
Defines functions try.seq try.seq.outcross print.try

Documented in print.try try.seq try.seq.outcross

##                                                                     ##
## Package: BatchMap                                                     ##
##                                                                     ##
## File: try.seq.R                                                     ##
## Contains: try.seq, print.try                                        ##
##                                                                     ##
## Written by Marcelo Mollinari                                        ##
## copyright (c) 2009, Marcelo Mollinari                               ##
##                                                                     ##
## First version: 02/27/2009                                           ##
## Last update: 11/29/2010                                             ##
## Description of the function was modified by augusto.garcia@usp.br   ##
## on 2015/07/25
## License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later ##
##                                                                     #

##' Try to map a marker into every possible position between markers
##' in a given map
##' For a given linkage map, tries do add an additional unpositioned
##' marker.  This function estimates parameters for all possible maps
##' including the new marker in all posible positions, while keeping
##' the original linkage map unaltered.
##' The diagnostic graphic is made of three figures: i) the top figure
##' represents the new genetic map obtained with the insertion of the
##' new marker \code{mrk} on position \code{pos}. If \code{pos = NULL}
##' (default), the marker is placed on the best position i.e. the one
##' which results LOD = 0.00, which is indicated by a red triangle;
##' ii) the left bottom figure represents the base map (contained in
##' \code{input.seq}) on x-axis and the LOD-Scores of the linkage maps
##' obtained with the new marker \code{mrk} tested at the beginning,
##' between and at the end of the base map. Actually, it is a graphic
##' representation of the \code{LOD} vector (see \code{Value}
##' section). The red triangle indicates the best position where the
##' new marker \code{mrk} should be placed; iii) the right bottom
##' figure is the non-interactive \code{rf.graph.table}
##' function for the new genetic map (deprecated in BatchMap).
##' It plots a matrix of pairwise
##' recombination fractions (under the diagonal) and LOD Scores (upper
##' the diagonal) using a color scale.
##' @aliases try.seq
##' @param input.seq an object of class \code{sequence} with a
##'     predefined order.
##' @param mrk the index of the marker to be tried, according to the
##'     input file.
##' @param tol tolerance for the C routine, i.e., the value used to
##'     evaluate convergence.
##' @param pos defines in which position the new marker \code{mrk}
##'     should be placed for the diagnostic graphic. If \code{NULL}
##'     (default), the marker is placed on the best position i.e. the
##'     one which results LOD = 0.00
##' @param verbose if \code{FALSE} (default), simplified output is
##'     displayed.  if \code{TRUE}, detailed output is displayed.
##' @return An object of class \code{try}, which is a list containing
##'     the following components: \item{ord}{a \code{list} containing
##'     results for every linkage map estimated.  These results
##'     include linkage phases, recombination frequencies and
##'     log-likelihoods.} \item{LOD}{a \code{vector} with LOD-Scores
##'     for each position where the additional marker is placed. This
##'     Score is based on the best combination of linkage phases for
##'     each map.}  \item{try.ord}{a \code{matrix} with the orders of
##'     all linkage maps.}  \item{data.name}{name of the object of
##'     class \code{outcross} with the raw data.} \item{twopt}{name of
##'     the object of class \code{rf.2pts} with the 2-point analyses.}
##' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollina@@usp.br}
##' @seealso \code{\link[BatchMap]{make.seq}} and
##'     \code{\link[BatchMap]{compare}}.
##' @references Broman, K. W., Wu, H., Churchill, G., Sen, S.,
##'     Yandell, B.  (2008) \emph{qtl: Tools for analyzing QTL
##'     experiments} R package version 1.09-43
##' Jiang, C. and Zeng, Z.-B. (1997). Mapping quantitative trait loci
##'     with dominant and missing markers in various crosses from two
##'     inbred lines.  \emph{Genetica} 101: 47-58.
##' Lander, E. S., Green, P., Abrahamson, J., Barlow, A., Daly, M. J.,
##'     Lincoln, S. E. and Newburg, L. (1987) MAPMAKER: An interactive
##'     computer package for constructing primary genetic linkage maps
##'     of experimental and natural populations. \emph{Genomics} 1:
##'     174-181.
##' Mollinari, M., Margarido, G. R. A., Vencovsky, R. and Garcia,
##'     A. A. F.  (2009) Evaluation of algorithms used to order
##'     markers on genetic maps.  \emph{Heredity} 103: 494-502
##' Wu, R., Ma, C.-X., Painter, I. and Zeng, Z.-B. (2002a)
##'     Simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation of linkage and
##'     linkage phases in outcrossing species.  \emph{Theoretical
##'     Population Biology} 61: 349-363.
##' Wu, R., Ma, C.-X., Wu, S. S. and Zeng, Z.-B. (2002b). Linkage
##'     mapping of sex-specific differences. \emph{Genetical Research}
##'     79: 85-96
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   #outcrossing example
##'   data(example.out)
##'   twopt <- rf.2pts(example.out)
##'   markers <- make.seq(twopt,c(2,3,12,14))
##'   markers.comp <- compare(markers)
##'   base.map <- make.seq(markers.comp,1)
##'   extend.map <- try.seq(base.map,30)
##'   extend.map
##'   print(extend.map,5) # best position
##'   print(extend.map,4) # second best position
##' }
try.seq<-function(input.seq,mrk,tol=10E-2,pos= NULL,verbose=FALSE)
                          mrk=mrk, tol=tol,
                          pos=pos, verbose=verbose))

