.validity.IFFChunk <- function(object) {
if (length(object@chunk.type) !=1) stop("Slot 'chunk.type' should be of length 1")
if (nchar(object@chunk.type) != 4) stop("Slot 'chunk.type' should consist of 4 characters.")
data.types <- unlist(lapply(, class))
if (length( == 0) stop("Chunk should have at least one element in it's data list.")
if (!(all(data.types == "IFFChunk") || all(data.types == "raw"))) stop("Chunk data should be a list of IFFChunk objects or a list with a single element with raw data.")
if (all(data.types == "raw") && length( > 1) stop ("Chunk data can only hold one element of raw data.")
## note that the chunk.size can be odd, but in that case a padding byte should be read from
## an iff file...
if (all(data.types == "raw") && length([[1]]) > (2^32 - 1)) stop("Chunk data cannot be larger than 4,294,967,295 bytes")
if (object@chunk.type %in% c("FORM", "LIST", "CAT ", "PROP") && data.types == "raw") stop("IFF containers should contain IFF chunks, not raw data.")
## TODO note that the validity of all the IFFChunk objects in the data list are not checked
## TODO Doing that will make the object fool-proof, but also a lot slower...
#' A class structure to represent IFF files
#' An S4 class structure to represent data stored in the Interchange File
#' Format (IFF).
#' The Interchange File Format (IFF) was introduced in 1985 by Electronic Arts.
#' This format stores files in standardised modular objects, called `chunks'.
#' At the start of each chunk it is specified what type of data can be expected
#' and what the size of this data is. This was a very forward thinking way of
#' storing data, similar structures are still used in modern file formats (such
#' as PNG images and XML files).
#' Although the IFF format is still in use, and new standardised chunk types can
#' still be registered, this package will focus on the older chunk types that
#' were primarily used on the Commodore Amiga (OS <= 3.0). IFF files could
#' contain any kind of information. It could contain bitmap images, but also
#' audio clips or (formatted) texts.
#' The `IFFChunk` class is designed such that it theoretically can hold
#' any type of IFF data. This package will mostly focus on the early IFF file types
#' (i.e., IFF chunks as originally registered by Electronic Arts). IFF files are
#' read by this package in a none lossy way ([read.iff()]), such that all
#' information is preserved (even if it is of an unknown type, as long as the chunk
#' identifier is 4 characters long).
#' This means that the object needs to be interpreted in order to make sense out of
#' it ([interpretIFFChunk()]). This interpretation returns simplified
#' interpretations of class `IFF.ANY` when it is supported (see
#' [IFFChunk-method()] for supported chunk types). Note that in the
#' interpretation process (meta-)information may get lost. converting
#' `IFF.ANY` objects back into [IFFChunk()] objects (if possible)
#' could therefore result in an object that is different from then one stored in the
#' original file and could even destroy the correct interpretation of IFF objects.
#' IFF files should thus be handled with care.
#' @slot chunk.type A four `character` long code reflecting the type of
#' information represented by this chunk.
#' @slot A `list` that holds either one or more valid
#' `IFFChunk`s or a single `vector` of `raw` data. This data
#' can only be interpreted in context of the specified type or in some cases
#' information from other `IFFChunk`s.
#' @references <>
#' @references <>
#' @references <>
#' @name IFFChunk-class
#' @rdname IFFChunk-class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## 'example.iff' is of class IFFChunk:
#' class(example.iff)
#' ## let's plot it:
#' plot(example.iff)
#' ## The default constructor will create an empty FORM:
#' new("IFFChunk")
#' ## The constructor can also be used to create simple chunks:
#' new("IFFChunk",
#' chunk.type = "TEXT",
#' = list(charToRaw("A simple chunk")))
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @exportClass IFFChunk
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
chunk.type = "character", = "list" ## of either a single element of type raw, or a list of iffchunks
chunk.type = "FORM", = list(raw(0))
validity = .validity.IFFChunk)
#' Read Interchange File Format (IFF)
#' Read the Interchange File Format (IFF) as an [IFFChunk()] object.
#' Information is stored as `chunks' in IFF files (see [IFFChunk()]).
#' Each chunk should at least contain a label of the type of chunk and the data
#' for that chunk. This function reads all chunks from a valid IFF file, including
#' all nested chunks and stores them in an [IFFChunk()] object. IFF
#' files can hold any kind of data (e.g. images or audio), this read function
#' does not interpret the file. Use [interpretIFFChunk()] for that
#' purpose.
#' @rdname read.iff
#' @name read.iff
#' @param file A filename of an IFF file to be read, or a connection from which
#' binary data can be read.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the `file` should be
#' read. This should be an [`amigaDisk()`][adfExplorer::amigaDisk-class] object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to `NULL`, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Returns a [IFFChunk()] object read from the specified file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## let's read a bitmap image stored in IFF as provided with this package:
#' filename <- system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' example.iff <- read.iff(filename)
#' ## And plot it:
#' plot(example.iff)
#' }
#' @family io.operations
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
read.iff <- function(file, disk = NULL) {
result <- .read.generic(file, disk)
result <- rawToIFFChunk(result)
if (result@chunk.type != "FORM") stop("FORM is currently the only supported IFF container. LIST, CAT and others are not...")
return (result)
#' Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
#' Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data, as they would be stored in the Commodore
#' Amiga's memory or files.
#' Objects originating from this package can in some cases be converted into
#' raw data, as they would be stored on an original Amiga. See the usage section
#' for the currently supported objects.
#' Not all information from `x` may be included in the `raw`
#' data that is returned, so handle with care.
#' As this package grows additional objects can be converted with this method.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname as.raw
#' @name as.raw
#' @aliases as.raw,IFFChunk-method
#' @param x An AmigaFFH object that needs to be converted into raw data.
#' See usage section for all supported objects.
