
Defines functions store_data massprop_birdwing massprop_restbody combine_inertialprop

Documented in combine_inertialprop massprop_birdwing massprop_restbody store_data

# Script containing the overarching function that calculates the moment of
# inertia and CG for an entire bird

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------ Mass Properties - Combine all body components -------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Combine body and wing inertial components.
#' @description Combines data exported from massprop_restbody
#' and massprop_birdwing.
#' @param curr_torsotail_data {Output dataframe from massprop_restbody.}
#' @param left_wing_data {Output dataframe from massprop_birdwing.}
#' @param right_wing_data {Output dataframe from massprop_birdwing.}
#' @param dat_id_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing ID
#' info that must include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{species}{Species ID code as a string.}
#' \item{BirdID}{Bird ID code as a string.}
#' \item{TestID}{Test ID code as a string.}
#' \item{frameID}{Video frame ID code as a string.}
#' }
#' @param dat_bird_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing that must
#' include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{total_bird_mass}{Mass of full bird for the current wing (kg).}
#' }
#' @param symmetric {Logical indicating if the input wings are symmetric or not.
#' If True than left_wing_data = right_wing_data.}
#' @return a dataframe containing all of the inertial properties for each wing
#' component and the full bird about it's center of gravity and the vehicle
#' reference point (VRP)
#' @examples
#' # refer to the vignette
#' library(AvInertia)
#' # load data
#' data(dat_id_curr, package = "AvInertia")
#' data(dat_bird_curr, package = "AvInertia")
#' data(dat_feat_curr, package = "AvInertia")
#' data(dat_bone_curr, package = "AvInertia")
#' data(dat_mat, package = "AvInertia")
#' data(clean_pts, package = "AvInertia")
#' # 1. Determine the center of gravity of the bird's torso (including the legs)
#' dat_torsotail_out = massprop_restbody(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr)
#' # 2. Calculate the inertia of the flight feathers about the tip of the calamus
#' feather_inertia <- compute_feat_inertia(dat_mat, dat_feat_curr, dat_bird_curr)
#' # 3. Determine the center of gravity of one of the bird's wings
#' dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
#' dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
#' feather_inertia, plot_var = 0)
#' # Visualize the center of gravity of each wing component in the x and y axis
#' dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
#' dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
#' feather_inertia, plot_var = "yx")
#' # or the y and z axis
#' dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
#' dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
#' feather_inertia, plot_var = "yz")
#' # 4. Combine all data and obtain the center of gravity, moment of inertia
#' # and principal axes of the bird
#' curr_full_bird      = combine_inertialprop(dat_torsotail_out,dat_wing_out,
#' dat_wing_out, dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr, symmetric=TRUE)
#' @export

combine_inertialprop <- function(curr_torsotail_data,left_wing_data,
                                 right_wing_data, dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr, symmetric){

  # --------------------- Initialize variables -----------------------
  # pre-define storage matrices
  mass_properties = as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 7)) # overall data
  colnames(mass_properties) = c("species","BirdID","TestID","FrameID",

  # Compute the full bird results
  fullbird    = list()
  fullbird$I  = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
  fullbird$CG = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 1)

  # Set variables to NULL to avoid having to define as a global variable as
  # CRAN can't see a binding for feather within the dataframe dat_feat_curr

  # --------------------- Combine results -----------------------
  # --- Mass ---
  fullbird$m = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m")$value,
                   subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                            component == "wing")$value,
                   subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                            component == "wing")$value)

  # --- Moment of Inertia tensor --- **Origin is about the VRP**
  # Diagonal elements
  fullbird$I[1,1] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Ixx")$value) +
                    subset(left_wing_data, object == "Ixx" &
                             component == "wing")$value +
                    subset(right_wing_data, object == "Ixx" &
                             component == "wing")$value
  fullbird$I[2,2] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Iyy")$value) +
                    subset(left_wing_data, object == "Iyy" &
                             component == "wing")$value +
                    subset(right_wing_data, object == "Iyy" &
                             component == "wing")$value
  fullbird$I[3,3] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Izz")$value) +
                    subset(left_wing_data, object == "Izz" &
                             component == "wing")$value +
                    subset(right_wing_data, object == "Izz" &
                             component == "wing")$value

