(scheme[1] > 0)
stop("\"bcsft\" type is restricted to selfed populations only.")
err <- lapply(object$geno, function(el){
if(any(c(4,5) %in% el$data))
stop("Only selfed populations with fully informative markers allowed. See ?mstmap.cross for more details.")})
pop.type <- paste("RIL", scheme[2], sep = "")
allele <- c("A","X","B")
if(trace) trace <- "MSToutput.txt"
if (is.character(trace)) {
ftrace <- file(trace, "w")
sink(trace, type = "output", append = FALSE)
on.exit(sink(type = "output"))
on.exit(close(ftrace), add = TRUE)
trace <- TRUE
oldObject <- NULL
if(!missing(chr)) {
oldObject <- subset(object, paste("-", chr, sep =""))
object <- subset(object, chr)
geno <- as.character(object$pheno[[id]])
lmat <- lapply(object$geno, function(el, geno, allele) {
rownames(el$data) <- geno
el$data[el$data == 1] <- allele[1]
el$data[el$data == 2] <- allele[2]
el$data[el$data == 3] <- allele[3]
el$data[$data)] <- "U"
}, geno, allele)
mn <- markernames(object)
if(!bychr) {
names(object$geno) <- ochr <- paste("ALL", 1:length(object$geno), sep = "")
object$geno$"L"$data <-"cbind", lapply(object$geno, function(el) el$data))
object$geno$"L"$map <- unlist(lapply(object$geno, function(el) el$map))
class(object$geno$"L") <- class(object$geno[[1]])
lmat <- list("rbind", lmat))
names(object$geno$"L"$map) <- rownames(lmat[[1]]) <- mn
object <- subset(object, paste("-", ochr, sep = ""))
nm <- names(object$geno)
param <- list("population_type"=pop.type,
omit.list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(lmat)){
mst <- .Call("mst", param,[[i]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (class(object)[1] == "riself") {
imf <- switch(, haldane = imf.h, kosambi = imf.k)
mf <- switch(, haldane = mf.h, kosambi = mf.k)
mst <- lapply(mst, function(el, imf, mf){
nm <- names(el$map)
rf <- mf(diff(el$map))
rf <- (rf/2)/(1 - rf)
el$map <- cumsum(c(0, imf(rf)))
names(el$map) <- nm
}, imf, mf)
chrw <- nm[i]
nmm <- names(object$geno[[chrw]]$map)
mst <- lapply(mst, function(el, nmm){
nmms <- nmm[nmm %in% names(el$map)]
lens <- 1:length(nmms)
apos <- pmatch(nmms, names(el$map))
rpos <- pmatch(nmms, names(rev(el$map)))
if(sum(abs(rpos - lens)) < sum(abs(apos - lens))) {
el$map <- rev(el$map)
el$map <- abs(el$map - el$map[1])
el }, nmm)
map <- lapply(mst, function(el) el$map)
ordm <- pmatch(names(unlist(map)), nmm)
omit.list[[i]] <- object$geno[[chrw]]$data[,, drop = FALSE]
ordm <- ordm[!]
object$geno[[chrw]]$data <- object$geno[[chrw]]$data[,ordm, drop = FALSE]
object$geno[[chrw]]$map <- unlist(map)
if(length(map) > 1){
spl <- sapply(map, function(el) names(el)[length(el)])
spl <- list(spl[1:(length(spl) - 1)])
names(spl) <- chrw
cobject <- subset(object, chr = chrw)
cobject <- breakCross(cobject, split = spl, suffix = suffix)
object$geno <- object$geno[!(names(object$geno) %in% chrw)]
chrw <- names(cobject$geno)
object$geno <- c(object$geno, cobject$geno)
imp <- lapply(mst, function(el){
names(el)[2] <- "data"
el$data <- t(el$data)
el$map <- el$map[names(el$map) %in% dimnames(el$data)[[2]]]
el$data <- el$data[,pmatch(names(el$map), dimnames(el$data)[[2]]),drop = FALSE]
names(imp) <- chrw
object$imputed.geno <- object$imputed.geno[!(names(object$imputed.geno) %in% chrw)]
object$imputed.geno <- c(object$imputed.geno, imp)
object$imputed.geno <- object$imputed.geno[mixedorder(names(object$imputed.geno))]
object$omit <-"cbind", omit.list[!sapply(omit.list, is.null)])
object$geno <- c(object$geno, oldObject$geno)
object$geno <- object$geno[mixedorder(names(object$geno))]
breakCross <- function(cross, split = NULL, suffix = "numeric", sep = "."){
stop("Split cannot be null.")
chr <- names(split)
if(!all(chr %in% names(nmar(cross))))
stop("Some linkage group names do not exist in linkage map.")
if(!all(suffix %in% c("numeric","alpha")))
stop("Character values for post names must be a vector of either \"numeric\" or \"alpha\".")
if((length(suffix) == 1) & length(chr) > 1)
suffix <- rep(suffix, length(chr))
suffix <- as.list(suffix)
names(suffix) <- chr
} else if(is.list(suffix)){
if(!all(names(suffix) %in% names(split)))
stop("Some linkage group names in argument suffix do not match names in argument split.")
if(any( <- pmatch(chr, names(suffix)))))
warning("Some linkage group names missing from suffix argument .. using \"numeric\".")
pnam <- split
pnam[] <- "numeric"
pe <- pm[!]
pnam[!] <- suffix[pe]
suffix <- pnam
} else stop("Post names are of the wrong type, see ?breakCross.")
for(i in chr){
cmap <- names(cross$geno[[i]]$map)
if(any( <- pmatch(split[[i]], cmap))))
stop("Some marker names do not exist in specified linkage groups.")
pm <- c(mmatch, length(cmap))
if(any(c("numeric","alpha") %in% suffix[[i]]))
p.nam <- paste(i, switch(suffix[[i]], numeric = 1:length(pm),
alpha = LETTERS[1:length(pm)]), sep = sep)
else p.nam <- suffix[[i]]
if(length(p.nam) != length(pm))
stop("Length of linkage group post names does match number of splits.")
slg <- rep(p.nam, times = c(pm[1], diff(pm)))
lg <- lapply(p.nam, function(el, gen, slg) {
res <- list()
res$data <- gen$data[,slg %in% el, drop = FALSE]
res$map <- gen$map[slg %in% el]
res$map <- res$map - res$map[1]
class(res) <- class(gen)
}, gen = cross$geno[[i]], slg)
names(lg) <- p.nam
cross$geno <- cross$geno[!(names(cross$geno) %in% i)]
cross$geno <- c(cross$geno, lg)
cross$geno <- cross$geno[mixedorder(names(cross$geno))]
mergeCross <- function(cross, merge = NULL, gap = 5){
stop("Need list of linkage groups to merge.")
if(any(sapply(merge, length) < 2))
stop("Number of linkages groups to merge must be 2 or greater")
if(any(!(unlist(merge) %in% names(nmar(cross)))))
stop("Some listed linkage groups do not appear in cross object")
for(i in 1:length(merge)){
nm <- nmar(cross)
if(is.null(lnam <- names(merge[i])))
lnam <- paste(merge[[i]], sep = "")
whl <- pmatch(merge[[i]], names(nm))
sc <- cross$geno[whl]
sc[[1]]$data <-"cbind", lapply(sc, function(el) el$data))
mapd <- sc[[1]]$map
for(j in 2:length(sc))
mapd <- c(mapd, sc[[j]]$map + max(mapd)[1] + gap)
sc[[1]]$map <- mapd
names(sc[[1]]$map) <- dimnames(sc[[1]]$data)[[2]]
sc <- sc[1]
names(sc)[1] <- lnam
cross$geno <- cross$geno[-whl]
cross$geno <- c(cross$geno, sc)
cross$geno <- cross$geno[mixedorder(names(cross$geno))]
subsetCross <- function(cross, chr, ind, ...){
if(!inherits(cross, c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("Cross object must inherit from one of the classes \"bc\", \"dh\",\"riself\",\"bcsft\". See ?subsetCross for more details.")
