write.iff: Write Interchange File Format (IFF)

View source: R/iff.0.r

write.iffR Documentation

Write Interchange File Format (IFF)


Write an IFFChunk() object conform the Interchange File Format (IFF).


write.iff(x, file, disk = NULL)



An IFFChunk() object that needs to be written to a file.


A filename for the IFF file to which the IFFChunk() needs to be saved, or a connection to which the data should be written.


A virtual Commodore Amiga disk to which the file should be written. This should be an amigaDisk() object. Using this argument requires the adfExplorer package. When set to NULL, this argument is ignored.


Writes an IFFChunk() object (including all nested chunks) to the specified file. Only the structure of the object needs to be valid, however, a correctly structured file does not necessarily result in an interpretable file (see examples).


Returns either NULL or an integer status invisibly as passed by the close() statement used to close the file connection. When disk is specified, a copy of disk is returned to which the file is written.


Pepijn de Vries



See Also

Other io.operations: read.AmigaBasicBMAP(), read.AmigaBasicShape(), read.AmigaBasic(), read.AmigaBitmapFontSet(), read.AmigaBitmapFont(), read.AmigaIcon(), read.SysConfig(), read.iff(), write.AmigaBasicShape(), write.AmigaBasic(), write.AmigaBitmapFont(), write.AmigaIcon(), write.SysConfig()

Other iff.operations: IFFChunk-class, WaveToIFF(), as.raster.AmigaBasicShape(), getIFFChunk(), interpretIFFChunk(), rasterToIFF(), rawToIFFChunk(), read.iff()


## Not run: 
## read an IFF file as an IFFChunk object:
example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))

## This will write the IFF file (in this case a bitmap image)
## to the temp directory:
write.iff(example.iff, file.path(tempdir(), "image.iff"))

## End(Not run)

AmigaFFH documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:03 a.m.