## Try to map a marker into every possible position between markers
## in a given map (for outcrosses)
try.seq.outcross<- function(input.seq,mrk,tol=10E-2,pos= NULL,verbose=FALSE)
    ## checking for correct objects
        stop(deparse(substitute(input.seq))," is not an object of class 'sequence'")
    if(input.seq$seq.phases[1] == -1 ||
       input.seq$seq.rf[1] == -1 ||
        stop("You must run 'compare' or 'map' before the 'try.seq' function")
    if(mrk > get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$n.mar)
        stop(deparse(substitute(mrk))," exceeds the number of markers in object ", input.seq$data.name)

                                        # allocate variables
    rf.init <- vector("list",length(input.seq$seq.num))
    phase.init <- vector("list",length(input.seq$seq.num))
    ord <- list(list(matrix(NA,16,length(input.seq$seq.num)),
    names(ord[[1]]) <- c("rf","phase","like")
    ord <- rep(ord,length(input.seq$seq.num)+1)
    best.seq <- rep(-Inf,length(input.seq$seq.num)+1)

### positioning before the given sequence
                                        # get two-point information
    list.init <- phases(make.seq(get(input.seq$twopt),c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num[1]),twopt=input.seq$twopt))
    rf.init[[1]] <- list.init$rf.init[[1]]
    for(j in 1:(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) rf.init[[j+1]] <- input.seq$seq.rf[j]
    phase.init[[1]] <- list.init$phase.init[[1]]
    for(j in 1:(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) phase.init[[j+1]] <- input.seq$seq.phases[j]
    Ph.Init <- comb.ger(phase.init)
    Rf.Init <- comb.ger(rf.init)
    mark.max<-max(nchar(colnames(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno)))
    num.max<-nchar(ncol(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno))

                                        # create first order
    try.ord <- c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num)
    if(verbose) cat("TRY", 1,": ", c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num),"\n")
    else cat(format(mrk,width=num.max) , "-->", format(colnames(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno)[mrk], width=mark.max), ": .")

        ##Removing ambigous phases
        rm.ab<-rem.amb.ph(M=Ph.Init, w=input.seq, seq.num=c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num))
        Ph.Init <- Ph.Init[rm.ab,]
        Rf.Init <- Rf.Init[rm.ab,]
        if(class(Ph.Init) == "numeric" || class(Ph.Init) == "integer"){
                                        # estimate parameters for all possible linkage phases for this order
    for(j in 1:nrow(Ph.Init)) {
        final.map <- est_map_hmm_out(geno=t(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno[,c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num)]),
                                     type=get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$segr.type.num[c(mrk,input.seq$seq.num)],
        ord[[1]]$rf[j,] <- final.map$rf
        ord[[1]]$phase[j,] <- Ph.Init[j,]
        ord[[1]]$like[j] <- final.map$loglike
        best.seq[1] <- max(best.seq[1],final.map$loglike)
                                        # sort linkage phases by log-likelihood
    ord.ind <- order(ord[[1]]$like, decreasing=TRUE)
    ord[[1]]$rf <- ord[[1]]$rf[ord.ind,]
    ord[[1]]$phase <- ord[[1]]$phase[ord.ind,]
    ord[[1]]$like <- ord[[1]]$like[ord.ind]

### positioning between markers of the given sequence
    for(i in 1:(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) {
                                        # get two-point information
        list.init <- phases(make.seq(get(input.seq$twopt),c(input.seq$seq.num[i],mrk,input.seq$seq.num[i+1]),twopt=input.seq$twopt))
        if(i!=1) {
            for(k in 1:(i-1)) {
                rf.init[[k]] <- input.seq$seq.rf[k]
                phase.init[[k]] <- input.seq$seq.phases[k]
        rf.init[[i]] <- list.init$rf.init[[1]]
        phase.init[[i]] <- list.init$phase.init[[1]]
        rf.init[[i+1]] <- list.init$rf.init[[3]]
        phase.init[[i+1]] <- list.init$phase.init[[3]]
        if(i!=(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) {
            for(k in (i+2):length(input.seq$seq.num)) {
                rf.init[[k]] <- input.seq$seq.rf[k-1]
                phase.init[[k]] <- input.seq$seq.phases[k-1]
        Ph.Init <- comb.ger(phase.init)
        Rf.Init <- comb.ger(rf.init)

