
Defines functions extractSamples

Documented in extractSamples

## Author: Daniel Sabanes Bove [daniel *.* sabanesbove *a*t* campus *.* lmu *.*
## de] Time-stamp: <[extractSamples.R] by DSB Die 30/03/2010 10:09 (CEST)>
## Description: Extract samples and prediction info from BayesX results directory.
## History: 05/02/2009 file creation 06/02/2009 add na.string '.' to import of
## predictions table 10/02/2009 add import of spatial estimates 23/02/2009 plug
## into BayesX package, see SVN logs for the further history!

## returns list of MCMC objects for all samples in BayesX results directory
extractSamples <- function(directoryWithBasename, logfile = file.path(dirname(directoryWithBasename), 
  "log.txt")) {
  ## extracts
  resBasename <- basename(directoryWithBasename)
  resDirname <- dirname(directoryWithBasename)
  ## upgrade to full absolute path
  directoryWithBasename <- file.path(resDirname, resBasename)
  ## which files are to be processed?
  resFiles <- list.files(path = resDirname, pattern = paste(resBasename, "_.+_sample\\.raw", 
    sep = ""), full.names = TRUE)
  ## Extract MCMC parameters from log file
  bayesxLog <- readLines(logfile)
  ## use internal helper function, defined in separate R code file to extract the
  ## numbers
  numbers <- getNumbers(beforeStringsList = list(Iterations = "Number of iterations:", 
    BurnIn = "Burn-in period:", Thin = "Thinning parameter:"), stringVector = bayesxLog)
  ## setup return list
  ret <- list()
  ## convenience functions: just a shortcut
  convert2Mcmc <- function(samples) {
    coda::mcmc(data = samples, start = numbers$BurnIn + 1, end = numbers$Iterations, 
      thin = numbers$Thin)
  readData <- function(file) {
    # just a shortcut
    read.table(file, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
  getResFile <- function(sampleFile) {
    # just a shortcut
    sub(pattern = "(.+)_sample\\.raw", replacement = "\\1\\.res", x = sampleFile)
  readNamedSamples <- function(sampleFile, resFile = getResFile(sampleFile)) {
    ## read unnamed data
    sampleData <- readData(sampleFile)
    ## and label correctly, if possible
    sampleNames <- readData(resFile)[, 1]  # assumes that names are in first column!
    if (identical(ncol(sampleData), length(sampleNames))) {
      colnames(sampleData) <- sampleNames
    } else {
      warning("For sample file ", sampleFile, " the names read from ", resFile, 
        " did not match the number of columns / parameters!")
  ## process fixed effects
  fixedInds <- grep(pattern = ".+FixedEffects[[:digit:]]+_sample\\.raw", x = resFiles)
  if (length(fixedInds)) {
    samplesMatrix <- matrix(nrow = with(numbers, (Iterations - BurnIn)/Thin), 
      ncol = 0)
    for (sampleFile in resFiles[fixedInds]) {
      samplesMatrix <- cbind(samplesMatrix, as.matrix(readNamedSamples(sampleFile)))
    ret$FixedEffects <- convert2Mcmc(samplesMatrix)
  ## process random effects
  randomInds <- grep(pattern = ".+_random_sample\\.raw", x = resFiles)
  ## start random effects list if there is at least one such sample file
  if (length(randomInds)) 
    ret$RandomEffects <- list()
  for (sampleFile in resFiles[randomInds]) {
    ## read function samples from this file, first without names, because we cannot be
    ## sure that the res file has not too few name because there could be a fixed
    ## effect included (see below)
    functionSamples <- readData(sampleFile)
    ## and the variance samples from the corresponding file
    varianceSamples <- readData(sub(pattern = "(.+)_sample\\.raw", replacement = "\\1_variance_sample\\.raw", 
      x = sampleFile))[, 1]
    filenameParts <- strsplit(x = basename(sampleFile), split = "_f_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    ## the first part before '_f_' and after the basename is the name of the covariate
    ## for which a random effect was specified
    covName <- if (identical(filenameParts[1], resBasename)) 
      "const" else sub(pattern = paste(resBasename, "_", sep = ""), replacement = "", x = filenameParts[1])
    ## the name of the group id is before the tail of the second filename part
    idName <- sub(pattern = "_random_sample\\.raw", replacement = "", x = filenameParts[2])
    ## check if fixed effects are included in random effects sample matrix, and move
    ## them to the fixed effects. This is e.g. the case when 'time * id(random)' is
    ## included in the formula, and not 'time + time * id(random, nofixed)'.
    if (file.exists(fixedPartResFile <- sub(pattern = "sample.raw", replacement = "fixed.res", 
      x = sampleFile, fixed = TRUE))) {
      ## move this last column to the fixed effects:
      ## the new fixed effects mcmc matrix
      oldColnames <- colnames(ret$FixedEffects)
      ret$FixedEffects <- convert2Mcmc(cbind(ret$FixedEffects, functionSamples[, 
      colnames(ret$FixedEffects) <- c(oldColnames, covName)
      ## delete the column from the random effects samples
      functionSamples <- functionSamples[, -ncol(functionSamples)]
    ## assign proper column names (the ID strings) to the random effect samples
    sampleNames <- readData(getResFile(sampleFile))[, 1]
    colnames(functionSamples) <- sampleNames
    ## now insert the mcmc objects converted samples into the hierarchy
    theseSamples <- list(list(functionSamples = convert2Mcmc(functionSamples), 
      varianceSamples = convert2Mcmc(varianceSamples)))
    names(theseSamples) <- covName
    ret$RandomEffects[[idName]] <- c(ret$RandomEffects[[idName]], theseSamples)