#' @returns Returns a `vector` of `raw` data based on `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## read an IFF file as an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## This will recreate the exact raw data as it was read from the file:
#' example.raw <- as.raw(example.iff)
#' }
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("as.raw", "IFFChunk", function(x) { <- function(y, = F) {
result <- charToRaw(y@chunk.type)
if (inherits([[1]], "raw")) {
## only store chunk size if parent is not a container (i.e., FORM, LIST or CAT)
if (! result <- c(result, .amigaIntToRaw(length([[1]]), 32, F))
result <- c(result,[[1]])
## Chunks should always be WORD aligned (pad with zeros if
## it is not):
if ((length([[1]]) %% 2) != 0) result <- c(result, raw(1))
} else if (inherits([[1]], "IFFChunk")) {
container <- y@chunk.type %in% c("FORM", "LIST", "CAT ", "PROP")
dat <- unlist(lapply(,, = container))
## only store chunk size if parent is not a container (i.e., FORM, LIST, CAT or PROP)
if (! result <- c(result, .amigaIntToRaw(length(dat), 32, F))
result <- c(result, dat)
} else {
stop("IFFChunk contains invalid data")
return(, F))
#' @rdname as.raw
#' @method as.raw IFF.ANY
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to [IFFChunk-method()] when `x` is
#' of class `IFF.ANY`.
#' @export
as.raw.IFF.ANY <- function(x, ...) {
as.raw(IFFChunk(x, ...))
#' Write Interchange File Format (IFF)
#' Write an [IFFChunk()] object conform the Interchange File Format (IFF).
#' Writes an [IFFChunk()] object (including all nested chunks) to the
#' specified file. Only the structure of the object needs to be valid, however,
#' a correctly structured file does not necessarily result in an interpretable file
#' (see examples).
#' @rdname write.iff
#' @name write.iff
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object that needs to be written to a file.
#' @param file A filename for the IFF file to which the [IFFChunk()] needs
#' to be saved, or a connection to which the data should be written.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk to which the `file` should be
#' written. This should be an [`amigaDisk()`][adfExplorer::amigaDisk-class] object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to `NULL`, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Returns either `NULL` or an `integer` status invisibly as passed
#' by the [`close()`][base::connections] statement used to close the file connection.
#' When `disk` is specified, a copy of `disk` is returned
#' to which the file is written.
#' @references <>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## read an IFF file as an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## This will write the IFF file (in this case a bitmap image)
#' ## to the temp directory:
#' write.iff(example.iff, file.path(tempdir(), "image.iff"))
#' }
#' @family io.operations
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
write.iff <- function(x, file, disk = NULL) {
if (!inherits(x, "IFFChunk")) stop("x should be of class IFFChunk.")
.write.generic(x, file, disk)
setGeneric("getIFFChunk", function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) standardGeneric("getIFFChunk"))
#' Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks
#' [IFFChunk()]s can be nested in a tree-like structure. Use this method
#' to get a specific chunk with a specific label.
#' `IFFChunk` objects have 4 `character` identifiers, indicating what type
#' of chunk you are dealing with. These chunks can be nested inside of each other.
#' Use this method to extract specific chunks by referring to there respective
#' identifiers. The identifiers are shown when calling `print` on an
#' [IFFChunk()]. If a specified path doesn't exist, this method throws a
#' `subscript out of range' error.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk
#' @aliases getIFFChunk,IFFChunk,character,integer-method
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object from which the nested
#' [IFFChunk()] should be extracted an returned.
#' @param chunk.path A `vector` of 4 `character` long strings
#' of IFF chunk labels, specifying the path of the target IFF chunk.
#' For example: `c("ILBM", "BODY")` means, get the "BODY" chunk
#' from inside the "ILBM" chunk.
#' @param chunk.number A `vector` of the same length as `chunk.path`,
#' with `integer` index numbers. Sometimes a chunk can contain a list of
#' chunks with the same label. With this argument you can specify which element
#' should be returned. By default (when missing), the first element is always
#' returned.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk()] object nested inside `x` at the
#' specified path. Or in case of the replace method the original chunk `x` is
#' returned with the target chunk replaced by `value`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## Get the BMHD (bitmap header) from the ILBM (interleaved bitmap) chunk:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"))
#' ## This is essentially doing the same thing, but we now explicitly
#' ## tell the method to get the first element for each specified label:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"), c(1L, 1L))
#' ## Let's modify the bitmap header and replace it in the parent IFF chunk.
#' bmhd.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)
#' ## Let's disable the masking, the bitmap will no longer be transparent:
#' bmhd.itpt$Masking <- "mskNone"
#' bmhd <- IFFChunk(bmhd.itpt)
#' ## Now replace the header from the original iff with the modified header:
#' getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD")) <- bmhd
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "integer"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) {
chunk <- x
id <- unlist(lapply(1:length(chunk.path), function(y){
id <- which(unlist(lapply(, function(z) z@chunk.type)) == chunk.path[[y]])
chunk <<-[[id[[chunk.number[[y]]]]]]
#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk
#' @aliases getIFFChunk,IFFChunk,character,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "missing"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) {
getIFFChunk(x, chunk.path, rep(1L, length(chunk.path)))
setGeneric("getIFFChunk<-", function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number, value) standardGeneric("getIFFChunk<-"))
#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk<-
#' @aliases getIFFChunk<-,IFFChunk,character,missing,IFFChunk-method
#' @param value An [IFFChunk()] with which the target chunk should be
#' replaced. Make sure that `value` is of the same `chunk.type` as the last
#' chunk specified in the `chunk.path`.
