
Defines functions .text.chunk .rawToIFFChunk as.list.IFFChunk print.IFFChunk plot.IFF.FORM plot.IFFChunk IFFChunk.IFF.copyright IFFChunk.IFF.TEXT IFFChunk.IFF.NAME IFFChunk.IFF.CHRS IFFChunk.IFF.AUTH IFFChunk.IFF.ANNO IFFChunk.IFF.BODY IFFChunk.IFF.FORM IFFChunk.character write.iff as.raw.IFF.ANY read.iff .validity.IFFChunk

Documented in as.raw.IFF.ANY IFFChunk.character IFFChunk.IFF.ANNO IFFChunk.IFF.AUTH IFFChunk.IFF.BODY IFFChunk.IFF.CHRS IFFChunk.IFF.copyright IFFChunk.IFF.FORM IFFChunk.IFF.NAME IFFChunk.IFF.TEXT plot.IFFChunk plot.IFF.FORM read.iff write.iff

.validity.IFFChunk <- function(object) {
  if (length(object@chunk.type) !=1) stop("Slot 'chunk.type' should be of length 1")
  if (nchar(object@chunk.type) != 4) stop("Slot 'chunk.type' should consist of 4 characters.")
  data.types <- unlist(lapply(object@chunk.data, class))
  if (length(object@chunk.data) == 0) stop("Chunk should have at least one element in it's data list.")
  if (!(all(data.types == "IFFChunk") || all(data.types == "raw"))) stop("Chunk data should be a list of IFFChunk objects or a list with a single element with raw data.")
  if (all(data.types == "raw") && length(object@chunk.data) > 1) stop ("Chunk data can only hold one element of raw data.")
  ## note that the chunk.size can be odd, but in that case a padding byte should be read from
  ## an iff file...
  if (all(data.types == "raw") && length(object@chunk.data[[1]]) > (2^32 - 1)) stop("Chunk data cannot be larger than 4,294,967,295 bytes")
  if (object@chunk.type %in% c("FORM", "LIST", "CAT ", "PROP") && data.types == "raw") stop("IFF containers should contain IFF chunks, not raw data.")
  ## TODO note that the validity of all the IFFChunk objects in the data list are not checked
  ## TODO Doing that will make the object fool-proof, but also a lot slower...

#' A class structure to represent IFF files
#' An S4 class structure to represent data stored in the Interchange File
#' Format (IFF).
#' The Interchange File Format (IFF) was introduced in 1985 by Electronic Arts.
#' This format stores files in standardised modular objects, called `chunks'.
#' At the start of each chunk it is specified what type of data can be expected
#' and what the size of this data is. This was a very forward thinking way of
#' storing data, similar structures are still used in modern file formats (such
#' as PNG images and XML files).
#' Although the IFF format is still in use, and new standardised chunk types can
#' still be registered, this package will focus on the older chunk types that
#' were primarily used on the Commodore Amiga (OS <= 3.0). IFF files could
#' contain any kind of information. It could contain bitmap images, but also
#' audio clips or (formatted) texts.
#' The `IFFChunk` class is designed such that it theoretically can hold
#' any type of IFF data. This package will mostly focus on the early IFF file types
#' (i.e., IFF chunks as originally registered by Electronic Arts). IFF files are
#' read by this package in a none lossy way ([read.iff()]), such that all
#' information is preserved (even if it is of an unknown type, as long as the chunk
#' identifier is 4 characters long).
#' This means that the object needs to be interpreted in order to make sense out of
#' it ([interpretIFFChunk()]). This interpretation returns simplified
#' interpretations of class `IFF.ANY` when it is supported (see
#' [IFFChunk-method()] for supported chunk types). Note that in the
#' interpretation process (meta-)information may get lost. converting
#' `IFF.ANY` objects back into [IFFChunk()] objects (if possible)
#' could therefore result in an object that is different from then one stored in the
#' original file and could even destroy the correct interpretation of IFF objects.
#' IFF files should thus be handled with care.
#' @slot chunk.type A four `character` long code reflecting the type of
#' information represented by this chunk.
#' @slot chunk.data A `list` that holds either one or more valid
#' `IFFChunk`s or a single `vector` of `raw` data. This data
#' can only be interpreted in context of the specified type or in some cases
#' information from other `IFFChunk`s.
#' @references <https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/IFF_Standard>
#' @references <https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/IFF_FORM_and_Chunk_Registry>
#' @references <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interchange_File_Format>
#' @name IFFChunk-class
#' @rdname IFFChunk-class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## 'example.iff' is of class IFFChunk:
#' class(example.iff)
#' ## let's plot it:
#' plot(example.iff)
#' ## The default constructor will create an empty FORM:
#' new("IFFChunk")
#' ## The constructor can also be used to create simple chunks:
#' new("IFFChunk",
#'     chunk.type = "TEXT",
#'     chunk.data = list(charToRaw("A simple chunk")))
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @exportClass IFFChunk
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
           chunk.type = "character",
           chunk.data = "list" ## of either a single element of type raw, or a list of iffchunks
           chunk.type = "FORM",
           chunk.data = list(raw(0))
         validity = .validity.IFFChunk)

#' Read Interchange File Format (IFF)
#' Read the Interchange File Format (IFF) as an [IFFChunk()] object.
#' Information is stored as `chunks' in IFF files (see [IFFChunk()]).
#' Each chunk should at least contain a label of the type of chunk and the data
#' for that chunk. This function reads all chunks from a valid IFF file, including
#' all nested chunks and stores them in an [IFFChunk()] object. IFF
#' files can hold any kind of data (e.g. images or audio), this read function
#' does not interpret the file. Use [interpretIFFChunk()] for that
#' purpose.
#' @rdname read.iff
#' @name read.iff
#' @param file A filename of an IFF file to be read, or a connection from which
#' binary data can be read.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk from which the `file` should be
#' read. This should be an [`amigaDisk()`][adfExplorer::amigaDisk-class] object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to `NULL`, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Returns a [IFFChunk()] object read from the specified file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## let's read a bitmap image stored in IFF as provided with this package:
#' filename <- system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH")
#' example.iff <- read.iff(filename)
#' ## And plot it:
#' plot(example.iff)
#' }
#' @family io.operations
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
read.iff <- function(file, disk = NULL) {
  result <- .read.generic(file, disk)
  result <- rawToIFFChunk(result)
  if (result@chunk.type != "FORM") stop("FORM is currently the only supported IFF container. LIST, CAT and others are not...")
  return (result)

#' Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
#' Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data, as they would be stored in the Commodore
#' Amiga's memory or files.
#' Objects originating from this package can in some cases be converted into
#' raw data, as they would be stored on an original Amiga. See the usage section
#' for the currently supported objects.
#' Not all information from `x` may be included in the `raw`
#' data that is returned, so handle with care.
#' As this package grows additional objects can be converted with this method.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname as.raw
#' @name as.raw
#' @aliases as.raw,IFFChunk-method
#' @param x An AmigaFFH object that needs to be converted into raw data.
#' See usage section for all supported objects.
#' @returns Returns a `vector` of `raw` data based on `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## read an IFF file as an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## This will recreate the exact raw data as it was read from the file:
#' example.raw <- as.raw(example.iff)
#' }
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("as.raw", "IFFChunk", function(x) {
  get.data <- function(y, parent.is.container = F) {
    result <- charToRaw(y@chunk.type)
    if (inherits(y@chunk.data[[1]], "raw")) {
      ## only store chunk size if parent is not a container (i.e., FORM, LIST or CAT)
      if (!parent.is.container) result <- c(result, .amigaIntToRaw(length(y@chunk.data[[1]]), 32, F))
      result <- c(result, y@chunk.data[[1]])
      ## Chunks should always be WORD aligned (pad with zeros if
      ## it is not):
      if ((length(y@chunk.data[[1]]) %% 2) != 0) result <- c(result, raw(1))
    } else if (inherits(y@chunk.data[[1]], "IFFChunk")) {
      container <- y@chunk.type %in% c("FORM", "LIST", "CAT ", "PROP")
      dat <- unlist(lapply(y@chunk.data, get.data,
                           parent.is.container = container))
      ## only store chunk size if parent is not a container (i.e., FORM, LIST, CAT or PROP)
      if (!parent.is.container) result <- c(result, .amigaIntToRaw(length(dat), 32, F))
      result <- c(result, dat)
    } else {
      stop("IFFChunk contains invalid data")
  return(get.data(x, F))

#' @rdname as.raw
#' @method as.raw IFF.ANY
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to [IFFChunk-method()] when `x` is
#' of class `IFF.ANY`.
#' @export
as.raw.IFF.ANY <- function(x, ...) {
  as.raw(IFFChunk(x, ...))

#' Write Interchange File Format (IFF)
#' Write an [IFFChunk()] object conform the Interchange File Format (IFF).
#' Writes an [IFFChunk()] object (including all nested chunks) to the
#' specified file. Only the structure of the object needs to be valid, however,
#' a correctly structured file does not necessarily result in an interpretable file
#' (see examples).
#' @rdname write.iff
#' @name write.iff
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object that needs to be written to a file.
#' @param file A filename for the IFF file to which the [IFFChunk()] needs
#' to be saved, or a connection to which the data should be written.
#' @param disk A virtual Commodore Amiga disk to which the `file` should be
#' written. This should be an [`amigaDisk()`][adfExplorer::amigaDisk-class] object. Using
#' this argument requires the adfExplorer package.
#' When set to `NULL`, this argument is ignored.
#' @returns Returns either `NULL` or an `integer` status invisibly as passed
#' by the [`close()`][base::connections] statement used to close the file connection.
#' When `disk` is specified, a copy of `disk` is returned
#' to which the file is written.
#' @references <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interchange_File_Format>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## read an IFF file as an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## This will write the IFF file (in this case a bitmap image)
#' ## to the temp directory:
#' write.iff(example.iff, file.path(tempdir(), "image.iff"))
#' }
#' @family io.operations
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
write.iff <- function(x, file, disk = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(x, "IFFChunk")) stop("x should be of class IFFChunk.")
  .write.generic(x, file, disk)

setGeneric("getIFFChunk", function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) standardGeneric("getIFFChunk"))

#' Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks
#' [IFFChunk()]s can be nested in a tree-like structure. Use this method
#' to get a specific chunk with a specific label.
#' `IFFChunk` objects have 4 `character` identifiers, indicating what type
#' of chunk you are dealing with. These chunks can be nested inside of each other.
#' Use this method to extract specific chunks by referring to there respective
#' identifiers. The identifiers are shown when calling `print` on an
#' [IFFChunk()]. If a specified path doesn't exist, this method throws a
#' `subscript out of range' error.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk
#' @aliases getIFFChunk,IFFChunk,character,integer-method
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object from which the nested
#' [IFFChunk()] should be extracted an returned.
#' @param chunk.path A `vector` of 4 `character` long strings
#' of IFF chunk labels, specifying the path of the target IFF chunk.
#' For example: `c("ILBM", "BODY")` means, get the "BODY" chunk
#' from inside the "ILBM" chunk.
#' @param chunk.number A `vector` of the same length as `chunk.path`,
#' with `integer` index numbers. Sometimes a chunk can contain a list of
#' chunks with the same label. With this argument you can specify which element
#' should be returned. By default (when missing), the first element is always
#' returned.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk()] object nested inside `x` at the
#' specified path. Or in case of the replace method the original chunk `x` is
#' returned with the target chunk replaced by `value`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## Get the BMHD (bitmap header) from the ILBM (interleaved bitmap) chunk:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"))
#' ## This is essentially doing the same thing, but we now explicitly
#' ## tell the method to get the first element for each specified label:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"), c(1L, 1L))
#' ## Let's modify the bitmap header and replace it in the parent IFF chunk.
#' bmhd.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)
#' ## Let's disable the masking, the bitmap will no longer be transparent:
#' bmhd.itpt$Masking <- "mskNone"
#' bmhd <- IFFChunk(bmhd.itpt)
#' ## Now replace the header from the original iff with the modified header:
#' getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD")) <- bmhd
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "integer"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) {
  chunk <- x
  id <- unlist(lapply(1:length(chunk.path), function(y){
    id <- which(unlist(lapply(chunk@chunk.data, function(z) z@chunk.type)) == chunk.path[[y]])
    chunk <<- chunk@chunk.data[[id[[chunk.number[[y]]]]]]

#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk
#' @aliases getIFFChunk,IFFChunk,character,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "missing"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number) {
  getIFFChunk(x, chunk.path, rep(1L, length(chunk.path)))

setGeneric("getIFFChunk<-", function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number, value) standardGeneric("getIFFChunk<-"))