cross <- subset(cross, chr = chr, ...)
n.ind <- nind(cross)
if(!(is.numeric(ind) | is.logical(ind)))
stop("Argument ind can only be logical or numeric.")
cross <- subset(cross, ind = ind, ...)
if(is.numeric(ind) & all(ind < 0))
ind <- (1:n.ind)[ind]
type <- c("co.located","seg.distortion","missing")
if(any(wh <- type %in% names(cross))){
type <- type[wh]
for(i in type){
cross[[i]]$data <- cross[[i]]$data[ind,,drop = FALSE]
tcross <- cross
if(i %in% c("seg.distortion","missing")){
tcross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross[[i]]$data
tcross$geno[[i]]$map <- 1:ncol(cross[[i]]$data)
class(tcross$geno[[i]]) <- "A"
tab <- geno.table(tcross, chr = i, scanone.output = TRUE)
if(class(cross)[1] == "bcsft") tab <- tab[,1:(ncol(tab) - 2)]
cross[[i]]$table[,4:ncol(cross[[i]]$table)] <- tab[,3:ncol(tab)]
} <- function(object, pop.type= "DH", = "kosambi", "COUNT", p.value=1e-6, noMap.dist=15.0, noMap.size=0,
miss.thresh=1.0, mvest.bc=FALSE, detectBadData=FALSE,
as.cross = TRUE, return.imputed = FALSE, trace=FALSE, ...) {
if(trace) trace <- "MSToutput.txt"
if (is.character(trace)) {
ftrace <- file(trace, "w")
sink(trace, type = "output", append = FALSE)
on.exit(sink(type = "output"))
on.exit(close(ftrace), add = TRUE)
trace <- TRUE
if(!all(sapply(object, is.character)) & !all(sapply(object, is.numeric)))
stop("Columns of the marker data.frame must be all of type \"character\" or all of \"numeric\".")
RILN <- paste("RIL",1:20, sep = "")
allow.pop <- c("BC","DH","ARIL",RILN)
if(!(pop.type %in% allow.pop))
stop("Population type needs to be \"BC\",\"DH\",\"ARIL\" or \"RILn\" (see ?")
if(pop.type %in% RILN) rnum <- substring(pop.type, 4, nchar(pop.type))
if(!( %in% c("haldane","kosambi")))
stop("Distance function needs to be \"haldane\" or \"kosambi\" (see ?")
if(!( %in% c("COUNT","ML")))
stop("Objective function needs to be \"COUNT\" or \"ML\" (see ?")
alleles <- unique(unlist(lapply(object, unique)))
allow.list <- c("A","a","B","b","-","U")
ptype <- pop.type
if(pop.type %in% c("BC","DH","ARIL")){
if(all(sapply(object, is.numeric))){
if(any(apply(object, 2, function(el) length(el[]))))
stop("Numeric input cannot contain missing values")
if(any(apply(object, 2, function(el) el < 0 | el > 1)))
stop("Ony values between 0 and 1 are allowed if input is numeric.")
stop("Cross object cannot be returned for numeric input.")
} else {
if(!all(alleles %in% allow.list))
stop("Non-allowable allele encodings in DH marker set")
cons <- c("1", "1", "2", "2", NA, NA, NA)
pop.type <- "DH"
} else {
stop("Numeric input is not available for RILn populations.")
allow.list <- c(allow.list, "X")
if(!all(alleles %in% allow.list))
stop("Non-allowable allele encodings in RIL marker set")
cons <- c("1", "1", "3", "3", NA, NA, "2")
if(length(grep(" ", rownames(object)))){
rownames(object) <- gsub(" ", "-", rownames(object))
warning("Replacing spaces in genotype names with a "-" separator\n")
if(length(grep(" ", names(object)))){
rownames(object) <- gsub(" ", "-", names(object))
warning("Replacing spaces in marker nxames with a "-" separator\n")
} <- match.arg( <- match.arg(
param <- list("population_type"=pop.type,
mst <- .Call("mst", param, object)
map <- lapply(mst, function(el) el$map)
marks <- unlist(lapply(map, names))
ordm <- pmatch(marks, rownames(object))
omit.list <- t(object[, drop = FALSE])
ordm <- ordm[!]
object <- object[ordm,]
chn <- paste("L", 1:length(map), sep = "")
if (ptype == "ARIL") {
imf <- switch(, haldane = imf.h, kosambi = imf.k)
mf <- switch(, haldane = mf.h, kosambi = mf.k)
map <- lapply(map, function(el, imf, mf){
nams <- names(el)
rf <- mf(diff(el))
rf <- (rf/2)/(1 - rf)
el <- cumsum(c(0, imf(rf)))
names(el) <- nams
}, imf, mf)
co <- list()
spl <- rep(1:length(map), times = sapply(map, length))
object <- as.matrix(object)
al <- allow.list %in% alleles
cons <- cons[al]
al <- allow.list[al]
for(i in 1:length(al))
object[object == al[i]] <- cons[i]
dn <- dimnames(object)[[1]]
object <- apply(object, 2, function(el) as.numeric(el))
dimnames(object)[[1]] <- dn
datm <- lapply(, spl), t)
mo <- lapply(1:length(map), function(el, datm, map){
temp <- list()
temp$data <- datm[[el]]
temp$map <- map[[el]]
class(temp) <- "A"
}, datm, map)
co$geno <- mo
names(co$geno) <- chn
co$imputed.geno <- lapply(mst, function(el){
names(el)[2] <- "data"
el$data <- t(el$data)
el$map <- el$map[names(el$map) %in% dimnames(el$data)[[2]]]
el$data <- el$data[,pmatch(names(el$map), dimnames(el$data)[[2]]),drop = FALSE]
names(co$imputed.geno) <- chn
co$pheno <- data.frame(Genotype = factor(dimnames(object)[[2]]))
wp <- (1:23)[allow.pop %in% ptype]
class(co) <- c(c("bc","dh","riself",rep("f2",20))[wp],"cross")
if(wp %in% 4:23) co <- convert2bcsft(co, F.gen = wp - 3, = FALSE)
object <- co
} else {
do <- list()
chrv <- rep(chn, times = sapply(map, length))
dist <- unlist(map)
do$geno <- = marks, chr = chrv, dist = dist, object)
rownames(do$geno) <- NULL
imp <- lapply(mst, function(el){
nm <- names(el$map)[names(el$map) %in% dimnames(el$imputed_values)[[1]]]
pm <- pmatch(nm, dimnames(el$imputed_values)[[1]])
el$imputed_values <- el$imputed_values[pm, , drop = FALSE]
el$imputed_values })
chri <- rep(chn, times = sapply(imp, function(el) dim(el)[1]))
marki <- unlist(lapply(imp, rownames))
disti <- dist[pmatch(marki, names(dist))]
do$imputed.geno <- = marki, chr = chri, disti = disti,"rbind", imp))
rownames(do$imputed.geno) <- NULL
object <- do
object$omit <- omit.list
heatMap <- function (x, chr, mark, what = c("both", "lod", "rf"),
lmax = 12, rmin = 0, markDiagonal = FALSE, color = rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"Spectral"))(256)), ...)