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "missing", "IFFChunk"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number = NULL, value) {
getIFFChunk(x, chunk.path, rep(1L, length(chunk.path))) <- value
#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk<-
#' @aliases getIFFChunk<-,IFFChunk,character,integer,IFFChunk-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "integer", "IFFChunk"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number = NULL, value) {
if (value@chunk.type != chunk.path[[length(chunk.path)]]) stop("'value' should be of the same IFF type as the last type in the 'chunk.path'")
iff.list <- as.list(x)
val.list <- as.list(value)
eval(parse(text = paste0("iff.list",
paste0(sprintf("[[\"%s_%i\"]]", chunk.path, chunk.number), collapse = ""),
## code below doesn't seem to work correctly: <- function(x, nam) {
if (typeof(x) == "raw") {
chunk.type = substr(nam, 1, 4), = list(x)))
} else if (typeof(x) == "list") {
result <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(y) {[[y]], names(x)[y])
chunk.type = substr(nam, 1, 4), = result))
return(, x@chunk.type))
setGeneric("interpretIFFChunk", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("interpretIFFChunk"))
#' Interpret an IFFChunk object
#' [IFFChunk()]s represent the structure of the Interchange File Format well,
#' but the iformation is stored as `raw` data. This method tries to interpret and
#' translate the information into a more comprehensive format.
#' Interchange File Format chunks can hold any kind of information (images, audio,
#' (formatted) text, etc.). This method will try to convert this information into
#' something useful. Information may get lost in the translation, so be careful when
#' converting back to an [IFFChunk-class()] object using
#' [IFFChunk-method()].
#' An error is thrown when the [IFFChunk()] object is currently not
#' interpretable by this package. See [IFFChunk-method()] for an overview
#' of currently supported IFF chunks. This list may increase while this package
#' matures.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname interpretIFFChunk
#' @name interpretIFFChunk
#' @aliases interpretIFFChunk,IFFChunk-method
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object which needs to be interpreted.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns If `x` is interpretable by this package an S3 class object of
#' `IFF.ANY` is returned. The content of the returned object will depend
#' on the type of [IFFChunk()] provided for `x`. The result can
#' for instance be a `raster` image ([grDevices::as.raster()]),
#' a list of audio [tuneR::Wave()]s, a `character` string or a named
#' `list`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## in this case, the file is a FORM container with a bitmap image, and a
#' ## list with a raster object is returned when interpreted:
#' example.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(example.iff)
#' class(example.itpt)
#' typeof(example.itpt)
#' class(example.itpt[[1]])
#' ## Let's extraxt the bitmap header from the main chunk:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"))
#' ## When interpreted, a named list is returned with (meta-)information
#' ## on the bitmap image:
#' bmhd.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)
#' class(bmhd.itpt)
#' typeof(bmhd.itpt)
#' print(bmhd.itpt)
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("interpretIFFChunk", "IFFChunk", function(x, ...) {
type <- x@chunk.type
if (!inherits([[1]], "raw")) sub.types <- unlist(lapply(, function(x) x@chunk.type))
dat <-[[1]]
if (type == "FORM") {
## FORM can hold multiple objects, return the interpreation of these objects
## as a list:
result <- lapply(, interpretIFFChunk, ...)
class(result) <- c("IFF.FORM", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "ILBM") {
## ILBM = interleaved bitmap; return as raster
## If subtype contains ANHD and not a BMHD, it should also contain a DLTA chunk rather than a BODY
## note that DLTA chunks are actualy not interleaved, in contrast to what the parent ILBM chunk
## suggests.
if ("ANHD" %in% sub.types && !("BODY" %in% sub.types)) {
anhd <- interpretIFFChunk([sub.types %in% "ANHD"][[1]], ...)
dlta <-[sub.types %in% "DLTA"][[1]][[1]]
wbm <- with(anhd, w + (-w %% 16))
if (anhd$operation == "ByteVerticalCompression") {
result <- .byteVerticalDecompression(dlta, wbm, anhd$h, anhd$interleave, anhd$flags[2], list(...)$hidden)
cl <- class(result)
result <- result[,0:anhd$w]
class(result) <- cl
} else {
stop("Sorry this animation format is not (yet) supported by this package.")
if ("hidden" %in% names(list(...))) {
result <- grDevices::as.raster(x, palette = NULL)
} else {
result <- grDevices::as.raster(x)
class(result) <- c("IFF.ILBM", "IFF.ANY", class(result))
} else if (type == "CMAP") {
## when all low bits are 0 assume 12 bit, otherwise asume 24 bit
colour.depth <- ifelse(all(ProTrackR::loNybble([[1]]) == 0), "12 bit", "24 bit")
result <- amigaRawToColour(dat, colour.depth, "3")
class(result) <- c("IFF.CMAP", "IFF.ANY")
} else if(type == "BMHD") {
result <- list(
w = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:2], 16, F),
h = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F),
x = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6], 16, T),
y = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7:8], 16, T),
nPlanes = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[9], 8, F),
Masking = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[10], 8, F),
Compression = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[11], 8, F),
pad = dat[12],
transparentColour = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[13:14], 16, F),
xAspect = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[15], 8, F),
yAspect = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[16], 8, F),
pageWidth = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[17:18], 16, T),
pageHeight = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[19:20], 16, T)
if (result$Masking > 3) result$Masking <- 4
result$Masking <- c("mskNone", "mskHasMask", "mskHasTransparentColour", "mskLasso", "mskUnknown")[result$Masking + 1]
if (result$Compression > 1) result$Compression <- 2
result$Compression <- c("cmpNone", "cmpByteRun1", "cmpUnknown")[result$Compression + 1]
class(result) <- c("IFF.BMHD", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "CAMG") {
## Amiga Viewport Mode
result <- .amigaViewPortModes(dat)
class(result) <- c("IFF.CAMG", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "CRNG") {
## DPaint colour range (used for colour cycling)
result <- list(
padding = dat[1:2],
rate = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F)*60/(2^14), ## steps per second
flags = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6], 16, F),
low = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7], 8, F),
high = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[8], 8, F)
result$flags[result$flags > 2] <- 2
result$flags <- c("RNG_OFF", "RNG_ACTIVE", "RNG_REVERSE", "RNG_UNKNOWN")[result$flags + 1]
class(result) <- c("IFF.CRNG", "IFF.ANY")
return (result)
} else if (type == "ANIM") {
result <- list()
dpan <- NULL
suppressWarnings(try(dpan <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, c("FORM", "ILBM", "DPAN"))), T))
interleave <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, c("FORM", "ILBM", "ANHD"), c(2L, 1L, 1L)))$interleave
interleave[interleave == 0] <- 2
if (length( < (2 + interleave)) stop("Animation contains insufficient information for at least 2 frames.")