#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk<-
#' @aliases getIFFChunk<-,IFFChunk,character,missing,IFFChunk-method
#' @param value An [IFFChunk()] with which the target chunk should be
#' replaced. Make sure that `value` is of the same `chunk.type` as the last
#' chunk specified in the `chunk.path`.
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "missing", "IFFChunk"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number = NULL, value) {
  getIFFChunk(x, chunk.path, rep(1L, length(chunk.path))) <- value

#' @rdname getIFFChunk
#' @name getIFFChunk<-
#' @aliases getIFFChunk<-,IFFChunk,character,integer,IFFChunk-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("getIFFChunk", c("IFFChunk", "character", "integer", "IFFChunk"), function(x, chunk.path, chunk.number = NULL, value) {
  if (value@chunk.type != chunk.path[[length(chunk.path)]]) stop("'value' should be of the same IFF type as the last type in the 'chunk.path'")
  iff.list <- as.list(x)
  val.list <- as.list(value)
  eval(parse(text = paste0("iff.list",
                           paste0(sprintf("[[\"%s_%i\"]]", chunk.path, chunk.number), collapse = ""),
  ## code below doesn't seem to work correctly:
  list.to.chunk <- function(x, nam) {
    if (typeof(x) == "raw") {
                 chunk.type = substr(nam, 1, 4),
                 chunk.data = list(x)))
    } else if (typeof(x) == "list") {
      result <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(y) {
        list.to.chunk(x[[y]], names(x)[y])
                 chunk.type = substr(nam, 1, 4),
                 chunk.data = result))
  return(list.to.chunk(iff.list, x@chunk.type))

setGeneric("interpretIFFChunk", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("interpretIFFChunk"))

#' Interpret an IFFChunk object
#' [IFFChunk()]s represent the structure of the Interchange File Format well,
#' but the iformation is stored as `raw` data. This method tries to interpret and
#' translate the information into a more comprehensive format.
#' Interchange File Format chunks can hold any kind of information (images, audio,
#' (formatted) text, etc.). This method will try to convert this information into
#' something useful. Information may get lost in the translation, so be careful when
#' converting back to an [IFFChunk-class()] object using
#' [IFFChunk-method()].
#' An error is thrown when the [IFFChunk()] object is currently not
#' interpretable by this package. See [IFFChunk-method()] for an overview
#' of currently supported IFF chunks. This list may increase while this package
#' matures.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname interpretIFFChunk
#' @name interpretIFFChunk
#' @aliases interpretIFFChunk,IFFChunk-method
#' @param x An [IFFChunk()] object which needs to be interpreted.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @returns If `x` is interpretable by this package an S3 class object of
#' `IFF.ANY` is returned. The content of the returned object will depend
#' on the type of [IFFChunk()] provided for `x`. The result can
#' for instance be a `raster` image ([grDevices::as.raster()]),
#' a list of audio [tuneR::Wave()]s, a `character` string or a named
#' `list`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## in this case, the file is a FORM container with a bitmap image, and a
#' ## list with a raster object is returned when interpreted:
#' example.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(example.iff)
#' class(example.itpt)
#' typeof(example.itpt)
#' class(example.itpt[[1]])
#' ## Let's extraxt the bitmap header from the main chunk:
#' bmhd <- getIFFChunk(example.iff, c("ILBM", "BMHD"))
#' ## When interpreted, a named list is returned with (meta-)information
#' ## on the bitmap image:
#' bmhd.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)
#' class(bmhd.itpt)
#' typeof(bmhd.itpt)
#' print(bmhd.itpt)
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("interpretIFFChunk", "IFFChunk", function(x, ...) {
  type <- x@chunk.type
  if (!inherits(x@chunk.data[[1]], "raw")) sub.types <- unlist(lapply(x@chunk.data, function(x) x@chunk.type))
  dat  <- x@chunk.data[[1]]
  if (type == "FORM") {
    ## FORM can hold multiple objects, return the interpreation of these objects
    ## as a list:
    result <- lapply(x@chunk.data, interpretIFFChunk, ...)
    class(result) <- c("IFF.FORM", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "ILBM") {
    ## ILBM = interleaved bitmap; return as raster
    ## If subtype contains ANHD and not a BMHD, it should also contain a DLTA chunk rather than a BODY
    ## note that DLTA chunks are actualy not interleaved, in contrast to what the parent ILBM chunk
    ## suggests.
    if ("ANHD" %in% sub.types && !("BODY" %in% sub.types)) {
      anhd <- interpretIFFChunk(x@chunk.data[sub.types %in% "ANHD"][[1]], ...)
      dlta <- x@chunk.data[sub.types %in% "DLTA"][[1]]@chunk.data[[1]]
      wbm <- with(anhd, w + (-w %% 16))
      if (anhd$operation == "ByteVerticalCompression") {
        result <- .byteVerticalDecompression(dlta, wbm, anhd$h, anhd$interleave, anhd$flags[2], list(...)$hidden)
        cl <- class(result)
        result <- result[,0:anhd$w]
        class(result) <- cl
      } else {
        stop("Sorry this animation format is not (yet) supported by this package.")
    if ("hidden" %in% names(list(...))) {
      result <- grDevices::as.raster(x, palette = NULL)
    } else {
      result <- grDevices::as.raster(x)
    class(result) <- c("IFF.ILBM", "IFF.ANY", class(result))
  } else if (type == "CMAP") {
    ## when all low bits are 0 assume 12 bit, otherwise asume 24 bit
    colour.depth  <- ifelse(all(ProTrackR::loNybble(x@chunk.data[[1]]) == 0), "12 bit", "24 bit")
    result        <- amigaRawToColour(dat, colour.depth, "3")
    class(result) <- c("IFF.CMAP", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if(type == "BMHD") {
    result <- list(
      w                  = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:2],   16, F),
      h                  = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4],   16, F),
      x                  = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6],   16, T),
      y                  = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7:8],   16, T),
      nPlanes            = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[9],     8, F),
      Masking            = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[10],    8, F),
      Compression        = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[11],    8, F),
      pad                = dat[12],
      transparentColour  = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[13:14], 16, F),
      xAspect            = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[15],    8, F),
      yAspect            = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[16],    8, F),
      pageWidth          = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[17:18], 16, T),
      pageHeight         = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[19:20], 16, T)
    if (result$Masking > 3) result$Masking <- 4
    result$Masking <- c("mskNone", "mskHasMask", "mskHasTransparentColour", "mskLasso", "mskUnknown")[result$Masking + 1]
    if (result$Compression > 1) result$Compression <- 2
    result$Compression <- c("cmpNone", "cmpByteRun1", "cmpUnknown")[result$Compression + 1]
    class(result) <- c("IFF.BMHD", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "CAMG") {
    ## Amiga Viewport Mode
    result <- .amigaViewPortModes(dat)
    class(result) <- c("IFF.CAMG", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "CRNG") {
    ## DPaint colour range (used for colour cycling)
    result <- list(
      padding = dat[1:2],
      rate    = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F)*60/(2^14), ## steps per second
      flags   = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6], 16, F),
      low     = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7], 8, F),
      high    = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[8], 8, F)
    result$flags[result$flags > 2] <- 2
    result$flags <- c("RNG_OFF", "RNG_ACTIVE", "RNG_REVERSE", "RNG_UNKNOWN")[result$flags + 1]
    class(result) <- c("IFF.CRNG", "IFF.ANY")
    return (result)
  } else if (type == "ANIM") {
    result <- list()
    dpan <- NULL
    suppressWarnings(try(dpan <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, c("FORM", "ILBM", "DPAN"))), T))
    interleave <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, c("FORM", "ILBM", "ANHD"), c(2L, 1L, 1L)))$interleave
    interleave[interleave == 0] <- 2
    if (length(x@chunk.data) < (2 + interleave)) stop("Animation contains insufficient information for at least 2 frames.")
    for (i in 1:length(x@chunk.data)) {
      ## Assuming that each sub-form contains a single frame (hence [[1]]):
      ## if first frame contains DLTA, it should be the difference from blank screen
      ## in that case result == list(), and is handled by .byteVerticalDecompression
      result[[i]] <- interpretIFFChunk(x@chunk.data[[i]], hidden = result, ...)[[1]]
    for (k in 1:interleave) {
      if (!all(result[[length(result) + k - interleave]] == result[[k]])) stop("Could not interpret animation DLTA chunks correctly")
    result <- result[1:(length(result) - interleave)]