                                        # create intermediate orders
        try.ord <- rbind(try.ord,c(input.seq$seq.num[1:i], mrk, input.seq$seq.num[(i+1):length(input.seq$seq.num)]))
        if(verbose) cat("TRY", i+1,": ",c(input.seq$seq.num[1:i], mrk, input.seq$seq.num[(i+1):length(input.seq$seq.num)]) ,"\n")
        else cat(".")

            ##Removing ambigous phases
            rm.ab<-rem.amb.ph(M=Ph.Init, w=input.seq, seq.num=c(input.seq$seq.num[1:i], mrk, input.seq$seq.num[(i+1):length(input.seq$seq.num)]))
            Ph.Init <- Ph.Init[rm.ab,]
            Rf.Init <- Rf.Init[rm.ab,]
            if(class(Ph.Init) == "numeric" || class(Ph.Init) == "integer"){
        ## estimate parameters for all possible linkage phases for the current order
        for(j in 1:nrow(Ph.Init)) {
            final.map <- est_map_hmm_out(geno=t(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno[,c(input.seq$seq.num[1:i], mrk, input.seq$seq.num[(i+1):length(input.seq$seq.num)])]),
                                         type=get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$segr.type.num[c(input.seq$seq.num[1:i], mrk, input.seq$seq.num[(i+1):length(input.seq$seq.num)])],
            ord[[i+1]]$rf[j,] <- final.map$rf
            ord[[i+1]]$phase[j,] <- Ph.Init[j,]
            ord[[i+1]]$like[j] <- final.map$loglike
            best.seq[i+1] <- max(best.seq[i+1],final.map$loglike)
                                        # sort linkage phases by log-likelihood
        ord.ind <- order(ord[[i+1]]$like, decreasing=TRUE)
        ord[[i+1]]$rf <- ord[[i+1]]$rf[ord.ind,]
        ord[[i+1]]$phase <- ord[[i+1]]$phase[ord.ind,]
        ord[[i+1]]$like <- ord[[i+1]]$like[ord.ind]

### positioning after the given sequence
                                        # get two-point information
    list.init <- phases(make.seq(get(input.seq$twopt),c(input.seq$seq.num[length(input.seq$seq.num)],mrk),twopt=input.seq$twopt))
    rf.init[[(length(input.seq$seq.num))]] <- list.init$rf.init[[1]]
    for(j in 1:(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) rf.init[[j]] <- input.seq$seq.rf[j]
    phase.init[[(length(input.seq$seq.num))]] <- list.init$phase.init[[1]]
    for(j in 1:(length(input.seq$seq.num)-1)) phase.init[[j]] <- input.seq$seq.phases[j]
    Ph.Init <- comb.ger(phase.init)
    Rf.Init <- comb.ger(rf.init)

                                        # create last order
    try.ord <- rbind(try.ord,c(input.seq$seq.num,mrk))
    if(verbose) cat("TRY",length(input.seq$seq.num)+1,": ", c(input.seq$seq.num,mrk) ,"\n")
    else cat(".\n")
        ##Removing ambigous phases
        rm.ab<-rem.amb.ph(M=Ph.Init, w=input.seq, seq.num=c(input.seq$seq.num,mrk))
        Ph.Init <- Ph.Init[rm.ab,]
        Rf.Init <- Rf.Init[rm.ab,]
        if(class(Ph.Init) == "numeric" || class(Ph.Init)=="integer"){
                                        # estimate parameters for all possible linkage phases for this order
    for(j in 1:nrow(Ph.Init)) {
        final.map <- est_map_hmm_out(geno=t(get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$geno[,c(input.seq$seq.num,mrk)]),
                                     type=get(input.seq$data.name, pos=1)$segr.type.num[c(input.seq$seq.num,mrk)],
        ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$rf[j,] <- final.map$rf
        ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$phase[j,] <- Ph.Init[j,]
        ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$like[j] <- final.map$loglike
        best.seq[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1] <- max(best.seq[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1],final.map$loglike)
                                        # sort linkage phases by log-likelihood
    ord.ind <- order(ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$like, decreasing=TRUE)
    ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$rf <- ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$rf[ord.ind,]
    ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$phase <- ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$phase[ord.ind,]
    ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$like <- ord[[length(input.seq$seq.num)+1]]$like[ord.ind]