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (!inherits(x, "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
what <- match.arg(what)
if ("onlylod" %in% names(attributes(x$rf)) && attr(x$rf, "onlylod")) {
onlylod <- TRUE
what <- "lod"
else onlylod <- FALSE
if (!missing(chr))
x <- subset(x, chr = chr)
n.mar <- nmar(x)
mark <- list(mark)
if(length(mark) == 1){
if(length(n.mar) != 1)
mark <- rep(mark, length(n.mar))
names(mark) <- names(n.mar)
if(!all(names(mark) %in% names(n.mar)))
stop("Names of marker subsets do not match names of linkage groups.")
for(i in names(mark)){
if(max(mark[[i]]) > length(x$geno[[i]]$map))
stop("Range of marker subset greater than the number of markers in linkage group")
x$geno[[i]]$map <- x$geno[[i]]$map[mark[[i]]]
x$geno[[i]]$data <- x$geno[[i]]$data[,mark[[i]]]
if (!("rf" %in% names(x))) {
warning("Running est.rf.")
x <- est.rf(x)
g <- x$rf
old.xpd <- par("xpd")
old.las <- par("las")
par(las = 1)
dots <- list(...)
cols <- color
dots$bigplot <- c(0.05, 0.85, 0.15, 0.9)
dots$smallplot <- c(0.92, 0.94, 0.15, 0.9)
if (what == "lod" && !onlylod) {
g[lower.tri(g)] <- t(g)[lower.tri(g)]
diag(g) <- lmax
g[! & g > lmax] <- lmax
lseq <- seq(0, lmax, length.out = 256)
lmin <- min(g, na.rm = TRUE)
cols <- cols[lmin - lseq < 0]
iargs <- list(x = 1:nrow(g), y = 1:ncol(g), z = t(g), ylab = "Markers",
xlab = "Markers", col = cols, legend.args = list(side = 4,
text = "LOD", las = 0, line = 2))"image.plot", c(iargs, dots))
else if (what == "rf") {
g[upper.tri(g)] <- t(g)[upper.tri(g)]
diag(g) <- rmin
g[! & g < rmin] <- rmin
maxg <- max(g, na.rm = TRUE)
rseq <- seq(rmin, 0.5, length.out = 256)
cols <- rev(cols)[maxg - rseq > 0]
clen <- 256*(maxg/0.5 - 1)
clen <- ifelse(clen < 0, 0, clen)
cols <- c(cols, colorRampPalette(c(cols[length(cols)], "white"))(clen))
iargs <- list(x = 1:nrow(g), y = 1:ncol(g), z = t(g), ylab = "Markers",
xlab = "", col = cols, legend.args = list(side = 4,
text = "Recombination Fractions", las = 0, line = 2, crt = 180))"image.plot", c(iargs, dots))
else {
dots$bigplot[1] <- 0.15
diag(g) <- lmax
g[! & g > lmax] <- lmax
glt <- g[lower.tri(g)]
g[lower.tri(g)] <- NA
lseq <- seq(0, lmax, length.out = 256)
lmin <- min(g, na.rm = TRUE)
coll <- cols[lmin - lseq < 0]
iargs <- list(x = 1:nrow(g), y = 1:ncol(g), z = t(g), ylab = "",
xlab = "", col = coll, legend.args = list(side = 4,
text = "Linkage", las = 0, line = 2))"image.plot", c(iargs, dots))
g[lower.tri(g)] <- glt
g[upper.tri(g)] <- NA
diag(g) <- NA
g[! & g < rmin] <- rmin
dots$smallplot[1:2] <- c(0.05, 0.07)
maxg <- max(g, na.rm = TRUE)
rseq <- seq(rmin, 0.5, length.out = 256)
colr <- rev(cols)[maxg - rseq > 0]
clen <- 256*(maxg/0.5 - 1)
clen <- ifelse(clen < 0, 0, clen)
colr <- c(colr, colorRampPalette(c(colr[length(colr)], "white"))(clen))
iargs <- list(x = 1:nrow(g), y = 1:ncol(g), z = t(g), ylab = "",
xlab = "Markers", col = colr, add = TRUE, legend.args = list(side = 2,
text = "Recombination", las = 0, line = 1.5))"image.plot", c(iargs, dots))
par(plt = dots$bigplot)
if (markDiagonal) {
for (i in 1:ncol(g)) segments(i + c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5,
+0.5), i + c(-0.5, +0.5, -0.5, -0.5), i + c(-0.5,
+0.5, +0.5, +0.5), i + c(+0.5, +0.5, -0.5, +0.5))
n.mar <- nmar(x)
n.chr <- nchr(x)
a <- c(0.5, cumsum(n.mar) + 0.5)
abline(v = a, xpd = TRUE, col = "white", lwd = 0)
abline(h = a, xpd = FALSE, col = "white", lwd = 0)
a <- par("usr")
wh <- cumsum(c(0.5, n.mar))
chrnam <- names(x$geno)
chrpos <- (wh[-1] + wh[-length(wh)])/2
par(plt = dots$bigplot)
c.args <- c(list(side = 3, at = chrpos, labels = chrnam,
tick = FALSE, line = -0.6), dots$axis.args)"axis", c.args)
c.args$side <- 4"axis", c.args)
if ("main" %in% names(dots))
title(main = dots$main, line = 2.5)
else {
if (what == "lod")
title(main = "Pairwise LOD scores", line = 2.5)
else if (what == "rf")
title(main = "Recombination fractions", line = 2.5)
else title("Pairwise recombination fractions and LOD scores", line = 2.5)
quickEst <- function(object, chr, map.function = "kosambi", ...){
if (!any(class(object) == "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
if (missing(chr))
chr <- names(nmar(object))
imf <- switch(map.function, kosambi = imf.k, haldane = imf.h,
morgan = imf.m, cf =
nm <- nmar(object)
for(i in chr){
temp <- subset(object, chr = i)
if(nmar(temp) != 1){
est <- est.rf(temp)$rf
nc <- dim(est)[1]
er <- est[cbind(2:nc,1:(nc - 1))]
temp$geno[[i]]$map <- c(0,cumsum(imf(er)))
names(temp$geno[[i]]$map) <- dimnames(temp$geno[[i]]$data)[[2]]
tempa <- argmax.geno(temp, step = 0, map.function = map.function, ...)
tempa$geno[[i]]$data <- tempa$geno[[i]]$argmax
tempa$geno[[i]] <- tempa$geno[[i]][-3]
esta <- est.rf(tempa)$rf
era <- esta[cbind(2:nc,1:(nc - 1))]
if(class(object)[1] == "riself")
era <- (era/2)/(1 - era)
object$geno[[i]]$map <- c(0,cumsum(imf(era)))
names(object$geno[[i]]$map) <- dimnames(object$geno[[i]]$data)[[2]]
genClones <- function(object, chr, tol = 0.9, id = "Genotype"){
pairsfun <- function(mat1 = mat1, mat2 = mat2){
ng <- c(unique(mat1),unique(mat2))
ng2 <- ng[!]^2
mat1[] <- mat2[] <- pi
apply(mat1*mat2, 1, function(el, ng2) {
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
ma <- sum(rep(1, length(el))[el %in% ng2])
nm <- sum(rep(1, length(el))[!(el %in% ng2) & is.wholenumber(el)])
na <- sum(rep(1, length(el))[el == (pi^2)])
c(ma, nm, na)
}, ng2 = ng2)
if(!inherits(object, "cross"))
stop(deparse(substitute(object)), " must be of class \"cross\"")
object <- subset(object, chr)
if(!(id %in% names(object$pheno)))
stop("The unique identifier for the genotypes, ", deparse(substitute(id)),
", cannot be found in the object")
gmat <- pull.geno(object)
gnam <- as.character(object$pheno[[id]])
nm <- nmar(object)
cgm <- cg <- comparegeno(object)
cg[upper.tri(cg, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
wh <- which(cg > tol, arr.ind = TRUE)
if(dim(wh)[1] == 0){
message("There are no genotype pairs with matching allele proportions greater than ", tol,".")