  # ------ Off-diagonal elements ----
  # only compute xz because the symmetry of the wing will cancel out xy and yz
  fullbird$I[1,3] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Ixz")$value) +
                    subset(left_wing_data, object == "Ixz" &
                             component == "wing")$value +
                    subset(right_wing_data, object == "Ixz" &
                             component == "wing")$value
  fullbird$I[3,1] = fullbird$I[1,3]
  # --- Center of gravity vector ---
  # include neck contribution if it was calculated seperate from the head
  if (length(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                    component == "neck")$value) == 0) {
    fullbird$CG[1]  = (
      subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
               component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                     component == "head")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                        component == "torso")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "tail")$value +
        subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value +
        subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value
    ) / fullbird$m

    fullbird$CG[3]  = (
      subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
               component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                     component == "head")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                        component == "torso")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "tail")$value +
        subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value +
        subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value
    ) / fullbird$m
  } else {
    fullbird$CG[1]  = (
      subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
               component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                     component == "head")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "neck")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "neck")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                        component == "torso")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "tail")$value +
        subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value +
        subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGx" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value
    ) / fullbird$m

    fullbird$CG[3]  = (
      subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
               component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                     component == "head")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "neck")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "neck")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                        component == "torso")$value +
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "tail")$value +
        subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value +
        subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGz" &
                 component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "wing")$value
    ) / fullbird$m

  if (!symmetric){
    fullbird$I[2,3] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Iyz")$value) +
                      subset(left_wing_data, object == "Iyz" &
                               component == "wing")$value +
                      subset(right_wing_data, object == "Iyz" &
                               component == "wing")$value
    fullbird$I[3,2] = fullbird$I[2,3]
    fullbird$I[1,2] = sum(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "Ixy")$value) +
                      subset(left_wing_data, object == "Ixy" &
                               component == "wing")$value +
                      subset(right_wing_data, object == "Ixy" &
                               component == "wing")$value
    fullbird$I[2,1] = fullbird$I[1,2]
    if (length(subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                      component == "neck")$value) == 0) {
      fullbird$CG[2]  = (
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                 component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "head")$value +
          subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                          component == "torso")$value +
          subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "tail")$value +
          subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "wing")$value +
          subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "wing")$value
      ) / fullbird$m

    } else{
      fullbird$CG[2]  = (
        subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                 component == "head")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                       component == "head")$value +
          subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "neck")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "neck")$value +
          subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "torso")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                          component == "torso")$value +
          subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "tail")$value * subset(curr_torsotail_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "tail")$value +
          subset(left_wing_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "wing")$value * subset(left_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "wing")$value +
          subset(right_wing_data, object == "CGy" &
                   component == "wing")$value * subset(right_wing_data, object == "m" &
                                                         component == "wing")$value
      ) / fullbird$m

  # Save the error between the measured bird mass and the final output mass
  err_mass = fullbird$m - dat_bird_curr$total_bird_mass
  dat_err  = data.frame(species = dat_id_curr$species,
                        BirdID = dat_id_curr$BirdID,
                        TestID = dat_id_curr$TestID,
                        FrameID = dat_id_curr$FrameID,
                        component = "full", object = "m_err",
                        value = err_mass)

  # ------------------------- Save the full data -----------------------------
  # origin about the VRP
  curr_full_bird_vrp = store_data(dat_id_curr,fullbird,

  # ---------- Adjust the final moment of inertia tensor to be about the CG ----
  fullbird$I         = parallelaxis(fullbird$I,-fullbird$CG,fullbird$m,"A")
  # store data so far
  curr_full_bird     = store_data(dat_id_curr,fullbird,