  ## process nonlinear functions with rw or spatial priors
  rwInds <- grep(pattern = ".+_(rw|spatial)_sample\\.raw", x = resFiles)
  for (sampleFile in resFiles[rwInds]) {
    ## read function samples from this file
    functionSamples <- readNamedSamples(sampleFile)
    ## and the variance samples from the corresponding file
    varianceSamples <- readData(sub(pattern = "(.+)_sample\\.raw", replacement = "\\1_variance_sample\\.raw", 
      x = sampleFile))[, 1]
    ## coerce to MCMC objects and insert into list with correct name
    functionName <- sub(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "(.+)_(rw|spatial)_sample\\.raw", 
      sep = "_"), replacement = "\\1", x = sampleFile)
    ret[[functionName]] <- list(functionSamples = convert2Mcmc(functionSamples), 
      varianceSamples = convert2Mcmc(varianceSamples))
  ## process nonlinear functions modelled as psplines
  psplineInds <- grep(pattern = ".+_pspline_sample\\.raw", x = resFiles)
  for (sampleFile in resFiles[psplineInds]) {
    ## get corresponding covariate values (or gridpoints if it was restricted)
    covValues <- readData(getResFile(sampleFile))[, 1]
    ## get name of function
    functionName <- sub(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "(.+)_pspline_sample\\.raw", 
      sep = "_"), replacement = "\\1", x = sampleFile)
    ## extract pspline parameters from log file
    optionsPart <- bayesxLog[grep(pattern = paste("[[:blank:]]*OPTIONS FOR P-SPLINE TERM:", 
      functionName), x = bayesxLog) + (1:10)]  # look for numbers in the next ten lines
    optionsNumbers <- getNumbers(beforeStringsList = list(knots = "Number of knots:", 
      degree = "Degree of Splines:"), stringVector = optionsPart)
    ## derive knot locations
    eps <- 0.001
    minx <- min(covValues) - eps
    maxx <- max(covValues) + eps
    step <- (maxx - minx)/(optionsNumbers$knots - 1)
    knots <- seq(from = minx - optionsNumbers$degree * step, to = maxx + optionsNumbers$degree * 
      step, by = step)
    ## read the coefficients samples
    coefSamples <- as.matrix(readData(sampleFile))
    ## create a function which returns function samples at given x values
    getFunctionSamples <- function(xValues) {
      ## build design matrix of basis function values
      design <- splines::spline.des(knots = knots, x = xValues, ord = optionsNumbers$degree + 
      ## and generate function samples
      ret <- tcrossprod(coefSamples, design)
      colnames(ret) <- xValues
      ## return
    ## write function and variance samples into list, but also save the function
    ret[[functionName]] <- list(functionSamples = getFunctionSamples(covValues), 
      varianceSamples = convert2Mcmc(readData(sub(pattern = "(.+)_sample\\.raw", 
        replacement = "\\1_variance_sample\\.raw", x = sampleFile))[, 1]), 
      getFunctionSamples = getFunctionSamples)
  ## process deviance
  devianceInd <- grep(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "deviance_sample\\.raw", 
    sep = "_"), x = resFiles)
  if (length(devianceInd)) {
    ## read the data
    tmp <- readData(resFiles[devianceInd])
    ## get the pD
    ret$pD <- tmp["p_D", ]
    ## and the DIC
    ret$DIC <- tmp["DIC", ]
    # and the deviance samples (all but last two lines with pD and DIC)
    ret$Deviance <- convert2Mcmc(head(tmp, -2))
  ## process LASSO coefficients
  lassoInds <- grep(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "shrinkage_lasso", sep = "_"), 
    x = resFiles)
  if (length(lassoInds)) {
    ret$lassoCoefficients <- convert2Mcmc(readData(resFiles[lassoInds]))
  ## process Ridge coefficients
  ridgeInds <- grep(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "shrinkage_ridge", sep = "_"), 
    x = resFiles)
  if (length(ridgeInds)) {
    ret$ridgeCoefficients <- convert2Mcmc(readData(resFiles[ridgeInds]))
  ## todo: save lasso/ridge variances here as well?
  ## process scale parameter, if it exists (e.g. not for Poisson, but for Gaussian
  ## regression)
  scaleInd <- grep(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "scale_sample\\.raw", 
    sep = "_"), x = resFiles)
  if (length(scaleInd)) {
    ret$scale <- convert2Mcmc(readData(resFiles[scaleInd])[, 1])
  ## process samples of means, if they exist
  meanInd <- grep(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "predictmu_mean_sample\\.raw", 
    sep = "_"), x = resFiles)
  if (length(meanInd)) {
    ret$means <- readData(resFiles[meanInd])
    ## the original names are b_1, b_2, ...
    colnames(ret$means) <- gsub(pattern = "b_", replacement = "", x = colnames(ret$means), 
      fixed = TRUE)
    ret$means <- convert2Mcmc(ret$means)
  ## which are the indexes of the samples files which have not been used yet?
  unusedInds <- setdiff(seq_along(resFiles), c(devianceInd, randomInds, fixedInds, 
    psplineInds, rwInds, lassoInds, ridgeInds, scaleInd, meanInd))
  ## if there are any unused files, extract the samples from them
  for (sampleFile in resFiles[unusedInds]) {
    parName <- gsub(pattern = paste(directoryWithBasename, "_(.+)_sample\\.raw", 
      sep = ""), replacement = "\\1", x = sampleFile)
    ret[[parName]] <- convert2Mcmc(readData(sampleFile))
  ## process prediction means, if they exist
  if (file.exists(predictMeanFile <- paste(directoryWithBasename, "predictmean.raw", 
    sep = "_"))) {
    ret$PredictMeans <- read.table(predictMeanFile, header = TRUE, na.strings = c("NA", 
  ## finished!

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