for (i in 1:length( {
## Assuming that each sub-form contains a single frame (hence [[1]]):
## if first frame contains DLTA, it should be the difference from blank screen
## in that case result == list(), and is handled by .byteVerticalDecompression
result[[i]] <- interpretIFFChunk([[i]], hidden = result, ...)[[1]]
for (k in 1:interleave) {
if (!all(result[[length(result) + k - interleave]] == result[[k]])) stop("Could not interpret animation DLTA chunks correctly")
result <- result[1:(length(result) - interleave)]
palettes <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$palette)
asps <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$asp)
modes <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$mode)
for (i in 1:length(palettes)) {
if (is.null(palettes[[i]])) palettes[[i]] <- palettes[[i - 1]]
if (is.null(asps[[i]])) asps[[i]] <- asps[[i - 1]]
if (i > 1 && !is.null(modes[[1]]) && is.null(modes[[i]])) modes[[i]] <- modes[[i - 1]]
if (!is.null(modes[[i]]) && modes[[i]] %in% c("HAM6", "HAM8")) {
result[[i]] <- .indexToHAMraster(result[[i]],
ifelse(modes[[i]] == "HAM8", 8, 6),
palettes[[i]], 0) ## assume transparent colour is zero
} else {
result[[i]] <- grDevices::as.raster(apply(result[[i]], 2, function(z) palettes[[i]][z + 1]))
class(result[[i]]) <- c("IFF.ILBM", "IFF.ANY", class(result[[i]]))
attributes(result[[i]])[["asp"]] <- asps[[i]]
if (!is.null(dpan) && dpan$nframes != length(result)) warning("Number of frames does not match the number specified in the DPAN chunk.")
class(result) <- c("IFF.ANIM", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "ANHD") {
result <- list(
operation = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1], 8, F),
mask = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[2], F, F)),
w = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F),
h = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6], 16, F),
x = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7:8], 16, T),
y = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[9:10], 16, T),
abstime = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[11:14], 32, T),
reltime = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[15:18], 32, T),
interleave = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[19], 8, F),
pad0 = dat[20],
flags = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[21:24], F, T)),
pad1 = dat[25:40]
if (result$operation > 7) result$operation <- "UnknownMode" else
result$operation <- c("standard", "XOR", "LongDeltaMode", "ShortDeltaMode", "GeneralDeltamode", "ByteVerticalCompression", "StereoOp5", "ShortLongVerticalDeltaMode")[1 + result$operation]
class(result) <- c("IFF.ANHD", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "DLTA") {
## without context (its parent ANIM chunk or neighbouring ANHD chunk),
## DLTA chunks can't be interpreted. Just return the raw data
class(dat) <- c("IFF.DLTA", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "DPAN") {
## DPaint Animation chunk, is only used to determine number of animation frames
result <- list(
version = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:2], 16, F),
nframes = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F),
flags = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[5:8], F, T))
} else if (type == "VHDR") {
result <- as.list(.rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:(3*4)], 32, F))
result <- c(result,
.rawToAmigaInt(dat[13:14], 16, F),
.rawToAmigaInt(dat[15:16], 8, F),
.rawToAmigaInt(dat[17:20], 32, F))
names(result) <- c("oneShotHiSamples",
result$sCompression[result$sCompression > 2] <- 2
result$sCompression <- c("sCmpNone", "sCmpFibDelta", "sCmpUnknown")[result$sCompression + 1]
class(result) <- c("IFF.VHDR", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "CHAN") {
result <- which(c(2, 4, 6) %in% .rawToAmigaInt(dat, 32, F))[[1]]
if (length(result) == 0) result <- list(channel = "UNKOWN") else
result <- list(channel = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "STEREO")[result])
class(result) <- c("IFF.CHAN", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type == "8SVX") {
body <- getIFFChunk(x, "BODY")[[1]]
if ("CHAN" %in% sub.types) {
chan <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, "CHAN"), ...)
} else {
chan <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("CHAN"), ...)
if ("VHDR" %in% sub.types) {
vhdr <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, "VHDR"), ...)
} else {
warning("Voice header is missing, going to make some assumptions here...")
vhdr <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("VHDR"), ...)
vhdr$oneShotHiSamples <- length(body)
if (chan == "STEREO") vhdr$oneShotHiSamples <- floor(vhdr$oneShotHiSamples/2)
if (vhdr$sCompression == "sCmpUnknown") warning("An unknown form of compression is applied to the wave. Trying to continue anyway.")