  # calculate the principal axes
  pri_axes = eigen(fullbird$I)

  # --- saves the principal axes -----
  pri_axes = eigen(fullbird$I)
  new_row1 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "maj_axis_x",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[1,1])
  new_row2 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "maj_axis_y",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[2,1])
  new_row3 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "maj_axis_z",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[3,1])
  new_row4 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "int_axis_x",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[1,2])
  new_row5 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "int_axis_y",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[2,2])
  new_row6 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "int_axis_z",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[3,2])
  new_row7 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "min_axis_x",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[1,3])
  new_row8 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "min_axis_y",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[2,3])
  new_row9 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                        BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                        TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                        FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "min_axis_z",
                        value = pri_axes$vectors[3,3])
  new_row10 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                         BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                         TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                         FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "max_eign",
                        value = pri_axes$values[1])
  new_row11 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                         BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                         TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                         FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "int_eign",
                        value = pri_axes$values[2])
  new_row12 = data.frame(species = curr_full_bird$species[1],
                         BirdID = curr_full_bird$BirdID[1],
                         TestID = curr_full_bird$TestID[1],
                         FrameID = curr_full_bird$FrameID[1],
                        component = "full", object = "min_eign",
                        value = pri_axes$values[3])

  curr_full_bird     = rbind(curr_full_bird,curr_full_bird_vrp[1:6,],dat_err,


# -------------------- Mass Properties - Body less wings -----------------------
#' Calculate the center of gravity and moment of inertia for the head, neck,
#' torso and tail.
#' Function that reads in anatomical data and returns the moment of inertia
#' tensor and center of gravity for the head, neck, tail and torso.
#' @param dat_wingID_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing ID
#' info that must include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{species}{Species ID code as a string.}
#' \item{BirdID}{Bird ID code as a string.}
#' \item{TestID}{Test ID code as a string.}
#' \item{frameID}{Video frame ID code as a string.}
#' }
#' @param dat_bird_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing that must
#' include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{extend_neck}{Logical input defining whether the neck should be
#' modeled as extended or not.}
#' \item{head_length}{Length of the head from base to tip (m).}
#' \item{head_mass}{Mass of the head (kg).}
#' \item{head_height}{Height of the head at the base (m).}
#' \item{neck_mass}{Mass of the neck (kg).}
#' \item{neck_width}{OPTIONAL - Average width of the stretched neck (m).}
#' \item{neck_length}{OPTIONAL - Length of the stretched neck (m).}
#' \item{torsotail_length}{Length from the beginning of the torso to the tip of the tail (m).}
#' \item{torsotail_mass}{Mass of the torso and tail (kg).}
#' \item{tail_length}{Length of the tail (m).}
#' \item{tail_mass}{Mass of the tail (kg).}
#' \item{tail_width}{Average width of the furled tail (m).}
#' \item{right_leg_mass}{Mass of the right leg (kg).}
#' \item{left_leg_mass}{Mass of the left leg (kg).}
#' \item{body_width_max}{Maximum width of the torso (m).}
#' \item{body_width_at_leg_insert}{Width of the body at the point
#' where the legs are inserted (m).}
#' \item{x_loc_of_body_max}{x coordinate from the VRP in the
#' full bird frame of reference of the maximum body width (m).}
#' \item{x_loc_leg_insertion}{x coordinate from the VRP in the
#' full bird frame of reference of the leg insertion location (m).}
#' \item{x_loc_TorsotailCoG}{x coordinate from the VRP in the
#' full bird frame of reference of the center of gravity of the torso and tail (m).}
#' \item{z_loc_TorsotailCoG}{x coordinate from the VRP in the
#' full bird frame of reference of the the center of gravity of the torso and tail (m).}
#' }
#' @return Function returns a dataframe that includes the moment of inertia and
#' center of gravity of head, neck, torso and tail.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_restbody <- function(dat_wingID_curr, dat_bird_curr){
  # --------------------- Initialize variables -----------------------
  # pre-define storage matrices
  mass_properties = as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 7)) # overall data
  colnames(mass_properties) = c("species","BirdID","TestID","FrameID",

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------- Head and neck data ------------------------
  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  neck_start = c(0,0,0)

  if (dat_bird_curr$extend_neck){
    neck_end   = c(dat_bird_curr$neck_length,0,0)
    head_end   = neck_end + c(dat_bird_curr$head_length,0,0)
    # Calculate the effects of the head
    head       = massprop_head(dat_bird_curr$head_mass,
    # Calculate the effects of the neck
    neck       = massprop_neck(dat_bird_curr$neck_mass,
  } else{
    head_end   = c(dat_bird_curr$head_length,0,0)
    # Calculate the effects of the head + neck
    head       = massprop_head((dat_bird_curr$head_mass+dat_bird_curr$neck_mass),