return(list(cgm = cgm))
ind1 <- wh[,1]; ind2 <- wh[,2]
cgd <- = gnam[ind1], G2 = gnam[ind2])
cgd$coef <- round(cg[wh], 4)
cgd <-, t(pairsfun(gmat[ind1,, drop = FALSE],gmat[ind2,, drop = FALSE])))
names(cgd)[4:6] <- c("match", "diff","na.both")
cgd$ <- ncol(gmat) - apply(cgd[,4:6], 1, sum)
group <- rep(1, nrow(cgd))
## organize groups
if(nrow(cgd) > 1){
for(el in 2:nrow(cgd)){
ind <- rep(1:(el - 1), 2)
if(any(wg <- as.character(unlist(cgd[1:(el - 1),1:2])) %in% as.character(unlist(cgd[el,1:2])))){
wg <- ind[wg]
if(length(ug <- unique(group[wg])) > 1){
mug <- min(ug)
oth <- ug[ug != mug]
group[group %in% oth] <- mug
ug <- mug
group[el] <- ug
else group[el] <- max(group) + 1
cgd$group <- group
cgd <- cgd[order(cgd$group),]
rownames(cgd) <- NULL
dimnames(cgm) <- list(gnam, gnam)
list(cgm = cgm, cgd = cgd)
fixClones <- function(object, gc, id = "Genotype", consensus = TRUE){
if(!inherits(object, "cross"))
stop(deparse(substitute(object)), " must be of class \"cross\"")
stop("Argument \"gc\" cannot be missing.")
stop("Argument \"gc\" needs to be a data frame.")
if(!all(c("G1","G2","group") %in% names(gc)))
stop("Argument \"gc\" must have names \"G1\", \"G2\" and \"group\", see ?fixClones.")
if(!(id %in% names(object$pheno)))
stop("The unique identifier for the genotypes, ", deparse(substitute(id)),
", cannot be found in the object")
ph <- as.character(object$pheno[[id]])
nm <- nmar(object)
sl <- split(gc, gc$group)
bm <- pull.geno(object)
rownames(bm) <- ph
nd <- unlist(
nc <- rep(names(nm), times = nm)
cl <- sapply(object$geno, function(el) class(el))
colnames(bm) <- paste(nc, markernames(object), nd, cl, sep = ";")
gomit <- list()
for(i in 1:length(sl)){
gn <- unique(as.character(unlist(sl[[i]][,c("G1","G2")])))
gn <- gn[mixedorder(gn)]
if(!all(gn %in% ph))
stop("Some genotypes in clone set cannot be found in cross object.")
wh <- (1:length(ph))[ph %in% gn]
td <- apply(bm[wh, ], 2, function(mm){
mm <- mm[!]
if(length(mmu <- unique(mm)) > 1 | !length(mmu))
NA else mmu
kp <- rownames(bm) %in% gn[1]
bm[kp,] <- td
gomit[[i]] <- gn[2:length(gn)]
else {
len <- apply(bm[wh,], 1, function(el) length(el[!]))
kp <- gn[len == max(len)][1]
gomit[[i]] <- gn[!(gn %in% kp)]
kp <- rownames(bm) %in% kp
rownames(bm)[kp] <- paste(gn, collapse = "_")
gomit <- unlist(gomit)
object$pheno[[id]] <- factor(rownames(bm))
object$geno <- lapply(, nc), function(el){
temp <- list()
spl.c <- strsplit(rownames(el), ";")
temp$data <- as.matrix(t(el))
temp$map <- as.numeric(sapply(spl.c, "[", 3))
names(temp$map) <- dimnames(temp$data)[[2]] <- sapply(spl.c, "[", 2)
class(temp) <- unique(sapply(spl.c, "[", 4))
object <- subset(object, ind = !(object$pheno[[id]] %in% gomit))
object$geno <- object$geno[mixedorder(names(object$geno))]
pp.init <- function(seg.thresh = 0.05, seg.ratio = NULL, miss.thresh = 0.1, max.rf = 0.25, min.lod = 3){
if(!(is.numeric(seg.thresh) | is.character(seg.thresh)))
stop("seg.thresh argument of wrong type, see ?pullCross pr ?pushCross.")
if(seg.thresh != "bonf")
stop("seg.thresh argument can only be numeric or equal to \"bonf\", see ?pullCross or ?pushCross")
if(seg.thresh >= 1 | seg.thresh < 0 )
stop("seg.thresh cannot exceed 1 and must be between 0 and 1")
seg.thresh <- NULL
stop("seg.ratio argument of wrong type, see ?pullCross or ?pushCross.")
if(!length(grep(":", seg.ratio)))
stop("Alelle ratios must be split by \":\".")
stop("miss.thresh argument of wrong type, see ?pullCross or ?pushCross.")
if(miss.thresh > 1 | miss.thresh < 0)
stop("seg.thresh cannot exceed 1 and must be between 0 and 1")
if(max.rf > 0.5)
stop("Maximum recombination fraction cannot exceeed 0.5.")
if(min.lod <= 0)
stop("Maximum LOD score cannot be less than or equal to zero.")
list(seg.thresh = seg.thresh, seg.ratio = seg.ratio, miss.thresh = miss.thresh, max.rf = max.rf, min.lod = min.lod)
pullCross <- function(object, chr, type = c("co.located","seg.distortion","missing"), pars = NULL, replace = FALSE, ...){
if(dim(object$pheno)[1] != dim(object[[type]]$data)[1])
stop("Number of genotypes in linkage map does not match external ", type, " data.")
pars <- pp.init()
stop("argument pars must be a list object one or more named elements matching the results of pp.init()")
pars <-"pp.init", pars)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!(class(object)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("Pulling of markers is not supported for this population type, see ?pullCross.")
oldObject <- NULL
if (!missing(chr)) {
oldObject <- subset(object, paste("-", chr, sep =""))
object <- subset(object, chr = chr)
nm <- nmar(object)
chr <- names(nm)
chrn <- rep(chr, times = nm)
geno <- genot <-"cbind", lapply(object$geno, function(el) el$data))
rownames(genot) <- as.character(object$pheno[[1]])
markn <- colnames(geno)
whm <- FALSE
if(type == "co.located"){
dm <- findDupMarkers(object, chr, exact.only = FALSE)
cm <- unlist(dm)
whm <- markn %in% cm
km <- names(dm)
markl <- chrl <- list()
for(i in 1:length(dm)){
markl[[i]] <- c(km[i], dm[[i]])
chrl[[i]] <- chrn[markn %in% markl[[i]]]
lens <- sapply(dm, function(x) length(x) + 1)
bins <- rep(1:length(lens), times = lens)
tab <- = bins, chr = unlist(chrl), mark = unlist(markl))
if(type %in% c("seg.distortion","missing")){
tab <- geno.table(object, scanone.output = TRUE)
nc <- ncol(tab)
if(class(object)[1] == "bcsft")
nc <- nc - 2
if(type == "seg.distortion"){
if(!is.null(seg.thresh <- pars$seg.thresh)){
pval <- 10^(-tab$neglog10P)
if(!(seg.thresh %in% "bonf"))
stop("Thresholding only exists for \"bonf\", see ?pull.cross")
seg.thresh <- 0.05/totmar(object)
else if(seg.thresh > 1)
stop("Numerical threshold cannot exceed a p.value of 1.")