if (vhdr$sCompression == "sCmpFibDelta") body <- deltaFibonacciDecompress(body)
samp.offset <- 0
wav <- lapply(1:ifelse(chan == "STEREO", 2, 1), function(z){
lapply(1:vhdr$ctOctave, function(y) {
l <- ((vhdr$oneShotHiSamples + vhdr$repeatHiSamples)*(2^(y - 1)))
result <- body[samp.offset + (1:l)]
samp.offset <<- samp.offset + l
.rawToAmigaInt(result, 8, T) + 128
## wav will be a list of one or more Wave objects.
## We have let wav be a list. We can't downgrade the S4 class
## to an S3 IFF.ANY class. Ortherwise the Wave-methods are
## no longer applicable.
wav <- lapply(1:vhdr$ctOctave, function(y) {
## Wave objects are always specified for left channel when audio is mono
## eventhough amiga iff is specified for right channel only.
right <- numeric(0)
if (chan == "STEREO") right <- wav[[2]][[y]]
Wave(left = wav[[1]][[y]],
right = right,
bit = 8,
pcm = T,
samp.rate = vhdr$samplesPerSec)
class(wav) <- c("IFF.8SVX", "IFF.ANY", class(wav))
} else if (type == "BODY") {
## without context, the body cannot be converted to anything usefull
## return as unprocessed raw data
class(dat) <- c("IFF.BODY", "IFF.ANY")
} else if (type %in% c("ANNO", "AUTH", "CHRS", "NAME", "TEXT", "(c) ")) {
## These are simply just ASCII texts, return them as such...
result <- .rawToCharNull(dat)
type[type == "(c) "] <- "copyright"
class(result) <- c(paste0("IFF.", type), "IFF.ANY")
} else {
stop("Can't handle this chunk type (yet).")
#' Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
#' Convert `IFF.ANY` objects (created with [interpretIFFChunk()]) into
#' [IFFChunk()] objects. A basic [IFFChunk()] can also be
#' created with this method by providing the chunk type name.
#' IFF data is stored in a [IFFChunk-class()] object when read from an
#' IFF file ([read.iff()]). These objects reflect the file structure
#' well, but the data is stored as `raw` information. IFF files can contain
#' a wide variety of information types, ranging from bitmap images to audio
#' clips. The raw information stored in [IFFChunk()] objects can
#' be interpreted into more meaningful representations that can be handled in
#' R. This is achieved with the [interpretIFFChunk()] method, which
#' returns `IFF.ANY` objects.
#' These `IFF.ANY` objects are a less strict representation of the
#' IFF Chunk, but are easier to handle in R. The interpretation method is lossy
#' and may not preserve all information in the `IFF.ANY` object.
#' The [IFFChunk-method()] can coerce `IFF.ANY` back
#' to the more strictly defined [IFFChunk-class()] objects.
#' Be careful with conversions between [IFFChunk-class()] and
#' `IFF.ANY` objects and vice versa, as information may get lost.
#' More detailed information about IFF chunks can be found in the IFF chunk registry
#' (see references).
#' * `IFF.FORM` represents a FORM chunk, which is a container that can hold any kind of chunk.
#' When interpreted, it is represented as a `list`, where each element is an interpreted chunk
#' nested inside the FORM.
#' * `IFF.BODY` represents the actual data in an IFF file. However, without context
#' this chunk cannot be interpreted and is therefore interpreted as a vector of `raw` data.
#' * `IFF.ANIM` represents an animation (ANIM) chunk. When interpreted, it will return a `list` where each
#' element is an animation frame represented as an `IFF.ILBM` object. Each animation frame should be
#' nested inside an ILBM chunk nested inside a FORM chunk, nested inside an ANIM chunk.
#' * `IFF.ANHD` represents an ANimation HeaDer (ANHD) chunk. When interpreted,
#' it returns a named `list` containing the
#' following information:
#' * `operation` is a `character` string indicating how the bitmap
#' data for the animation frame is encoded. Can be one of the following:
#' "`standard`", "`XOR`", "`LongDeltaMode`",
#' "`ShortDeltaMode`", "`GeneralDeltamode`",
#' "`ByteVerticalCompression`", "`StereoOp5`", or
#' "`ShortLongVerticalDeltaMode`". Currently, only the
#' ByteVerticalCompression is implemented in this package.
#' * `mask` is a `vector` of 8 `logical` values. It is currently
#' ignored.
#' * `w` and `h` are positive `numeric` values, specifying
#' the width and height of the frame (should be identical for all frames).
#' * `x` and `y` are `numeric` values, specifying the plotting
#' position for the frame.
#' * `abstime` is a positive `numeric` value - currently unused - used for
#' timing the frame relative to the time the first frame was displayed. In
#' jiffies (1/60 sec).
#' * `reltime` is a positive `numeric` value for timing the frame
#' relative to time previous frame was displayed. In jiffies (1/60 sec).
#' * `interleave` is currently unused. It should be set to 0.
#' * `pad0` is a padding byte (`raw`) for future use.
#' * `flags` is a `vector` of 32 `logical` values. They contain
#' information on how the bitmap data is stored.
#' * `pad1` are 16 padding bytes (`raw`) for future use.
#' * `IFF.DPAN` represents an DPaint ANimation (DPAN) chunk. Some software will
#' require this chunk to correctly derive the total number of frames in the animation.
#' When interpreted, it will return a named `list` with the following elements:
#' * `version` a `numeric` version number.
#' * `nframes` a positive `numeric` value, indicating the number
#' of frames in the animation.
#' * `flags` a `vector` of 32 `logical` values. Ignored in
#' this package as it was intended for future implementations.
#' * `IFF.DLTA` represents a delta mode data chunk (DLTA). The first animation
#' frame is stored as a normal InterLeaved BitMap (ILBM) image as described below.
#' The following frames only store differences in bitmap data compared to the
#' previous frames but is not interleaved. They are thus incorrectly embedded in
#' an ILBM chunk (but is kept so for backward compatibility). When interpreted,
#' a `grDevices` raster object is returned only showing the differences. It
#' is not very meaningful to interpret these chunks on their own, but rather the
#' entire parent ANIM chunk.
#' * `IFF.ILBM` represents InterLeaved BitMap (ILBM) chunks. It is interpreted here as a
#' raster image (see [grDevices::as.raster()]). ILBM chunks are usually nested inside
#' a FORM container.