    palettes <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$palette)
    asps     <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$asp)
    modes    <- lapply(result, function(z) attributes(z)$mode)
    for (i in 1:length(palettes)) {
      if (is.null(palettes[[i]])) palettes[[i]] <- palettes[[i - 1]]
      if (is.null(asps[[i]])) asps[[i]] <- asps[[i - 1]]
      if (i > 1 && !is.null(modes[[1]]) && is.null(modes[[i]])) modes[[i]] <- modes[[i - 1]]

      if (!is.null(modes[[i]]) && modes[[i]] %in% c("HAM6", "HAM8")) {
        result[[i]] <- .indexToHAMraster(result[[i]],
                                         ifelse(modes[[i]] == "HAM8", 8, 6),
                                         palettes[[i]], 0) ## assume transparent colour is zero        
      } else {
        result[[i]] <- grDevices::as.raster(apply(result[[i]], 2, function(z) palettes[[i]][z + 1]))
      class(result[[i]]) <- c("IFF.ILBM", "IFF.ANY", class(result[[i]]))
      attributes(result[[i]])[["asp"]] <- asps[[i]]

    if (!is.null(dpan) && dpan$nframes != length(result)) warning("Number of frames does not match the number specified in the DPAN chunk.")
    class(result) <- c("IFF.ANIM", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "ANHD") {
    result <- list(
      operation       = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1], 8, F),
      mask            = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[2], F, F)),
      w               = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F),
      h               = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[5:6], 16, F),
      x               = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[7:8], 16, T),
      y               = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[9:10], 16, T),
      abstime         = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[11:14], 32, T),
      reltime         = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[15:18], 32, T),
      interleave      = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[19], 8, F),
      pad0            = dat[20],
      flags           = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[21:24], F, T)),
      pad1            = dat[25:40]
    if (result$operation > 7) result$operation <- "UnknownMode" else
      result$operation <- c("standard", "XOR", "LongDeltaMode", "ShortDeltaMode", "GeneralDeltamode", "ByteVerticalCompression", "StereoOp5", "ShortLongVerticalDeltaMode")[1 + result$operation]
    class(result) <- c("IFF.ANHD", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "DLTA") {
    ## without context (its parent ANIM chunk or neighbouring ANHD chunk),
    ## DLTA chunks can't be interpreted. Just return the raw data
    class(dat) <- c("IFF.DLTA", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "DPAN") {
    ## DPaint Animation chunk, is only used to determine number of animation frames
    result <- list(
      version         = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:2], 16, F),
      nframes         = .rawToAmigaInt(dat[3:4], 16, F),
      flags           = as.logical(.rawToBitmap(dat[5:8], F, T))
  } else if (type == "VHDR") {
    result <- as.list(.rawToAmigaInt(dat[1:(3*4)], 32, F))
    result <- c(result,
                .rawToAmigaInt(dat[13:14], 16, F),
                .rawToAmigaInt(dat[15:16], 8, F),
                .rawToAmigaInt(dat[17:20], 32, F))
    names(result) <- c("oneShotHiSamples",
    result$sCompression[result$sCompression > 2] <- 2
    result$sCompression <- c("sCmpNone", "sCmpFibDelta", "sCmpUnknown")[result$sCompression + 1]
    class(result) <- c("IFF.VHDR", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "CHAN") {
    result <- which(c(2, 4, 6) %in% .rawToAmigaInt(dat, 32, F))[[1]]
    if (length(result) == 0) result <- list(channel = "UNKOWN") else
      result <- list(channel = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "STEREO")[result])
    class(result) <- c("IFF.CHAN", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type == "8SVX") {
    body <- getIFFChunk(x, "BODY")@chunk.data[[1]]
    if ("CHAN" %in% sub.types) {
      chan <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, "CHAN"), ...)
    } else {
      chan <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("CHAN"), ...)
    if ("VHDR" %in% sub.types) {
      vhdr <- interpretIFFChunk(getIFFChunk(x, "VHDR"), ...)
    } else {
      warning("Voice header is missing, going to make some assumptions here...")
      vhdr <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("VHDR"), ...)
      vhdr$oneShotHiSamples <- length(body)
      if (chan == "STEREO") vhdr$oneShotHiSamples <- floor(vhdr$oneShotHiSamples/2)
    if (vhdr$sCompression == "sCmpUnknown") warning("An unknown form of compression is applied to the wave. Trying to continue anyway.")
    if (vhdr$sCompression == "sCmpFibDelta") body <- deltaFibonacciDecompress(body)
    samp.offset <- 0
    wav <- lapply(1:ifelse(chan == "STEREO", 2, 1), function(z){
      lapply(1:vhdr$ctOctave, function(y) {
        l <- ((vhdr$oneShotHiSamples + vhdr$repeatHiSamples)*(2^(y - 1)))
        result <- body[samp.offset + (1:l)]
        samp.offset <<- samp.offset + l
        .rawToAmigaInt(result, 8, T) + 128
    ## wav will be a list of one or more Wave objects.
    ## We have let wav be a list. We can't downgrade the S4 class
    ## to an S3 IFF.ANY class. Ortherwise the Wave-methods are
    ## no longer applicable.
    wav <- lapply(1:vhdr$ctOctave, function(y) {
      ## Wave objects are always specified for left channel when audio is mono
      ## eventhough amiga iff is specified for right channel only.
      right <- numeric(0)
      if (chan == "STEREO") right <- wav[[2]][[y]]
      Wave(left = wav[[1]][[y]],
           right = right,
           bit = 8,
           pcm = T,
           samp.rate = vhdr$samplesPerSec)
    class(wav) <- c("IFF.8SVX", "IFF.ANY", class(wav))
  } else if (type == "BODY") {
    ## without context, the body cannot be converted to anything usefull
    ## return as unprocessed raw data
    class(dat) <- c("IFF.BODY", "IFF.ANY")
  } else if (type %in% c("ANNO", "AUTH", "CHRS", "NAME", "TEXT", "(c) ")) {
    ## These are simply just ASCII texts, return them as such...
    result <- .rawToCharNull(dat)
    type[type == "(c) "] <- "copyright"
    class(result) <- c(paste0("IFF.", type), "IFF.ANY")
  } else {
    stop("Can't handle this chunk type (yet).")

#' Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
#' Convert `IFF.ANY` objects (created with [interpretIFFChunk()]) into
#' [IFFChunk()] objects. A basic [IFFChunk()] can also be
#' created with this method by providing the chunk type name.
#' IFF data is stored in a [IFFChunk-class()] object when read from an
#' IFF file ([read.iff()]). These objects reflect the file structure
#' well, but the data is stored as `raw` information. IFF files can contain
#' a wide variety of information types, ranging from bitmap images to audio
#' clips. The raw information stored in [IFFChunk()] objects can
#' be interpreted into more meaningful representations that can be handled in
#' R. This is achieved with the [interpretIFFChunk()] method, which
#' returns `IFF.ANY` objects.
#' These `IFF.ANY` objects are a less strict representation of the
#' IFF Chunk, but are easier to handle in R. The interpretation method is lossy
#' and may not preserve all information in the `IFF.ANY` object.
#' The [IFFChunk-method()] can coerce `IFF.ANY` back
#' to the more strictly defined [IFFChunk-class()] objects.
#' Be careful with conversions between [IFFChunk-class()] and
#' `IFF.ANY` objects and vice versa, as information may get lost.
#' More detailed information about IFF chunks can be found in the IFF chunk registry
#' (see references).
#'  * `IFF.FORM` represents a FORM chunk, which is a container that can hold any kind of chunk.
#'    When interpreted, it is represented as a `list`, where each element is an interpreted chunk
#'    nested inside the FORM.
#'  * `IFF.BODY` represents the actual data in an IFF file. However, without context
#'    this chunk cannot be interpreted and is therefore interpreted as a vector of `raw` data.
#'  * `IFF.ANIM` represents an animation (ANIM) chunk. When interpreted, it will return a `list` where each
#'    element is an animation frame represented as an `IFF.ILBM` object. Each animation frame should be
#'    nested inside an ILBM chunk nested inside a FORM chunk, nested inside an ANIM chunk.
#'     * `IFF.ANHD` represents an ANimation HeaDer (ANHD) chunk. When interpreted,
#'       it returns a named `list` containing the
#'       following information:
#'        * `operation` is a `character` string indicating how the bitmap
#'          data for the animation frame is encoded. Can be one of the following:
#'          "`standard`", "`XOR`", "`LongDeltaMode`",
#'          "`ShortDeltaMode`", "`GeneralDeltamode`",
#'          "`ByteVerticalCompression`", "`StereoOp5`", or
#'          "`ShortLongVerticalDeltaMode`". Currently, only the
#'          ByteVerticalCompression is implemented in this package.
#'        * `mask` is a `vector` of 8 `logical` values. It is currently
#'          ignored.
#'        * `w` and `h` are positive `numeric` values, specifying
#'          the width and height of the frame (should be identical for all frames).
#'        * `x` and `y` are `numeric` values, specifying the plotting
#'          position for the frame.
#'        * `abstime` is a positive `numeric` value - currently unused - used for
#'          timing the frame relative to the time the first frame was displayed. In
#'          jiffies (1/60 sec).
#'        * `reltime` is a positive `numeric` value for timing the frame
#'          relative to time previous frame was displayed. In jiffies (1/60 sec).
#'        * `interleave` is currently unused. It should be set to 0.
#'        * `pad0` is a padding byte (`raw`) for future use.
#'        * `flags` is a `vector` of 32 `logical` values. They contain
#'          information on how the bitmap data is stored.
#'        * `pad1` are 16 padding bytes (`raw`) for future use.
#'     * `IFF.DPAN` represents an DPaint ANimation (DPAN) chunk. Some software will
#'       require this chunk to correctly derive the total number of frames in the animation.
#'       When interpreted, it will return a named `list` with the following elements:
#'        * `version` a `numeric` version number.
#'        * `nframes` a positive `numeric` value, indicating the number
#'          of frames in the animation.
#'        * `flags` a `vector` of 32 `logical` values. Ignored in
#'          this package as it was intended for future implementations.
#'     * `IFF.DLTA` represents a delta mode data chunk (DLTA). The first animation
#'       frame is stored as a normal InterLeaved BitMap (ILBM) image as described below.
#'       The following frames only store differences in bitmap data compared to the
#'       previous frames but is not interleaved. They are thus incorrectly embedded in
#'       an ILBM chunk (but is kept so for backward compatibility). When interpreted,
#'       a `grDevices` raster object is returned only showing the differences. It
#'       is not very meaningful to interpret these chunks on their own, but rather the
#'       entire parent ANIM chunk.
#'  * `IFF.ILBM` represents InterLeaved BitMap (ILBM) chunks. It is interpreted here as a
#'    raster image (see [grDevices::as.raster()]). ILBM chunks are usually nested inside
#'    a FORM container.
#'     * `IFF.BMHD` represents the header chunk of a bitmap (BMHD), and should always be present
#'       (nested inside) an ILBM chunk. It is interpreted as a named list containing the following elements:
#'        * `w` and `h` are positive `numeric` values specifying
#'          the bitmap width and height in pixels. Note that the width
#'          can be any positive whole number, whereas the bitmap data always
#'          has a width divisible by 16.
#'        * `x` and `y` are `numeric` values specifying the plotting
#'          position relative to the top left position of the screen.
#'          Although required in the bitmap header. It is ignored in the
#'          interpretation of bitmap images.
#'        * `nPlanes` is a positive value indicating the number of
#'          bitplanes in the image. The number of colours in an image
#'          can be calculated as `2^nPlanes`.
#'        * `Masking` indicates whether there are bitplanes that should
#'          be masked (i.e. are treated as transparent). It is a `character`
#'          string equalling any of the following: "`mskNone`",
#'          "`mskHasMask`", "`mskHasTransparentColour`",
#'          "`mskLasso`" or "`mskUnknown`". Only the first (no transparency)
#'          and third (one of the colours should be treated as transparent)
#'          id is currently interpreted correctly. The others are ignored.
#'          "`mskUnknown`" means that an undocumented mask is applied
#'          to the image.
#'        * `Compression` indicates whether the bitmap data is
#'          compressed. It is a `character` string that can equal any
#'          of the following: "`cmpNone`", "`cmpByteRun1`" or
#'          "`cmpUnknown`". The latter means an undocumented form of
#'          compression is applied and is currently ignored. In most cases
#'          bitmap data is compressed with the `cmpByteRun1` algorithm
#'          ([packBitmap()]). In some cases, bitmap data is not
#'          compressed (`cmpNone`).
#'        * `pad` is a `raw` byte that is only used to
#'          align data. It is ignored in the interpretation.
#'        * `transparentColour` is a `numeric` value that indicates
#'          which colour number in the palette should be treated as fully
#'          transparent (when `Masking` equals
#'          "`mskHasTransparentColour`").
#'        * `xAspect` and `yAspect` or positive `numeric`
#'          values that indicate the aspect ratio of
#'          the pixels in the image. Amiga screen modes allowed for some
#'          extreme pixel aspect ratios. These values are used to stretch
#'          the image to their intended display mode.
#'        * `pageWidth` and `pageHeight` are positive
#'          `numeric` values indicating the size of the screen in which
