
Defines functions DEzs

Documented in DEzs

#TODO: long-term - consider combinining DE and DE.ZS

#' Differential-Evolution MCMC zs
#' @author Francesco Minunno and Stefan Paul
#' @param bayesianSetup a BayesianSetup with the posterior density function to be sampled from
#' @param settings list with parameter settings
#' @param startValue (optional) eiter a matrix with start population, a number to define the number of chains that are run or a function that samples a starting population.
#' @param Z starting Z population
#' @param iterations iterations to run
#' @param pSnooker probability of Snooker update
#' @param burnin number of iterations treated as burn-in. These iterations are not recorded in the chain.
#' @param thin thinning parameter. Determines the interval in which values are recorded.
#' @param eps small number to avoid singularity
#' @param f scaling factor for gamma
#' @param parallel logical, determines weather parallel computing should be attempted (see details)
#' @param pGamma1 probability determining the frequency with which the scaling is set to 1 (allows jumps between modes)
#' @param eps.mult random term (multiplicative error)
#' @param eps.add random term
#' @param blockUpdate list determining whether parameters should be updated in blocks. For possible settings see Details.
#' @param message logical determines whether the sampler's progress should be printed
#' @references ter  Braak C. J. F., and Vrugt J. A. (2008). Differential Evolution Markov Chain with snooker updater and fewer chains. Statistics and Computing http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11222-008-9104-9 
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/DEfamilyHelp.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{DE}}
#' @details For parallel computing, the likelihood density in the bayesianSetup needs to be parallelized, i.e. needs to be able to operate on a matrix of proposals
#' For blockUpdate the first element in the list determines the type of blocking.
#' Possible choices are
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"none"}{ (default), no blocking of parameters}
#'  \item{"correlation"} { blocking based on correlation of parameters. Using h or k (see below)}
#'  \item{"random"} { random blocking. Using k (see below)}
#'  \item{"user"} { user defined groups. Using groups (see below)}
#'  }
#'  Further seven parameters can be specified. "k" determnined the number of groups, "h" the strength
#'  of the correlation used to group parameter and "groups" is used for user defined groups.
#'  "groups" is a vector containing the group number for each parameter. E.g. for three parameters 
#'  with the first two in one group, "groups" would be c(1,1,2).
#'  Further pSel and pGroup can be used to influence the choice of groups. In the sampling process
#'  a number of groups is randomly drawn and updated. pSel is a vector containing relative probabilities
#'  for an update of the respective number of groups. E.g. for always updating only one group pSel = 1.
#'  For updating one or two groups with the same probability pSel = c(1,1). By default all numbers
#'  have the same probability.
#'  The same principle is used in pGroup. Here the user can influence the probability of each group
#'  to be updated. By default all groups have the same probability.
#'  Finally "groupStart" defines the starting point of the groupUpdate and "groupIntervall" the intervall
#'  in which the groups are evaluated.
DEzs <- function(bayesianSetup, 
                    settings = list(iterations=10000, 
                                    Z = NULL, 
                                    startValue = NULL,
                                    pSnooker = 0.1, 
                                    burnin = 0, 
                                    thin = 1,
                                    f = 2.38,
                                    eps = 0,
                                    parallel = NULL,
                                    pGamma1 = 0.1,
                                    eps.mult =0.2,
                                    eps.add = 0,
                                    consoleUpdates = 100,
                                    zUpdateFrequency = 1,
                                    currentChain = 1,
                                    blockUpdate = list("none", k = NULL, h = NULL, pSel = NULL, pGroup = NULL, 
                                                         groupStart = 1000, groupIntervall = 1000)
                                    ,message = TRUE))
#  X = startValue
  if("bayesianOutput" %in% class(bayesianSetup)){
    restart <- TRUE
  } else restart <- FALSE
    if(is.null(settings)) settings <- bayesianSetup$settings
    else  settings <- applySettingsDefault(settings = settings, sampler = "DEzs")
    # If nothing provided use default settings
    settings <- applySettingsDefault(settings = settings, sampler = "DEzs")
    setup <- bayesianSetup
  } else setup <- bayesianSetup$setup
  setup <- checkBayesianSetup(setup, parallel = settings$parallel) # calling parallel will check if requested parallelization in settings is provided by the BayesianSetup
  if(is.null(settings$parallel)) settings$parallel = setup$parallel # checking back - if no parallelization is provided, we use the parallelization in the BayesianSetup. We could also set parallel = F, but I feel it makes more sense to use the Bayesiansetup as default
      parLen = length(bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(1))
      X = bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(3)
      X = settings$startValue()
    if(class(settings$startValue)[1] == "numeric"){
      X = bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(settings$startValue)
    if(is.matrix(settings$startValue)) X <- settings$startValue
      parLen = length(bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(1))
      Z = bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(parLen * 10)
      Z = settings$Z()
    if(class(settings$Z)[1] == "numeric"){
      Z = bayesianSetup$prior$sampler(settings$Z)
    if(is.matrix(settings$Z)) Z <- settings$Z
    X <- bayesianSetup$X
    Z <- bayesianSetup$Z
    if(is.vector(Z)) Z = as.matrix(Z)

  if (! is.matrix(X)) stop("wrong starting values")
  if (! is.matrix(Z)) stop("wrong Z values")
  FUN = setup$posterior$density
  if(is.null(settings$parallel)) parallel = setup$parallel else parallel <- settings$parallel
  if(parallel == T & setup$parallel == F) stop("parallel = T requested in DEzs but BayesianSetup does not support parallelization. See help of BayesianSetup on how to enable parallelization") 