#' * `IFF.BMHD` represents the header chunk of a bitmap (BMHD), and should always be present
#' (nested inside) an ILBM chunk. It is interpreted as a named list containing the following elements:
#' * `w` and `h` are positive `numeric` values specifying
#' the bitmap width and height in pixels. Note that the width
#' can be any positive whole number, whereas the bitmap data always
#' has a width divisible by 16.
#' * `x` and `y` are `numeric` values specifying the plotting
#' position relative to the top left position of the screen.
#' Although required in the bitmap header. It is ignored in the
#' interpretation of bitmap images.
#' * `nPlanes` is a positive value indicating the number of
#' bitplanes in the image. The number of colours in an image
#' can be calculated as `2^nPlanes`.
#' * `Masking` indicates whether there are bitplanes that should
#' be masked (i.e. are treated as transparent). It is a `character`
#' string equalling any of the following: "`mskNone`",
#' "`mskHasMask`", "`mskHasTransparentColour`",
#' "`mskLasso`" or "`mskUnknown`". Only the first (no transparency)
#' and third (one of the colours should be treated as transparent)
#' id is currently interpreted correctly. The others are ignored.
#' "`mskUnknown`" means that an undocumented mask is applied
#' to the image.
#' * `Compression` indicates whether the bitmap data is
#' compressed. It is a `character` string that can equal any
#' of the following: "`cmpNone`", "`cmpByteRun1`" or
#' "`cmpUnknown`". The latter means an undocumented form of
#' compression is applied and is currently ignored. In most cases
#' bitmap data is compressed with the `cmpByteRun1` algorithm
#' ([packBitmap()]). In some cases, bitmap data is not
#' compressed (`cmpNone`).
#' * `pad` is a `raw` byte that is only used to
#' align data. It is ignored in the interpretation.
#' * `transparentColour` is a `numeric` value that indicates
#' which colour number in the palette should be treated as fully
#' transparent (when `Masking` equals
#' "`mskHasTransparentColour`").
#' * `xAspect` and `yAspect` or positive `numeric`
#' values that indicate the aspect ratio of
#' the pixels in the image. Amiga screen modes allowed for some
#' extreme pixel aspect ratios. These values are used to stretch
#' the image to their intended display mode.
#' * `pageWidth` and `pageHeight` are positive
#' `numeric` values indicating the size of the screen in which
#' the image should be displayed. They are ignored in the
#' interpretation of the image.
#' * `IFF.CMAP` represents the colour map (CMAP) or palette of a bitmap image. Although common,
#' the chunk is optional and can be omitted from the parent ILBM chunk. It is interpreted as a
#' vector of colours (i.e., a `character` string formatted as '#RRGGBB' or named colours such as
#' 'blue').
#' * `IFF.CAMG` represents a chunk with information with respect
#' to the display mode in which the bitmap image should be displayed.
#' This information can be used to determine the correct pixel aspect
#' ratio, or is sometimes required to correctly interpret the bitmap
#' information. The `IFF.CAMG` chunk is interpreted as a named list
#' containing the following elements:
#' * `monitor`: a `factor` indicating the hardware monitor
#' on which the image was created and should be displayed (see
#' [amiga_monitors()]).
#' * `display.mode`: a `factor` indicating the display
#' mode in which the image should be displayed (see
#' [amiga_display_modes()]).
#' * `IFF.CRNG` is an optional chunk nested in an ILBM chunk.
#' It represents a `colour range' and is used to cycle through
#' colours in the bitmap's palette in order to achieve
#' animation effects. It is interpreted as a named list with the
#' following elements. This chunk is currently not used with
#' the interpretation of ILBM images.
#' * `padding` are two `raw` padding bytes and are
#' ignored when interpreted.
#' * `rate` is a `numeric` value specifying the rate
#' at which the colours are cycled. The rate is in steps per
#' second.
#' * `flags` is a flag that indicates how colours should
#' be cycled. It is a `character` string that can equal
#' any of the following: "`RNG_OFF`", "`RNG_ACTIVE`",
#' "`RNG_REVERSE`" or "`RNG_UNKNOWN`". When equal to the
#' first, colours are not cycled. When equal to the second, colours
#' are cycled. When equal to the third, colours are cycled in
#' reverse direction. When equal to the latter, an undocumented
#' form of cycling is applied.
#' * `low` and `high` are `numeric` indices of
#' colours between which should be cycled. Only colour from
#' index `low` up to index `high` are affected.
#' * `IFF.8SVX` represents 8-bit sampled voice chunks (8SVX). The original
#' Amiga supported 8-bit audio which could be stored using the IFF. 8SVX chunks
#' can contain separate audio samples for each octave. 8SVX chunks are usually
#' stored inside a FORM container. Its body chunk contains 8-bit PCM wave data that
#' could be compressed. When the 8SVX chunk is
#' interpreted with this package, a `list` is returned where each element
#' represents an octave given as a [tuneR::Wave()] object. Possible
#' chunks nested in 8SVX chunks and currently supported by this package are
#' as follows.
#' * `IFF.VHDR` represents voice header chunks (VHDR). It contains (meta-)information about
#' the audio stored in the body of the parent 8SVX chunk. When interpreted, a named `list` is
#' returned with the following elements:
#' * `oneShotHiSamples` is a `numeric` value indicating how many samples there are in the
#' audio wave of the first octave in the file, that should not be looped (repeated).
#' * `repeatHiSamples` is a `numeric` value indicating how many samples there are in the
#' audio wave of the first octave in the file, that should be looped (repeated).
#' * `samplesPerHiCycle` is a `numeric` value specifying the
#' number of samples per repeat cycle in the first octave, or 0 when unknown.
#' The number of `repeatHiSamples` should be an exact multiple of
#' `samplesPerHiCycle`.
