
Defines functions .validate_AmigaBasicBMAP as.AmigaBasicBMAP as.list.AmigaBasicBMAP rawToAmigaBasicBMAP print.AmigaBasicBMAP as.raw.AmigaBasicBMAP write.AmigaBasicBMAP read.AmigaBasicBMAP rasterToAmigaBasicShape as.raster.AmigaBasicShape plot.AmigaBasicShape print.AmigaBasicShape as.raw.AmigaBasicShape write.AmigaBasicShape read.AmigaBasicShape rawToAmigaBasicShape c.AmigaBasic check.names.AmigaBasic `names<-.AmigaBasic` names.AmigaBasic print.AmigaBasic `[[<-.AmigaBasic` `[[.AmigaBasic` `[<-.AmigaBasic` `[.AmigaBasic` as.AmigaBasic AmigaBasic.reserved as.character.AmigaBasic write.AmigaBasic read.AmigaBasic as.raw.AmigaBasic rawToAmigaBasic .valid_code

Documented in `[[<-.AmigaBasic` `[[.AmigaBasic` AmigaBasic.reserved as.AmigaBasic as.AmigaBasicBMAP as.character.AmigaBasic as.raster.AmigaBasicShape as.raw.AmigaBasic as.raw.AmigaBasicBMAP as.raw.AmigaBasicShape c.AmigaBasic check.names.AmigaBasic names.AmigaBasic plot.AmigaBasicShape rasterToAmigaBasicShape rawToAmigaBasic rawToAmigaBasicBMAP rawToAmigaBasicShape read.AmigaBasic read.AmigaBasicBMAP read.AmigaBasicShape write.AmigaBasic write.AmigaBasicBMAP write.AmigaBasicShape

#' The S3 AmigaBasic class
#' A class that represents the content of Amiga Basic files.
#' Amiga Basic is a \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC}{BASIC}-style programming language that was shipped
#' with early Commodore Amiga machines. It requires an interpreter to run an Amiga Basic script. The AmigaFFH
#' package does not interpret Amiga Basic scripts. It does allow for encoding and decoding scripts in the binary
#' format in which it was originally stored on the Amiga. Amiga Basic scripts were stored as encoded binaries instead
#' of ASCII text files in order to save (at the time precious) memory and disk space.
#' Amiga Basic binary files start with a file header (as an identifier) and is followed by each line of the script
#' as binary data. The \code{AmigaBasic}-class object stores each line of the script as a \code{list} item as a \code{vector}
#' of \code{raw} data. Use \code{\link{as.character}} and \code{\link{as.AmigaBasic}} to switch between
#' \code{character} data and \code{AmigaBasic}-class objects.
#' @note Although there is ample reference material on the Amiga BASIC language, there is no documentation
#' available on the script file storage format. The implementation in the AmigaFFH package is all the result of
#' painstaking reverse engineering on my part. Consequently the Amiga Basic file encoders and decoders implemented
#' here may not be infallible.
#' @docType class
#' @name AmigaBasic
#' @rdname AmigaBasic
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## This creates an AmigaBasic-class object:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"hello world!\"")
#' ## This will decode the object as plain text:
#' as.character(bas)
#' }
#' @references \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmigaBASIC}

#' The S3 AmigaBasicShape class
#' A class that represents the file format used by Amiga Basic to store bitmap graphics: blitter objects and sprites.
#' Amiga Basic used a specific format to store bitmap images that could be displayed using Basic code. Both
#' sprites and blitter objects can be stored and used. This class is used to represent such files.
#' @docType class
#' @name AmigaBasicShape
#' @rdname AmigaBasicShape
#' @family AmigaBasicShape.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ball   <- read.AmigaBasicShape(system.file("ball.shp", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' r_logo <- read.AmigaBasicShape(system.file("r_logo.shp", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' plot(ball)
#' plot(r_logo)
#' }

.amigabasicshape.flags <- c("fVSprite", "collisionPlaneIncluded", "imageShadowIncluded", "saveBack", "overlay", "saveBob",
                            sprintf("reserved%02i", 1:10))

.amigabasic_commands <- read.table(text =
fb,ff,PTAB", header = T, sep = ",", quote = "", as.is = T)
.amigabasic_commands$code1 <- as.raw(paste0("0x", .amigabasic_commands$code1))
.amigabasic_commands$code2 <- as.raw(paste0("0x", .amigabasic_commands$code2))

.valid_code <- function(x) {
    .amigabasic_commands[,c("code1", "code2")],
    1, function(y) {
      y <- as.raw(paste0("0x", y))
      (length(x) > 0 && y[[1]] == x[[1]]) &&
        (y[[2]] == 0x00 || (length(x) > 1 && x[[2]] == y[[2]]))

#' Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasic class object
#' \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} objects are comprehensive representations of binary-encode Amiga Basic scripts.
#' Use this function to convert raw content from encoded Amiga Basic scripts to an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}
#' object.
#' This function will convert raw data as stored in Amiga Basic files into its corresponding S3
#' \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class object.
#' @rdname rawToAmigaBasic
#' @name rawToAmigaBasic
#' @param x A \code{vector} of \code{raw} data that is to be converted
#' into an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns An \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object based on \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First create an AmigaBAsic object:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"Hello world!\"")
#' ## Make it raw:
#' bas.raw <- as.raw(bas)
#' ## Now convert it back to an AmigaBasic object:
#' bas <- rawToAmigaBasic(bas.raw)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
rawToAmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  cursor <- 3
  result <- list()
  attr(result, "basic_header") <- x[1:2] ## Seems to be an identifier for basic scripts
  codelines <- T
  while (cursor < length(x)) {
    prev <- cursor
    cursor <- cursor + .rawToAmigaInt(x[cursor], 8, F)
    if (cursor == prev) {
      ## encountered a terminator. From here on no more code lines
      codelines <- F
      cursor <- cursor + 1
      if (x[cursor] == raw(1)) {
        cursor <- cursor + 1
      if ((cursor %% 2) == 1) {
        ## This padding byte only occurs align files to word (2byte) size. It does not seem to have any other function.
        if (x[cursor] != raw(1)) warning("Non-zero padding data encountered")
        cursor <- cursor + 1
    } else {
      r <- x[(prev + 1):(cursor - ifelse(codelines, 1, 0))]
      if (codelines) {
        result[[length(result) + 1]] <- r
      } else {
        attr(result, "basic_names") <- c(attr(result, "basic_names"), rawToChar(r))
        cursor <- cursor + 1
  class(result) <- "AmigaBasic"

#' @rdname as.raw
#' @name as.raw.AmigaBasic
#' @export
as.raw.AmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  nms <- attr(x, "basic_names")
  basic_header <- attr(x, "basic_header")
  x <- unclass(x)
  lngths <- 1 + unlist(lapply(x, length))
  if (any(lngths > 255)) stop(sprintf("Lines %s are to long to encode", paste(which(lngths > 255), collapse = ", ")))
  x <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) c(as.raw(lngths[i]), x[i]))
  c(basic_header,                            ## file header
    unlist(x),                               ## code lines
    raw(2 + ((length(unlist(x)) + 1) %% 2)), ## terminator and padding
    if(length(nms) > 0) {                    ## append variable/label/etc. names
      unlist(lapply(1:length(nms), function(i) c(as.raw(nchar(nms[i])), charToRaw(nms[i]))))
    } else {

#' Read Amiga Basic files
#' Read an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} script from its binary format.
#' Normally Amiga Basic code is stored encoded in a binary format
#' (\code{\link{rawToAmigaBasic}}).
#' This function reads the binary data from a file (which can be
#' stored on a virtual disk (\code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}}))
#' and converts in into an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class objec.
#' @rdname read.AmigaBasic
#' @name read.AmigaBasic
#' @param file A \code{character} string of the filename of the Amiga Basic file to be read.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the \code{file} should be
#' read. This should be an \code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}} object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to \code{NULL}, this argument is ignored.
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @returns Returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object read from the \code{file}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First create an AmigaBasic file
#' write.AmigaBasic(as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"Hello world\""),
#'                  file.path(tempdir(), "helloworld.bas"))
#' ## Now let's read the same file:
#' bas <- read.AmigaBasic(file.path(tempdir(), "helloworld.bas"))
#' }
#' ## There's also a demo file included with the package
#' demo.bas <- read.AmigaBasic(system.file("demo.bas", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' demo.bas
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family io.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
read.AmigaBasic <- function(file, disk = NULL, ...) {
  dat <- .read.generic(file, disk)
  rawToAmigaBasic(dat, ...)