whm <- pval < seg.thresh
else if(!is.null(seg.ratio <- pars$seg.ratio)) {
ctab <- tab[,5:nc]
sr <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(seg.ratio, ":")))
if(length(sr) != ncol(ctab))
stop("Wrong number of ratio elements for cross type.")
psr <- sr/sum(sr)
props <- t(apply(ctab, 1, function(el) el/sum(el)))
pmx <- apply(props, 1, max)
pmn <- apply(props, 1, min)
whm <- (pmx > max(psr)[1]) | (pmn < min(psr)[1])
} else stop("Need a threshold or a ratio (see ?pullCross).")
if(type == "missing")
whm <- tab$missing > pars$miss.thresh
tab <- = markn[whm], tab[whm,1:nc])
rownames(tab) <- NULL
object <- drop.markers(object, markn[whm])
if(is.null(object[[type]]) | replace)
object[[type]] <- list()
object[[type]]$table <- rbind(object[[type]]$table, tab)
object[[type]]$data <- cbind(object[[type]]$data, genot[,whm, drop = FALSE])
} else message("No markers were found with these characteristics.")
object$geno <- c(object$geno, oldObject$geno)
object$geno <- object$geno[mixedorder(names(object$geno))]
pushCross <- function(object, type = c("co.located","seg.distortion","missing","unlinked"), unlinked.chr = NULL, pars = NULL, ...){
fixObject <- function(x, type){
cc <- class(x)
x <- unclass(x)
x[[type]] <- NULL
x <- x[!sapply(x, is.null)]
class(x) <- cc
x }
if(type != "unlinked"){
if(dim(object$pheno)[1] != dim(object[[type]]$data)[1])
stop("Number of genotypes in linkage map does not match external ", type, " data.")
cs <- attr(object, "scheme")
pars <- pp.init()
stop("Argument pars must be a list object with one or more named elements matching the results of pp.init()")
pars <-"pp.init", pars)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!(class(object)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("Pushing of markers is not supported for this population type, see ?pushCross.")
if(is.null(object[[type]]) & !(type %in% "unlinked"))
stop("There are no markers of this type to push back.")
if(type == "co.located"){
odat <- object$co.located$data
mtab <- object$co.located$table
mnam <- markernames(object)
bm <- split(mtab, mtab$bins)
om <- sapply(bm, function(el) as.character(el$mark[1]))
if(!all(mwh <- om %in% mnam)){
warning("Some co-located marker anchors do not exist in map .. using matching set only.")
bm <- bm[mwh]
om <- om[mwh]
chrn <- rep(names(nmar(object)), times = nmar(object))
nb <- sapply(bm, nrow)
chrn <- chrn[pmatch(om, mnam)]
uc <- unique(chrn)
for(i in uc){
bmc <- bm[chrn %in% i]
markc <- as.character(unlist(sapply(bmc, function(el) el$mark[2:length(el$mark)])))
omap <- object$geno[[i]]$map
for (j in 1:length(bmc)){
whm <- (1:length(omap))[names(omap) == bmc[[j]]$mark[1]]
nmap <- c(omap[1:whm], rep(omap[whm], length(bmc[[j]]$mark) -
if (length(omap) != whm)
nmap <- c(nmap, omap[(whm + 1):length(omap)])
names(nmap)[(whm + 1):(whm + length(bmc[[j]]$mark) -
1)] <- as.character(bmc[[j]]$mark)[-1]
omap <- nmap
whc <- dimnames(odat)[[2]] %in% markc
object$geno[[i]]$data <- cbind(object$geno[[i]]$data,
odat[, whc, drop = FALSE])
object$geno[[i]]$data <- object$geno[[i]]$data[, names(nmap)]
object$geno[[i]]$map <- omap
object <- fixObject(object, type)
attr(object, "scheme") <- cs
if(type %in% c("seg.distortion","missing")){
push.object <- oe <- object
push.object$geno <- list()
whm <- rep(TRUE, ncol(object[[type]]$data))
if(type == "seg.distortion"){
tabs <- object$seg.distortion$table
if(!is.null(seg.thresh <- pars$seg.thresh)){
pval <- 10^(-tabs$neglog10P)
if(length(seg.thresh) == 1)
whm <- pval > seg.thresh
else if(length(seg.thresh) == 2)
whm <- (pval > min(seg.thresh)) & (pval < max(seg.thresh))
else stop("A numerical seg.thresh should contain no more than two elements.")
else if(!is.null(seg.ratio <- pars$seg.ratio)) {
sr <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(seg.ratio, ":")))
ptab <- tabs[,6:ncol(tabs)]
if(length(sr) != ncol(ptab))
stop("Wrong number of ratio elements for cross type.")
psr <- sr/sum(sr)
ptab <- t(apply(ptab, 1, function(el) el/sum(el)))
pmx <- apply(ptab, 1, max)
pmn <- apply(ptab, 1, min)
whm <- pmx < max(psr)[1] | pmn > min(psr)[1]
} else stop("Need a threshold or ratio (see ?pushCross).")
if(type %in% "missing"){
tabs <- object$missing$table
whm <- tabs$missing < pars$miss.thresh
inds <- (1:ncol(object[[type]]$data))[whm]
push.object$geno[[type]]$data <- object[[type]]$data[,whm, drop = FALSE]
push.object$geno[[type]]$map <- 1:ncol(push.object$geno[[type]]$data)
names(push.object$geno[[type]]$map) <- dimnames(push.object$geno[[type]]$data)[[2]]
class(push.object$geno[[type]]) <- class(object$geno[[1]])
} else stop("There are no markers to push back with these characteristics")
object[[type]]$data <- object[[type]]$data[,!whm, drop = FALSE]
object[[type]]$table <- object[[type]]$table[!whm,]
if(dim(object[[type]]$data)[2] == 0)
object <- fixObject(object, type)
object$geno <- c(object$geno, push.object$geno)
if(type %in% "unlinked"){
stop("Argument unlinked.chr cannot be NULL.")
if(!all(unlinked.chr %in% names(nmar(object))))
stop("Some names in unlinked.chr do not match linkage group names of object.")
