
Defines functions drawmap

Documented in drawmap

drawmap <- function(data, map, regionvar = 2, plotvar = 3, limits, cols = "hcl", 
  nrcolors = 100, swapcolors = FALSE, pcat = FALSE, hcl.par = list(h = c(120, 0), 
    c = 60, l = c(45, 60), power = 1.2), hsv.par = list(s = 1, v = 1), legend = TRUE, 
  drawnames = FALSE, cex.names = 0.7, cex.legend = 0.7, mar.min = 2, density = 15, 
  ...) {
  if (!inherits(map, "bnd")) 
    stop("Argument 'map' is not an object of class 'bnd'!")
  regions <- names(map)
  S <- length(regions)
  is.in <- attr(map, "is.in")
  height2width <- attr(map, "height2width")
  height2width <- height2width * 1.1
  ## draw inner regions last: reorder therefore the map
  surrounding <- attr(map, "surrounding")
  innerRegionInds <- which(sapply(surrounding, length) > 0L)
  if (length(innerRegionInds)) {
    regions <- c(regions[-innerRegionInds], regions[innerRegionInds])
    map <- c(map[-innerRegionInds], map[innerRegionInds])
  if (!is.null(mar.min)) {
    if (height2width > 1) {
      side <- 17.5 * (1 - 1/height2width) + mar.min/height2width
      par(mar = c(mar.min, side, mar.min, side))
    } else {
      top <- 17.5 * (1 - height2width) + mar.min * height2width
      par(mar = c(top, mar.min, top, mar.min))
  black <- grey(0)
  white <- grey(1)
  xmin <- 1:S
  xmax <- 1:S
  ymin <- 1:S
  ymax <- 1:S
  for (i in 1:S) {
    xmin[i] <- min(map[[i]][, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
    xmax[i] <- max(map[[i]][, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
    ymin[i] <- min(map[[i]][, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
    ymax[i] <- max(map[[i]][, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
  xlimits <- c(min(xmin), max(xmax))
  ylimits <- c(min(ymin) - (max(ymax) - min(ymin)) * 0.1, max(ymax))
  if (missing(data)) {
    plot(xlimits, ylimits, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
    for (k in 1:S) polygon(map[[k]][, 1], map[[k]][, 2], lwd = 0.3, border = black)
  } else {
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) 
      data <- read.table(data, header = TRUE)
    ord <- order(data[, regionvar])
    plotvar <- data[, plotvar]
    plotvar <- plotvar[ord]
    regionvar <- data[, regionvar]
    regionvar <- regionvar[ord]
    col_check <- any(!(cols %in% c("hcl", "hsv", "grey")))
    if (col_check) {
      nrcolors <- length(cols)
      if (swapcolors == TRUE) 
        cols <- rev(cols)
    } else {
      if (cols == "hcl") {
        h <- hcl.par$h
        c <- hcl.par$c
        l <- hcl.par$l
        power <- hcl.par$power
      if (cols == "hsv") {
        s <- hsv.par$s
        v <- hsv.par$v
    maxim <- max(plotvar, na.rm = TRUE)
    minim <- min(plotvar, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (col_check) {
      upperlimit <- 1
      lowerlimit <- -1
    } else {
      if (missing(limits)) {
        lowerlimit <- minim
        upperlimit <- maxim
      } else {
        lowerlimit <- limits[1]
        upperlimit <- limits[2]
        if (lowerlimit > minim) {
          plotvar[plotvar < lowerlimit] <- lowerlimit
          cat(paste("Note: lowerlimit is above minimum value (", lowerlimit, 
          " > ", minim, ")\n"))
        if (upperlimit < maxim) {
          plotvar[plotvar > upperlimit] <- upperlimit
          cat(paste("Note: upperlimit is below maximum value (", upperlimit, 
          " < ", maxim, ")\n"))
    if (pcat) {
      nrcolors <- 3
      upperlimit <- 1
      lowerlimit <- -1
      if (col_check) 
        cols <- c(cols[1], cols[round(length(cols)/2 + 0.5)], cols[length(cols)])
    fill.colors <- cut(c(lowerlimit, plotvar, upperlimit), nrcolors)
    fill.colors <- fill.colors[c(-1, -length(fill.colors))]