#' Write an AmigaBasic object to a file
#' Write an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object to a file in its binary format.
#' This function encodes the Amiga Basic code in its binary format
#' (using \code{\link{as.raw}}) and writes it to a file. The file
#' can also be stored onto a virtual Amiga disk
#' (\code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}}).
#' @rdname write.AmigaBasic
#' @name write.AmigaBasic
#' @param x The \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object that needs to be
#' stored.
#' @param file A \code{character} string specifying the file location
#' to which \code{x} (an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} object) needs to be written.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk to which the \code{file} should be
#' written. This should be an \code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}} object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to \code{NULL}, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Invisibly returns the result of the call of \code{close} to the
#' file connection. Or, when \code{disk} is specified, a copy of
#' \code{disk} is returned to which the file(s) is/are written.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First create an AmigaBasic object:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"hello world!\"")
#' ## write to tempdir:
#' write.AmigaBasic(bas, file.path(tempdir(), "helloworld.bas"))
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family io.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
write.AmigaBasic <- function(x, file, disk = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  .write.generic(x, file, disk)

#' Coerce an AmigaBasic class object to its character representation
#' Coerce an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class object to its character representation
#' Amiga Basic files are encoded in a binary format and are also stored as such
#' in \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class objects. Use this function to convert
#' these objects into legible \code{character} data.
#' @rdname as.character
#' @name as.character
#' @param x An \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object that needs to be
#' coerced to its \code{character} representation.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings, where
#' each element of the \code{vector} is a \code{character} representation
#' of a line of Amiga Basic code stored in \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First create an Amiga Basic object:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic("PRINT \"Hello world!\"")
#' ## now convert the object back into text:
#' bas.txt <- as.character(bas)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
as.character.AmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  nms <- attr(x, "basic_names")
  class(x) <- NULL
  x <- lapply(x, function(ln) {
    cmdln <- strrep(" ", .rawToAmigaInt(ln[1], 8, F))
    ln <- ln[-1]
    while (length(ln) > 2) {
      ln1 <- ln[1]
      ln <- ln[-1]
      if (cmdln == "" && length(ln) > 1) { ## Check if line starts with numeric label
        if (((utils::tail(ln, 1) & as.raw(0x80)) != 0x00) || !(any(.valid_code(c(ln1, ln[1]))) || ln1 %in% as.raw(1:3)) &&
            (length(ln) < 3 || (any(.valid_code(ln[2:3])) || ln[2] %in% as.raw(1:3)))) {
          ln[length(ln)] <- xor(utils::tail(ln, 1), as.raw(0x80))
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, as.character(readBin(c(ln1, ln[1]), "integer", 2, 2, F, "big")))
          ln1 <- ln[2]
          ln <- ln[-1:-2]
          if (length(ln) > 2) cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, " ")
      #TODO 'THEN' and 'ELSEIF' seems to be followed by redundant binaries
      m1 <- which(.amigabasic_commands$code1 %in% ln1)
      if ((length(m1) > 1 && length(ln) > 0) ||
          (length(m1) == 1 && .amigabasic_commands$code2[m1] != raw(1))) {
        if (ln1 == as.raw(0xaf) && ln[1] != as.raw(0xe8)) { ## if command is "REM"
          m1 <- which(.amigabasic_commands$code1 %in% ln1 &
                        .amigabasic_commands$code2 %in% raw(1))
        } else {
          m1 <- which(.amigabasic_commands$code1 %in% ln1 &
                        .amigabasic_commands$code2 %in% ln[1])
          ln <- ln[-1]
      if (length(m1) == 0) {
        if (ln1 %in% as.raw(0x01:0x03)) {
          ## 0x01: variable, function or static sub names. Or an option name, such as 'P' in {SAVE "helloworld.bas",P}
          ## 0x02: label definition (using colon)
          ## 0x03: label reference
          if (ln1 == as.raw(0x03)) {
            if (ln[1] != raw(1)) warning(sprintf("Encountered non-zero padding byte (%02x).", as.numeric(ln[1])))
            ln <- ln[-1]
          idx <- .rawToAmigaInt(ln[1:2], 16, F) + 1
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, nms[idx])
          ln <- ln[-1:-2]
        } else if(ln1 == as.raw(0x08)) {
          ## TODO This code appears to be redundant and follows after THEN or ELSEIF statements
          ln <- ln[-1:-3] ## byte1 says nothing about the length of the data. byte1 is mostly 2, but can have different values. the amount of data is always fixed. There seems to be a correlation with the line number in which this occurs
        } else if (ln1 %in% as.raw(0x11:0x1a)) {
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, as.numeric(ln1) - 0x11)
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x0b)) { ## octal number
          cmdln <- sprintf("%s&O%o", cmdln, readBin(ln[1:2], "integer", size = 2, endian = "big", signed = F))
          ln <- ln[-1:-2]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x0c)) { ## hexadecimal short signed integer
          cmdln <- sprintf("%s&H%X", cmdln, readBin(ln[1:2], "integer", size = 2, endian = "big", signed = F))
          ln <- ln[-1:-2]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x0e)) { ## longish unsigned integer
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, readBin(c(raw(1), ln[1:3]), "integer", size = 4, endian = "big"))
          ln <- ln[-1:-3]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x0f)) {
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, as.numeric(ln[1]))
          ln <- ln[-1]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x1c)) { ## short signed integer
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, readBin(ln[1:2], "integer", size = 2, endian = "big", signed = T))
          ln <- ln[-1:-2]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x1d)) { ## single precision float
          num <- readBin(ln[1:4], "numeric", size = 4, endian = "big")
          numopt1 <- gsub("0[.]", ".", toupper(format(num, digits = 7, scientific = F)))
          if (nchar(numopt1) > 8) {
            num <- toupper(format(num, digits = 7, scientific = T))
          } else num <- numopt1
          if (!grepl("[.]|E", num)) num <- paste0(num, "!")
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, num)
          ln <- ln[-1:-4]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x1e)) { ## long signed integer
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, readBin(ln[1:4], "integer", size = 4, endian = "big"), "&")
          ln <- ln[-1:-4]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x1f)) { ## double precision float
          num <- readBin(ln[1:8], "numeric", size = 8, endian = "big")
          numopt1 <- gsub("0[.]", ".", toupper(format(num, digits = 16, scientific = F)))
          if (nchar(numopt1) > 17) {
            num <- toupper(format(num, digits = 16, scientific = T))
          } else num <- numopt1
          num <- gsub("E", "D", num)
          if (!grepl("D", num)) num <- paste0(num, "#")
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, num)
          ln <- ln[-1:-8]
        } else if (ln1 == as.raw(0x22)) {
          quo <- ln1
          ln1 <- raw(1)
          ## If command is double quote, keep reading text
          ## until the end of the line or until another
          ## double quote is encountered
          while (length(ln) > 0 && ln1 != as.raw(0x22)) {
            ln1 <- ln[1]
            ln <- ln[-1]
            quo <- c(quo, ln1)
          quo <- quo[quo != raw(1)] ## remove any possible null characters in case a closing quote is missing
          cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, rawToChar(quo))
        } else {
          try({ ## These are probably white space, brackets, &, %, #, etc.
            cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, rawToChar(ln1))
      } else {
        cmd <- .amigabasic_commands$command[m1]
        if (cmd %in% c("ELSE", "REM", "'")) {
          ## remove preceding ":" if it is there
          if (nchar(cmdln) > 0) {
            if (substr(cmdln, nchar(cmdln), nchar(cmdln)) == ":")
              cmdln <- substr(cmdln, 0, nchar(cmdln) - 1)
          if (cmd %in% c("REM", "'")) {
            ## all remaining data on the line should be treated as text when the command is REM or '
            cmd <- paste0(cmd, rawToChar(ln))
            ln <- raw(0)
        cmdln <- paste0(cmdln, cmd)
  x <- unlist(x)