#'          the image should be displayed. They are ignored in the
#'          interpretation of the image.
#'     * `IFF.CMAP` represents the colour map (CMAP) or palette of a bitmap image. Although common,
#'       the chunk is optional and can be omitted from the parent ILBM chunk. It is interpreted as a
#'       vector of colours (i.e., a `character` string formatted as '#RRGGBB' or named colours such as
#'       'blue').
#'     * `IFF.CAMG` represents a chunk with information with respect
#'       to the display mode in which the bitmap image should be displayed.
#'       This information can be used to determine the correct pixel aspect
#'       ratio, or is sometimes required to correctly interpret the bitmap
#'       information. The `IFF.CAMG` chunk is interpreted as a named list
#'       containing the following elements:
#'        * `monitor`: a `factor` indicating the hardware monitor
#'          on which the image was created and should be displayed (see 
#'          [amiga_monitors()]).
#'        * `display.mode`: a `factor` indicating the display
#'          mode in which the image should be displayed (see
#'          [amiga_display_modes()]).
#'     * `IFF.CRNG` is an optional chunk nested in an ILBM chunk.
#'       It represents a `colour range' and is used to cycle through
#'       colours in the bitmap's palette in order to achieve
#'       animation effects. It is interpreted as a named list with the
#'       following elements. This chunk is currently not used with
#'       the interpretation of ILBM images.
#'        * `padding` are two `raw` padding bytes and are
#'          ignored when interpreted.
#'        * `rate` is a `numeric` value specifying the rate
#'          at which the colours are cycled. The rate is in steps per
#'          second.
#'        * `flags` is a flag that indicates how colours should
#'          be cycled. It is a `character` string that can equal
#'          any of the following: "`RNG_OFF`", "`RNG_ACTIVE`",
#'          "`RNG_REVERSE`" or "`RNG_UNKNOWN`". When equal to the
#'          first, colours are not cycled. When equal to the second, colours
#'          are cycled. When equal to the third, colours are cycled in
#'          reverse direction. When equal to the latter, an undocumented
#'          form of cycling is applied.
#'        * `low` and `high` are `numeric` indices of
#'          colours between which should be cycled. Only colour from
#'          index `low` up to index `high` are affected.
#'  * `IFF.8SVX` represents 8-bit sampled voice chunks (8SVX). The original
#'    Amiga supported 8-bit audio which could be stored using the IFF. 8SVX chunks
#'    can contain separate audio samples for each octave. 8SVX chunks are usually
#'    stored inside a FORM container. Its body chunk contains 8-bit PCM wave data that
#'    could be compressed. When the 8SVX chunk is
#'    interpreted with this package, a `list` is returned where each element
#'    represents an octave given as a [tuneR::Wave()] object. Possible
#'    chunks nested in 8SVX chunks and currently supported by this package are
#'    as follows.
#'     * `IFF.VHDR` represents voice header chunks (VHDR). It contains (meta-)information about
#'       the audio stored in the body of the parent 8SVX chunk. When interpreted, a named `list` is
#'       returned with the following elements:
#'        * `oneShotHiSamples` is a `numeric` value indicating how many samples there are in the
#'          audio wave of the first octave in the file, that should not be looped (repeated).
#'        * `repeatHiSamples` is a `numeric` value indicating how many samples there are in the
#'          audio wave of the first octave in the file, that should be looped (repeated).
#'        * `samplesPerHiCycle` is a `numeric` value specifying the
#'          number of samples per repeat cycle in the first octave, or 0 when unknown.
#'          The number of `repeatHiSamples` should be an exact multiple of
#'          `samplesPerHiCycle`.
#'        * `samplesPerSec` is a `numeric` value specifying the data
#'          sampling rate.
#'        * `ctOctave` a positive whole `numeric` value indicating how many octaves are included.
#'          In 8SVX files the audio wave is resampled for each octave. The wave data in the body starts with
#'          the audio sample in the highest octave (least number of samples). The data is then followed by
#'          each subsequent octave, where the number of samples increase by a factor of 2 for each octave.
#'        * `sCompression` is a `character` string indicating whether and how the wave data in the body
#'          is compressed. It can have one of the following values: "`sCmpNone`" (no compression),
#'          "`sCmpFibDelta`" ([deltaFibonacciCompress()]ion is applied), "`sCmpUnknown`" (an
#'          undocumented and unknown form of compression is applied).
#'        * `volume` is a numeric value between `0` (minimum) and `0x10000` (maximum) playback volume.
#'     * `IFF.CHAN` represents the channel chunk (CHAN). When interpreted it returns a named list
#'       with 1 named element:
#'       "`channel`". It's value can be one of the following `character` strings "`LEFT`", "`RIGHT`" or
#'       "`STEREO`". This indicates for how many (one or two) audio channels data is available in the
#'       body of the parent
#'       8SVX chunk. It also indicates two which channels the audio should be played back.
#'  * `IFF.ANNO`, `IFF.AUTH`, `IFF.CHRS`, `IFF.NAME`, `IFF.TEXT` and `IFF.copyright`
#'    are all unformatted text chunks that can be included optionally in any of the chunk types.
#'    Respectively, they
#'    represent an annotation, the author's name, a generic character string, the name of the work,
#'    generic unformatted text,
#'    and copyright text. They are interpreted as a `character` string.
#' @param x An S3 class `IFF.ANY` object that needs to be coerced into an
#' [IFFChunk-class()] object. `IFF.ANY` objects are created with the
#' [interpretIFFChunk()] method. `x` can also be a `character` string
#' of a IFF chunk type (e.g., "`FORM`" or "`BMHD`"). In that case an
#' [IFFChunk()] object of that type is created with some basic content.
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto methods underlying the interpretation of the
#' specific IFF chunks. Allowed arguments depend on the specific type of IFF chunk that
#' `x` represents.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk-class()] representation of `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load an IFF file
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## interpret the IFF file (in some cases information
#' ## will get lost in this step):
#' example.itpt <- interpretIFFChunk(example.iff)
#' ## now coerce back to a formal IFFChunk class object.
#' ## Only information in the interpreted object is used
#' ## The coerced object may therefore depart from the
#' ## original read from the file.
#' example.coerce <- IFFChunk(example.itpt)
#' ## and indeed the objects are not identical, as shown below.
#' ## In this case the difference is not disastrous, the order
#' ## of the colours in the palette have shifted. But be careful
#' ## with switching between formal IFFChunk objects and
#' ## interpreted IFF.ANY objects.
#' identical(example.iff, example.coerce)
#' ## It is also possible to create simple IFFChunk objects
#' ## by providing the desired chunk type identifier as a
#' ## character string.
#' ## This creates a basic bitmap header:
#' bmhd <- IFFChunk("BMHD")
#' ## This creates a basic colour palette:
#' cmap <- IFFChunk("CMAP")
#' }
#' @references <https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/IFF_FORM_and_Chunk_Registry>
#' @name IFFChunk-method
#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk <- function (x, ...) {
  UseMethod("IFFChunk", x)