#' * `samplesPerSec` is a `numeric` value specifying the data
#' sampling rate.
#' * `ctOctave` a positive whole `numeric` value indicating how many octaves are included.
#' In 8SVX files the audio wave is resampled for each octave. The wave data in the body starts with
#' the audio sample in the highest octave (least number of samples). The data is then followed by
#' each subsequent octave, where the number of samples increase by a factor of 2 for each octave.
#' * `sCompression` is a `character` string indicating whether and how the wave data in the body
#' is compressed. It can have one of the following values: "`sCmpNone`" (no compression),
#' "`sCmpFibDelta`" ([deltaFibonacciCompress()]ion is applied), "`sCmpUnknown`" (an
#' undocumented and unknown form of compression is applied).
#' * `volume` is a numeric value between `0` (minimum) and `0x10000` (maximum) playback volume.
#' * `IFF.CHAN` represents the channel chunk (CHAN). When interpreted it returns a named list
#' with 1 named element:
#' "`channel`". It's value can be one of the following `character` strings "`LEFT`", "`RIGHT`" or
#' "`STEREO`". This indicates for how many (one or two) audio channels data is available in the
#' body of the parent
#' 8SVX chunk. It also indicates two which channels the audio should be played back.
#' * `IFF.ANNO`, `IFF.AUTH`, `IFF.CHRS`, `IFF.NAME`, `IFF.TEXT` and `IFF.copyright`
#' are all unformatted text chunks that can be included optionally in any of the chunk types.
#' Respectively, they
#' represent an annotation, the author's name, a generic character string, the name of the work,
#' generic unformatted text,
#' and copyright text. They are interpreted as a `character` string.
#' @param x An S3 class `IFF.ANY` object that needs to be coerced into an
#' [IFFChunk-class()] object. `IFF.ANY` objects are created with the
#' [interpretIFFChunk()] method. `x` can also be a `character` string
#' of a IFF chunk type (e.g., "`FORM`" or "`BMHD`"). In that case an
#' [IFFChunk()] object of that type is created with some basic content.
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto methods underlying the interpretation of the
#' specific IFF chunks. Allowed arguments depend on the specific type of IFF chunk that
#' `x` represents.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk-class()] representation of `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## interpret the IFF file (in some cases information
#' ## will get lost in this step):
#' example.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(example.iff)
#' ## now coerce back to a formal IFFChunk class object.
#' ## Only information in the interpreted object is used
#' ## The coerced object may therefore depart from the
#' ## original read from the file.
#' example.coerce <- IFFChunk(example.itpt)
#' ## and indeed the objects are not identical, as shown below.
#' ## In this case the difference is not disastrous, the order
#' ## of the colours in the palette have shifted. But be careful
#' ## with switching between formal IFFChunk objects and
#' ## interpreted IFF.ANY objects.
#' identical(example.iff, example.coerce)
#' ## It is also possible to create simple IFFChunk objects
#' ## by providing the desired chunk type identifier as a
#' ## character string.
#' ## This creates a basic bitmap header:
#' bmhd <- IFFChunk("BMHD")
#' ## This creates a basic colour palette:
#' cmap <- IFFChunk("CMAP")
#' }
#' @references <>
#' @name IFFChunk-method
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk <- function (x, ...) {
UseMethod("IFFChunk", x)
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @method IFFChunk character
#' @export
IFFChunk.character <- function(x, ...) {
if (length(x) > 1) warning("x has more than 1 element, only the first will be used...")
x <- x[[1]]
if (x == "FORM") {
} else if (x == "BODY") {
return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY"))
} else if (x == "CMAP") {
return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "CMAP", = list(colourToAmigaRaw(grDevices::gray(round(seq(0, 15, length.out = 16))/15),
"12 bit", "3"))))
} else if (x == "BMHD") {
BMHD <- list(
w = 16,
h = 16,
x = 0,
y = 0,
nPlanes = 4,
Masking = "mskNone",
Compression = "cmpByteRun1",
pad = raw(1),
transparentColour = 0,
xAspect = 44,
yAspect = 44,
pageWidth = 320,
pageHeight = 200
class(BMHD) <- "IFF.BMHD"
} else if(x == "CAMG") {
return(.inverseViewPort("LORES_KEY", "DEFAULT_MONITOR_ID"))
} else if (x == "CRNG") {
dat <- list(
padding = raw(2),
rate = 0,
flag = "RNG_OFF",
low = 0,
high = 0
class(dat) <- "IFF.CRNG"
} else if (x == "ILBM") {
bm.dep <- 1
bmhd <- IFFChunk("BMHD") <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)$nPlanes <- 1
bmhd <- IFFChunk(
pal <- c("black", "white")
class(pal) <- "IFF.CMAP"
pal <- IFFChunk(pal)
body <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY", = list(
as.raw(c(0x01, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x01, 0x10, 0x08, 0x01,
0x20, 0x04, 0x01, 0x40, 0x02, 0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x8e,
0x71, 0x01, 0x84, 0x21, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x8e, 0x71,
0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x23, 0xc4, 0x01,
0x10, 0x08, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x01, 0x03, 0xc0))
return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", = list(
} else if (x == "ANIM") {
anhd <- lapply(1:4, function(y) {
anhdy <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("ANHD"))
anhdy$abstime <- y*2
frame1 <- IFFChunk("ILBM")
frame1 <- c(frame1[1:(length(frame1) - 1)], anhd[[1]], frame1[length(frame1)])
frame1 <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", = frame1)
dlta2 <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "DLTA", = list(unPackBitmap(as.raw(c(0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,
0xc4, 0x00, 0x06, 0x03, 0x05,
0x83, 0x02, 0x11, 0x61, 0x08)))))
dlta3 <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "DLTA", = list(unPackBitmap(as.raw(c(0xc1, 0x00)))))
result <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ANIM", = list(
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", = list(frame1)),
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", = list(
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", = list(anhd[[2]], dlta2))
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", = list(
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", = list(anhd[[3]], dlta3))
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", = list(
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", = list(anhd[[4]], dlta3))
} else if (x == "ANHD") {
result <- list(
operation = "ByteVerticalCompression",
mask = rep(F, 8),
w = 16,
h = 16,
x = 0,
y = 0,
abstime = 2,
reltime = 2,
interleave = 0,
pad0 = raw(1),
flags = rep(F, 32),
pad1 = raw(16)
class(result) <- "IFF.ANHD"
} else if (x == "DPAN") {
result <- list(
version = 4,
nframes = 2,
flags = rep(F, 32)
class(result) <- "IFF.DPAN"
} else if (x == "CHAN") {
chan <- list(channel = "LEFT")
class(chan) <- "IFF.CHAN"
} else if(x == "VHDR") {
vhdr <- list(
oneShotHiSamples = 0,
repeatHiSamples = 0,
samplesPerHiCycle = 0,
samplesPerSec = 16574.28,
ctOctave = 1,
sCompression = "sCmpNone",
volume = 0x10000L
class(vhdr) <- "IFF.VHDR"
} else if(x == "8SVX") {
return(WaveToIFF(Wave(round(128*sin((0:(10*62))*2*pi/62) - 0.5) + 128,
bit = 8,
samp.rate = 16574.28),
loop.start = 0))
} else if (x %in% c("ANNO", "AUTH", "CHRS", "NAME", "TEXT", "(c) ")) {
return (new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = x, = raw(0)))
stop("Cannot generate this chunk type...")