#' List Amiga Basic reserved words.
#' Obtain a list of reserved Amiga Basic words. These words are not
#' allowed as names of variables or labels in Amiga Basic.
#' This function will return a full list of reserved Amiga Basic
#' words. This list does not serve as a manual for basic (for
#' that purpose consult external resources). This list is meant to
#' consult when choosing label names in Amiga Basic code. These
#' reserved words are not allowed as names.
#' @rdname AmigaBasic.reserved
#' @name AmigaBasic.reserved
#' @returns Returns a \code{vecor} of \code{character} strings of
#' reserved Amiga Basic words.
#' @examples
#' AmigaBasic.reserved()
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
AmigaBasic.reserved <- function() {

#' Coerce raw or character data to an AmigaBasic class object
#' Coerce raw or character data to an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} S3 class object
#' Convert text to an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} S3 class object. The text should
#' consist of valid Amiga BASIC syntaxis. This function does not perform a
#' full check of the syntaxis, but will break on some fundamental syntaxis malformations
#' @rdname as.AmigaBasic
#' @name as.AmigaBasic
#' @param x \code{x} should be a \code{vector} of \code{raw} data or
#' \code{character} strings. When \code{x} is \code{raw} data, it
#' is interpreted as if it where from an Amiga Basic binary encoded file.
#' When \code{x} is a \code{vector} of \code{character} strings,
#' each element of the vector should represent one line of Basic code.
#' Each line should not contain line break or other special characters,
#' as this will result in errors. The text should represent valid
#' Amiga Basic syntax. The syntax is only checked to a limited extent as
#' this package does not implement an interpreter for the code.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns Returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object based on \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## An AmigaBasic object can be created from text.
#' ## Note that each line of code is a seperate element
#' ## in the vector:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic(c(
#'   "CLS ' Clear the screen",
#'   "PRINT \"Hello world!\" ' Print a message on the screen"
#' ))
#' ## Let's make it raw data:
#' bas.raw <- as.raw(bas)
#' ## We can also use the raw data to create an Amiga Basic object:
#' ## Note that this effectively the same as calling 'rawToAmigaBasic'
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic(bas.raw)
#' }
#' @references \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmigaBASIC}
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
as.AmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "character")) {
    ## remember the number of leading spaces, then remove them
    leading.spaces <- unlist(lapply(gregexpr("^ +", x), function(y) attr(y, "match.length")))
    leading.spaces[leading.spaces < 0] <- 0
    leading.spaces <- as.raw(leading.spaces)
    x <- gsub("^ +", "", x)
    ## split the lines at special characters:
    x <- strsplit(x, "(?=[ !#$%\\^&*()\\-+=/?,<>:;\"'])", perl = T)
    nms <- NULL
    x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
      trailing_marker <- raw(1)
      result <- raw(0)
      while (length(y) > 0) {
        ## This cannot be moved outside the loop, as the extra split modifies the text.
        ## And that should not happen when text is between double quotes or follows a REM statement
        if (grepl("^[0-9.]", y[1], perl = T)) {
          exponent <- gregexpr("[d-e][-]?\\d", tolower(paste(y, collapse = "")), perl = T)[[1]]
          ## Find first non-numeric/period that is not !#%&:
          extrasplit <- gregexpr("[^\\d.!#%&]", y[1], perl = T)[[1]]
          ## except for when it is an exponent
          extrasplit <- extrasplit[extrasplit != exponent[1]]
          ## Find first occurrence of !#%&
          extrasplit <- c(extrasplit, 1 + gregexpr("[!#%&]", y[1], perl = T)[[1]])
          ## second occurrence of period:
          extrasplit <- c(extrasplit, gregexpr("(?:.*?\\K[.]){2}", y[1], perl = T)[[1]])
          extrasplit[extrasplit < 1] <- 1 + nchar(y[1])
          extrasplit <- extrasplit[which(extrasplit == min(extrasplit))[1]]
          if (extrasplit > 1 && extrasplit <= nchar(y[1])) {
            extrasplit <- c(substr(y[1], 1, extrasplit - 1), " ", substr(y[1], extrasplit, nchar(y[1])))
          } else extrasplit <- y[1]
          extrasplit[grepl("^[.]", extrasplit)] <- paste0("0", extrasplit[grepl("^[.]", extrasplit)])
          y <- c(extrasplit,
          y <- y[nchar(y) > 0]
        if (y[1] == "?") y <- c("PRINT", " ", y[-1])
        cmd <- match(toupper(y[1]), .amigabasic_commands$command)
        if (is.na(cmd) && length(y) > 1 && y[2] == "$") {
          cmd <- match(toupper(paste0(y[1], y[2])), .amigabasic_commands$command)
          if (!is.na(cmd)) {
            y[1] <- paste0(y[1], y[2])
            y <- y[-2]
        if (!is.na(cmd)) {
          cmd <- unlist(.amigabasic_commands[cmd, c("code1", "code2")], use.names = F)
          cmd <- cmd[cmd != raw(1)]
          if (toupper(y[1]) %in% c("'", "REM")) {
            cmd <- c(if(length(result) > 0) charToRaw(":"),
                     charToRaw(paste(y[-1], collapse = "")))
            y <- character()
          result <- c(result, cmd)
        } else if (grepl("[ !#$%&()/,:;]", y[1])) {
          result <- c(result, charToRaw(y[1]))
        } else if (y[1] =="\"") { ## if it's between double quotes, it's a string
          repeat {
            result <- c(result, charToRaw(y[1]))
            y <- y[-1]
            if (length(y) == 0 || y[1] == "\"") break
          if (length(y)> 0) result <- c(result, charToRaw(y[1]))
        } else if (suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(gsub("^O", "", gsub("^H", "0x", gsub("D", "E", toupper(y[1])))))))) { ## if it is a numeric
          if (any(y[y != "  "][1] == "$")) stop("Fatal syntax error, numeric cannot be followed by '$'.")
          dot <- grepl("[.]", y[1])
          tp <- NA
          if (grepl("D", toupper(y[[1]]))) tp <- "#" ## if The exponent is noted with a 'D', it is a double precision float
          if (grepl("E", toupper(y[[1]]))) tp <- "!" ## if The exponent is noted with a 'E', it is a single precision float
          if (startsWith(toupper(y[1]), "H") && length(result) > 0 && utils::tail(result, 1) == as.raw(0x26)) tp <- "&H" ## a signed hexadecimal short int (two bytes)
          if (startsWith(toupper(y[1]), "O") || (is.na(tp) && length(result) > 0 && utils::tail(result, 1) == as.raw(0x26))) tp <- "&O" ## an octal number
          if (length(result) == 0) tp <- "numeric_label"
          if (length(result) > 2) {
            comm_check <- .amigabasic_commands$command %in% c("GOTO", "GOSUB", "BREAK", "COLLISION", "ERROR", "MENU", "MOUSE", "TIMER")
            comm_check <- .amigabasic_commands[comm_check, c("code1", "code2")]
            check <- any(apply(comm_check, 1, function(cc) {
              code <- as.raw(paste0("0x", cc))
              code <- if (!any(code == 0x00)) c(as.raw(c(0xaa, 0x20)), code) else code[code != 0x00] # 0xaa20 == "on "
              code <- c(code, as.raw(0x20))
              return(length(result) >= length(code) && identical(code, utils::tail(result, length(code))))
            if (check) tp <- "numeric_ref"
          if (grepl("E|D", toupper(y[[1]])) && (length(y) > 1) && y[2] %in% c("+", "-")) {
            y[1] <- paste0(y[1], y[2])
            y <- y[-2]