                                        # calculate LOD-Scores (best linkage phase combination for each position)
    LOD <- (best.seq-max(best.seq))/log(10)
    structure(list(ord=ord, LOD=LOD, try.ord=try.ord, data.name=input.seq$data.name, twopt=input.seq$twopt), class = "try")

##' Print try.seq result
##' Generic print methods
##' @param x The input object
##' @param j A given position to print more detailed
##' @param ... Not used
##' @method print try
print.try <- function(x,j=NULL,...) {
    phases.char <- c("CC","CR","RC","RR")
    marker <- x$try.ord[1,1]

    if(is.null(j)) {
                                        # general summary
        seq <- format(x$try.ord[1,-1], scientific = FALSE)
        size1 <- max(nchar(seq))
        seq.pr <- format(seq,width=size1)
        size2 <- max(nchar(formatC(x$LOD,format="f",digits=2)))
        LOD.pr <- formatC(round(x$LOD,2),format="f",digits=2,width=size2)
        LOD.pr[which(LOD.pr=="  -0.0")] <- "   0.0"

        cat("\nLOD scores correspond to the best linkage phase combination\nfor each position\n")
        cat("\nThe symbol \"*\" outside the box indicates that more than one\nlinkage phase is possible for the corresponding position\n")
        cat(paste("\n\n\t\t  Marker tested: ",marker,"\n\n",sep=""))
        cat("\t\t  Markers",rep("",size1+size2-4),"LOD\n")
        cat("\t\t|",rep("",size1+8),LOD.pr[1]," |")
        ifelse(max(which(x$ord[[1]]$like != -Inf)) != 1,pr <- paste("  ",1,"  *\n",sep=""),pr <- paste("  ",1,"  \n",sep=""))
        for(i in 1:length(seq.pr)) {
            cat("\t\t| ",seq.pr[i],rep("",size2+8),"|","\n")
            cat("\t\t|",rep("",size1+8),LOD.pr[i+1]," |")
            ifelse(max(which(x$ord[[i+1]]$like != -Inf)) != 1,pr <- paste("  ",i+1,"  *\n",sep=""),pr <- paste("  ",i+1,"  \n",sep=""))
  else {
                                        # detailed output for a given position
      seq <- format(x$try.ord[j,], scientific = FALSE)
      size1 <- max(nchar(seq))
      seq.pr <- format(seq,width=size1)
      n.phase <- max(which(x$ord[[j]]$like != -Inf))
      max.like <- -Inf
      for(i in 1:length(x$ord)) max.like <- max(max.like,max(x$ord[[i]]$like[1:n.phase]))
      LOD <- round((x$ord[[j]]$like[1:n.phase]-max.like)/log(10),1)
      LOD.pr <- formatC(LOD,format="f",digits=1,width=6)
      LOD.pr[which(LOD.pr=="  -0.0")] <- "   0.0"
      nest.LOD <- round((x$ord[[j]]$like[1:n.phase]-max(x$ord[[j]]$like[1:n.phase]))/log(10),1)
      nest.LOD.pr <- formatC(nest.LOD,format="f",digits=1,width=6)
      nest.LOD.pr[which(nest.LOD.pr=="  -0.0")] <- "   0.0"

      cat("\nLOD is the overall LOD score (among all orders)\n")
      cat("\nNEST.LOD is the LOD score within the order\n")
      cat(paste("\nMarker tested: ",marker,"\n",sep=""))

      cat("|",rep("",max(2,size1)+2),rep("|     ",n.phase),"|\n")
      cat("|",seq.pr[1],rep("",max(3-size1,0)),rep("|     ",n.phase),"|\n|")
      for(i in 2:length(seq.pr)) {
          for(k in 1:n.phase) {
              cat("  | ",phases.char[x$ord[[j]]$phase[k,i-1]])
          cat("  |",rep("",max(3-size1,0)),"\n")
          cat("|",seq.pr[i],rep("",max(3-size1,0)),rep("|     ",n.phase),"|\n|")
      cat("",rep("",max(2,size1)+2),rep("|     ",n.phase),"|\n")
      if (size1 > 2) cat("| LOD ",rep(" ",size1-2), sep="")
      else cat("| LOD ")
      for(k in 1:n.phase) {
      if (size1 > 2) cat("|NEST.",rep(" ",size1-2), sep="")
      else cat("|NEST.")
      cat(rep("|     ",n.phase),"|\n")
      if (size1 > 2) cat("| LOD ",rep(" ",size1-2), sep="")
      else cat("| LOD ")
      for(k in 1:n.phase) {
# end of file

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