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # ------------------- Torso and tail data -------------------------
  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  tail_start  = c(-(dat_bird_curr$torsotail_length-dat_bird_curr$tail_length),0,0)
  tail_end    = c(-dat_bird_curr$torsotail_length,0,0)
  m_legs      = dat_bird_curr$right_leg_mass + dat_bird_curr$left_leg_mass
  tail        = massprop_tail(dat_bird_curr$tail_mass,

  if(abs(tail$CG[1]) > abs(tail_end[1]) | abs(tail$CG[1]) < abs(tail_start[1])){
    warning("Tail CG is incorrect")

  # adjust the COG from the torso tail to be torso only
  m_torso    = dat_bird_curr$torsotail_mass - dat_bird_curr$tail_mass
  l_torso    = dat_bird_curr$torsotail_length - dat_bird_curr$tail_length
  CG_x_torso = ((dat_bird_curr$torsotail_mass*dat_bird_curr$x_loc_TorsotailCoG) -
  CG_z_torso = ((dat_bird_curr$torsotail_mass*dat_bird_curr$z_loc_TorsotailCoG) -

  # CAUTION: INGOING CG_x must be positive as it calculates a total distance
  # along the known axis
  torso     = massprop_torso(m_torso, m_legs,
                             l_torso, abs(CG_x_torso),
                             CG_z_torso, neck_start, tail_start)

  # ----------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------- Save Data ------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------
  # ---- Head ----
  mass_properties = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,head,mass_properties,"head")
  # ---- Neck ----
  if (dat_bird_curr$extend_neck){
    mass_properties = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,neck,mass_properties,"neck")
  # ---- Torso/Legs ----
  mass_properties = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,torso,mass_properties,"torso")
  # ---- Tail ----
  mass_properties = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,tail,mass_properties,"tail")