            if (length(y) > 1 && grepl("^[0-9]", y[2])) {
              nonnum <- gregexpr("\\D", y[2], perl = T)[[1]][1]
              if (nonnum != -1) {
                y <- c(y[1],
                       substr(y[2], 1, nonnum - 1), " ",
                       substr(y[2], nonnum, nchar(y[2])),
              y[1] <- paste0(y[1], y[2])
              y <- y[-2]
          num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("D", "E", toupper(as.character(y[1])))))
          if (is.na(num) && !(tp %in% c("&H", "&O"))) stop(sprintf("Fatal error in number format: %s%s.", tp, y[1]))
          if (is.na(tp) && length(y) > 1 && y[2] %in% c("!", "#", "%", "&")) {
            if (length(y) > 2 && !grepl("^[ ()/,:;-]", y[3])) y <- c(y[1:2], " ", y[-1:-2])
            tp <- y[2]
            y <- y[-1]
          ## if the number type is not specified, guess...
          if (is.na(tp)) {
            if (round(num) == num && !dot) {
              ## it's either a short or a long integer
              tp <- ifelse(num <= 32767 && num >= -32767, "%", "&")
            } else {
              ## it's either a single or a double float
              fm <- format(num, scientific = T)
              fm <- strsplit(fm, "e")[[1]]
              ## TODO need to test this more extensively
              tp <- ifelse(nchar(fm[1]) > 8 || abs(as.numeric(fm[2])) > 38,
                           "#", "!")
          if (tp == "%" && num < 255) {
            if (num < 10) {
              result <- c(
                as.raw(num + 0x11)
            } else {
              result <- c(
                as.raw(c(0x0f, num))
          } else if(tp %in% c("numeric_label", "numeric_ref")) {
            if (as.integer(y[1]) < 0) stop("Fatal syntax error: numeric labels cannot be negative.")
            if (as.integer(y[1]) > 0xfff9) {
              y <- c(substr(y[1], 1, 4), substr(y[1], 5, nchar(y[1])), y[-1])
            result <- c(result, if(tp == "numeric_ref") as.raw(c(0x0e, 0x00)) else raw(),
                        writeBin(as.integer(y[1]), raw(), 2, "big"))
            z <- y[y != " "]
            valid_current <- any(.valid_code(result)) || result[[1]] %in% as.raw(1:3)
            valid_next    <- length(z) > 1 &&
              (toupper(z[2]) %in% .amigabasic_commands$command || !is.na(suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(z[2])))) ||
                                              (!is.null(nms) && toupper(z[2]) %in% toupper(nms)) ||
                 grepl("[ !#$%\\^&*()\\-+=/?,<>:;\"']", z[2], perl = T))
            ## TODO This check isn't 100% similar to original amigabasic. It will produce a different outcome on as.AmigaBasic("1 PRINT \"ja\":GOTO 9"), but it will still work
            if (length(result) == 2 &&
                (!(valid_current && (length(y) == 1 || valid_next)) || valid_current)) trailing_marker <- as.raw(0x80)
            if (length(y) > 2 && y[2] == " ") y <- y[-2]
          } else {
            if (tp %in% c("&H", "&O")) result <- utils::head(result, -1) ## remove the '&' previously written to the result
            result <- c(
              as.raw(c(0x0b, 0x0c, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f))[match(tp, c("&O", "&H", "%", "!", "&", "#"))],
                ifelse(tp %in% c("%", "&"), as.integer(num),
                       ifelse(tp == "&H", { ## two byte hexadecimal
                         num <- as.integer(gsub("^H", "0x", y[1]))
                         as.integer(ifelse(num > 0x8000, num - 0x10000, num))
                       ifelse(tp =="&O", { ## two byte octal
                         y[1] <- gsub("^O", "", toupper(y[1]))
                         num <- strsplit(y[1], "[^0-7]")[[1]]
                         y_insert <- substr(y[1], nchar(num) + 1, nchar(y[1]))
                         if (y_insert != "") y <- c(y[1], " ", y_insert, utils::tail(y, -1))
                         num <- as.numeric(strsplit(num, "")[[1]])
                         num <- as.integer(sum(num * (8 ^ (rev(seq_along(num) - 1)))))
                         as.integer(ifelse(num > 0x8000, num - 0x10000, num))
                       }, num))),
                size = ifelse(tp %in% c("&H", "&O", "%"), 2, ifelse(tp == "#", 8, 4)),
                endian = "big")
        } else { ## If it's none of the above, it must be a name/label
          ## If a name starts with FN, it should be a function defined with "DEF FN"
          if (grepl("^FN", toupper(y[1]))) {
            result <- c(result, as.raw(0x93))
            y[1] <- substr(y[1], 3, nchar(y[1]))
          if (any(as.logical(check.names.AmigaBasic(y[1])))) stop(sprintf("Fatal syntax error Basic code at: '%s'", paste(y, collapse = "")))
          ## Check if the name was already used before, otherwise
          ## append it to the vector of names.
          nm <- match(toupper(y[1]), toupper(nms)) ## the first definition will determine the case of the characters in the name
          cd <- 1 ## variable or static sub label
          ## if the name is directly followed by a colon (and nothing else), it is a label definition
          if (length(y) == 2 && y[2] == ":") {
            cd <- 2 ## label definition
          } else {
            goto.gosub <- c(
              which(result %in% as.raw(c(0x96, 0x97))), # GOSUB and GOTO
              grepRaw(as.raw(c(0xf8, 0xa8)), result, fixed = T) # RESTORE
            if (length(goto.gosub) > 0) {
              goto.gosub <- max(goto.gosub)
              ## assume the label is meant to go with the GOSUB, GOTO or RESTORE command when the line is not split by ":" in between
              if (goto.gosub == length(result) || all(result[(goto.gosub + 1):length(result)] != as.raw(0x3a))) cd <- 3
          if (is.na(nm)) {
            nms <<- c(nms, y[1])
            nm <- length(nms)
          result <- c(
            as.raw(cd), if(cd == 3) raw(1) else raw(),
            writeBin(as.integer(nm - 1), raw(), size = 2, endian = "big")
        y <- y[-1]
      attributes(result)$trailing_marker <- trailing_marker
      return (result)
    x <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
      padding <- raw(2)
      if (!is.null(attr(x[[i]], "trailing_marker"))) {
        padding[2] <- attr(x[[i]], "trailing_marker")
        attr(x[[i]], "trailing_marker") <- NULL
      c(leading.spaces[[i]], x[[i]], padding)
    x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
      if (length(y) > 2 && identical(y[1:3], as.raw(c(0x00, 0xaf, 0xe8)))) y <- c(y[1], as.raw(0x3a), y[-1])
    ## TODO protected basic files have header 0xf4, 0xc2. U suspect that this is followed by a 5 byte encryption key, followed by encrypted data
    attr(x, "basic_header") <- as.raw(c(0xf5, 0x00))
    attr(x, "basic_names") <- nms
    class(x) <- "AmigaBasic"
    return (x)
  } else if (inherits(x, "raw")) {
    return (rawToAmigaBasic(x, ...))
  } else {
    print("Cannot convert 'x' to S3 AmigaBasic class object.")

#' Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
#' Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
#' Extract or replace specific lines in an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class object.
#' @rdname ExtractBasic
#' @name [.AmigaBasic
#' @param x An \code{AmigaBasic} class object from which specific lines
#' need to be extracted or replaced.
#' @param i In case of `[[', an integer index, representing the line-number of basic code to be selected.
#' In case of `[': a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} indices. This index
#' is used to select specific lines. Negative values will deselect lines.
#' @param value A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings or an
#' \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} class object that is used to replace
#' the selected indices \code{i}. \code{value} should represent the
#' same number of lines of code as the selected number of lines.
#' @returns The extraction method returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} object based in the lines selected with \code{i}.
#' The replacement method returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} object with the selected lines replaced with \code{value}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First generate a few lines of Basic code:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic(c(
#'   "LET a = 1",
#'   "a = a + 1",
#'   "PRINT \"a now equals\";a",
#'   "INPUT \"clear screen (y/n)? \", b$",
#'   "IF UCASE$(b$) = \"Y\" THEN CLS"
#' ))
#' ## Select only lines 4 and 5:
#' bas[4:5]
#' ## use negative indices to deselect specific lines.
#' ## deselect line 2:
#' bas[-2]
#' ## replace line 2
#' bas[2] <- "a = a + 2"
#' ## You can also use AmigaBasic class object as replacement
#' bas[2] <- as.AmigaBasic("a = a + 3")
#' ## single lines can also be selected with '[['
#' bas[[2]]
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
`[.AmigaBasic` <- function(x, i) {
  vctrs::vec_restore(NextMethod(), x)

#' @rdname ExtractBasic
#' @name [<-.AmigaBasic
#' @export
`[<-.AmigaBasic` <- function(x, i, value) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("'x' should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  x <- as.character(x)
  x[i] <- as.character(value)

#' @rdname ExtractBasic
#' @name `[[.AmigaBasic`
#' @export
`[[.AmigaBasic` <- function(x, i) {
  vctrs::vec_restore(list(NextMethod()), x)

#' @rdname ExtractBasic
#' @name `[[<-.AmigaBasic`
#' @export
`[[<-.AmigaBasic` <- function(x, i, value) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  x <- as.character(x)
  x[[i]] <- as.character(value)

#' @export
print.AmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  cat(paste(as.character(x), collapse = "\n"))

#' Extract or replace variable and label names from Amiga Basic scripts
#' In the binary Amiga Basic files, names for labels and variables
#' in the code are stored at the end of the file. In the encoded
#' there is only a pointer to the index of the name in that list. Use
#' this function to list, select or replace names included in the code
#' Make sure that variable and label names are valid for the basic script (see \link{check.names.AmigaBasic}).
#' @rdname names.AmigaBasic
#' @name names.AmigaBasic
#' @param x An \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class object for which to obtain or change variable and/or label names
#' @param value A (\code{vector} of) \code{character} string of desired replacement variable/label names.
#' @returns A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings with label and variable names in the basic script.
#' In case of the replacement method a \code{\link{AmigaBasic}}-class with replaced names is returned.
#' @examples
#' ## Let's create some Basic code with labels and variables:
#' bas <- as.AmigaBasic(c(
#'   "REM - This will loop forever...",
#'   "my.label:",
#'   "  my.variable% = 0",
#'   "  WHILE my.variable% < 10",
#'   "    my.variable% = my.variable% + 1",
#'   "  WEND",
#'   "  GOTO my.label"
#' ))
#' ## list the names in the script above:
#' names(bas)
#' ## change the first name:
#' names(bas)[1] <- "better.label"
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
names.AmigaBasic <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  result <- attr(x, "basic_names")
  if (length(result) == 0) character() else result

#' @rdname names.AmigaBasic
#' @name names<-.AmigaBasic
#' @export
`names<-.AmigaBasic` <- function(x, value) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasic.")
  if (!is.character(value) || length(value) != length(attr(x, "basic_names")))
    stop("Replacement should be a vector of characters of the same length.")
  if (any(duplicated(toupper(value)))) stop("All names should be unique.")
  if (any(nchar(value) > 255 | nchar(value) < 1)) stop("All names should be one or more and less than 255 characters in length.")
  if (any(toupper(value) %in% .amigabasic_commands$command)) stop("Names cannot be reserved AmigaBasic words.")
  if (any(grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]", value, perl = TRUE))) stop("Names should consist of alphanumerics or periods.")
  if (any(grepl("[0-9]", substr(value, 1, 1), perl = T))) stop("Names should not start with numeric characters.")
  if (any(grepl("[ !#$%\\^&*()\\-+=/?,<>:;\"']", value, perl = T))) stop("Names should not contain special characters.")
  attr(x, "basic_names") <- value

#' Check Amiga Basic label/variable names for validity
#' Check Amiga Basic label/variable names for validity
#' Names for variables and labels should adhere to the following rules in Amiga Basic:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Length of the names should be in the range of 1 up to 255 character}
#'   \item{Names cannot be \code{\link{AmigaBasic.reserved}} words}
#'   \item{Names should only contain alphanumeric characters or periods and
#'   should not contain special characters (i.e., reserved for type definition,
#'   such as dollar- or percentage sign)}
#'   \item{Names should not start with a numeric character}
#' }
#' This function tests names against each of these criteria.
#' @rdname check.names.AmigaBasic
#' @name check.names.AmigaBasic
#' @param x A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings that need to be checked
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns A \code{data.frame} with \code{logical} values with the same number of rows as the length of \code{x}.
#' Columns in the data.frame corresponds with the criteria listed in the details.
#' \code{FALSE} for invalid names.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## These are valid names in Amiga Basic:
#' check.names.AmigaBasic(c("Foo", "Bar"))
#' ## Reserved words and repeated names are not allowed:
#' check.names.AmigaBasic(c("Print", "Foo", "Foo"))
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
check.names.AmigaBasic <- function(x, ...) {
  nm <- if (inherits(x, "AmigaBasic")) names(x) else as.character(x)
  result <- data.frame(
    duplicated = duplicated(toupper(nm)),
    length     = nchar(nm) > 255 | nchar(nm) < 1,
    reserved   = toupper(nm) %in% .amigabasic_commands$command,
    characters = grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]", nm, perl = TRUE),
    start      = grepl("^[0-9.]", nm, perl = TRUE)
  row.names(result) <- nm

#' @rdname c
#' @name c
#' @export
c.AmigaBasic <- function(...) {
  bas.codes <- list(...)
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(bas.codes, inherits, what = "AmigaBasic")))) stop ("All arguments should be of type AmigaBasic.")
  ## It's not fastest, but it is safest to convert all codes to text
  ## than back to AmigaBasic.
  bas.codes <- as.AmigaBasic(unlist(lapply(bas.codes, as.character)))