  ## Initialize blockUpdate parameters and settings
  blockdefault <- list("none", k = NULL, h = NULL, pSel = NULL, pGroup = NULL, 
                       groupStart = 1000, groupIntervall = 1000)
    blockUpdate <- modifyList(blockdefault, settings$blockUpdate)
    blockUpdate[[1]] <- settings$blockUpdate[[1]] # to catch first argument
    if(blockUpdate[[1]] == "none"){
      blockUpdateType <- "none"
      blocks = FALSE
      BlockStart = FALSE
    groupStart <- blockUpdate$groupStart
    groupIntervall <- blockUpdate$groupIntervall
    blockUpdateType = blockUpdate[[1]] 
    blocks = TRUE
    ## Initialize BlockStart
    BlockStart = FALSE
    Bcount = 0
    blockUpdateType <- "none"
    blocks = FALSE
    BlockStart = FALSE
  # Initialize parameter values. Because they are called in
  # the loop this saves time in comparison to referencing them 
  # every iteration using settings$...
  iterations <- settings$iterations
  consoleUpdates <- settings$currentChain
  currentChain <- settings$currentChain
  pSnooker <- settings$pSnooker
  zUpdateFrequency <- settings$zUpdateFrequency
  pGamma1 <- settings$pGamma1
  eps.mult <- settings$eps.mult
  eps.add <- settings$eps.add
  # Initialization of previous chain length (= 0 if restart = F)
  lChainOld <- 0 
  Npar <- ncol(X)
  Npar12 <- (Npar - 1)/2 # factor for Metropolis ratio DE Snooker update
  # M0 is initial population size of Z is the size of Z, it's the same number, only kept 2 to stay consistent with the ter Brakk & Vrugt 2008 
  M = M0 = nrow(Z)
  Npop <- nrow(X)
  F2 = settings$f/sqrt(2*Npar)
  F1 = 1.0
  rr = NULL
  r_extra = 0
  #if(burnin != 0) stop("burnin option is currently not implemented")
  burnin <- settings$burnin/Npop
  n.iter <- ceiling(settings$iterations/Npop)
  if (n.iter < 2) stop ("The total number of iterations must be greater than 3")
  lChain <- ceiling((n.iter - burnin)/settings$thin)+1

  pChain <- array(NA, dim=c(lChain, Npar+3, Npop))
  colnames(pChain) <- c(setup$names, "LP", "LL", "LPr")
  # Print adjusted iterations
#  cat("Iterations adjusted to", n.iter*Npop,"to fit settings", "\n")
  # assign memory for Z
  Zold <- Z
  Z <- matrix(NA, nrow= M0 + floor((n.iter-1) /zUpdateFrequency) * Npop, ncol=Npar)
  Z[1:M,] <- Zold
  counter <- 1
  counterZ <- 0