# ----------------- Mass Properties - Halfspan bird wing  ----------------------
#' Calculate the center of gravity and moment of inertia for a
#' halfspan wing.
#' Function that reads in anatomical data and returns the moment of inertia
#' tensor and center of gravity of a wing one side of the bird.
#' @param dat_wingID_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing ID info
#' that must include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{species}{Species ID code as a string.}
#' \item{BirdID}{Bird ID code as a string.}
#' \item{TestID}{Test ID code as a string.}
#' \item{frameID}{Video frame ID code as a string.}
#' }
#' @param dat_bird_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing that must
#' include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{total_bird_mass}{Mass of full bird for the current wing (kg).}
#' \item{wing_mass}{Mass of one wing, should be the current wing (kg).}
#' \item{barb_radius}{Radius of feather barb  for current species (m).}
#' \item{barb_distance}{Distance between feather barbs for current species (m).}
#' \item{brachial_muscle_mass}{Mass of all muscles in the brachial region
#' of the wing (kg).}
#' \item{antebrachial_muscle_mass}{Mass of all muscles in the antebrachial region
#' of the wing (kg).}
#' \item{manus_muscle_mass}{Mass of all muscles in the manus region
#' of the wing (kg).}
#' \item{all_skin_coverts_mass}{Mass of all skin and covert feathers (kg).}
#' \item{tertiary_mass}{Mass of tertiary feathers (kg).}
#' }
#' @param dat_bone_curr Dataframe (6 row x 5 column) related to the current bird
#' wing bones that must include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{bone}{Bone ID code. Must include:
#' "Humerus","Ulna","Radius","Carpometacarpus","Ulnare" and "Radiale".}
#' \item{bone_mass}{Mass of bone in the same row as the appropriate
#' bone ID code (kg).}
#' \item{bone_len}{Length of bone in the same row as the appropriate
#' bone ID code (m).}
#' \item{bone_out_rad}{Outer radius of bone in the same row as the appropriate
#' bone ID code (m).}
#' \item{bone_in_rad}{Inner radius of bone in the same row as the appropriate
#' bone ID code (m).}
#' }
#' @param dat_feat_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing feathers
#' input as a dataframe with the following structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{feather}{Feather ID code. Must be in standard format i.e.
#' 1st primary is "P1", third secondary is "S3", etc.
#' Alula feathers should be grouped and named "alula".}
#' \item{m_f}{Mass of feather in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (kg).}
#' \item{l_cal}{Length of calamus in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (m).}
#' \item{l_vane}{Length of rachis/vane in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (m).}
#' \item{w_cal}{Width (diameter) of calamus in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (m).}
#' \item{w_vp}{Width of proximal vane (average value) in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (m).}
#' \item{w_vd}{Width of distal vane (average value)  in the same row as the
#' appropriate feather ID code (m).}
#' \item{vane_angle}{Interior angle between the rachis and calamus  (degrees).}
#' }
#' NOTE: Alula feathers will be treated as point mass so only the mass of the
#' feathers is required. Other columns can be left blank.
#' @param dat_mat_curr Dataframe related to the current species input as a
#' dataframe with the following structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{material}{Material information. Must include the following:
#' "Bone","Skin","Muscle","Cortex", "Medullary"}
#' \item{density}{Density of each material (kg/m^3).}
#' }
#' @param clean_pts A data frame of the key positions of the bird as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{pt1x, pt1y, pt1z}{Point on the shoulder joint (m).}
#' \item{pt2x, pt1y, pt2z}{Point on the elbow joint (m).}
#' \item{pt3x, pt3y, pt3z}{Point on the wrist joint (m).}
#' \item{pt4x, pt4y, pt4z}{Point on the end of carpometacarpus (m).}
#' \item{pt6x, pt6y, pt6z}{Point on the leading edge of the wing in front of the
#' wrist joint (m).}
#' \item{pt8x, pt8y, pt8z}{Point on tip of most distal primary (m).}
#' \item{pt9x, pt9y, pt9z}{Point on the tip of the last primary to model as if
#' it is on the end of the carpometacarpus (m).}
#' \item{pt10x, pt10y, pt10z}{Point on tip of last primary to model as if
#' it was distributed along the carpometacarpus (m).}
#' \item{pt11x, pt11y, pt11z}{Point on tip of most proximal feather (m).}
#' \item{pt12x, pt12y, pt12z}{Point on exterior shoulder position
#' (wing root leading edge) (m).}
#' }
#' @param feather_inertia A list with one entry per flight feather. Each primary feather includes the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I_pri}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia about each feather calamus tip (kg-m^2).}
#' \item{CG_pri}{a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the center of gravity of the primary feather (m).}
#' \item{m_pri}{a double representing the mass of the primary feather (kg).}
#' }
#' Each secondary feather includes the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I_sec}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia about each feather calamus tip (kg-m^2).}
#' \item{CG_sec}{a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the center of gravity of the primary feather (m).}
#' \item{m_sec}{a double representing the mass of the primary feather (kg).}
#' }
#' @param plot_var A string that defines the x-axis and y-axis of the output plot.
#' Can either equal "yx" or "yz".
#' @section CAUTION:
#'          All points must all have the vehicle reference point (VRP) as their
#'          origin and the vehicle major axes as their frame of reference. This
#'          is normally selected so that the VRP is in line with the body center
#'          of gravity. Ensure the axes used represent a right-handed axis system.
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return Function returns a dataframe that includes the moment of inertia and
#' center of gravity of one wing about the VRP in the VRP frame and that of each
#' major anatomical group i.e. skin, feathers, bones, muscles.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export
massprop_birdwing <- function(dat_wingID_curr, dat_bird_curr, dat_bone_curr,
                              dat_feat_curr, dat_mat_curr, clean_pts,
                              feather_inertia, plot_var){

  # --------------------- Initialize variables -----------------------
  mass_properties = as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 7)) # overall data
  column_names = c("species","BirdID","TestID","FrameID",
  colnames(mass_properties) = column_names
  # Set variables to NULL to avoid having to define as a global variable as
  # CRAN can't see a binding for feather within the dataframe dat_feat_curr

  mass_properties_bone      = mass_properties   # specific bone data
  mass_properties_muscle    = mass_properties   # specific muscle data
  mass_properties_skin      = mass_properties   # specific skin data
  mass_properties_feathers  = mass_properties   # individual feather mass data

  # define incoming points
  Pt1 = clean_pts[1,] # shoulder
  Pt2 = clean_pts[2,] # elbow
  Pt3 = clean_pts[3,] # wrist
  Pt4 = clean_pts[4,] # end of carpometacarpus (cmc)