.basic.shape.header <- data.frame(
  byte      = c(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, -2, 2, -2),
  signed    = c(F, F, F, F, F,  F, F,  F),
  par.names = c("colorset", "dataset", "depth", "width", "height", "flags", "planePick", "planeOnOff"),
  stringsAsFactors = F

#' Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasicShape class object
#' Coerce raw data into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}}-class object
#' \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} objects are comprehensive representations of blitter
#' and sprite graphics that can be used in \code{\link{AmigaBasic}} scripts. Use this function
#' to convert \code{raw} content to an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} object.
#' @rdname rawToAmigaBasicShape
#' @name rawToAmigaBasicShape
#' @param x A \code{vector} of \code{raw} data that is to be converted
#' into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object.
#' @param palette A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings, where each element represents a colour in the palette.
#' This palette will be used to display the graphics (note that the raw format does not store the palette, but this
#' S3 class does). When this argument is omitted a grey scale palette will be generated.
#' @returns returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}}-class object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filename <- system.file("ball.shp", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' ## read as binary:
#' con      <- file(filename, "rb")
#' ball.raw <- readBin(con, "raw", file.size(filename))
#' close(con)
#' ## convert raw data into something useful:
#' ball     <- rawToAmigaBasicShape(ball.raw)
#' ## A shortcut would be to call read.AmigaBasicShape
#' ball2    <- read.AmigaBasicShape(filename)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasicShapes.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
rawToAmigaBasicShape <- function(x, palette) {
  ## colorset and dataset seem to be ignored in the basic object editor.
  ## They seem not required for interpretation of the file
  if (missing(palette)) palette <- NULL
  result        <- with(.basic.shape.header, .read.amigaData(x, byte, signed, par.names))
  if (is.null(palette)) {
    palette <- grDevices::grey(seq(0, 1, length.out = 2^result$depth))
  } else {
    if (length(palette) < 2^result$depth) {
      palette <- rep_len(palette, 2^result$depth)
      warning(sprintf("Palette contains too few colours. Provided palette is repeated to length.out %i.", 2^result$depth))
    } else if (length(palette) > 2^result$depth) {
      palette <- palette[1:(2^result$depth)]
      warning(sprintf("Palette contains too many colours. Provided palette is truncated to length.out %i.", 2^result$depth))
  x             <- x[-1:-sum(abs(.basic.shape.header$byte))]
  result$bitmap <- with(result, bitmapToRaster(x, width, height, depth, palette, interleaved = F))
  attributes(result$bitmap)$palette <- palette
  sz_alt        <- 2*ceiling(result$width/16)*result$height
  sz            <- sz_alt*result$depth
  x             <- x[-1:-sz]
  result$flags <- rev(as.logical(.rawToBitmap(c(raw(2), result$flags), T, F)))[1:16]
  result$planeOnOff <- rev(as.logical(.rawToBitmap(c(raw(2), result$planeOnOff), T, F)))[1:16]
  names(result$flags) <- .amigabasicshape.flags
  if (result$flags["fVSprite"] && result$depth != 2) warning("Unexpected bitmap depth for sprite mode.")
  if (result$flag["imageShadowIncluded"]) {
    result$shadow <- with(result, bitmapToRaster(x, width, height, 1, interleaved = F, palette = c("black", "white")))
    x <- x[-1:-sz_alt]
  if (result$flag["collisionPlaneIncluded"]) {
    result$collision <- with(result, bitmapToRaster(x, width, height, 1, interleaved = F, palette = c("black", "white")))
    x <- x[-1:-sz_alt]
  if (result$flags["fVSprite"]) {
    result$sprite_palette <- amigaRawToColour(x[1:6], "12 bit", "2")
    x <- x[-1:-6]
  if (length(x) > 0) warning("Unexpected and unused trailing data!")
  class(result) <- "AmigaBasicShape"

#' Read Amiga Basic Shape files
#' Read Amiga Basic Shape files
#' AmigaBasic used the term 'shapes' for graphics (sprites and blitter objects) which it could display.
#' These graphics were stored in a specific binary format, which can be read with this function. See
#' \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} for more details. The file can also be read from a virtual Amiga disk
#' (\code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}}).
#' @rdname read.AmigaBasicShape
#' @name read.AmigaBasicShape
#' @param file A \code{character} string of the filename of the Amiga Basic Shape file to be read.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the \code{file} should be
#' read. This should be an \code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}} object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to \code{NULL}, this argument is ignored.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{rawToAmigaBasicShape}}.
#' @returns Returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object read from the \code{file}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filename <- system.file("ball.shp", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' ball     <- read.AmigaBasicShape(filename)
#' ## This is a sprite:
#' ball$flags[["fVSprite"]]
#' filename <- system.file("r_logo.shp", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' ## The palette is not stored with an Amiga Basic Shape, so let's provide one:
#' r_logo   <- read.AmigaBasicShape(filename,
#'                                  palette = c("#FFFFFF", "#2266BB", "#3366BB", "#4477AA",
#'                                  "#778899", "#999999", "#AAAAAA", "#BBBBBB"))
#' ## This is a blitter object:
#' r_logo$flags[["fVSprite"]]
#' ## Just for fun, plot it:
#' plot(r_logo)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasicShape.operations
#' @family io.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
read.AmigaBasicShape <- function(file, disk = NULL, ...) {
  dat <- .read.generic(file, disk)
  rawToAmigaBasicShape(dat, ...)

#' Write an AmigaBasicShape object to a file
#' Write an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object to a file in its binary format.
#' This function coerces the Amiga Basic Shape into its binary format
#' (using \code{\link[AmigaFFH]{as.raw}}) and writes it to a file. The file
#' can also be stored onto a virtual Amiga disk
#' (\code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}}).
#' @rdname write.AmigaBasicShape
#' @name write.AmigaBasicShape
#' @param x The \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object that needs to be
#' stored.
#' @param file A \code{character} string specifying the file location
#' to which \code{x} (an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} object) needs to be written.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk to which the \code{file} should be
#' written. This should be an \code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}} object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to \code{NULL}, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Invisibly returns the result of the call of \code{close} to the
#' file connection. Or, when \code{disk} is specified, a copy of
#' \code{disk} is returned to which the file(s) is/are written.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filename <- system.file("ball.shp", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' ball     <- read.AmigaBasicShape(filename)
#' write.AmigaBasicShape(ball, file.path(tempdir(), "ball.shp"))
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasicShape.operations
#' @family io.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
write.AmigaBasicShape <- function(x, file, disk = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasicShape")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasicShape.")
  .write.generic(x, file, disk)