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @method IFFChunk character
#' @export
IFFChunk.character <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x) > 1) warning("x has more than 1 element, only the first will be used...")
  x <- x[[1]]
  if (x == "FORM") {
  } else if (x == "BODY") {
    return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY"))
  } else if (x == "CMAP") {
    return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "CMAP",
               chunk.data = list(colourToAmigaRaw(grDevices::gray(round(seq(0, 15, length.out = 16))/15),
                                                  "12 bit", "3"))))
  } else if (x == "BMHD") {
    BMHD <- list(
      w                 = 16,
      h                 = 16,
      x                 = 0,
      y                 = 0,
      nPlanes           = 4,
      Masking           = "mskNone",
      Compression       = "cmpByteRun1",
      pad               = raw(1),
      transparentColour = 0,
      xAspect           = 44,
      yAspect           = 44,
      pageWidth         = 320,
      pageHeight        = 200
    class(BMHD) <- "IFF.BMHD"
  } else if(x == "CAMG") {
    return(.inverseViewPort("LORES_KEY", "DEFAULT_MONITOR_ID"))
  } else if (x == "CRNG") {
    dat <- list(
      padding = raw(2),
      rate = 0,
      flag = "RNG_OFF",
      low = 0,
      high = 0
    class(dat) <- "IFF.CRNG"
  } else if (x == "ILBM") {
    bm.dep <- 1
    bmhd <- IFFChunk("BMHD")
    bmhd.int <- interpretIFFChunk(bmhd)
    bmhd.int$nPlanes <- 1
    bmhd <- IFFChunk(bmhd.int)
    pal <- c("black", "white")
    class(pal) <- "IFF.CMAP"
    pal <- IFFChunk(pal)
    body <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY",
                chunk.data = list(
                  as.raw(c(0x01, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x01, 0x10, 0x08, 0x01,
                           0x20, 0x04, 0x01, 0x40, 0x02, 0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x8e,
                           0x71, 0x01, 0x84, 0x21, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x8e, 0x71,
                           0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x44, 0x22, 0x01, 0x23, 0xc4, 0x01,
                           0x10, 0x08, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x01, 0x03, 0xc0))
    return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM",
               chunk.data = list(
  } else if (x == "ANIM") {
    anhd   <- lapply(1:4, function(y) {
      anhdy <- interpretIFFChunk(IFFChunk("ANHD"))
      anhdy$abstime <- y*2
    frame1 <- IFFChunk("ILBM")@chunk.data
    frame1 <- c(frame1[1:(length(frame1) - 1)], anhd[[1]], frame1[length(frame1)])
    frame1 <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", chunk.data = frame1)
    dlta2  <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "DLTA", chunk.data = list(unPackBitmap(as.raw(c(0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,
                                                                                           0xc4, 0x00, 0x06, 0x03, 0x05,
                                                                                           0x83, 0x02, 0x11, 0x61, 0x08)))))
    dlta3  <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "DLTA", chunk.data = list(unPackBitmap(as.raw(c(0xc1, 0x00)))))
    result <- new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ANIM", chunk.data = list(
      new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", chunk.data = list(frame1)),
      new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", chunk.data = list(
        new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", chunk.data = list(anhd[[2]], dlta2))
      new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", chunk.data = list(
        new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", chunk.data = list(anhd[[3]], dlta3))
      new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", chunk.data = list(
        new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "ILBM", chunk.data = list(anhd[[4]], dlta3))
  } else if (x == "ANHD") {
    result <- list(
      operation       = "ByteVerticalCompression",
      mask            = rep(F, 8),
      w               = 16,
      h               = 16,
      x               = 0,
      y               = 0,
      abstime         = 2,
      reltime         = 2,
      interleave      = 0,
      pad0            = raw(1),
      flags           = rep(F, 32),
      pad1            = raw(16)
    class(result) <- "IFF.ANHD"
  } else if (x == "DPAN") {
    result <- list(
      version = 4,
      nframes = 2,
      flags   = rep(F, 32)
    class(result) <- "IFF.DPAN"
  } else if (x == "CHAN") {
    chan <- list(channel = "LEFT")
    class(chan) <- "IFF.CHAN"
  } else if(x == "VHDR") {
    vhdr <- list(
      oneShotHiSamples = 0,
      repeatHiSamples = 0,
      samplesPerHiCycle = 0,
      samplesPerSec = 16574.28,
      ctOctave = 1,
      sCompression = "sCmpNone",
      volume = 0x10000L
    class(vhdr) <- "IFF.VHDR"
  } else if(x == "8SVX") {
    return(WaveToIFF(Wave(round(128*sin((0:(10*62))*2*pi/62) - 0.5) + 128,
                          bit = 8,
                          samp.rate = 16574.28),
                     loop.start = 0))
  } else if (x %in% c("ANNO", "AUTH", "CHRS", "NAME", "TEXT", "(c) ")) {
    return (new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = x, chunk.data = raw(0)))
  stop("Cannot generate this chunk type...")