  Pt6 = clean_pts[5,] # leading edge in front of wrist

  Pt8  = clean_pts[6,] # tip of most distal primary
  Pt9  = clean_pts[7,] # tip of last primary as if on the end of the cmc
  Pt10 = clean_pts[8,] # tip of S1
  Pt11 = clean_pts[9,] # tip of last secondary feather at wing root
  Pt12 = clean_pts[10,] # leading edge of wing root
  # --------------------------------------------------
  # --------------- Bone Data ------------------------
  # --------------------------------------------------

  rho_bone     = dat_mat_curr$density[which(dat_mat_curr$material == "Bone")]
  dat_bone_hum = subset(dat_bone_curr, bone == "Humerus")
  dat_bone_uln = subset(dat_bone_curr, bone == "Ulna")
  dat_bone_rad = subset(dat_bone_curr, bone == "Radius")
  dat_bone_car = subset(dat_bone_curr, bone == "Carpometacarpus")

  hum       = massprop_bones(dat_bone_hum$bone_mass,dat_bone_hum$bone_len,
                             rho_bone, Pt1, Pt2)
  ulna      = massprop_bones(dat_bone_uln$bone_mass,dat_bone_uln$bone_len,
                             rho_bone, Pt2, Pt3)
  radius    = massprop_bones(dat_bone_rad$bone_mass,dat_bone_rad$bone_len,
                             rho_bone, Pt2, Pt3)
  car       = massprop_bones(dat_bone_car$bone_mass,dat_bone_car$bone_len,
                             rho_bone, Pt3, Pt4)
  wristbone = massprop_pm((subset(dat_bone_curr,
                                  bone == "Ulnare")$bone_mass +
                                    bone == "Radiale")$bone_mass), Pt3)

  # --- All Bones ---
  prop_bone = list()
  # simply addition as long as about the same origin in the same frame of
  # reference
  #(Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP)
  prop_bone$I  = hum$I + ulna$I + radius$I + car$I + wristbone$I
  # weighted average of the individual center of mass
  #(Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP)
  prop_bone$CG = (
    dat_bone_hum$bone_mass * hum$CG +
      dat_bone_uln$bone_mass * ulna$CG +
      dat_bone_rad$bone_mass * radius$CG +
      dat_bone_car$bone_mass * car$CG +
               bone == "Ulnare")$bone_mass +
                 bone == "Radiale")$bone_mass
      ) * wristbone$CG
  ) / sum(dat_bone_curr$bone_mass)
  prop_bone$m  = sum(dat_bone_curr$bone_mass)
  # ----------------------------------------------------
  # --------------- Muscle Data ------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------
  rho_muscle      = dat_mat_curr$density[which(dat_mat_curr$material == "Muscle")]
  mass_muscles    = c()
  mass_muscles[1] = dat_bird_curr$brachial_muscle_mass
  mass_muscles[2] = dat_bird_curr$antebrachial_muscle_mass
  mass_muscles[3] = dat_bird_curr$manus_muscle_mass

  brach  = massprop_muscles(mass_muscles[1],rho_muscle,dat_bone_hum$bone_len,
  abrach = massprop_muscles(mass_muscles[2],rho_muscle,dat_bone_uln$bone_len,
  manus  = massprop_muscles(mass_muscles[3],rho_muscle,dat_bone_car$bone_len,
  # --- All Muscles ---
  prop_muscles = list()
  # simply addition as long as about same origin in the same frame of reference
  # (Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP)
  prop_muscles$I  = brach$I + abrach$I + manus$I
  # weighted average of the individual center of mass
  # (Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP)
  prop_muscles$CG = (mass_muscles[1]*brach$CG + mass_muscles[2]*abrach$CG +
  prop_muscles$m  = sum(mass_muscles)

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------- Feather Data ------------------------
  # -------------------------------------------------------

  # density information
  rho_cor = dat_mat_curr$density[which(dat_mat_curr$material == "Cortex")]
  rho_med = dat_mat_curr$density[which(dat_mat_curr$material == "Medullary")]

  # separate out primaries and secondaries
  primaries   = dat_feat_curr[grep("P",dat_feat_curr$feather),]
  secondaries = dat_feat_curr[grep("S",dat_feat_curr$feather),]
  no_sec = length(secondaries$feather)
  no_pri = length(primaries$feather)

