read.AmigaBasic: Read Amiga Basic files

View source: R/basic.r

read.AmigaBasicR Documentation

Read Amiga Basic files


Read an AmigaBasic() script from its binary format.


read.AmigaBasic(file, disk = NULL, ...)



A character string of the filename of the Amiga Basic file to be read.


A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the file should be read. This should be an amigaDisk() object. Using this argument requires the adfExplorer package. When set to NULL, this argument is ignored.


Currently ignored


Normally Amiga Basic code is stored encoded in a binary format (rawToAmigaBasic()). This function reads the binary data from a file (which can be stored on a virtual disk (amigaDisk())) and converts in into an AmigaBasic() class objec.


Returns an AmigaBasic() class object read from the file.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other AmigaBasic.operations: AmigaBasic.reserved(), AmigaBasicBMAP, AmigaBasic, [.AmigaBasic(), as.AmigaBasicBMAP(), as.AmigaBasic(), as.character(), check.names.AmigaBasic(), names.AmigaBasic(), rawToAmigaBasicBMAP(), rawToAmigaBasic(), read.AmigaBasicBMAP(), write.AmigaBasic()

Other io.operations: read.AmigaBasicBMAP(), read.AmigaBasicShape(), read.AmigaBitmapFontSet(), read.AmigaBitmapFont(), read.AmigaIcon(), read.SysConfig(), read.iff(), write.AmigaBasicShape(), write.AmigaBasic(), write.AmigaBitmapFont(), write.AmigaIcon(), write.SysConfig(), write.iff()


## Not run: 
## First create an AmigaBasic file
write.AmigaBasic(as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"Hello world\""),
                 file.path(tempdir(), "helloworld.bas"))

## Now let's read the same file:
bas <- read.AmigaBasic(file.path(tempdir(), "helloworld.bas"))

## End(Not run)

## There's also a demo file included with the package
demo.bas <- read.AmigaBasic(system.file("demo.bas", package = "AmigaFFH"))

AmigaFFH documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:03 a.m.