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @method IFFChunk IFF.FORM
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.FORM <- function(x, ...) {
  new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "FORM", chunk.data = lapply(x, IFFChunk, ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.BODY <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.raw(x, ...)
  return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = "BODY", chunk.data = list(x)))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.ANNO <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "ANNO", ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.AUTH <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "AUTH", ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.CHRS <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "CHRS", ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.NAME <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "NAME", ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.TEXT <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "TEXT", ...))

#' @rdname IFFChunk
#' @export
IFFChunk.IFF.copyright <- function(x, ...) {
  return(.text.chunk(x, "(c) ", ...))

#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot
#' @export
plot.IFFChunk <- function(x, y, ...) {
  if (missing(y)) y <- NULL
  graphics::plot(interpretIFFChunk(x), ...)

#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot
#' @export
plot.IFF.FORM <- function(x, y, ...) {
  invisible(lapply(x, graphics::plot, ...))

#' @export
print.IFFChunk <- function(x, ...) {
  ctypes <- function(z) {
    result <- paste0("- ", z@chunk.type)
    temp <- unlist(lapply(z@chunk.data, function(a) {
      if (inherits(a, "IFFChunk")) return(ctypes(a)) else return(NULL)
    if (length(temp) > 0) result <- c(result, paste0("  ", temp))
  typ <- paste0(ctypes(x), collapse = "\n")

as.list.IFFChunk <- function(x, ...) {
  slotList <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x@chunk.data[[1]], "raw")) {
    } else {
      result <- lapply(x@chunk.data, slotList)
      names(result) <- unlist(lapply(x@chunk.data, function(x) x@chunk.type))
      id.num <- stats::ave(seq_along(names(result)), names(result), FUN = seq_along)
      names(result) <- sprintf("%s_%i", names(result), id.num)

.rawToIFFChunk <- function(x, skip.size = F) {
  offset <- 0
  chunks <- list()
  while (offset < length(x)) {
    chunk.type <- rawToChar(x[offset + 1:4])
    if (skip.size) {
      offset <- offset + 4
                               chunk.type = chunk.type,
                               chunk.data = .rawToIFFChunk(x[(offset + 1):length(x)]))))
    chunk.size <- .rawToAmigaInt(x[offset + 5:8], 32, F)
    offset <- offset + 8
    chunk.data <- x[offset + 1:chunk.size]
    offset <- offset + chunk.size
    ## Data should be word aligned:
    if ((offset %% 2) == 1) offset <- offset + 1
    if (chunk.type %in% "FORM") { ## contains nested chunks, the container directly following 'FORM' will not specify the chunk length (hence the skip)
      chunk.data <- .rawToIFFChunk(chunk.data, skip.size = T)
    } else if (chunk.type %in% c("ILBM", "8SVX", "ANIM")) {
      chunk.data <- .rawToIFFChunk(chunk.data, skip.size = F)
    if (inherits(chunk.data, "raw")) chunk.data <- list(chunk.data)
    chunks[[length(chunks) + 1]] <- methods::new("IFFChunk",
                                                 chunk.type = chunk.type,
                                                 chunk.data = chunk.data)

.text.chunk <- function(x, type, ...) {
  return(new("IFFChunk", chunk.type = type, chunk.data = list(charToRaw(x))))

setGeneric("rawToIFFChunk", function(x) standardGeneric("rawToIFFChunk"))

#' Coerce raw data to an IFFChunk class object
#' Coerce raw data, as it would be stored in the Interchange File Format (IFF), and
#' convert it into an [IFFChunk()] class object.
#' This method should work for all IFF chunk types that are implemented in this package
#' (see [IFFChunk-method()] for details). For non-implemented chunks this method
#' may work properly as long as the chunks are nested inside a FORM type container chunk.
#' This method is provided for your convenience, but it is recommended to import IFFChunk
#' methods using the [read.iff()] function. Use [AmigaFFH::as.raw()]
#' to achieve the inverse of this method.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname rawToIFFChunk
#' @name rawToIFFChunk
#' @aliases rawToIFFChunk,raw-method
#' @param x A vector of raw data that needs to be converted into a [IFFChunk()]
#' class object.
#' @returns Returns an [IFFChunk()] class object based on `x`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get an IFFChunk object:
#' example.iff <- read.iff(system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH"))
#' ## Coerce it to raw data:
#' example.raw <- as.raw(example.iff)
#' ## Coerce raw data to IFF chunk:
#' example.iff.new <- rawToIFFChunk(example.raw)
#' ## These conversions were non-destructive:
#' identical(example.iff, example.iff.new)
#' }
#' @family iff.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("rawToIFFChunk", "raw", function(x) {
  result <- .rawToIFFChunk(x)
  if (length(result) == 1) result <- result[[1]]

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AmigaFFH documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:03 a.m.