 # accept.prob <- 0
  logfitness_X <- FUN(X, returnAll = T)
  # Write first values in chain
  pChain[1,,] <- t(cbind(X,logfitness_X))
  for (iter in 2:n.iter) {
    f <- ifelse(iter%%10 == 0, 0.98, F1)
    #accept <- 0
      ### Update the groups. 
      if(iter == groupStart+ Bcount*groupIntervall){
        blockSettings <- updateGroups(chain = pChain[1:counter,, ], blockUpdate)
        BlockStart <- TRUE
        Bcount <- Bcount + 1
    if(parallel == TRUE | parallel == "external"){
      x_prop <- matrix(NA, nrow= Npop, ncol=Npar)
      r_extra <- numeric(Npop)
      for(i in 1:Npop){
        # select to random different individuals (and different from i) in rr, a 2-vector
        rr <- sample.int(M, 3, replace = FALSE)
        if(runif(1) < pSnooker) {
          z <- Z[rr[3],]
          x_z <- X[i,] - z  
          D2 <- max(sum(x_z*x_z), 1.0e-300)
          projdiff <- sum((Z[rr[1],] -Z[rr[2],]) * x_z)/D2 # inner_product of difference with x_z / squared norm x_z
          gamma_snooker <- runif(1, min=1.2,max=2.2)
          x_prop[i,] <-  X[i,] + gamma_snooker * projdiff * x_z
          x_z <- x_prop[i,] - z
          D2prop <- max(sum(x_z*x_z), 1.0e-300)
          r_extra[i] <- Npar12 * (log(D2prop) - log(D2))
        } else {
          if ( runif(1)< pGamma1 ) { gamma_par = F1 # to be able to jump between modes
          } else {
            gamma_par = F2 * runif(Npar, min=1-eps.mult, max=1+eps.mult)    # multiplicative error to be applied to the difference
            # gamma_par = F2 
          rr = sample.int(M, 2, replace = FALSE)
          if (eps.add ==0) {  # avoid generating normal random variates if possible
            x_prop[i,] = X[i,] + gamma_par * (Z[rr[1],]-Z[rr[2],]) 
          } else {
            x_prop[i,] = X[i,] + gamma_par * (Z[rr[1],]-Z[rr[2],])  +  eps.add*rnorm(Npar,0,1)
          r_extra = rep(0, Npop)
      # end proposal creation
        # Get the current group and update the proposal accordingly
        Member <- getBlock(blockSettings)
        x_prop[,-Member] <- X[,-Member]
      # run proposals
      logfitness_x_prop <- FUN(x_prop, returnAll = T)
      # evaluate acceptance
      for(i in 1:Npop){
          if(!is.na(logfitness_x_prop[i,1] - logfitness_X[i,1])){
          if ((logfitness_x_prop[i,1] - logfitness_X[i,1] + r_extra[i]) > log(runif(1))){
           # accept <- accept + 1 
            X[i,] <- x_prop[i,]
            logfitness_X[i,] <- logfitness_x_prop[i,]
    } else{
    # if not parallel
      for (i in 1:Npop){
        # select to random different individuals (and different from i) in rr, a 2-vector
        rr <- sample.int(M, 3, replace = FALSE)
        if(runif(1) < pSnooker) {
          z <- Z[rr[3],]
          x_z <- X[i,] - z  
          D2 <- max(sum(x_z*x_z), 1.0e-300)
          projdiff <- sum((Z[rr[1],] -Z[rr[2],]) * x_z)/D2 # inner_product of difference with x_z / squared norm x_z
          gamma_snooker <- runif(1, min=1.2,max=2.2)
          x_prop <- X[i,] + gamma_snooker * projdiff * x_z
          x_z <- x_prop - z
          D2prop <- max(sum(x_z*x_z), 1.0e-300)
          r_extra <- Npar12 * (log(D2prop) - log(D2))
        } else {
          if ( runif(1)< pGamma1 ) { gamma_par = F1 # to be able to jump between modes
          } else {
            gamma_par = F2 * runif(Npar, min=1-eps.mult, max=1+eps.mult)    # multiplicative error to be applied to the difference
            # gamma_par = F2 
          rr = sample.int(M, 2, replace = FALSE)
          if (eps.add ==0) {  # avoid generating normal random variates if possible
            x_prop = X[i,] + gamma_par * (Z[rr[1],]-Z[rr[2],]) } else {
              x_prop = X[i,] + gamma_par * (Z[rr[1],]-Z[rr[2],])  +  eps.add*rnorm(Npar,0,1)
          r_extra = 0
          # Get the current group and update the proposal accordingly
          Member <- getBlock(blockSettings)
          x_prop[-Member] <- X[i,-Member]
        # evaluate proposal - can this be mixed with the parallel above?
        logfitness_x_prop <- FUN(x_prop, returnAll = T)
        # evaluate acceptance
        if(!is.na(logfitness_x_prop[1] - logfitness_X[i,1])){
        if ((logfitness_x_prop[1] - logfitness_X[i,1] + r_extra) > log(runif(1))){
         # accept <- accept + 1 
          X[i,] <- x_prop
          logfitness_X[i,] <- logfitness_x_prop
      } # for Npop
    if ((iter > burnin) && (iter %% settings$thin == 0) ) { # retain sample
      counter <- counter+1
      pChain[counter,,] <- t(cbind(X,logfitness_X))
    if (iter%%zUpdateFrequency == 0) { # update history

      Z[( M0 + (counterZ*Npop) + 1 ):( M0 + (counterZ+1)*Npop),] <- X
      counterZ <- counterZ +1
      M <- M + Npop
    # Console update
    if( (iter %% settings$consoleUpdates == 0) | (iter == n.iter)) cat("\r","Running DEzs-MCMC, chain ", currentChain, 
                                                                       "iteration" ,iter*Npop,"of",n.iter*Npop,". Current logp ",
                                                                       logfitness_X[,1],". Please wait!","\r")
  } # n.iter

  pChain <- pChain[1:counter,,]
  if(restart){ # Combine chains
    newchains <- array(NA, dim = c((counter+nrow(bayesianSetup$chain[[1]])), (Npar+3), Npop))
    for(i in 1:Npop){
      for(k in 1:(Npar+3)){
        newchains[,k,i] <- c(bayesianSetup$chain[[i]][,k],pChain[,k,i])
    pChain <- newchains
  pChain<- coda::as.mcmc.list(lapply(1:Npop,function(i) coda::as.mcmc(pChain[,1:(Npar+3),i])))

  list(Draws = pChain,  X = as.matrix(X[,1:Npar]), Z = Z)

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BayesianTools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:44 p.m.