  #pre-define storage matrices
  res_pri     = list()
  res_pri$I   = array(dim = c(3,3,no_pri))
  res_pri$CG  = array(dim = c(no_pri,3))
  res_pri$CGm = array(dim = c(no_pri,3))
  res_pri$m   = array(dim = c(no_pri))
  res_sec     = list()
  res_sec$I   = array(dim = c(3,3,no_sec))
  res_sec$CG  = array(dim = c(no_sec,3))
  res_sec$CGm = array(dim = c(no_sec,3))
  res_sec$m   = array(dim = c(no_sec))

  # determine the orientation and normal of each feather
  feather_info = orient_feather(no_pri,no_sec,Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4,
  # --------------------------- Primaries --------------------------------------
  #  P1 -> P10
  for (i in 1:no_pri){
    # Adjust MOI and CG to the current orientation
    tmp = structural2VRP_feat(feather_inertia$m_pri[i],
    # Save MOI, CG and CG*mass
    res_pri$I[,,i]  = tmp$I
    res_pri$CG[i,]  = tmp$CG
    res_pri$CGm[i,] = tmp$CG*tmp$m
    res_pri$m[i]    = tmp$m

  #  --------------------------Secondaries -------------------------------------
  #  S1 -> last secondary
  for (i in 1:no_sec){
    # Adjust MOI and CG to the current orientation
    tmp = structural2VRP_feat(feather_inertia$m_sec[i],

    # Save MOI, CG and CG*mass
    res_sec$I[,,i]  = tmp$I
    res_sec$CG[i,]  = tmp$CG
    res_sec$CGm[i,] = tmp$CG*tmp$m
    res_sec$m[i]    = tmp$m

  # -------------------------------- Alula -------------------------------------
  m_alula = subset(dat_feat_curr,feather == "alula")$m_f
  alula   = massprop_pm(m_alula, Pt6)

  # ------------------------------ Tertiaries ----------------------------------
  # position where the teritaries likely encounter the body
  edge_tert      = c(Pt11[1],min(Pt12[2],Pt11[2]),Pt12[3])
  prop_tertiary1 = massprop_skin(0.5*dat_bird_curr$tertiary_mass,
  prop_tertiary2 = massprop_skin(0.5*dat_bird_curr$tertiary_mass,

  # --- All Feathers ---
  prop_feathers = list()
  I_feathers_pri = rbind(rowSums(res_pri$I[,1,]),
  I_feathers_sec = rbind(rowSums(res_sec$I[,1,]),
  prop_feathers$I  = I_feathers_pri + I_feathers_sec + alula$I +
                    prop_tertiary1$I + prop_tertiary2$I
  prop_feathers$m  = sum(dat_feat_curr$m_f) + dat_bird_curr$tertiary_mass
  prop_feathers$CG = (
    colSums(res_pri$CGm) + colSums(res_sec$CGm) +
      alula$CG * m_alula +
      prop_tertiary1$CG * 0.5 * dat_bird_curr$tertiary_mass +
      prop_tertiary2$CG * 0.5 * dat_bird_curr$tertiary_mass
  ) / prop_feathers$m

  # ---------------------------------------------------------
  # --------------- Skin/Covert Data ------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------

  rho_skin   = dat_mat_curr$density[which(dat_mat_curr$material == "Skin")]
  mass_skin  = dat_bird_curr$wing_mass - prop_feathers$m - prop_bone$m - prop_muscles$m
  prop_skin  = massprop_skin(mass_skin,rho_skin,rbind(Pt12,Pt6,Pt2))

  # ----------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------- Save Data ------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------

  # add data to bone specific data frame
  mass_properties_bone = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,hum,
  mass_properties_bone = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,ulna,
  mass_properties_bone = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,radius,
  mass_properties_bone = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,car,
  mass_properties_bone = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,wristbone,

  # add data to muscle specific data frame
  mass_properties_muscle = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,brach,
  mass_properties_muscle = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,abrach,
  mass_properties_muscle = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,manus,

  # add data to skin specific data frame
  mass_properties_skin = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_skin,