push.object <- subset(object, chr = unlinked.chr)
oe <- subset(object, paste("-", unlinked.chr, sep =""))
oe$geno <- lapply(oe$geno, function(el){
hm <- floor(el$map[length(el$map)]/10)
if(hm != 0){
whp <- seq(el$map[1], el$map[length(el$map)], length.out = 2 + hm)
whp <- whp[2:(length(whp) - 1)]
pm <- c()
for(i in 1:length(whp)){
dm <- abs(el$map - whp[i])
pm[i] <- (1:length(el$map))[dm == min(dm)][1]
} else pm <- NULL
whp <- unique(c(1,pm,length(el$map)))
el$data <- el$data[,whp, drop = FALSE]
el$map <- el$map[whp]
el })
nme <- totmar(oe)
mn <- markernames(push.object)
chrn <- rep(names(nmar(oe)), times = nmar(oe))
oe$geno <- c(oe$geno, push.object$geno)
chru <- paste("UL", 1:length(mn), sep = "")
chro <- c(chrn, chru)
erf <- est.rf(oe)$rf
lod <- erf
lod[lower.tri(erf)] <- t(erf)[lower.tri(erf)]
erf[upper.tri(erf)] <- t(erf)[upper.tri(erf)]
diag(erf) <- 1; diag(lod) <- 0;
tme <- totmar(oe)
ind <- (nme + 1):tme
for(i in (nme + 1):tme){
if(!(chro[i] %in% unique(chrn))){
wh <- (erf[,i] <= pars$max.rf) & (lod[,i] > pars$min.lod)
link <- chro %in% chrn
whl <- wh[link]; whr <- wh[!link]
if(any(whl) | any(whr)){
chrt <- chro[link][whl]
erfs <- erf[,i][link][whl]
else if(any(whr)) {
chrt <- chro[!link][whr]
erfs <- erf[,i][!link][whr]
chi <- chrt[erfs == min(erfs)][1]
chro[!link][whr] <- chro[chro == chro[i]] <- chi
for(i in 1:length(mn))
object <- movemarker(object, mn[i], chro[nme + i])
nm <- nmar(object)
lenu <- grep("UL",names(nm))
names(object$geno)[lenu] <- paste("UL",1:length(lenu),sep= "")
object$geno <- object$geno[mixedorder(names(object$geno))]
attr(object, "scheme") <- cs
combineMap <- function(..., id = "Genotype", keep.all = TRUE, = "genotype"){
mapl <- list(...)
if( %in% "genotype"){
pkeep.all <- keep.all
marku <- unlist(lapply(mapl, function(el) markernames(el)))
if(any(table(marku) > 1))
stop("Non-unique markers between linkage maps.")
} else {
pkeep.all <- TRUE
genu <- unlist(lapply(mapl, function(el) as.character(el$pheno[[id]])))
if(any(table(genu) > 1))
stop("Non-unique genotypes between linkage maps.")
if(length(unique(sapply(mapl, function(el) class(el)[1]))) > 1)
stop("Classes of maps need to be identical.")
scheme <- lapply(mapl, function(el) attr(el, "scheme"))
if(any(!sapply(scheme, is.null))){
sc <-"rbind", scheme)
if((nrow(sc) != length(mapl)) | !all(duplicated(sc)[2:nrow(sc)]))
stop("Mismatched cross schemes in linkage maps")
if(!all(sapply(mapl, function(el) id %in% names(el$pheno))))
stop("Some linkage maps do not contain column\"", id, "\".")
mapl <- lapply(mapl, function(el){
names(el$geno) <- gsub("x","X", names(el$geno))
maplb <- lapply(mapl, function(el,{
mapb <-"cbind", lapply(el$geno, function(x) x$data))
mdist <- unlist(
chrs <- rep(names(el$geno), times = nmar(el))
cl <- sapply(el$geno, function(el) class(el))
dimnames(mapb)[[2]] <- paste(chrs, markernames(el), as.character(mdist), cl, sep = ";")
dimnames(mapb)[[1]] <- as.character(el$pheno[[id]])
if( %in% "marker"){
mapb <-
mapb[[]] <- markernames(el)
mapb[["dims"]] <- dimnames(mapb)[[1]]
} else {
mapb <-
mapb[[]] <- as.character(el$pheno[[id]])
phelb <- lapply(mapl, function(el) el$pheno)
mapm <- maplb[[1]]
phem <- phelb[[1]]
for(i in 1:(length(maplb) - 1)) {
mapm <- merge(mapm, maplb[[i + 1]], by =, all = keep.all)
phem <- merge(phem, phelb[[i + 1]], by = id, all = pkeep.all)
if(length(wh <- grep("dims", names(mapm)))){
dnam <- apply(mapm[,wh], 1, function(el){
el <- el[!]
el[1] })
omit <- c(names(mapm)[wh], "marker")
mapm <- mapm[,!(names(mapm) %in% omit)]
rownames(mapm) <- dnam
} else {
rownames(mapm) <- mapm[["genotype"]]
mapm <- t(mapm[,!(names(mapm) %in% "genotype")])
nams <- dimnames(mapm)[[2]]
mxo <- mixedorder(nams)
mapm <- mapm[,mxo]
phem <- phem[mixedorder(as.character(phem[[id]])),,drop = FALSE]
spl.m <- strsplit(rownames(mapm), ";")
ch <- sapply(spl.m, "[", 1)
mapf <- list()
mapf$geno <- lapply(, ch), function(el, nams){
temp <- list()
spl.c <- strsplit(rownames(el), ";")
temp$data <- as.matrix(t(el))
rownames(temp$data) <- nams
temp$map <- as.numeric(sapply(spl.c, "[", 3))
names(temp$map) <- dimnames(temp$data)[[2]] <- sapply(spl.c, "[", 2)
mo <- order(temp$map)
temp$map <- temp$map[mo]
temp$data <- temp$data[,mo, drop = FALSE]
class(temp) <- unique(sapply(spl.c, "[", 4))
}, nams[mxo])
class(mapf) <- class(mapl[[1]])
attr(mapf, "scheme") <- scheme[[1]]
mapf$pheno <- phem
mapf$geno <- mapf$geno[mixedorder(names(mapf$geno))]
statMark <- function(cross, chr, stat.type = c("marker","interval"), map.function = "kosambi"){
if (!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
if(!(class(cross)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("This function is not suitable for this population type, see ?statMark.")
if(any(!(stat.type %in% c("marker","interval"))))
stop("Value for stat.type argument does not match allowable names, see ?statMak.")
if (!missing(chr))
cross <- subset(cross, chr = chr)
nm <- nmar(cross)
mrk <- list()
if("marker" %in% stat.type) {
mrk$marker <- geno.table(cross, scanone.output = TRUE)
mrk$marker$dxo <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno, function(el) {
if(ncol(el$data) < 3) sxo <- rep(0, ncol(el$data))
else {
sxo <- sapply(3:ncol(el$data), function(i, el) {
out <- el$data[,i-2] == el$data[,i]
left <- el$data[,i-2] != el$data[,i-1]
sm <- out + left
sm[sm != 2] <- 0
sm[sm == 2] <- 1
sum(sm, na.rm = TRUE)
}, el)
c(0, sxo, 0)
if("interval" %in% stat.type){
ic <- sapply(cross$geno, function(el) length(el$map) > 1)
icross <- subset(cross, chr = names(nmar(cross))[ic])
nmo <- nmar(icross)
rf <- lod <- c()
for(i in 1:length(nmo)){
sc <- subset(icross, chr = names(nmo)[i])
erf <- est.rf(sc)$rf
snm <- nmo[i]
inds <- cbind(1:(snm - 1), 2:snm)
rf <- c(rf, erf[inds[,2:1, drop = FALSE]])
lod <- c(lod, erf[inds])
mrk$interval <- = rf, lod = lod)
mrk$interval$dist <- unlist(lapply(icross$geno, function(el) diff(el$map)))
mf <- switch(map.function, kosambi = mf.k, haldane = mf.h,
morgan = mf.m, cf =
mrk$interval$mrf <- mf(mrk$interval$dist)
mrk$interval$recomb <- unlist(lapply(icross$geno, function(el){
sapply(2:ncol(el$data), function(i, el)
sum(abs(el$data[,i] - el$data[,i - 1]) > 0, na.rm = TRUE), el)
rownames(mrk$interval) <- unlist(lapply(icross$geno, function(el){
len <- length(el$map)
paste("(",names(el$map)[1:(len - 1)],",", names(el$map)[2:len],")", sep = "")
chr <- rep(names(nmo), times = nmo - 1)
pos <- unlist(lapply(icross$geno, function(el) el$map[1:(length(el$map)-1)] + diff(el$map)/2), use.names = FALSE)
mrk$interval <- = chr, pos = pos, mrk$interval)
mrk$interval$chr <- as.character(mrk$interval$chr)
if(any(nm == 1)){
sc1 <- names(nm)[nm == 1]
mark1 <- markernames(subset(cross, chr = sc1))
for(i in 1:length(sc1)) {
mrk$interval[nrow(mrk$interval) + 1,1] <- sc1[i]
mrk$interval$pos[nrow(mrk$interval)] <- 0
rownames(mrk$interval)[nrow(mrk$interval)] <- paste("(",mark1[i],")", sep = "")
mrk$interval <- mrk$interval[mixedorder(mrk$interval$chr),]
profileMark <- function(cross, chr, stat.type = "marker", use.dist = TRUE, map.function = "kosambi",
crit.val = NULL, display.markers = FALSE, mark.line = FALSE, ...){
if (!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
if(!(class(cross)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("This function is not suitable for this population type, see ?profileMark.")