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @method IFFChunk IFF.FORM
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.FORM <- function(x, ...) {
new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", = lapply(x, IFFChunk, ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.BODY <- function(x, ...) {
x <- as.raw(x, ...)
return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY", = list(x)))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.ANNO <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "ANNO", ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.AUTH <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "AUTH", ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.CHRS <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "CHRS", ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.NAME <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "NAME", ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.TEXT <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "TEXT", ...))
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.copyright <- function(x, ...) {
return(.text.chunk(x, "(c) ", ...))
#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot
#' @export
plot.IFFChunk <- function(x, y, ...) {
if (missing(y)) y <- NULL
graphics::plot(interpretIFFChunk(x), ...)
#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot
#' @export
plot.IFF.FORM <- function(x, y, ...) {
invisible(lapply(x, graphics::plot, ...))
#' @export
print.IFFChunk <- function(x, ...) {
ctypes <- function(z) {
result <- paste0("- ", z@chunk.type)
temp <- unlist(lapply(, function(a) {
if (inherits(a, "IFFChunk")) return(ctypes(a)) else return(NULL)
if (length(temp) > 0) result <- c(result, paste0(" ", temp))
typ <- paste0(ctypes(x), collapse = "\n")
as.list.IFFChunk <- function(x, ...) {
slotList <- function(x) {
if (inherits([[1]], "raw")) {
} else {
result <- lapply(, slotList)
names(result) <- unlist(lapply(, function(x) x@chunk.type))
id.num <- stats::ave(seq_along(names(result)), names(result), FUN = seq_along)
names(result) <- sprintf("%s_%i", names(result), id.num)
.rawToIFFChunk <- function(x, skip.size = F) {
offset <- 0
chunks <- list()
while (offset < length(x)) {
chunk.type <- rawToChar(x[offset + 1:4])
if (skip.size) {
offset <- offset + 4
chunk.type = chunk.type, = .rawToIFFChunk(x[(offset + 1):length(x)]))))
chunk.size <- .rawToAmigaInt(x[offset + 5:8], 32, F)
offset <- offset + 8 <- x[offset + 1:chunk.size]
offset <- offset + chunk.size
## Data should be word aligned:
if ((offset %% 2) == 1) offset <- offset + 1
if (chunk.type %in% "FORM") { ## contains nested chunks, the container directly following 'FORM' will not specify the chunk length (hence the skip) <- .rawToIFFChunk(, skip.size = T)
} else if (chunk.type %in% c("ILBM", "8SVX", "ANIM")) { <- .rawToIFFChunk(, skip.size = F)
if (inherits(, "raw")) <- list(
chunks[[length(chunks) + 1]] <- methods::new("IFFChunk",
chunk.type = chunk.type, =
.text.chunk <- function(x, type, ...) {
return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = type, = list(charToRaw(x))))
setGeneric("rawToIFFChunk", function(x) standardGeneric("rawToIFFChunk"))
#' Coerce raw data to an IFFChunk class object
#' Coerce raw data, as it would be stored in the Interchange File Format (IFF), and
#' convert it into an [IFFChunk()] class object.
#' This method should work for all IFF chunk types that are implemented in this package
#' (see [IFFChunk-method()] for details). For non-implemented chunks this method
#' may work properly as long as the chunks are nested inside a FORM type container chunk.
#' This method is provided for your convenience, but it is recommended to import IFFChunk
#' methods using the [read.iff()] function. Use [AmigaFFH::as.raw()]
#' to achieve the inverse of this method.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname rawToIFFChunk
#' @name rawToIFFChunk
#' @aliases rawToIFFChunk,raw-method
#' @param x A vector of raw data that needs to be converted into a [IFFChunk()]
#' class object.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk()] class object based on `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## Coerce it to raw data:
#' example.raw <- as.raw(example.iff)
#' ## Coerce raw data to IFF chunk:
#' <- rawToIFFChunk(example.raw)
#' ## These conversions were non-destructive:
#' identical(example.iff,
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("rawToIFFChunk", "raw", function(x) {
result <- .rawToIFFChunk(x)
if (length(result) == 1) result <- result[[1]]
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