#' @rdname as.raw
#' @name as.raw.AmigaBasicShape
#' @export
as.raw.AmigaBasicShape <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasicShape")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasicShape.")
  sprite        <- x$flags[["fVSprite"]]
  shadow        <- x$flags[["imageShadowIncluded"]]
  collision     <- x$flags[["collisionPlaneIncluded"]]
  x$flags       <- .bitmapToRaw(c(x$flags, rep(F, 16)), T, T)[3:4]
  x$planeOnOff  <- .bitmapToRaw(c(x$planeOnOff, rep(F, 16)), T, T)[3:4]
  result        <- with(.basic.shape.header, .write.amigaData(x[par.names], byte, signed, par.names))
  pal <- attributes(x$bitmap)$palette
  result        <- c(result,
                       depth = x$depth,
                       interleaved = F,
                       indexing = function(x, length.out) index.colours(x, length.out,
                                                                        palette = pal)),
                       T, F)
  if (shadow) {
    if (is.null(x$shadow)) stop("Expected shadow layer, but found nothing") else {
      result        <- c(result,
                           depth = 1,
                           interleaved = F,
                           indexing = function(x, length.out) index.colours(x, length.out,
                                                                            palette = c("black", "white"))),
                           T, F)
  if (collision) {
    if (is.null(x$collision)) stop("Expected shadow layer, but found nothing") else {
      result        <- c(result,
                           depth = 1,
                           interleaved = F,
                           indexing = function(x, length.out) index.colours(x, length.out,
                                                                            palette = c("black", "white"))),
                           T, F)
  if (sprite) {
    if (is.null(x$sprite_palette)) stop("Expected sprite palette, but found nothing") else {
      result <- c(result, colourToAmigaRaw(x$sprite_palette, "12 bit", "2"))

#' @export
print.AmigaBasicShape <- function(x, ...) {
  print(sprintf("A %i x %i %s with %i colours to be used in Amiga Basic.",
                x$width, x$height,
                c("blitter object", "sprite")[as.numeric(x$flags[["fVSprite"]]) + 1], 2^x$depth), ...)

#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot.AmigaBasicShape
#' @export
plot.AmigaBasicShape <- function(x, y, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasicShape")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasicShape.")
  if (missing(y)) y <- "bitmap"
  plot(as.raster(x, selected = y), ...)

#' @rdname as.raster
#' @name as.raster.AmigaBasicShape
#' @export
as.raster.AmigaBasicShape <- function(x, selected = c("bitmap", "shadow", "collision"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasicShape")) stop("x should be of class AmigaBasicShape.")
  bm <- x[[match.arg(selected, c("bitmap", "shadow", "collision"))]]
  if (is.null(bm)) stop(sprintf("No %s layer available in this object!", selected))

#' Convert a grDevices raster object into an AmigaBasicShape class object.
#' Convert a \code{\link[grDevices:as.raster]{raster}} object into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object.
#' This method can be used to turn any graphics into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object. In order to do
#' so, the colours of the input image (a \code{\link[grDevices:as.raster]{raster}} object) will be quantized to a
#' limited palette. This palette can be forced as an argument to this function. Otherwise, it will be based on
#' the input image.
#' @rdname rasterToAmigaBasicShape
#' @name rasterToAmigaBasicShape
#' @param x A \code{\link[grDevices:as.raster]{raster}} class object to convert into a \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class obejct.
#' @param type A \code{character} string indicating what type of graphic needs to be created: "\code{blitter object}" (default) or "\code{sprite}".
#' @param palette A \code{vector} of \code{character} strings, where each element represents a colour. This palette is used to quantize the
#' colours that occur in the \code{raster} \code{x}.
#' @param shadow An optional layer that could be stored with the graphics. This layer could be used for specific
#' shadow effects when blitting the graphics to the screen. It needs to be a \code{\link[grDevices:as.raster]{raster}}
#' object consisting of the colours black (bit unset) and white (bit set). The raster needs to have the same dimensions
#' as \code{x}. This layer will be omitted when this argument is omitted (or set to \code{NULL}).
#' @param collision An optional layer that could be stored with the graphics. This layer could be used for collision
#' detection between graphical objects. It needs to be a \code{\link[grDevices:as.raster]{raster}}
#' object consisting of the colours black (bit unset) and white (bit set). The raster needs to have the same dimensions
#' as \code{x}. This layer will be omitted when this argument is omitted (or set to \code{NULL}).
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto \code{\link{index.colours}}. Can be used, for instance, to achieve specific dithering effects.
#' @returns Returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasicShape}} class object based on \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get a raster image:
#' ilbm <- as.raster(read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH")))
#' ## convert to an Amiga Basic blitter object:
#' bob <- rasterToAmigaBasicShape(ilbm, "blitter object")
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasicShape.operations
#' @family raster.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
rasterToAmigaBasicShape <- function(x, type = c("blitter object", "sprite"), palette, shadow, collision, ...) {
  if (missing(palette)) {
    if (is.null(attributes(x)$palette)) {
      palette <- table(x)
      palette <- palette[order(-palette)]
      palette <- names(palette)
    } else {
      palette <- attributes(x)$palette
  if (missing(shadow)) shadow <- NULL
  if (missing(collision)) collision <- NULL
  depth <- ceiling(log2(length(palette)))
  ## if not all pixel colours are in palette, the bitmap needs to be quantized
  if (!all((x %in% palette))) {
    x <- apply(
      index.colours(x, length.out = 2^depth, palette = palette, ...), 2,
      function(y) palette[y])
    x <- as.raster(x)
    attributes(x)$palette <- palette
  type <- match.arg(type, c("blitter object", "sprite"))
  if (type == "sprite" && (length(palette) != 4 || attributes(x)$dim[[2]] != 16))
    stop("AmigaBasicShape sprites have to be 16 pixels wide and consist of 4 colours!")
  result <- sapply(.basic.shape.header$par.names, function(x) NULL)
  result$colorset     <- 0
  result$dataset      <- 0
  result$depth        <- depth
  result$width        <- attributes(x)$dim[[2]]
  result$height       <- attributes(x)$dim[[1]]
  result$flags        <- rep(F, 16)
  names(result$flags) <- .amigabasicshape.flags
  result$flags[c("saveBack", "overlay")] <- T
  result$flags["fVSprite"]               <- type == "sprite"
  result$flags["imageShadowIncluded"]    <- !is.null(shadow)
  result$flags["collisionPlaneIncluded"] <- !is.null(collision)
  result$planePick    <- 2^depth - 1
  result$planeOnOff   <- rep(F, 16)
  result$bitmap       <- x
  attributes(result$bitmap)$palette <- palette
  specialLayer <- function(z, w) {
    z <- as.raster(z)
    if (!identical(dim(z), dim(result$bitmap))) stop("Shadow layer should have the same dimensions as the bitmap")
    z <- index.colours(z, 2)
    cols <- grDevices::rgb2hsv(grDevices::col2rgb(attributes(z)$palette))
    l <- (2 - cols["s",])*cols["v",]/2
    attributes(z)$palette <- c("black", "white")[order(l)]
    z <- as.raster(apply(z, 2, function(i) attributes(z)$palette[i]))
    attributes(z)$palette <- c("black", "white")
  if (!is.null(shadow)) result$shadow <- specialLayer(shadow, "shadow")
  if (!is.null(collision)) result$collision <- specialLayer(collision, "collision")
  if (type == "sprite") result$sprite_palette <- palette[-1] ## background colour is not stored for sprite, hence -1
  class(result) <- "AmigaBasicShape"

#' The S3 AmigaBasicBMAP class
#' A class that represents the content of Amiga Basic BMAP files.
#' The Amiga operating system made use of library files to execute specific (repetitive/routine) tasks. Amiga Basic
#' was also able to call such routines from library files. In order to do so, it required a 'bmap' file for each
#' library. This file contains a map of the library where it specifies: the name of routine; the `Library Vector Offset'
#' (explained below); and used CPU registers (explained below).
#' The `Library Vector Offset' is an offset to the base address of a library in memory. This offsets indicates where
#' a specific executable routine starts. The CPU registers are used to (temporary) store (pointers to) input data
#' used by the routine. The BMAP file thus lists which CPU registers are used by specified routines.
#' @docType class
#' @name AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @rdname AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @references \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmigaOS#Libraries_and_devices}