if (!missing(chr))
cross <- subset(cross, chr)
cross$geno <- cross$geno[mixedorder(names(nmar(cross)))]
stypes <- c("seg.dist","miss","prop","dxo","erf","lod","dist","mrf","recomb")
mtypes <- c("marker","interval")
if(any(!(stat.type %in% c(mtypes, stypes))))
stop("Value for stat.type argument does not match allowable names, see ?profileMark.")
rmtypes <- rep(mtypes, times = c(4,5))
if(!any(stypes %in% stat.type)){
call.type <- mtypes[mtypes %in% stat.type]
stat.type <- stypes[rmtypes %in% call.type]
else call.type <- unique(rmtypes[stypes %in% stat.type])
if(crit.val != "bonf")
stop("Argument crit.val can only be \"bonf\".")
stat.type <- stypes %in% stat.type
stat <- stato <- statMark(cross, names(nmar(cross)), call.type, map.function)
nm <- nmar(cross)
if(use.dist) {
dist <- lapply(cross$geno, function(el) {
dist <- diff(el$map)/100
tel <- c(0.05, dist)
names(tel)[1] <- names(el$map)[1]
dist <- cumsum(unlist(dist))
else dist <- 1:sum(nm)
adist <- dist
mn <- markernames(cross)
chrn <- factor(rep(names(nm), times = nm), levels = names(nm))
plis <- list
if("marker" %in% names(stat)) {
nlp <- stat$marker$neglog10P
mtype <- stat.type[1:4]
nc <- ncol(stat$marker)
mtype <- c(mtype[1:2],rep(mtype[3],nc - 5), mtype[4])
props <- paste("Prop. ",names(summary(cross)$typing.freq), sep = "")
mnam <- c("Seg. Distortion","Missing",props,"Double Crossovers")[mtype]
mnam <- paste("Marker: ", mnam, sep = "")
stat$marker <- = unlist(stat$marker[,(3:nc)[mtype]]))
stat$marker$dist <- rep(dist, length(mnam))
stat$marker$nams <- rep(mnam, each = length(dist))
stat$marker$lg <- rep(chrn, length(mnam))
crit.val <- 0.05/totmar(cross)
critm <- mn
logmc <- 10^(-nlp) > crit.val
critm[logmc] <- ""
stato$marker$crit.val <- logmc
stat$marker$mark <- rep(critm, length(mnam))
if("interval" %in% names(stat)){
ni <- nm - 1
ni[ni == 0] <- 1
itype <- stat.type[5:9]
inam <- c("Est. Recomb. Frac.", "LOD", "Map Dist.", "Map Recomb. Frac.","# Recombinations")[itype]
inam <- paste("Interval: ", inam, sep = "")
intn <- rownames(stat$interval)
lod <- stat$interval$lod
stat$interval <- = unlist(stat$interval[,(3:7)[itype]]))
idist <- unlist(lapply(split(dist, chrn), function(el){
if(length(el) == 1) el
else el[1:(length(el)-1)] + diff(el)/2
stat$interval$nams <- rep(inam, each = length(idist))
stat$interval$dist <- rep(idist, length(inam))
stat$interval$lg <- rep(rep(names(nm), times = ni), length(inam))
crit.val <- -log10(0.05/(sum(nm - 1)))
criti <- intn
logic <- lod > crit.val
criti[logic] <- ""
stato$interval$crit.val <- logic
stat$interval$mark <- rep(criti, length(inam))
stat <-"", stat)
rownames(stat) <- NULL
labs <- rep("",length(adist))
wh <- c(1, cumsum(nm)[1:(length(nm) - 1)] + 1)
labs[wh] <- paste(names(nm), "1", sep = ".")
} else labs <- mn
print(xyplot(val ~ dist | nams, data = stat, groups = stat$lg,
panel = function(x, y, groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts, crit.mark, nams, adist, mark.line, ...) {
panel.abline(v = adist, lty = 2, col = gray(0.8))
if(length(grep("Prop.", unique(nams[subscripts]))))
panel.abline(h = 0.5, lty = 2, col = gray(0.5))
panel.text(x, y, labels = crit.mark[subscripts], ...)
panel.superpose(x, y, groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts, ...)
}, ylab = "", scales = list(y = list(relation = "free"),
x = list(labels = labs, rot = 45, at = adist, cex = 0.6)), xlab = "",
mark.line = mark.line, crit.mark = stat$mark, nams = stat$nams, adist = adist, ...))
statGen <- function(cross, chr, bychr = TRUE, stat.type = c("xo","dxo","miss"), id = "Genotype"){
if (!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
if(!(class(cross)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("This function not suitable for this population type, ?see statGen.")
if(!(id %in% names(cross$pheno)))
stop("The unique identifier for the genotypes, ", deparse(substitute(id)),
", cannot be found in the object")
if(any(!(stat.type %in% c("xo","dxo","miss"))))
stop("Value for stat.type argument does not match allowable names, see ?statGen.")
if (!missing(chr))
cross <- subset(cross, chr = chr)
nch <- nchr(cross)
nm <- nmar(cross)
gnam <- as.character(cross$pheno[[id]])
cnt <- list()
if("xo" %in% stat.type) {
cc <- sapply(cross$geno, function(el) length(el$map) > 1)
ccross <- subset(cross, chr = names(nmar(cross))[cc])
cnt$xo <-"cbind", lapply(ccross$geno, function(el)
apply(el$data, 1, function(rows) {
ad <- abs(diff(rows[!]))
length(ad[ad != 0])
if("dxo" %in% stat.type){
pc <- sapply(cross$geno, function(el) length(el$map) > 2)
dcross <- subset(cross, chr = names(nmar(cross))[pc])
cnt$dxo <-"cbind", lapply(dcross$geno, function(el) {
sxo <- sapply(3:ncol(el$data), function(i, el) {
out <- el$data[,i-2] == el$data[,i]
left <- el$data[,i-2] != el$data[,i-1]
sm <- out + left
sm[sm != 2] <- 0
sm[sm == 2] <- 1
}, el)
apply(sxo, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
if("miss" %in% stat.type)
cnt$miss <-"cbind", lapply(cross$geno, function(el)
apply(el$data, 1, function(rows) {
rows[] <- 0
length(rows[rows == 0])
cnt <- lapply(cnt, function(el, gnam, bychr){
if(!bychr) {
el <- apply(el, 1, sum)
names(el) <- gnam
} else rownames(el) <- gnam
}, gnam, bychr)
profileGen <- function(cross, chr, bychr = TRUE, stat.type = c("xo","dxo","miss"), id = "Genotype", xo.lambda = NULL, ...){
if (!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
if(!(class(cross)[1] %in% c("bc","dh","riself","bcsft")))
stop("This function not suitable for this population type, see ?profileGen.")