    fill.colors <- as.vector(fill.colors, mode = "numeric")
    if (col_check) {
      fill.colors <- cols[fill.colors]
      legend.colors <- cols
    } else {
      if (cols == "hcl") {
        if (swapcolors == TRUE) 
          h <- rev(h)
        fill.colors <- colorspace::diverge_hcl(nrcolors, h = h, c = c, l = l, 
          power = power)[fill.colors]
        legend.colors <- colorspace::diverge_hcl(nrcolors, h = h, c = c, 
          l = l, power = power)
      if (cols == "hsv") {
        fill.colors <- (fill.colors - 1)/(3 * (nrcolors - 1))
        if (swapcolors == FALSE) 
          fill.colors <- 1/3 - fill.colors
        fill.colors <- hsv(h = fill.colors, s = s, v = v)
        legend.colors <- hsv(h = (0:(nrcolors - 1))/(3 * (nrcolors - 1)), 
          s = s, v = v)
        if (swapcolors == FALSE) 
          legend.colors <- rev(legend.colors)
      if (cols == "grey") {
        fill.colors <- (fill.colors - 1)/(nrcolors - 1)
        if (swapcolors == TRUE) 
          fill.colors <- 1 - fill.colors
        fill.colors <- grey(fill.colors)
        legend.colors <- grey((0:(nrcolors - 1))/(nrcolors - 1))
        if (swapcolors == TRUE) 
          legend.colors <- rev(legend.colors)
    plot(xlimits, ylimits, type = "n", axes = FALSE, col = white, xlab = "", 
      ylab = "", ...)
    if (sum(!is.na(match(regions, regionvar))) == 0) 
      warning("map probably doesn't match datafile")
    block1 <- c()
    block2 <- c()
    for (k in 1:S) {
      if (is.na(map[[k]][1, 1]) && is.na(map[[k]][1, 2])) 
        block2 <- c(block2, k) else block1 <- c(block1, k)
    m <- match(regions, regionvar)
    for (k in block1) {
      if (is.na(m[k])) {
        polygon(map[[k]][, 1], map[[k]][, 2], col = white, border = FALSE)
        polygon(map[[k]][, 1], map[[k]][, 2], density = density, lwd = 0.3, 
          col = black)
      } else polygon(map[[k]][, 1], map[[k]][, 2], col = fill.colors[m[k]], border = black)
    for (k in block2) {
      if (is.na(m[k])) {
        polygon(map[[k]][-1, 1], map[[k]][-1, 2], col = white, border = FALSE)
        polygon(map[[k]][-1, 1], map[[k]][-1, 2], density = density, lwd = 0.3, 
          col = black)
      } else polygon(map[[k]][-1, 1], map[[k]][-1, 2], col = fill.colors[m[k]], 
        border = black)
    if (legend == TRUE) {
      ylo <- yro <- ylimits[1] + (0.7 * (ylimits[2] - ylimits[1]))/11
      ylu <- yru <- ylimits[1] + (0.3 * (ylimits[2] - ylimits[1]))/11
      tylu <- tyru <- ylimits[1]
      xlu <- xlo <- xlimits[1] + 0.1 * (xlimits[2] - xlimits[1])
      xru <- xro <- xlimits[1] + 0.4 * (xlimits[2] - xlimits[1])
      step <- (xru - xlu)/nrcolors
      for (i in 0:(nrcolors - 1)) {
        polygon(c(xlo + step * i, xlo + step * (i + 1), xlu + step * (i + 
          1), xlu + step * i), c(ylo, yro, yru, ylu), col = legend.colors[i + 
          1], border = legend.colors[i + 1])
      lines(c(xlo, xro, xru, xlu, xlo), c(ylo, yro, yru, ylu, ylo), col = black)
      text(xlu + 0.5 * step, tylu, round(lowerlimit, 4), col = black, cex = cex.legend)
      text(xru - 0.5 * step, tyru, round(upperlimit, 4), col = black, cex = cex.legend)
      if (lowerlimit + (upperlimit - lowerlimit)/3 < 0 && 0 < upperlimit - 
        (upperlimit - lowerlimit)/3) {
        help <- cut(c(0, lowerlimit, upperlimit), nrcolors)
        help <- as.vector(help, mode = "numeric")
        if (nrcolors%%2 == 0) 
          text(xlu + step * (help[1]), tylu, "0", col = black, cex = cex.legend) else text(xlu + step * (help[1] - 0.5), tylu, "0", col = black, cex = cex.legend)
  if (drawnames == TRUE) {
    xpos <- (xmin + xmax)/2
    ypos <- (ymin + ymax)/2
    text(xpos, ypos, labels = regions, col = black, cex = cex.names)

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