#' Read and write Amiga Basic BMAP files
#' Read and write \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} binary file format.
#' An \link[AmigaFFH:AmigaBasicBMAP]{Amiga Basic BMAP} file maps the offset of routines in Amiga libraries and can be
#' read as a comprehensive list and written back to a binary file using these functions.
#' @rdname AmigaBasicBMAP-io
#' @name read.AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @param x A \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object that needs to be
#' stored.
#' @param file A \code{character} string of the filename of the Amiga Basic BMAP file to be read or written.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the \code{file} should be
#' read or written to. This should be an \code{\link[adfExplorer:amigaDisk-class]{amigaDisk}} object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to \code{NULL}, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Returns an \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object read from the \code{file} in case of
#' \code{read.AmigaBasicBMAP}. Otherwise, invisibly returns the result of the call of \code{close} to the
#' file connection. Or, when \code{disk} is specified, a copy of
#' \code{disk} is returned to which the file is written.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## A small fragment of the dos.library BMAP would look like this:
#' dos.bmap <- as.AmigaBasicBMAP(list(
#'   xOpen = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -30,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:3)
#'   ),
#'   xClose = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -36,
#'     registers = as.raw(2)
#'   ),
#'   xRead = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -42,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:4)
#'   )
#' ))
#' ## This will write the BMAP to a file:
#' write.AmigaBasicBMAP(dos.bmap, file.path(tempdir(), "dos.bmap"))
#' ## This will read the same file:
#' dos.bmap.copy <- read.AmigaBasicBMAP(file.path(tempdir(), "dos.bmap"))
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family io.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
read.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(file, disk = NULL) {
  dat <- .read.generic(file, disk)

#' @rdname AmigaBasicBMAP-io
#' @name write.AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @export
write.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x, file, disk = NULL) {
  .write.generic(x, file, disk)

#' @rdname as.raw
#' @name as.raw.AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @export
as.raw.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x) {
  unlist(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    c(charToRaw(names(x)[i]), raw(1),
      .amigaIntToRaw(x[[i]]$libraryVectorOffset, 16, T),
      x[[i]]$registers, raw(1))

#' @export
print.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x, ...) {
  print(sprintf("An AmigaBasicBMAP with %i references.", length(x)), ...)

#' Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasicBMAP class object
#' Coerce raw data into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object
#' An \link[AmigaFFH:AmigaBasicBMAP]{Amiga Basic BMAP} file maps the offset of routines in Amiga libraries. This
#' function converts the raw format in which it would be stored as a file into a comprehensive S3 class object.
#' @rdname rawToAmigaBasicBMAP
#' @name rawToAmigaBasicBMAP
#' @param x A \code{vector} of \code{raw} data that is to be converted
#' into an \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns An \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object based on \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## A small fragment of the dos.library BMAP would look like this:
#' dos.bmap <- as.AmigaBasicBMAP(list(
#'   xOpen = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -30,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:3)
#'   ),
#'   xClose = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -36,
#'     registers = as.raw(2)
#'   ),
#'   xRead = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -42,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:4)
#'   )
#' ))
#' ## The raw representation would be
#' dos.bmap.raw <- as.raw(dos.bmap)
#' ## And the reverse
#' rawToAmigaBasicBMAP(dos.bmap.raw)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
rawToAmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- c(raw(1), x)
  terminator <- c(which(x == 0x00), length(x) + 1)
  nm <- utils::head(unlist(lapply(
           from = terminator[seq.int(1, length(terminator), 2)] + 1,
           to   = terminator[seq.int(2, length(terminator), 2)] - 1),
    function(y) rawToChar(x[y]))), -1)
  lvo <- utils::head(unlist(lapply(
           from = terminator[seq.int(2, length(terminator), 2)] + 1,
           to   = terminator[seq.int(2, length(terminator), 2)] + 2, SIMPLIFY = F),
    function(y) .rawToAmigaInt(as.raw(x[y]), 16, T))), -1)
  registers <- lapply(
           from = utils::head(terminator[seq.int(2, length(terminator), 2)] + 3, -1),
           to   = utils::head(terminator[seq.int(2, length(terminator), 2) + 1] -1, -1), SIMPLIFY = F),
    function(y) as.raw(x[y]))
  no_reg <- diff(terminator) < 4
  no_reg <- which(no_reg[c(F, T)])
  registers[no_reg] <- lapply(seq_along(no_reg), function(i) raw())
  result <- lapply(seq_along(nm), function(i) {
    list(libraryVectorOffset = lvo[[i]],
         registers           = registers[[i]])
  names(result) <- nm
  class(result) <- "AmigaBasicBMAP"
  return (result)

#' @export
as.list.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x, ...) {

#' Coerce raw or named list to an AmigaBasicBMAP class object
#' Coerce \code{raw} or named \code{list} to an \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} class object
#' An \link[AmigaFFH:AmigaBasicBMAP]{Amiga Basic BMAP} file maps the offset of routines in Amiga libraries. This
#' function converts the raw format in which it would be stored as a file into a comprehensive S3 class object. It
#' can also convert a named list into an S3 class object. See `Arguments' and `Examples' sections on how to format
#' this list.
#' @rdname as.AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @name as.AmigaBasicBMAP
#' @param x When \code{x} is a \code{vector} of \code{raw} data, it needs to be structured as it would be
#' when stored in a binary file (see \code{\link{read.AmigaBasicBMAP}}). \code{x} can also be a named \code{list},
#' where the name of each element corresponds with a routine in the library. Each element should than consist
#' of a \code{list} with 2 elements: The first should be named `libraryVectorOffset' and should hold the \code{numeric}
#' offset of the routine in the library (see details). The second element should be named `registers' and should
#' contain a \code{vector} of \code{raw} values refering to CPU registers used by the routine (see details).
#' @returns Returns a \code{\link{AmigaBasicBMAP}} based on \code{x}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## For the dos.library, the start of the bmap list would look like:
#' dos.list <- list(
#'   xOpen = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -30,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:3)
#'   ),
#'   xClose = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -36,
#'     registers = as.raw(2)
#'   ),
#'   xRead = list(
#'     libraryVectorOffset = -42,
#'     registers = as.raw(2:4)
#'   )
#' )
#' ## Note that the list above is incomplete, the dos.library holds more routines than shown here.
#' ## This merely serves as an example.
#' ## This list can be converted to an S3 class as follows:
#' dos.bmap <- as.AmigaBasicBMAP(dos.list)
#' }
#' @family AmigaBasic.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
as.AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x) {
  if (typeof(x) == "raw") return(rawToAmigaBasicBMAP(x))
  if (typeof(x) != "list") stop("No method available for converting this object into AmigaBasicBMAP")
  x <- as.list(x)
  class(x) <- "AmigaBasicBMAP"

.validate_AmigaBasicBMAP <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "AmigaBasicBMAP")) stop("AmigaBasicBMAP should inherit AmigaBasicBMAP class")
  if (typeof(x) != "list") stop("AmigaBasicBMAP should be of type list")
  if (any(apply(check.names.AmigaBasic(names(x)), 1, any))) stop("AmigaBasicBMAP routine names should not be Amiga Basic reserved words!")
  registers_ok  <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
    y$libraryVectorOffset >= -32768 && y$libraryVectorOffset < 0 &&
      (length(y$registers) == 0 || ((y$registers %in% as.raw(1:15)) && !any(duplicated(y$registers))))
  if (!any(registers_ok)) stop("Register numbers should be unique raw values ranging from 1 to 15, and library vector offsets should be in the range of -1 to -32768")
  return (T)

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