if(!(id %in% names(cross$pheno)))
stop("The unique identifier for the genotypes, ", deparse(substitute(id)),
", cannot be found in the object")
if (!missing(chr))
cross <- subset(cross, chr = chr)
nm <- nmar(cross)
cnt <- statGen(cross, names(nm), bychr, stat.type, id)
pnam <- c("Crossovers","Double Crossovers","Missing")
stat.type <- pnam[pmatch(names(cnt), c("xo","dxo","miss"))]
ph <- as.character(cross$pheno[[id]])
if(("xo" %in% names(cnt)) & !is.null(xo.lambda)) {
if(bychr) cxo <- apply(cnt$xo, 1, sum) else cxo <- cnt$xo
xo.lambda <- ppois(cxo, xo.lambda, lower.tail = FALSE) < 0.05/length(ph)
nch <- nchr(cross)
inter <- floor(seq(1, length(ph), length.out = 20))
labs <- ph[inter]
dots <- list(...)
if (!"cex", names(dots))))
p.cex <- dots$cex else p.cex <- par("cex")
no.splits <- nch*length(cnt)
stat.type <- paste(rep(names(nm),length(cnt)), rep(stat.type, each = nch), sep = ": ")
} else no.splits <- length(cnt)
stat.type <- rep(stat.type, each = length(ph))
phv <- rep(ph, no.splits)
noind <- rep(1:length(ph), no.splits)
cntl <- unlist(cnt)
form <- cntl ~ noind | stat.type
grp <- rep(1, length(noind))
cntn <- cntl; noindn <- noind
plot.xo <- FALSE
if(!is.null(xo.lambda) & any(xo.lambda)){
inds <- (1:length(phv))[rep(xo.lambda,no.splits)]
grp[inds] <- 2
cntn[-inds] <- noindn[-inds] <- phv[-inds] <- NA
ylims <- lapply(split(cntl, stat.type), function(el) c(0, max(el)[1] + 0.15*max(el)[1]))
plot.xo <- TRUE
} else ylims <- lapply(split(cntl, stat.type), function(el) c(0, max(el)[1]))
xo.panel <- function(x, y, subscripts = subscripts, cntn, noindn, phv, plot.xo, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.segments(x, 0, x, y, ...)
panel.text(noindn[subscripts], cntn[subscripts], labels = phv[subscripts], adj = c(-0.2,-0.2), srt = 45, ...)
print(xyplot(form, groups = factor(grp),
panel = panel.superpose, panel.groups = xo.panel,
cntn = cntn, noindn = noindn, phv = phv, plot.xo = plot.xo,
scales = list(x = list(labels = labs, rot = 45, at = inter, cex = p.cex),
y = list(relation = "free")), xlab = "Genotypes", ylab = "",ylim = ylims, ...))
invisible(list(stat = cnt, xo.lambda = xo.lambda))
alignCross <- function(object, chr, maps, ...){
if (class(object)[2] != "cross")
stop("object should have class \"cross\".")
stop("map argument cannot be missing.")
call <-
mp <- deparse(call$maps)
if(!grep("list", mp))
stop("maps argument must be a list of maps")
mapn <- names(maps)
if(any(mapn %in% "") | is.null(mapn)){
warning("Some maps have not been named .. using map object name.")
mp <- substring(mp, 6, nchar(mp) - 1)
mp <- gsub(" ", "", mp)
mp <- strsplit(mp, ",")[[1]]
if(length(mp) > 1){
gp <- grep("=", mp)
ind <- (1:length(mp))[-grep("=",mp)]
else ind <- (1:length(mp))
else ind <- 1
mapn[ind] <- mp[ind]
object <- subset(object, chr = chr)
maps <- lapply(maps, function(el){
if(class(el)[2] %in% "cross"){
mn <- markernames(el)
ref.chr <- rep(names(nmar(el)), times = nmar(el))
ref.dist <- unlist( = mn, ref.chr = ref.chr, ref.dist = ref.dist)
} else if(class(el)[1] %in% "data.frame"){
nms <- c("marker", "ref.chr", "ref.dist")
if(!all(nms %in% names(el)))
stop("One of \"marker\", \"ref.chr\", \"ref.dist\" could not be found in data frame.")
} else stop("All maps must inherit class \"cross\" or \"data.frame\".")
mo <-
nm <- nmar(object)
ldat <- list()
for(i in 1:length(mo)){
mt <- mo[[i]]
con <- lapply(maps, function(el, mt){
pm <- match(names(mt), el$marker)
md <- mt[!]
pm <- pm[!]
if(!length(pm)) NULL
else {
el <- el[pm,]
el$map.dist <- md
}, mt)
names(con) <- paste("Ref: ", mapn, sep = "")
con <- con[!sapply(con, is.null)]
nr <- sapply(con, nrow)
ldat[[i]] <-"", con)
ldat[[i]]$map.chr <- names(nm)[i]
ldat[[i]] <- cbind(map = rep(names(con), times = nr), ldat[[i]])
fdat <-"", ldat)
if(dim(fdat)[1] == 0)
stop("There are no matching markers between the inputted map and the reference maps.")
rownames(fdat) <- NULL
fdat$map.chr <- factor(fdat$map.chr, levels = names(object$geno))
print(xyplot(map.dist ~ ref.dist | map.chr*map, groups = fdat$ref.chr, data = fdat,
scales = list(relation = "free"), xlab = "Reference distance", ylab = "Map distance",
panel = panel.superpose,
panel.groups = function(x, y, subscripts = subscripts, labs = as.character(fdat$ref.chr), ...)
panel.text(x, y, labels = labs[subscripts], ...), ...))
pValue <- function(dist = seq(25,40, by = 5), pop.size = 100:500, map.function = "kosambi", LOD = FALSE){
colour_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
if(max(dist) > 100)
stop("Genetic distance should not exceed 100cM.")
if(min(dist) < 0.001)
stop("Minimum genetic distance allowed is 0.001cM.")
mf <- switch(map.function, kosambi = mf.k, haldane = mf.h,
morgan = mf.m, cf =
rf <- mf(dist)
val <- list()
for(i in 1:length(rf)){
rec <- rf[i]*pop.size
val[[i]] <- (pop.size - rec)*log10(2*(1 - rf[i])) + rec*log10(2*rf[i])
ylab <- list("LOD score of linkage", cex = 1.5)
} else {
val[[i]] <- -log10(exp(-2*((pop.size/2 - rec)^2)/pop.size))
ylab <- list(expression(paste("-log10 ",epsilon, sep = "")), cex = 1.5)
dat <- = unlist(val))
dat$pop.size <- rep(pop.size, length(dist))
dat$dist <- rep(dist, each = length(pop.size))
cols <- colour_hue(length(dist))
labs <- paste(dist, " cM", sepm = "")
print(xyplot(val ~ pop.size, type = "l", data = dat, groups = dat$dist,
lwd = 2, col = cols, xlab = "Number of genotypes in population", ylab = ylab,
key = list(x = 0.05, y = 0.9, text = list(labs, cex = 2), lines = list(col = cols, lwd = 3))))
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