  # add data to feather specific data frame
  # --- Primaries ---
  for (i in 1:no_pri){
    feather_name = paste("P",i,sep = "")
    curr_res_pri = list()
    curr_res_pri$I  = res_pri$I[,,i]
    curr_res_pri$CG = res_pri$CG[i,]
    curr_res_pri$m  = res_pri$m[i]
    mass_properties_feathers = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,curr_res_pri,
  # --- Secondaries ---
  for (i in 1:no_sec){
    feather_name = paste("S",i,sep = "")
    curr_res_sec = list()
    curr_res_sec$I  = res_sec$I[,,i]
    curr_res_sec$CG = res_sec$CG[i,]
    curr_res_sec$m  = res_sec$m[i]
    mass_properties_feathers = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,curr_res_sec,

  # save all combined data groups to the master list
  mass_properties      = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_bone,
  mass_properties      = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_muscles,
  mass_properties      = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_skin,
  mass_properties      = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_feathers,
  # save all wing data
  prop_wing    = list()
  prop_wing$I  = prop_bone$I + prop_muscles$I + prop_skin$I + prop_feathers$I
  prop_wing$m  = prop_bone$m + prop_muscles$m + prop_skin$m + prop_feathers$m
  prop_wing$CG = (prop_bone$CG*prop_bone$m + prop_muscles$CG*prop_muscles$m +
                    prop_skin$CG*prop_skin$m +
  mass_properties  = store_data(dat_wingID_curr,prop_wing,mass_properties,"wing")

  # Plot to verify correct outputs
  if (plot_var != 0){
    CGplot = plot_CGloc(clean_pts,mass_properties,mass_properties_skin,
                        mass_properties_muscle, prop_tertiary1,
                        prop_tertiary2, plot_var)


# -------------------- Store Data  -------------------------------
#' Store data from the inertia calculations in long format
#' Function to store moment of inertia tensor and center of gravity vector
#' components in long format
#' @param dat_wingID_curr Dataframe related to the current bird wing ID
#' info that must include the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{species}{Species ID code as a string}
#' \item{BirdID}{Bird ID code as a string}
#' \item{TestID}{Test ID code as a string}
#' \item{frameID}{Video frame ID code as a string}
#' }
#' @param dat_mass Dataframe containing the new MOI and CG data to add
#' to mass_properties as new rows. Must include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{Moment of inertia tensor (kg-m^2)}
#' \item{CG}{Center of gravity with three location components (m)}
#' }
#' @param mass_properties Dataframe containing any previously saved data.
#' Must have the following columns: "species","BirdID","TestID","FrameID",
#' "prop_type","component","value".
#' @param name Name of the component for which the moment of inertia and
#' center of gravity were computed.
#' @return This function returns mass_properties as an updated dataframe
#' with a new row corresponding to the dat_mass information
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export
store_data <- function(dat_wingID_curr,dat_mass,mass_properties,name){
  prop_type_list = c("Ixx","Iyy","Izz","Ixy","Iyz","Ixz","CGx","CGy","CGz")
  prop_type_ind  = cbind(c(1,2,3,1,2,1),c(1,2,3,2,3,3))

  species = dat_wingID_curr$species
  BirdID  = dat_wingID_curr$BirdID
  testID  = dat_wingID_curr$TestID
  frameID = dat_wingID_curr$FrameID

  # Moment of inertia tensor
  for (i in 1:6){
    # saves the name and value of the tensor component
    new_row = data.frame(species = species,
                         BirdID = BirdID,
                         TestID = testID,
                         FrameID = frameID,
                         component = name,
                         object = prop_type_list[i],
                         value = dat_mass$I[prop_type_ind[i,1],
    mass_properties = rbind(mass_properties,new_row)

  # Center of gravity
  for (i in 1:3){
    # saves the name and value of the CG component
    new_row = data.frame(species = species,BirdID = BirdID,
                         TestID = testID,
                         FrameID = frameID,
                         component = name,
                         object = prop_type_list[6+i],
                         value = dat_mass$CG[i])
    mass_properties = rbind(mass_properties,new_row)

  # Mass
  # saves the name and value of the mass
  new_row = data.frame(species = species,
                       BirdID = BirdID,
                       TestID = testID,
                       FrameID = frameID,
                       component = name,
                       object = "m",
                       value = dat_mass$m)
  mass_properties = rbind(mass_properties,new_row)


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AvInertia documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.